Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts
Maintenance for the week of September 30:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – September 30, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 8:00AM EDT (12:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – October 2, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – October 2, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

What happened to " we will track your exp earned " ????( Gina Bruno answered this 12/28/2014)

  • Heruthema
    Jaxsun wrote: »
    I am disappointed the XP tracking reward/conversion isn't going to happen.

    I can understand the change, but it does mean there is no point for me to be playing until 1.6. I'd rather just hold off until PTS and release of 1.6 and continue from where I am currently at.

    This is why they told us they were tracking our XP....so that we didn't unsub from October to 1.6, lying for monetary gain...card carrying @$$holes

    Where did ZOS say they would not reward VR14's when they actually remove VR, which is 1.7 or greater. Everyone is freaked out and ZOS is not helping themselves by not communicating more, but nothing that I can find says they will not give VR14's more latter, just not now.
    So has a ZOS representative come out and said this would not happen ever? If so can you point me to the post?
  • Grao
    Heruthema wrote: »
    Jaxsun wrote: »
    I am disappointed the XP tracking reward/conversion isn't going to happen.

    I can understand the change, but it does mean there is no point for me to be playing until 1.6. I'd rather just hold off until PTS and release of 1.6 and continue from where I am currently at.

    This is why they told us they were tracking our XP....so that we didn't unsub from October to 1.6, lying for monetary gain...card carrying @$$holes

    Where did ZOS say they would not reward VR14's when they actually remove VR, which is 1.7 or greater. Everyone is freaked out and ZOS is not helping themselves by not communicating more, but nothing that I can find says they will not give VR14's more latter, just not now.
    So has a ZOS representative come out and said this would not happen ever? If so can you point me to the post?

    They said that upon the release of 1.6 everyone with a veteran rank character will be given 30 champion points, just 30 points. Unfortunately their vague statement, left to interpretation can mean they don't plan to reward us with additional CPs... Ever.
    Hi guys, just wanted to pop in and put this to rest. What Kai said a few days ago is correct. Just to make sure we're all on the same page, once Update 6 is released and you have at least one Veteran Rank character, all your characters will receive 30 Champion Points - no more, no less. This will only occur at the onset of Update 6; after this is released, you will gain Champion Points one at a time as designed.

    Edited by Grao on January 7, 2015 8:43PM
  • rophez_ESO
    Yeah, that quote from Gina does indeed leave little to interpretation - "This will ONLY occur at the onset of Update 6." If they were planning some sort of adjustment in 1.7 when vet levels are removed, I doubt she'd have been that clear.
  • hiyde
    Heruthema wrote: »

    Where did ZOS say they would not reward VR14's when they actually remove VR, which is 1.7 or greater.

    When 1.6 drops, If you have a VR character, you get 30 CP on each character.

    If you have not yet run Cadwell's quests, you may immediately begin to do so and earn CP for running all of those quests.

    If you have already run Cadwell's quests, you get ZERO CP for having done so.

    So, anyone who waits to run Cadwell's until 1.6 drops will come out ahead of those who kept playing the game as instructed by ZoS.

    That's the inequity. That's the biggest thing (in my mind) that needs resolution.

    They are figuring out, as they build this system, that changes need to be made. Fine. But I fail to see the scenario in which it's acceptable or necessary for a there to be an imbalance that is dictated by when people run the exact same collection of quest content.

    As I've said before, my issue with this relates solely to completed quests, not mob grinding. We can grind mobs anytime, anywhere. But a character (thankfully) can only complete Cadwell's once. Everyone who runs those quests should end up with the same Champion Points no matter when they ran 'em.
    Edited by hiyde on January 7, 2015 8:52PM
    @Hiyde GM/Founder - Bleakrock Barter Co (Trade Guild - PC/NA) | Blackbriar Barter Co (Trade Guild-PC/NA)
  • ahstin2001nub18_ESO
    Heruthema wrote: »
    Jaxsun wrote: »
    I am disappointed the XP tracking reward/conversion isn't going to happen.

    I can understand the change, but it does mean there is no point for me to be playing until 1.6. I'd rather just hold off until PTS and release of 1.6 and continue from where I am currently at.

    This is why they told us they were tracking our XP....so that we didn't unsub from October to 1.6, lying for monetary gain...card carrying @$$holes

    Where did ZOS say they would not reward VR14's when they actually remove VR, which is 1.7 or greater. Everyone is freaked out and ZOS is not helping themselves by not communicating more, but nothing that I can find says they will not give VR14's more latter, just not now.
    So has a ZOS representative come out and said this would not happen ever? If so can you point me to the post?

    below is the full quote. i wouldn't peg as an "answer" that normal humans give, but a politician's consolidated answer of yes-and-no-and-maybe-PAY-NO-ATTENTION-TO-THE-MAN-BEHIND-THE-CURTAIN.
    Hi everyone,

    As many of you know, the Champion System is designed to be a replacement for the Veteran System. Internally, we have been implementing and testing the Champion System for the last few months. During that iteration time we’ve learned a lot. This changed some of our intended launch goals for the system. Specifically of concern is the number of Champion Points earned before the system launches. Here are four of the most salient points with regards to the number of Champion Points earned when we launch phase 3 with Update 6 and the reasons for the change:

    1. The system needs to be integrated in phases, leaving the Veteran Ranks in place for phase 3.

      Because the Champion System is layered on top of the Veteran System, the power differential between players from Veteran Rank 1 to Veteran Rank 14 still exists. There are many reasons we haven’t fully eliminated Veteran Ranks, chiefly a sense of progression in character and itemization progression. In the current phase that progression still exists. Layering a second progression can exacerbate player separation issues, especially when there is a lot of variance in the Champion System introduction. This phased-in approach is good for the game, but with dual progression post-50, it means we have to be even more careful when making changes.

    2. The system should give more value for each point spent than originally conceived.

      A second thing we learned is that each Champion Point needs to have more impact on the stats it is altering than originally planned. This came up frequently in our internal feedback sessions. Responding to that feedback, we decreased the number of overall points in the system (14,400 to 3,600), but kept the range of what they could alter the same. Because each point is more valuable there are less points overall in the system. Thus we can’t give out as many points with the introduction of the system as originally believed.

    3. The system has to account for relative power values of the game.

      We had to start narrowing down on the variables for our content in the game. Because we are changing many of the abilities and base factors in the gameplay, we needed to start with less of a variance in player power to achieve a good introduction of the system. Or more simply, the more points we give out now, the harder it is to find a good place between various balance points: PvP, overland content, Veteran Content, Craglorn, Dungeons, Trials, etc…

    4. The system shouldn’t separate players more.

      This is pretty self-explanatory, and is related to the first point. While the system is meant to have built in safeguards against players pulling away from each other too dramatically – those systems aren’t in currently. A 1-to-1 XP conversion to Champion XP was too dramatic.

    Also, when phase 3 of the Champion System goes live with Update 6, all accounts that have at least one Veteran Rank character on them will automatically receive 30 Champion Points. These 30 Champion Points, though applied to your account, are distributed in full to each individual character on your account, just as Champion Points you earn are. So, if you have 5 characters, at least one of which is Veteran Rank 1 or higher, all five of those characters will have 30 CP to spend. You will not be awarded more Champion Points for having five Veteran Characters versus just one. You will also be able to begin earning Champion Points on any Veteran Rank character from that point forward.

    We feel confident that our current solution is better for the enjoyment of the game overall than our originally announced design. This comes from weeks of testing the system. While iterating on solutions and changing the design is a normal and necessary part of the game making process, we definitely understand how changes to a system like this can be frustrating and seem to come from nowhere.

    That said, we’re going to continue to be open about our plans and designs for the future of ESO. While a change in development like this can be frustrating, it isn’t a reason for us to not communicate. We never intend to mislead, but sometimes even our best ideas just don’t work out once they get into the game. We feel the Champion System is still going to be a fun way for you to keep customizing your character to suit your tastes and specializing in ways that make you unique. We’re looking forward to you giving it a trial run on the PTS, and sending us your feedback.

    i did my best to "bold" the "key" statements. now i want to be perfectly clear- i do NOT intend to speak for the thread with this interpretation. each person may attach their mind to other statements. these are the ones i felt were the more glaring "answers" for no compensation per the Oct 3rd statement. i will also emphasize that these are NOT answers directly to our questions regarding what will happen to the VR experience players gained prior to the CS implementation, with their "keep playing" statement in mind- which to me is the most glaring issue people ultimately have.


    @grao has even more support for the confusion with regards to VR to CS
    Grao wrote: »
    Heruthema wrote: »
    Jaxsun wrote: »
    I am disappointed the XP tracking reward/conversion isn't going to happen.

    I can understand the change, but it does mean there is no point for me to be playing until 1.6. I'd rather just hold off until PTS and release of 1.6 and continue from where I am currently at.

    This is why they told us they were tracking our XP....so that we didn't unsub from October to 1.6, lying for monetary gain...card carrying @$$holes

    Where did ZOS say they would not reward VR14's when they actually remove VR, which is 1.7 or greater. Everyone is freaked out and ZOS is not helping themselves by not communicating more, but nothing that I can find says they will not give VR14's more latter, just not now.
    So has a ZOS representative come out and said this would not happen ever? If so can you point me to the post?

    They said that upon the release of 1.6 everyone with a veteran rank character will be given 30 champion points, just 30 points. Unfortunately their vague statement, left to interpretation can mean they don't plan to reward us with additional CPs... Ever.
    Hi guys, just wanted to pop in and put this to rest. What Kai said a few days ago is correct. Just to make sure we're all on the same page, once Update 6 is released and you have at least one Veteran Rank character, all your characters will receive 30 Champion Points - no more, no less. This will only occur at the onset of Update 6; after this is released, you will gain Champion Points one at a time as designed.

    the problem:

    "after this is released, you will gain Champion Points one at a time as designed."

    to which i say, well duh.... that still doesn't answer you intent with VR to CS conversions.

    hence the issues....
    Edited by ahstin2001nub18_ESO on January 7, 2015 8:59PM
    I will work. I will save. I will sacrifice. I will endure. I will fight cheerfully and do my utmost, as if the whole issue of the struggle depended on me alone.

    Martin A. Treptow
  • Heruthema
    OK maybe I am just dumb and am missing it completely, but again all the posts are referring to is 1.6 while the VR's are still in place and they do not rule out any future changes when VR goes away.
    In fact they have avoided any discussion of what life will be like when there are no VR ranks at all.
  • rophez_ESO
    Heruthema wrote: »
    OK maybe I am just dumb and am missing it completely, but again all the posts are referring to is 1.6 while the VR's are still in place and they do not rule out any future changes when VR goes away.
    In fact they have avoided any discussion of what life will be like when there are no VR ranks at all.

    You aren't dumb, you're just hopeful. The rest of us are mostly concerned with this other quote from Gina:
    Hi guys, just wanted to pop in and put this to rest. What Kai said a few days ago is correct. Just to make sure we're all on the same page, once Update 6 is released and you have at least one Veteran Rank character, all your characters will receive 30 Champion Points - no more, no less. This will only occur at the onset of Update 6; after this is released, you will gain Champion Points one at a time as designed.

    I bolded the part that is concerning.
  • Grao
    Heruthema wrote: »
    OK maybe I am just dumb and am missing it completely, but again all the posts are referring to is 1.6 while the VR's are still in place and they do not rule out any future changes when VR goes away.
    In fact they have avoided any discussion of what life will be like when there are no VR ranks at all.

    Which is the problem. They are avoiding discussing what will happen when the Veteran System is removed leaving us to speculate and guess from their previous statements and general pattern of behavior.

    Stating that they are giving 30 champion points and only 30 champion points while apologizing for their previous statements concerning experience tracking leaves open the interpretation that ZoS has no plans to compensate the high veteran levels for their effort when the system is retired.
  • DanielMaxwell
    @Heruthema read @ZOS_GinaBruno‌
    Hi guys, just wanted to pop in and put this to rest. What Kai said a few days ago is correct. Just to make sure we're all on the same page, once Update 6 is released and you have at least one Veteran Rank character, all your characters will receive 30 Champion Points - no more, no less. This will only occur at the onset of Update 6; after this is released, you will gain Champion Points one at a time as designed.

    A few months ago, it was said that we were tracking XP. However, this was still early in development and through internal testing and feedback, found that we needed to change our plans (and, honestly, this quite normal through the course of development). We understand that this was, indeed, a major change from what we were originally planning. In an effort to be open with everyone about how things were going and what was planned, it caused a great deal of confusion, and we sincerely apologize for that.

    As it has been said a number of times, we certainly encourage you to hop on the PTS once this is available in January and try out the system. This is also a great chance to plan how you'd like to build your character once it's live!

    Hope you all are enjoying the holidays, and we'll see you in the new year. :)

  • Heruthema
    @Heruthema read @ZOS_GinaBruno‌
    Hi guys, just wanted to pop in and put this to rest. What Kai said a few days ago is correct. Just to make sure we're all on the same page, once Update 6 is released and you have at least one Veteran Rank character, all your characters will receive 30 Champion Points - no more, no less. This will only occur at the onset of Update 6; after this is released, you will gain Champion Points one at a time as designed.

    A few months ago, it was said that we were tracking XP. However, this was still early in development and through internal testing and feedback, found that we needed to change our plans (and, honestly, this quite normal through the course of development). We understand that this was, indeed, a major change from what we were originally planning. In an effort to be open with everyone about how things were going and what was planned, it caused a great deal of confusion, and we sincerely apologize for that.

    As it has been said a number of times, we certainly encourage you to hop on the PTS once this is available in January and try out the system. This is also a great chance to plan how you'd like to build your character once it's live!

    Hope you all are enjoying the holidays, and we'll see you in the new year. :)
    I have read it over and over and nowhere is it said that when VR completely goes away you will not be compensated somehow. It talks about the fact that when 6 is released will be the only time that anyone will get 30CP after that it is one point at a time. So if you are at 49 the day of, to bad you lose.
    It does not say anything about 1.7 when vets go away. I am just trying to get confirmation of whether or not ZOS actually said that all the work put in by all the players to get to VR14 counts for nothing. I know they will never actually say that but if they have said that they are not going to compensate at a latter date, please show me the post.
    I do understand how it can be interpreted by what was said, and more importantly was not said, that they intend to not compensate players at a latter date, but I have not actually read those words.
  • ahstin2001nub18_ESO
    Heruthema wrote: »
    @Heruthema read @ZOS_GinaBruno‌
    Hi guys, just wanted to pop in and put this to rest. What Kai said a few days ago is correct. Just to make sure we're all on the same page, once Update 6 is released and you have at least one Veteran Rank character, all your characters will receive 30 Champion Points - no more, no less. This will only occur at the onset of Update 6; after this is released, you will gain Champion Points one at a time as designed.

    A few months ago, it was said that we were tracking XP. However, this was still early in development and through internal testing and feedback, found that we needed to change our plans (and, honestly, this quite normal through the course of development). We understand that this was, indeed, a major change from what we were originally planning. In an effort to be open with everyone about how things were going and what was planned, it caused a great deal of confusion, and we sincerely apologize for that.

    As it has been said a number of times, we certainly encourage you to hop on the PTS once this is available in January and try out the system. This is also a great chance to plan how you'd like to build your character once it's live!

    Hope you all are enjoying the holidays, and we'll see you in the new year. :)
    I have read it over and over and nowhere is it said that when VR completely goes away you will not be compensated somehow. It talks about the fact that when 6 is released will be the only time that anyone will get 30CP after that it is one point at a time. So if you are at 49 the day of, to bad you lose.
    It does not say anything about 1.7 when vets go away. I am just trying to get confirmation of whether or not ZOS actually said that all the work put in by all the players to get to VR14 counts for nothing. I know they will never actually say that but if they have said that they are not going to compensate at a latter date, please show me the post.
    I do understand how it can be interpreted by what was said, and more importantly was not said, that they intend to not compensate players at a latter date, but I have not actually read those words.

    welcome to the club....
    I will work. I will save. I will sacrifice. I will endure. I will fight cheerfully and do my utmost, as if the whole issue of the struggle depended on me alone.

    Martin A. Treptow
  • DanielMaxwell
    Heruthema wrote: »
    @Heruthema read @ZOS_GinaBruno‌
    Hi guys, just wanted to pop in and put this to rest. What Kai said a few days ago is correct. Just to make sure we're all on the same page, once Update 6 is released and you have at least one Veteran Rank character, all your characters will receive 30 Champion Points - no more, no less. This will only occur at the onset of Update 6; after this is released, you will gain Champion Points one at a time as designed.

    A few months ago, it was said that we were tracking XP. However, this was still early in development and through internal testing and feedback, found that we needed to change our plans (and, honestly, this quite normal through the course of development). We understand that this was, indeed, a major change from what we were originally planning. In an effort to be open with everyone about how things were going and what was planned, it caused a great deal of confusion, and we sincerely apologize for that.

    As it has been said a number of times, we certainly encourage you to hop on the PTS once this is available in January and try out the system. This is also a great chance to plan how you'd like to build your character once it's live!

    Hope you all are enjoying the holidays, and we'll see you in the new year. :)
    I have read it over and over and nowhere is it said that when VR completely goes away you will not be compensated somehow. It talks about the fact that when 6 is released will be the only time that anyone will get 30CP after that it is one point at a time. So if you are at 49 the day of, to bad you lose.
    It does not say anything about 1.7 when vets go away. I am just trying to get confirmation of whether or not ZOS actually said that all the work put in by all the players to get to VR14 counts for nothing. I know they will never actually say that but if they have said that they are not going to compensate at a latter date, please show me the post.
    I do understand how it can be interpreted by what was said, and more importantly was not said, that they intend to not compensate players at a latter date, but I have not actually read those words.

    I am just guessing but it seems you are unaware of what Kai said (one of the German language mods) , he said there where no plans to award more points which @ZOS_GinaBruno‌ confirmed as being true in the post I quoted .

    if i can locate the post by Kai and the translation I'll link here(alot of posts to go through to find it)
  • Sylvyr
    This may be TL;DR but I gotta try to give an honest and as neutral as possible appraisal from my perspective and I hope that if you take the time to read you will see why this issue is problematic for a long time player like me.

    I agree in that the champion system is a good move and removing vet levels is as well. Overall I think it will add to endgame in a good way over the long term.

    I don't like the idea of possibly not being compensated for v2-v14 and beyond XP.

    Those that are saying hey we don't really know what they are going to do have a good point. As far as I can tell there is no official word one way or the other. Granted they did say keep playing we will track XP beyond 14 for some sort of compensation, the 1.6 patch 30 CP for V1+ give-away may be completely separate from this, right? It could be one of those situations where the right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing... But it does bring up issues NOT knowing either through a follow up or retraction of the V2+ compensation (up to "a cap" of course) statement that was laid down that so many of you have quoted.

    I have a V14, a V1, and several lowbies that mostly serve as inventory mules at the moment.

    What options and incentives do I have given the current environment? Let's see:

    - Should I spend my time on my V14 gaining XP if no compensation will be coming through? If it's not, it sure does take a lot of incentive away from this choice. I could use this toon to farm V14 gear but if gear is going to drop to 50, why bother? Got undaunted maxed on this toon, why bother with dungeons?
    - As an alternative, should I spend time leveling up alts? Well, I'm incentivized to NOT do this because I should wait for the 30 CP in 1.6 to apply to my alts to level easier and faster as well as see how the new skills roll out before picking a race/build direction.
    - Should I spend my time leveling up my V1? If no compensation is coming up, doesn't sound good, further I'd be completing Silver/Gold quests which in any case would seem better to save until after 1.7 in order to get the great quest XP from these zones.

    It seems like I have a couple other options
    - PvP. Work on PVP ranks. Well, between the continuing server performance and lag issues and to a more minor extent queue times, my desire to bang my head against this one has dwindled significantly and awaiting them to fix it.
    - Farm resources/gold. Blah.
    - Spend time recruiting for the guild that I'm in that is losing 40-60 members a week due to inactive/disappearing members (2 week inactivity boot policy). Sounds fun don't it?
    - Roleplay? Not my cup of tea so much, maybe if my drinking increases which it may.
    - Achievements? Maybe, I've never been much of an achievement w**re so not too interested. Maybe if there were alternative prizes other than dyes. Did all the ones that awarded skill points.
    - PTS? Maybe, but my time is somewhat limited and valuable (to me at least) and there is this underlying notion that bothers me of spending that time testing their product for no compensation for that time either as a wage for being a game tester or in-game rewards. Some might say the reward is helping shape the game etc etc, but 1) my time could be much better spent on alternative activities 2) judging from other posts, people that participate in a serious fashion and report bugs and whatnot don't seem to feel like their work is going anywhere. There's nothing more disappointing than putting a lot of time in and not seeing your work bear fruit. So I might hop on PTS for informational purposes only but not likely to go beyond that.

    Between the major issues in PvP and not having a direction to go regarding knowing or not knowing CP implementation in the next couple patches, I'm seriously finding it hard to get excited to log in these days.

    I want to be HOPEFUL as I have been since "beta" and as a long-time TES franchise fan but it's getting harder and harder every week. Not trying to hype it up or exaggerate, or speak for everyone, this is how I see it and maybe others are in the same boat.

    IMHO, ZOS should have been having internal meetings since threads like this popped up after ESO live #8 as a high priority to discuss, strategize, and communicate to us, especially for an issue with any air of loss of progression involved. Maybe they have been and I'm just not seeing it. @ZOS you might be running the show and we agreed to the TOS and how you do your thing is up to y'all. What goes on inside the black box is a big mystery to me and I do realize there are a lot of moving parts I'm sure.

    1) Regardless of TOS, customer satisfaction and retention should be a priority. If it's not obvious, I'll just state just in case ZOS doesn't have anyone employed with a business degree or business/marketing experience (I know, trying to be neutral, but sometimes to me at least it's not so obvious that they do have this) - it's customers that pay and that money provides for wages and the product for which without, there would not be this game. To act in ways that undermine this, for example:
    - Adding confusion (including not clarifying when there is confusion - this also includes lack of information (for example, how the game works))
    - Too much change (either changing too many things either back and forth (wishy-washy) or too much change in too short of a time span to be properly absorbed)
    - Taking away progression that customers have been putting time and effort in (either real or perceived)
    These all pose a RISK of dropping customer satisfaction (I am not going to say it's definite, but it is a likely consequence).

    2) The lack of attention, communication, direction, and especially consideration to your older/long time dedicated player base chips away at the HOPE part of things, for me at least, due to a way of being treated/considered (think of it more as an ethical perspective). People aren't that stupid, they can sense when they are being shorted and if that happens it tends to stick. I know you can't please everyone and in business you generally try to please the most in order to maximize income and right now -maybe- you are trying harder to please the new player base as opposed to the veteran players who have put up with quite a lot and seem to be experiencing trust issues. It almost has this hey disregard the long time opinionated stuck in their ways players let's revamp this game and move on quick and hope for an influx of new player, but I sense this, real or my misperception, and it makes me feel like anything can happen at any time to just upheave caring about the player investment.

    Anyway, take from that what you will.

    Badge: Wall-of-Text GRANDMASTER

    PvP: Patch Vs. Player

    ZoSence (n.):
    1) What is reasonable or comprehensive using ZoS logic. "That makes ZoSense"
    2) Making zero sense. "That makes ZoSense"
  • Morshire
    @Heruthema Here is what I could find so far. While this is not by any means all that has been said, I am still looking.

    Leijona wrote: »
    And we can probably assume that there are no plans to credit the account wide experience earned at a later date on the points champion, correct?

    ZOS_KaiSchober wrote: »
    This is not planned. As initially written, says that has occurred in the design process reducing the maximum possible points champion and increasing their importance to the originally planned generous distribution of start-Champion points for existing players.
    But we want to make sure that players who have already completed most of the content, are not disadvantaged in earnings of other points champion.

    @ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: “Also, when phase 3 of the Champion System goes live with Update 6, all accounts that have at least one Veteran Rank character on them will automatically receive 30 Champion Points. These 30 Champion Points, though applied to your account, are distributed in full to each individual character on your account, just as Champion Points you earn are. So, if you have 5 characters, at least one of which is Veteran Rank 1 or higher, all five of those characters will have 30 CP to spend. You will not be awarded more Champion Points for having five Veteran Characters versus just one. You will also be able to begin earning Champion Points on any Veteran Rank character from that point forward.”


    Still looking for it in its entirety......a lot of posts to comb through.
    Edited by Morshire on January 7, 2015 10:16PM
    Follow me if I advance, Kill me if I retreat, Avenge me if I die.

    When this immediate evil power has been defeated, we shall not yet have won the long battle with the elemental barbarities. Another evil, it may be an invisible adversary, will attempt, again, and yet again, to destroy our frail civilization. Is it true, I wonder, that the only way to escape a war is to be in it?

    If I die, you are forgiven, If I live, I will kill you.
  • Morshire
    Here is from this thread from Dec.:
    Hi guys, just wanted to pop in and put this to rest. What Kai said a few days ago is correct. Just to make sure we're all on the same page, once Update 6 is released and you have at least one Veteran Rank character, all your characters will receive 30 Champion Points - no more, no less. This will only occur at the onset of Update 6; after this is released, you will gain Champion Points one at a time as designed.

    A few months ago, it was said that we were tracking XP. However, this was still early in development and through internal testing and feedback, found that we needed to change our plans (and, honestly, this quite normal through the course of development). We understand that this was, indeed, a major change from what we were originally planning. In an effort to be open with everyone about how things were going and what was planned, it caused a great deal of confusion, and we sincerely apologize for that.

    As it has been said a number of times, we certainly encourage you to hop on the PTS once this is available in January and try out the system. This is also a great chance to plan how you'd like to build your character once it's live!

    Hope you all are enjoying the holidays, and we'll see you in the new year. :)
    Follow me if I advance, Kill me if I retreat, Avenge me if I die.

    When this immediate evil power has been defeated, we shall not yet have won the long battle with the elemental barbarities. Another evil, it may be an invisible adversary, will attempt, again, and yet again, to destroy our frail civilization. Is it true, I wonder, that the only way to escape a war is to be in it?

    If I die, you are forgiven, If I live, I will kill you.
  • DanielMaxwell
    @Heruthema the below quote is from the champion system clarification thread by @xMovingTarget it includes his link to the thread where @ZOS_KaiSchober made his posts.
    Rune_Relic wrote: »
    You will get lots of CS points to make up for the XP you gained as Vet.

    I give up with you lot. Got better things to do then spell out the obvious and what ZOS has said since day 1

    It is not obvious as they did not say that in Gina' post.

    You wont get any CS for tracked XP ever. Not even when they get rid of VR.

    Source: German Thread
    Leijona wrote: »
    Dies steht im Widerspruch zu früher getroffenen Aussagen, dass es mehr Championpunkte geben und dass diese Anzahl bis zu einer gewissen Obergrenze auf der accountweit erspielten Erfahrung basieren würde. Der Plan hat sich in der Zwischenzeit geändert und wir entschuldigen uns für die Verwirrung.

    Und wir können vermutlich auch davon ausgehen, dass nicht geplant ist, die accountweit erspielte Erfahrung zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt auf die Championpunkte anzurechnen, korrekt?
    Das ist nicht geplant. Wie eingangs geschrieben, spricht die im Designprozess eingetretene Reduzierung der maximal möglichen Championpunkte und die Erhöhung ihrer Bedeutung gegen die ursprünglich großzügiger geplante Verteilung von Start-Championpunkten für existierende Spieler.
    Wir wollen aber sicher stellen, dass Spieler, die die meisten Inhalte schon abgeschlossen haben, beim Gewinn von weiteren Championpunkten nicht benachteiligt sind.

    So, all gathered xp is lost! *applause to ZoS once again*

    The quote below , from the same thread , by @EQBallzz includes a rough translation of @ZOS_KaiSchober 's posts

    EQBallzz wrote: »
    Thanks to @xMovingTarget for finding this. Their plans seem fairly clear now. I guess I was right to cancel my subscription. Hopefully, they change course before this goes live. Here is the German convo run through a translator (sorry if it's not a perfect translation..I don't speak German):

    ZOS_KaiSchober wrote: »
    This is in contrast to earlier statements made that there will be more points champion and that this number would be based to a certain upper limit on the account far earned experience. The plan has changed in the meantime and we apologize for the confusion.

    Leijona wrote: »
    And we can probably assume that there are no plans to credit the account wide experience earned at a later date on the points champion , correct?

    ZOS_KaiSchober wrote: »
    This is not planned. As initially written , says that has occurred in the design process reducing the maximum possible points champion and increasing their importance to the originally planned generous distribution of start- Champion points for existing players .
    But we want to make sure that players who have already completed most of the content , are not disadvantaged in earnings of other points champion.

    The above quotes should help to clarify this for you alittle . I can not verify the translation since I do not speak, read , or write German
  • Heruthema
    It's the last line that keeps standing out where Kai said and I quote "But we want to make sure that players who have already completed most of the content , are not disadvantaged in earnings of other points champion."
    So what did he mean by that? I read it as they are still concerned and do want to compensate but have not yet decided how.
  • DanielMaxwell
    Heruthema wrote: »
    It's the last line that keeps standing out where Kai said and I quote "But we want to make sure that players who have already completed most of the content , are not disadvantaged in earnings of other points champion."
    So what did he mean by that? I read it as they are still concerned and do want to compensate but have not yet decided how.

    that is really up to you , you can wait and see what happens or you can draw a conclusion based on the information you currently have and hope for what you consider the best outcome.

    I read it as current plans may change based on feedback from the PTS .
  • Heruthema
    Heruthema wrote: »
    It's the last line that keeps standing out where Kai said and I quote "But we want to make sure that players who have already completed most of the content , are not disadvantaged in earnings of other points champion."
    So what did he mean by that? I read it as they are still concerned and do want to compensate but have not yet decided how.

    that is really up to you , you can wait and see what happens or you can draw a conclusion based on the information you currently have and hope for what you consider the best outcome.

    I read it as current plans may change based on feedback from the PTS .

    That is pretty much how I read it also. That was my whole point that nothing has been written in stone except that when 1.6 rolls out we will get 30CP, subject to change of course. We are not even at PTS 1.6 yet let alone 1.7. I do believe that VR2-14 will be compensated eventually.
  • OrphanHelgen
    I understood that it is easier to gain xp, if you have been away from the game for a while. I also assume that is account wide. But does anyone know how long you have to be away from the game to gain this advantage?
    PC, EU server, Ebonheart Pact

    Finally a reason not to play League of Legends
  • DanielMaxwell
    Heruthema wrote: »
    Heruthema wrote: »
    It's the last line that keeps standing out where Kai said and I quote "But we want to make sure that players who have already completed most of the content , are not disadvantaged in earnings of other points champion."
    So what did he mean by that? I read it as they are still concerned and do want to compensate but have not yet decided how.

    that is really up to you , you can wait and see what happens or you can draw a conclusion based on the information you currently have and hope for what you consider the best outcome.

    I read it as current plans may change based on feedback from the PTS .

    That is pretty much how I read it also. That was my whole point that nothing has been written in stone except that when 1.6 rolls out we will get 30CP, subject to change of course. We are not even at PTS 1.6 yet let alone 1.7. I do believe that VR2-14 will be compensated eventually.

    I do not think they will , but I am also of the opinion that they should not be giving out any points in the champion system based on what players have done prior to the implementation of that system .

    regardless of what ZOS decides to do I will play until 1.6 goes live and then make any decisions based on the live version of that patch.
  • Grao
    Heruthema wrote: »
    Heruthema wrote: »
    It's the last line that keeps standing out where Kai said and I quote "But we want to make sure that players who have already completed most of the content , are not disadvantaged in earnings of other points champion."
    So what did he mean by that? I read it as they are still concerned and do want to compensate but have not yet decided how.

    that is really up to you , you can wait and see what happens or you can draw a conclusion based on the information you currently have and hope for what you consider the best outcome.

    I read it as current plans may change based on feedback from the PTS .

    That is pretty much how I read it also. That was my whole point that nothing has been written in stone except that when 1.6 rolls out we will get 30CP, subject to change of course. We are not even at PTS 1.6 yet let alone 1.7. I do believe that VR2-14 will be compensated eventually.

    The problem is, until ZoS says those with characters at vr1 or above (up to the release of 1.6) will be compensate for their accumulated experience once the veteran ranks are removed what stand is their previous statement; That we will be given 30 Champion Points at the release of 1.6 and nothing more further down the line.

    And that is probably exactly what ZoS intends to do. If they intend to be fair and offer us extra CPs at 1.7 (or whenever they retire the Veteran Ranks) don't you think they'd have cleared that to us already? Why would ZoS be keeping so silent on this posts, only coming around to Moderate, but never to answer? It is because they know the answer they have will only make things worse.

  • Joejudas
    I'm the OP on this and I agree with alot of you guys. I'm just hoping that before 1.7 we get a little extra CP....but as of right now we aren't. Lets all hope it's gets better
  • Grao
    Joejudas wrote: »
    I'm the OP on this and I agree with alot of you guys. I'm just hoping that before 1.7 we get a little extra CP....but as of right now we aren't. Lets all hope it's gets better

    Good to see you are still around @Joejudas!

    And I don't think we should get more CPs right now. I think ZoS should change how this 30 "free" CPs will be distributed, so those that enter Vr1 after the patch drops still get the same advantage, otherwise, while trying to balance out the levels, they will be creating imbalance.

    On 1.7 or whenever the veteran system is retired, then I think those currently (before the release of 1.6) on veteran levels should have their current exp (before 1.6) converted to champion points.
  • Joejudas
    Grao wrote: »
    Joejudas wrote: »
    I'm the OP on this and I agree with alot of you guys. I'm just hoping that before 1.7 we get a little extra CP....but as of right now we aren't. Lets all hope it's gets better

    Good to see you are still around @Joejudas!

    And I don't think we should get more CPs right now. I think ZoS should change how this 30 "free" CPs will be distributed, so those that enter Vr1 after the patch drops still get the same advantage, otherwise, while trying to balance out the levels, they will be creating imbalance.

    On 1.7 or whenever the veteran system is retired, then I think those currently (before the release of 1.6) on veteran levels should have their current exp (before 1.6) converted to champion points.

    That's what I'm hoping
  • Leijona
    Kai told us, that they don't plan to compensate us in any way at a later point. His last sentence only indicates, that they might raise the XP you get for doing things like grinding, PvP, trials or dungeons.

    But what you have allready done will still be lost.

    When I asked that question, my husband told me, that this was allready clear and I said to him, that there will still be players, who will think a compensation might occure at a later point. That's why I asked, so we have an official answer written down.

    They say, they don't compensate us for the "tracked XP" (I believe, they never tracked anything), so the cap between players wouldn't get to big. A compensation at a later point would have the same effect, as a compensation with 1.6. So it would be naive to expect a later compensation.
    Edited by Leijona on January 8, 2015 8:18AM
  • Grao
    Leijona wrote: »
    Kai told us, that they don't plan to compensate us in any way at a later point. His last sentence only indicates, that they might raise the XP you get for doing things like grinding, PvP, trials or dungeons.

    But what you have allready done will still be lost.

    When I asked that question, my husband told me, that this was allready clear and I said to him, that there will still be players, who will think a compensation might occure at a later point. That's why I asked, so we have an official answer written down.

    They say, they don't compensate us for the "tracked XP" (I believe, they never tracked anything), so the cap between players wouldn't get to big. A compensation at a later point would have the same effect, as a compensation with 1.6. So it would be naive to expect a later compensation.

    I really hope you are wrong, I don't want to be forced away from ESO and that is precisely what will happen if ZoS current position stands come 1.7. What is fair is fair, I am not asking for CPs for all the experience gathered after I reached VR14, only the equivalent in CPs to my 14 veteran ranks when those are removed.

    If ZoS is not able to offer me that compensation, as a matter of principle I will have to take my leave. I'd prefer not to.
  • Leijona
    Wrong regarding what part of what I wrote exactly?
  • Grao
    Leijona wrote: »
    Wrong regarding what part of what I wrote exactly?

    That all we already did, all the experience we gathered between Vr1 and Vr14 will be ignored and dismissed even when the Veteran System is retired.
  • Leijona
    Well, as we just had to find out, ZOS is not too reliable on their statements. So the statement, that they don't plan to transfer our XP from V1 to V14 into CP at a later point, might change, sure.

    I wouldn't expect it though, as their reason to not do it with 1.6 won't be gone with 1.7.

    But besides experience you also gained ability and skill points and I think they will not take them away when the veteran ranks will be removed. I mean, that's still not very satisfying, but at least it's something ... kind of ... yaaa, not really ^^
    Edited by Leijona on January 8, 2015 1:19PM
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