wait, if all you said is so true, how is that all the leaderboard are occupied by DKs?
do you actually play different classes enough to figure out all your paper data doesn't hold up in real battle?
wait, where does bolt escape come in here?bandage106rwb17_ESO wrote: »
Well currently melee has to use the same resource as block, dodge, sprint, sneak, not only this but melee users always take the brunt of the enemies attacks because they have to be closer to the boss so while they're on attacking they also have to be aware of when the next AOE is coming in and while they're avoiding the boss AOE's they're doing absolutely 0 DPS.
Melee users should be able to do a tonne of burst damage to keep up with the stages where they'll have to be avoiding enemy attacks.
Sorcs on the other hand have a full resource bar purely for attacking while they can still use dodge, block, sprint etc. without compromising their skills main resource(magicka)
Defense at the current moment is a moot point seeming that there are skills which make casters immune to CC and give greater physical defense, the point about health is also a moot point seeming a majority of higher ranked VR players have all come to the consensus that 49 health in attributes is still the way to build your character seeming you'll softcap magicka anyway if you just put magicka glyphs in your armour.
So now tell me why casters should have higher burst damage than a melee fighter?
Congratulations everyone,
You managed to get Zenimax to nerf the Sorcerer class (In addition to the Vampire) because it was "OP." Guess what you are helping to break the game and more will be coming.
Nightblades, this slippery slope will visit you and you will lose your stealth attack power and no longer will you take a Sorcerer from 100% down to 25% to 50% health with one attack.
Dragon Knights, you will be losing your "endless crowd-control" and healing.
Everyone who QQ'd about B.E. you have won, you have made the Sorcerer a very difficult class to choose for PVP (And you jacked every Sorcerer in PVE). I would like to thank you for helping to force Zenimax to break this game more.
Storm Calling
Bolt Escape: After using Bolt Escape, the next use within 4 seconds costs 50% more.
(Hidden change: Mana regen is stopped for 4 seconds after B.E. is cast. Nice! Maybe you, Zenimax, can stop Stam regen after DKs and NBs use their abilities? Heck, while you are at it, remove the self-heal from all the Templars. That would help level the play-field.)
I guess I will focus on my DK & Templar until the play-field is leveled again.
wait, where does bolt escape come in here?
the.dzeneralb16_ESO wrote: »
What are you talking about? Top team has 7 Sorcs 4 DKs 1 Temp. And all the DKs are rerolling NB.
wait, if all you said is so true, how is that all the leaderboard are occupied by DKs?
do you actually play different classes enough to figure out all your paper data doesn't hold up in real battle?
Lets see, by your argument, Sorc has highest dps, has guaranteed escape...
mmmm.... I wonder what those crying for DK nerf were about?
It almost feels like..... your are such a genius that NOBODY think like you, at all, go back to mars please.
woodlandwoodsb14_ESO wrote: »All of the constant nerfing will kill this game. It really takes away from the experience and alienates the players.
I've seen it happen in almost every multiplayer RPG since The Realm (pre-UO). It's really sad to watch the same mistake be repeated over and over again.
Maybe one day game developers will figure out that it's better to buff the weak rather than nerf the strong.
with range of bolt escape (actually 15-20 m) this is not escape if casted once.Lol someone made a post QQ'ing about a spell that's got 'escape' in its name and not the word 'transport', having its cost increased, so it's used as a short burst of fleeing rather than a long distance travelling spell!
Roll a templar, then come back and moan!
Proof or never happensExiledKhallisi wrote: »2 shots vr12's....
with range of bolt escape (actually 15-20 m) this is not escape if casted once.
To be scape it must be casted few times, but with that nerf you will be absolutely out of mana and easy frag to anyone.
Congratulations everyone,
You managed to get Zenimax to nerf the Sorcerer class (In addition to the Vampire) because it was "OP." Guess what you are helping to break the game and more will be coming.
Nightblades, this slippery slope will visit you and you will lose your stealth attack power and no longer will you take a Sorcerer from 100% down to 25% to 50% health with one attack.
Dragon Knights, you will be losing your "endless crowd-control" and healing.
Everyone who QQ'd about B.E. you have won, you have made the Sorcerer a very difficult class to choose for PVP (And you jacked every Sorcerer in PVE). I would like to thank you for helping to force Zenimax to break this game more.
Storm Calling
Bolt Escape: After using Bolt Escape, the next use within 4 seconds costs 50% more.
(Hidden change: Mana regen is stopped for 4 seconds after B.E. is cast. Nice! Maybe you, Zenimax, can stop Stam regen after DKs and NBs use their abilities? Heck, while you are at it, remove the self-heal from all the Templars. That would help level the play-field.)
I guess I will focus on my DK & Templar until the play-field is leveled again.
serenity_painted wrote: »Yeah i'm definantly never playing my vampire sorc that's breezing through VR content without breaking a sweat, doing great damage,having high survivabilty and able to heal groups like pro, but now i can't get away when ever i feel like it so i'm rerolling Templar.
The funniest part of when they nerf an OP ability is when the crappy players who relied on it discover they're acually crap.
its 15m, and yes, cast once, a sorc is still in range of ALL gap closers, and they don't have any cost increase.
NB?Nox_Aeterna wrote: »Mate , when you can just decide to run from pretty much everyone but another person of your class , something is wrong.
This spell should have been since the start a way to get away from melee (or in melee) really fast , instead of a way to outrun anything but a horse.
Only class with a chance , and i repeat a chance , of getting to a sorc is a NB , but even them might not if the sorc spam fast enough.
They really needed to add this nerf , i would have made it a 75% bonus cost and removed the 4 secs mana regen problem , so people would not spam but have no issues on the first use OR they could just have added a target to the skill , so you cant spam it to run , the problem with this , is that the game does not consider one skill can have 2 uses and thus if you gave it a target , it would either get closer or get away from it.
serenity_painted wrote: »Yeah i'm definantly never playing my vampire sorc that's breezing through VR content without breaking a sweat, doing great damage,having high survivabilty and able to heal groups like pro, but now i can't get away when ever i feel like it so i'm rerolling Templar.
The funniest part of when they nerf an OP ability is when the crappy players who relied on it discover they're acually crap.
its 15m, and yes, cast once, a sorc is still in range of ALL gap closers, and they don't have any cost increase.
Range DD not using gap-closers!davidhorstub17_ESO wrote: »you say that like sorcs dont use gap closers themselves.
davidhorstub17_ESO wrote: »
you say that like sorcs dont use gap closers themselves. bad sorcs that cant fight 1v1 and bolt 10 times to escape every fight are not the ones that got it nerfed, it was nerfed because of the 5 man sorc death squads teleporting around the countryside catching people on horses for free kills then bolting away with no counter play. and because of the really strong sorcs melee builds that use BE with invasion to always get full duration stuns or the 2H guys with crit charge and crit surge. charge streak charge streak charge streak with curse and fury thrown in while staying at 100% health thanks to surge healing.
they are balancing around the 1%, not the bad sorcs that fall over to a stiff breeze and dont know you can block chains and cc.
You moron, range DD not using gap-closers!
And OK, let's balance the same things: http://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/discussion/109369/gap-closer-needs-nerf-now-gap-extender-is-nerfed
Do you really think that stamina builds need nerfing or are you just raging!?