You essentially are asking people to be unemotional. When individuals have strong feelings about something, the lore, the class, an item, dog, whatever emotions are going to be rampantly on display. Especially when the news is fresh about upcoming change coupled with the history of how change has been applied in this game. Well, that is a recipe for what is occurring here on the forums.
Inevitably what happens is people leave. They get sick of the name calling, trolling and feeling of being unheard. People need to be allowed to vent and express themselves, even angrily, about those changes. They need to be responded to in a professional manner by the game makers and not 1337tR011 on the forums.
You essentially are asking people to be unemotional. When individuals have strong feelings about something, the lore, the class, an item, dog, whatever emotions are going to be rampantly on display. Especially when the news is fresh about upcoming change coupled with the history of how change has been applied in this game. Well, that is a recipe for what is occurring here on the forums.
Inevitably what happens is people leave. They get sick of the name calling, trolling and feeling of being unheard. People need to be allowed to vent and express themselves, even angrily, about those changes. They need to be responded to in a professional manner by the game makers and not 1337tR011 on the forums.
Blackwidow wrote: »
No, I'm really not. Passion for an issue does not mean you need to exacerbate the issue with outrageous statements.
Use that feeling in a constructive manner. That way you can get the results you are looking for and you are less likely to get attacked by other players.
Wrong. While you may think you do not have to listen to this in the work place, if you work in any customer service field or area where customer interactions are numerous, then you will always encounter individuals like this. If you ignore them or choose to not deal with them in any form, you cut your own throat financially.
Really? We need to endure people who can't control their emotions enough not to be *** on the forums? It is a game, for crying out loud. How do these little rage monsters deal with actual, real issues in their lives?
People need to figure out what they want when they post here - a place to vent their spleen all over the developers and their fellow players, or a productive discussion on how best to address the issues they have with the game - the two intentions are mutually exclusive.
And FTR - the "professional" way to deal with whiny, needy and rude customers is to ignore them. No one is required to put up with abusive language and behavior in the work place - and the people who work for ZOS who have to read this stuff are in their work place. Treat them with respect, or expect to be ignored - and called out on being a *** by your fellow gamers.
Yes all the classes are unplayable.....we spend are time here cause we like to chat about the game but we don't play it cause....are the classes are unplayable ok. Next question please......
Blackwidow wrote: »I just think we posters would get along better and the point might be better understood if we showed a little restraint when posting a problem about the game.
Again I agree, but there is that S sticking out on everyone's chest here on the internet that always gets in the way.
All classes are playable from L1 to L50 even with crap builds
All classes are playable from V1 to V10 but two have a lot harder time (NB and Templars) and NB and Templar need to use good builds to survive.
All classes are playable from V11-V12 but in Craglorn, its all group based quests etc and NB and Templars NEED a group to do the stuff, Sorc and DK can solo it.
Trial runs are about speed, so Templars and NB are not wanted as there dps is so much less then DK or Sorc
So, yes all classes are playble.... just some at end game are not wanted.
If a fight lasts under 1 min, most classes are about the same, but as soon as the fights start lasting 3-8 mins, its about resource management so you can keep your DPS up by making sure you never run out of mana. One class has no resource management skills.
Blackwidow wrote: »I have seen posts on all four classes and how players can no longer play any of them because of recent patches.
NerfEverything wrote: »This about sums it up. Templars and NBs are "playable" in the same way that sawdust is "edible". You can do it, but no one in their right mind would want to.
Bryong9ub17_ESO wrote: »Are all classes unplayable? I'm not sure I know the answer to this, but I will say if this were true it would be due to the cry baby's alwaying QQing and screaming NERF. So it is only your own fault. Always complaining...
Sounds like more meaningless OP diatribe.
Yes, by all means step down from the pulpit and play a broken NB or Templar in VR content and see how relevant your commentary is when faced with OP Sorcs and DKs over representation in end game content.