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Incapacitating Strike Silence 5.0.3

  • Baphomet
    Dear Devs, there's no need to look for counter-play options - simply remove the silence effect again and instantly generate 200 credibility points with your playerbase.
    - The Psijic Order
    - TKO
    - Dominant Dominion
    - The Noore
  • Thevampirenight
    They could say at 125 ult if that is how much is needed to cast silence change it. do the regen thing, they put into it at 125. Then at say 250 do a 1.5 second silence. Maybe balance it by doing that. If zenimax wants to add a silence and keep it they can and also at the same time at least come to the middle and adjust it like I'm suggesting here. Make the player base happier. Also the snare immunity ability could be made 3.5 or 3 seconds. Up from 2 as well. For those players upset about that change. I do think they can reach some middle ground here like I said. Might be better then just changing their vision of Nightblade having a silence ability. Could make sense for them to have some kind of silence ability after all they are shadow class and basically can summon shades which might be like ghosts which in past elder scrolls games wraiths did have a silence ability. But I think the best policy is to make it so it does not effect players so much or at least reach some middle ground with the player base when it comes to this ability. I can see how it can hurt those in pvp who play magical classes. They might not have taken that into consideration. But given the response about how this can really hurt much of the player base in pvp. I think it would be considerate if they at least adjusted it. Not just add a counter, anyone else agree with me here? I think they should do both, adjust the cost for silence to be 250 ult, no reductions on that. For 1.5 seconds. Resource gains or steal from 125 ultimate. And at least a 3.5 snare immunity to certain abilties that grant snare immunity. Just my two cents.
    Edited by Thevampirenight on 8 May 2019 11:45
    PC NA
    Please add Fangs to Vampires.
  • Sanguinor2
    Is... Is this NB nerf thread ? :trollface:
    Sorry I had to ask about that... I just had to... :D

    Anyway, it is another day, I kinda was thinking of various scenarios and tbh. the silence on this ulti is kinda OP. Sure - it is only 3 seconds and I am pretty sure that there will be situations where you could technically even not notice that (like in for example 4 - 5 seconds lag in cyro in which skill dont work at all etc). :o
    But... But it can be too much for certain classes to handle. I usually run hybrid builds so I can understand both stamina & magicks players. Some ideas:
    1. Remove the silence, but also reduce ulti cost 120 -> 110 or 100 ulti.
    2. Replace the silence with some skill cost de-buff (so you will be able to use them but they will be more expensive, similar to what poisons do). Important note here is not to make them stack with those poisons.
    3. Replace silence with some passive buff that works after triggering the ultimate.

    Also I would like to point out that incap changes actually overshadows all the nerfs that NB got this patch. They lost a lot of usefull tools they had in their kit. Tanking role & healing role were gutted hard and mag NB will be pretty much an underdog class. That is ofcourse if those incap changes will go live. Because if they do, the next patch ZOS will futher "remove redundancy" by removing some other usefull tools from NB's kit argumenting that they have acces to silence etc. I would rather have some stabilty to be able to plan my build to grind the gear and make it work. You can say anything about nb changes but stability is not one of them. It is a totall chaos and mess... :disappointed:

    Nah, this is more of a "wow I cant believe that the incap silence got past the Brainstorming Phase our devs really dont know how this game works do they?" thread^^.
    That being said lets Delve int your comment.

    It´s nice that you too are now acknowledging that this Change is problematic to say the least. 3 Seconds of not being able to cast any ability really isnt all that short of a time, if you want an adequate comparison just duel a stamblade on a magclass with 10 mag abilities while Standing inside a negate for 3 seconds without being allowed to leave it and that is being generous and assuming that outnumbered PvP doesnt exist. After that you can tell me how short 3 seconds really are in a PvP fight where only one side can act.
    Towards your incap ideas:
    1. Incap still has a 70 base cost, the 120 ult cost Version is there if you want to make half of the PvP Population free AP.
    2. We really dont Need more cost increase than poisons we really dont.
    3. Incap already got a passive buff for only slotting it.
    4. Why can no nightblade Player accept that incap at 70 cost is a very strong single target burst ultimate that increases your following Damage in the next 6 seconds by 20% and that this is already more than enough for a 70 ult cost?
    5. Swap pts incap with 70 ult cost with pts empowering sweep and you will see what I mean.

    Nightblade didnt get only nerfs tho, nightblade still has Access to fracture and if you dont have space for mark target then you can start doing what stamsorc and stamplar have been doing since the very Inception of their class, get fracture elsewhere or deal with it. Minor Berserk got redistributed to minor vulnerability which arguably is stronger than berserk since it buffs the Damage of all your allies aswell as your own. Nightblades got a 4 seconds snare removal (strongest in the game alongside Forward Momentum) which is a Carbon copy of Shuffle only in better and not restricted to armor choices and gives class passives. Nightblades got a 15% Damage Mitigation in Exchange for minor Endurance (which already gets replaced with reave on incap). It is really astonishing how many nightblade Players think nightblades are actually getting nerfed in the current pts build.


    The only positive Thing that I can think of current incap Change has is it being most likely banned in dueling tournaments.
    Politeness is respecting others.
    Courage is doing what is fair.
    Modesty is speaking of oneself without vanity.
    Self control is keeping calm even when anger rises.
    Sincerity is expressing oneself without concealing ones thoughts.
    Honor is keeping ones word.
  • Baphomet
    Someone suggested to give it blindness instead. That would give the target very few options to retaliate but still give them a chance to defend. I'd say that a 3 second blind is considerably stronger than a stun that might be interupted quickly. And it would add some uniqueness to the ability. A 3 second window where the target can hardly retaliate it pretty strong, in my book.
    - The Psijic Order
    - TKO
    - Dominant Dominion
    - The Noore
  • technohic
    Baphomet wrote: »
    Someone suggested to give it blindness instead. That would give the target very few options to retaliate but still give them a chance to defend. I'd say that a 3 second blind is considerably stronger than a stun that might be interupted quickly. And it would add some uniqueness to the ability. A 3 second window where the target can hardly retaliate it pretty strong, in my book.

    It also makes sense in that this mechanic was taken from templars a long time ago.
  • Mitaka211
    Mitaka211 wrote: »
    @ZOS_BrianWheeler how about you address the classes that have clear issues in pvp , instead of pandering to the two most popular classes , sorc and nb. Unless you haven't noticed not everyone wants to play as a magika caster. How about you have a hard look at stamsorcs and stamplars and all the feedback players have bothered to leave to the reps. The lack of attention is a slap in the face to a lot of player. But praise the sun am i right?
    Hey , why would you care about unpopular play styles ?
    Explain to me how you butcher Empowering Sweep , hey one more reason for us templars not to use our own ults am i right, and make the conclusion that NB (the strongest class in the current meta) needs silence. Combine it with their fear and i am looking forward to your "possible" counters without blowing up all your stamina and dying 3 sec later. You know, us stamplars can't use 90% of our abilities after all and have no way of mitigating damage, i am really looking forward to using the troll king set for the rest of this mmos life if i want to play with stamplar . Great range of choices just as we were promised!
    Dks can get a cool thematic ult , which is one of the coolest looking things in the game but stamsorcs and stamplars are left being generic warriors 2.0 . Can we at least get any information that you are looking into these clear unbalances, and most importantly lack of identity stamsorc and stamplars face?
    Stam sorc sure definitely needs love stamplar this made me laugh as its a very strong class already and a very common one in groups right next to stam warden magblade deserves more attention then stamplar lol 😂

    Yea dude , i really doubt you have any understanding of how stamplar works. If i made the same build i use on my stamplar on a warden or a dk(the same idea at least) i would perform much better in pvp. Stamina users can perform well because of non class skills. What ultimate can a stamplar use that is not inferior to a guild or weapon ult? Do you even know the state of our passives or hos jabs perform in general. Stamplar is common in groups? Are you for real? Stamplar performs best in chaotic pvp, in well organized small groups there is no reason to take a stamplar over any other stamina class, well maybe only over a stamsorc.
    Edited by Mitaka211 on 8 May 2019 12:03
  • TheBonesXXX
    zyk wrote: »
    The most reasonable explanation for the silence is that ZOS is trolling us. Silence is essentially a kind of CC that one can't break-free or gain immunity from which goes against the general design ethos in this application.

    It's already so easy to gank on a Stamblade. One can burst down 30k targets in one or two gcds with even a defensive or sustain build. If those targets were also silenced for 3s, a Magicka build would probably need 50k health to reliably survive ganks without help.

    So basically, this change is game-breaking.

    Not only is it OP, but being locked out of magicka abilities and ultimates for 3 seconds at a time on a regular basis would be a terrible gameplay experience.

    Also, I don't think players want to see more polarized abilities that shut down Magicka builds without affecting Stam builds as seriously.

  • Pelican
    Maybe they're just making this change so that everyone will make a necromancer, since necromancer will be the only class able to counter this since it has a purge that costs HP, not mag.
    PC NA - EP Solo PvP Player
  • ZarkingFrued
    Hexys wrote: »
    Incapacitating Strike: This morph no longer applies Minor Mangle or Stuns the target when cast with 120 or more Ultimate. Instead, it now Silences the target for 3 seconds when cast with 120 or more Ultimate. Additionally, while slotted, it now grants Reave, which restores up to 100 Magicka and Stamina when dealing damage with a Light or Heavy Attack on a target with a negative effect active on them.

    Dev comments
    After collecting much feedback from forum threads and other outlets, we noted a lot of the feedback on how Mangle's operation was far too niche in terms of engagement due to how the debuff works. While the theme was aimed at helping the Nightblade single out an opponent and put them closer to death's door, we missed the mark in delivery. We want to retain the idea of the Nightblade isolating their target and gaining a few precious seconds of denial on the target's ability to recuperate, but we wanted the defender to at least be able to reposition while those seconds count down, so we have removed the stun in place of a Silence. Additionally, much like Soul Harvest, there is a passive gained for slotting the ability. However, this passive effect makes up a much smaller portion of the ability’s power, since Silences are such powerful disabling tools.

    If this goes live I'm gonna put this game behind me lol :D

    Normally I would be constructive in feedback, but this time, I don't know what to say. How is this even considered a change? The developer comments are nice, but in this case just don't make up

    Dude I'm with ya. If this goes live I'm just done with this game. I cant understand who ever thought this was a good idea?
  • DisgracefulMind
    Hexys wrote: »
    Incapacitating Strike: This morph no longer applies Minor Mangle or Stuns the target when cast with 120 or more Ultimate. Instead, it now Silences the target for 3 seconds when cast with 120 or more Ultimate. Additionally, while slotted, it now grants Reave, which restores up to 100 Magicka and Stamina when dealing damage with a Light or Heavy Attack on a target with a negative effect active on them.

    Dev comments
    After collecting much feedback from forum threads and other outlets, we noted a lot of the feedback on how Mangle's operation was far too niche in terms of engagement due to how the debuff works. While the theme was aimed at helping the Nightblade single out an opponent and put them closer to death's door, we missed the mark in delivery. We want to retain the idea of the Nightblade isolating their target and gaining a few precious seconds of denial on the target's ability to recuperate, but we wanted the defender to at least be able to reposition while those seconds count down, so we have removed the stun in place of a Silence. Additionally, much like Soul Harvest, there is a passive gained for slotting the ability. However, this passive effect makes up a much smaller portion of the ability’s power, since Silences are such powerful disabling tools.

    If this goes live I'm gonna put this game behind me lol :D

    Normally I would be constructive in feedback, but this time, I don't know what to say. How is this even considered a change? The developer comments are nice, but in this case just don't make up

    Dude I'm with ya. If this goes live I'm just done with this game. I cant understand who ever thought this was a good idea?

    This is literally the first time since this game has come out that I'm just about done too lmao. I'm only sticking around next patch for my chill group of PvE friends and the new trial. What even is the direction for anything right now xD
    Unfortunate magicka warden main.
    PC/NA Server
    Fairweather Friends
    Retired to baby bgs forever. Leave me alone.
  • Mitaka211
    Hexys wrote: »
    Incapacitating Strike: This morph no longer applies Minor Mangle or Stuns the target when cast with 120 or more Ultimate. Instead, it now Silences the target for 3 seconds when cast with 120 or more Ultimate. Additionally, while slotted, it now grants Reave, which restores up to 100 Magicka and Stamina when dealing damage with a Light or Heavy Attack on a target with a negative effect active on them.

    Dev comments
    After collecting much feedback from forum threads and other outlets, we noted a lot of the feedback on how Mangle's operation was far too niche in terms of engagement due to how the debuff works. While the theme was aimed at helping the Nightblade single out an opponent and put them closer to death's door, we missed the mark in delivery. We want to retain the idea of the Nightblade isolating their target and gaining a few precious seconds of denial on the target's ability to recuperate, but we wanted the defender to at least be able to reposition while those seconds count down, so we have removed the stun in place of a Silence. Additionally, much like Soul Harvest, there is a passive gained for slotting the ability. However, this passive effect makes up a much smaller portion of the ability’s power, since Silences are such powerful disabling tools.

    If this goes live I'm gonna put this game behind me lol :D

    Normally I would be constructive in feedback, but this time, I don't know what to say. How is this even considered a change? The developer comments are nice, but in this case just don't make up

    Dude I'm with ya. If this goes live I'm just done with this game. I cant understand who ever thought this was a good idea?

    This is literally the first time since this game has come out that I'm just about done too lmao. I'm only sticking around next patch for my chill group of PvE friends and the new trial. What even is the direction for anything right now xD

    the direction is buy necromancer and blow a ton of crowns unlocking all the things you have on your main :smile:
  • DoonerSeraph
    If I'm not mistaken, silence locks ultimates also, so stamina is more affected than it seems at a first glance...
  • Sandman929
    What I wouldn't give to witness ZOS's investigation in to counterplay options so that they can keep this ridiculous idea alive and save some face.
  • Minno
    Pelican wrote: »
    Maybe they're just making this change so that everyone will make a necromancer, since necromancer will be the only class able to counter this since it has a purge that costs HP, not mag.

    Lol yea sadly the case.
    Minno - DC - Forum-plar Extraordinaire
    - Guild-lead for MV
    - Filthy Casual
  • Anyron
    Heyo Gang!

    We have been reading your feedback about the changes to Incapacitating Strike and are investigating counter-play options for the Silence that's been added to this ability.

    If you are investigating counter-play for silence keep in mind there is ultimate ability called negate,
    keep negate still usable
  • DoonerSeraph
    Why dont you remove the silence and add that heal absorption you removed from Ruinous Scythe? Incap is not a spammable althougt its a cheap ulti, I think 3k heal absorption is good enough and serves the purpose of killing while leaving room for counterplay (most burst heals exceed 3k in PvP)
  • WatchYourSixx
    Idk why everyone is making a big deal of this. 1 roll dodge takes up most of this time and the rest is barely enough to get 1 hit in. But whatever keep complaining about a good change. You can still block, you can still use pots, you can still roll dodge. You can still have hots on you, you can still have Shields on you.
    The only thing to fear is, fear itself. - FDR

    CP 800
    PC NA

    - Maximus the Marksman (AD) Temp
    - Rex the Unstoppable Force (DC) DK
    - Sodor Dragonfire (DC) DK
    - Masha'Dar Shadow-Paw (DC) NB
    - Magnus the Mage (DC) Sorc
  • brandonv516
    Idk why everyone is making a big deal of this. 1 roll dodge takes up most of this time and the rest is barely enough to get 1 hit in. But whatever keep complaining about a good change. You can still block, you can still use pots, you can still roll dodge. You can still have hots on you, you can still have Shields on you.

    1 won't cut it. 2 will do. But then you are dangerously low on stamina. Smart NBs will Fear you after the Silence is up and you will not be able to break free.

  • Juhasow
    Sanguinor2 wrote: »
    Is... Is this NB nerf thread ? :trollface:
    Sorry I had to ask about that... I just had to... :D

    Anyway, it is another day, I kinda was thinking of various scenarios and tbh. the silence on this ulti is kinda OP. Sure - it is only 3 seconds and I am pretty sure that there will be situations where you could technically even not notice that (like in for example 4 - 5 seconds lag in cyro in which skill dont work at all etc). :o
    But... But it can be too much for certain classes to handle. I usually run hybrid builds so I can understand both stamina & magicks players. Some ideas:
    1. Remove the silence, but also reduce ulti cost 120 -> 110 or 100 ulti.
    2. Replace the silence with some skill cost de-buff (so you will be able to use them but they will be more expensive, similar to what poisons do). Important note here is not to make them stack with those poisons.
    3. Replace silence with some passive buff that works after triggering the ultimate.

    Also I would like to point out that incap changes actually overshadows all the nerfs that NB got this patch. They lost a lot of usefull tools they had in their kit. Tanking role & healing role were gutted hard and mag NB will be pretty much an underdog class. That is ofcourse if those incap changes will go live. Because if they do, the next patch ZOS will futher "remove redundancy" by removing some other usefull tools from NB's kit argumenting that they have acces to silence etc. I would rather have some stabilty to be able to plan my build to grind the gear and make it work. You can say anything about nb changes but stability is not one of them. It is a totall chaos and mess... :disappointed:

    Nah, this is more of a "wow I cant believe that the incap silence got past the Brainstorming Phase our devs really dont know how this game works do they?" thread^^.
    That being said lets Delve int your comment.

    It´s nice that you too are now acknowledging that this Change is problematic to say the least. 3 Seconds of not being able to cast any ability really isnt all that short of a time, if you want an adequate comparison just duel a stamblade on a magclass with 10 mag abilities while Standing inside a negate for 3 seconds without being allowed to leave it and that is being generous and assuming that outnumbered PvP doesnt exist. After that you can tell me how short 3 seconds really are in a PvP fight where only one side can act.
    Towards your incap ideas:
    1. Incap still has a 70 base cost, the 120 ult cost Version is there if you want to make half of the PvP Population free AP.
    2. We really dont Need more cost increase than poisons we really dont.
    3. Incap already got a passive buff for only slotting it.
    4. Why can no nightblade Player accept that incap at 70 cost is a very strong single target burst ultimate that increases your following Damage in the next 6 seconds by 20% and that this is already more than enough for a 70 ult cost?
    5. Swap pts incap with 70 ult cost with pts empowering sweep and you will see what I mean.

    Nightblade didnt get only nerfs tho, nightblade still has Access to fracture and if you dont have space for mark target then you can start doing what stamsorc and stamplar have been doing since the very Inception of their class, get fracture elsewhere or deal with it. Minor Berserk got redistributed to minor vulnerability which arguably is stronger than berserk since it buffs the Damage of all your allies aswell as your own. Nightblades got a 4 seconds snare removal (strongest in the game alongside Forward Momentum) which is a Carbon copy of Shuffle only in better and not restricted to armor choices and gives class passives. Nightblades got a 15% Damage Mitigation in Exchange for minor Endurance (which already gets replaced with reave on incap). It is really astonishing how many nightblade Players think nightblades are actually getting nerfed in the current pts build.


    The only positive Thing that I can think of current incap Change has is it being most likely banned in dueling tournaments.

    Lets also not forget about power extraction changes. I think many people dont realise that power extraction on PTS hits harder then steel tornado even on enemies under 25% health. Basically power extraction spam gives 10-15% more dmg then steel tornado spam for the similar cost. It also charges Your ult through nb passives , grants major brutality for 20 seconds and it's disease dmg so it have 5% chance to apply major defile. All of that for just 1 meter smaller radius. And it doesnt require dw so even heavy armor s&b stamblades will be able now to have strong AoE to spam.
    Edited by Juhasow on 8 May 2019 14:10
  • jaws343
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Sanguinor2 wrote: »
    Is... Is this NB nerf thread ? :trollface:
    Sorry I had to ask about that... I just had to... :D

    Anyway, it is another day, I kinda was thinking of various scenarios and tbh. the silence on this ulti is kinda OP. Sure - it is only 3 seconds and I am pretty sure that there will be situations where you could technically even not notice that (like in for example 4 - 5 seconds lag in cyro in which skill dont work at all etc). :o
    But... But it can be too much for certain classes to handle. I usually run hybrid builds so I can understand both stamina & magicks players. Some ideas:
    1. Remove the silence, but also reduce ulti cost 120 -> 110 or 100 ulti.
    2. Replace the silence with some skill cost de-buff (so you will be able to use them but they will be more expensive, similar to what poisons do). Important note here is not to make them stack with those poisons.
    3. Replace silence with some passive buff that works after triggering the ultimate.

    Also I would like to point out that incap changes actually overshadows all the nerfs that NB got this patch. They lost a lot of usefull tools they had in their kit. Tanking role & healing role were gutted hard and mag NB will be pretty much an underdog class. That is ofcourse if those incap changes will go live. Because if they do, the next patch ZOS will futher "remove redundancy" by removing some other usefull tools from NB's kit argumenting that they have acces to silence etc. I would rather have some stabilty to be able to plan my build to grind the gear and make it work. You can say anything about nb changes but stability is not one of them. It is a totall chaos and mess... :disappointed:

    Nah, this is more of a "wow I cant believe that the incap silence got past the Brainstorming Phase our devs really dont know how this game works do they?" thread^^.
    That being said lets Delve int your comment.

    It´s nice that you too are now acknowledging that this Change is problematic to say the least. 3 Seconds of not being able to cast any ability really isnt all that short of a time, if you want an adequate comparison just duel a stamblade on a magclass with 10 mag abilities while Standing inside a negate for 3 seconds without being allowed to leave it and that is being generous and assuming that outnumbered PvP doesnt exist. After that you can tell me how short 3 seconds really are in a PvP fight where only one side can act.
    Towards your incap ideas:
    1. Incap still has a 70 base cost, the 120 ult cost Version is there if you want to make half of the PvP Population free AP.
    2. We really dont Need more cost increase than poisons we really dont.
    3. Incap already got a passive buff for only slotting it.
    4. Why can no nightblade Player accept that incap at 70 cost is a very strong single target burst ultimate that increases your following Damage in the next 6 seconds by 20% and that this is already more than enough for a 70 ult cost?
    5. Swap pts incap with 70 ult cost with pts empowering sweep and you will see what I mean.

    Nightblade didnt get only nerfs tho, nightblade still has Access to fracture and if you dont have space for mark target then you can start doing what stamsorc and stamplar have been doing since the very Inception of their class, get fracture elsewhere or deal with it. Minor Berserk got redistributed to minor vulnerability which arguably is stronger than berserk since it buffs the Damage of all your allies aswell as your own. Nightblades got a 4 seconds snare removal (strongest in the game alongside Forward Momentum) which is a Carbon copy of Shuffle only in better and not restricted to armor choices and gives class passives. Nightblades got a 15% Damage Mitigation in Exchange for minor Endurance (which already gets replaced with reave on incap). It is really astonishing how many nightblade Players think nightblades are actually getting nerfed in the current pts build.


    The only positive Thing that I can think of current incap Change has is it being most likely banned in dueling tournaments.

    Lets also not forget about power extraction changes. I think many people dont realise that power extraction on PTS hits harder then steel tornado even on enemies under 25% health. Basically power extraction spam gives 10-15% more dmg then steel tornado spam for the similar cost. It also charges Your ult through nb passives , grants major brutality for 20 seconds and it's disease dmg so it have 5% chance to apply major defile. All of that for just 1 meter smaller radius. And it doesnt require dw so even heavy armor s&b stamblades will be able now to have strong AoE to spam.

    Incap From Stealth>Power Extraction>Fear>Power Extraction>Killer's Blade>Dead (Not even taking into account light attack weave, or the fact that the dead part probably happens before you even get to Killer's Blade. Good luck dodge rolling an AOE, or blocking Fear.)
  • Deathlord92
    Mitaka211 wrote: »
    Mitaka211 wrote: »
    @ZOS_BrianWheeler how about you address the classes that have clear issues in pvp , instead of pandering to the two most popular classes , sorc and nb. Unless you haven't noticed not everyone wants to play as a magika caster. How about you have a hard look at stamsorcs and stamplars and all the feedback players have bothered to leave to the reps. The lack of attention is a slap in the face to a lot of player. But praise the sun am i right?
    Hey , why would you care about unpopular play styles ?
    Explain to me how you butcher Empowering Sweep , hey one more reason for us templars not to use our own ults am i right, and make the conclusion that NB (the strongest class in the current meta) needs silence. Combine it with their fear and i am looking forward to your "possible" counters without blowing up all your stamina and dying 3 sec later. You know, us stamplars can't use 90% of our abilities after all and have no way of mitigating damage, i am really looking forward to using the troll king set for the rest of this mmos life if i want to play with stamplar . Great range of choices just as we were promised!
    Dks can get a cool thematic ult , which is one of the coolest looking things in the game but stamsorcs and stamplars are left being generic warriors 2.0 . Can we at least get any information that you are looking into these clear unbalances, and most importantly lack of identity stamsorc and stamplars face?
    Stam sorc sure definitely needs love stamplar this made me laugh as its a very strong class already and a very common one in groups right next to stam warden magblade deserves more attention then stamplar lol 😂

    Yea dude , i really doubt you have any understanding of how stamplar works. If i made the same build i use on my stamplar on a warden or a dk(the same idea at least) i would perform much better in pvp. Stamina users can perform well because of non class skills. What ultimate can a stamplar use that is not inferior to a guild or weapon ult? Do you even know the state of our passives or hos jabs perform in general. Stamplar is common in groups? Are you for real? Stamplar performs best in chaotic pvp, in well organized small groups there is no reason to take a stamplar over any other stamina class, well maybe only over a stamsorc.
    At least you can do well on a stamplar solo and group play I seen it on yt and in game try playing a magblade with out any defensive sets the class doesn’t even have a good self heal
  • Sanguinor2
    Idk why everyone is making a big deal of this. 1 roll dodge takes up most of this time and the rest is barely enough to get 1 hit in. But whatever keep complaining about a good change. You can still block, you can still use pots, you can still roll dodge. You can still have hots on you, you can still have Shields on you.

    Since this would be competely unproblematic can we get a strong, rather cheap mag ult that disables all stam usage for 3 seconds? You can still block with an ice staff and spam healing springs on your stamblade afterall.
    Politeness is respecting others.
    Courage is doing what is fair.
    Modesty is speaking of oneself without vanity.
    Self control is keeping calm even when anger rises.
    Sincerity is expressing oneself without concealing ones thoughts.
    Honor is keeping ones word.
  • jaws343
    Gilvoth wrote: »
    only the sorcerer should be allowed to have a strong ultimate.

    Negate: Move out of it and it is no longer effective

    Overload: Dodge it

    Storm Attro: Move away from it and it is useless

    Such great ultimates in the sorc toolkit.
  • frostbreeze
    lets give 1sec silence to every light attack with siphoning on too!all those silly casters dare to fight the might of the stamblade!SHAME ON THEM.NERF THEM ALL#FUCKMAGICA
  • TequilaFire
    Forum Sorcs when threatened. :D
  • frostz417
    Heyo Gang!

    We have been reading your feedback about the changes to Incapacitating Strike and are investigating counter-play options for the Silence that's been added to this ability.

    REVERT THE CHANGES. DONT MAKE UP SOME HALFASS “COUNTERPLAY” while you’re at it, revert the Race against time changes too. Ffs what has gotten into you guys to nerf race against time and make incap negate.
  • Silver_Strider
    Baphomet wrote: »
    Dear Devs, there's no need to look for counter-play options - simply remove the silence effect again and instantly generate 200 credibility points with your playerbase.

    "After hearing your concerns, we've removed Silence from Incapacitating Strike. It will now provide Major Vulnerability for 6 seconds instead"

    "Mark Target: Added a Silence effect to this ability and Morphs for the full duration."

    When will people learn that asking for Buffs=Nerfs and asking for Nerfs=Buffs UNLESS you're a Sorc or Templar, you guys just get shafted 100% of the time.
    Edited by Silver_Strider on 8 May 2019 14:58
    Argonian forever
  • ilcavallo
    Forum Sorcs when threatened. :D

    Pure gold
  • Feanor
    Forum Sorcs when threatened. :D

    Would it make you feel better if magTemplars, magWardens, or magNBs we’re voicing there concerns instead? Because essentially everyone who relies on a magicka based heal or shield for defense will be affected by it. This is not a Sorc vs NB thing. It’s the question if a powerful debuff that cancels out whole class defenses for 3 seconds should be added to an already strong ultimate.

    Main characters: Feanor the Believer - AD Altmer mSorc - AR 46 - Flawless Conqueror (PC EU)Idril Arnanor - AD Altmer mSorc - CP 217 - Stormproof (PC NA)Other characters:
    Necrophilius Killgood - DC Imperial NecromancerFearscales - AD Argonian Templar - Stormproof (healer)Draco Imperialis - AD Imperial DK (tank)Cabed Naearamarth - AD Dunmer mDKValirion Willowthorne - AD Bosmer stamBladeTuruna - AD Altmer magBladeKheled Zaram - AD Redguard stamDKKibil Nala - AD Redguard stamSorc - StormproofYavanna Kémentárí - AD Breton magWardenAzog gro-Ghâsh - EP Orc stamWardenVidar Drakenblød - DC Nord mDKMarquis de Peyrac - DC Breton mSorc - StormproofRawlith Khaj'ra - AD Khajiit stamWardenTu'waccah - AD Redguard Stamplar
    All chars 50 @ CP 1700+. Playing and enjoying PvP with RdK mostly on PC EU.
  • Mitaka211
    ilcavallo wrote: »
    Forum Sorcs when threatened. :D

    Pure gold

    I have noticed there is a distinct behavior NBs and magsorcs fallow. Magsorcs go full rage mode, and NBs go full innocent baby mode .
    Mag sorc : "Sorcs are the weakest class already we don't have this we don't have that. Anyone can counter us. Nerf every patch . I will stop playing if you do this ZOS :rage: "

    NBs "NB has been my favorite class since day one , pls don't ruin my class ZOS :disappointed: "
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