S1L3NTKiLLaH wrote: »Nobody will be happy until each class is Nerf'd into Oblivion. Just give us sling shots and leotards ffs.....
I think you are implying that NBs are equally as powerful as DKs, to which I just have to laugh at how mad you are.
Congratulations everyone,
You managed to get Zenimax to nerf the Sorcerer class (In addition to the Vampire) because it was "OP." Guess what you are helping to break the game and more will be coming.
Nightblades, this slippery slope will visit you and you will lose your stealth attack power and no longer will you take a Sorcerer from 100% down to 25% to 50% health with one attack.
Dragon Knights, you will be losing your "endless crowd-control" and healing.
Everyone who QQ'd about B.E. you have won, you have made the Sorcerer a very difficult class to choose for PVP (And you jacked every Sorcerer in PVE). I would like to thank you for helping to force Zenimax to break this game more.
Storm Calling
Bolt Escape: After using Bolt Escape, the next use within 4 seconds costs 50% more.
(Hidden change: Mana regen is stopped for 4 seconds after B.E. is cast. Nice! Maybe you, Zenimax, can stop Stam regen after DKs and NBs use their abilities? Heck, while you are at it, remove the self-heal from all the Templars. That would help level the play-field.)
I guess I will focus on my DK & Templar until the play-field is leveled again.
Congratulations everyone,
You managed to get Zenimax to nerf the Sorcerer class (In addition to the Vampire) because it was "OP." Guess what you are helping to break the game and more will be coming.
Nightblades, this slippery slope will visit you and you will lose your stealth attack power and no longer will you take a Sorcerer from 100% down to 25% to 50% health with one attack.
Dragon Knights, you will be losing your "endless crowd-control" and healing.
Everyone who QQ'd about B.E. you have won, you have made the Sorcerer a very difficult class to choose for PVP (And you jacked every Sorcerer in PVE). I would like to thank you for helping to force Zenimax to break this game more.
Storm Calling
Bolt Escape: After using Bolt Escape, the next use within 4 seconds costs 50% more.
(Hidden change: Mana regen is stopped for 4 seconds after B.E. is cast. Nice! Maybe you, Zenimax, can stop Stam regen after DKs and NBs use their abilities? Heck, while you are at it, remove the self-heal from all the Templars. That would help level the play-field.)
I guess I will focus on my DK & Templar until the play-field is leveled again.
ozgod22_eso wrote: »Another post that will be ignored because of overreaction. Developers tend to ignore posts that contain "goodbye cruel class" or "class x is now totally destroyed and ruined" or "class y sucks balls now gg" or something like that. Most posts like this tend to have been posted in haste soon after the player has been wtfpwned in PvP.
Thankfully intelligent players don't make gameplay/class decisions based on posts like this.
Congratulations everyone,
You managed to get Zenimax to nerf the Sorcerer class (In addition to the Vampire) because it was "OP." Guess what you are helping to break the game and more will be coming.
Nightblades, this slippery slope will visit you and you will lose your stealth attack power and no longer will you take a Sorcerer from 100% down to 25% to 50% health with one attack.
Dragon Knights, you will be losing your "endless crowd-control" and healing.
Everyone who QQ'd about B.E. you have won, you have made the Sorcerer a very difficult class to choose for PVP (And you jacked every Sorcerer in PVE). I would like to thank you for helping to force Zenimax to break this game more.
I guess I will focus on my DK & Templar until the play-field is leveled again.
I don't so much mind the nerf to the mana cost of it, but at least Zenimax could have evened out by making the next jump within 4 seconds cost 50% more mana, but also make you travel 100% further
wrlifeboil wrote: »
Or they could have kept the mana cost the same and cut the distance of every subsequent BE withing the cd by 50%. That would be fun to see in action during pvp.
Look at NB, still getting major dps buffs, while they can 2-3 shot players on live from sneak. Than poof away and jump the next sitting duck.
lets see, 300+400+300=1000 magicka, that leaves you 1000 for pulsars, 3 of them? how many damage do they again? Is that enough to kill a V1 mudcrab?
Overload? no block? enjoy being stun locked and die quickly, unless, of course, you are fighting mudcrabs.
Actually, no, it's only difficult to play if you didn't know how to play it well in the first place .. oh, and in PVE this will make little to no difference, very rarely is there a need to use it more than once in a while if you're playing skillfully .. which perhaps is the reason you're upset now?Everyone who QQ'd about B.E. you have won, you have made the Sorcerer a very difficult class to choose for PVP (And you jacked every Sorcerer in PVE).
Arsenic_Touch wrote: »Major dps buffs? haha.... oh dear.
gemmill1b16_ESO wrote: »Its the same in every mmo i have played thes whingers die a few times in pvp and the other classes need nerfed.They always listen to the whinging pvp lot,and in doing so screw over the pve part of the game..
Congratulations everyone,
You managed to get Zenimax to nerf the Sorcerer class (In addition to the Vampire) because it was "OP." Guess what you are helping to break the game and more will be coming.
Nightblades, this slippery slope will visit you and you will lose your stealth attack power and no longer will you take a Sorcerer from 100% down to 25% to 50% health with one attack.
Dragon Knights, you will be losing your "endless crowd-control" and healing.
Everyone who QQ'd about B.E. you have won, you have made the Sorcerer a very difficult class to choose for PVP (And you jacked every Sorcerer in PVE). I would like to thank you for helping to force Zenimax to break this game more.
Storm Calling
Bolt Escape: After using Bolt Escape, the next use within 4 seconds costs 50% more.
(Hidden change: Mana regen is stopped for 4 seconds after B.E. is cast. Nice! Maybe you, Zenimax, can stop Stam regen after DKs and NBs use their abilities? Heck, while you are at it, remove the self-heal from all the Templars. That would help level the play-field.)
I guess I will focus on my DK & Templar until the play-field is leveled again.