ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Thanks so much for your feedback - we passed this along so each item can be investigated.
This feedback is an outlier, please ignore it. Epic recipes and their ingredients are far too rare.
Oats and Tomatoes are just fine as rare. I have 135 tomatoes and 122 oats sitting in my bank. I have no other chars then my main. We as a guild, saves these until we have enough skill, interest to numbers to take on the Vet5+ big encounters. We use the food buff there.
The blue food buffs are MORE then enough to help in defeating harder encounters.
Please do not make "rare" food buffs into the normal, which makes green and blue food buffs pointless.
Please listen to this feedback as well.
arnaldomoraleseb17_ESO wrote: »
And you are wrong about sun shield is as powerful as barrier.... Sun shield is much better because you can use it many times and do a lot of damage.
Exactly, this make even worse stamina builds in PvP. I am one of the noobs that use melee weapons in PvP, because I wanna play my style, not the most OP build at the moment.
And you are wrong about sun shield is as powerful as barrier.... Sun shield is much better because you can use it many times and do a lot of damage.
I think you have this upside down, mate. Sun shield is almost strongest on a stamina build because it will only have to use its magicka on sun shield and heals.
Sun shield is extremely situational and the good players out there know to back away from it, just like almost everybody have now learned to avoid talons and standard.
The upcoming change to sun shield is very good and one I have regularly advocated for about a year now. People had the same concern when they removed the "no magicka regen" on shadowy disguise (which I also advocated, btw) and it worked out wonders for nightblades.
Now templars will be able to tank better and we will have another improved method of zerg-busting which will be beneficial for the game where more and more people learn to "turtle up".
Nope, like all things magical in this game. Sun shield is far more powerful on a light armor restro user than a stamina build. Restro staff insures that they always have mana to cast it, and the second you stop attacking to avoid it blowing up they'll do restro heavy attack and gain even more mana back. If. You think you'll just keep distance well nope on that to cause they'll charge you and the second you are out of stamina from breaking cc or dodging rolling away from blazing shield is the second you die from piecing jabs spam. It also won't result in Zerg busting, you can do that far better with fragmented shield on dk, what it will do is make Templars untouchable in small man pvp
Maverick827 wrote: »This feedback is an outlier, please ignore it. Epic recipes and their ingredients are far too rare.
Nerfing storm atronach is silly.
You may as well remove it from the game entirely if it doesnt taunt anymore.
If you think it is over performing, reduce it's health, damage, duration or whatever you want but leave the taunt.
sungodapollo976_ESO wrote: »
Find a new guild lol
What's the point in letting you design heraldry but not be able to use it? Honestly the whole idea that you need to have a minimum amount of people for a bank or a store is asinine to begin with since you share those guilds with all of your alts whether you want to or not. Please ZOS rethink your guild requirements.
How about no? Some of us don't want or need 50 members, but we want to display heraldry.
The only thing I am hoping for is that their wording means that it won't keep on taunting the same enemy that is already under the effects of a taunt. Otherwise the ability is now pretty useless and will severely hinder the Sorcorer's ability to solo. Greater Atronach was the Standard of Might or the Veil of Blades for Sorcorers.Nerfing storm atronach is silly.
You may as well remove it from the game entirely if it doesnt taunt anymore.
If you think it is over performing, reduce it's health, damage, duration or whatever you want but leave the taunt.
Sun Shield: This ability no longer stops your magicka regeneration.
Trayyacakes wrote: »
This maybe the case in pve, but no where near close to this in pvp. Dual wield Night Blades can gank well enough as long as the get the jump on you on a horse, but that is about it. The main reason they can do that is that TTK is pretty fast in this game. Magicka builds are still king in Cyrodiil with all the dodging and cc breaking required. Are there exceptional players who go into pvp with heavy or medium armor and perform well? Absolutely as I'm sure there are some doing so in trials as well, but I would guarantee you that both groups of exceptional players who made stam builds work would do way better with a magicka build in light armor. Could you please tell me where I could find information on 2h builds that are competing with light armor stick builds? I'm not being a *** I really am curious as 2h HA is how I want to play. I'm willing to compromise and go medium as much as I would hate to.
@ZOS_GinaBruno or @ZOS_JessicaFolsom
A few questions for ZOS
1. Stam builds in general
How do the devs envision stam builds working? Harder hitting light and heavy attacks with weapon and class skills being used to supplement/buff/cc? Or should a stamina builds weapon abilities be on par with class and destro abilities of a magicka build?
2. Heavy armor
Heavy armor was mentioned in one of these letters. What happened there? Again is it in the devs model for Heavy armor to be strictly a tanking armor, or will dps in heavy be possible? If it is meant just for tanking than what will be done to make it a better option for tanking for light because right now the spell reduction and spell resist on light is too good to pass up. Light armor tanks better does more dps while tanking, and way more dps while being a damage dealer. If light armor wearers can slot a defensive ability or 2 to be able to tank as well/better than a heavy armor wearer than why can't I dps effectively in Heavy?
There is no resource regen on heavy worth mentioning. Health regen is a joke of a stat. It is worthless.
Most damage in this game is spell damage so it doesn't offer better survivability.
Juggernaut is terrible.
Bracing isn't that great either.
2 handed heavy armor damage dealers are not a crazy off the wall build. It is an archetype of fantasy mmos.
Heavy Armored Templar healers(Paladins) aren't off the wall either. I need to know efforts are being made to make these types of builds viable, that something is being done.
I love the game. I want it to succeed, but I need answers. Please?
*Sigh* One campaign left which lasts more than just 7 days? Eerrrr...(loss for words). Where are you heading to?ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »DEUTSCHE PTS PATCHNOTIZEN v1.3.0
[*] Bow of Shadows: 5 day Veteran Rank only Campaign
[*] Blackwater Blade: 5 day Non-Veteran only Campaign
[*] Haderus: 7 day standard Campaign that anyone can join
[*] Chillrend: 7 day standard Campaign that anyone can join
[*] Thornblade: 30 day standard Campaign that anyone can join
Sssshhh... that was easily the best part of these patch notes!xsorusb14_ESO wrote: »Aedric Spear
Sun Shield: This ability no longer stops your magicka regeneration.
I'd rethink this change, Blazing Shield is already incredibly powerful, this would push it into overpowered territory.
Bleh. Here's to hoping they add a way to simply buy dyes for those of us who think achievements are just a load of manure.
The taunt was removed entirely from the Storm Atronach. We found that he was preventing allies from holding threat on key targets. Furthermore, the Storm Atronach was never intended to be a high health tanking monster; he's a high damage monster, and will still do high damage against your target.Maverick827 wrote: »The only thing I am hoping for is that their wording means that it won't keep on taunting the same enemy that is already under the effects of a taunt. Otherwise the ability is now pretty useless and will severely hinder the Sorcorer's ability to solo. Greater Atronach was the Standard of Might or the Veil of Blades for Sorcorers.
@ZOS_GinaBruno can we please get a confirmation of this exact change? And if it is indeed a nerf, can we please know why?
You'll still be able to access your guild store to purchase tabards if you don't have 50 members, you just aren't able to post items for sale.@ZOS_GinaBruno Do you have the ability to comment on guild store requirements just to access the tabards you make?
We listen to all feedback.Maverick827 wrote: »This feedback is an outlier, please ignore it. Epic recipes and their ingredients are far too rare.
That build is Wrecking blow spamming with heavy attack cancel. If you want to know more about that build I can share it with you if you are an NB.
When it comes to bow build, I have seen a DK in my guild using lethal arrow spam with 3 jewelery set pieces that increases posion attacks by 20%. I don`t know what is the name of that set exactly but it was lvl 10-20 set.
As you mentioned they are really exceptional players, and they have DPS really close to 1k(in Trials).
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »We listen to all feedback.That said, we are working on revamping the Provisioning system a bit. We plan to post what our vision is for the revamp very soon, and would love to get everyone's feedback on it.