Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts
Maintenance for the week of October 7:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – October 7
• Xbox: EU megaserver for maintenance – October 9, 2:00 UTC (October 8, 10:00PM EDT) - 16:00 UTC (12:00PM EDT)

how do you guys justify paying $15 a month?

  • Digiman
    Honestly I am finding it hard for anyone to bother playing this game, nor can I really justify telling other people to play it. You are paying an exorbitant amount for an extended beta with 2 scheduled maintenance days a week. To finally top this icing of a wonderful looking game marred by such obvious greed. They have the entire gall to further charge players playing the PC to switch over to console for an obvious beta test while still charging $15 lightning that powder keg.

    This is sad for me, I love the franchise and gave this game a 6 month shot to showing me it can get better. But between the awful LFG tool, that should include public dungeons, zone world bosses and anchors I am left with doing it alone as my friends and even family left this game when the free month went up not looking back. Thank god they decided on mega servers to prevent huge pop density problems.

    I am sorry, but between that and the god awful grind of leveling enchanting that was recognized by the devs at beta and their desire to focus on pumping out huge content patches instead of balance and bug fixes that should of been applied weekly at most this can be only recommended to die hard ES fans who want something between ES5 and ES6 with money they want to throw away.

    You not getting your money's worth and it seems ZOE doesn't respect its customers enough to find ways keep them sticking around this mess. I am giving it the 6 months but if it doesn't improve I am done with it. And with the rate its going, it will take a huge chunk out of those already payed 6 months.

    TL;DR: If you gave up WoW to try this or another MMO, then go back now its a lot cheaper and has way less bugs.
  • strongoakb14a_ESO
    rotatorkuf wrote: »
    i have "fun" just logging in and crafting/trading

    but as it stands, i'm unsubbed (ohnoes he said the U word)

    only because there's almost nothing to do, and i'm not interested in zerg pvp

    Before you go, give me your stuff, ill make good use of it and send you screen shots with what I did with it all :)
  • strongoakb14a_ESO
    Crumpy wrote: »
    There is no justification for a subsciption-fee for this substandard product that was released too early and seems to still be in the testing stage.

    LOL, translation. "There is no justification for subscription fee for a standard product that was released too early and seems to still be in the testing stage LIKE EVERY OTHER MMO every released."
  • Vis
    rotatorkuf wrote: »
    i have "fun" just logging in and crafting/trading

    but as it stands, i'm unsubbed (ohnoes he said the U word)

    only because there's almost nothing to do, and i'm not interested in zerg pvp

    Before you go, give me your stuff, ill make good use of it and send you screen shots with what I did with it all :)

    Careful, mods already warned me when I asked him for his stuff. (rebel smile B) )

    Soooo ... could we "trade" before you leave?
    Edited by Vis on June 24, 2014 5:13PM
    v14 Sorc Vae Exillis
    v14 DK Costs
    v14 NB 'Vis
    v14 Temp Fiat Lux

  • Fleymark
    Reevster wrote: »
    Fleymark wrote: »
    Ifthir_ESO wrote: »
    Rylana wrote: »
    This thread is now about pinball.

    no this thread is about entitled hardcore MMO players whining like they have since EQ

    Not sure who that is directed at.

    And how are we "entitled," exactly? Or whining for that matter.

    (I'm am old-school hardcore EQ player)

    You wont see any old school EQ players whining about patches/down time etc, that reserved for the WoW give me it all now / entitlement crowd.

    No doubt. Down time in that game was epic at the beginning. Guaranteed on the one day your friends all managed to be off at the same time and have the house to themselves BOOM unexpected server down. And we were all so addicted we didn't want to play anything else. Just sit there watching the lights on that 3rd party server status utility. Then the servers come back up 15 mins before everybody's wives and girlfriends get home.
  • wraith808
    My only yardstick is... am I still having fun?

    ... and I am. If you want, you can borrow my yardstick... might be more useful than anyone else's answers...
    Quasim ibn-Muhammad - VR 12 Redguard Dragon Knight
    Taladriel Vanima - VR 5 Altmer Nightblade
    Ambalyo iyo Bogaadin - VR 1 Redguard Sorceror
  • strongoakb14a_ESO
    SO Mr. VR12 (I am VR12 also), let me ask you this since you have nothing to do. Have you: Collected Every Lorebook, Skyshard, caught every rare fish, collected every trophy achievement, and complete every quest?

    You want something "less boring" to do, how about mount up, go into Cryodil (Wabbajack) and if you don't like to PvP, then do the over 60 quests in Cryodil that are PvE and just treat any players that show up and agro on you as ELITE bosses, you might find yourself less bored than you thought. Don't forget to do the dungeons and gather the skyshards and kill those bosses and of course don't forget to help at the Dolmens.

    I can always tell who wouldn't stopped playing Ultima Online in the first 30 days by these posts, the entire world server was PvP enabled and when they killed you your three most valuable items (by gold value) could be looted from your body and you better hope they didn't pick pocket your Black Pearl before they attacked you from stealth.
  • Vis
    You want something "less boring" to do, how about mount up, go into Cryodil (Wabbajack)

    Unless, you are not a member of AD.

    If you are DC/EP, I have heard of an amazing NEW shiny 12 man raid in pve world. You should really check it out.
    v14 Sorc Vae Exillis
    v14 DK Costs
    v14 NB 'Vis
    v14 Temp Fiat Lux

  • Zorrashi
    The reason I still pay to play is quite simple: I'm more than satisfied with the product. It offers a lot more freedom in choice than any other MMO I can think of and I find the crafting system there a marvel.

    But of course, I have yet to reach lvl 50. But I have also been blessed with a relatively bug-free play through (I only encountered two quest bugs).
  • Gremlis
    How can you claim $15 is exorbitant digiman? You answer in here like it's your first MMO. I remember back in the days of you don't even want to know how bad it gets. You cant claim I am not getting my moneys worth because don't know. Look for the glass to be half empty and you just might find it.
  • ThisOnePosts
    lol if the game didn't have a sub I would not invest so much into it. F2P games are gold spammers paradise, bots paradise, hackers paradise, you name it..... I can't think of one F2P game that is worth a damn.... and yes I know all of the MMO out there currently and I think you get what you pay for. Pay for nothing, don't expect anything. When we pay a sub fee, we have expectations to be met with things like maintenance, updates, new content, etc..
  • strongoakb14a_ESO
    Vis wrote: »
    Careful, mods already warned me when I asked him for his stuff. (rebel smile B) )

    Soooo ... could we "trade" before you leave?

    Why in the world would they care if you asked or he gave you all his stuff? I must have missed that in the TOS people couldnt give you stuff if they quit and I actually did read before agreeing to. Everytime I have quit a game I do a big giveaway, first to guildies then the public at large.
  • Vis
    Vis wrote: »
    Careful, mods already warned me when I asked him for his stuff. (rebel smile B) )

    Soooo ... could we "trade" before you leave?

    Why in the world would they care if you asked or he gave you all his stuff? I must have missed that in the TOS people couldnt give you stuff if they quit and I actually did read before agreeing to. Everytime I have quit a game I do a big giveaway, first to guildies then the public at large.

    That's what I said to the mods. They marked it as a " post(s) that are created for the sole purpose of provoking conflict, shocking others, or to elicit a strong negative or emotional reaction."

    I always give my stuff away too before quitting any game.
    v14 Sorc Vae Exillis
    v14 DK Costs
    v14 NB 'Vis
    v14 Temp Fiat Lux

  • JungleBoot
    Basic original premise: How do you justify the $15/month sub?

    Today, I don't and I have already cancelled my subscription. But, I disagree with several cheerleader responses.

    A. It's only $15 a month. I spend that much feeding my family at Taco Bell.
    If you don't understand why feeding your family is more important than you having the money to play your game, please, divorce your partner now. Allow them to move on with their life with a more responsible person. I'm sure you won't mind having visitation rights to your child since you will most likely spend your new found free time inside a video game. Additionally, other entertainment activities that cost $15 or more that involve spending time with family and friends in the real world are more valuable than paying for a game.

    B. It's only $15 a month and I'm having a good time. Great. Just don't try to get anyone else to ignore the problems they have experienced in game. Maybe you got lucky and didn't get hit with an ERROR: 301. Maybe you have been lucky and have never had your character quit responding to input. Maybe you have been lucky and never experienced lag. Maybe, maybe, maybe -- there are a multitude of situations that have possibly never happened to you. People have a right to be frustrated or disappointed when currency is being spent on a product.

    C. The basic response that states -"If you don't like, just unsub. Don't come here and post negative stuff about the game." That is the basic tenet of that response. There is some merit in that response. Because, who cares? Alternatively, even the best products in the world have downsides. You just don't know about them until you do. It's the squeaky wheels that let us know about all the annoying stuff when we're done reading or listening to glowing reports. So, choose to read or not to read. It's just as easy as asking someone not to post.
    Edited by JungleBoot on June 24, 2014 5:46PM
    Platform: PS4
    CP 405
  • Nymirah
    No one is obligated to stay subscribed once the fun factor has been personally depleted for them. It's simply that you have the option to pay more, should you like to play more. It's up to you entirely.

    Also, subscriptions fees aren't just about new content but also contribute to keeping a series of server racks powered, cooled, connected, etc.
  • Vis
    JungleBoot wrote: »
    Basic original premise: How do you justify the $15/month sub?

    Today, I don't and I have already cancelled my subscription. But, I disagree with several cheerleader responses.

    A. It's only $15 a month. I spend that much feeding my family at Taco Bell.
    If you don't understand why feeding your family is more important than you having the money to play your game, please, divorce your partner now. Allow them to move on with their life with a more responsible person. I'm sure you want mind having visitation rights to your child since you will most likely spend your new found free time inside a video game. Additionally, other entertainment activities that cost $15 or more that involve spending time with family and friends in the real world are more valuable than paying for a game.

    B. It's only $15 a month and I'm having a good time. Great. Just don't try to get anyone else to ignore the problems they have experienced in game. Maybe you got lucky and didn't get hit with an ERROR: 301. Maybe you have been lucky and have never had your character quit responding to input. Maybe you have been lucky and never experienced lag. Maybe, maybe, maybe -- there are a multitude of situations that have possibly never happened to you. People have a right to be frustrated or disappointed when currency is being spent on a product.

    C. The basic response that states -"If you don't like, just unsub. Don't come here and post negative stuff about the game." That is the basic tenet of that response. There is some merit in that response. Because, who cares? Alternatively, even the best products in the world have downsides. You just don't know about them until you do. It's the squeaky wheels that let us know about all the annoying stuff when we're done reading or listening to glowing reports. So, choose to read or not to read. It's just as easy as asking someone not to post.

    We would have been the best friends. Oh well, no time to reminisce over all the good times we could have had together.

    You know, we should "trade" before you leave.

    That would be a fun time for both of us. One last hurrah for the good times that could have been.

    PS Anything you give me would go to the war orphans of Cyrodiil.
    Edited by Vis on June 24, 2014 5:40PM
    v14 Sorc Vae Exillis
    v14 DK Costs
    v14 NB 'Vis
    v14 Temp Fiat Lux

  • butterfly442
    rotatorkuf wrote: »
    not trying to troll or anything

    but game has almost a criminally low amount of actual endgame content at vr12

    (not counting the endless zerg pvp i suppose)

    sure $15 isn't much to the majority of us

    but, other than paying to beta test for consoles

    how do you guys justify it?

    Pay it.

    Or don't.

    You did not make a point.

    My point is, find something necessary to complain about.

  • Falmer
    Ask "almost every" VR12 a simple question, "How many times did you speak to Aera Earth-Turner throughout the game?"

    The answer is almost inevitably... "who?"
  • Noisivid
    the same way I can justify reading this thread. Cheap entertainment...

    got popcorn?
    Vogon Poet Laureate
  • Fleymark
    JungleBoot wrote: »
    Basic original premise: How do you justify the $15/month sub?

    Today, I don't and I have already cancelled my subscription. But, I disagree with several cheerleader responses.

    A. It's only $15 a month. I spend that much feeding my family at Taco Bell.
    If you don't understand why feeding your family is more important than you having the money to play your game, please, divorce your partner now. Allow them to move on with their life with a more responsible person. I'm sure you want mind having visitation rights to your child since you will most likely spend your new found free time inside a video game. Additionally, other entertainment activities that cost $15 or more that involve spending time with family and friends in the real world are more valuable than paying for a game.

    B. It's only $15 a month and I'm having a good time. Great. Just don't try to get anyone else to ignore the problems they have experienced in game. Maybe you got lucky and didn't get hit with an ERROR: 301. Maybe you have been lucky and have never had your character quit responding to input. Maybe you have been lucky and never experienced lag. Maybe, maybe, maybe -- there are a multitude of situations that have possibly never happened to you. People have a right to be frustrated or disappointed when currency is being spent on a product.

    C. The basic response that states -"If you don't like, just unsub. Don't come here and post negative stuff about the game." That is the basic tenet of that response. There is some merit in that response. Because, who cares? Alternatively, even the best products in the world have downsides. You just don't know about them until you do. It's the squeaky wheels that let us know about all the annoying stuff when we're done reading or listening to glowing reports. So, choose to read or not to read. It's just as easy as asking someone not to post.

    I don't think anyone is saying any of that at all. I think what's being said is A) It's a trivial amount of money in comparison with a multitude of other mundane daily expenses and spending it means we don't spend MORE money getting nickel and dimed to death with micro transactions. And B ) if you are that unhappy with the game or having to pay a sub fee then don't...Why the grandiose drama?

    If you have problems with the game, by all means, discuss them. I do all the time. But even if the game turned out to be the greatest most perfect game ever on launch, either way, we all knew there was a sub fee. One really has nothing to do with the other. It's kind of silly to say that a sub fee is okay if the game is great and isn't if it's not. The business model is what it is and the problems are what they are. The game definitely has problems but it's not like it's some kind of conspiracy. LOL
    Edited by Fleymark on June 24, 2014 5:49PM
  • Hadria
    I enjoy the game so there for justified if you don't then quit. Also it's only 15 bucks it cost me over 20 just to see Godzilla in 3d for two not too mention food and that was only 2 hours but I enjoyed it so justified also.
    Edited by Hadria on June 24, 2014 5:56PM
  • Lalai
    Fleymark wrote: »
    JungleBoot wrote: »
    Basic original premise: How do you justify the $15/month sub?

    Today, I don't and I have already cancelled my subscription. But, I disagree with several cheerleader responses.

    A. It's only $15 a month. I spend that much feeding my family at Taco Bell.
    If you don't understand why feeding your family is more important than you having the money to play your game, please, divorce your partner now. Allow them to move on with their life with a more responsible person. I'm sure you want mind having visitation rights to your child since you will most likely spend your new found free time inside a video game. Additionally, other entertainment activities that cost $15 or more that involve spending time with family and friends in the real world are more valuable than paying for a game.

    B. It's only $15 a month and I'm having a good time. Great. Just don't try to get anyone else to ignore the problems they have experienced in game. Maybe you got lucky and didn't get hit with an ERROR: 301. Maybe you have been lucky and have never had your character quit responding to input. Maybe you have been lucky and never experienced lag. Maybe, maybe, maybe -- there are a multitude of situations that have possibly never happened to you. People have a right to be frustrated or disappointed when currency is being spent on a product.

    C. The basic response that states -"If you don't like, just unsub. Don't come here and post negative stuff about the game." That is the basic tenet of that response. There is some merit in that response. Because, who cares? Alternatively, even the best products in the world have downsides. You just don't know about them until you do. It's the squeaky wheels that let us know about all the annoying stuff when we're done reading or listening to glowing reports. So, choose to read or not to read. It's just as easy as asking someone not to post.

    I don't think anyone is saying any of that at all. I think what's being said is A) It's a trivial amount of money in comparison with a multitude of other mundane daily expenses and spending it means we don't spend MORE money getting nickel and dimed to death with micro transactions. And B ) if you are that unhappy with the game or having to pay a sub fee then don't...Why the grandiose drama?

    If you have problems with the game, by all means, discuss them. I do all the time. But even if the game turned out to be the greatest most perfect game ever on launch, either way, we all knew there was a sub fee. One really has nothing to do with the other. It's kind of silly to say that a sub fee is okay if the game is great and isn't if it's not. The business model is what it is and the problems are what they are. The game definitely has problems but it's not like it's some kind of conspiracy. LOL

    This. You shouldn't need other people to talk you into why you should be paying a sub fee. If you don't feel like something is worth it, then don't pay it. People like different things, people value different things. I don't want to spend a bunch of money on model cars, or stamps, or trading cards. Some people value those things, and that's okay.

    The "it's only $15 a month" is relevant when talking about other entertainment values. You have $15 to spend on entertainment, you can go to a movie, or pay for an MMO you've been enjoying. It's not pay for the MMO versus feed your family. Maybe that is a choice some people are making.. and that's on them and obviously they may have some issues if they're choosing an MMO sub over actually putting food in their family's mouth. That's not typically why the "only $15" argument is made though. It's when compared to other entertainment dollar per hour.

    "It's only $15 and I'm having a good time." The OP asked for people's opinions, he asked them how they justify it. That's a perfectly reasonable response. I'm sorry people get 301 errors, and they get lag.. however what happens to them doesn't change how I personally enjoy the game. Making this statement is not an attack on the OP, especially when it's an answer to a question he/she asked.

    "If you don't like it, just unsub. Don't come here and post negative stuff about the game." I'm torn here, really. If you don't like a game, of course unsub. Why on earth would you continue to pay for a game you dislike? However, everyone does have a right to post on the forums. I'd appreciate it if people were constructive in their posting, but realistically that isn't going to happen. The people that simply go "this game sucks" are just as bad as the folks that claim there are no problems with the game. Neither really helps, and both are pretty rare when taking -all- posts of a user into account. What actually happens is a negative person will go in and post the game sucks type comments in multiple threads, but probably only elaborate on the why a few times. A positive person can defend choices, or state their like for a system in a few threads, and post their criticisms elsewhere.
    Edited by Lalai on June 24, 2014 6:31PM
    Fisher extraordinaire!
    Send me your worms, crawlers, guts, and insect parts.
    Templar Healer
    Daggerfall Covenant, NA
  • Nithrakis
    I enjoy playing the game and $15 is a month is super inexpensive entertainment. I despise F2P games because of all the in-game advertising littered throughout the interface.
  • kaosodin
    I get more than 15 $ worth of fun a month.
  • JJDrakken
    lol if the game didn't have a sub I would not invest so much into it. F2P games are gold spammers paradise, bots paradise, hackers paradise, you name it..... I can't think of one F2P game that is worth a damn.... and yes I know all of the MMO out there currently and I think you get what you pay for. Pay for nothing, don't expect anything. When we pay a sub fee, we have expectations to be met with things like maintenance, updates, new content, etc..

    This isnt? LOL what rock have you been hiding under, though I think some of it has gone down as late, as populations drop.
    Leader of Oblivion Crisis. Bunch of Daedric Worshiping MF's. We'll Bang Ok.
  • mblythe21b14_ESO
    To the OP...

    I couldnt so I cancelled.
  • Wifeaggro13
    Ive spent more money at a liquor store with out buying booze
  • Vis
    To the OP...

    I couldnt so I cancelled.

    Want to trade some items before you leave?

    (One of these days someone will say yes, and so I keep on trying)
    Edited by Vis on June 24, 2014 6:09PM
    v14 Sorc Vae Exillis
    v14 DK Costs
    v14 NB 'Vis
    v14 Temp Fiat Lux

  • Reevster
    Reevster wrote: »

    You wont see any old school EQ players whining about patches/down time etc, that reserved for the WoW give me it all now / entitlement crowd.

    No doubt. Down time in that game was epic at the beginning. Guaranteed on the one day your friends all managed to be off at the same time and have the house to themselves BOOM unexpected server down. And we were all so addicted we didn't want to play anything else. Just sit there watching the lights on that 3rd party server status utility. Then the servers come back up 15 mins before everybody's wives and girlfriends get home.[/quote]

    Ya those were the "good old days" :D

    Edited by Reevster on June 24, 2014 6:13PM
  • jonpaul
    This will forever be my own personal response to threads like this... call it a new signature.


    I see myself as an intelligent, sensitive human, with the soul of a clown which forces me to blow it at the most important moments. -Jim Morrison
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