Congratulations everyone,
You managed to get Zenimax to nerf the Sorcerer class (In addition to the Vampire) because it was "OP." Guess what you are helping to break the game and more will be coming.
Nightblades, this slippery slope will visit you and you will lose your stealth attack power and no longer will you take a Sorcerer from 100% down to 25% to 50% health with one attack.
Dragon Knights, you will be losing your "endless crowd-control" and healing.
Everyone who QQ'd about B.E. you have won, you have made the Sorcerer a very difficult class to choose for PVP (And you jacked every Sorcerer in PVE). I would like to thank you for helping to force Zenimax to break this game more.
Storm Calling
Bolt Escape: After using Bolt Escape, the next use within 4 seconds costs 50% more.
(Hidden change: Mana regen is stopped for 4 seconds after B.E. is cast. Nice! Maybe you, Zenimax, can stop Stam regen after DKs and NBs use their abilities? Heck, while you are at it, remove the self-heal from all the Templars. That would help level the play-field.)
I guess I will focus on my DK & Templar until the play-field is leveled again.
My Sorcerer seems just fine. I really don't understand the claims of it being nerfed, as I feel far from underpowered yet not overpowered. I don't PvP though, so I really couldn't care less about the PvP aspect. It more sounds to me like one is not adapting to change. Change is inevitable, especially in MMOs.
Phantorang wrote: »
You should, because its going to affect you in a way or another. But I think you are right though, sorc is pretty powerful as it is now with critical surge and impulse spam.
alman_006b16_ESO wrote: »The nerf to Bolt Escape was a hard nerf regardless of what any opposition has to say. That doesn't necessarily mean its now completely useless. Before you could get like 9-10 or so uses and now looks like 4-5 is the number before youre completely out of mana (no regen either), so as a fellow sorc...its still usable.....somewhat. Chances are when you actually need to use it to "escape" (pvp) probably wont get far because after the 5 uses you get out of it, you're starved for mana + still in combat so you cant mount + in vision of the enemy....which means its not really an escape but more 'delaying the inevitable'.
But what i think most sorcs (or just me) are really angry about is the fact that ZOS, when addressing class balancing issues, always says that they dont want to make "drastic changes" when adjusting classes because it would tilt the balance too sharply. This change to BE was a BIG CHANGE. Instead, why not make it a 30% increase in mana? Or atleast lets the mana regen continue!
Yes, BE was OP before and did deserve a nerf. Even as a sorc chasing another sorc was a pain in the ass because the chase would last forever. What other ability makes Sorcs OP? What about their health/mana/stam regen? None come to mind. All of that seems to be in check. We dont deserve a big change like this.
What about DKs? Its widely known that DK's are by far the most OP class in the game in both PvP and PvE for a lot of reasons. So far nothing "drastic" has been done to them, only small nerfs...which makes it worse for DK's because they will constantly get some nerf every patch which gets VERY annoying. IMO...just do a BIG change now and get it over with -see how every class and build reacts to it. Atleast DK's wouldnt have to worry about imminent nerfs every patch for the foreseeable future. The game is still considered in beta as a lot of ppl say. 2 & a half months and still lots of bugs and recurring problems? Yeah beta.
Going forward, it'll be interesting to see how us sorcs get used to this change; not so much in PvE but in PvP. I'd accept the nerf if we still had our mana regen so our 'escape' wouldnt be in vain.
People need to understand the difference between nerf and fix / adjustment.
Jist because your 1 button wonder got adjusted, does not make it a nerf.
Nerf nerf nerf... the word is losing its meaning
Congratulations everyone,
You managed to get Zenimax to nerf the Sorcerer class (In addition to the Vampire) because it was "OP." Guess what you are helping to break the game and more will be coming.
Nightblades, this slippery slope will visit you and you will lose your stealth attack power and no longer will you take a Sorcerer from 100% down to 25% to 50% health with one attack.
Dragon Knights, you will be losing your "endless crowd-control" and healing.
Everyone who QQ'd about B.E. you have won, you have made the Sorcerer a very difficult class to choose for PVP (And you jacked every Sorcerer in PVE). I would like to thank you for helping to force Zenimax to break this game more.
Storm Calling
Bolt Escape: After using Bolt Escape, the next use within 4 seconds costs 50% more.
(Hidden change: Mana regen is stopped for 4 seconds after B.E. is cast. Nice! Maybe you, Zenimax, can stop Stam regen after DKs and NBs use their abilities? Heck, while you are at it, remove the self-heal from all the Templars. That would help level the play-field.)
I guess I will focus on my DK & Templar until the play-field is leveled again.
Damn I wish they had Nerf Nukes when I was a kid.Ragnar_Lodbrok wrote: »
Zenimax hasnt adjusted a thing, they use a nerf nuke when a nerf scalpel is needed.
you don't win any neither.Nickdorlandb16_ESO wrote: »
Crybaby, srsly.. as a Sorc you didnt lose any fights at all thx to that skill..
wait, are we stop discussing BE now? you may be in the wrong thread.Nickdorlandb16_ESO wrote: »
LOL, Crystal shard spam = win, what the hell are you on ?
wait, are we stop discussing BE now? you may be in the wrong thread.
Crystal Shard spam, meet my Crushing Shock spam. I think you'll find you have a lot to bow down to.Nickdorlandb16_ESO wrote: »
LOL, Crystal shard spam = win, what the hell are you on ?
I demand all of you Sorcs and DKs immediately roll a NB, get it to vet content, then try it out in PvE and PvP...
..Then go back to your "nerfed" class smugly satisfied that you don't, won't, and never have had it that bad.
FunkyBudda wrote: »
Could not agree more with this statement. Got a vr1 nightblade and killing vr12s, takes about 10 seconds tops, less when they are ganked from a horse. They are extremly potent from stealth and even when not in stealth, they kill very quick. And the videos i have seen of NB siphon tanks bossing everything, NB will get their skill fixes and then a nerf hammer.