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Incapacitating Strike Silence 5.0.3

  • MartiniDaniels
    Elong wrote: »
    Berenhir wrote: »
    As a Magblade I would run it.

    But I don't want anyone else running it lol.

    So please make it something else...again.

    ^ this. I really don't wanna switch to stamblade, so probably using this new incap will be enough to counter-act anybody other then stamblades :D 2nd place is better then last, huh?
    Berenhir wrote: »
    Heyo Gang!

    We have been reading your feedback about the changes to Incapacitating Strike and are investigating counter-play options for the Silence that's been added to this ability.

    There is no counterplay. If you make silence breakable again, this is nothing but an ability that only "stuns" magicka chars with the opportunity of a follow up stun if not broken fast enough.

    Incap is a high damage ult that increases all your damage against the target by 20%, gives crit for being slotted and is the cheapest ult in the game. What else does it need? If you want a gimmick, give something like a gimmick. Give minor lifesteal or whatever.

    It cost after this will be 120, it's damage is not that big for 120 ult (hi, soul assault!) and so on. Only problem is silence is such a strong debuff and negates active defense.

    Its cost remains the same, the additional effect is just at 120 ult.

    But at 70 ult you will receive much weaker version of what is now on live. Weakest ult in the game basically. From where is info about "high damage"??? I saw a ton of incaps in recap, they were just slightly (20-25%) more powerful then surprise attacks. And only a 10-15% more powerful then *** frags or bow proc. Incap is powerful when it is part of burst.. .when it is just threw directly in your face by NB which struggles to survive your pressure, i.e. dodges/heals etc, you like "lol, dude just wasted ult".

    This is full of so much incorrect information.

    Care to elaborate or you just saw two words "incap is weak" and infuriated?

    As I said, I always ready to learn something new, tell me point by point what is incorrect:
    1. "But at 70 ult you will receive much weaker version of what is now on live" - obviously correct since you won't have major defile with new incap.
    2. "Weakest ult in the game basically" - which (viable) ult will be weaker then new incap not charged to 120?
    3. "I saw a ton of incaps in recap, they were just slightly (20-25%) more powerful then surprise attacks. And only a 10-15% more powerful then *** frags or bow proc." - it's my mileage on balanced build in duels with skilled NB/Sorc. Your mileage may wary, it depends on your resistances and if opponent is balanced, tanky or glass cannon. If you are running glass sorc and was ganked by glass NB numbers will be different
    4. "Incap is powerful when it is part of burst.." - obviously correct
    5. "when incap is just threw directly in your face by NB which struggles to survive your pressure, i.e. dodges/heals etc it is waste" - obviously correct. Incap is offensive part of burst, if it used in desperation when NB can't burst due to necessity to heal/dodge/cloak/tp to shade/ whatever, it is waste.

    So come on, other then point 3 which is subjective to your build and to opponents build, all seems pretty obviously correct for me. So plz list me your "full of incorrect information"
  • Rygonix
    Time to break out the ice staves boys and girls.. /facepalm

    Edit: I thought this patch was to..y'know deflate over inflated abilities? How in the name of [redacted] does giving incap a silence effect solve anything?
    Edited by Rygonix on 8 May 2019 04:37
    Ceres Des Mortem-Dark Elf Templar, EP
  • Pr0Skygon
    If you seriously defend this new idiotic and utterly mindless change to Incap, then you either have never played any mag toon in PvP, or you're a troll, you're not even a "stamNB main" at this point.

    Fun fact: I play stamNB on AD side, ganking EP on Ales bridge is my passion, and even I find this change dumb.
  • MartiniDaniels
    Pr0Skygon wrote: »
    If you seriously defend this new idiotic and utterly mindless change to Incap, then you either have never played any mag toon in PvP, or you're a troll, you're not even a "stamNB main" at this point.

    Fun fact: I play stamNB on AD side, ganking EP on Ales bridge is my passion, and even I find this change dumb.

    I don't defend it, and I in several posts agreed that this change is out of place. But new incap will be powerful only at 120 cost. At 70 it will be just another strong hit at execution stage. So NBs won't be able to burst with incap, gulp potion, receive BS proc and repeat burst again in 10 seconds. And if charging to 120, opponents ult will be charged too. Other question is that opponent won't be able to use it. And that's where incap is broken, it leaves opponent powerless for 3 seconds, no streak, no shield, no tp, no ulti, no magicka heal, nothing, only block, which will leave powerless against next cc.
    So devs will probably allow to break-free from silence.
  • soynegroyque
    After this fiasco I would rather have actual players calling shots on the future patch notes.
    The community here has actually come up with brilliant ideas and none of them are ever heard. Why not implement those instead of doing things literally no one wants.

    Are you trying to test how far you have to take something before you have to back pedal?

    Every patch we stray further from God's light
  • Lucky28
    Silence on Incap..... what a horrible idea....
  • Corpier
    Who ever thought this was a good idea should be fired.

    Not only is it brokenly overpowered, but it further homogenizes the game by giving a class a defining feature and of another class's iconic skill, Sorcerer's Negate.
    @Corpier | PC/NA CP1300+

    My Characters:
    A Príorí: Highelf - Magicka Sorcerer
    Corpier: Orc - Stamina Nightblade
    Corpier: Orc - Stamina Sorcerer
    A Fortiori: Darkelf - Magicka Nightblade
    A Posteriori: Darkelf - Magicka Dragonknight
    Bertha Ironsides: Imperial - Dragonknight Tank
    Corpier: Breton - Magicka Templar
    Corpíer: Orc - Stamina Templar
    CorpÌer: Orc - Stamina Warden
    Corpier: Orc - Stamina Necromancer
    Logen'Bloody-Nine'Fingers: Orc - Stamina Dragonknight
  • Gilvoth
    three straight PTS patches in a ROW of nightblade nerfs that lasted almost 2 months!? yet we see only 1 thing that touches sorcerers and only lasts 3 seconds and WOW there an explosion on the forums soo big and includes soo many threads and pages and pages of complaints that the lead PVP balance comes out and makes comments about it and makes changes.
    that shows proof this forum is THICK overwhelmed and dominated by people who main sorcerer class and dont you DARE touch sorcerer skills or sorcerer survivability!
    that unfair, biased, and down right wrong!

    Edited by Gilvoth on 8 May 2019 05:30
  • Hexys
    Heyo Gang!

    We have been reading your feedback about the changes to Incapacitating Strike and are investigating counter-play options for the Silence that's been added to this ability.

    Hi Brian,

    Thank you for the comment, keep in mind that you are not forced to bring out this content with Elsweyr. Let it release like before 5.0.3 and see how the mangle turns out, maybe even add that recovery bonus.

    Good luck and have a nice day!
    Astrum | Daggerfall Covenan | EU-PC
    Noricum | Daggerfall Covenant | EU-PC
    Spectral | Ebonheart Pact | EU-PC

    DC | AR 50 | Hexys - Magicka Sorcerer (07-08-2016)
    AD | AR 50 | Hexposed - Magicka Sorcerer (27-04-2017)
    EP | AR 50 | Darth Hexys - Magicka Sorcerer (05-08-2018)
    EP | AR 50 | Grand Overload Hexys - Magicka Sorcerer (03-03-2021)
    EP | AR 39 | Legendary Hexys - Magicka Sorcerer

    EP | AR 43 | Hexyles - Stamina Nightblade
    EP | AR 49 | Hexys - Stamina Nightblade (23-02-2022)
    EP | AR 35 | Hexesy Shadowblade - Stamina Nightblade

    EP | AR 50 | Hexesy - Magicka Warden (31-01-2021)
    EP | AR 49 | Hexyra - Magicka Warden (07-03-2021)

    EP | AR 34 | Hexesy Czyterski - Magicka Necromancer

    2.5k+ Champion Points
    Earned over 640.000.000 Alliance Points!

    @Hexiss - Youtube Channel - Twitch Channel
  • zyk
    The most reasonable explanation for the silence is that ZOS is trolling us. Silence is essentially a kind of CC that one can't break-free or gain immunity from which goes against the general design ethos in this application.

    It's already so easy to gank on a Stamblade. One can burst down 30k targets in one or two gcds with even a defensive or sustain build. If those targets were also silenced for 3s, a Magicka build would probably need 50k health to reliably survive ganks without help.

    So basically, this change is game-breaking.

    Not only is it OP, but being locked out of magicka abilities and ultimates for 3 seconds at a time on a regular basis would be a terrible gameplay experience.

    Also, I don't think players want to see more polarized abilities that shut down Magicka builds without affecting Stam builds as seriously.
    Edited by zyk on 8 May 2019 05:36
  • Qbiken
    While this mainly affects magicka builds, many stamina specs also utilize magicka abilites as a part of their toolkit:

    (just a few examples)
    Stamsorc: Streak, Dark Deal, Crit Surge
    Stamden: Shimmering Shield, Living Trellis, Ice Fortress, Lotus Flower
    StamDK: Fragmented Shield, Wings (to a certain degree), GDB, Hardened Armor
    Stamplar: RIP ritual
    Stamblade: No cloak for you, no shade
    Werewolfs: Hircine´s Bounty (Like their only way to actually heal themselves)

    Just remove the silence completely, keep minor mangle, reave and see how things play out. Why even bother with necromancer for PvP when a version of incap like this exists?
    Edited by Qbiken on 8 May 2019 06:04
  • digitallego
    Honestly, these changes are boring. They do not correct the balance. Now I do not play eso and will not be back before there will change the quality
  • Qbiken
    I´m considering starting a petition to bring back Wrobel, realising he might have been the reason things didn´t go downhill faster than it did.
    Edited by Qbiken on 8 May 2019 06:04
  • Rygonix
    Gilvoth wrote: »
    three straight PTS patches in a ROW of nightblade nerfs that lasted almost 2 months!? yet we see only 1 thing that touches sorcerers ...
    Trust me, this is a bad touch that is experienced by far more classes than Sorcerers.
    Ceres Des Mortem-Dark Elf Templar, EP
  • Girl_Number8
    ZOS_BrianWheeler wrote: »
    Heyo Gang!

    We have been reading your feedback about the changes to Incapacitating Strike and are investigating counter-play options for the Silence that's been added to this ability

    The counter is to remove this tbh. I really like all the classes but this is beyond OP. This affects all magic based characters, even the new magcro....

    You just made an already OP skill worse, not balanced :|

    Edited by Girl_Number8 on 8 May 2019 06:14
  • seventyfive
    Heyo Gang!

    We have been reading your feedback about the changes to Incapacitating Strike and are investigating counter-play options for the Silence that's been added to this ability.

    Now this is the kind of developers we want, responding the community with a direct message the same day acknowledging the concerns.

    I am hopeful.
  • Morgul667
    Heyo Gang!

    We have been reading your feedback about the changes to Incapacitating Strike and are investigating counter-play options for the Silence that's been added to this ability.

    Now this is the kind of developers we want, responding the community with a direct message the same day acknowledging the concerns.

    I am hopeful.

    I lost all hope when I read the patch note

  • The_Saint
    Wrobel seems to be back as lead of balance team...

    I dont get it. 3 sec silence on incap... :D
    Edited by The_Saint on 8 May 2019 06:24
    Samuel Crow - Nachtklinge - PC-EU-DC
    Saint_Crow Twitch / Youtube
    ESO Stream Team Member
  • Morgul667
    Seriously though

    How can this make it to the PTS ?
  • UlfricWinterfell
    Zos: we need a complete rebalance

    Employee: i go and get the dice...
    Ulfric Winterfell / Stamina DK
    Die Rote Vîper / Stamina NB

    Mögen sie mich hassen, wenn sie mich nur fürchten - Caligula

    It's Ulfric
  • Tryxus
    Heyo Gang!

    We have been reading your feedback about the changes to Incapacitating Strike and are investigating counter-play options for the Silence that's been added to this ability.

    Now this is the kind of developers we want, responding the community with a direct message the same day acknowledging the concerns.

    I am hopeful.

    You mean the devs that came up with one of the worst possible ideas during brainstorming that actually made it to implementation? Those devs?

    Srry, but with this stunt of adding Silence to Incap, all trust I had in them is completely gone.
    Edited by Tryxus on 8 May 2019 06:31
    "The Oak's Promise: stand strong, stay true, and shelter all"
    Tryxus of the Undying Song - Warden - PC/EU/DC
  • jcm2606
    Zos: we need a complete rebalance

    Employee: i go and get the dice...

    Dice are too predictable.

    Honestly think they just throw off balanced darts at a giant bingo board.
  • cazlonb16_ESO
    I am hopeful.

    I am not. Here is how it will work out: The "Counterplay" will gut Negate, the only effective means to kill zergballs, purgeballs and all sorts of other troll tactics. So in the end we all lose.

    ZOS need to man up, admit it was a bad idea and just drop it. This thread should give them a pretty clear idea about how the players think about it.
    Edited by cazlonb16_ESO on 8 May 2019 06:43
  • Czekoludek
    Here is how it will work. They will revert change to incap and nobody will be focusing on that stupid changes that NBs get this patch. Before incap NBs were pissed off, after reverting it nobody will advocate for nb buffs on fear of another "incap" idea
  • Anti_Virus
    I am hopeful.

    I am not. Here is how it will work out: The "Counterplay" will gut Negate, the only effective means to kill zergballs, purgeballs and all sorts of other troll tactics. So in the end we all lose.

    ZOS need to man up, admit it was a bad idea and just drop it. This thread should give them a pretty clear idea about how the players think about it.

    False, not everyone is against this change.

    Im for it.

    Most ppl here didn’t even test the change on pts, a silly knee jerk reaction is all this thread is about.
    Edited by Anti_Virus on 8 May 2019 06:56
    Power Wealth And Influence.
  • Mitaka211
    Wow, yet again they completely ignore classes that actually need something and bulk under the pressure of 10 year old nb players. Like devs , bother to play your own damn game. If you ever wonder why magsorcs and nb were top dogs there you go.
    ZOS "how about we bring them in line with other classes?"
    Magsorcs "Waaa i won't be able to solo"
    Nb "Waaa you ruined my class"
    ZOS "OK , all the other classes can wait for Elder Scrolls Online 2 , it's time to buff nbs and magsorcs"
  • Tommy_The_Gun
    Is... Is this NB nerf thread ? :trollface:
    Sorry I had to ask about that... I just had to... :D

    Anyway, it is another day, I kinda was thinking of various scenarios and tbh. the silence on this ulti is kinda OP. Sure - it is only 3 seconds and I am pretty sure that there will be situations where you could technically even not notice that (like in for example 4 - 5 seconds lag in cyro in which skill dont work at all etc). :o
    But... But it can be too much for certain classes to handle. I usually run hybrid builds so I can understand both stamina & magicks players. Some ideas:
    1. Remove the silence, but also reduce ulti cost 120 -> 110 or 100 ulti.
    2. Replace the silence with some skill cost de-buff (so you will be able to use them but they will be more expensive, similar to what poisons do). Important note here is not to make them stack with those poisons.
    3. Replace silence with some passive buff that works after triggering the ultimate.

    Also I would like to point out that incap changes actually overshadows all the nerfs that NB got this patch. They lost a lot of usefull tools they had in their kit. Tanking role & healing role were gutted hard and mag NB will be pretty much an underdog class. That is ofcourse if those incap changes will go live. Because if they do, the next patch ZOS will futher "remove redundancy" by removing some other usefull tools from NB's kit argumenting that they have acces to silence etc. I would rather have some stabilty to be able to plan my build to grind the gear and make it work. You can say anything about nb changes but stability is not one of them. It is a totall chaos and mess... :disappointed:
  • Jhalin
    Anti_Virus wrote: »
    I am hopeful.

    I am not. Here is how it will work out: The "Counterplay" will gut Negate, the only effective means to kill zergballs, purgeballs and all sorts of other troll tactics. So in the end we all lose.

    ZOS need to man up, admit it was a bad idea and just drop it. This thread should give them a pretty clear idea about how the players think about it.

    False, not everyone is against this change.

    Im for it.

    Most ppl here didn’t even test the change on pts, a silly knee jerk reaction is all this thread is about.

    Most people aren't daft enough to think this is at all healthy

    its a godawful change that completely negates any mag spec's ability to fight back, it needs to go. They would be better off doing a full revert to the live functionality
  • WildWilbur
    As an old fart I like the change! Because we will at last hear nice music underlying the typical gank vid: "Silence is golden" and "Sound of Silence" and so on... Wonderful!

    My opinion? As a MagBlade dealing out: YEAH! PWND YA! As a MAGBlade on the receiving end: OMFG who worked this out?
    "Call me a killjoy, but I think that because this is not to my taste, no one else should be able to enjoy it." Marge Simpson
  • Czekoludek
    Best NBs change that can be implemented? Don't change the live version, just buff class that need a buff
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