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Maintenance for the week of October 7:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – October 7
• Xbox: EU megaserver for maintenance – October 9, 2:00 UTC (October 8, 10:00PM EDT) - 16:00 UTC (12:00PM EDT)

how do you guys justify paying $15 a month?

  • Ser Lobo
    Ser Lobo
    Gisgo wrote: »
    I dont think its worth 12€ but instead of posting on the forum i just stopped subbing.
    At the moment im playing planetside 2, it plays much better than ESO and its free.

    Damn i just posted on the forum :|

    Last time I played Planetside 2 I was 'unimpressed' with the graphics and the lag, and had a real hard time justifying the amount of work I was going to have to do to get better gear, when a couple bucks out of my pocket could have done it more quickly.

    Eventually, it became even more tedious and a turnoff, though I loved the concept of Planetside and really enjoy first person shooters.

    Different strokes, I guess. I'm fine with micro-transactions and sub fee's, but not penalizing players who don't spend in order to coerce them into doing so.
    Ruze Aulus. Mayor of Dhalmora. Archer, hunter, assassin. Nightblade.
    Gral. Mountain Terror. Barbarian, marauder, murderer. Nightblade.
    Na'Djin. Knight-Blade. Knight, vanguard, defender. Nightblade.

    Ruze is a veteran of the PC Beta, lived through the year one drought, survived the buy-to-play conversion, and has stepped foot in the hells known as Craglorn. He mained a nightlbade when nightblades weren't good, and has never worn a robe. He converted from PC during the console betas, and hasn't regretted it a moment since.

    He'd rank ESO:TU (in it's current state) a 4.8 out of 5, loving the game almost entirely.

    This is an multiplayer game. I should be able to log in, join a dungeon, join a battleground, queue for a dolmen or world boss or delve, teleport in, play for 20 minutes, and not worry about getting kicked, failing to join, having perfect voice coms, or being unable to complete content because someone's lagging behind. Group Finder and matchmaking is broken. Take a note from Destiny and build a system that allows from drop-in/drop-out functionality and quick play.
  • Turelus
    I enjoy myself while playing, that's all the justification I need.
    Edited by Turelus on June 24, 2014 2:34PM
    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
  • Fleymark
    That's why I prefer subscription games. Charge us all a flat fee and give us all the whole game.

    There is quite often a fine line between ftp and ptw, if there is a line at all.
  • Renuo
    rotatorkuf wrote: »
    i have "fun" just logging in and crafting/trading

    but as it stands, i'm unsubbed (ohnoes he said the U word)

    only because there's almost nothing to do, and i'm not interested in zerg pvp

    If you hate zerging you can get great pvp away from it too dude.
    Dark Renuo - Nightblade - Daggerfall Thornblade
    Nightblade PVP - https://www.youtube.com/user/renuoz
  • Yasha
    ArRashid wrote: »
    So, let's get this straight:

    Single player action game:
    40-80 euro for 4-8 hours of gameplay

    Single player strategy game:
    30-60 euro for 2-3 weeks of gameplay

    Sub based MMO:
    60 euro + 13 euro/month for unlimited time.

    Unless you plan to play less than a month, MMOs, even sub based, are still worth it.
    Sub at least drives away children and literal jerks who only play to mess with others (as most f2p players do in SWTOR for example), with no real interest in the game whatsoever..

    Hmmm, you have conveniently missed some categories:

    Single-player rpg: 50 to 200 hrs play time or more if you replay it (similar to rolling an alt in an mmo).

    Multiplayer pvp focused games like titanfall ($60)/unreal ($6)- 1000hrs-plus?

    Buytoplay mmos ($60): same game time as sub-based mmo.

    F2P mmo: same game time as sub-based mmo.

    Also, much of the time spent in an mmo is padding. Mmos use time-sinks to extend the apparent length of the game or give an illusion that there is a lot to do.

    This is particularly cheeky in sub-based mmos which essentially continue to suck money out of you in exchange for the "pleasure" of doing menial tasks, as opposed to a good rpg which is built around gameplay and minimizing unnecessary, boring timesinks.
  • bloodlanceeb17_ESO
    Abusing the content to VR12 (most of the VR12 people has done this) and then complaining, is a bit, well ... not so nice. One should understand that levelling normally and then waiting for content patch is the thing what zenimax expects.

    NOW, that was just a sidenote, lets talk about the real problem.

    In short the problem is this.

    Dungeons give almost zero exp => no one wants to do them => problems in getting a group together => dungeons are dead via the dungeon finder tool

    Boost dungeon experience => people play dungeons to level up => more people use the dungeon tool to find groups => dungeons are not dead

    Also we need this => BOOST Tank and Healer player rewards in dungeons => shorter que time for DPS players, as a group needs 2 DPS and 1 healer 1 tank, the problem is that 99% of players play DPS classes so boosting rewards for tanks and healers => more tanks and healers doing dungeons.

    Also rewards players when they use the dungeon finder tools with players from other guilds => this does not have to be big bonus, but its true, doing dungeons with random strangers takes a lot more out of you and your potions then doing it with a premade guild group.

    all this done, and you get a system, where people want to do dungeons, as an alternate to FORCING people to quest, as there is no alternative for quest exp.

    Sure you can do this and that, but it takes weeks to level up with the other stuff when compared to quest exping.

    I HOPE, this gets noticed as i think and feel and know, that the way it is now... will lead to problems (it has alreade led to problems, people do not want to quest, they want to run dungeons when they reach Veteran 1, and they cant).

    So, that is your problem and solution.

    If you also make very very very very rare material drops to end bosses, we can get even the crafters to try dungeons. (sidenote).

    Now one would ask me, how does this effect me paying 15$ per month, well IF i would only quest to VR12 and be bored out of my skull and prolly cut myself while doing it, THEN when i play my alts up QUESTING all the same quests over and over again, would make me kill myself.

    Now as i am a very aware of how i am and how I work , i decided to stop playing ESO , BUT i still pay for ESO.

    Instead i have posted some posts here in forums, and hopefully effect a resolution, WHERE, there is alternative levelling possibility for questing.

    I will give around 2-3 months time for ESO, and then i am done 100% forever on the topic of ESO. (and yes i pay all those 2-3 months).

    I think i played the 1st month, and i have been waiting at VET3.7 since, and as Dungeons are dead, literally and for real, it seems i need to make these posts here in the forums, and hope for the best.

    <3 love you guys

    For those who didnt notive the point of all the txt, the point is i would pay 15$ a month if there would be an alternative levelling method for my main and all my many alts. Having mainly having the quests, is in short unacceptable.
    Edited by bloodlanceeb17_ESO on June 24, 2014 2:46PM

    Bloodlance aka SG4tw
  • Reevster

    Edited by Reevster on June 24, 2014 5:42PM
  • Falmer
    Somehow the word 'Justify' and '$15 a month' just doesn't seem to work together.

    I mean... $15 bucks? That's not even a single meal for three people at McDonalds of all places. Its about 3.5 gallons of gasoline.

    Its not like its a huge investment here. The return on the investment is amazing and awesome as well.

    At the end of the day, if YOU don't like the game, stop playing it. Go find something else to play that you will enjoy.
  • bloodlanceeb17_ESO
    Reevster wrote: »
    rotatorkuf wrote: »
    not trying to troll or anything

    but game has almost a criminally low amount of actual endgame content at vr12

    (not counting the endless zerg pvp i suppose)

    sure $15 isn't much to the majority of us

    but, other than paying to beta test for consoles

    how do you guys justify it?

    I think Wildstar is calling your name and can I have your stuff... :p

    Wildstar is a WoW copy with just jelly on top of it. When WoW releases the new addon, Wildstar will loose all the WoW lovers and then Wildstar will "die".

    To me anything related to WoW is a big nono. as i played it for a long time and my WoW cup is still overflowing.
    Edited by bloodlanceeb17_ESO on June 24, 2014 2:51PM

    Bloodlance aka SG4tw
  • caschotchb14_ESO
    Honestly only had 1 toon hit Veteran ranks, and then I decided I didn't like veteran ranks. Going through the other faction story lines seems to be a lazy way to add more content. So I created another toon in another faction. I will play that one till I hit veteran ranks, then create a 3rd toon in the last faction till I hit vet levels.

    At that time I will decide if I want to continue sending money there way but it all depends on what changes they may make to veteran ranking. As it stands now I more then likely will not be staying. Not because of the amount of money but because I can't stand the decision to have to replay other factions when in all honesty they had so many other options available it seems they took the lazy road out.
  • Ifthir_ESO
    rotatorkuf wrote: »

    how do you guys justify it?

    First of all, you are trying to troll, when you make comments like "Beta-test for consoles".

    Second of all, I justify it as I receive at minimum $15 worth of enjoyment per month.

    Actually I'd probably pay more, I play almost every day for several hours.

    If play 5 hours a day, 6 days a week, thats 120 hours a month. Thats ~ 10 cents an hour to have fun in a constantly changing world which has the best graphics of any MMO by a mile.

    Not hard to justify at all.

    Edited by Ifthir_ESO on June 24, 2014 2:56PM
  • IrishGirlGamer
    k9mouse wrote: »
    Is it a fun game! To me there is a lot of reply value to be had still in the stories -- should I let this NPC live or die? Should tell on this NPC or not? etc etc

    ~ snip ~

    Have you played all 3 classes?
    Have you played all 4 factions style lines? Both as a good char and an evil char.
    How about PVP?
    Get involved with a guild or two, or crafting or trade mats / items -- there are many content ideas if one uses their own mind to make ESO into a sandbox game.

    This, seriously. How much entertainment should I expect for my sub fee? As I told someone last night, by the time I raise my level to 50 in the AD, I'll shift to the EP, and then the DC. It'll probably take months. And I'll get my money's worth.

    Then I might start again with another class or a different race or whatever. And by then Zeni will have changed things up a bit ...

    Like it or not, this game has life - and for less money than I spend at Starbucks every day.
    Valar Morghulis.

    Someday I'm going to put a sword through your eye and out the back of your skull. Arya Stark

    You're going to die tomorrow, Lord Bolton. Sleep well. Sansa Stark

    If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor. Desmond Tutu
  • thorntk421
    I didn't bother reading all the posts but, I'm sure it's been said. $15 a month is dirt cheap for the hours of entertainment I'm still getting a month from ESO. If you don't feel it's worth or it's not the game for you..don't play and move on..simple as that.
  • Ifthir_ESO
    Crumpy wrote: »
    There is no justification for a subsciption-fee for this substandard product that was released too early and seems to still be in the testing stage.

    the good news is that you can choose to vote with your dollars and play elsewhere


    [Moderator Note: Edited per our rules on Flaming]
    Edited by ZOS_LodieA on June 24, 2014 4:42PM
  • calamity
    A movie, with popcorn and a drink costs me about $15, and gives me only 2 hours of entertainment.

    Or a pizza, which, while filling for me and my roommate, flatly refuses to entertain us.

    So, as long as I get more than 2 hours a month of entertainment out of the game, it justifies the sub to me. It is *definitely* a game that rewards playing slowly and exploring thoroughly.

  • Ifthir_ESO
    Rylana wrote: »
    This thread is now about pinball.

    no this thread is about entitled hardcore MMO players whining like they have since EQ
  • SDZald
    Hum I have 6 characters I play, at least one in each faction. My two mains are currently level 46 and 48, I haven't even started the veteran ranks. I by no means consider myself a casual gamer, I play a good 20+ hours a week.

    I guess if you play 8+ hours a day, power your way through the game, not taking the time to actually read the large number of books about lore, if you don't listen to quests dialogs, then find 'end game' play lacking you might have a point.

    I have always believed it's not about the destination but the journey. It really baffles me how people in every MMO I have played we get people like this.

    Look if you are all 'done' GREAT, you won! Stop paying, stop playing and move along to another game you will blast through and let the people who are still having fun playing have some quiet :)
  • bloodlanceeb17_ESO
    k9mouse wrote: »
    Is it a fun game! To me there is a lot of reply value to be had still in the stories -- should I let this NPC live or die? Should tell on this NPC or not? etc etc

    ~ snip ~

    Have you played all 3 classes?
    Have you played all 4 factions style lines? Both as a good char and an evil char.
    How about PVP?
    Get involved with a guild or two, or crafting or trade mats / items -- there are many content ideas if one uses their own mind to make ESO into a sandbox game.

    This, seriously. How much entertainment should I expect for my sub fee? As I told someone last night, by the time I raise my level to 50 in the AD, I'll shift to the EP, and then the DC. It'll probably take months. And I'll get my money's worth.

    Then I might start again with another class or a different race or whatever. And by then Zeni will have changed things up a bit ...

    Like it or not, this game has life - and for less money than I spend at Starbucks every day.

    15$ is cheap cost true.

    But there is a problem.

    If you play to VET12 with all 3 sides, you end up doing same quests over and over again.

    ADD all your alts on the 3 sides and you end up doing even more and more same quests.

    Main problem is, quests is the only reasonable way of levelling up in ESO and its a huge problem when you play enuff, at that point one will stop and revisit the question, will i continue to pay 15$ for the same levelling content over and over again as questing is the only way.

    We need alternative levelling options, and dungeons is the best option. (see my other post).

    Bloodlance aka SG4tw
  • joanjett
    OK first off this game has more content than any new mmo on the market.
    Second and the most important if you can't afford 15 bucks a month
    what the hell are you doing playing a mmo? If things are that bad money
    wise YOU should not be playing a game that has a sub every month. :o

    its not worth $15 than why the hell are you here?
    Man oh man i just get tired of the same old rant's somebody shoot me please! :p
    When some wild-eyed, eight-foot-tall maniac grabs your neck, taps the back of your favorite head up against the barroom wall, and he looks you crooked in the eye and he asks you if ya paid your dues, you just stare that big sucker right back in the eye, and you remember what ol' Jack Burton always says at a time like that: "Have ya paid your dues, Jack?" "Yessir, the check is in the mail."
  • JJDrakken
    I don't, reason I have chosen to cancel my sub. My last day in ESO will be 16th. of July.
    Leader of Oblivion Crisis. Bunch of Daedric Worshiping MF's. We'll Bang Ok.
  • uberwilhelm
    I find this hilarious. I have been playing since launch and only have 2 toons at lvl 17 and 20. It's all about the journey man it's not a race. So I'm ok with $15 a month for the hours of entertainment I get.
  • Gremlis
    Is it really worth it to buy a game for $70, max it out in the first week-month, and then have nothing to do? I play this game on multiple alts and crafters at least 10 hrs a day and still don't have a VR12. My enjoyment comes from exploring and enjoying the content at a less frantic pace. The race for some to VR12 looked like a blue light sale at K-Mart. If you burn thru content and cant enjoy all there is to offer because of your ADD lifestyle then $15 isn't worth it. If at some time in your life you can take time to smell the roses you might realize $15 isn't really that much for the amount of enjoyment received.
  • Oogly
    It's cheaper than smoking.
  • Crumpy
    Ifthir_ESO wrote: »
    Crumpy wrote: »
    There is no justification for a subsciption-fee for this substandard product that was released too early and seems to still be in the testing stage.

    the good news is that you can choose to vote with your dollars and play elsewhere


    Ha i hope to around for a long time mate don't worry (you prick).

    [Moderator Edit: Edited quote from moderated post.]
    Edited by ZOS_LodieA on June 24, 2014 4:44PM
    I lyke not this quill.
  • kitsinni
    Gremlis wrote: »
    Is it really worth it to buy a game for $70, max it out in the first week-month, and then have nothing to do? I play this game on multiple alts and crafters at least 10 hrs a day and still don't have a VR12. My enjoyment comes from exploring and enjoying the content at a less frantic pace. The race for some to VR12 looked like a blue light sale at K-Mart. If you burn thru content and cant enjoy all there is to offer because of your ADD lifestyle then $15 isn't worth it. If at some time in your life you can take time to smell the roses you might realize $15 isn't really that much for the amount of enjoyment received.

    Even if you had 10 alts at 10 hours a day you have played for more than 800 hours .. that would be over 80 hours for every alt if you had 10. I don't think there are that many roses to smell in the entire game.
  • Ghnami
    I have $15 of fun playing this game, ezpz.
  • angel59
    Pocket change. No excuse needed.
  • seaef
    Weberda wrote: »
    Hilgara wrote: »
    Simple. I'm not exploiting to VR12. I'm playing the game I pay for instead of paying for it then not playing all of it......then complain that there's no content.

    This. 1000%

    This. 10000%

    I'm starting to think there should be a test before anyone is allowed to play an MMO. ADHDers need not apply.

    "The Illuminati are very achievement focused. It's like Xbox - only everything is hardcore."
    - Kirsten Geary
  • dale_forrestb16_ESO
    I don't justify it. The game costs that to play, I like the game, so I pay it. That said, I have found that subscription-based games have better development generally.

    However, to put it into perspective:

    $15 a month works out to (roughly) 50 cents a day.

    A coffee at starbucks is $3.50 X 30 == $105/month.

  • Mordria
    rotatorkuf wrote: »
    so basically, the vet grind is worth $15 to a lot of you lol, dat content i suppose

    What exactly does "dat content" mean?
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