I guess something got nerfed again? awwww
What bothers me most is that Zenimax listens to whomever complains the loudest.
That is what truly concerns me.
Congratulations everyone,
You managed to get Zenimax to nerf the Sorcerer class (In addition to the Vampire) because it was "OP." Guess what you are helping to break the game and more will be coming.
Nightblades, this slippery slope will visit you and you will lose your stealth attack power and no longer will you take a Sorcerer from 100% down to 25% to 50% health with one attack.
Dragon Knights, you will be losing your "endless crowd-control" and healing.
Everyone who QQ'd about B.E. you have won, you have made the Sorcerer a very difficult class to choose for PVP (And you jacked every Sorcerer in PVE). I would like to thank you for helping to force Zenimax to break this game more.
Storm Calling
Bolt Escape: After using Bolt Escape, the next use within 4 seconds costs 50% more.
(Hidden change: Mana regen is stopped for 4 seconds after B.E. is cast. Nice! Maybe you, Zenimax, can stop Stam regen after DKs and NBs use their abilities? Heck, while you are at it, remove the self-heal from all the Templars. That would help level the play-field.)
I guess I will focus on my DK & Templar until the play-field is leveled again.
I think the OP needs to reroll his toon and name it " Ive-been-nerfed"
I think I might steal this idea....
Anyways, if the MMO communities (I mean all of them) would take all the effort they put into arguing, QQing, bullying, whining, whatever and put it all into constructive critism and trouble-shooting, we'd have some of the best games in the world.
Ragnar_Lodbrok wrote: »Sorcs get one nerf and they are all quitting? Try playing non staff/LA dk's.
It is impressive where you got those numbers from, because I find THIS really damn confusing.NerfEverything wrote: »It is impressive that every DK, NB, and Templar, plus the 95% of Sorcs that don't suck, all agree that the BE change was needed. Yet the minority 5% of sorcs who still haven't L2P are so vocal on the forums you would think that their class is the worst in the game.
bla bla bla
As far as I can tell from that poll, the ones screaming for BE nerfs were the vocal minority, not the other way around.
50% increase won't affect you? I haven't seen any other nerf call for 50% cost increase no matter how many people spam them. How is that fair? Is BE more OP than impulse, Banner, talon?
Paladin_echo1 wrote: »
What do you mean all armor and weapon types? If you choose any weapon that depends on stamina, its already nerfed. This is must be some kind of sinister joke or something. The things people do to protect their cash cow at times. The last time they nerfed DK, I didn't say anything about it because I highly agreed with the changes. Shield bashing DK was incredibly way too op. If they need to nerf something else on it, I welcome the change as long as it makes for class equality. The only problem I really had with the sorc is that bolt escape. Besides that, they perform very well and don't need it as long as they work with a group, and sometimes in solo. I just hate trying to fight Goku from DBZ when in a battle that can instant transmission to the other side of the map.
Phantorang wrote: »
Templars, you forgot templars, what about us?
Oh, Templar self heal?? Please tell us what heal that is...
Templar only heals the allied player with the most damage.