Issues with Daily Login Reward Day 2 For Orsinium DLC

  • phototut5259
    Just traveled to clockwork and the reward popped.

    That was on Xbox series x
  • Mesite
    Two accounts both Xbox.
    1 account, no DLCs (not even Imperial City) and no ESO+. claimed the reward from day 1 on both servers. Couldn't claim Orsinium in Xbox EU or Xbox NA.

    Other account has all chapters but no DLCs and no ESO+. Claimed the reward for day 1 on both servers. Managed to claim Orsinium on Xbox EU but didn't let me claim on Xbox NA.
  • duncan4791
    The month of March Daily rewards are locked up on:
    PC NA server, ESO+ subscriber, Orsinium owned since release, took day 1 March yesterday.
  • Kelinmiriel
    @ZOS_Kevin - I don't know if this will help, but it's something that I haven't seen anyone else reporting, or commenting on, except this person. And I have more details. Good luck.

    I play on PC/ NA and EU; 2 accounts; got the first reward on Day 1 on all. (added reward info later; forgot that initially.)

    Main: Purchased on Steam with "Guilds & Glory" included in original game purchase. ESO+. Purchased a basic account directly so I don't have to use Steam.

    Alt: Purchased directly. Does not have Orsinium, nor ESO+. No access to Deadlands or The Reach, so can't test those. (Or most other DLCs.)

    Test results added later: Got Orsinium reward claimed (although I already owned it) on main NA and EU by porting to Blackreach: Ark. I believe this worked because it triggered the announcement to appear again.

    Got Orsinium reward claimed on alt NA claimed because announcement popped up when I signed on.
    I can't get the announcement to pop again on alt EU since I got the fix applied as described below, and I can't think of any way to work around this for that one unless signing on with a different computer would work. (Which I could try.)
    End new info.
    ajkb78 wrote: »
    PS4 EU. I did claim yesterday's reward: I don't own the Orsinium DLC (but do have access to it with ESO+) but today's reward (that it won't let me accept) isn't showing up as the Orsinium DLC, it's showing up as another 2 Scalecaller crates:


    I've tried logging in on different characters and travelling to different zones but nothing has made today's daily reward possible to accept.

    This is the only post I've seen that anyone besides myself had the "entire day missing from the grid" happen.

    I run ESO directly from the eso64.exe file, and don't run the launcher except when I have reason to believe that there's a client update - which was last Monday when the PTS was updated.

    I tried opening the launcher today. I didn't see any signs of the client being updated, so it must have been either so fast I didn't catch it, or perhaps even done in such a way that it didn't show at all. But it happened, because that fixed the Daily Rewards grid to have 31 days.

    Now mine is broken the same way as everyone else's, but at least it shows 31 days.

    Also - I had noticed after I picked up the reward for March 1st, that when I signed out, the box said the correct cooldown time for the next reward, but instead of showing that Orsinium was the next reward (as apparently everyone else was seeing), or "2 Scalecaller crates" (which would've matched my broken grid display), it said, "A New Month Begins".

    I was very puzzled. I wish I would've reported it - maybe devs would have had a clue something was wrong a day earlier.

    When reset hit on the EU, the message on that box still said, "A New Month Begins," but the timer changed to "< 1 min." And stayed that way. (After I signed out and back on, it fixed itself, but it doesn't usually have that problem.)

    (One hour later: Edited to add more information. Edits are marked with bold.)
    Edited by Kelinmiriel on 2 March 2024 15:12
    Event Tracker addon (PC NA/EU)
    Helps you keep track of your Event Tickets, so you don't miss any. Double XP on events is PASSIVE now!!
  • ghastley
    PC (both NA and EU)
    Claimed day one rewards om both
    Orsinium unlocked by ESO+
    Unlocking Orsinium also restored the final day reward.

    I used wayshrines to Chapter zones until it unlocked, on each server, starting at Northern Elsweyr (Sugar Bowl Suite is nearest home to a wayshrine). Visited chapters purchased, and others unlocked by ESO+, before apparently random unlock. Orsinium itself did not unlock it. Deadlands worked on EU, and Galen on NA. I forgot to count the ports made, but it was more on NA then on EU, so I don't believe count is a factor. Both zones were owned Chapters, but prior ports to owned Chapters had not unlocked. I can of course no longer experiment.
  • Knaxia
    Account 1 :

    What platform and megaserver are you playing on? PC NA
    If you claimed day one rewards? Yes
    Do you own Orsinium already? Yes, since it came out, also got ESO+
    Any additional updates?
    -I tried to log on multiple different characters
    -I went to different DLC zones I own (Fargrave, Deadlands, Murkmire, Blackwood, Northern Elsweyr) and still didn't work.
    -I tried to log out and back in, same result

    Account 2 :

    What platform and megaserver are you playing on? PC NA
    If you claimed day one rewards? Yes
    Do you own Orsinium already? No
    Any additional updates?
    -Buffer account, doesn't have any paid DLC, except free Morrowind and Imperial City, no ESO+
    Edited by Knaxia on 2 March 2024 14:26
  • etchedpixels
    From the accounts here:

    Generic base account via EPIC freebies. Never bought anything, never had ESO+ except free trial, no Orsinium. The kind of account you'd expect to have no weird corner cases that wouldn't show up in testing

    Collected first reward of year ok. Fails on EU, porting around zones I can reach fails. Fails on NA identically. Both report it as next days claim. Creating a new toon also doesn't help, nor porting into houses. Eventually visited Mournhold wayshrine on foot, ported somewhere else (Sren'ja) and back and it woke up (NA). Same did not alas work on EU (so ticket incoming if its not fixed - will check back later today)

    Steam, owned Orsinium already, have ESO+ have collected day 1 fine. NA Failed likewise. Porting to fargrave no effect but Arthkazad did. Interestingly that is a location this toon has never ever been to before ? Huge number of people stacked round that wayshrine right now 8). Once it fixes the locked out telvar also re-appears

    EU for the same (same conditions) broken the same way but porting to Fargrave worked (again first visit for this toon I think)

    Steam, with some DLC no ESO+ but has had ESO+ in the past. Have collected day 1 rewards fine.
    EU - have Orsinium - failed, ported various places no effect, but then clockwork city did work (and have previously visited)
    NA - have Orsinium. Walking out of imperial city door back into Northern Elsweyr fixed it

    Too many toons not enough time
  • frannux
    Soul Shriven
    I logged in the March 1st in both servers, EU and NA, I got my rewards. Today, the 2nd, I couldn't get any but one is lost so last day for March is gone and still to have to wait hours like I would logged in the 2nd instead of the 1st day. So it affects both megaservers in ESO.
  • eucleciastes
    Soul Shriven
    Claimed day 1 rewards.
    Already own Orsinium.
    No ESO+

    Notes: Ported to various wayshrines, including Blackreach (Greymoor Caverns), Fargrave, Deadlands, Blackwood, Summerset and Clockwork City, and can't fix the issue, I clearly don't need the DLC as I already have it, but I would like to be able to claim the Tel Var stones at the end of the month hahahaha

    Update: Traveling to Blackreach: Arkthzand, Arkthzand Wayshrine fixed the issue and unlocked the Tel Var on the last reward
    Edited by eucleciastes on 2 March 2024 14:37
  • frannux
    Soul Shriven
    More information I can add. For NA server, in UK, the time is from 10am to next 10am. I logged in March 2th, 00:05am, I got the reward for 1st day and I remember to still have left about 9 hrs until restart time and get the 2nd reward, the Orsinum DLC but my surprise is to see the time was left about 23 hrs. I wish this info can be useful.
  • Kelinmiriel
    barney2525 wrote: »
    I think they Just Added this thing. I don't remember ANY break between the 5 scalecaller crates when I claimed the first one. Since this is NOT a ' reward ", it's the Invitation to do the normal Orsineum Main quest, and there Are 29 days, did they Just Add this?

    very curious

    I had this too. You must've posted while I was writing about it. Here's everything I know.
    Event Tracker addon (PC NA/EU)
    Helps you keep track of your Event Tickets, so you don't miss any. Double XP on events is PASSIVE now!!
  • tomofhyrule
    Claimed day 1
    Orsinium not collected, but gotten through ESO+

    The Shambles trick worked for me.

    I did notice that the standard announcements/login popup screen did not appear when I first logged in (I was at one of my houses). I always claim my reward from that screen, so the fact that it didn't show at all was weird.
    I just went straight to a guildmate in the Shambles, at which point the announcements screen popped up and I claimed as normal.

    I never looked at the daily reward grid screen until after I'd claimed the reward.
  • Rufusstan
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    • What platform and megaserver are you playing on?
    • If you claimed day one rewards?
    • Do you own Orsinium already?
    • Any additional updates?

    I'm on EU PC, with the game bought through steam. I have ESO+.

    Claimed the day one rewards.

    Already had Orsinium as part of the guilds and glory pack.

    To update. Like others have reported, travelling to Fargrave unblocked the reward. I got the daily reward to update. I didn't get anything beyond the message that Orsinium was added, but as the additional rewards aren't unlocked until Monday there is no way to know if its been fully fixed.
  • Elsonso
    Claimed day 1 rewards.
    Already own Orsinium.
    No ESO+

    Notes: Ported to various wayshrines, including Blackreach (Greymoor Caverns), Fargrave, Deadlands, Blackwood, Summerset and Clockwork City, and can't fix the issue, I clearly don't need the DLC as I already have it, but I would like to be able to claim the Tel Var stones at the end of the month hahahaha

    One account on PC NA that was ESO Plus and already had Orsinium got it right away. My second account, which is not ESO Plus but does have Orsinium already, cannot claim Day 2. I also cannot claim it on XBox NA and EU.

    I don't have The Reach on my second account, and likely never will, so going there is out. On the theory of a "bugged instance" I popped around for a bit just to see if that theory held any water. Near as I can tell, it does not.

    I really don't care about the last day. I probably won't make it that far, anyway. I am just wondering if the Daily Reward progression is "stuck" at Day 2 until ZOS fixes it.

    I don't know what is going on with ZOS quality right now, but I hope they sit down and have a good think about it and make some QA changes before they start making more game changes.
    Edited by Elsonso on 2 March 2024 14:33
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • Imryll
    This morning I'm having the same issue on PC NA I reported on PC EU last night.

    I claimed the day one rewward yesterday morning, and today it says that the Day 2 reward will be available in 19 hours. The reward for the last day of the month is greyed out as though I'd failed to log in.

    On PC NA I own Orsinium. ESO+ is active.

    Traveling to the Deadlands did NOT solve the problem for me on PC NA, although it did on PC EU. It still says 19 hours with the final reward greyed out. The difference could be that I purchased Orsinium on release on PC NA and didn't own it on PC EU prior to this morning's trip to Fargrave. Of course the Fargrave solution wouldn't be available anyway to someone who didn't own Deadlands or have ESO+.
    Edited by Imryll on 2 March 2024 14:57
  • torchwood_agent
    Xbox NA
    Day One claimed
    One with ESO+ and owns: no reward or advancement

    One without ESO+ and does not own: no advancement/cannot claim
  • murderklokb16_ESO
    PC NA
    Claimed Day One Rewards
    I own Orsinium

    The last day of the month is already locked/greyed out like I can't claim it.
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    Hi everyone, thanks so much for the details here. Just confirming we are continuing to investigate and will update you when we have information to share.
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Community Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • torchwood_agent
    Toanis wrote: »
    PC EU
    Claimed day one rewards on March 1
    Already owned Orsinium (Gold Edition)
    ESO+ active

    Can confirm that traveling to Fargrave fixed the issue (can claim Orsinium, last day reward is available again) Weird.

    ^^^^This worked for me on the account that owns Deadlands.
  • Kabernasty
    Soul Shriven
    What platform and megaserver are you playing on?- Xbox NA
    If you claimed day one rewards?- Yes, but only 1 of 2 crates were asked to be opened
    Do you own Orsinium already? - Through ESO Plus
    Any additional updates? - No
  • SeveN085
    What platform and megaserver are you playing on? : PC EU Steam
    If you claimed day one rewards? Yes
    Do you own Orsinium already? No
    Any additional updates? Was able to claim by porting to Fargrave
    Edited by SeveN085 on 2 March 2024 14:40
  • Ingenon
    Another issue I found on PS/NA while unsuccessfully trying to claim stuck day 2 login rewards:

    Traveling to Clockwork City, Brass Fortress via wayshrine did not fix issue. But then, when I clicked on the Brass Fortress Wayshrine to leave, the travel map came up totally blank. Never seen that before. On one alt, I rode my horse to another wayshrine in Clockwork City, and then was able to use that wayshrine to travel out. Tried traveling to Brass Fortress wayshrine on another alt, and got the same bug, when clicking on Brass Fortress wayshrine brought up a totally blank travel map, which cannot be used to travel. Was able to use Collections, Housing, select outside of an inn room I own, to get out.

    Oh, and the Announcements screen never shows Daily Login, it just shows the event, then Orsinium (which clicking on does brings up daily login reward screen, which does not work), and the third box shows the Zone I am in. No matter which zone I travel to. Except in Northern Elsweyr, where I only get two boxes (no zone box), but still cannot claim daily login reward.

    I am out of ideas. ZOS, it's up to you to fix this and post the fix.

    It looks to me like I will miss the rest of the month's daily login rewards, because tomorrow I expect that I still won't be able to claim day 2, and I expect this will continue for the rest of the month.

    Update: traveled to Shambles wayshrine in Fargrave, per suggestion on PS guild Discord, and this worked, I was able to claim day 2 login reward.
    Edited by Ingenon on 2 March 2024 15:55
  • Olauron
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    • What platform and megaserver are you playing on?
    • If you claimed day one rewards?
    • Do you own Orsinium already?
    • Any additional updates?
    PC NA
    Day one reward claimed.
    Orcinium already owned.
    Today, on the 2nd of March, second (Orcinium) reward can't be claimed and the last day reward is shown as locked.
    The Three Storm Sharks, episode 8 released on january the 8th.
    One mer to rule them all,
    one mer to find them,
    One mer to bring them all
    and in the darkness bind them.
  • Knaxia
    Ingenon wrote: »
    Traveling to Clockwork City, Brass Fortress via wayshrine did not fix issue. But then, when I clicked on the Brass Fortress Wayshrine to leave, the travel map came up totally blank. Never seen that before. On one alt, I rode my horse to another wayshrine in Clockwork City, and then was able to use that wayshrine to travel out. Tried traveling to Brass Fortress wayshrine on another alt, and got the same bug, when clicking on Brass Fortress wayshrine brought up a totally blank travel map, which cannot be used to travel. Was able to use Collections, Housing, select outside of an inn room I own, to get out.

    For that, I've had that issue a few times in the past, and today, on PC. I could just select back the Clockwork city on the right side list and the map would show, and selecting back the Brass Fortress worked. Closing and reopening the wayshrine didn't have any issue after that. But I admit it's a very weird issue.
  • anadandy
    Just checked my Xbox acct (rarely used), same issue

    What platform and megaserver are you playing on? : Xbox-NA
    If you claimed day one rewards? Yes
    Do you own Orsinium already? No
    Any additional updates? This acct owns no additional DLC (except chapters and IC) so couldn't try workaround
  • tinythinker
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    For those currently impacted, if you could note the following, it would help with providing our teams with added information.
    Please note the following:
    • What platform and megaserver are you playing on?
    • If you claimed day one rewards?
    • Do you own Orsinium already?
    • Any additional updates?
    Good morning,

    I hope you got some rest after the late night alarms went off. Here are the requested answers to your questions:
    • What platform and megaserver are you playing on? I have characters on PC-NA and PC-EU.
    • If you claimed day one rewards? I did claim the Day One reward for both of the above.
    • Do you own Orsinium already? I bought it for PC-NA when the DLC launched, might not have counted for PC-EU?
    • Any additional updates? Less than an hour ago I tried to claim the daily login rewards for both PC-NA and PC-EU for Day Two. Even though I have Orsinium for sure on PC-NA as a purchased DLC, I thought I should try to "claim" it anyway so I could not miss a day. I cannot claim Day Two for either PC megaserver and the calendar says it will be available after the Day Three reset ("in X hours.."). Yet, the final day of the month's reward, 3000 tel var stones, is listed as "missed". In other words, as soon as the Day Two reset happened, the system registered my account having missed a day. I wonder if this is connected to 2024 being a Leap Year.

      I also tried the porting to other DLC trick some have reported but that did nothing.
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  • Enemoriana
    PC EU, claimed after porting to Clockwork city.

    On second account (PC EU, epic, 1 day claimed) don't have any dlc, so still can't.
    • PC EU, @Enemoriana. Ru
    • My wishlist: crown crates, Lucky Cat Landing, atronach/crow/factotum merchant.
    • Houses: The Erstwhile Sanctuary. Everybody is welcomed! Here is video.
    • Luxury furniture is displayed in Forsaken Stronghold. Decorator default. Not luxury, but similar or close looking items marked with jester banners. Closed until ESO+ will be available again for Russia: without doubled limits there is not enough space.
    • Two years with no ESO+ available. Eternal thanks to people who gifted music boxes, my everlasting ESO passion!
  • SerafinaWaterstar
    What platform and megaserver are you playing on?
    If you claimed day one rewards?
    Do you own Orsinium already?
    Any additional updates?

    PS EU
    Day one claimed
    (For both accounts)

    One got it travelling to C’work City; the other by travelling to Betnikh.

  • Aurielle
    M1SHAAN wrote: »

    Tl;dr: my suggestion for those who only have access to the base game is to try to find an unbugged instance of Vvardenfell by entering and leaving the Vivec City outlaw's refuge repeatedly. If Vvardenfell isn't an unbugged instance on your platform try the same trick in a non-DLC zone people have had success with.


    This helped. Thank you. I had to do it multiple times until the pop-up appeared, claimed it directly from the popup screen.

    What a bizarre bug.

    Edited by Aurielle on 2 March 2024 14:51
  • sperzanb14_ESO
    • What platform and megaserver are you playing on?
    • If you claimed day one rewards?
    • Do you own Orsinium already?
    • Any additional updates?

    PC NA
    Yes I claimed Day 1
    Yes I purchased it when it came out
    I have all the DLC and I am ESO+
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