AllPlayAndNoWork wrote: »
I still think this is way too low for the 30 day campaign... How about ?
50,000 for 5-7 day campaigns.
250,000 for 30 day campaign... Maybe even higher......
Keeping it quite high will also prevent Emperor flipping.
zac_sooleprb18_ESO wrote: »This is a ****ing joke... Are NB's ever going to be equal to other classes? This game is getting harder and harder to want to play...
Innkwell_ESO wrote: »NB... not broken. (granted that stamina builds need love, they are still viable if you do the math and have a strategic build)
Sorcerer and DK in light armor w/ destro staff is just easy-mode and has very little room for error, its boring as hell and only good because its basically 2 buttons over and over so any *** can do it, that's all.
Maybe if you tried you could easily out-damage those trashy players playing cookie cutter all day because they don't really know what they're doing...
also try Bow build NB <= stupidly high DMG.
Blood priest NB <= great heals and good damage
Bloodknight NB <= OP tanking w/ absurd self sustain
All you people complaining about your class being weak... are probably just inexperienced.
If you run into a pro running a cookie cutter staff/light armor build you are in for a challenge, but I have lost 2 times... TWO TIMES in a fight vs any class running a staff build.
its all about resource management and realizing you aren't going to kill those people in a stealth hit and one combo.
This is chess, not checkers.
That is all.
I heard Impulse will be nerfed with a 1.5 second casting time.
Stealth Nerf = Dirty Hands.
zac_sooleprb18_ESO wrote: »This is a ****ing joke... Are NB's ever going to be equal to other classes? This game is getting harder and harder to want to play...
These comments are often made by people who don't read the tooltips on their hotbars and are just bashing some buttons. I have all four classes and I take mobs out just as easy with the one or the other.