What happened to " we will track your exp earned " ????( Gina Bruno answered this 12/28/2014)

  • Grao
    Leijona wrote: »
    Well, as we just had to find out, ZOS is not too reliable on their statements. So the statement, that they don't plan to transfer our XP from V1 to V14 into CP at a later point, might change, sure.

    I wouldn't expect it though, as their reason to not do it with 1.6 won't be gone with 1.7.

    But besides experience you also gained ability and skill points and I think they will not take them away when the veteran ranks will be removed. I mean, that's still not very satisfying, but at least it's something ... kind of ... yaaa, not really ^^

    Abilities are getting changed, so we will be forced to level several from scratch and skill points have nothing to do with progression nor do they increase your character's power, just its flexibility.

    Also, on 1.7 (or whenever the veteran ranks are retired) the problem mentioned by ZoS will be gone. The reason they gave not to offer us all our converted experience on update 1.6 is that doing so would increase the power gap between the different levels too greatly and that is due to two progression systems being in place (which is stupid... They shouldn't release the Champion System and keep the veteran ranks in place, both systems were never meant to work together).

    Once the veteran ranks are gone, then giving us that have played the game for so long shouldn't be a problem, more, it would only be fair. If ZoS can't understand that, then this game is just not worth playing anymore.
  • Leijona
    It might be a matter of opinion, if the gap problem remains or not. Nevertheless, the official statement is, that there are no plans to convert XP from V1 to V14 into CP at a later point.
  • Voodoo
    ZOS is simply counting on what alot of developers count on and that is the short term memory of a gamer!

    It is a little known fact that gamers have a memory of between three weeks to one month. After that period things will simmer down and the gamer will fall into what is known as the "Suckle Period". This is a time when the gamer still holds a sense of resentment towards the game and often doesnt understand why but finds that he/she is really enjoying getting back into playing again.

    The Suckle Period passes rather quickly, lasting usually no more than a week or so, and then it is business as usual with the gamer back to enjoying the game until the next large crisis between the gamer and the games developers arise. The cycle repeats infinitum.

  • Leijona
    Does this mean, we are allready in that "Suckle Period"? Because I don't feel like playing as much as before December again yet. Either my memory is longer or my "Suckle Period" takes longer ...
  • Morshire
    @Voodoo - I don't know whether to roll on the floor laughing, or get my pitchfork out and scream at the insult. They way you put it makes me want to leave now so that I do not fall into that example. :s

    @Liejona - You are correct about the statement. Gino answered, in this post I believe, that Kia was correct and we would get no more, no less than 30CP. BUT...

    ZOS said they would listen to the players, hence all the posts on this topic. They said they would not leave players at a disadvantage from gaining CP. They have come back and made corrections/changes based on testing. (This whole topic stems from one of those statements) People who truly like this game and want to see it succeed are holding out hope that this can, and will, get corrected somehow. Anyone who enjoys this game doesn't want to see a mass exodus, nor do they want to rage quit over being "mislead". But if we take what was said so far, and just accept it for what it is, then we have to either quit and find a new game, or we have to do the whole "Suckling" thing mentioned above.

    And if we have to believe there is no hope to change coarse, then everyone be wary. ZOS is setting precedence by "making the game equal." Next time a wave of new players come in and scream about the gap of "newbies" and "vet" players, it may be your levels or gear that gets reset without compensation. Think not, they are about to either prove, or disprove, that very soon. So just stay toned and the future will be revealed.

    Personally, if I have to "suckle" anything, well let's just say it will be at home with my wife and I won't be posting it here. >:)
    Follow me if I advance, Kill me if I retreat, Avenge me if I die.

    When this immediate evil power has been defeated, we shall not yet have won the long battle with the elemental barbarities. Another evil, it may be an invisible adversary, will attempt, again, and yet again, to destroy our frail civilization. Is it true, I wonder, that the only way to escape a war is to be in it?

    If I die, you are forgiven, If I live, I will kill you.
  • Joejudas
    It's not just skill points....it's the fact a vr1 still has all the content to do a vr14 cant....content we thought we were going to get exp for that we aren't going to get now. It's putting vr14 people at a disadvantage going down the road....which is why a bunch might just leave the game
  • Grao
    Voodoo wrote: »
    ZOS is simply counting on what alot of developers count on and that is the short term memory of a gamer!

    It is a little known fact that gamers have a memory of between three weeks to one month. After that period things will simmer down and the gamer will fall into what is known as the "Suckle Period". This is a time when the gamer still holds a sense of resentment towards the game and often doesnt understand why but finds that he/she is really enjoying getting back into playing again.

    The Suckle Period passes rather quickly, lasting usually no more than a week or so, and then it is business as usual with the gamer back to enjoying the game until the next large crisis between the gamer and the games developers arise. The cycle repeats infinitum.

    I really wish I was like that. I really like ESO, but I did cancel my subscription once when problems I couldn't deal with were taking months to be fixed. I will have to do it again now, it seems.

    And yes, I only came back once the problems I had with the game were patched or were about to be patched (Update 1.5)
  • Morshire
    @Joejudas - I agree with you for all the same reasons. I am just trying to point out how this can effect the long term of the game. I am not trying to belittle the comments from this thread or the others like it. Personally my VR5 has taken me, "casually" playing, far too much effort to have some brand spanking new VR1 that might only be 2 secs old at launch of 1.6 to be equal in CP points. And making all the effort spent for any VR level to be equal is also wrong. And having non repeatable quests and their CP gain taken from those that have completed them is wrong and puts the disadvantage on those same players who have already put in a ton of time. In being "fair" and "equalizing" the game is a dangerous precedence being set. The game will never be "fair" in the sense that some players have infinite time to game (some even do it as a living) versus the 9-5 person who only gets X hours a week to play. And if this game is going to continue with this trend, then people are going to be able to constantly expect to have their progress removed for the sake of "balancing" the game every time ZOS introduces something new.

    Sorry, edited so I didn't sound like a bigger moron.
    Edited by Morshire on January 8, 2015 2:32PM
    Follow me if I advance, Kill me if I retreat, Avenge me if I die.

    When this immediate evil power has been defeated, we shall not yet have won the long battle with the elemental barbarities. Another evil, it may be an invisible adversary, will attempt, again, and yet again, to destroy our frail civilization. Is it true, I wonder, that the only way to escape a war is to be in it?

    If I die, you are forgiven, If I live, I will kill you.
  • Cuyler
    Morshire wrote: »
    So just stay toned and the future will be revealed.

    Yup, just make sure you're ripped and in peak physical condition. :trollface:

    sp: tuned
    Guild: STACK n BURN (gm) PC - NA
    CP 810 18 Maxed Characters:
    "How hard can u guar?" - Rafishul[/spoiler]
  • Joejudas
    Morshire wrote: »
    @Joejudas - I agree with you for all the same reasons. I am just trying to point out how this can effect the long term of the game. I am not trying to belittle the comments from this thread or the others like it. Personally my VR5 has taken me, "casually" playing, far too much effort to have some brand spanking new VR1 that might only be 2 secs old at launch of 1.6 to be equal in CP points. And making all the effort spent for any VR level to be equal is also wrong. And having non repeatable quests and their CP gain taken from those that have completed them is wrong and puts the disadvantage on those same players who have already put in a ton of time. In being "fair" and "equalizing" the game is a dangerous precedence being set. The game will never be "fair" in the sense that some players have infinite time to game (some even do it as a living) versus the 9-5 person who only gets X hours a week to play. And if this game is going to continue with this trend, then people are going to be able to constantly expect to have their progress removed for the sake of "balancing" the game every time ZOS introduces something new.

    Sorry, edited so I didn't sound like a bigger moron.

    Let me just point out no one is a moron for expressing their opinion on anything. I think the enlightenment system is a good way to balance exp gain for more casual players. Also as a more hardcore player who is an officer in a large guild.....I take the time to let the more casual player in on my knowledge of the game they might not have yet. That's important.
  • Grao
    Joejudas wrote: »
    Morshire wrote: »
    @Joejudas - I agree with you for all the same reasons. I am just trying to point out how this can effect the long term of the game. I am not trying to belittle the comments from this thread or the others like it. Personally my VR5 has taken me, "casually" playing, far too much effort to have some brand spanking new VR1 that might only be 2 secs old at launch of 1.6 to be equal in CP points. And making all the effort spent for any VR level to be equal is also wrong. And having non repeatable quests and their CP gain taken from those that have completed them is wrong and puts the disadvantage on those same players who have already put in a ton of time. In being "fair" and "equalizing" the game is a dangerous precedence being set. The game will never be "fair" in the sense that some players have infinite time to game (some even do it as a living) versus the 9-5 person who only gets X hours a week to play. And if this game is going to continue with this trend, then people are going to be able to constantly expect to have their progress removed for the sake of "balancing" the game every time ZOS introduces something new.

    Sorry, edited so I didn't sound like a bigger moron.

    Let me just point out no one is a moron for expressing their opinion on anything. I think the enlightenment system is a good way to balance exp gain for more casual players. Also as a more hardcore player who is an officer in a large guild.....I take the time to let the more casual player in on my knowledge of the game they might not have yet. That's important.

    Agreed. The Enlightenment System seems very good for the casual player and though it may not fully compensate the difference between a hardcore gamer and a casual, it is surely a step on the right direction. That is good for the health of the game, that is balance.

    Those 30 "free" champion points, that just doesn't make sense, specially when it is only given to those currently at Vr1 or above, not to every new player as they reach Vr1. So a exception to the Champion System that was insert to prevent imbalance actually causes more imbalance between those already playing and those just starting on the game. It is foolish Zenimax.
  • Guppet
    Joejudas wrote: »
    It's not just skill points....it's the fact a vr1 still has all the content to do a vr14 cant....content we thought we were going to get exp for that we aren't going to get now. It's putting vr14 people at a disadvantage going down the road....which is why a bunch might just leave the game

    You are only at a disadvantage if they don't balance xp correctly. I believe this is what Kai was referring to saying you would not be at a disadvantage.

    So long as repeatable content awards the same xp as the current VR quests, you are no worse off, for attaining new CP.

    Just because people who have not yet done all the quests in the VR1-10 zones, will be able to do them after the patch to get XP, that does not put you at a disadvantage, as the fact you have already done them, means you were going to have to do repeatable content anyway.

    And anyone that particularly hates the idea of doing repeatable content, that has already done all the quests, would still have no quests to do even if they had awarded the points for it.

    Unfortunately, most people are just treating them balancing it incorrectly as fact, before we even know it.
  • Morshire
    @Joejudas - I have been on both sides of that coin (back surgery gave me almost 2 years of 24/7 gaming. "Hardcore" gamers, as a general rule, help make the gaming experience better for a lot of casuals. Which is why I am commenting on this so much. Those "hardcore" gamers are the one getting the shaft here, and leaving, so everyone's gaming experience will feel that loss.

    @Guppet - correct, but fact is what becomes the unknown here, because they have said "no more, no less". So is that the fact or is something else. (Hence the threads). Simple "balanced" fix VR1= 3CP, VR14 =30CP. (2CP per VR level up to VR14) And 5CP for all who have a VR1 at launch would have basically achieved the same "balancing" without snubbing so many noses. Then people would be crying about the amount of CP, but personally I would not even have a comment.
    Follow me if I advance, Kill me if I retreat, Avenge me if I die.

    When this immediate evil power has been defeated, we shall not yet have won the long battle with the elemental barbarities. Another evil, it may be an invisible adversary, will attempt, again, and yet again, to destroy our frail civilization. Is it true, I wonder, that the only way to escape a war is to be in it?

    If I die, you are forgiven, If I live, I will kill you.
  • Kraven
    Plenty have already left.

    Even more are on the fence and about to leave.

    Even more pay no attention to the forums or upcoming news about the game and will be blind sided when vet levels are removed and they get shafted, then there will be even more leaving.

    Some PvPers have left due to lag, imbalance, or lack of new pvp content.

    F2P rumors abound.

    Some console hopefuls have given up hope.

    With no comments to confirm or deny people's concerns since before Christmas. There is no sense at all that ZO even gives a damn. If they don't care about their player's concerns, worries or issues then some players will stop being concerned about the game at all.

    I love ESO. Doesn't mean ZO can't drive it into the ground by making bad business decisions. Good design choices can only overcome so many bad policy choices.

    The "Wait and see" approach isn't too great if you're waiting for people to leave and then trying to win them back after you've disappointed and run them off in the first place.

    to be continued... Nevermind, no longer "to be continued"
  • Guppet
    The single biggest problem, is that they have delayed removing VR levels till 1.7 or later. It makes no sense to have both systems at the same time. It cant be about testing it sooner either as some have VR levels and others don't, so its not balanced anyway.

    Saying it will be removed later is like saying go and have fun playing, but when you come back im gonna smack you in the face.

    I think this whole thing would be less painful if they went the whole hog and removed VR completely when they bring in CP.
  • Kraven
    Guppet wrote: »
    The single biggest problem, is that they have delayed removing VR levels till 1.7 or later. It makes no sense to have both systems at the same time. It cant be about testing it sooner either as some have VR levels and others don't, so its not balanced anyway.

    Saying it will be removed later is like saying go and have fun playing, but when you come back im gonna smack you in the face.

    I think this whole thing would be less painful if they went the whole hog and removed VR completely when they bring in CP.

    This is a terrible idea and would cause even more people to quit.

    As it stands when 1.6 hits live and champion system becomes available I'm going to have V14 content to play on my V14 character earning V14 experience toward champion points. Which is why while I far from agree with CP30 it's not going to make me quit. I have the time between 1.6 and the vet removal to earn more CP than a brand new V1 can.

    If they removed Vet ranks at the exact same time then it's an even bigger slap in the face. IF they compensated for vet ranks then it might have been a lot better to do it all in one fell swoop BUT with the blanket CP30 decision those of us at V14 HAVE to have that time period to earn more cp than your fresh V1.
    Edited by Kraven on January 8, 2015 6:07PM

    to be continued... Nevermind, no longer "to be continued"
  • Guppet
    Kraven wrote: »
    Guppet wrote: »
    The single biggest problem, is that they have delayed removing VR levels till 1.7 or later. It makes no sense to have both systems at the same time. It cant be about testing it sooner either as some have VR levels and others don't, so its not balanced anyway.

    Saying it will be removed later is like saying go and have fun playing, but when you come back im gonna smack you in the face.

    I think this whole thing would be less painful if they went the whole hog and removed VR completely when they bring in CP.

    This is a terrible idea and would cause even more people to quit.

    As it stands when 1.6 hits live and champion system becomes available I'm going to have V14 content to play on my V14 character earning V14 experience toward champion points. Which is why while I far from agree with CP30 it's not going to make me quit. I have the time between 1.6 and the vet removal to earn more CP than a brand new V1 can.

    If they removed Vet ranks at the exact same time then it's an even bigger slap in the face. IF they compensated for vet ranks then it might have been a lot better to do it all in one fell swoop BUT with the blanket CP30 decision those of us at V14 HAVE to have that time period to earn more cp than your fresh V1.

    The whole reason everyone gets 30cp is so its balanced and they can see how it works, only that's not true when there are still Vet levels as people are at different power levels.

    If ZOS goes through with giving everyone 30cp in the name of balance, then they better actually deliver that balance.

    Doing it over two patches stops it ever being balanced, so they can never get any metrics of how things work, in a balanced environment. Which means they will have created all this drama for no real reason.
  • Robocles
    Guppet wrote: »
    Joejudas wrote: »
    It's not just skill points....it's the fact a vr1 still has all the content to do a vr14 cant....content we thought we were going to get exp for that we aren't going to get now. It's putting vr14 people at a disadvantage going down the road....which is why a bunch might just leave the game

    You are only at a disadvantage if they don't balance xp correctly. I believe this is what Kai was referring to saying you would not be at a disadvantage.

    So long as repeatable content awards the same xp as the current VR quests, you are no worse off, for attaining new CP.

    Just because people who have not yet done all the quests in the VR1-10 zones, will be able to do them after the patch to get XP, that does not put you at a disadvantage, as the fact you have already done them, means you were going to have to do repeatable content anyway.

    And anyone that particularly hates the idea of doing repeatable content, that has already done all the quests, would still have no quests to do even if they had awarded the points for it.

    Unfortunately, most people are just treating them balancing it incorrectly as fact, before we even know it.

    Except they won't have the points anyone else who's done that content would have. So, either the points mean so little that we shouldn't care... or we will have to find other ways to get them so we can have the same playing field for that exact same repeatable content.
  • Robocles
    Guppet wrote: »
    Kraven wrote: »
    Guppet wrote: »
    The single biggest problem, is that they have delayed removing VR levels till 1.7 or later. It makes no sense to have both systems at the same time. It cant be about testing it sooner either as some have VR levels and others don't, so its not balanced anyway.

    Saying it will be removed later is like saying go and have fun playing, but when you come back im gonna smack you in the face.

    I think this whole thing would be less painful if they went the whole hog and removed VR completely when they bring in CP.

    This is a terrible idea and would cause even more people to quit.

    As it stands when 1.6 hits live and champion system becomes available I'm going to have V14 content to play on my V14 character earning V14 experience toward champion points. Which is why while I far from agree with CP30 it's not going to make me quit. I have the time between 1.6 and the vet removal to earn more CP than a brand new V1 can.

    If they removed Vet ranks at the exact same time then it's an even bigger slap in the face. IF they compensated for vet ranks then it might have been a lot better to do it all in one fell swoop BUT with the blanket CP30 decision those of us at V14 HAVE to have that time period to earn more cp than your fresh V1.

    The whole reason everyone gets 30cp is so its balanced and they can see how it works, only that's not true when there are still Vet levels as people are at different power levels.

    If ZOS goes through with giving everyone 30cp in the name of balance, then they better actually deliver that balance.

    Doing it over two patches stops it ever being balanced, so they can never get any metrics of how things work, in a balanced environment. Which means they will have created all this drama for no real reason.

    I agree.

    But, then again, we have been paying them for nearly a year to write a whole new core game. The only thing that remains is the quest content.
  • Robocles
    Kraven wrote: »
    Guppet wrote: »
    The single biggest problem, is that they have delayed removing VR levels till 1.7 or later. It makes no sense to have both systems at the same time. It cant be about testing it sooner either as some have VR levels and others don't, so its not balanced anyway.

    Saying it will be removed later is like saying go and have fun playing, but when you come back im gonna smack you in the face.

    I think this whole thing would be less painful if they went the whole hog and removed VR completely when they bring in CP.

    This is a terrible idea and would cause even more people to quit.

    As it stands when 1.6 hits live and champion system becomes available I'm going to have V14 content to play on my V14 character earning V14 experience toward champion points. Which is why while I far from agree with CP30 it's not going to make me quit. I have the time between 1.6 and the vet removal to earn more CP than a brand new V1 can.

    If they removed Vet ranks at the exact same time then it's an even bigger slap in the face. IF they compensated for vet ranks then it might have been a lot better to do it all in one fell swoop BUT with the blanket CP30 decision those of us at V14 HAVE to have that time period to earn more cp than your fresh V1.

    You will have level 50 content. Just like the VR1 people who got the same points as you.

    Edit: Meaning all XP has been normalized already. I agree with your assertions for the most part.
    Edited by Robocles on January 8, 2015 6:49PM
  • Guppet
    Robocles wrote: »
    Guppet wrote: »
    Joejudas wrote: »
    It's not just skill points....it's the fact a vr1 still has all the content to do a vr14 cant....content we thought we were going to get exp for that we aren't going to get now. It's putting vr14 people at a disadvantage going down the road....which is why a bunch might just leave the game

    You are only at a disadvantage if they don't balance xp correctly. I believe this is what Kai was referring to saying you would not be at a disadvantage.

    So long as repeatable content awards the same xp as the current VR quests, you are no worse off, for attaining new CP.

    Just because people who have not yet done all the quests in the VR1-10 zones, will be able to do them after the patch to get XP, that does not put you at a disadvantage, as the fact you have already done them, means you were going to have to do repeatable content anyway.

    And anyone that particularly hates the idea of doing repeatable content, that has already done all the quests, would still have no quests to do even if they had awarded the points for it.

    Unfortunately, most people are just treating them balancing it incorrectly as fact, before we even know it.

    Except they won't have the points anyone else who's done that content would have. So, either the points mean so little that we shouldn't care... or we will have to find other ways to get them so we can have the same playing field for that exact same repeatable content.

    While the other people have being doing those quests, you have already started doing the repeatable content. It's repeatsble, your not limited to being only able to play it a certain amount. Repeatable, look it up today.
  • Enodoc
    Kraven wrote: »
    [...] those of us at V14 HAVE to have that time period to earn more cp than your fresh V1.
    I'm just wondering how you are planning on doing that, since the reward you get for all content at Veteran is the same regardless of what VR you actually are at (except mob XP, which VR14s get less of for lower ranked mobs).
    UESP: The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages - A collaborative source for all knowledge on the Elder Scrolls series since 1995
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  • Kraven
    Guppet wrote: »
    Kraven wrote: »
    Guppet wrote: »
    The single biggest problem, is that they have delayed removing VR levels till 1.7 or later. It makes no sense to have both systems at the same time. It cant be about testing it sooner either as some have VR levels and others don't, so its not balanced anyway.

    Saying it will be removed later is like saying go and have fun playing, but when you come back im gonna smack you in the face.

    I think this whole thing would be less painful if they went the whole hog and removed VR completely when they bring in CP.

    This is a terrible idea and would cause even more people to quit.

    As it stands when 1.6 hits live and champion system becomes available I'm going to have V14 content to play on my V14 character earning V14 experience toward champion points. Which is why while I far from agree with CP30 it's not going to make me quit. I have the time between 1.6 and the vet removal to earn more CP than a brand new V1 can.

    If they removed Vet ranks at the exact same time then it's an even bigger slap in the face. IF they compensated for vet ranks then it might have been a lot better to do it all in one fell swoop BUT with the blanket CP30 decision those of us at V14 HAVE to have that time period to earn more cp than your fresh V1.

    The whole reason everyone gets 30cp is so its balanced and they can see how it works, only that's not true when there are still Vet levels as people are at different power levels.

    If ZOS goes through with giving everyone 30cp in the name of balance, then they better actually deliver that balance.

    Doing it over two patches stops it ever being balanced, so they can never get any metrics of how things work, in a balanced environment. Which means they will have created all this drama for no real reason.

    Which reverts back to the fact that many V14 have already completed so much content that they can never do again. The entire point of champion system is to remove the gap, fine but if me having 140 cp and you having just 30 means that there is a gap then the system has failed in its primary function already.

    Introducing CP before removing Vet means that when Vet is finally removed I'm not exactly the same as that person who hit V1 the day before 1.6 hits. IF you completely and totally just erase absolutely everything I've already done and say "Here, now you're level 50 but we removed this content so you can't do it." without giving us that time to earn more cp than you've lost even more players.

    Had they came out and said everyone is getting reverted to level 50 you will be rewarded 5cp per vet level up to a max of 70, then yes I think doing it all in one go would be better.

    Gaps exist, they will always exist. Trying to remove those gaps between players who play 30hours a week versus those that play 2 hours a week is what leads to the downfall of many games. It's why you can buy max level characters in other games, and why you can earn "raid" gear for free, which in turn is why there is no reason to earn it and if there is no reason to earn progression then there is no reason to play. I get that casuals are generally the most vocal. I get that every game has to have casuals to pay the bills. However, casuals have to have something to work toward. A reason to improve. A goal to reach and that is where the gap comes in. If I have the best of the best gear and can match the best of the best heals/tank/dps and I only play 2 hours a week then why would anyone play more than that?

    Balance and equality between super casuals and hardcore is a pipe dream that does not belong in mmos. Separation exists, separation is needed. No game that I am aware of is successful thanks to casuals alone.

    to be continued... Nevermind, no longer "to be continued"
  • Robocles
    Guppet wrote: »
    Robocles wrote: »
    Guppet wrote: »
    Joejudas wrote: »
    It's not just skill points....it's the fact a vr1 still has all the content to do a vr14 cant....content we thought we were going to get exp for that we aren't going to get now. It's putting vr14 people at a disadvantage going down the road....which is why a bunch might just leave the game

    You are only at a disadvantage if they don't balance xp correctly. I believe this is what Kai was referring to saying you would not be at a disadvantage.

    So long as repeatable content awards the same xp as the current VR quests, you are no worse off, for attaining new CP.

    Just because people who have not yet done all the quests in the VR1-10 zones, will be able to do them after the patch to get XP, that does not put you at a disadvantage, as the fact you have already done them, means you were going to have to do repeatable content anyway.

    And anyone that particularly hates the idea of doing repeatable content, that has already done all the quests, would still have no quests to do even if they had awarded the points for it.

    Unfortunately, most people are just treating them balancing it incorrectly as fact, before we even know it.

    Except they won't have the points anyone else who's done that content would have. So, either the points mean so little that we shouldn't care... or we will have to find other ways to get them so we can have the same playing field for that exact same repeatable content.

    While the other people have being doing those quests, you have already started doing the repeatable content. It's repeatsble, your not limited to being only able to play it a certain amount. Repeatable, look it up today.

    The amount of repeatable content in this game is laughable.
  • smacx250
    You can repeat everything in the game on alts, and get CP for the "vet" content each time. If you want to repeat it or not is really up to you (I'm not too keen on it myself).
  • Kraven
    Enodoc wrote: »
    Kraven wrote: »
    [...] those of us at V14 HAVE to have that time period to earn more cp than your fresh V1.
    I'm just wondering how you are planning on doing that, since the reward you get for all content at Veteran is the same regardless of what VR you actually are at (except mob XP, which VR14s get less of for lower ranked mobs).

    1 stage of DSA is a substantial bit of XP. Why kill lower ranked mobs anyway? Sure if I run out to Coldharbor on my V14 I may get less xp than a V1 so what? At V14 I can duo in crag delves for very good xp, a V1 can only group with someone who is V5 max and still get xp. If they're good maybe they can duo it, but that's not common.

    So I'm clearing Trials, DSA, CoA and vet dungeons scaled up at a considerably quicker pace than a V1. Specially since most fresh V1 are unable to even complete vet dungeons without being carried. I'm doing all endgame content while a V1 does the quests that I've already completed or grinds. Grinding is an option for everyone though, the group content isn't.

    to be continued... Nevermind, no longer "to be continued"
  • Robocles
    smacx250 wrote: »
    You can repeat everything in the game on alts, and get CP for the "vet" content each time. If you want to repeat it or not is really up to you (I'm not too keen on it myself).

    Repeating content by leveling an alt is not "repeatable" content.

    Nice try.
  • smacx250
    Robocles wrote: »
    smacx250 wrote: »
    You can repeat everything in the game on alts, and get CP for the "vet" content each time. If you want to repeat it or not is really up to you (I'm not too keen on it myself).

    Repeating content by leveling an alt is not "repeatable" content.

    Nice try.
    I never said it was "repeatable content" (which would imply "repeatable" by a character). But a given account can repeat the content on alts and still gain CP for the main (and alts). In some ways it is better than if it was "repeatable content", since it would be extra boring on a main as most of that content isn't scaleable. However, you do need to get to lvl 50, which won't give CP (but should give a boost to CP earn rate once you get there).
  • Kraven
    smacx250 wrote: »
    Robocles wrote: »
    smacx250 wrote: »
    You can repeat everything in the game on alts, and get CP for the "vet" content each time. If you want to repeat it or not is really up to you (I'm not too keen on it myself).

    Repeating content by leveling an alt is not "repeatable" content.

    Nice try.
    I never said it was "repeatable content" (which would imply "repeatable" by a character). But a given account can repeat the content on alts and still gain CP for the main (and alts). In some ways it is better than if it was "repeatable content", since it would be extra boring on a main as most of that content isn't scaleable. However, you do need to get to lvl 50, which won't give CP (but should give a boost to CP earn rate once you get there).

    Extra boring? Like doing Silver and Gold over and over again on different characters isn't the epitome of boring? First and second wasn't too bad, 3+ will literally put you to sleep while doing it.

    to be continued... Nevermind, no longer "to be continued"
  • Heruthema
    Kraven wrote: »
    So I'm clearing Trials, DSA, CoA and vet dungeons scaled up at a considerably quicker pace than a V1. S
    Help me out I am still trying to pick up all the MMO jargon. What is DSA and CoA?
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