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how do you guys justify paying $15 a month?

  • Raash
    To me the 15dollars a month are justified, the game is not a total disaster, it has nice settings and the atmosphere is in my opinion pretty good. PVP is fun when im not getting booted with unknown error and I think I get a pretty solid entertainment from this forum alone aswell.
    There are worse ways to spend 15 dollars I think.

    On another note I do sometimes wonder if they spend more time counting their monthly revenue then fixing all these small stuff that at the end of the day do so much for the gaming experience (like guild store search functions etc). The game can be really annoying at times.
    Edited by Raash on June 25, 2014 10:16AM
  • steveb16_ESO46
    If you feel you are getting value for money no other justification is needed.
  • Volla
    no content ? try some pvp ... its fun it last and its exciting :D
  • Misty
    There was a time when I decided never again to pay a subscription to a MMO.
    Then why am I paying a subscription? Because I'm a fool. ;)
    Edited by Misty on June 25, 2014 10:42AM
  • Aureli
    Well i was thinking i could afford a cute dragon skin cover for my lance , or i could buy a month of game time. So i went with a month of game time.
    Do you mean a real lance, virtual lance, or was that a euphemism for a flavorful condom? Please say it was the latter. Lol
  • Lunshea
    RazielSR wrote: »
    Lunshea wrote: »
    JungleBoot wrote: »
    Basic original premise: How do you justify the $15/month sub?

    Today, I don't and I have already cancelled my subscription. But, I disagree with several cheerleader responses.

    A. It's only $15 a month. I spend that much feeding my family at Taco Bell.
    If you don't understand why feeding your family is more important than you having the money to play your game, please, divorce your partner now. Allow them to move on with their life with a more responsible person. I'm sure you won't mind having visitation rights to your child since you will most likely spend your new found free time inside a video game. Additionally, other entertainment activities that cost $15 or more that involve spending time with family and friends in the real world are more valuable than paying for a game.

    And even worse, you clearly didn't understand his point was just to illustrate how little $15 is, and you're bringing nitpicking to a new dimension and write a book on how he mistreats his family. You seem to be very bitter over finding ESO not to be the game you thought it was. You decided to leave. Good riddance for the rest of us. Even more value for my $15. Jeez...stick to single player games, will you.

    Post like this one, plenty of hate against people not saying nice things about TESO is what is making the game failing. losing subs, the game being empty and not making possible to group...and it makes me sad. Many people come here just to tell how to improve the game, but the disciples of the forum will blame against them.
    It is really childish and insane.

    So the question here is; am I the guy blinded by fanboyism here, or are you and the guy I quoted simply blinded by ESO hatred?

    I have postings here, on Tamriel Foundry and ESO Reddit where I criticize several aspects ESO and design choices I would like to see done differently (and how). Yes, I love and play ESO, but I also think an open discussion with constructive criticism is healthy for the game, for its community and for its developers. What I DO NOT do, is accusing people for mistreating their family due to playing games, enjoying ESO, preferring P2P and using a Taco Bell visit to compare the subscription value.

    So; I suggest you read what this guy wrote once more, and if you still find his arguments valid and my quote way out of line, I can only comment as another guy wrote here earlier; $15 is sure a fair price to pay for an ingame jerk filter...
  • mutharex
    So the game is 'failing' because we don't act like 12 years old? Interesting...
  • Soloeus
    I will be gone when my sub runs out, but I will rush whatever I can before I am done. This will also probably be my last MMO because I don't like the direction the genre is going.

    Within; Without.
  • Chillic
    How do you justify your thought process of wanting a game, that you will sink hours a month into, to be free. "I would play it if it was free" = "I'm a cheap ***"
  • fredarbonab14_ESO
    To the OP: We don't have to justify anything, to you or anyone else. If you don't intent to play the game, quit and stop bothering people that do.
  • Bhakura
    Well, i started with the full package 200ish days, still have 140 days playtime left, so Zenimax has 140 days left to turn this vehicle around and make it a Pagani Zonda instead of the Lada it is now.
  • Kayira
    I have paid 60 quid for this game until now and I have 18 days of playtime, that means 432 hours, and roughly 14p per hour. On skyrim I spend merely 180h and spent roughly the same or more on buying the game when it was new. The time I get on this game compared to what I am paying completely justifies the sub fee in my opinion.

    Just think of all the AAA games like bioshock infinite for example you spend 60 pounds for a new game and spend 12-20 hours on it. MMORPG's justify sub fees a lot more than any single player game.
    Edited by Kayira on June 25, 2014 12:53PM
    EU PC
    In Game Tag: @Silthoras

    Raid Mains: Warden and Templar Heals
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  • Bhakura
    Kayira wrote: »

    Just think of all the AAA games like bioshock infinite for example you spend 60 pounds for a new game and spend 12-20 hours on it. MMORPG's justify sub fees a lot more than any single player game.

    Good point, but stuff not working as it should and make one faulty choice after another doesnt add up.

  • Brayton
    Go and play something like FF14. Completely geared to endgame and BORING as hell. Stand around in a city waiting for an instanced event that you then have to grind to get one piece of armor or a weapon... Sure, there is other stuff to do, but the PvE is inane and all the other side-quests and content is geared towards casual, "angry birds" players.
    I am much happier trying to get across a landscape without being thrashed by the mobs around me and enjoying quests. Endgame content must exist, but as soon as the environment itself becomes redundant, I will leave.
    ESO is great as it is (despite the obvious necessary tweaks) and I will happily pay for it.
  • andreas.rudroffb16_ESO
    how do you guys justify paying $15 a month?

    getting more money ? Zenimax is a privately hold company.... they want return on investment :)

    .... as much as they can get untill something happens

    after that we will see

    Client is on sale für 16-18 Bucks right now (inkl 30 days) - cant link it due to forum rules, just use google

    More 1-3 months subscribers
    Edited by andreas.rudroffb16_ESO on June 25, 2014 5:06PM
  • KillingChaos7
    Heinzy wrote: »
    To this day I log in to level my horse and log out. =(

    dude, why?
    1. put in sometime find what aspect of the game you enjoy there is lots to do in ESO its not about just grinding or questing, there is a commerce system, there is achievements to get, pre vet content you haven't seen anything yet.

    2. if displeased, unsub take some time off don't get burnt out and we will see ya in a few months when things get ironed out...

  • kimboh
    $15 a month is nothing compared to some of the other 'habits' I've had in the past.
    Status: offline
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  • Kewljag_66_ESO
    The reason i play : a new 3 way alliance warfare PVP endgame. 50cents a day. I hope you realize older games like DAOC have been doing this for 13 years and are still going.
  • williamburr2001b14_ESO
    rotatorkuf wrote: »
    how do you guys justify it?

    Stockholm Syndome, but honestly, after today, my one foot out the door has become both feet out the door, but hand still on the doorknob just in case. I'm not even sure why I have any benefit of the doubt left.

    The last straw was a very unsatisfying correspondence with a forum police-person who basically said that they're not going to police attacks from some forum posters against other forum posters, as long as the ones doing the attacking are complimentary toward the game. As long as the pro- keep flagging posts and the critiquers do not, you're going to see moderation on ONE set of opinions and not the other. Pucker up and aim for that booty, ladies and gents.

    Before that, let's see:

    No Auction House, combined with a very odd, very restricting bag/bank system, completely awful guild store search system. Do you know how searches usually work, Zeni? WITH WORDS. Google and Yahoo figured this out 2 decades ago. Ask Jeeves is face-palming you. ALSO WEAPONS ARE NOT A CRAFTING ITEM NOR FOOD. 3 months of this since launch, with 2 months of beta before that. Now we have white garbage flooding every container, meaning everyone has to turn off auto-loot or be buried in 0-value belts and boots, meaning you have to stop every 5 minutes to empty your bags of placeholder garbage. Ridiculous.

    Swinging the nerf/buff hammer around wildly, while never addressing the underlying problems. Templars took a bat to the face BEFORE LAUNCH, and it has yet to be fixed. They should be called OOMplars, and their dps is literally pathetic, I mean literally worthy of pity. What good does a 400-dmg dps spell do against VR mobs that have 4,400hp? One single-target cc in the class skills? SURE, but let's not touch DK talons or Sorc prison. Let's just keep ignoring that only 1/2 the classes have a decent multi-target cc. Let's also put ALL CLASS ABILITIES (with synergistic passives) on magicka, and then scratch our heads wondering why stam/weapon builds can't compete. Let's give one armor line massive bonuses to magicka-use-reduction and regen, and then act totally mystified that 90% of players who know what they're doing run around in robes all the time, even when they're tanking. MYSTERIES ABOUND. But hey, now we can send a clannfear in to tank while we set up our ccs and aoes! What, you're not a Sorc? WHY AREN'T YOU A SORC WE CAN'T MAKE THIS ANY CLEARER ROLL SORC.

    Bots. Can STILL teleport. Can STILL farm nodes. Can STILL farm quests and flood their accounts with gold. Can STILL circumvent in-game mail filters and harass players. Every visible attempt to thwart them has only achieved a huge slap in the face to players. The Templar jab nerf was embarrassingly bad, and has since reverted so hard that Temp's are a 1-button class again, jab jab jab, with extra damage, spammable, and a self-heal. The white-items-everywhere change is pretty obviously an attempt to curb bots farming containers. Too bad every bot account probably has a script that deletes 0-value items automatically. So once again, an aggravation to players, 0 damage to bots.

    Dungeons. What's the point? Tiny xp. Laughable loot. No reason ever to go back once you've got the clear and the skill point, unless you're that bored.

    Exploits. Every new content expansion sends people zerging one particular thing en masse, just to hit the new cap within a couple hours. Every near-top-level players ends up with 100 purples bursting from his or her bags in the same time. All non-crafted gear is silly and pointless unless it's broken (hello Magicka Furnace).

    VR content. Ha. Ha ha. Hahahahahaha. This ad-hoc system, an absolute requirement if you want to hit the top level tier, which all expanded content caters to, is...tedious just isn't strong enough a word. It provokes endless arguments on the forums about whether it sucks because it's hard, or it sucks because it's boring and pointless, or it sucks because it breaks the immersion of working for your faction. It's a grind that has Japanese and Korean MMOs awestruck with the audacity of it. After 50 levels of incremental power increase, incrementally cool rewards, and incrementally more versatility with skills and specs, let's go TOTALLY IN THE OPPOSITE DIRECTION. Let's have you stagnate, and have to comb online for usable builds, while every stupid mudcrab and skeever gets more and more powerful. Let's introduce Dark Souls-levels of precision in an MMO, which often has wonky latency and responsiveness issues. Miss a single roll-dodge, YOU DESERVE THIS DEATH, LEARN TO PLAY NOOBLET.

    So yeah. I had 2 RL friends beg me to play this game. I got hooked on sub-VR content. I love the world and the art and the detail and illusion of life and activity everywhere. I find crafting adequate and skills...okay and classes...okay and pvp...ok. I seem to be in the minority here, but I think it plays very much like an Online Elder Scrolls game would and should. The RL friends bailed a couple months ago. The in-game friends I've made kept me around. Large numbers of them bailed about a month ago. I'm looking around post 9 GIGABYTE PATCH THAT FIXES NOTHING IMPORTANT TO ME and it's like sitting in a nearly-vacant theater, showing last month's feature on the screen, and oh by the way, that'll be another $15 sir.

    Stockholm Syndrome? Maybe. Sunk cost? Quite probably. What I know is that one of those RL friends has been begging me to try out Wildstar, and now that I'm not downloading a 9 gigabyte patch I certainly have the bandwith. Do I want to start over with a cartoony set of rabbit ears? No, but I've heard that game is actually *fun*. There's only so many nut-shots a person can take before they learn to avoid the red zones.
  • Nate
    I lose more than 15 bucks a month from change falling out of my pockets that I'm too lazy to pick up. If you're older than 25 and can't afford 15 bucks, or it's a major expense for you - then perhaps you need to put the video games away and get your priorities in order.
  • andre.roques.3b14_ESO
    ***puffs up chest***
    I make a bunch of money! :)
    $15 a month for hours and hours of enjoyable entertainment is a drop in the bucket.
    Now ask me why I buy blu rays instead of just Netflix...no idea.
    ***un puff***
    NA MegaServer
    Alicron AD Altmer Templar
    Caltrinity EP Dunmer Sorcerer
    Brehhanon Moonblood DC Breton Nightblade
  • Hears_Bright_Colors
    The last straw was a very unsatisfying correspondence with a forum police-person who basically said that they're not going to police attacks from some forum posters against other forum posters, as long as the ones doing the attacking are complimentary toward the game. As long as the pro- keep flagging posts and the critiquers do not, you're going to see moderation on ONE set of opinions and not the other.

    I'd love to see proof of this.

    ''You can abuse other people in the forum as long as you compliment the game during the course of it''? Is this "basically" what they said to you? Even if this were their actual policy, they wouldn't tell you that.
    Edited by Hears_Bright_Colors on June 25, 2014 8:47PM
  • Lalai
    The last straw was a very unsatisfying correspondence with a forum police-person who basically said that they're not going to police attacks from some forum posters against other forum posters, as long as the ones doing the attacking are complimentary toward the game. As long as the pro- keep flagging posts and the critiquers do not, you're going to see moderation on ONE set of opinions and not the other.

    I'd love to see proof of this.

    ''You can abuse other people in the forum as long as you compliment the game during the course of it''? Is this "basically" what they said to you? Even if this were their actual policy, they wouldn't tell you that.

    That's not true. Just.. plain not true at all. There are a few people that like to claim it is.. but if it were true there are a lot of posts that get deleted, threads that get closed, or warnings that go out that wouldn't be happening. Heck, I've even gotten a warning and I'm not at all one of the negative people, and I'm fairly careful not to insult/name call. I would be more willing to bet that him and the forum police person he had a conversation with had a difference of opinion on what made a personal attack. Many people, on both sides, seem to think that disagreeing in and of itself is a personal attack.
    Fisher extraordinaire!
    Send me your worms, crawlers, guts, and insect parts.
    Templar Healer
    Daggerfall Covenant, NA
  • Hears_Bright_Colors
    I think I was unclear. I was saying that even if ZOS was completely willing to overlook it's forum members degrading each other as long as the attacker said something nice about ESO in the process, they're never going to just come out and admit to that. That's why I asked for proof. In fact, I'm guessing that the exchange with the forum-police was purposely misunderstood so the claim could be made that ZOS is only concerned with hearing nice things about themselves and give preference to those that say nice things.
    From what I've seen, if you cross the line in attacking another poster, you get the same discipline regardless of whether you love ESO or hate it. Being complimentary of ESO doesn't grant you immunity to the rules of decency enforced by the forum mods here, as the above poster seemed to be insinuating.
  • psylent
    Soul Shriven
    I justify it because this game is the best I've played. I know it has issues, but I don't seem to be affected by them very often, if at all. In saying that I play fairly slow, I have 5 characters the highest level one being 28, I enjoy the game content and story, I rarely group up so I am probably missing a lot of the problems everyone else is getting. It's really well done for immersion, is huge, and on the scale of things isn't that much money.

    I just think this game is a work of art. Imagine in a year or so what it will be like, other MMO games have taken a few years to really come into their own, I don't think this one will be any different.

    I really like not having to commit large amounts of time, I came from DDO and basically if you logged in then you better be ready for at least 2 hours or more otherwise you will not get anything done. This game I can log in, do a quick run around, kill some stuff, progress some story lines, enjoy the scenery, log out and when I log back in I'm exactly where I left off so no punishment for not putting in huge hours.

    tl;dr : I think it's worth every cent.
    Edited by psylent on June 26, 2014 12:37AM
  • Insignia91
    I make a lot of money to the point I can wipe my ass with $15 a month. I am only V1 so I still have plenty of time to do whatever While they add more endgame.
  • Stratti
    rotatorkuf wrote: »
    not trying to troll or anything

    but game has almost a criminally low amount of actual endgame content at vr12

    (not counting the endless zerg pvp i suppose)

    sure $15 isn't much to the majority of us

    but, other than paying to beta test for consoles

    how do you guys justify it?

    I don't need to justify it. I like the game and it is pocket change lets be real.
  • Ragefist
    Easy justified. I usually spend more for my dinner when im feeling lazy and order a takeaway
  • rynth
    oh my gosh the game is three months old and they don't have a sequel yet?!?!?! HOW DARE THEY!!!! oh wait you came out with two new vet areas....yet those are done now too, again HOW DARE YOU not get this stuff out every single month.

    OH there are bugs in this guy?!?! HOW DARE YOU be like every single other MMO and how dare you so quickly try and fix things, how dare you respond to peoples threads when they are having problems or add in stuff that people want so early in the game.

    what do you think happens when you grind so fast to reach the top lvls????? I mean I feel like I'm the only one not taking crazy pills.

    but to answer your question it is worth the regular 15 dollars a month since so far I'm in the game for the long hall or at least six months to a year that I normally give games that I enjoy to fix a lot of the game content. Because I AM UNDERSTANDING that MMOs are huge and take a lot of work to tweak.
    When asked what he would do for a Klondike bar. Grand Moff Tarkin said "why I would blow up Alderaan."
  • stefan.gustavsonb16_ESO
    I have played this game almost daily since launch. Some days I just log in to craft some stuff, other days I play for hours. I am having a lot of fun.

    Like many others, I am annoyed by all the bugs and glitches, and I have parked two characters, one AD Templar at VR1 out of frustration with VR zones and the Templar class having serious issues, and one DC Nightblade at lvl 30 due to the class being downright broken. But guess what? I made an EP Sorcerer and got yet another faction full of quests to easily keep me entertained for a couple of months longer while trying a totally different playstyle. Then I can decide which character, if any, that I would like to level up to VR12, or whatever the level cap is when I get there. I have still not been to Cyrodiil since beta, so there's another thing for me to try that might be fun as well. I might also roll a DK in some faction, just to see what that class is like, and I might try leveling a second NB from scratch or respec my existing one to try a stamina build, which seems to be a lot more playable now than a month ago. Perhaps I will even go against my habit and try playing as a vampire for a while. I see no real "endgame" except PvP, so why rush to a point in the game where I have nothing left to do?

    I will get plenty of value for my money for at least six months by just questing through levels 1-50 in three factions with three characters, experimenting with different crafts and different skill trees. After that I am hoping for some more content to be available. If not, well, we'll see.
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