Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts
Maintenance for the week of September 30:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – September 30, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 8:00AM EDT (12:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – October 2, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – October 2, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

What happened to " we will track your exp earned " ????( Gina Bruno answered this 12/28/2014)

  • NotSo
    I really think ZoS should remove the day 1 window to get at those 30 CPs. I think it makes a lot more sense for somebody who is 6 months late to the game to still have a good chunk of starting CP to look forward to when he/she hits level 50.
    Gar'Sol the Wanderer VR14 Khajiit Sorcerer Spellblade
  • Gidorick
    Guppet wrote: »
    Inklings wrote: »

    Again you go on about 'hours spent in game.' Its not about hours and never has been. NO mmo rewards people for just time spent in game. They reward players for reaching certain thresholds, such as exp, gear or other. Paying your monthly sub does not give someone the right to be put at the same level as another player who has progressed more. We were told there would be certain thresholds for CP gain. We were told 95% of the player base would not reach that cap. We didn't just pull this info out of butts, it was stated by lead devs and other higher ups at ZoS.

    Furthermore, the "assumptions" people are making about transitions to no VR levels are based of the words and postings here from ZoS themselves. When they say they have no plan to reward lost VR ranks in future patches we have to assume that will happen. We have to speak up now, so hopefully it will get changed. Sitting quietly now, waiting to see if they will do another 180 when 1.7 comes is not how you make sure this gets changed.


    VR14 > VR1.

    Pretty sure after whatever they do, post VR14 equivalent will still be greater than post VR1 equivalent.

    What is known is only the first half of what they're doing and how they're doing it.

    Is it different than what they said they'd do. Yeah. Not arguing that point.

    While it sounds good, I have yet to see an example of forum complaining and threats sway their intent one way or the other.

    I get that people are pissed. I do. But, the argument is being made about who 'makes the game what it is.' Unfortunately, that's probably not the way ZoS sees it.

    I find it pointless to make demands to ZoS about something they have not fully disclosed all the details of because it's still probably in trasition on their end.

    Someone's gonna be pissed no matter how it goes. Someone's gonna get screwed. I'd put $ on it.

    If the small number of CP's are not going to make that much of a difference (argument towards giving someone more), the argument equally goes the other way (If it's not that much of a difference, why should we have to give more to start?)

    The short version:
    1. ZoS said something.
    2. ZoS said something else.
    3. ZoS will eventually say something different yet.

    They are not obligated to do anything other than what they are going to do.

    Raise hell, if it makes you feel better. This forum is full of expectations and demands to ZoS. Is there one that has actually gone somewhere?

    This horse is dead before it's even had a chance to be properly conceived.

    VR is being removed is a result of disgruntled players providing feedback, so there is a precedent.

    It does not look like it will make a difference this time though.

    The squeaky wheels that complained about the Vet Ranks will complain about the CP and will complain about whatever they try to do to fix the CP system... unfortunately the vocal minority gets a LOT of attention...
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

    Want more crazy ideas? Check out my Concept Repository!
  • Gidorick
    XGP wrote: »
    Hello all,

    The sole reason why we do Quests is to level up our skill lines, our vet ranks, and our skills to morph.

    There are MANY of us that do Quests to experience a story and to be taken on an interesting narrative. The progression makes me stronger so I can play more difficult quests. Without quests, story, or some sort of narrative, I'm not interested.
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

    Want more crazy ideas? Check out my Concept Repository!
  • Gidorick
    I really think ZoS should remove the day 1 window to get at those 30 CPs. I think it makes a lot more sense for somebody who is 6 months late to the game to still have a good chunk of starting CP to look forward to when he/she hits level 50.

    I've been playing since before launch but haven't yet achieved Vet Rank... I don't rush my games but you bet-your-bippy I'm rushing to get to level 50 now!
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

    Want more crazy ideas? Check out my Concept Repository!
  • global_gbb16_ESO
    Well.. 9 months later the game is fairly stale and now this thread indicates that they are resetting about 4+ months of hard work into 30 championship points.

    I've just had the displeasure of cancelling my subscription since being here from the beginning.

    Well played.
  • smacx250
    About the "resetting" silver/gold quests comment - one thing to note is that the silver/gold content is "repeatable" from a CP perspective, as you can "repeat" on as many alts as you want to gain the CP. The CP gained by alts will be directly useable on your main(s) as well, since they are account wide and spent per-character. You'll also get a boost to your CP gain rate after spending the non-vet play time leveling alts to 50. But if you don't have any char space for a non-vet alt, it isn't as viable an option...
  • Guppet
    EQBallzz wrote: »
    Guppet wrote: »
    Artemis wrote: »
    Audigy wrote: »
    And yet a VR 14 will end up with more CP than the Casual, as the CS is based on time played and not content done.

    Why is this so hard to understand for you?

    If you keep playing as much as you did before, then you will still have more CPs with 1.7.

    Then what was the problem to "track XP" if it's time dependent? It's even easier to track time, /played does it for you any time. YOu just need to see what was this number for each character when on Oct 3.
    But no, most likely they won't reward me with CP for just being and online and chatting (finding a group) or trading.
    I am pretty sure that CP will be rewarded for XP and players who have quests left can and will get it faster.

    I have nothing left to do but grind, which I won't do because it's not fun. And I bet they won't scale XP so that for 2 trials(for coffers) and 7 dungeons(for dailies) I will get as much XP as another player would get for a week of questing.
    I remember, it would take 1 to 2 days to complete the entire veteran zone. I bet they won't make it so that, say, 9 AA runs will give me as much XP because in this case people will just grind trials and spend almost no efforts and time.

    I keep seeing this said. If you have ran out of the content you enjoy, that is your issue, not the champion system.

    If they gave you 100 extra CP, you would still have no content that you enjoy to do.

    Why are you still playing if you have no more content you enjoy?

    The fact is, anyone that is still here and still enjoying it, is doing some form of content (or they are not playing at all), that content will award XP, be it currently or after the rebalance of XP awards.

    It's not a matter of having "no more content you enjoy". It's having no more XP-rich content left. If someone does writs, daily pledge and dungeons or harvesting or crafting. They may enjoy all that but the XP gained for those activities is minuscule compared to silver/gold content. If CP was awarded for those at least people would have a reasonable base of CP to start with if they weren't interested in grinding after CS goes live so gaining CP at a slower rate wouldn't matter as much.

    The thing is people are assuming they will balance the xp incorrectly. They probably will, but they can get it wrong in any manor of ways. Writs could end up being the best xp or PVP, could be anything. Until we actually see their xp balancing, no one can say that silver/gold will be the best xp.
  • Grao
    JKorr wrote: »
    Guppet wrote: »
    Artemis wrote: »
    Audigy wrote: »
    And yet a VR 14 will end up with more CP than the Casual, as the CS is based on time played and not content done.

    Why is this so hard to understand for you?

    If you keep playing as much as you did before, then you will still have more CPs with 1.7.

    Then what was the problem to "track XP" if it's time dependent? It's even easier to track time, /played does it for you any time. YOu just need to see what was this number for each character when on Oct 3.
    But no, most likely they won't reward me with CP for just being and online and chatting (finding a group) or trading.
    I am pretty sure that CP will be rewarded for XP and players who have quests left can and will get it faster.

    I have nothing left to do but grind, which I won't do because it's not fun. And I bet they won't scale XP so that for 2 trials(for coffers) and 7 dungeons(for dailies) I will get as much XP as another player would get for a week of questing.
    I remember, it would take 1 to 2 days to complete the entire veteran zone. I bet they won't make it so that, say, 9 AA runs will give me as much XP because in this case people will just grind trials and spend almost no efforts and time.

    I keep seeing this said. If you have ran out of the content you enjoy, that is your issue, not the champion system.

    If they gave you 100 extra CP, you would still have no content that you enjoy to do.

    Why are you still playing if you have no more content you enjoy?

    The fact is, anyone that is still here and still enjoying it, is doing some form of content (or they are not playing at all), that content will award XP, be it currently or after the rebalance of XP awards.

    i have never had any love for the content, eso is a complete backwards setting and description of morrowind where it was suppose to have originated, the devs have no clue what morrowind even is nor her culture or peoples nor history. they seem to be in-love with skyrim and oblivion to the point where morrowind was destroyed and non-existant in eso.
    your view of why i am upset with the champion system is completely false and as far from reality as east is from the west. allow me to explain the truth of why i personaly am upset with the rediculas 30 cp

    i play eso for the pvp and my love of morrowind, even tho morrowind is non-existant in eso i still seek after her.
    so as i pvp i allways try to stay competitive and up to speed with all the other people which is only natural.
    since we were told specificly the following


    ZOS_MariaAliprando wrote: »
    Greetings! I am Maria Aliprando, Gameplay Designer on the Champion System.

    Should players that are VR1+ still work towards VR12 or should they just wait until the new changes.

    Continue to play! We are tracking your XP as you advance your way through Veteran Ranks and even past VR14. When the Champion System comes out we will reward you points right away based on the amount of XP you have earned up to a cap. In general, most people won’t reach the cap and we do not know what that cap is yet. We're still working out that value and making sure to take a look at the XP you all are earning.

    that led me to believe that in order to stay competitive in pvp i needed to finish all i could in the pve area so that i would be prepared for the champion system release.
    however this was a lie we were told because


    ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »
    Hi guys, just wanted to pop in and put this to rest. What Kai said a few days ago is correct. Just to make sure we're all on the same page, once Update 6 is released and you have at least one Veteran Rank character, all your characters will receive 30 Champion Points - no more, no less. This will only occur at the onset of Update 6; after this is released, you will gain Champion Points one at a time as designed

    this is unfair, unpolished and unwanted and has nothing to do with what you mentioned and has Everything to do with being forced into making a new character in order to be competitive and fair in the new update coming in just a few weeks destroys all the work i did on the v14 character i have.

    if the quests and matterial was infact repeatable it would not be an issue and no one would be complaining.

    That first quote from Maria;
    In general, most people won’t reach the cap and we do not know what that cap is yet. We're still working out that value and making sure to take a look at the XP you all are earning.

    Where does anything in the first quote say "We have set this in place permanently because we are finished with it and know it works."?

    They try to listen to the people who want information about what they are working on/content in process. That kind of implies that they will be giving out information that isn't set in stone or final. When they do, people assume the information IS final, and when it has to be changed after the devs work with it and see what the players are doing, the ones who assumed it was final get upset, threaten to unsub, try to get everyone worked up, or instigate a forum "revolution".

    How can you tell whether you will still be competitive in pvp or not? Are they making all the vr14 gear go away? Nerfing any of the skills for vr14s that won't be nerfed for lower level players?

    Pal... ZoS already said that they are removing the Vranks... All of them. That means gear will be nerfed, or according to ZoS view, rebalanced since the level requirememts will be changed. All of that we know is coming, likely on update 1.7.

    On 1.6 they should be entering the champion system, validating everyone experience by converting it to champion points. Unfortunately they decided not to do that for"balance". Yes, their statement is that vague.
  • Darlgon
    I can see it on the next ESO Live. "Why ZoS will never release information to the community about up-coming gameplay changes."
    Power level to CP160 in a week:
    Where is the end game? You just played it.
    Why don't I have 300+ skill points? Because you skipped content along the way.
    Where is new content? Sigh.
  • Kevinmon
    This whole debacle makes me very upset.
  • Artis
    Guppet wrote: »
    I keep seeing this said. If you have ran out of the content you enjoy, that is your issue, not the champion system.

    If they gave you 100 extra CP, you would still have no content that you enjoy to do.

    Why are you still playing if you have no more content you enjoy?

    The fact is, anyone that is still here and still enjoying it, is doing some form of content (or they are not playing at all), that content will award XP, be it currently or after the rebalance of XP awards.

    Don't you see the difference between the content I enjoy and the leveling content I enjoy? I ran out of the leveling content namely because I wanted to reach the level cap so I do what I enjoy! Doing trials/dungeons which I need to do rarely as I spend most of the time preparing for them and socializing with people (including - gathering groups, looking for crafters, etc).

    Will I get as much XP as a person who spends the same amount of time doing quests? I sincerely doubt it. And if I don't - then why should I be okay with this change? I am looking forward to the champion system, but I was sure they will keep my relative progression and won't punish me for completing the content. I thought, the system will be released together with the new adventure zone so that everybody has quests to level with.

    And if they rebalance XP so that I get as much as somebody who's questing (and I do a few runs of AA,HRC(for coffers only), maybe a couple of vet dsa runs and not more than 7 runs for the pledges), then the questing will be useless and people will whine about that.

    So I say, we start complaining and suggesting things now to motivate or help them to come up with something else, because their current idea is not smart and not popular. We should also support each other, "like" each other posts and show ZOS that it's Community that's against their progression being erased, not just some individual players.

    p.s. Those, who don't mind that they take away others' relative progress... Do you really want us to be frustrated or you see no problem in this and just don't understand why we complain? In the latter case - just help us, you are not losing anything. Even better - less people leave the game so there will be someone for you to play with.. Someone, to carry you through trials and dungeons :)
    Edited by Artis on January 1, 2015 8:10PM
  • Grao
    Please read the following post and give your suggestions or your own take on the subject.


    Keep it constructive please.
  • ahstin2001nub18_ESO
    i have all but 1 trade skill maxed and i am vr7, so that for sure makes me equal to a vr14 with no trade skills..... THEY ARE TWO SEPERATE THINGS....

    trade skills have their own experience- i maxed it. level grinding has its own experience level, which veteran ranks are attached to and are to be replaced by CPs- i don't have it maxed. the mere fact that the character progression isn't maxed MAKES me unequal to a VR14. if you want to stand around shooting the bull or crafting, thats on you. if you want to level and work towards character progression (the numbers that make you kill faster) thats on you as well. neglect either and that is on you.... its all equal but they are completely separate systems.

    TL;DR, eh, @ahstin2001nub18_ESO‌ ? Perhaps you should follow the whole thread and it would make more sense.

    No one, save you, is speaking of trade skills.

    The complaint (I'll summarize for you) involves the 100's more hours put in by some than by others beyond VR14.

    The complaint, while note entirely invalid, will probably not see any change come to pass.

    There was no grandfathered Undaunted Rep.

    There was no bonus to Master Enchanters when they revamped the crafting progression. (Yeah, that's a trade skill, but included here strictly for example.)

    There is an obvious difference between time spent /emoting and time performing in game functions. Common sense indicates that most are probably making good use of their time. Not everyone's power leveling, not everyone's RPing a minute for minute daily routine. Give me a break.

    Some people have more levels, more XP's, more overall XP's (all alts), and more time in game. Will they see anything from it?

    No one knows.

    To be honest, I'm trying to figure out wth your complaint is, exactly?

    read my response, to your response, to someone elses response:

    "720 hours equates to 30 days in game played and does not somehow obligate someone to be at any particular level. What about people that enjoy making alts, repeatedly? Is their time somehow worth less?"

    your time is your problem and is up to you to make it have value. if you don't like spending time doing something because it doesn't advance another aspect, don't do it. don't come to this conversation and say how "Is their time somehow worth less" when its about effort.

    "You, and however many other people, have determined where someone should be at given a certain amount of time and you have determined, arbitrarily, what that is or is not supposed to be worth.

    The 'you didn't do it this way' or 'you didn't reach this goal, so you do/don't deserve this reward' is BS."

    this is dumb... pure and simple. this isn't a random chance people are saying if you are not maxed level you shouldn't get maxed level rewards. the game is PROGRAMED for vr14. i didn't set that goal, someone else did at the company. now if it is going to take you a year to get to vr14, when it should only take a month at best, thats your fault and your problem- no one elses. if you are still VR1 because you wanted to diddle your doodle in the forest, fine.. but you didn't put the same EFFORT into getting vr14 because of it, there for you don't deserve the same compensation into the new endgame progression thats REPLACING the old end game progression.

    "Your RANK is your reward. The benefits that come with it, skillpoints, attribute points, gear, time mastering your skills is your reward. Changing how that is viewed will not change those gains."

    not all those "benefits" are certain to persist through implementation- you don't know one way or the other if they will stay.

    honestly, about the only comment you made that had any reason was "The game will continue either way"

    [Moderator Note: Edited per our rules on Rude and Insulting Comments]
    Edited by ZOS_UlyssesW on January 2, 2015 2:38PM
    I will work. I will save. I will sacrifice. I will endure. I will fight cheerfully and do my utmost, as if the whole issue of the struggle depended on me alone.

    Martin A. Treptow
  • Grao
    i have all but 1 trade skill maxed and i am vr7, so that for sure makes me equal to a vr14 with no trade skills..... THEY ARE TWO SEPERATE THINGS....

    trade skills have their own experience- i maxed it. level grinding has its own experience level, which veteran ranks are attached to and are to be replaced by CPs- i don't have it maxed. the mere fact that the character progression isn't maxed MAKES me unequal to a VR14. if you want to stand around shooting the bull or crafting, thats on you. if you want to level and work towards character progression (the numbers that make you kill faster) thats on you as well. neglect either and that is on you.... its all equal but they are completely separate systems.

    TL;DR, eh, @ahstin2001nub18_ESO‌ ? Perhaps you should follow the whole thread and it would make more sense.

    No one, save you, is speaking of trade skills.

    The complaint (I'll summarize for you) involves the 100's more hours put in by some than by others beyond VR14.

    The complaint, while note entirely invalid, will probably not see any change come to pass.

    There was no grandfathered Undaunted Rep.

    There was no bonus to Master Enchanters when they revamped the crafting progression. (Yeah, that's a trade skill, but included here strictly for example.)

    There is an obvious difference between time spent /emoting and time performing in game functions. Common sense indicates that most are probably making good use of their time. Not everyone's power leveling, not everyone's RPing a minute for minute daily routine. Give me a break.

    Some people have more levels, more XP's, more overall XP's (all alts), and more time in game. Will they see anything from it?

    No one knows.

    To be honest, I'm trying to figure out wth your complaint is, exactly?

    read my response, to your response, to someone elses response:

    "720 hours equates to 30 days in game played and does not somehow obligate someone to be at any particular level. What about people that enjoy making alts, repeatedly? Is their time somehow worth less?"

    your time is your problem and is up to you to make it have value. if you don't like spending time doing something because it doesn't advance another aspect, don't do it. don't come to this conversation and say how "Is their time somehow worth less" when its about effort.

    "You, and however many other people, have determined where someone should be at given a certain amount of time and you have determined, arbitrarily, what that is or is not supposed to be worth.

    The 'you didn't do it this way' or 'you didn't reach this goal, so you do/don't deserve this reward' is BS."

    this is dumb... pure and simple. this isn't a random chance people are saying if you are not maxed level you shouldn't get maxed level rewards. the game is PROGRAMED for vr14. i didn't set that goal, someone else did at the company. now if it is going to take you a year to get to vr14, when it should only take a month at best, thats your fault and your problem- no one elses. if you are still VR1 because you wanted to diddle your doodle in the forest, fine.. but you didn't put the same EFFORT into getting vr14 because of it, there for you don't deserve the same compensation into the new endgame progression thats REPLACING the old end game progression.

    "Your RANK is your reward. The benefits that come with it, skillpoints, attribute points, gear, time mastering your skills is your reward. Changing how that is viewed will not change those gains."

    not all those "benefits" are certain to persist through implementation- you don't know one way or the other if they will stay.

    honestly, about the only comment you made that had any reason was "The game will continue either way"

    [Moderator Note: Edited per our rules on Rude and Insulting Comments]

    *Tsks a little at Mr. Moderator* I wish you guys would talk to us a little instead of just snip snipping our posts. ^^

    And you @ahstin2001nub18_ESO, you need to calm down ^^

    On update 1.6 no one will be removing your level or rank or power. Because the Champion System is not ready to be fully deployed, the Veteran System and its progression will still be in place for this coming update.

    What does that mean? That you will still be more powerful then the Vr1s, those 30 CPs you gain and the 30 CPs they gain cancel each other out, so what is left? Your progression on the Veteran System.

    Come update 1.7, that is what we must watch for closely. By then ZoS should have extensively tested the new system and be ready to remove the old ranks. It is then that Experience conversion must really take place. If you read the post on my signature you may get a clearer picture of what has to happen and why it has to be done carefully.
  • Wolfenbelle
    Grao wrote: »
    Come update 1.7, that is what we must watch for closely. By then ZoS should have extensively tested the new system and be ready to remove the old ranks. It is then that Experience conversion must really take place. If you read the post on my signature you may get a clearer picture of what has to happen and why it has to be done carefully.

    Unless something changes between now and when 1.7 is released, there is not going to be an XP conversion ever. All characters that are above level 50 will be reset BACK to level 50. There is not going to be any compensation for the loss of character progression that people have been working toward and accomplishing since pre-launch last April (2014).

    In addition to all vr1+ characters being reset back to 50, all vr1+ items in the game will be reset to accommodate the fact that 50 will be the character cap (again).

    There are quoted ZOS statements saying this in many threads, too many for me to go find and quote here. But again, unless something changes between now and when 1.6 and 1.7 are released, this is the plan.
  • Grao
    Grao wrote: »
    Come update 1.7, that is what we must watch for closely. By then ZoS should have extensively tested the new system and be ready to remove the old ranks. It is then that Experience conversion must really take place. If you read the post on my signature you may get a clearer picture of what has to happen and why it has to be done carefully.

    Unless something changes between now and when 1.7 is released, there is not going to be an XP conversion ever. All characters that are above level 50 will be reset BACK to level 50. There is not going to be any compensation for the loss of character progression that people have been working toward and accomplishing since pre-launch last April (2014).

    In addition to all vr1+ characters being reset back to 50, all vr1+ items in the game will be reset to accommodate the fact that 50 will be the character cap (again).

    There are quoted ZOS statements saying this in many threads, too many for me to go find and quote here. But again, unless something changes between now and when 1.6 and 1.7 are released, this is the plan.

    Precisely why we are upset. We are all under the impression that even when the Veteran Ranks are retired on 1.7, that we won't be compensated for the Experience we will be losing.

    ZoS still has time to fix their latest statement and mend the bridge with the part of the community they've upset though so, lets give them that time. Now that the holidays are over, maybe we will hear from Gina or a developer.
  • Pathfinder
    Honestly what it comes down to is should anyone bother playing at all until 1.8 hits? Since ZOS can't be trusted, whether through malice or negligence, to tell the truth about how CP will effect existing V1+ characters when it is fully implemented.
    Malfahri del Sol Imperial Templar (stamplar *new respec) PC/NA/Trueflame
  • Grao
    Pathfinder wrote: »
    Honestly what it comes down to is should anyone bother playing at all until 1.8 hits? Since ZOS can't be trusted, whether through malice or negligence, to tell the truth about how CP will effect existing V1+ characters when it is fully implemented.

    We can't answer how will CPs affect a character once the Veteran Ranks are removed as we don't know enough about the champion points. I know some of the paths lead to increasing magical power, others stamina and weapons, crit, etc, but there are also utilitarian passives, increase of horse speed, etc.

    It will definitely make characters more customizable, though I am sure there will be one build more viable then others. As for why should we bother playing? Well, once 1.6 comes live any Veteran character will be able to generate CPs, independent of if Zos will or will not compensate us for the experience gathered within the Veteran leveling.

    Also, playing is fun. Update 1.6 will bring many changes to the game, new class skills, changes and balance, changes to weapons. A lot to learn, not to mention the justice system. And this, those of us with fully leveled characters might as well make an alt or two. Alts will always make it easier to gather CPs for your account.
  • Tavore1138
    Darlgon wrote: »
    I can see it on the next ESO Live. "Why ZoS will never release information to the community about up-coming gameplay changes."

    What might be more helpful would be if it were to be titled: "Why ZoS will never release MISinformation to the community about up-coming gameplay changes."

    If they'd said 30CP up front then there would have been some anger but it would have gone away faster - this issue is still big because the person in change of the Champion system either lied or didn't understand their own system. If the former then why lie at all, if the latter then they would have been better not making promises they didn't know if they would be able to keep.

    For another example of how not to handle comms witness the shambles around the 6 month subs thing.

    Inconsistent, sluggish, grudging & inaccurate communication has been a trademark of Zenimax since long before ESO came along - they seem unable to acknowledge, and thus learn from, their errors.
    GM - Malazan
    Raid Leader - Hungry Wolves
    Legio Mortuum
  • Bouvin

    Unless something changes between now and when 1.7 is released, there is not going to be an XP conversion ever. All characters that are above level 50 will be reset BACK to level 50. There is not going to be any compensation for the loss of character progression that people have been working toward and accomplishing since pre-launch last April (2014).

    In addition to all vr1+ characters being reset back to 50, all vr1+ items in the game will be reset to accommodate the fact that 50 will be the character cap (again).

    There are quoted ZOS statements saying this in many threads, too many for me to go find and quote here. But again, unless something changes between now and when 1.6 and 1.7 are released, this is the plan.

    ^^ This is why people are unhappy.

    First, everyone with V1 or better gets exactly 30 CP.

    THEN, everyone gets reset back to level 50. However, since the V14 crowd didn't receive the extra CP they earned, they are essentially WIPING any experience you gained from V2 through V14.

    Considering it takes at least 2x as long to go from V1 to V14 as it does 1-50, this is as close to to a CHARACTER WIPE as you can get.

    Awww gee... and I wonder why people are upset. This is one of those game killing moves, and ZOS seems determined to do it anyways.
    Edited by Bouvin on January 2, 2015 5:47PM
  • Gilvoth
    Bouvin wrote: »

    Unless something changes between now and when 1.7 is released, there is not going to be an XP conversion ever. All characters that are above level 50 will be reset BACK to level 50. There is not going to be any compensation for the loss of character progression that people have been working toward and accomplishing since pre-launch last April (2014).

    In addition to all vr1+ characters being reset back to 50, all vr1+ items in the game will be reset to accommodate the fact that 50 will be the character cap (again).

    There are quoted ZOS statements saying this in many threads, too many for me to go find and quote here. But again, unless something changes between now and when 1.6 and 1.7 are released, this is the plan.

    ^^ This is why people are unhappy.

    First, everyone with V1 or better gets exactly 30 CP.

    THEN, everyone gets reset back to level 50. However, since the V14 crowd didn't receive the extra CP they earned, they are essentially WIPING any experience you gained from V2 through V14.

    Considering it takes at least 2x as long to go from V1 to V14 as it does 1-50, this is as close to to a CHARACTER WIPE as you can get.

    Awww gee... and I wonder why people are upset. This is one of those game killing moves, and ZOS seems determined to do it anyways.

    that is correct, that's why i made a new character and hes almost 21 now, and hopefully 50 by monday.

  • Grao
    Bouvin wrote: »

    Unless something changes between now and when 1.7 is released, there is not going to be an XP conversion ever. All characters that are above level 50 will be reset BACK to level 50. There is not going to be any compensation for the loss of character progression that people have been working toward and accomplishing since pre-launch last April (2014).

    In addition to all vr1+ characters being reset back to 50, all vr1+ items in the game will be reset to accommodate the fact that 50 will be the character cap (again).

    There are quoted ZOS statements saying this in many threads, too many for me to go find and quote here. But again, unless something changes between now and when 1.6 and 1.7 are released, this is the plan.

    ^^ This is why people are unhappy.

    First, everyone with V1 or better gets exactly 30 CP.

    THEN, everyone gets reset back to level 50. However, since the V14 crowd didn't receive the extra CP they earned, they are essentially WIPING any experience you gained from V2 through V14.

    Considering it takes at least 2x as long to go from V1 to V14 as it does 1-50, this is as close to to a CHARACTER WIPE as you can get.

    Awww gee... and I wonder why people are upset. This is one of those game killing moves, and ZOS seems determined to do it anyways.

    @Bouvin, the 30 Champion Points haven't even been released on the PST. I was just as upset as you are now until I realized why ZoS can't give away all the CPs owed to those that have gathered experience.

    Because the Veteran System is still in place giving the full range of CPs owed to, for example a Vr14 would be the same as making them instantly into a Vr28. Do you understand how that would be problem? At the same time, ZoS needs people testing out the Champion System, so they have to give everyone a few points, but it has to be the same for everyone, so not to mess with the balance of the Veteran Ranks. That is where they came up with the 30 Cps flat value.

    Now, come the 1.7, if ZoS does not convert exp as they should, well, then we will have a serious problem. Right now what we need is for Gina or Dev to come around and confirm those conclusions we managed to take from their previous statements and discuss how the retirement of the veteran system will work.
  • Iluvrien
    Pathfinder wrote: »
    Honestly what it comes down to is should anyone bother playing at all until 1.8 hits? Since ZOS can't be trusted, whether through malice or negligence, to tell the truth about how CP will effect existing V1+ characters when it is fully implemented.

    Because I always have a great deal of fun while doing so?

    Honestly. I am coming to the end of a two week stay with my in-laws and without my PC (and therefore ESO). I am aiming to mislay several days, at least, in ESO's direction when I get back to the game.

    What will come with 1.8 will come. If I do further damage to my advancement chances then so be it. I will play knowing that I accept the consequences. Nobody else is making that decision for me. Here's hoping you can find something to do, in the game or out of it, that pleases you to a similar degree. (This last part isn't sarcastic, I really do hope that you can spend your time enjoyably.)
    Edited by Iluvrien on January 2, 2015 6:02PM
  • Aett_Thorn

    I am NOT mad that they changed the way that the initial allotment will work. I understand that sometimes system changes need to occur, and while it is unfortunate, it happens.

    I am SLIGHTLY mad that they actually came out and told people to keep going through content and then changed their minds.

    I am REALLY mad that the change occurred in the development process, and that the Devs didn't tell people that it might happen as soon as they knew that it might. At some point between the Oct. 3rd statement and the ESO Live event, things had changed. I am betting that it wasn't the day of the event. So sometime before ESO Live, things had changed. AT THAT POINT, the Devs should have told people that the promise was no longer accurate. This would have given people more time to change their play up so as to not run all of the content, hopefully.

    This is why I truly feel like the Devs do not have the right PR staff working for them, or maybe they do and just aren't listening to them. They seem to be applying an "It's easier to ask forgiveness than permission" philosophy to a crowd known to shoot first and ask questions later. It's just bad management and planning, and it all could have been avoided if they had been more up front about the changes.
  • Bouvin
    Grao wrote: »
    Now, come the 1.7, if ZoS does not convert exp as they should, well, then we will have a serious problem. Right now what we need is for Gina or Dev to come around and confirm those conclusions we managed to take from their previous statements and discuss how the retirement of the veteran system will work.

    Doing 30 at 1.6 then converting at 1.7 would be fine.

    But from the line they've been taking it doesn't sound like that's what is going to happen.

    Also, it's a lot worse to take away levels than jump levels people earned from stored XP.
  • global_gbb16_ESO
    On an additional note, dev teams do not set their own agenda. Whatever they are working towards (i.e. wiping VR2 to VR14 in preparation for CP), it would have been set by management.

    .. or some technical issue that has made them realise they can't audit what has been done so far and thus can't appropriate the correct amount of CP back tn people who have gained ranks past VR1. Which if true is ludicrous.

    Like i said earlier, they've wasted many months of my work trying to build my characters past VR1 with no prior warning so to hell with ZOS. I'll spend my money elsewhere.
  • Grao
    On an additional note, dev teams do not set their own agenda. Whatever they are working towards (i.e. wiping VR2 to VR14 in preparation for CP), it would have been set by management.

    .. or some technical issue that has made them realise they can't audit what has been done so far and thus can't appropriate the correct amount of CP back tn people who have gained ranks past VR1. Which if true is ludicrous.

    Like i said earlier, they've wasted many months of my work trying to build my characters past VR1 with no prior warning so to hell with ZOS. I'll spend my money elsewhere.

    Your statement will only be true if when 1.7 comes to live and the veteran system is removed, ZoS gives no Champion Point compensation for the experience between Vr1 and vr14.
  • Morshire
    The saddest part to this whole argument - the game isn't even a year old and people are so mad they are leaving. Hardcore gamers and fans were at the launch and have followed them religiously till now. The answer, "Just quit" in response to these threads from other players no less. And so they quit - be it rage quit or some educated elegant departure still equals one less.

    But according to some "Oh well, there will be others". I ask you, where will those people come from? What more will this game sacrifice to make them want to come? Are they the type of gamer people want the game based around? Will you still be happy when all the "complainers" are gone and this new wave of players magically leaves their F2P game for ESO?

    I think these threads of outrage are getting into the double digits, as are the people leaving, and someone needs to take notice. And whether you agree or disagree, read the above paragraph again. Think of all the games you have quit and why. Now realize that that is the pool this game is going to have to go to if they want to drive the revenue. (Meaning they will build this game to attract those players)

    Before people leave, I wholeheartedly support this cause. I would rather "lay on the ground and throw a tantrum" then walk away from the game I have always liked (Pre ESO). And whether you are happy or not with this game, I think we all need to look at what / who we are going to lose and who / what we are going to gain.

    Players = $$$$ More players = more $$$ How to get more players, make a game that they like to play. People unsub = less $$$. Management to devs "Get us more $$$. Devs change the game to attract more players. Is it a better game, guess time will tell right?
    Follow me if I advance, Kill me if I retreat, Avenge me if I die.

    When this immediate evil power has been defeated, we shall not yet have won the long battle with the elemental barbarities. Another evil, it may be an invisible adversary, will attempt, again, and yet again, to destroy our frail civilization. Is it true, I wonder, that the only way to escape a war is to be in it?

    If I die, you are forgiven, If I live, I will kill you.
  • Francescolg
    No one deserves a compensation in CP for endgame content done after reaching VR14! Your time spent the last 4-5 months is worth personal experience! You also had the chance to make new friends!

    - Endgame Raiders have their golden items, undaunted skills and the entertaining group-experiences they will never forget doing all those dungeons!

    - Endgame PvP'ers have their decorative PvP-rank and PvP-skills and lots of hours spent in the Horse Simulator 2014, which they can upgrade to the "Farming Simulator" game for even more PvP. They now can spend CP to buy a farmer horse, if they do not have one so far.

    - Never do math like: level 50 +14VR +30 CP -14VR +xx CP +10 level (next upgrade) or you will be banned from the game for conspiracy!
    Edited by Francescolg on January 3, 2015 12:28AM
  • Grao
    No one deserves a compensation in CP for endgame content done after reaching VR14! Your time spent the last 4-5 months is worth personal experience! You also had the chance to make new friends!

    - Endgame Raiders have their golden items, undaunted skills and the entertaining group-experiences they will nether forget doing all those dungeons!

    - Endgame PvP'ers have their decorative PvP-rank and PvP-skills and lots of hours spent in the Horse Simulator 2014, which they can upgrade to the "Farming Simulator" game for even more PvP. They now can spend CP to buy a farmer horse, if they do not have one so far.

    - Never do math like: level 50 +14VR +30 CP -14VR +xx CP +10 level (next upgrade) or you will be banned from the game for conspiracy!

    As a mathematician your last point makes my head ache.
    Morshire wrote: »
    The saddest part to this whole argument - the game isn't even a year old and people are so mad they are leaving. Hardcore gamers and fans were at the launch and have followed them religiously till now. The answer, "Just quit" in response to these threads from other players no less. And so they quit - be it rage quit or some educated elegant departure still equals one less.

    But according to some "Oh well, there will be others". I ask you, where will those people come from? What more will this game sacrifice to make them want to come? Are they the type of gamer people want the game based around? Will you still be happy when all the "complainers" are gone and this new wave of players magically leaves their F2P game for ESO?

    I think these threads of outrage are getting into the double digits, as are the people leaving, and someone needs to take notice. And whether you agree or disagree, read the above paragraph again. Think of all the games you have quit and why. Now realize that that is the pool this game is going to have to go to if they want to drive the revenue. (Meaning they will build this game to attract those players)

    Before people leave, I wholeheartedly support this cause. I would rather "lay on the ground and throw a tantrum" then walk away from the game I have always liked (Pre ESO). And whether you are happy or not with this game, I think we all need to look at what / who we are going to lose and who / what we are going to gain.

    Players = $$$$ More players = more $$$ How to get more players, make a game that they like to play. People unsub = less $$$. Management to devs "Get us more $$$. Devs change the game to attract more players. Is it a better game, guess time will tell right?

    I agree with you. Agreeing or not with our complains, it is clear there is a problem between ZoS and a part of the community and that problem need to be solved before the rift becomes impossible to mend.
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