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• PC/Mac: No maintenance – October 7
• Xbox: EU megaserver for maintenance – October 9, 2:00 UTC (October 8, 10:00PM EDT) - 16:00 UTC (12:00PM EDT)

how do you guys justify paying $15 a month?

  • Gremlis
    How many beers would it buy and how long would the buzz last. How many movies could you watch for the same price. The time spent in enjoyment is what the price is worth.
  • Bryong9ub17_ESO
    I feel bad for anyone that can't afford .48 cents a day.
  • Bromburak
    rotatorkuf wrote: »

    how do you guys justify it?

    A product is not falling from sky you know.

    Did you ever work in your life or in this industry with qualified colleagues?

    Just asking because it seems like you only consuming or buying cheap stuff.

    Its not a shame if you cannot afford something but its a shame if you cannot appreciate the work behind it.
  • Rosveen
    My highest level character is 48. I couldn't care less how much content there is at VR12, it will be months before I get there.
  • Evergnar
    15$ is cheap cost true.

    But there is a problem.

    If you play to VET12 with all 3 sides, you end up doing same quests over and over again.

    ADD all your alts on the 3 sides and you end up doing even more and more same quests.

    Main problem is, quests is the only reasonable way of levelling up in ESO and its a huge problem when you play enuff, at that point one will stop and revisit the question, will i continue to pay 15$ for the same levelling content over and over again as questing is the only way.

    We need alternative levelling options, and dungeons is the best option. (see my other post).
    Yep, quests (even the good ones in ESO) have limited replay value. That will always be the case in any game. I think dungeons would be a good place holder for now but do hope Zos continues to develop PvP/Cyrodiil which was always their main focus for endgame imo.
  • Reevster
    15 bucks..phifff, I just spent 15 bucks on a meal that lasted less then 10 mins , I see 15 bucks on 30 days of entertainment dirt cheap.

    I guess some people would rather play a "free" game and then spend 50 bucks here and there and before they know it its $300 bucks a month or more....I will take the sub thank you.
  • SK1TZ0FR3N1K
    Janduin wrote: »
    $15? Please enough with fake whining. That's less than what I spent on dinner and two drinks this Saturday.

    Damn, hook me up with that place.....that's what I pay for 1 drink here!
    “There are three kinds of men. The ones that learn by readin’. The few who learn by observation. The rest of them have to pee on the electric fence for themselves.” -Will Rogers
  • fougerec99b16_ESO
    I justify it by the simple fact that I work to earn money and as a result I have money to spend on entertainment without worrying about it.

    Perhaps if I played it like I had to get there first, complete everything right away and rush through in 8 hour per day every day sessions then I might feel otherwise but I don't. Heck some days I don't even log on to get my mats from my hireling. I have other things in my life and ESO is a hobby. My highest (of 3 characters) is level 41 and I had early access.
  • Kalman
    Phfft $15 is one lunch.
  • Conifur
    It's getting harder and harder to justify - now we are looking at least 8 hours or more down time today. I sometime feel this is a government organization the way they operate.
    Edited by Conifur on June 24, 2014 4:23PM
  • Artis
    Why 15? Why not 10, for example?
  • Reevster
    Conifur wrote: »
    It's getting harder and harder to justify - now we are looking at at least 8 hours or more down time today. I sometime feel this is a government organization they way they operate.

    Lol, your joking right? Every game has down time, I am sure you can find some thing you need to do in RL while its being patched.

  • Obscure
    How do I justify it? It's a pretty simple subjective reasoning:

    I enjoy ESO.
    ESO has a sub fee.
    I pay a sub fee to enjoy ESO.

    I can apply my subjective reasoning all day:

    I enjoy smoking.
    Smoking will give me cancer.
    I get cancer to enjoy smoking.

    It's really not that complicated. Objectively, there's no way anyone can justify paying $15 a month for ESO when there are full featured, high quality, triple A titles on Stream near, at, and below that price. We could all be playing a whole new triple A game every month forseably for the rest of our lives for $15 or less a month.

    It's a niche game for niche gamers. We like what we like and we don't give a single *** about objective justification.
  • danno8
    $15? I can not justify the time or effort it would take to try to come up with a justification for the paltry $15/month this game costs.

  • Reevster
    Artemis wrote: »
    Why 15? Why not 10, for example?

    Dont know but 15 is a good number...when i played EQ1 it was creeping over 22 bucks a month and that was back in the early 2000s.

    I am sure they will raise it a little bit once in a while as time goes on.
  • JJDrakken
    To those that say, Oh well I didnt exploit or race or whatever.

    I am one those players that have cancelled, I didn't RACE or EXPLOIT my way to VR4. I also have a Duo sitting at lvl 49 & a Trio sitting at lvl 41.

    Reson I am quitting because of all the issues, quest breaking/stopping bugs in VR, the pain it is for actual group lvling. (You on the exact same step as me, did you pick a different path(some quests have that) did you talk to so n so, etc..)

    Oh look, I formed a group, oh look I ain't group leader, no one is, ok lets reform, 3x later ok finally have the crown. Lets get a dungeon group together, crap I lost my crown when we all went in, no one has it, well that guy left for some reason or another, not I gotta leave the dungeon with everyone, reform the group so I can attempt recruitment. OK Finally, get in...Wait what happened to quest giver? Crap you have this quest(new guy), christ. OK every out, drop the quest, lets reform the group...I don't have crown again & no one does....See the pattern.

    Oh I can't use powers, WTF? WTF? Hit menu(I or K or whatever) key, back out, I can use powers again! WTF? Caused more deaths then it ever should have. Cuz powers shouldn't just stop working, forcing me into a menu & back out in hopes they work.

    My VR4, stopped playing in Alik'r, so many broken/bugged/borked quests that you cannon't move on most the time.

    That's just issues off the very top of my head, I know there is quite a bit more that have not only frustrated the hell out of me, but others. I do not pay money or spend my relaxation/fun time to be angry/frustrated.

    That's the reason I am leaving. If they can/do get their *** together you got odds I would return, but who knows.
    Leader of Oblivion Crisis. Bunch of Daedric Worshiping MF's. We'll Bang Ok.
  • TheBull

    next question!
  • Lalai
    Well.. I start off by asking myself "Do I find this game fun?" Next I ask myself "How much time do I think I'm going to spend playing this game?" If the answer is over 2-3 hours a week, I pay the fee.

    Realistically I could only play that 2-3 hours a month and it'd still be an okay cost. $15 a month is almost on par with what a movie ticket costs around here. That's not including the soda I'll likely get, or the dinner (cause we always do dinner plus a movie). Basically that $15 is providing a ton more entertainment to me than I would get going out, and I'm spending less money doing it. It should be mentioned that I only find the fee okay for games that need to maintain server costs, and release content updates... which is fairly limited to MMOs, which you're pretty much always testing, cause there are always going to be bugs. I'll buy DLC content for my single player stuff sometimes too.

    Updated to add: The "Do I find this game fun?" question takes into account a lot of things, but at the base is a very simple question. If I find the content boring, and I can't be bothered to log on, the answer can become a no. If I love the content, but the bugs/errors I'm getting are causing more frustration, and that's overwhelming the fun, the answer can be a no. If I'm disengaged the answer can be a no. If I'm enjoying myself despite the flaws the game has (cause all games have them) then the answer is yes. A yes does not mean the game has to be perfect, just means I have to like playing it, and any issues cannot trump that like. A yes is not definitive, and can turn into a no over time, at which point I'll stop paying the $15.

    I'd also note that I don't base my personal fun level on whether other people are also having fun. Just cause someone else dislikes something, doesn't mean I have to dislike it either.. or that I'm dumb for liking it. Especially when you're referring to things that don't harm people.
    Edited by Lalai on June 24, 2014 4:40PM
    Fisher extraordinaire!
    Send me your worms, crawlers, guts, and insect parts.
    Templar Healer
    Daggerfall Covenant, NA
  • Reevster

    Edited by Reevster on June 24, 2014 5:40PM
  • JJDrakken
    I don't watch TV. (Though I do watch 4 different shows online, but they rotate so that I am actually only watching 1 show for few months at a time)

    I work(8-5), I game, I mow that big ass F'ng backyard lawn I have(hate it, lol).

    So I may/do have more time put into gaming then say most folks I guess.
    Leader of Oblivion Crisis. Bunch of Daedric Worshiping MF's. We'll Bang Ok.
  • Conifur
    Reevster wrote: »
    Conifur wrote: »
    It's getting harder and harder to justify - now we are looking at at least 8 hours or more down time today. I sometime feel this is a government organization they way they operate.

    Lol, your joking right? Every game has down time, I am sure you can find some thing you need to do in RL while its being patched.

    Yes, and they are all FTP. I have played a fair share of them - ESO is leading in my frustration level. Rushing your product to meet an arbitrary timeline and not performance objectives / readiness has become the norm for online games and people have grown to except substandard service - I for one don't.
  • rbenkepub19_ESO
    1) I can afford it.
    2) I like playing the game, and for the amount of time I've put into it, $15/mo is nothing.
  • Spiritreaver_ESO
    Mordria wrote: »
    rotatorkuf wrote: »
    so basically, the vet grind is worth $15 to a lot of you lol, dat content i suppose

    What exactly does "dat content" mean?

    Probably the most interesting question in the last few pages of this thread.

    If i were to hazard a guess, and i am it seems, i would say it was a play on 'dat azz' or some variation on that theme of sticking 'dat' instead of 'that' in a phrase to emphasize the perceived quality of a thing.

    Anyone else wanna have a go at deciphering the mysterious phrase 'dat content'?
  • Reevster

    Edited by Reevster on June 24, 2014 5:40PM
  • Fleymark
    Ifthir_ESO wrote: »
    Rylana wrote: »
    This thread is now about pinball.

    no this thread is about entitled hardcore MMO players whining like they have since EQ

    Not sure who that is directed at.

    And how are we "entitled," exactly? Or whining for that matter.

    (I'm am old-school hardcore EQ player)
  • Conifur
    Reevster wrote: »
    Conifur wrote: »
    Reevster wrote: »
    Conifur wrote: »
    It's getting harder and harder to justify - now we are looking at at least 8 hours or more down time today. I sometime feel this is a government organization they way they operate.

    Lol, your joking right? Every game has down time, I am sure you can find some thing you need to do in RL while its being patched.

    Yes, and they are all FTP. I have played a fair share of them - ESO is leading in my frustration level. Rushing your product to meet an arbitrary timeline and not performance objectives / readiness has become the norm for online games and people have grown to except substandard service - I for one don't.

    Well ok cya then and can I have your stuff?

    Every game has down time..not just free to play...where do these guys come from..

    I am not debating that games have downtime, I am debating the seemingly endless mess called ESO with their downtime - and no you can't have my stuff and I will continue to play until my sub runs out - and I come from a place that expects more then you do from things I pay for.
  • Reevster
    Fleymark wrote: »
    Ifthir_ESO wrote: »
    Rylana wrote: »
    This thread is now about pinball.

    no this thread is about entitled hardcore MMO players whining like they have since EQ

    Not sure who that is directed at.

    And how are we "entitled," exactly? Or whining for that matter.

    (I'm am old-school hardcore EQ player)

    You wont see any old school EQ players whining about patches/down time etc, that reserved for the WoW give me it all now / entitlement crowd.
  • Vis
    Heads Up:

    Asking for a player's stuff when he's leaving the game is, I guess, against ZOS forum's TOS. B)

    Soooo ... could we "trade" before you leave ESO?
    v14 Sorc Vae Exillis
    v14 DK Costs
    v14 NB 'Vis
    v14 Temp Fiat Lux

  • Singular
    I feel bad for anyone that can't afford .48 cents a day.

    Thank you. You are kind.
    War, give me war, give me war.
  • Fleymark
    Weberda wrote: »
    Hilgara wrote: »
    Simple. I'm not exploiting to VR12. I'm playing the game I pay for instead of paying for it then not playing all of it......then complain that there's no content.

    This. 1000%

    This. 10000%

    I'm starting to think there should be a test before anyone is allowed to play an MMO. ADHDers need not apply.

    Would never happen. If it did, developers might have to come up with creative and rewarding content beyond solo questing since everyone playing now has an attention span.
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