PTS Patch Notes v1.3.0

Maintenance for the week of March 17:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – March 17
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 19, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 19, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
We will be performing maintenance on the PTS on Tuesday at 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC).
  • Rodario
    @ZOS_GinaBruno‌ hey, great patch notes there, thank you guys! I noticed there are a lot of clipping fixes. Any chance you're looking at Imperial pauldrons as well?

    The medallions (?) hanging from those are clipping really badly into my (not all that large) breasts... It hurts and leaves nasty scars!
    Edited by Rodario on July 11, 2014 7:24AM
    Victoria Lux - Templar Tank
  • _subjectnamehere_
    @ZOS_GinaBruno‌ , How about the quest "Shattered and the Lost" in Craglorn? It is still bugged and blocking progress for many of us.
  • Reremnu
    Can we get a full list of changes in all weapon/armour sets? While we can easily check most of crafted and PvP sets, it is not so easy to get ones from drops.
  • Baphomet
    Seeing how stamina builds had no way of getting the same 42% armor penetration that magicka does with spell penetration, they needed the additional critical to even the playing field.

    It seems like there is big confusion about what those 42% spell penetration from light armor actually does.

    All characters have an innate spell resistance and with items you gain additional spell resistance. The 42% spell penetration only applies to the number that is the difference between your innate spell resistance and your max spell resistance so the increase to damage from that 42% spell penetration is actually very minor.

    (at least this is how it appears to be working based on some PTS testing)

    You don't see light armored players doing almost double damage to anything, now do you? ;)
    - The Psijic Order
    - TKO
    - Dominant Dominion
    - The Noore
  • Turelus
    I know it's not a pressing issue but... any news one when we will see more fixes to the fishing system? You can find a complete list of the player found bugs here.
    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
  • xherics
    Why will ZOS remove the aggro from Storm Atronach? It was the best tanking pet for a solo sorcerer gameplay... :neutral_face:
    Guild: HODOR - EU - Ebonheart Pact
    Char: Leliana fxn (Sorc) and Nuria fxn (DK)
    World first Sanctum Ophidia Time trial achievement unlock with my Sorcerer (v1.5.7)
    World second Sanctum Ophidia Hard Mode achievement unlock with my Sorcerer (v1.5.8)
    Pre-nerf Dragonstar Arena Hard Mode Conqueror with my Sorcerer

    "Sorcerer is for me a definition of the highest level of magician, what does not mean pets, but pure magic, pure spells.
    Pure magic from the heart, through the blood, to the last hairbreadth...
    Sorcerer means the highest magic killer with pure magic, not the weakest grandmamma's pet farm."

    11.02.2015 - Magicka Sorcerer RIP - What? Sorcerer and not using spells/magicka?
    19.02.2015 - Sorcerers, we have a new hope!
  • Maverick827
    Savitar wrote: »
    Everyone QQing about the sorc atronach loosing its taunt are silly. You weren't meant to solo bosses. Defeats the purpose of an MMO. It's hard enough to hold aggro effectively as a tank type due to the taunting mechanics in this game. That's not me trash talking the tanking in the game. Its a good and active tanking style. Not the spam taunt style. So, yeah we don't need your dps pet messing things up.
    Other classes can solo bosses; this was just our way of doing it.

    As a Sorcorer tank who always does veteran dungeons with at least one other Sorc, if not two, I've never had any taunting issues with the Atranoch (either my own or my group's).
  • Armann
    I think they can compromise by keeping Greater atronach as is, and drop the taunt on Charged atronach. That way you can keep both raiders and solo players happy.
    Edited by Armann on July 11, 2014 12:00PM
    EU megaserver | XboxNord Nightblade | Ebonheart PactImperial Dragonknight | Ebonheart PactDunmer Sorcerer | Ebonheart PactDunmer Warden | Ebonheart PactOrc Necromancer | Daggerfall CovenantAltmer Templar | Aldmeri Dominion
  • emeraldbay
    @ZOS_GinaBruno‌ No fix for the sorcerer's bound armor glitch?
    I thought this would be a pretty easy fix. It's just overriding most of my character customization, and others have this issue too (see here). I'm hoping it'll be fixed by the time update 3 goes live.
  • eventide03b14a_ESO
    I'm baffled why the atronach is a problem for tanks. At the very least it give them and the healer 20 second break from taking a beating and then you simply taunt the boss after. Is taunting the boss too difficult a task for tanks to grasp? If there are specific instances where you don't want the sorcerer to use the pet then I'm sure they will comply. What I'm really seeing in this post is boo hoo sorcerers can do things I can't and that's unfair! :'( Instead of making my class better NERF THEM! :# Grow up.
  • Matuzes
    1. Weapon Damage scales with Ultimate now. Works just great.
    2. Collectibles working on PTS.
    3. Juggernaut from Heavy Armor have addition 2/4% Break Free cost reduction.

    And funny bug on PTS with ulti( heal crits 1500+)
    Matuzes - Imperial Nightblade
  • kosac
    Instant Weapon Swap : can you plz add weapon swap in to ability queue? this will help as hell in skill flow... thx thx thx
  • StihlReign
    This is a great post!

    It would certainly be nice if provisioning were shown some love....and if we could find more purple recipes. I don't know anyone who uses the drinks (in fact I have a bunch of them, purple, and don't use them), perhaps some creativity and additional buffs are needed.

    I saw the following list of the recipes for sale on one of those gold-seller-farmer sites.
    I had no idea there were so many (or if this is a true representation of the recipes that are, or should be available in game).

    If this IS an accurate representation of the number of recipes we should have access to, some major love needs to be shown to provisioning ASAP.

    They were selling them from $179.00 — $329.00 IRL which was a bit disturbing.

    Consummate Sweetroll Recipe
    Consummate Swamp Soup Recipe
    Consummate Steak Soup Recipe
    Consummate Spring Infusion Recipe
    Consummate Sparkling Spring Recipe
    Consummate Shank And Potato Pie
    Consummate Saltrice Slurry Recipe
    Consummate Saltrice Biscuits Recipe
    Consummate Qhalua Recipe
    Consummate Mud Crab Cakes Recipe
    Consummate Mountain Spirits Recipe
    Consummate Mountain Lager Recipe
    Consummate Mountain Jerky Recipe
    Consummate Kaveh Stout Recipe
    Consummate Kaveh Red Recipe
    Consummate Jazbay Cabernet Recipe
    Consummate Jazbay Brew Recipe
    Consummate Imperial City Stew Recipe
    Consummate Honey Pudding Recipe
    Consummate Honey Brittle Recipe

    Mortosk wrote: »
    Still have provisioning on the back burner I see...

    Were you aware low level ingredients are still dropping in most veteran zones?

    Did you know people are so desperate to get purple provisioning recipes that they are paying upwards of 800K gold for them? Do they drop 0.0000000001% of the time or is it 1x10^-35 %? And, I forgot, why is it purple and not gold again? Thought the color was supposed to be indicative of how rare an item was.

    Did you know level 35 food uses the same ingredients as V5 food?

    Did you know Oats and Tomatoes are so rare that even with 4 provisioning mules with hireling III, I get an average of 2.7 oats and 2.5 tomatoes per day? I actually did a 2-week running count of what I got and that was the real average.
    So divide that by 4, if you want to know how many someone silly enough to just level provisioning to 50 once with one hireling III gets per day.

    Did you know for some unknown reason some purple recipes DO NOT require a rare ingredient such as oats and tomatoes and others do? Consummate Honey Brittle for example does not require oats or tomatoes. Same exact stats as Consummate Honey Pudding and Consummate Sweetroll just without that silly only able to make (2.5/4)x4 or (2.7/4)x4 per day restriction. Makes sense.

    Did you know some Drink recipes have exactly the same resource regeneration at lvl 40 and 45? Seems whoever coded the provisioning stuff forgot to check his math and skipped a tier.

    And drink recipes generally suck compared to food, hardly anyone wants to buy them.

    Edit: The issue with drinks having the same resource regeneration for different levels are for level 40 and 45 blue drinks. Both have +8 resource regeneration. Also Tier 3 purple drinks provide +6 all regeneration and Tier 6 purple drinks only provide +8 to all. Seems like some tiers got skipped as well, the T6 bonus is too low.
    Edited by StihlReign on July 11, 2014 5:24PM
    "O divine art of subtlety and secrecy!

    Through you we learn to be invisible, through you inaudible; and hence we can hold the enemy’s fate in our hands.” – Ch. VI, v. 8-9. — Master Sun Tzu

    "You haven't beaten me you've sacrificed sure footing for a killing stroke." — Ra's al Ghul

    He who is prudent and lies in wait for an enemy who is not, will be victorious — Master Sun Tzu

  • Gizzarduk
    Would like to see more on Stamina builds & Werewolf’s, but like the fact that dye achievements are not completely tied to trials and linked to crafting and the main story line quests. Good Job Zos! :D
  • CaptainSilverbrow
    Bashev wrote: »
    No changes in Heavy Armor skills? Do we have to wait for 1.4? It will be at least in 2 months....
    P.S I read that there are some changes in the heavy armor passive skills but they are not listed in the patch. I will try to give more info when I came back from work and test it by myself.

    I'm holding out a little hope this list is nowhere near final. I totally recommend hitting up the PTR forums now to leave suggestions and feedback, particularly as there are already a few active threads there on the topic, and they could use some bumping.
  • eventide03b14a_ESO
    StihlReign wrote: »
    This is a great post!

    It would certainly be nice if provisioning were shown some love....and if we could find more purple recipes. I don't know anyone who uses the drinks (in fact I have a bunch of them, purple, and don't use them), perhaps some creativity and additional buffs are needed.

    I saw the following list of the recipes for sale on one of those gold-seller-farmer sites.
    I had no idea there were so many (or if this is a true representation of the recipes that are, or should be available in game).

    If this IS an accurate representation of the number of recipes we should have access to, some major love needs to be shown to provisioning ASAP.

    They were selling them from $179.00 — $329.00 IRL which was a bit disturbing.

    Consummate Sweetroll Recipe
    Consummate Swamp Soup Recipe
    Consummate Steak Soup Recipe
    Consummate Spring Infusion Recipe
    Consummate Sparkling Spring Recipe
    Consummate Shank And Potato Pie
    Consummate Saltrice Slurry Recipe
    Consummate Saltrice Biscuits Recipe
    Consummate Qhalua Recipe
    Consummate Mud Crab Cakes Recipe
    Consummate Mountain Spirits Recipe
    Consummate Mountain Lager Recipe
    Consummate Mountain Jerky Recipe
    Consummate Kaveh Stout Recipe
    Consummate Kaveh Red Recipe
    Consummate Jazbay Cabernet Recipe
    Consummate Jazbay Brew Recipe
    Consummate Imperial City Stew Recipe
    Consummate Honey Pudding Recipe
    Consummate Honey Brittle Recipe
  • Bashev
    Now when you want to change the skills it costs only 1 gold per skill.
    Because I can!
  • CaptainSilverbrow
    Also, honorable mention, WTB market/gold-based titles! Particularly for us Merchanilist/Marketeering types. Remember, there are those among us for whom economy is half the fun of MMOs.
  • sungodapollo976_ESO
    Rykoth wrote: »

    How about no? Some of us don't want or need 50 members, but we want to display heraldry.
    ♪ Cry me a river..Cry me a river..because I wont cry a river for you ♪
    Who is he?
    What is he?
    Where did he come from?
  • Maverick827
    Bashev wrote: »
    Now when you want to change the skills it costs only 1 gold per skill.
    Wow, that's great. I wonder if that's only for the test server, though, and live will be somewhere between 1g and 100g
  • emeraldbay
    Wow, that's great. I wonder if that's only for the test server, though, and live will be somewhere between 1g and 100g
    10g would be fine with me. 2,400 for a full respec is much more manageable than 24,000.
  • russb7b14_ESO
    Is there a VR12 template for PTS? If so how do I access it?
    Vada - Oathsworn of Vokundein
    Legend Gaming Website | Join Us
  • tino.antoninieb17_ESO
    Matuzes wrote: »
    1. Weapon Damage scales with Ultimate now. Works just great.
    2. Collectibles working on PTS.
    3. Juggernaut from Heavy Armor have addition 2/4% Break Free cost reduction.

    And funny bug on PTS with ulti( heal crits 1500+)

    Sorry dont understand no1 - can u explain me ... thx
  • HaljaNifheim
    Ten of the 'new' emotes are missing with you run the client in German mode (Language.2 = "de").

    Missing list:
    1 dancebreton
    2 dancealtmer
    3 danceargonian
    4 dancebosmer
    5 dancedunmer
    6 danceimperial
    7 dancekhajiit
    8 dancenord
    9 danceorc
    10 danceredguard

    The missing emotes should be in the 180 to 189 array list of valid player usable emotes to match EN and FR modes. If you look at the _G table SLASH_COMMANDS, they are also missing. Please add them before 1.3 release.
    Thanks in advance

    Ticket 140711-002989
  • Lyall84
    Baphomet wrote: »

    It seems like there is big confusion about what those 42% spell penetration from light armor actually does.

    All characters have an innate spell resistance and with items you gain additional spell resistance. The 42% spell penetration only applies to the number that is the difference between your innate spell resistance and your max spell resistance so the increase to damage from that 42% spell penetration is actually very minor.

    (at least this is how it appears to be working based on some PTS testing)

    You don't see light armored players doing almost double damage to anything, now do you? ;)

    Double? No, but they will do a substantial amount more than someone using the same abilities in medium or heavy armor. Meanwhile light armor does the same damage as medium while using weapon skills, and heavy only does what...7% more weapon damage worth? So around 3.5% end skill damage from juggernaut.

    No one said that the 42% somehow equals double damage. What it does do is give a substantial increase when using spells.

    Edit: just to be clear, I have no misconceptions on how the spell penetration works. For every 10% resistance my target has, my damage is increased by 4%. So against your average light armor user, who is just above the soft cap static, has about 32% Spell resistance, so my 42% penetration is about 12% or 13% increase in damage output vs other armor types. Meanwhile, it doesnt matter if I am in light or medium, hitting a target with 32% physical damage reduction from armor will yeild the same results. Throw the fact that you can soft cap armor in light with effects, it means that light armor magicka builds has an innate 4% (up to around12%) damage gain that medium armor has no way of obtaining even though the light armor can mitigate their damage with effects. Before spouting off like someone else does not understand what they are talking about. Make sure that you understand.
    Edited by Lyall84 on July 12, 2014 1:34AM
  • heyguyslol
    I guess when the devs decided to nerf the Sorc Atronach they didnt stop to think that maybe if a sorc new when and where to use it properly that the taunt is a necessity for a lot of situations.

    For example say you are running a dung and the tank goes down a sorc can drop the atronach (un-nerfed pre 1.3) which may taunt the boss and hold agro while someone else rez's the tank.

    I find it completely ridiculous that the devs decided to nerf the taunt on the atronach because some sorc's dont know when and where to use it right, gg devs.

    If u absolutely feel the need to make a change then remove the taunt from the "Charged Atronach" morph and keep the taunt on the "Storm Atronach", this way sorc's have one morph with and without a taunt and at that point it is up to the sorc to know how and when to use it.

    Tbh the "Charged Atronach" morph should not have a taunt as its more dmg aoe. The "Storm Atronach" is more of a tank not dps and should have a taunt.

    Removing the taunt completely just makes the ultimate useless. Please dev's reconsider this change. I do not feel that this is an unreasonable request.
    Edited by heyguyslol on July 12, 2014 2:41AM
    Theodora West
    V14 Sorcerer
  • Stamden
    "When you complete the difficult version of a Trial, you will be rewarded with a piece of armor from an upgraded version of the Mage, Serpent, or Warrior Item Sets which contain better stats and visuals."

    This and some of the set buffs excite me. It looks like they are finally attempting to fix the itemization problems and make Trials worth doing. Although I do think some of the Trials armor still needs significant buffs, this is a step in the right direction.
    PC NA

    ~Currently taking a break from the game until my DK can become something more than just a crafter~
  • Snit
    The Greater Storm Atronach is how sorcs solo bosses in solo dungeons. It's a primary defensive cooldown. Taking that away is going to make some solo content very difficult for a squishy caster.

    If high-end tanks are annoyed that the Atronach taunts bosses in dungeons, consider another option: Ask the sorc to lead another ultimate. Everyone can access Soul Assault, for example. There are alternatives. For solo sorcs trying to manage high-damage (solo) bosses, the alternatives are far less attractive.
    Snit AD Sorc
    Ratbag AD Warden Tank
    Goblins AD Stamblade

  • Snit
    On the armor set changes, please do not change the most popular caster DPS/ Heal sets to tanking sets. More specifically, the Spell Crit on Willow's Path and Twilight's Embrace should not be replaced by Health Recovery or Health. Nobody who chased Spell Crit is after tanking stats.

    Please consider changing the Spell Crit on those sets to something that current wearers will find relevant, such as Spell Damage or Max Magicka. Otherwise, you are requiring a gear reset for many players, which is a fairly onerous penalty for anyone in all-yellow gear.
    Edited by Snit on July 12, 2014 5:39PM
    Snit AD Sorc
    Ratbag AD Warden Tank
    Goblins AD Stamblade

  • Matuzes

    Sorry dont understand no1 - can u explain me ... thx

    All Ulitmate (NB at least) except Barrier and Meteor scale with Weapon Damage not only Spell Damage.
    Matuzes - Imperial Nightblade
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