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how do you guys justify paying $15 a month?

  • atomikrej
    How to justify: food! In the real world you can get a mediocre pub lunch for $15 or make your own for a bit less. In ESO I can cook thousands of meals for the same price including such exotic ones as maggot haggis, rodent muffins, frog leg stew etc. Now if only in RL you could go into random shops and take their supplies without getting in trouble then we'd be getting somewhere.
  • vanillexhope
    I work. $15 is nothing. I enjoy the game. That's enough for me.
  • Vilixiti
    Less than the cost of going to see a movie + popcorn. That's only ~2 hours of entertainment. Sounds like Zenimax is getting the shaft, really.

    EDIT: Swordguy beat me to it.
    Edited by Vilixiti on June 24, 2014 10:29PM
  • Moonclaw
    Have been playing since early start
    No character past level 50 yet
    1 Main / Several alts
    Enjoying finding every quest and skyshard
    Playing with my son is great
    Have job / wife / 3 kids / limited playtime
    Still best value entertainment per hour that I can get
  • SFBryan18
    I am American...

    How I justify things "isn't easy, but it just proves how great I am." -Bender
  • frogprincess_q4
    I tried cutting back on my gaming hours and ended up spending over $100 on Kindle books - in a WEEK! So I've cut back on my reading to pay for ESO....
  • Loco_Mofo
    $15 a month to read these awesome forums? Whats to justify??
  • Rotherhans
    2 words: Steam Sale
    3 words & a number: Age of Wonders 3

    “I'm not going out of my way looking for devils;
    but I wouldn't step out of my path to let one go by.”― Robert E. Howard
  • Mortuum
    not trying to troll or anything

    I simply love the game. Enough for me to pay for it.
  • Breg_Magol
    Animus0724 wrote: »
    Breg_Magol wrote: »
    Let's see ...
    1. I gave up smoking cigarettes about 15 years ago

    Tips please

    I had a young family (twin's were 2 years old) and I couldn't in all conscience inflict the possible ramifications of my unfortunate habit on their lives.

    It was the pain I felt as a result of this realisation that made me quit (after many failed attempts over the years).

    One just has to have a good enough reason imo .. good luck! :)
  • Duukar
    Hilgara wrote: »
    Simple. I'm not exploiting to VR12. I'm playing the game I pay for instead of paying for it then not playing all of it......then complain that there's no content.

    I love this. So true. Although I am exploiting Craglorn for about 60% of my XP(just grinding really, no exploit). I still quest and PvP like a boss.

    Endgame content is PvP!! Endless re-playability.. Love this game!!!

  • jmmijo_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Infraction wrote: »
    This thread is going places.

    If you cant justify it why stay subbed?

    This, I'm still having fun playing the game, it's cheap entertainment for me :)
  • Breg_Magol
    Rylana wrote: »
    Animus0724 wrote: »
    Breg_Magol wrote: »
    Let's see ...
    1. I gave up smoking cigarettes about 15 years ago

    Tips please

    The only tip I know that works: when you are ready to quit smoking, just quit. Leave yourself no excuses. No 'when I finish this pack', cause you pick it up again next time someone offers you one. No 'one cig less a day', cause you still want to smoke.

    Just. Quit.

    Ok one more question.

    If quit...

    How does it still equal 15/mo


    Easy! Let's say for the sake of simplification that I spent $50 a week on cigarettes (I actually spent more). That means in the last 15 years I've managed to save at least 15x52x50=$39,000.00 .. Knowing that I've saved this amount of money allows me the psychological freedom to spend on something else that I enjoy.

    It's not the sole reason I spend on ESO .. it's just one of many reasons that make up the fabric of why I choose to spend $15 a month on ESO :).

  • ozm8ey
    how is everyone getting to lv 50 and veteran rank so quick I'm on on lv 17 on my main account and lv 14 on my crafting account also i have been playing since it came out not everyday though
  • Armianlee
    Breg_Magol wrote: »
    Rylana wrote: »
    Animus0724 wrote: »
    Breg_Magol wrote: »
    Let's see ...
    1. I gave up smoking cigarettes about 15 years ago

    Tips please

    The only tip I know that works: when you are ready to quit smoking, just quit. Leave yourself no excuses. No 'when I finish this pack', cause you pick it up again next time someone offers you one. No 'one cig less a day', cause you still want to smoke.

    Just. Quit.

    Ok one more question.

    If quit...

    How does it still equal 15/mo


    Easy! Let's say for the sake of simplification that I spent $50 a week on cigarettes (I actually spent more). That means in the last 15 years I've managed to save at least 15x52x50=$39,000.00 .. Knowing that I've saved this amount of money allows me the psychological freedom to spend on something else that I enjoy.

    It's not the sole reason I spend on ESO .. it's just one of many reasons that make up the fabric of why I choose to spend $15 a month on ESO :).

    That was the same mentality I used when I justified paying for dual 290xs and a new 4770k. Well, that was what I used to justify it to my wife.
    Basic circle of complaints on ESO Forums:
    1) Users: Fix game/class/bug
    2) Zenimax Online: Brings servers down and fixes issues and deploys patches.
    3) Users: OMG SERVERS ARE DOWN!!!!!
    4) Zenimax Online: Brings servers back up!
    5) See 1)

    VR10 Sword and Board Templar (Heavy Armour), Ebonheart Pact
    LVL 25 Sorcerer, Daggerfall Covenant
    LVL 28 DK, Ebonheart Pact
    LVL 15 Nightblade, Altmari Dominion
  • Mykaah
    I love pinball .. wish I had my own table. $15 a month is cheap entertainment but I'll only play it until I stop having fun. Can't see that happening anytime soon. I've been playing since the 5 day pre launch and I'm taking my time. Just hit level 40 last night.
  • AinGeal
    Simple, I don't...
  • indytims_ESO
    This is the easiest answer in the world.

    Is the game fun for you?

    If so, pay $15 and keep having fun.

    If not - cancel.

    See how easy that is?

    I know I am paying $15 a month, and I "justify" it by the enjoyment I get each night I play. Not -everyone- is VR12. Not -everyone- is rushing to the endgame to sit around and twiddle our thumbs - like in most MMOs.

    When I stop getting enjoyment from playing - I'll cancel and move on - like a lot of the haters on this forum really should do.

    Gaming is not life.
    Edited by indytims_ESO on June 25, 2014 3:45AM
  • Belitseri
    I don't need to justify how I spend my money, that's the beauty of being a working adult. However, I take your meaning... you are not pleased and cannot understand why you or anyone else would pay for things you're not pleased about. I figure, I don't like sports, but I don't ask people why they insist on subscribing to ESPN (did I get that right? lol). They enjoy it. So, as long as folk enjoy this game enough to pay for it, they'll do so. It's a personal choice that we all make.
  • Loco_Mofo
    ozm8ey wrote: »
    how is everyone getting to lv 50 and veteran rank so quick I'm on on lv 17 on my main account and lv 14 on my crafting account also i have been playing since it came out not everyday though

    I think a better question is how are you only level 17 on your main if playing since early access? :smile:
  • Kroduk
    Like an idiot I did suscribe for 6 month :'( Its not about the 15$ but how can u charge for a beta... I had never played to a beta...

    so many frustration In game... when ur able to get IG... its a $$$ beta.
    Edited by Kroduk on June 25, 2014 4:47AM
  • Shanna
    I'm still (as of yet) subscribing.I justify it by saying that the amount of hope (and money) i dropped at the beginning is worth the fact that I only log in ever-so-many days now in order to reset my crafting/horse-feeding timers. I want my monies/hopes worth!

    also, they pissed me off by sending me a cancellation email for my renewal, followed immediately by a "why did you cancel?" email. I didn't cancel, my dang card was rejected! I'll show them!
    This is all part of the game.
  • Lunshea
    JungleBoot wrote: »
    Basic original premise: How do you justify the $15/month sub?

    Today, I don't and I have already cancelled my subscription. But, I disagree with several cheerleader responses.

    A. It's only $15 a month. I spend that much feeding my family at Taco Bell.
    If you don't understand why feeding your family is more important than you having the money to play your game, please, divorce your partner now. Allow them to move on with their life with a more responsible person. I'm sure you won't mind having visitation rights to your child since you will most likely spend your new found free time inside a video game. Additionally, other entertainment activities that cost $15 or more that involve spending time with family and friends in the real world are more valuable than paying for a game.

    And even worse, you clearly didn't understand his point was just to illustrate how little $15 is, and you're bringing nitpicking to a new dimension and write a book on how he mistreats his family. You seem to be very bitter over finding ESO not to be the game you thought it was. You decided to leave. Good riddance for the rest of us. Even more value for my $15. Jeez...stick to single player games, will you.

    Edited by Lunshea on June 25, 2014 6:45AM
  • Knightpanther
    Subscriptions games tend to have less Muppets.

    Be safe
  • RazielSR
    Lunshea wrote: »
    JungleBoot wrote: »
    Basic original premise: How do you justify the $15/month sub?

    Today, I don't and I have already cancelled my subscription. But, I disagree with several cheerleader responses.

    A. It's only $15 a month. I spend that much feeding my family at Taco Bell.
    If you don't understand why feeding your family is more important than you having the money to play your game, please, divorce your partner now. Allow them to move on with their life with a more responsible person. I'm sure you won't mind having visitation rights to your child since you will most likely spend your new found free time inside a video game. Additionally, other entertainment activities that cost $15 or more that involve spending time with family and friends in the real world are more valuable than paying for a game.

    And even worse, you clearly didn't understand his point was just to illustrate how little $15 is, and you're bringing nitpicking to a new dimension and write a book on how he mistreats his family. You seem to be very bitter over finding ESO not to be the game you thought it was. You decided to leave. Good riddance for the rest of us. Even more value for my $15. Jeez...stick to single player games, will you.

    Post like this one, plenty of hate against people not saying nice things about TESO is what is making the game failing. losing subs, the game being empty and not making possible to group...and it makes me sad. Many people come here just to tell how to improve the game, but the disciples of the forum will blame against them.
    It is really childish and insane.
    Edited by RazielSR on June 25, 2014 8:08AM
  • bugulu
    I don't need to justify a 15$ cost to me because I am working. Hell, my work lunches cost more than the monthly subscription of this game.
    Edited by bugulu on June 25, 2014 8:36AM
  • RivenCsky
    rotatorkuf wrote: »
    not trying to troll or anything

    but game has almost a criminally low amount of actual endgame content at vr12

    (not counting the endless zerg pvp i suppose)

    sure $15 isn't much to the majority of us

    but, other than paying to beta test for consoles

    how do you guys justify it?



    Edited by RivenCsky on June 25, 2014 8:45AM
  • Hears_Bright_Colors
    RazielSR wrote: »
    Post like this one, plenty of hate against people not saying nice things about TESO is what is making the game failing. losing subs, the game being empty and not making possible to group...and it makes me sad. Many people come here just to tell how to improve the game, but the disciples of the forum will blame against them.
    It is really childish and insane.

    Lol. Hate? Jungle purposely misunderstood the entire point of the guy's post just so he could mention mistreatment of his family. I don't think the majority of this forum is capable of understanding the difference between constructive criticism and petulant bitching. It has nothing to do with being ''disciples of the forum'', it's just that some people here are rational human beings with reasonable expectations.

    It's simple. This game gives way more than $0.50/day of entertainment value. It is not perfect, but 3 months in, it's fine. Things will get fixed. Happens in every single MMO. Except the one you're considering leaving ESO for, of course. That one will be perfect from launch.

    If you don't like the game enough to justify spending $15/month, then find something else to do. You shouldn't need the support of ESO's forum population to do something as simple as cancelling a subscription.
    Edited by Hears_Bright_Colors on June 25, 2014 9:11AM
  • Etaniel
    To answer the OP's question, just like everyone else, the sub fee is really not expensive. If you really think it's too much you can lower it's cost by getting it on sites like G2A for example. I personnaly pay 9 euros/month for this. If i keep having fun on this game, i'll keep on paying, really simple.

    Although, i really don't get why being V12 means you have exploited the game?
    I've been V12 for over a month, and i've completed all the zones from 1-50 and from V1 to V7. For the last 5 levels i realised it was much faster to complete dolmens, delves and to grind craglorn dungeons. And yes for me getting to max level was a race, because being at max level means you can enjoy all the content whenever you want, and enjoy new content as soon as it comes out. Being V12 doesn't mean you can't go back and enjoy the content you skipped before. In fact, i've been collecting skyshards, finishing quests, etc since i hit v12. Still, i have done around 75% of the quests in the game , and took the time to read most of them before i reached v12. I also played a lot in Cyrodil while levelling up since i got to level 10. If you haven't reached vet levels, you're probably just spending time at the inn, not questing or killing mobs, which is fine, play the way you want to play, just don't come saying v12 are all exploiters who don't give a crap about content.

    On a second note, I can understand why people say there is a lack in end game content. A good organized guild will get through both trials pretty fast. I don't see the point in endlessly running Vet dungeons, you do them once while enjoying the story and discovering the place, then you do it again once or twice to have the satisfaction of stomping on the bosses that were a pain at first and voila, you're done. And then the only option left if AvA. For me AvA is fine, and i can go on for 6-7 hours a day without a problem. But for those who don't enjoy pvp that much, well, there isn't much to do. Pve quests in Cyrodil are short, daily quests for the most part, and won't take long to complete. And don't talk about crafting, i've hit max lvl in 4 professions, and i have 6 or 7 traits researched everywhere. Crafting is nice, but it's not something that can actually keep you occupied for hours as an end game thing.

    Abusing the content to VR12 (most of the VR12 people has done this) and then complaining, is a bit, well ... not so nice. One should understand that levelling normally and then waiting for content patch is the thing what zenimax expects.

    NOW, that was just a sidenote, lets talk about the real problem.

    In short the problem is this.

    Dungeons give almost zero exp => no one wants to do them => problems in getting a group together => dungeons are dead via the dungeon finder tool

    Boost dungeon experience => people play dungeons to level up => more people use the dungeon tool to find groups => dungeons are not dead

    Also we need this => BOOST Tank and Healer player rewards in dungeons => shorter que time for DPS players, as a group needs 2 DPS and 1 healer 1 tank, the problem is that 99% of players play DPS classes so boosting rewards for tanks and healers => more tanks and healers doing dungeons.

    Also rewards players when they use the dungeon finder tools with players from other guilds => this does not have to be big bonus, but its true, doing dungeons with random strangers takes a lot more out of you and your potions then doing it with a premade guild group.

    all this done, and you get a system, where people want to do dungeons, as an alternate to FORCING people to quest, as there is no alternative for quest exp.

    Sure you can do this and that, but it takes weeks to level up with the other stuff when compared to quest exping.

    I HOPE, this gets noticed as i think and feel and know, that the way it is now... will lead to problems (it has alreade led to problems, people do not want to quest, they want to run dungeons when they reach Veteran 1, and they cant).

    So, that is your problem and solution.

    If you also make very very very very rare material drops to end bosses, we can get even the crafters to try dungeons. (sidenote).

    ^this is stupid. Once again, the majority of v12's haven't abused anything. You can quest, do dolmens, delves, pvp, world bosses. Questing is the slowest form of exp, the least viable in my opinion. Questing is when you want to take your time to enjoy the story, not when you want to lvl up efficiently. Dungeons are perfectly fine the way they are exp wise. Now if you're talking about dungeons 1-50, i can agree, but i've passed lvl 50 a long time ago, and there isn't that problem with Vet dungeons. In fact a lot of my guild mates have rushed to V10 by farming veteran wayrest sewers.

    A quick sum up for those who haven't read everything.
    - I'm having fun, i pay the sub, simple.
    - V12's are not exploiters, the game's been out for three months now, you are slow, deal with it.
    - Although AvA is enough for me, i understand that people find there is a lack of end game content. (we should be getting new content every 6 weeks so it's not that much of a problem).
    Noricum | Kitesquad


    AR 41 DC DK

  • mutharex
    WOW! A whole whopping 15 $!!!!

    I have a trust fund setup right for this, you know! After all, 50c a day is pretty steep, even for the best game on the market
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