I have to say all whiners a bunch of noob players. Stamina builds are getting better every day and the biggest change made for stamina builds by making ultimate abilities scale off stamina or magicka(which benefits you most). Only problem left is ultimate gain for stamina builds which I hope will be rebalanced soon
WHY??? The one reliable and useful summon we have... And you nerf it.
Of all the OP abilities Sorcs have... this was the least of them. And you nerf it... WTF?
All item sets offer their most powerful bonus after the entire set has been collected, requiring either 3 or 5 pieces.
This has me worried. Very vague. Please elaborate.
This is a very bad change, especially if it affects crafted gear.
That part is obvious, the set bonus that has a name, ie Magicka Flood, Dealth's wind, etc are all going to be 3 set if it is 3 set only (lower level) or 5 set if 5 set (higher level). So for example Warlock 3 set and 5 set are switching places. So that way you can only really have one 5 set major set bonus. To "make up" for the change they are changing what would be the 3 set to a "minor" bonus, that starts at 2 pieces and increases with each additional piece.
The real questions are...first, how much, are we talking 3 pieces the same as the 3 set before, so the 4th or 5th pieces add even more? Or do you need all 5 to make the same effect as the old 3 set?...second, will tou continue to get increases beyond 5 pieces? Will I actually get more of a bonus if I wear 7 of 7 of the same set vs the 2 extra pieces being wasted?
Edit: typo corrected
sparafucilsarwb17_ESO wrote: »I have one concern regarding the dye system being linked to achievements from pvp and pve...as someone that does not do pvp - will there be a pve achievement for the colors you can only get from pvp and vice versa? I don't enjoy pvp and don't want to be forced to doing it to get a color that I like. Anyone else have concerns regarding this? Players that like to do pvp only surely feels the same way if they would have to be forced to get certain pve achievements to unlock dye colors.
I'm assuming that it's for the same reason why dragonknight's ability to chain doesn't taunt anymore
Have a raid full of sorcs, just drop atronachs all over the boss, boss bugs out, tank goes to take a drink of water.
I'm assuming that it's for the same reason why dragonknight's ability to chain doesn't taunt anymore
Have a raid full of sorcs, just drop atronachs all over the boss, boss bugs out, tank goes to take a drink of water.
The Guild Traders will be purchased by the farmers/botters EVERY time. No honest guild will be able to compete with them. Game makers really need to design games around this knowledge.
They should have just made a huge trading zone where every guild can place a trader, either for free or else for a nominal charge (remembering that MOST guilds are just small-time players having fun, and don't have ridiculous amounts of gold to pay obscene prices for stuff).
Maverick827 wrote: »This is a very bad change, especially if it affects crafted gear.
Mescalamba wrote: »Other than that, game needs some balance in regards magicka vs stamina. Its like when every Emperor was Vampire. Bad for game, in long term it was really bad for us, playing Vampires normal way, not abusing anything.
I spent today some time thinking how to make somehow viable stamina build Nightblade. Conclusion is that if I go destruction stuff way or healer, I will be much more viable for any team, then if I pick anything else.
Im also slightly lost, why for example Mages guild skill which gives very high number of crit rate doesnt have some counterpart in regular weapon crit rate. Its like if you wanted everyone to use staves.
dylanjaygrobbelaarb16_ESO wrote: »
maybe, just maybe, they cant roll out vast sweeping changes because the skills in the theives guild and dark brotherhood guilds are going to be bringing some balance. wouldnt want to "balance" everything then release new content focusing mostly on stamina builds and all of a sudden that is op an the boo-hooing begins all over again.
everything looks absolutely amazing.
The only concern I have is "an emphasis on more saturated colors"
ES and this game is known for its muted colors. That is a little bothersome to me but i'll wait to get in and test things to judge it.
Unless it is purely a buff, which definitely will not be the case here, changing items which people have already spent legendary materials creating is a terrible idea on a fundamental level.Instead of getting up in arms about every little change, wait to see what they are doing and how it actually works. Then make your decision.
Still have provisioning on the back burner I see...
Were you aware low level ingredients are still dropping in most veteran zones?
Did you know people are so desperate to get purple provisioning recipes that they are paying upwards of 800K gold for them? Do they drop 0.0000000001% of the time or is it 1x10^-35 %? And, I forgot, why is it purple and not gold again? Thought the color was supposed to be indicative of how rare an item was.
Did you know level 35 food uses the same ingredients as V5 food?
Did you know Oats and Tomatoes are so rare that even with 4 provisioning mules with hireling III, I get an average of 2.7 oats and 2.5 tomatoes per day? I actually did a 2-week running count of what I got and that was the real average.
So divide that by 4, if you want to know how many someone silly enough to just level provisioning to 50 once with one hireling III gets per day.
Did you know for some unknown reason some purple recipes DO NOT require a rare ingredient such as oats and tomatoes and others do? Consummate Honey Brittle for example does not require oats or tomatoes. Same exact stats as Consummate Honey Pudding and Consummate Sweetroll just without that silly only able to make (2.5/4)x4 or (2.7/4)x4 per day restriction. Makes sense.
Did you know some Drink recipes have exactly the same resource regeneration at lvl 45 and 50? Seems whoever coded the provisioning stuff forgot to check his math and skipped a tier.
And drink recipes generally suck compared to food, hardly anyone wants to buy them.
When Erock and I agree about something, you know it's an easy enough decision to hurry up and sneak into the next patch. These are simple database table changes, a few values here and there, nothing else. Please get them in.
They have a long list of things that they should have fixed a month ago, but Devs should write this quoted post down. He did all your work for you. Everything is indisputable fact besides maybe the problem with the rarity of purple recipes.
Maverick827 wrote: »Unless it is purely a buff, which definitely will not be the case here, changing items which people have already spent legendary materials creating is a terrible idea on a fundamental level.
I like that you're fixing all of those set problems.. however there is one glaring omission... The arena set.. the armor buff does not apply and there are whispers that the reduced cc cost is also not working.. please look into this and fix it with the rest of these set changes. Thnx.