Goodbye Sorcerers...

Maintenance for the week of March 24:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 24, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 26, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• Playstation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 26, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
  • Nitratas
    You sorcerers make it sound that bold escape is the only reason you play sorcerer
  • psufan5
    Tabbycat wrote: »
    I am waiting for the inevitable nerf to light armor and destruction/resto staves.

    When all armor and weapon types are nerfed... what will we do then?

    We will wield nerfbats!

    Surgical Incision
    Former Emperor
  • j_labbeb16_ESO
    If this is true, about time sorcs get a balance tweak.
  • anakaki
    crislevin wrote: »

    50% increase won't affect you? I haven't seen any other nerf call for 50% cost increase no matter how many people spam them. How is that fair? Is BE more OP than impulse, Banner, talon?

    Can't believe I'm siding with dk's here but banner and talons have been nerfed. 50% increase yes, thats how OP it was. You rather they set 15 sec timer on it?
    Death Recap for Templars
    Have you tried rerolling to a Sorcerer or Dragonknight?
    Templars do more dps than DK's.
  • crislevin
    SuperJChat wrote: »

    You play a Sorc, Amirite?

    Whats your point? I can survive a lot of stuff and keep going, but I don't ever run from a fight. Gee, guess that makes me OP. Obviously its smarter to attack someone a bunch and run away with my tail between my legs when I can't kill them like a true player. Lol. I die a lot in PvP. It happens. But you are scared of it. If you weren't this "tweak" wouldn't effect you

    Point is everybody can go trash talk when other class is nerfed, doesn't make them legit without solid reasoning.
  • Hypertionb14_ESO
    psufan5 wrote: »

    We will wield nerfbats!

    I give you your Newest Model Texture Mod!

    (coming soon, maybe)
    I play every class in every situation. I love them all.
  • Absinthe
    SuperJChat wrote: »

    You play a Sorc, Amirite?

    Whats your point? I can survive a lot of stuff and keep going, but I don't ever run from a fight. Gee, guess that makes me OP. Obviously its smarter to attack someone a bunch and run away with my tail between my legs when I can't kill them like a true player. Lol. I die a lot in PvP. It happens. But you are scared of it. If you weren't this "tweak" wouldn't effect you

    I use streak as my bolt escape morph. I use it as an attack and a gap closer. And you never answered my question. I tend to believe you are a NB now. Using stealth as a crutch and then shadowy disguise from a fight, right? Makes total sense now....
  • SuperJChat
    crislevin wrote: »

    sure, you are manly you can stay and fight when some guys sneak on you and try to stun lock you.

    what battles? who told you BE is a battle time exclusive? I didn't see that on the tooltips? or is that just you lack of imagination or understanding of how BE is being used?

    Oh I understand that people use it for transportation, but he compared it to attack skills, so I was using his logic against him.

    Honestly though people using it to travel won't be bothered that much either. All you do is spam it till your magicka runs out, wait for Magicka to regen, then spam it again. You can still do that, you just won't be able to cast it as many times in a row without regening. At first yeah it will suck because you will be used to the old way it worked, but give it a week and you won't even care.

    But really, a 65% speed horse with retreating maneuvers should be the fastest/best trasport in the game aside from wayshrines/transit stones, especially for long distance traveling.
  • Necronomicon
    Now we just need a "tweak" for light armor and dest/resto staff.
  • S1L3NTKiLLaH
    Nobody will be happy until each class is Nerf'd into Oblivion. Just give us sling shots and leotards ffs.....
  • deathperadoeb17_ESO
    I'm offering cheese to all sorcerers, as a sign of good will from templars. It tastes really good with whine.
  • Kalamn
    This thread is so entertaining
  • moxsapphire_ESO
    Somehow, I think sorcerers will be just fine

    MEANWHILE, in melee templar land..........................
  • SuperJChat
    Absinthe wrote: »

    I use streak as my bolt escape morph. I use it as an attack and a gap closer. And you never answered my question. I tend to believe you are a NB now. Using stealth as a crutch and then shadowy disguise from a fight, right? Makes total sense now....

    No I actually play DK, considering I said I can survive a lot of stuff.

    Again all I see is whining though. I was dueling with a friend earlier (in a cross alliance dueling guild, we set up fight locations and just have duels) and he was using Streak during our fights too. He told me that the nerf has very little effect on his build.

    Btw he didn't just cast it once or twice, he was casting it to stun me, then bolt away, bolt back, and so on for a bit. so yes he was "spamming" it too
  • ozgod22_eso
    Another post that will be ignored because of overreaction. Developers tend to ignore posts that contain "goodbye cruel class" or "class x is now totally destroyed and ruined" or "class y sucks balls now gg" or something like that. Most posts like this tend to have been posted in haste soon after the player has been wtfpwned in PvP.

    Thankfully intelligent players don't make gameplay/class decisions based on posts like this.
  • Turial
    Tankzo wrote: »
    Congratulations everyone,

    You managed to get Zenimax to nerf the Sorcerer class (In addition to the Vampire) because it was "OP." Guess what you are helping to break the game and more will be coming.

    Nightblades, this slippery slope will visit you and you will lose your stealth attack power and no longer will you take a Sorcerer from 100% down to 25% to 50% health with one attack.

    Dragon Knights, you will be losing your "endless crowd-control" and healing.

    Everyone who QQ'd about B.E. you have won, you have made the Sorcerer a very difficult class to choose for PVP (And you jacked every Sorcerer in PVE). I would like to thank you for helping to force Zenimax to break this game more.

    Storm Calling
    Bolt Escape: After using Bolt Escape, the next use within 4 seconds costs 50% more.
    (Hidden change: Mana regen is stopped for 4 seconds after B.E. is cast. Nice! Maybe you, Zenimax, can stop Stam regen after DKs and NBs use their abilities? Heck, while you are at it, remove the self-heal from all the Templars. That would help level the play-field.)

    I guess I will focus on my DK & Templar until the play-field is leveled again.

    Obvious you never played Templar, they got nerfed way back in beta but that is besides the point. Here is some healthy reading for you, perhaps you will understand it better, I don't really feel the need to sit down with you and explain it myself.
    "Neither a 'Borrower nor a Lender' be."
    Never Forget

    I think you have not been on the internet long enough until you have been rick-rolled.
    Please check out Enchanting Alchemy - A Progression Guild
  • Eylith
    I'll answer the same thing every sorcerer on the planet told me after the DK nerf : it is not a nerf, it is balancing. Now deal with it.
    "Discuter avec un troll, c’est comme essayer de jouer aux échecs avec un pigeon. Tu as beau être très fort aux échecs, il arrive, renverse les pièces, chie sur l’échiquier et s’en va avec l’air supérieur comme s’il avait gagné." - Anonyme

  • Mud_Puppy
    Im a sorc, never used bolt escape, never died from a Nightblade. 'nuff said.
  • khele23eb17_ESO
    Absinthe wrote: »

    What bothers me most is that Zenimax listens to whomever complains the loudest.

    That is what truly concerns me.

    Well then, I eagerly await armor passives and weapon skills rebalance as its been one of the hottest topics for a while now.

    P2P offered you 'hell yeah!' moments. F2P offers you 'thank god its over' moments.
  • SuperJChat
    Pointless thread is pointless.

    No matter what you do, what you whine about, or anything, the fact is they changed it. Just L2P with the patch. Stop whining
  • Absinthe
    SuperJChat wrote: »

    No I actually play DK, considering I said I can survive a lot of stuff.

    Again all I see is whining though. I was dueling with a friend earlier (in a cross alliance dueling guild, we set up fight locations and just have duels) and he was using Streak during our fights too. He told me that the nerf has very little effect on his build.

    Btw he didn't just cast it once or twice, he was casting it to stun me, then bolt away, bolt back, and so on for a bit. so yes he was "spamming" it too

    Ah now I see where you are coming from. Former FoTM guy that got his own set of nerfs. Zenimax hit you guys too hard imho.

    Explain where I was whining please?

    This change will be a minor inconvenience to my playstyle. I usually crit surge, pop immovable, bolt, negate, and elemental ring into packs of players. The 4 seconds will be up and I can still bolt back out.
  • Reevster
    V5 sorc ,I dont even use BE as there are other things I use more that I want on my skill bar, but I do mainly PvE it wont effect me much at all, I cant PvP cause of the lag. Been 2 months of no PvP for me so as long as the lag stays I will be just PvEing.
  • SuperJChat
    Absinthe wrote: »

    Ah now I see where you are coming from. Former FoTM guy that got his own set of nerfs. Zenimax hit you guys too hard imho.

    Explain where I was whining please?

    This change will be a minor inconvenience to my playstyle. I usually crit surge, pop immovable, bolt, negate, and elemental ring into packs of players. The 4 seconds will be up and I can still bolt back out.

    Ha well thanks but honestly I play how I want, I've taken advice but haven't read online any "Perfect Builds" or anything.

    Sorry maybe you weren't whining, idk anymore i'm too sleep deprived and all the other threads are just whiners
  • Absinthe
    SuperJChat wrote: »

    Ha well thanks but honestly I play how I want, I've taken advice but haven't read online any "Perfect Builds" or anything.

    Sorry maybe you weren't whining, idk anymore i'm too sleep deprived and all the other threads are just whiners

    It's all good friend. I run AA a lot and I HATE the DK nerfs. The DK's I run with can't carry me as easily as they did before. Now I let the NB's do it with their viel of blades...hehehe.
  • sevcik.miroslaveb17_ESO
    Correct me if I did not notice something... I am playing every day so I suppose this "nerf" is already in use right?

    Now... What is the problem with bolt escape now? I can still use it in PvE and in PvP as well. Yes I will most likely die in PvP when I think I can vanish in the middle of th fight, but that does not sound like insane nerf does it?

    Actualy if you do not lag you could kill any same strong enemy using escape. Dmg, bolt, dmg,bolt... Enemy would never find you quick enough.

    Now you can not bolt so often so you need to use this awsome skill more wisely.

    I am sorcerrer and I do not feel any harm as I never overused this skill.
  • Arsenic_Touch

    Well then, I eagerly await armor passives and weapon skills rebalance as its been one of the hottest topics for a while now.

    I'm also waiting for the weapon skill rebalance. I mean if the loudest gets the changes, that should be changed like yesterday, right? the truth of the matter absinthe, it was over powered and ZoS knew it, that's why it was changed. The vocal dissent on the forum was just a symptom of the actual problem, not the cause of it.
    Edited by Arsenic_Touch on June 9, 2014 2:15PM
    Is it better to out-monster the monster or to be quietly devoured?

    ╔═════════════ ೋღ☃ღೋ ══════════════╗
    "Hope can drown lost in thunderous sound."
    "Fear can claim what little faith remains."
    "Death will take those who fight alone."
    "But united we can break a fate once set in stone."

    ╚═════════════ ೋღ☃ღೋ ══════════════╝

    NA // Ebonheart Pact // Leader of CORE Legion // Namira Beta Tester // VR11 NB
  • McDoogs
    Absinthe wrote: »

    You either play a NB or a DK. Amirite?

    I think you are implying that NBs are equally as powerful as DKs, to which I just have to laugh at how mad you are.

  • ForTheRealm
    I just can say one thing... LOL !

    So it will be harder to travel with BE, but escaping - there should be no problem.
    Have you noticed the new Sorc buffs coming in 1.2.0? like increased AoE damage of Crystal Blast, and possibility to cast Dark Deal while moving, stealth for pets, possibility to set target for pets...?
    Edited by ForTheRealm on June 9, 2014 2:11PM
  • ShADoW0s
    Im totally ok with this, and thankful they went with this style rather than a straight increase in cost, CD, or even range nerf.
This discussion has been closed.