PTS Patch Notes v1.3.0

Maintenance for the week of March 17:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – March 17
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 19, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 19, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
We will be performing maintenance on the PTS on Tuesday at 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC).
  • fromtesonlineb16_ESO
    The taunt was removed entirely from the Storm Atronach. We found that he was preventing allies from holding threat on key targets
    So you do serious nerf damage to this pet which was a huge benefit soloing and in groups because some people who play in groups can't l2p and not bring out their TANK pet when it's not helpful?

    I see.

  • Fissh
    Fissh wrote: »

    The thing sought after here is dps that is measurable to destro/restro light armor builds. Other play styles are HALF the damage this particular set up puts out. To make things worse, Trial runs are 'near' demanding this ONE play style. If other weapon/armor set ups are not viable for Trials and competing soon, more and more people will develop disdain for the destro/light armor builds. I understand a drastic change could make a major unintended impact, but I am not seeing ANY dps changes for stamina builds to make...say a Dual Wield Medium Armor set up....viable in Trials. Definitely needs more immediate attention, imo.

    So after some research on PTS, I must say I am ashamed of my post. They are in fact making significant changes that will benefit melee tremendously. Soft caps are being raised for weapon damage and the new set pieces should give melee that crit chance advantage that Mage's Light gave magicka users. Will it balance things....probably not....don't think you will ever find a good balance in MMO's only ever changing ones, nature of the beast. Will it bring our dps up to par, maybe...will have to see long term. This is in fact a great start though, and despite my previous post, I am becoming pleased :)
  • Savitar
    Could we possibly have the guild number requirement removed or lowered for the PTS so that we can test the guild heraldry?
  • Ojustaboo
    Aziz006 wrote: »
    I have to say all whiners a bunch of noob players. Stamina builds are getting better every day and the biggest change made for stamina builds by making ultimate abilities scale off stamina or magicka(which benefits you most). Only problem left is ultimate gain for stamina builds which I hope will be rebalanced soon

    I think there should be an automatic deletion of any post calling people noobs, whiners or elitists.

    Getting sick of it to be honest.
  • Calipto
    Soul Shriven
    i know that when i noob myself, then whine about it, it turns me into an elitist ;)
  • eventide03b14a_ESO
    So you do serious nerf damage to this pet which was a huge benefit soloing and in groups because some people who play in groups can't l2p and not bring out their TANK pet when it's not helpful?

    I see.

    Besides the simple fact that we can now direct our storm atronachs to attack what we want. It seems like the tanks were getting their little epeens hurt cause they don't know how to effectively taunt. The solution? Nerf the sorcerer! That's sort of like if my company fired me because I was doing a better job than someone else.
  • Thejollygreenone
    Can we get any word on whether or not Shadow Cloak and its morphs are being further inspected for functionality?

    The team has recognized the issue with DoTs, but there is further an issue in Cyrodiil against other players of the invisibility breaking early with no damage being done or taken, merely being too close to the enemy for some odd reason will often break the effect early.

    Furthermore, I've learned the hard way that Stealth Detection Potions allow you to see through this spell, which seems unintended. Magelight does as well, however that makes a bit more sense, I would just like to see it in the tooltip for Magelight that invisibility is included.

    This is my main concern as a Nightblade because for melee based Nightblades this ability virtually unusable against other players due to these seemingly random failures, and for ranged nightblades, either bow or staff, it's none too functional either, just a bit better.

    I couldn't count the amount of times I've been targeted from 25m away when mid cloak, or the amount of times I've tried to use my cloak to benefit my Surprise Attack (Veiled Strike morph) and been broken out with no damage being taken or dealt simply because the cloak decided to break when I got too close.

    Is all of this known to your team and being inspected further? I would greatly appreciate any word on this subject, cheers!
  • Kayira
    Look at the new sets and you will see that stamina builds get a massive boost in this patch:

    from tamrielfoundary forum: -> crafted sets -> PvP sets

    Goodbye to spell crit builds. Hello to weapon crit builds!
    EU PC
    In Game Tag: @Silthoras

    Raid Mains: Warden and Templar Heals
    DDs: Mag Sorc and Mag Necro
  • PF1901
    PF1901 wrote: »
    *Sigh* One campaign left which lasts more than just 7 days? Eerrrr...(loss for words). Where are you heading to?

    Edited for: So disappointed!
    On another note - will you, or how will you be able to handle the load on that one 30 days campaign?

    Currently Auriel's bow (eu): queued for 20 minutes, kicked from server after 5 minutes of gameplay. Rejoined with everyone else. Staff heavy attack not responding at all - I think you get the picture.

    PS. Sorry, currently not in the best mood.
    Edited by PF1901 on July 10, 2014 8:21PM
  • Fshober28b14_ESO
    aaaaannnnnddd the Alchemy Passive SNAKEBLOOD fix doesn't make it into 1.3 either. I don't understand how this little but important crafting passive didn't make it into one of the patches since launch 4 months ago?
  • Maverick827
    The taunt was removed entirely from the Storm Atronach. We found that he was preventing allies from holding threat on key targets. Furthermore, the Storm Atronach was never intended to be a high health tanking monster; he's a high damage monster, and will still do high damage against your target.
    Thank you for the response, but this is very disappointing.

    While the Storm Atronach may not have been intended to be a tank, it fulfilled a role that Sorcorers sorrily needed for soloing as efficiently as other classes. Sorcorers now have no defensive Ultimate, with the only close option coming from a very long PvP grind (something that some of us refuse to do).

    For what it's worth, as a Sorcorer tank, I had no problems with and even often relied upon the Atranoch to help tank in dungeons. I now have no good Ultimate to use for my primary role. Every other class has viable Ultimates for all three roles.

    Would it be possible for the Greater Atronach morph to be the "tank" form and retain its taunt and have the Charged Atranoch be the "DPS" form and lose the taunt? I feel like this would be a decent solution for the time being.
  • Warraxx
    aaaaannnnnddd the Alchemy Passive SNAKEBLOOD fix doesn't make it into 1.3 either. I don't understand how this little but important crafting passive didn't make it into one of the patches since launch 4 months ago?

    Could be worse, you could be a werewolf...
  • Lyall84
    Kayira wrote: »
    Look at the new sets and you will see that stamina builds get a massive boost in this patch:

    from tamrielfoundary forum: -> crafted sets -> PvP sets

    Goodbye to spell crit builds. Hello to weapon crit builds!

    Magicka critical builds only picked up 10% critical from crafted set, or 15% (5% crafting and 10% from PvP set) if you min max. With these changes you can now get 4% from crafting and still 10% from PvP.

    So loss of 6% from crafting, or 1% if you min max. That is not a "good bye spell crit builds" when most builds are sporting over 50% spell critical. (56% for me if I go all out, and I do not have the PvP staff set either)

    Seeing how stamina builds had no way of getting the same 42% armor penetration that magicka does with spell penetration, they needed the additional critical to even the playing field.
  • Maverick827
    Lyall84 wrote: »

    Magicka critical builds only picked up 10% critical from crafted set, or 15% (5% crafting and 10% from PvP set) if you min max. With these changes you can now get 4% from crafting and still 10% from PvP.

    So loss of 6% from crafting, or 1% if you min max. That is not a "good bye spell crit builds" when most builds are sporting over 50% spell critical. (56% for me if I go all out, and I do not have the PvP staff set either)

    Seeing how stamina builds had no way of getting the same 42% armor penetration that magicka does with spell penetration, they needed the additional critical to even the playing field.
    That still doesn't mean crafted spell crit needed a nerf.

    Just change the 4 piece bonus of Seducer to 4% crit, or the 3 piece bonus of Magnus, or the 3 piece bonus of Torug's Pact, or any of the other redundant/out of place bonuses in the "caster" sets.
  • Tamanous
    "Check out these screenshots showing the new color correction versus the old version:"

    When someone says something vs another convention says the first in list is the first pic/item/etc ... in English speaking societies we read from left to right.
    Edited by Tamanous on July 10, 2014 9:45PM
  • Tamanous
    Lord_Hev wrote: »


    WHY??? The one reliable and useful summon we have... And you nerf it.

    Of all the OP abilities Sorcs have... this was the least of them. And you nerf it... WTF?

    It seems it is meant as a DPS ultimate. Sorcs already have a tank pet. No need to have a pocket boss tank too. Lord knows how Tanks love random party members throwing out taunts. ô¿ô
    Edited by Tamanous on July 10, 2014 9:54PM
  • HairyFairy
    Okay, you said that there was a lot of changes under combat and game play or whatever, but Nightblades at this point need the most help. Everyone knows this we are so far behind, and nothing is on there that is actually going to fix that. Nothing. Why aren't you addressing this? I'm VR9 now, and there's no way i'm re-rolling just because something is better. ESO goes off of 'play how you want to play' but there is still clearly certain classes and builds that are trumping the way we want to play, we can't be equal. I like how you are taking it slow and doing small changes to balance, that makes sense. but in this huge patch, so far there is no good changes for us. You can say well maybe they will add it in a later date, and updated patch notes. But that shouldn't be the case, they should have updates in these main patch notes, and they should let us know what they are doing to balance. Please keep us informed better, on the hot topics like this. It will keep the players happier to at least know what'd going on. :)
    Hello darkness my old friend

    HairyFairy- MagNB
    Scary-Fairy- MagDK
    HairyFairy's Kitty- StamNB
    Your a Lizard Hairy- MagSorc
    Jarl HairyFairy- StamDK
    Lord HairyFairy- MagPlar
    Craazy Fairy- StamSorc
    HairyFairy The Colossus - StamPlar
    Thanos Ender of Worlds - Stamcro
    Necro-*** - Magcro
  • heyguyslol

    Daedric Summoning
    The Storm Atronach no longer taunts the target it is attacking.

    Great!!! Tyvm ZoS for making one of the only useful Sorc Ultimates completely useless. Overload is garbage and Negate Magic has very little situational use. Good thinking.
    Theodora West
    V14 Sorcerer
  • Maverick827
    Tamanous wrote: »

    It seems it is meant as a DPS ultimate. Sorcs already have a tank pet. No need to have a pocket boss tank too. Lord knows how Tanks love random party members throwing out taunts. ô¿ô
    I'm a Sorc tank and I actively use the Atronach while taking. It's not annoying. It helps a lot. It's the only relatively defensive cooldown Sorcs have.
  • Mortosk
    We listen to all feedback. :) That said, we are working on revamping the Provisioning system a bit. We plan to post what our vision is for the revamp very soon, and would love to get everyone's feedback on it.

    Thank you! But, purple provisioning recipes, oats and tomatoes really are too rare ;) And drink buffs could use a boost as well.

    BTW, you can check out this post here by @Catches_the_Sun for a pretty good list of the provisioning issues as well:
    "Now I stand, the lion before the lambs and they do not fear. They can not fear." --Arthas Menethil (aka, The Lich King)
  • Venatoreo
    Soul Shriven
    So you do serious nerf damage to this pet which was a huge benefit soloing and in groups because some people who play in groups can't l2p and not bring out their TANK pet when it's not helpful?

    I see.

    There's really no other way to solve this issue, sad yes for those who solo, etc. The only other solution is to remove an existing morph and replace with a morph that removes the taunt, and exchanges it for extra damage, turning it into a dps pet.
  • Lyall84
    That still doesn't mean crafted spell crit needed a nerf.

    Just change the 4 piece bonus of Seducer to 4% crit, or the 3 piece bonus of Magnus, or the 3 piece bonus of Torug's Pact, or any of the other redundant/out of place bonuses in the "caster" sets.

    They have to make cuts some where. Especially when some classes can equip a robe and staff then solo what has been designed as "group content". Can't do that with medium armor or heavy armor, and neither should they. It is all part of the balance act.

    Just a personal experience with developers balancing a a game that most don't like mentioned here...I played Class A, only class that could tank. For 8+ months I focused on being the best tank I could. Then the first expansion they made it so Class B and Class C could tank. Problem was that they made Class B such an effective AoE tank that even a nimwit could faceroll across keyboard and AoE tank better than Class A. On top of that they made Class C such an effective single target tank, that any nimwit could sit there and alternate between two buttons and generate more threat and have the same survival as Class A. Effectively making Class A useless. Of course I raged, stopped tanking, even stopped playing.

    Then the development realized they tilted the balance too far. The final boss for the expansion was given a mechanic that only Class A could neutralize in order to bring back Class A players. Then when they released the second expansion, they made sure that the balance was at least close enough to not drive players away with the changes.

    Moral of this is, it needs to be close to balanced in order to keep the most players active. And that a 6% loss in critical when you have close to 50% is not that big a difference.
    Edited by Lyall84 on July 11, 2014 12:32AM
  • Lyall84
    Tamanous wrote: »

    It seems it is meant as a DPS ultimate. Sorcs already have a tank pet. No need to have a pocket boss tank too. Lord knows how Tanks love random party members throwing out taunts. ô¿ô

    Drives me up a wall.
  • timidobserver
    Well since this thread seems to be getting monitored pretty thoroughly, I'll give my two cents on provisioning.

    Collecting mats for V5 provisioning recipes should not have to be a guild effort as is described in a post above. Maybe for V12 recipes if they ever make it into the game, but like every other profession, V5 mats and recipes should not be excessively rare/expensive. A solo player should be able to obtain enough of these mats to supply themselves with food consistently.

    The drop rate of the rarer provisioning recipes needs to be increased to the point that the average value is no more than 100k and no less than 25k. Currently, I know of one guy that has sold one for a million. I offer 350k for one once and got called out for low balling.
    Edited by timidobserver on July 11, 2014 12:31AM
    V16 Uriel Stormblessed EP Magicka Templar(main)
    V16 Derelict Vagabond EP Stamina DK
    V16 Redacted Ep Stam Sorc
    V16 Insolent EP Magicka Sorc(retired)
    V16 Jed I Nyte EP Stamina NB(retired)

  • heyguyslol
    Thank you for the response, but this is very disappointing.

    While the Storm Atronach may not have been intended to be a tank, it fulfilled a role that Sorcorers sorrily needed for soloing as efficiently as other classes. Sorcorers now have no defensive Ultimate, with the only close option coming from a very long PvP grind (something that some of us refuse to do).

    For what it's worth, as a Sorcorer tank, I had no problems with and even often relied upon the Atranoch to help tank in dungeons. I now have no good Ultimate to use for my primary role. Every other class has viable Ultimates for all three roles.

    Would it be possible for the Greater Atronach morph to be the "tank" form and retain its taunt and have the Charged Atranoch be the "DPS" form and lose the taunt? I feel like this would be a decent solution for the time being.

    Yep I agree this would be the best solution as I use the Atronach to help tank world bosses that I can solo. If the taunt is removed I will not be able to solo bosses.

    Theodora West
    V14 Sorcerer
  • nagarjunna
    Potency stacks in 100! Awesome... especially when I typically have around 60 - 100 of each type.
    Edited by nagarjunna on July 11, 2014 2:07AM
    @nagarjunna- PC / NA / AD / DC
    Zazarakel - Max CP Magicka Templar
    Tartys - Max CP Stamina Nightblade
    Temelechus - Max CP Magicka Sorcerer
    Assaku - Max CP Stamina DragonKnight
    Truthforge - Sub 50 Stamina Templar
    Yang Wudi Sub 50 Stamina Sorceror [DC]
    Shou Chung Sub 50 Magicka DragonKnight
    Chen Tuan Sun 50 Magicka Nightblade
  • Orchish
    Some great stuff here. That said, as a heavy armour user (playing my way etc) and a Werewolf, i am still a sad panda. As a tank i should not have better survivability using light armour over heavy. I hope we see changes to this soon.
  • sagitter
    No fix for Dark Cloak yet? damn.
  • Savitar
    Everyone QQing about the sorc atronach loosing its taunt are silly. You weren't meant to solo bosses. Defeats the purpose of an MMO. It's hard enough to hold aggro effectively as a tank type due to the taunting mechanics in this game. That's not me trash talking the tanking in the game. Its a good and active tanking style. Not the spam taunt style. So, yeah we don't need your dps pet messing things up.
  • rhogarth2b14a_ESO

    All Campaigns that were running up until this patch have been closed, and 5 new Campaigns are opening up:
    Bow of Shadows: 5 day Veteran Rank only Campaign
    Blackwater Blade: 5 day Non-Veteran only Campaign
    Haderus: 7 day standard Campaign that anyone can join
    Chillrend: 7 day standard Campaign that anyone can join
    Thornblade: 30 day standard Campaign that anyone can join

    These campaign proposed changes were posted a while back, and feedback was requested for ideas on campaign types and lengths. There were pages and pages of feedback given, many speaking to the need for more 30 day campaigns to prevent that one from being overcrowded.

    Was any of the feedback even considered?? This list is the exact one posted with no changes reflecting the opinions of players. Is this list of campaigns finalized??
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