I agree, this nerfs to the thing to almost uselessness for no apparent reason at all. What QQ did I miss about this?
WHY??? The one reliable and useful summon we have... And you nerf it.
Of all the OP abilities Sorcs have... this was the least of them. And you nerf it... WTF?
The thing sought after here is dps that is measurable to destro/restro light armor builds. Other play styles are HALF the damage this particular set up puts out. To make things worse, Trial runs are 'near' demanding this ONE play style. If other weapon/armor set ups are not viable for Trials and competing soon, more and more people will develop disdain for the destro/light armor builds. I understand a drastic change could make a major unintended impact, but I am not seeing ANY dps changes for stamina builds to make...say a Dual Wield Medium Armor set up....viable in Trials. Definitely needs more immediate attention, imo.
No fix for bosses in Cyrodiil public dungeons often taking 2-5+ hours to respawn, or never spawning at all?
This makes completing achievements there an enormous hassle
You had me at:
Aedric Spear
Sun Shield: This ability no longer stops your magicka regeneration.
Templars are back in the game!
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »[*] Sun Shield: This ability no longer stops your magicka regeneration.[/list]
arnaldomoraleseb17_ESO wrote: »
OMG what have you done!!!!!!! Now templars will be unbeatable in melee range!!!
The Sun Shield is as powerful as the support ultimate skill Barrier if you have a max HP of 4500 but only last 6 sec while the barrier last 30 sec. Sun Shield is of course less powerful the less max HP you have as the shield value is 30% of your max HP
So that part is ok I think...
And the melee AOE damage thing is exactly like the mage ability that does melee damage to every one that hits them in melee.
Besides what n00b use melee weapons PvP? As the game is designed now Destruction staff and Restoration staff is a million times better then any other weapon combo. So until they change that I don't see any problems with allowing templars regen magica while using the Sun Shield.
PS: This will make Templars more viable as PvE tanks though.
When we can have the full version of the patch notes? Definitely we need more information about the soft cap changes and the new set changes.
xsorusb14_ESO wrote: »Aedric Spear
Sun Shield: This ability no longer stops your magicka regeneration.
I'd rethink this change, Blazing Shield is already incredibly powerful, this would push it into overpowered territory.
Thanks so much for your feedback - we passed this along so each item can be investigated.Still have provisioning on the back burner I see...
Were you aware low level ingredients are still dropping in most veteran zones?
Did you know people are so desperate to get purple provisioning recipes that they are paying upwards of 800K gold for them? Do they drop 0.0000000001% of the time or is it 1x10^-35 %? And, I forgot, why is it purple and not gold again? Thought the color was supposed to be indicative of how rare an item was.
Did you know level 35 food uses the same ingredients as V5 food?
Did you know Oats and Tomatoes are so rare that even with 4 provisioning mules with hireling III, I get an average of 2.7 oats and 2.5 tomatoes per day? I actually did a 2-week running count of what I got and that was the real average.
So divide that by 4, if you want to know how many someone silly enough to just level provisioning to 50 once with one hireling III gets per day.
Did you know for some unknown reason some purple recipes DO NOT require a rare ingredient such as oats and tomatoes and others do? Consummate Honey Brittle for example does not require oats or tomatoes. Same exact stats as Consummate Honey Pudding and Consummate Sweetroll just without that silly only able to make (2.5/4)x4 or (2.7/4)x4 per day restriction. Makes sense.
Did you know some Drink recipes have exactly the same resource regeneration at lvl 45 and 50? Seems whoever coded the provisioning stuff forgot to check his math and skipped a tier.
And drink recipes generally suck compared to food, hardly anyone wants to buy them.
Immunity granted by Break Free and the immunity given to you after you’re hit by a crowd control ability now provide immunity to all types of crowd control.
All item sets offer their most powerful bonus after the entire set has been collected, requiring either 3 or 5 pieces.
This has me worried. Very vague. Please elaborate.