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Incapacitating Strike Silence 5.0.3

  • Izanagi.Xiiib16_ESO
    Reporting patch notes post for being against forum TOS ... these notes are just pure bait D:

    Would be really interesting who gave such amazing feedback to make this change lol.
    "After collecting much feedback from forum threads and other outlets"

    NA ~ Izanerys: Dracarys (Videos | Dracast Podcast)
    EU ~ Izanagi: Roleplay Circle (AOE Rats/ Zerg Squad / Banana Squad)
  • Sandman929
    Reporting patch notes post for being against forum TOS ... these notes are just pure bait D:

    Would be really interesting who gave such amazing feedback to make this change lol.
    "After collecting much feedback from forum threads and other outlets"


    You don't remember all the Nightblades Should Have Negate posts?
  • Izanagi.Xiiib16_ESO
    Sandman929 wrote: »
    Reporting patch notes post for being against forum TOS ... these notes are just pure bait D:

    Would be really interesting who gave such amazing feedback to make this change lol.
    "After collecting much feedback from forum threads and other outlets"


    You don't remember all the Nightblades Should Have Negate posts?

    Looking forward to Nightblades being able to fly next patch... fairly sure i posted that in past somewhere.
    NA ~ Izanerys: Dracarys (Videos | Dracast Podcast)
    EU ~ Izanagi: Roleplay Circle (AOE Rats/ Zerg Squad / Banana Squad)
  • Zekka
    Why are ZOS even fiddling with incap this patch anyway? The live version is probably the most balanced iteration in ESO's history, all it needed was a slight nerf to the damage bonus or maybe to make it a 120 ult bonus like the stun.
  • WildRaptorX
    What does silence mean?
  • Sanguinor2
    Reporting patch notes post for being against forum TOS ... these notes are just pure bait D:

    Would be really interesting who gave such amazing feedback to make this change lol.
    "After collecting much feedback from forum threads and other outlets"


    Must´ve been the Forum nightblade mains Lobby, well the ones that were convinced that a 15% Mitigation buff is a huge nerf and think that stamblade is very weak in PvP Right now.

    Guess having very high burst Damage, one of the strongest dmg increased debuffs in the game (currently strongest until necro gets released) and gaining the highest class Damage Mitigation with the best snare removal skill in elsweyr wouldnt be enough to finally make stamblade viable in PvP. (sarcasm in case you cannot tell)
    Politeness is respecting others.
    Courage is doing what is fair.
    Modesty is speaking of oneself without vanity.
    Self control is keeping calm even when anger rises.
    Sincerity is expressing oneself without concealing ones thoughts.
    Honor is keeping ones word.
  • acw37162
    Are you freaking kidding me, no your not damn....
  • Maulkin
    Keylun wrote: »
    What does silence mean?

    It mutes your microphone on Discord, so the others can finally get a moment’s respite
    EU | PC | AD
  • Zekka
    Keylun wrote: »
    What does silence mean?

    Can't use any magicka costing skill and ult for 3 seconds. So no purify and breath of life blockcasting for magplar, no coagulating blood/ember refreshing for magdk, no shields and matriarch heal for magsorc, no... whatever the 2 magblades left use to survive outside of cloak and no resto ult for any class.
  • brandonv516
    As a Magblade I would run it.

    But I don't want anyone else running it lol.

    So please make it something else...again.
  • lassitershawn
    Wolfahm wrote: »


    Not if you get hit by it lol. Negate is barely a threat against a single player for all the reasons I explained in my post, this ult is just oppressive xD. And if there is any class equipped to landing an instant cast ability on an enemy its the one with the great stun that can turn invisible. I don't even PvP scarcely at all and I can tell this is ridiculous.
    William Thorne - EP Breton Sorcerer
    Astrid Winterborn - EP Breton Warden
    Erik Ironskin - EP Nord Dragonknight
    Venasa Viri - EP Dunmer Nightblade

    IR x8, GH x5, TTT x2
  • Xvorg
    All the complaining about Incap being OP with its Defile/Stun components. Little did the salt miner know, ZOS can always make the ability 1000000% more OP when they try and nerf it.

    I'm having a good laugh at this.

    well, if there's only one undeniable truth in this world is this one: It can always get worse
    Sarcasm is something too serious to be taken lightly

    I was born with the wrong sign
    In the wrong house
    With the wrong ascendancy
    I took the wrong road
    That led to the wrong tendencies
    I was in the wrong place at the wrong time
    For the wrong reason and the wrong rhyme
    On the wrong day of the wrong week
    Used the wrong method with the wrong technique
  • technohic
    Reporting patch notes post for being against forum TOS ... these notes are just pure bait D:

    Would be really interesting who gave such amazing feedback to make this change lol.
    "After collecting much feedback from forum threads and other outlets"


    Lol Sometimes I think they listen too much and lack their own vision. I hate saying that here though; because they need to at least listen to this thread and just revert this change. Pretend it never happened. Probably should fire whoever came up with it.

    Actually. Wrobel is gone. Maybe they should clean house because this is nonsense. Need fresh eyes and reason to really look at the game.
  • technohic
    Zekka wrote: »
    Why are ZOS even fiddling with incap this patch anyway? The live version is probably the most balanced iteration in ESO's history, all it needed was a slight nerf to the damage bonus or maybe to make it a 120 ult bonus like the stun.

    Honestly; most NBs are not bad and it would have been ok to just address snipe out of stealth and remove the increased damage done and major fracture from the spammable. They could have kept their brutality and everything else the same. Maybe add survivability and a reliable heal to magblade. That's it.
  • Zer0oo
    I just post here because: "What the hell are they thinking"

    NO, this can NOT go live. It is more or less a auto win against any and all mag char. If i can not cast any skill after i got hit with a incap for 3 sec i am dead on any of my chars.
    Ice Furnace: This item set now grants Spell Damage, rather than Weapon Damage for the 4 piece bonus
    - Update 23
  • Spizzie
    Azaduur wrote: »
    Spizzie wrote: »
    Azaduur wrote: »
    Silence is strong I agree, but when I read things like "don't discuss counterplay" all I see is "dont make me work to stay alive, just remove what will make my life difficult so that i dont have to deal with it myself." It makes it really hard to take seriously, I doubt theyll keep the silence on incap, they responded really quick to the outrage, i dont know what theyll do, there is only going to be one more round of changes before Elsweyr goes live. Really I'm just glad they got rid of Minor Mangle. I'd have traded Minor Mangle for this new "Reave" feature any day of the week, didn't need to silence in place of stun though, guess we'll see how it goes.

    Your inexperience on a Magicka character is blatant. There is no "working to stay alive" when you're silenced. Here are the options to stay alive when you're on a mag player and you're silenced:

    1. Become unsilenced

    That's it. There is literally no alternative. It'd be like telling a Stam character that in addition to having your heals and attacks unusable for 3 seconds, you also can't roll dodge or block. Funny enough, stamblades are probably the only class that -could- survive that because they can just cloak for the duration. The bias for stamblades in this game is absolutely gross, and I say that from the perspective of somebody who plays mag and stam iterations of every class.

    Nightblades can cloak while silenced? I never magika experience is poor though as you have stated. Ill take your word for it and cloak while silenced from now on.

    No you can't cloak. You can, however, use every other ability on your bar that doesn't use magicka. That includes: vigor, rally, surprise attack, execute, gap closer, poison inject.

    And also you can roll dodge and block, which isn't an issue because you have 34K+ stamina and enormous cost reduction on your roll dodge. Pretty bad strawman you built there.
  • Savos_Saren
    Heyo Gang!

    We have been reading your feedback about the changes to Incapacitating Strike and are investigating counter-play options for the Silence that's been added to this ability.

    So... "counter-play options" means that they're going to introduce something new to "unsilence" yourself? Note that Brian doesn't say they're going to revert the change...

    Please don't tell me we're going to have to have another potion for unsilencing. So, a fight with a NB would go: Incap Strike (opponent uses potion to unsilence) NB attacks and if it fails- he pops cloak. (opponent unable to use detect pot due to potion cooldown time). You can't use Purge to unsilence yourself... because Purge is magic-based.

    Also, I don't think it would be fair to Sorcs if we had an "unsilence" potion or ability. The whole purpose of Negate is area of denial.

    Final thought: I don't think you can pop a potion while Negated/Silenced, right? So there goes that theory.
    Want to enjoy the game more? Try both PvP (crybabies) and PvE (carebears). You'll get a better perspective on everyone's opinion.

    PC NA AD
    Savos Saren
  • technohic
    Heyo Gang!

    We have been reading your feedback about the changes to Incapacitating Strike and are investigating counter-play options for the Silence that's been added to this ability.

    So... "counter-play options" means that they're going to introduce something new to "unsilence" yourself? Note that Brian doesn't say they're going to revert the change...

    Please don't tell me we're going to have to have another potion for unsilencing. So, a fight with a NB would go: Incap Strike (opponent uses potion to unsilence) NB attacks and if it fails- he pops cloak. (opponent unable to use detect pot due to potion cooldown time). You can't use Purge to unsilence yourself... because Purge is magic-based.

    Also, I don't think it would be fair to Sorcs if we had an "unsilence" potion or ability. The whole purpose of Negate is area of denial.

    Final thought: I don't think you can pop a potion while Negated/Silenced, right? So there goes that theory.

    Knowing them, it will be a 1 second delay where you can block it roll it. Cause that's helpful in a hectic fight with lag.
  • Strider__Roshin
    Heyo Gang!

    We have been reading your feedback about the changes to Incapacitating Strike and are investigating counter-play options for the Silence that's been added to this ability.

    While you're at it, how about providing better counterplay for soul assault, radiant destruction, and Haunting Curse for medium armor builds. I don't see why Magicka keeps getting special treatment.
  • Aurielle
    I’m not reading through this entire thread. I can only assume the consensus, rightly, is “what the actual $&@!?”

    Seriously, devs, what are you even thinking? If this goes live, it’s gg to every single magicka class (of which I have five, and soon to be six with the necro).
    Edited by Aurielle on 8 May 2019 01:19
  • Berenhir
    Heyo Gang!

    We have been reading your feedback about the changes to Incapacitating Strike and are investigating counter-play options for the Silence that's been added to this ability.

    There is no counterplay. If you make silence breakable again, this is nothing but an ability that only "stuns" magicka chars with the opportunity of a follow up stun if not broken fast enough.

    Incap is a high damage ult that increases all your damage against the target by 20%, gives crit for being slotted and is the cheapest ult in the game. What else does it need? If you want a gimmick, give something like a gimmick. Give minor lifesteal or whatever.
    PC EU - Ebonheart Pact - Gray Host - Death Recap -#zergfarming -
  • Trinity_Is_My_Name
    MalcolM24 wrote: »
    I thought I had seen it all after the 1s cast time on shields.

    LOL. I know....what the heck are they thinking?

    Fast and fluid gameplay.....1 second cast time on shields! Took thousands of players complaining for ZOS to remove the cast time.

    Now we have this....holy smokes. Sure makes one wonder what strain Peyote they are using.
  • Kolzki
    The more I think about this the more I want to know what happens when this hits a healer in BGs.
  • blur
    Heyo Gang!

    We have been reading your feedback about the changes to Incapacitating Strike and are investigating counter-play options for the Silence that's been added to this ability.


    Or you could I dunno, leave it as it was, along with Surprise Attack.
    There was nothing wrong with it being a stun, nor SA having Major Fracture.

    The current 3 second silence does have counter play. You can dodge roll. You can block or you can chug a potion. A person should not be able to hard counter everything in the game including bad choices or bad luck. A well timed incap against someone who spent their stam doing unnecessary roll dodging should indeed get destroyed by an ability like this. There are a lot of entitled people who feel they deserve their cake and should eat it to.

    But lets be honest here for a second. Zerging is by far the most overpowered thing in the game next to your broken Cyrodiil lag (Cyro has been horrible since v.1.2.3). Having NBs getting some kills with their ult is no big deal next to the ridiculous zergs running around mowing down small groups and solo players.

    Lastly a lot of NBs, particularly those that 1vX or are constantly on the move don't always wait for 120 ultimate and use Incap as soon as it's up. Because if we are being honest, most will choose Dawnbreaker over Incap if we are debating on a 120 ult ability to run (provided you remove the silence).

    You don't need to homogenize the classes to bring a form of "Balance." This is one of the areas World of Warcraft really screwed up bad. Please don't make this mistake.
  • Strider__Roshin
    Kolzki wrote: »
    The more I think about this the more I want to know what happens when this hits a healer in BGs.

    Considering how OP healing is I welcome this.
  • ilcavallo
    Daus wrote: »
    While you're at it, how about providing better counterplay for soul assault, radiant destruction, and Haunting Curse for medium armor builds. I don't see why Magicka keeps getting special treatment.

    That's the thing. I don't get all the uproar about stamblades. There is no more small group play in Vivec. It's all zergs and ball groups. I'm trying to figure out how all these people end up losing to a stamblade. Their health recovery usually sucks and they don't have a burst heal. They can cloak at most three or four times before they're out of magicka and there are at least a half dozen different ways to break cloak. It's not like they stack health and resistances. I honestly can't remember the last time I was sniped. Frankly, I'm not sure one or two shot snipes are even doable anymore. I don't know. I don't get it. It's actually kind of funny to read some of the stuff on here about how OP stamblades are in PVP
    Edited by ilcavallo on 8 May 2019 01:45
  • MartiniDaniels
    As a Magblade I would run it.

    But I don't want anyone else running it lol.

    So please make it something else...again.

    ^ this. I really don't wanna switch to stamblade, so probably using this new incap will be enough to counter-act anybody other then stamblades :D 2nd place is better then last, huh?
    Berenhir wrote: »
    Heyo Gang!

    We have been reading your feedback about the changes to Incapacitating Strike and are investigating counter-play options for the Silence that's been added to this ability.

    There is no counterplay. If you make silence breakable again, this is nothing but an ability that only "stuns" magicka chars with the opportunity of a follow up stun if not broken fast enough.

    Incap is a high damage ult that increases all your damage against the target by 20%, gives crit for being slotted and is the cheapest ult in the game. What else does it need? If you want a gimmick, give something like a gimmick. Give minor lifesteal or whatever.

    It cost after this will be 120, it's damage is not that big for 120 ult (hi, soul assault!) and so on. Only problem is silence is such a strong debuff and negates active defense.
  • Berenhir
    As a Magblade I would run it.

    But I don't want anyone else running it lol.

    So please make it something else...again.

    ^ this. I really don't wanna switch to stamblade, so probably using this new incap will be enough to counter-act anybody other then stamblades :D 2nd place is better then last, huh?
    Berenhir wrote: »
    Heyo Gang!

    We have been reading your feedback about the changes to Incapacitating Strike and are investigating counter-play options for the Silence that's been added to this ability.

    There is no counterplay. If you make silence breakable again, this is nothing but an ability that only "stuns" magicka chars with the opportunity of a follow up stun if not broken fast enough.

    Incap is a high damage ult that increases all your damage against the target by 20%, gives crit for being slotted and is the cheapest ult in the game. What else does it need? If you want a gimmick, give something like a gimmick. Give minor lifesteal or whatever.

    It cost after this will be 120, it's damage is not that big for 120 ult (hi, soul assault!) and so on. Only problem is silence is such a strong debuff and negates active defense.

    Its cost remains the same, the additional effect is just at 120 ult.
    Edited by Berenhir on 8 May 2019 01:55
    PC EU - Ebonheart Pact - Gray Host - Death Recap -#zergfarming -
  • Chelo
    Gilliam is the most biased developer

    This is his first game as a Dev, and most of this Devs are new to MMOs...
  • JobooAGS
    I would rather see incap gain major defile again but lose the silence than have the silence. Making magicka builds completely helpless against any competent nb isn't balanced
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