Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts
Maintenance for the week of September 30:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – September 30, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 8:00AM EDT (12:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – October 2, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – October 2, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
We will be performing maintenance for patch 10.2.2 on the PTS on Monday at 8:00AM EDT (12:00 UTC).

Update 6 Testing Suggestions and Feedback Wanted

  • ghengis_dhan
    I downloaded the PTS and played a bit this weekend. The first thing I noticed was a slight amount of motion sickness while my character was moving about. I logged into the live server to compare, and I don't feel it.

    Seems ZOS added a slight wobble to your character when you run or move side-to-side while in 1st person view. Can you add a setting to make this optional? I can understand if others want it, but I don't.
    "It is not the critic who counts: not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again, because there is no effort without error or shortcoming, but who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, who spends himself for a worthy cause; who, at the best, knows, in the end, the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat."

    Teddy Roosevelt, Paris, 1910
  • ForKristSake
    ZOS added a slight wobble to your character when you run or move side-to-side while in 1st person view. Can you add a setting to make this optional? I can understand if others want it, but I don't.

    This is adjustable (down to zero, which seems like what you want) in the Settings.
    Edited by ForKristSake on February 23, 2015 9:53PM
  • Ageless
    Really great idea, that of those bats hanging from the ceiling in the new Ondil dungeon in Auridon, ZOS. Now you really have to keep an eye on everything when you walk/sneak through here.

    As I burn down and murder, I know that God forgives.
    'Spite all the things I've done my soul yet forever lives.
    And all those caught in the shadow of my wings have cause to fear.
    I swear on all I've done, no evil shall linger here.

  • DeLindsay
    I have some great feedback, give us a REAL Public Test Server where both NA and EU can exist on the same server at the same time with our own Live Characters instead of this band-aid flip-flop you guys do now. Also add a Vendor to each Faction's Capital City with every thing in game for sale for 1g, already Legendary (for gear) and the rank of the Character visiting the Vendor. Give us Target Dummies and Duels so we can PROPERLY test things. Is this even the correct thread for such feedback or should it be on the "what would you like to see in ESO in 2017" section.

    The PTS is a joke and we can't even properly test things out, but I guess that's the way ZoS wants it? If we were able to test everything properly we'd realize just how many things are still broken or not working as intended lol.
    Edited by DeLindsay on February 23, 2015 11:31PM
  • kojou
    I would like it if we could get all research traits unlocked, 100,000,000 AP points, and plenty of materials (shadow hide etc) on the template characters so we could at least have some other choices of armors besides the trials gear. I really don't care for the trials sets.
    Playing since beta...
  • Shlankwald
    Please don't change our armors to all look so generic. Your playerbase has spoken on this in a few posts, I really don't see why you won't listen to them.
  • HyperToxic
    Even with doubling the spell crit per the patch notes the spell critical for a V14 on old V12 Aether only provides 3.163% and not 4%.

    Martial Knowledge + Cyrodills Light + anything else that provides (the massively buffed) spell damage set bonus is vastly superior to end game magicka gear.

    Wrath of Imperium 3 piece was nerfed ( more than 1/8 the spell critical and they added half a set bonus of spell damage ) to the point where Cyrodills Light 2 piece is better.
    Soulshine was nerfed and will no longer be used as a 3 piece set (perhaps 5 piece?)

    The new end game trial gear looks like:
    Martial Knowledge > Aether
    Martial Knowledge > Burning Spellweave
    Martial Knowledge > Infallible Aether
    Cyrodills Light > Soulshine
    Cyrodills Light > Wrath of Imperium

    If many things scaled by 10x then why did spell damage on PST scale by 19.66 times and spell critical by negative 20.925%
    On live V14 Cyrodill's Light provides 9 spell damage on PTS it provides 177 spell damage.
    On live V12 Aether provides 4% spell critical on PTS it provides 3.163% spell critical.
    V14 Sorc / V14 Templar / V14 Dk / V5 NB

  • F7sus4
    @ZOS_GinaBruno + @ZOS_JessicaFolsom

    Nightblade Transfer passive still needs to be addressed. While I appreciate you took the suggestion from my previous posts, it should be also clear for you that 2 Ultimate gain with 4 seconds cool down for constant Siphoning ability spamming is nothing. Do you do the math sometimes?

    It's 30 Ultimate points per minute of spam-casting, so a 1 free Veil of Blades every 8 minutes (or 1 Soul Tether every 5 minutes more)! Seriously?!

    While 2 second cooldown will sound reasonably, even 3 second one would be arguable. And if you ask why, it's already explained above. (Not worth investing 2 Skill Points even for Magicka Nightblade builds!).
  • F7sus4
    And I'd also like to repeat the information from previous post regarding Crippling Grasp morph. Before morphing, the tooltip says the skill will immobilize enemy for 1.5 seconds, but after morphing it, there's nothing about there.

    So does Crippling Grasp actually immobilize enemy or is it just the missing tooltip information?!


    Where's the immobilize?
  • Bashev

    F7sus4 wrote: »
    @ZOS_GinaBruno + @ZOS_JessicaFolsom

    Nightblade Transfer passive still needs to be addressed. While I appreciate you took the suggestion from my previous posts, it should be also clear for you that 2 Ultimate gain with 4 seconds cool down for constant Siphoning ability spamming is nothing. Do you do the math sometimes?

    It's 30 Ultimate points per minute of spam-casting, so a 1 free Veil of Blades every 8 minutes (or 1 Soul Tether every 5 minutes more)! Seriously?!

    While 2 second cooldown will sound reasonably, even 3 second one would be arguable. And if you ask why, it's already explained above. (Not worth investing 2 Skill Points even for Magicka Nightblade builds!).
    Then do not waste your skill points. What do you want? To spam your ultimates?

    Because I can!
  • Cinbri
    Noticed couple things:
    1. After you cast Total dark in Cyro on mobs, if they reflected spell on themselves you unable to cast any spells on them till Total Dark duration will ends.
    2. Elemental Drain doesn't restore magicka
    3. Purifying Light has limited damage, however crit proc can damage more than max damage. Like Damage limit 11k, crit proc can deal 15k damage.
    4. Fire Destructive Touch knockback doesn't have 100% chance to knock.
  • Gravord
    Give one of the DK whips option to be stamina based.
  • F7sus4
    Bashev wrote: »
    Then do not waste your skill points. What do you want? To spam your ultimates?
    Of which two are equivalent of either 1,5x Impulse damage cast (Soul Tether) or 1,5x Crushing Shock cast (Soul Harvest) plus Veil of Blades nerfed badly. And since the passives allow the class to cast them once every 8 minutes more - well, yeah, that "must be" so OP and make the game "balanced". Brilliant!

    Edited by F7sus4 on February 25, 2015 5:41PM
  • Hamrammur
    I am not sure if this has been mentioned before but just in case no one has. Would you please be so kind to adjust the timer for trials weekly quest to 6 days and 20 hours in stead of full 7 days. To me this is bit complicated tbh. What I am mainly puzzled over is if the timer starts counting when you kill the last boss in trial or when you turn in the quest for killing the boss?

    For example, we killed the warrior in Hel Ra 6 days and 22 hours from our last kill, I did not turn in the quest, instead I waited 3 more hours and went back to the Hel Ra lobby, there was the the quest giver with the quest marker for turning in the quest, but when turned it in there was no reward but XP although there had 7 days passed since we killed the warrior and turned in the quest. Does that mean I have to take the quest after 7 days have passed?

    Also to eliminate all confusion about the cool down timer, would it be possible to add a timer into the UI, ether in the quest giver dialogue window or into the achievements window ?
  • Reco
    I levelled up one lvl 50 speed horse for EACH of my chars. I spent hundreds of thousands of gold on buying and feeding them. When the horses are merged into one, I should get refund for the money spent on purchasing and feeding the horses (except 1).

    Anything else is unfair and discourages me from continuing to play the game.

    Players who didn't invest in horses like I did now have unfair advantage over me (they have hundreds of thousands more gold than me).
  • Beleron
    we have all posted and talked and now there going to release it.
    Here is a thread for a vote.
    Tell them with a simple number, how you feel.

  • Merlin13KAGL
    Reco wrote: »
    I levelled up one lvl 50 speed horse for EACH of my chars. I spent hundreds of thousands of gold on buying and feeding them. When the horses are merged into one, I should get refund for the money spent on purchasing and feeding the horses (except 1).

    Anything else is unfair and discourages me from continuing to play the game.

    Players who didn't invest in horses like I did now have unfair advantage over me (they have hundreds of thousands more gold than me).
    @Reco , riding skill is per character, not per account. Horse (mount) visual (skin) is per account.

    Short version:
    • In live, you paid 8x so each of your characters had a L50 Speed Horse.
    • In 1.6.x, each of your characters will still have a L50 Speed Horse.
    • Players who didn't invest in horses like you did will not have 8x L50 Speed horses - they will have access to what they bought. Nothing more, nothing less.
    • The most you will lose is the +10 per horse, which amounts to a max of 20k between eight characters.
    • Every one else will lose that +10, as well, so no one has advantage or disadvantage in relation to you.
    You will still have the same thing you paid for on live.

    Just because you don't like the way something is doesn't necessarily make it wrong...

    Earn it.

    IRL'ing for a while for assorted reasons, in forum, and in game.
    I am neither warm, nor fuzzy...
    Probably has checkbox on Customer Service profile that say High Aggro, 99% immunity to BS
  • ForKristSake

    (by Kraken, I mean update, in case that wasn't obvious. ;) )
  • Reco
    Reco wrote: »
    I levelled up one lvl 50 speed horse for EACH of my chars. I spent hundreds of thousands of gold on buying and feeding them. When the horses are merged into one, I should get refund for the money spent on purchasing and feeding the horses (except 1).

    Anything else is unfair and discourages me from continuing to play the game.

    Players who didn't invest in horses like I did now have unfair advantage over me (they have hundreds of thousands more gold than me).
    @Reco , riding skill is per character, not per account. Horse (mount) visual (skin) is per account.

    Short version:
    • In live, you paid 8x so each of your characters had a L50 Speed Horse.
    • In 1.6.x, each of your characters will still have a L50 Speed Horse.
    • Players who didn't invest in horses like you did will not have 8x L50 Speed horses - they will have access to what they bought. Nothing more, nothing less.
    • The most you will lose is the +10 per horse, which amounts to a max of 20k between eight characters.
    • Every one else will lose that +10, as well, so no one has advantage or disadvantage in relation to you.
    You will still have the same thing you paid for on live.

    Eh? What are you talking about dude? One horse cost me 40k and I levelled all to speed lvl 50. If now my horses will be merged into one per-account horse, I will have lost 280k. Players who didn't buy horses for their alts will now have by 280k more than me in their bank account. That gives them an unfair advantage over me.

    In real world, things like this are solved by class action suit brought for failure to protect investment. In ESO world, it is just "who cares".
    Edited by Reco on February 26, 2015 5:07PM
  • Enodoc
    Reco wrote: »
    Reco wrote: »
    I levelled up one lvl 50 speed horse for EACH of my chars. I spent hundreds of thousands of gold on buying and feeding them. When the horses are merged into one, I should get refund for the money spent on purchasing and feeding the horses (except 1).

    Anything else is unfair and discourages me from continuing to play the game.

    Players who didn't invest in horses like I did now have unfair advantage over me (they have hundreds of thousands more gold than me).
    @Reco , riding skill is per character, not per account. Horse (mount) visual (skin) is per account.

    Short version:
    • In live, you paid 8x so each of your characters had a L50 Speed Horse.
    • In 1.6.x, each of your characters will still have a L50 Speed Horse.
    • Players who didn't invest in horses like you did will not have 8x L50 Speed horses - they will have access to what they bought. Nothing more, nothing less.
    • The most you will lose is the +10 per horse, which amounts to a max of 20k between eight characters.
    • Every one else will lose that +10, as well, so no one has advantage or disadvantage in relation to you.
    You will still have the same thing you paid for on live.

    Eh? What are you talking about dude? One horse cost me 40k and I levelled all to speed lvl 50. If now my horses will be merged into one per-account horse, I will have lost 280k. Players who didn't buy horses for their alts will now have by 280k more than me in their bank account. That gives them an unfair advantage over me.

    In real world, things like this are solved by class action suit brought for failure to protect investment. In ESO world, it is just "who cares".
    The way they could make this fair is locking out the last 10 levels of Speed to only those who purchased that horse, but unfortunately I don't think they're going to do that.
    UESP: The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages - A collaborative source for all knowledge on the Elder Scrolls series since 1995
    Join us on Discord - discord.gg/uesp
  • Reco
    Enodoc wrote: »
    Reco wrote: »
    Reco wrote: »
    I levelled up one lvl 50 speed horse for EACH of my chars. I spent hundreds of thousands of gold on buying and feeding them. When the horses are merged into one, I should get refund for the money spent on purchasing and feeding the horses (except 1).

    Anything else is unfair and discourages me from continuing to play the game.

    Players who didn't invest in horses like I did now have unfair advantage over me (they have hundreds of thousands more gold than me).
    @Reco , riding skill is per character, not per account. Horse (mount) visual (skin) is per account.

    Short version:
    • In live, you paid 8x so each of your characters had a L50 Speed Horse.
    • In 1.6.x, each of your characters will still have a L50 Speed Horse.
    • Players who didn't invest in horses like you did will not have 8x L50 Speed horses - they will have access to what they bought. Nothing more, nothing less.
    • The most you will lose is the +10 per horse, which amounts to a max of 20k between eight characters.
    • Every one else will lose that +10, as well, so no one has advantage or disadvantage in relation to you.
    You will still have the same thing you paid for on live.

    Eh? What are you talking about dude? One horse cost me 40k and I levelled all to speed lvl 50. If now my horses will be merged into one per-account horse, I will have lost 280k. Players who didn't buy horses for their alts will now have by 280k more than me in their bank account. That gives them an unfair advantage over me.

    In real world, things like this are solved by class action suit brought for failure to protect investment. In ESO world, it is just "who cares".
    The way they could make this fair is locking out the last 10 levels of Speed to only those who purchased that horse, but unfortunately I don't think they're going to do that.

    It is actually very simple and easy to make things fair and balanced. Offer a full refund for each redundant horse. I.e. if you have a level-50 Speed horse for each of your chars, you will be credited its original purchase price + the horse food price automatically when the horses are merged. Elegant and fair.
  • Enodoc
    Reco wrote: »
    Enodoc wrote: »
    Reco wrote: »
    Reco wrote: »
    I levelled up one lvl 50 speed horse for EACH of my chars. I spent hundreds of thousands of gold on buying and feeding them. When the horses are merged into one, I should get refund for the money spent on purchasing and feeding the horses (except 1).

    Anything else is unfair and discourages me from continuing to play the game.

    Players who didn't invest in horses like I did now have unfair advantage over me (they have hundreds of thousands more gold than me).
    @Reco , riding skill is per character, not per account. Horse (mount) visual (skin) is per account.

    Short version:
    • In live, you paid 8x so each of your characters had a L50 Speed Horse.
    • In 1.6.x, each of your characters will still have a L50 Speed Horse.
    • Players who didn't invest in horses like you did will not have 8x L50 Speed horses - they will have access to what they bought. Nothing more, nothing less.
    • The most you will lose is the +10 per horse, which amounts to a max of 20k between eight characters.
    • Every one else will lose that +10, as well, so no one has advantage or disadvantage in relation to you.
    You will still have the same thing you paid for on live.

    Eh? What are you talking about dude? One horse cost me 40k and I levelled all to speed lvl 50. If now my horses will be merged into one per-account horse, I will have lost 280k. Players who didn't buy horses for their alts will now have by 280k more than me in their bank account. That gives them an unfair advantage over me.

    In real world, things like this are solved by class action suit brought for failure to protect investment. In ESO world, it is just "who cares".
    The way they could make this fair is locking out the last 10 levels of Speed to only those who purchased that horse, but unfortunately I don't think they're going to do that.

    It is actually very simple and easy to make things fair and balanced. Offer a full refund for each redundant horse. I.e. if you have a level-50 Speed horse for each of your chars, you will be credited its original purchase price + the horse food price automatically when the horses are merged. Elegant and fair.
    Yep, that works too. Presumably once Update 6 comes out, that horse "skin" will still be available in-game? Anyone know whether it's the same price?
    UESP: The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages - A collaborative source for all knowledge on the Elder Scrolls series since 1995
    Join us on Discord - discord.gg/uesp
  • Djeriko
    Bring back the miss chance to the Dragonknight ability Ash Cloud and its morphs. I Do Not need ground targeting, non-miss chance ash cloud and its morphs. The eruption morph makes sense to cause fire damage on cast tho so good choice. My point is how can someone really fight effectively with ash and smoke in their face? The answer is they can't so the miss chance was completely logical. If you want, lower it from 30% miss chance to 20%. But put it back on the ability. If it means we lose the ground targeting part, I'm cool with that. If the main reason it's been changed because it was powerful then you have to remember it's the last skill in that tree so it's supposed to be strong. Your changes make me want to not use that ability at all. If I want a ground targeted aoe with DOT I will get the mages guild scalding rune. Why clone that ability and put it on the DK skill line?
    Edited by Djeriko on February 27, 2015 1:06AM
    "When in doubt, kill it with fire."
  • Merlin13KAGL
    Reco wrote: »
    Reco wrote: »
    I levelled up one lvl 50 speed horse for EACH of my chars. I spent hundreds of thousands of gold on buying and feeding them. When the horses are merged into one, I should get refund for the money spent on purchasing and feeding the horses (except 1).

    Anything else is unfair and discourages me from continuing to play the game.

    Players who didn't invest in horses like I did now have unfair advantage over me (they have hundreds of thousands more gold than me).
    @Reco , riding skill is per character, not per account. Horse (mount) visual (skin) is per account.

    Short version:
    • In live, you paid 8x so each of your characters had a L50 Speed Horse.
    • In 1.6.x, each of your characters will still have a L50 Speed Horse.
    • Players who didn't invest in horses like you did will not have 8x L50 Speed horses - they will have access to what they bought. Nothing more, nothing less.
    • The most you will lose is the +10 per horse, which amounts to a max of 20k between eight characters.
    • Every one else will lose that +10, as well, so no one has advantage or disadvantage in relation to you.
    You will still have the same thing you paid for on live.

    Eh? What are you talking about dude? One horse cost me 40k and I levelled all to speed lvl 50. If now my horses will be merged into one per-account horse, I will have lost 280k. Players who didn't buy horses for their alts will now have by 280k more than me in their bank account. That gives them an unfair advantage over me.

    @Reco , let me try a different approach:
    In 1.5 you buy
    1. A $40k horse for each of your eight characters.
    2. You pay individually to level Horse #1 to Speed 10, #2 to 20, #3 to 30...#8 to 80 (work with me here).
    3. As a result, character 1 has (paid for) use of a L10 Speed horse, character 2, a L20 speed horse...character 8, a L80 speed horse.
    4. You do the same with Capacity and Stamina. All characters, 3 horses, 3 separate attributes.
    5. Each stat horse has a different look, brown, black, leopard spots.

    In 1.6, things change:
    • All of your 8 characters have access to the all of the skins you previously had. Your mount can be brown, black, or spotted - completely independent of its stats. (The skins are account wide.)
    • The stats convert to individual riding skills (Riding skills are not account wide - they are per-character.)
    • The per-character horse stats, converted to riding skills, also merge.
    • As a result, character 1 has riding skill of 10 Speed, 10 Stamina, 10 Capacity.
    • Character 2 has a riding skill of 20, 20, 20...
    • Character 8 has a riding skill of 80, 80, 80.
    • As a result, and from the $ you spent in 1.5, character 1 has use of a 10/10/10 horse, character 2 has use of a 20/20/20 horse...character 8, an 80/80/80 horse with the visual of your choosing.

    You paid to have access to X type of horse(s) on Y character. This effect is unchanged in 1.6.

    To put it another way:
    • Character 1 has a max Speed, a max Capacity, and a max Stamina horse. (Mini-van, 4x4, street legal sports car)
    • Character 2-7 has a L1 Imperial.
    • Charcter 8 walks everywhere or gets rides from friends.
    • In 1.6, Character 1 gets a mount with MAX capacity, MAX stamina, and MAX Speed on his current mount and any future mounts purchased until the end of time.
    • Characters 2-7 have a mount with no upgraded stats.
    • Character 8 still has to call his mom to pick him up.

    Clearly, character 1 is the way to go. Yes, it costs you money, just like it does in 1.5. The difference is, in 1.6, you have a vehicle that can haul a load of bricks through the mud at 200 mph.

    The only thing you lose is the need to frequently visit the stable to change the major stat you require of your mount, as they will all be there based on whatever your character has already paid for.

    You also have the option to sell your mounts back prior to 1.6, recoup your 100's of thousands of gold and start with base stat horses (taking 90+ days to level vs 3x30 in 1.5)

    You will not get the money back for your feedings, unless you find a way to make your horses throw up before you re-sell to the stablemaster.
    In real world, things like this are solved by class action suit brought for failure to protect investment. In ESO world, it is just "who cares".
    In real world, class action lawsuits are sometimes dismissed as frivilous for failure to understand the terms. You are being provided like product, it's simply in a different package. The functionality has not changed.

    The only thing you lose in 1.6 is redundancy and redundancy .
    Edited by Merlin13KAGL on February 27, 2015 2:06PM
    Just because you don't like the way something is doesn't necessarily make it wrong...

    Earn it.

    IRL'ing for a while for assorted reasons, in forum, and in game.
    I am neither warm, nor fuzzy...
    Probably has checkbox on Customer Service profile that say High Aggro, 99% immunity to BS
  • Reco
    @Reco , let me try a different approach:
    In 1.5 you buy
    1. A $40k horse for each of your eight characters.
    2. You pay individually to level Horse #1 to Speed 10, #2 to 20, #3 to 30...#8 to 80 (work with me here).

    Ok stop right there. Typical straw man arguments. I did not do what you describe. Do you get that? You made it up.

    Read carefully: I have several chars and each of them has the exact same brown horse that was fed with apples up to level 50. Each of the horses cost me over 50k.

    If they are merged into one horse, I will have wasted hundreds of thousands of gold for nothing. Any player who bought just one horse and levelled it up to speed lvl 50 will now have the same horse stats as me for 50k. Unfair advantage and exactly the opposite of balanced gameplay.
  • david.haypreub18_ESO

    You also have the option to sell your mounts back prior to 1.6, recoup your 100's of thousands of gold and start with base stat horses (taking 90+ days to level vs 3x30 in 1.5)

    You will not get the money back for your feedings, unless you find a way to make your horses throw up before you re-sell to the stablemaster.

    Is this really a thing? I would like to get at least the 80k I've invested in two horses back. Did the developers state you get the sell back?

    Templars are 'just slower... by design'
    Yes, Gina actually said that (at least regarding Rushed Ceremony) right here:
    VR 16 Templar (retired until Templars get fixed)
    VR 16 Sorcerer
    38 Nightblade
    24 DK
  • Blastmab14_ESO

    Fiery Grip

    If the target of Fiery Grip is unable to be pulled to you for any reason, you will now be pulled to the target.
    Empowered Chains (morph): This ability now grants you Empower for 5 seconds.

    benefits and unfairness

    Everyone already hates us Dragon knights already we can already dragon leap in keeps now we can fiery Grip in a keep in some keeps we can chain to the inner room from the roof. Being very fun, but if lets say 2 or 3 vet 14's are dragon knights and they group up they could take the keep in 5 mins b4 anyone even had time or knowledge to respond. Fiery grip makes it easier to hook shot/jump in where as the ult has to charge the fiery grip doesn't.

    My opinion

    I love it you don't how fun it is to jump and hook shot :) edit no video will be made :P
    Edited by Blastmab14_ESO on February 27, 2015 7:57PM
  • Ageless
    Where I did like the hanging bats in the previous dungeon, I really really do not like the spiders coming from the ceiling in Entila's Folly. Not only is the dungeon now full of spiders, but wasps as well. Thanks whomever thought up this creep. :)

    As I burn down and murder, I know that God forgives.
    'Spite all the things I've done my soul yet forever lives.
    And all those caught in the shadow of my wings have cause to fear.
    I swear on all I've done, no evil shall linger here.

  • DHale
    Hi Jessica, Gina and Devs,

    Sorry for the long reply. I do appreciate the changes to the Templar class for update 1.6. Therefore, I do not want to sound ungrateful. I thought the 1.6 update would fix things as the goal was more balance and looking at all the skill lines. I see that the most glaring problem still has not been addressed which is a most of the other Templar based posts talk about, resource management and magicka most of all. Simply put a few breath of life spams and I am out of magicka. I have every armor glyph (seven) with magicka, Seducer 5, Warlock 5 piece with all light armor and passives and crit Weapons and above soft capped Magicka regen, not that there will be a soft cap in the update. Additionally, I have maxed every passive for both Templar healing and restoration staff is maxed to be clear. The typical Dungeon difficulty combined with PUG groups and peoples overwhelming desire to DPS in the red leaves me to heal myself and be the last person to wipe which is only good for laughs unless we can get an achievement for that? Therefore, I have stopped healing outside PVP and rarely do any pledges unless someone helps off heal to keep us going while I regen my magicka and suck tri-pots like it’s the last blugoss, columbine, and mountain flower in all of Tamriel. Even with these nice changes to the upcoming update from what I have seen on the PTS Templar DPS will still not be competitive and most groups will only take a Templar over another DPS class if there is no choice as we consistently run out of resource other classes do not do as fast. I run pretty low when I DPS as well… certainly better than healing but by no means good and I guess that its good we can heavy and light attack. I use my destruction staff and have it maxed as well as most of the weapons and do better in the stamina weapon usage so that is the way I play now. Not because I want to but because I have to. I guess if I want to keep playing this game effectively I will have to continue to do this. I will continue to use my one Templar ability that does not really suck… blazing shield. But I will certainly be using my Radiant Destruction when update 1.6 goes live. I guess I don’t need to keep healing (or DPSing ) if everything is dead. I have spoken/messaged with many of the ESO streamers who heal regularly. Java, Erlexx, Wulf etc… and it is only when you get all of the CP actives and passives do you have any hope of healing efficiently. The PTS is not a live environment, we will not have the full complement of CP to spec out our toons at launch and I am very concerned you have not addressed this before March. I sincerely hope that I am wrong and that you will have things “fixed” when we go live. As none of the various patch updates have addressed the core issue and putting a band aid on a couple of abilities fixes things for the long term. I don’t mind being the beta testers for the consoles but I want to have fun, I want to continue to pay my sub fee and I want to be able to play the way I want (progressing my character). Most of all, I don’t want to take giant steps back when I have already maxed my character out once. I chose not to be a DK even though they were the typical OP class as I wanted to be more support, utility and healing. I am not really doing any of that as ESO nerfs are OP.

    Not a Healer
    VR14 Templar for AD.
    Sorcerna, proud beta sorc. RIP April 2014 to May 31 2016 DArk Brotherhood. Out of retirement for negates and encases. Sorcerna will be going back into retirement to be my main crafter Fall 2018. Because an 8 k shield is f ing useless. Died because of baddies on the forum. Too much qq too little pew pew. 16 AD 2 DC. 0 EP cause they bad, CP 2300 plus 18 level 50 toons. NA, PC, Grey Host#SORCLIVESMATTER actually they don’t or they wouldn’t keep getting nerfed constantly.
  • TheMachineKiller
    The ultimate charge is broken in the pts as of current, i.e. not charging at all sometimes
    Solo Extraordinaire
      Miss Machine - AD Wolfskull - DC Ok Cool - DC Wheremigoin - DC
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