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Official Discussion Thread for "ESO Live: April 26 @ 6PM EDT"

  • Valagash
    Zypheran wrote: »
    Can you please tell Cullen (And the rest of the housing team) that the new furniture items being added to PTS are absolutely amazing. Really great job well done.
    Also can you ask him please if the team will consider making Halls of the Lunar Champion into separate load areas with separate item limits.
    I think it will be very very difficult to decorate all 4 areas with only 700 slots.

    I m absolute in love with both buildings too but the 700 slots giving me headaches.

    Is it planned, as Zypheran asked, to separate the rooms in different instances with loading screens, so we can have maybe 500+ for each room.
    And do you plan to have a separate category and a limit for animated items? As Elara Northwind showed, the FPS drops comes only if you put 700 animated items next to each others but not if you but "normal" items, like food/dishes side by side. It would be a way to increase the items limit without performance issues.
  • frankwchenzo
    Lightning Splash: Increased the duration of this ability and its morphs to 8 seconds from 6 seconds.
    Liquid Lightning (morph): This morph now lasts 12 seconds to retain the extra 4 seconds of duration increase.
    Lighting Flood (morph): Increased the damage of this morph by 5%.

    Don't see any sign of this changes before pts. Is this intended to make Lighting Flood a more attactive morph? I'd say you guys did a great job on this but in the mean time, it also made Liquid Lightning a little bit awkward.

    A dot 4s Longer than blockade will make sorc's rotation become dynamic but does not INCREASE the total dps since Lighting Flood has got its dmg increased at this patch and murkmire.

    BTW I do some 6m dummy test about this on the pts, it's just roughly 6k dps with Lighting Flood and a 5k with Liquid Lightning, and a little bit better sustain with Liquid Lightning. But sitll, can't make the phrase without HA.

    Though using a dynamic rotation on sorc is quite a new ( and fun ) things, I'm sure Lighting Flood will become the sorc meta if this go live.

    Will it be better if Liquid Lightning has its cost reduce and just last 2s longer?
    Edited by frankwchenzo on 25 April 2019 09:09
  • SantieClaws
    Ah why should the fighty people get all the fun questions yes?

    Dear House Building Corporation of Tamriel. This one has just one additional question to the question above.

    Can this one please have a sugar farm? Can this one please have a sugar farm? Can this one please have a sugar farm?

    The south of the north of Elsweyr seems such a beautiful place. It would be a shame not to live there and also be so close to the source of the most essential of all foodstuffs.

    Yours with paws
    Santie Claws
    Shunrr's Skooma Oasis - The Movie. A housing video like no other ...
    Find it here -

    Clan Claws - now recruiting khajiit and like minded others for parties, fishing and other khajiit stuff. Contact this one for an invite.

    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!
  • Zacuel
  • MornaBaine
    1. Is there any progress on increasing player caps in housing?
    2. Is there any progress on increasing item slots in player housing?
    3. Will you ever give us a day/night toggle in player housing so we can set the time of day as we like?
    4. Will you ever start releasing more medium sized homes that are actually houses/homes instead of, or at least in addition to, the huge and expensive (and usually limited time) notable homes?
    5. Will we be able to gift houses soon?
    6. Will you PLEASE release floors, ceilings, walls, doorways and walls with windows in each racial style so that we can customize these huge empty interiors that are so often present in houses? Will you please add roof pieces as well?
    7. Are there plans for more "buildable" lots like the Coldharbor Surreal Estate?
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

  • Wise_Will
    Will we ever see an increase in the amount of furnishings we can place in our homes?
  • Zacuel
  • Shadow_Akula
    We ever going to see weapon and armor furnishings (a response would be nice for once) and I mean simple weapon and armor not ornate (though ornate achieve only ones would still be cool)

    Also statues! Can we get the cool dark elf warrior and bowmen statues as furnishings?
    (Think there’s examples of these statues in the Blessed Crucible dungeon in a room before the last boss)
  • Jthomas56
    My questions are for the housing dev.

    Are there available plots of land in Tamriel? I love and have built custom buildings in both the coldharbour estate, and the hunters glade, but I would like to build somewhere not ruled by a deadric prince.

    Also will we ever be able to put the red leaf trees from auridon and Summerset in our houses?

    I know table settings can eat up as many as 80 items; Would pre-edited furniture groups be a possible fix to the item cap? By that I mean creating a table setting, (or bookcase, etc.) in the preview window and then place the group down as one entity, un-editable unless you pick it up and edit it in preview again. This way it’s loading the group instead of the separate items.

    As is tradition, MOAR ITEMS!
  • afonik
    How can a magblade reliably heal with a class ability without an enemy around? Any other class can
  • Imperial_Voice
    Are there any plans to improve or fix the current housing system?
  • Shamisa_En
    Are there any plans to introduce any improvements to the housing system?

    - Releasing houses of actually workable proportions?
    - Introducing a bigger furnishing limit, so that the large houses released so far would be usable?
    - Releasing more multi-purpose structural items that are not entirely tied to a very unique style.
    Edited by Shamisa_En on 25 April 2019 12:45
    The devil's in the details.
  • Grimm13
    For the Housing Team.
    1. People love the furnishings you are putting out but we have storage issues. ESO+ needs a furnishings bag and the storage chests need to be doubled in capacity.
    2. Many of us would like to see a craft station which can hold attuned stations of the same type and allow access to those with a drop down menu. We see it much better to have less space being taken up in a house but allowing for the functionality we currently have.
    3. Also would like to be able to control the day and night cycles within the house area. They are instanced to us, no reason that we can see which this would not work.

    For the Combat Team.

    Having a weapon swap has been a feature but there is no armor swap. Would be good to have one that could be toggled to swap along with weapon swap or allow a separate armor swap with it's own key control. This toggle would allow players some control in how they would prefer to use it without any penalty forced on any how would not use it.

    Armor swap would grant some adaptability in roles. It would also strengthen the hybrid classes that needs a stat change up to make them a more sustainable build, such as DK or Warden.
    Edited by Grimm13 on 25 April 2019 13:26

    Season of DraggingOn
    It's your choice on how you vote with your $

  • CMDR_Un1k0rn
    Are there plans to expand the available interactions with furniture in housing?

    For example, "sleeping" in beds?

    I've always thought it would be cool if we could "sleep" in the bed inside our home, and that the screen fades to black before taking us back to character select.
    In-game username: Un1korn | Happy member of the PCNA UESP guild (Resident Daggerfall Covenant enjoyer) | Main & basically only character: Crucian Vulpin, Imperial Dragonknight of the Daggerfall Covenant, and Undaunted Bulwark (I tank) | Mountain bike enjoyer and vulpine appreciator | If you know me from PCEU: No | To ZOS: THANK YOU FOR LETTING ME BRING MY HORSE INTO BATTLE!
  • Synnastix
    When are we going to be able to battle our non-combat pets?
  • StabbityDoom
    @ZOS_GinaBruno and Mr. Cullen - this is super important, *many* of the cakes you are reviewing use ESSENTIAL HOUSING TOOLS and whole parts won't show without you installing it. Here's an example, first is what you'd see without it, and then with it. I entered the contest and mine is one of the ones you might look at. jwoosogm9jso.png

    So please consider putting Essential Housing Tools on, because otherwise a bunch of the cakes will look incomplete!
    EHT zealot
  • ScarletWitchie
    When the house item limit will be increased? Are you guys working on it at all? ^_^
    All my Socials -
  • Elara_Northwind
    I would like to know if we will be getting any small and medium homes at any point in Elsweyr? The two new homes are amazing but both enormous, we rarely seem to get smaller homes anymore, which is a shame as many people prefer them.
    Sorcerer, Templar, Wolf Collector, Housing Addict!

    GM of Salted Wings Tavern and Salted Wings Housing 🏠🌻

    'A House is Built with Boards and Beams, a Home is Built with Love and Dreams'

    Youtube -
  • tinythinker
    Question for Mr. Wheeler and Mr. Rogue

    1. Is there a standard framework of class types/subtypes such as Type 1A DPS, Type 1B DPS, Type 2A DPS, etc., where 1A might be more tuned to single target damage but lacking (many) group buffs, Type 2A is more tuned to AoE and offers many buffs, etc.? Or some other over-arching scheme for class design that is applied to stamina versions of a class, magicka versions, etc.?

    If so, could you describe it? It not, why not?

    Edited by tinythinker on 25 April 2019 16:38
    Experienced, new, returner? Help keep ESO's community strong ᕙ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ᕗ -- share what you love about the game, offer constructive feedback, and make friends.ʕ·ᴥ·ʔ

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    Who are you in Tamriel (whether it's just your character's attitude & style or a full backstory)? - Share your Character's Story! ◔ ⌣ ◔
    (And let us know 🔷What Kind of Roleplayer You Are🔷 - even if that only extends to choosing your race)

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    Support Mudcrab Mode for ESO (\/)!_!(\/) - part joke, part serious, all glorious! You butter be ready for this
  • Chryseia
    @ZOS_GinaBruno and Mr. Cullen, I think its really awesome that you guys are going to feature housing in this stream - I love it!! However, I agree with @StabbityDoom regarding the need to run Essential Housing Tools if you are going to tour homes that were built with EHT in mind.

    My cake entry used a full 700 EHT effects that will not be visible unless you are running Essential Housing Tools. That's an entire notable home worth of "decor" you will not be able to see.

    Here's what the outside and inside of the cake shop look like with EHT:

    Here's what the outside and inside of the cake shop look like without EHT:

    As you can see, it's a very different overall look and effect, and some of the small cakes inside are actually built entirely of EHT effects (thus disappear entirely for visitors who are not running the addon).

    It is really easy to share FX data - anyone who already has a home's data can share the data via any type of chat message with someone who needs it - and it adds so much to the homes that incorporate it. The Elder Scrolls franchise has always been known for having excellent mod and addon support, and if anything, running the most popular housing addon during your stream will only showcase this historic addon support for ESO - a huge draw for many players. Please consider running EHT for the livestream!
    Edited by Chryseia on 25 April 2019 16:18
  • LadyHeloise
    What the future plans for housing? Apart from adding new homes, obviously.

    The obligatory questions:
    • when will the housing item limit be raised?
    • are there plans for increased functionality or interactions in our homes, such as sleeping in beds, storage etc?
    • Will new housing will continue to be in the inn room or enormous house pattern, or will there be new medium homes at some point?

  • Gune
    • Is it possible for devs and/or community managers to communicate more with the housing community? The most recent post where a ZOS-employee commented is this thread and that was just to tell people to behave, while a lot of that thread is filled with people asking ZOS to at least acknowledge the housing community has certain requests.
    • Can the item limit for our homes please please please be increased? Is ZOS even looking into any possibilities to increase this item limit?
    • Will the unlockable house have separate item limits per wing?
    • Can we get a furniture bag (like the craft bag)? Make it a part of ESO+ or sell it for a flat fee in the Crown Store. That way we don't need to use (expensive) houses as storage sheds instead of actually decorating them.
    • Will more smaller and medium sized houses be released?

    Basically, I could include the whole 8-page letter that Elara Northwind sent in February with questions, wishes and ideas from the housing community (which has seen no reply from ZOS other than 'we got it and send it to the devs').
    [PC-EU] PvE lover and Housing enthousiast
    Member of Tamriel Homes, Housing Guild on PC-EU
  • Imperial_Voice
    ZoS: We will be taking questions on combat

    Everyone: No. We want to talk about housing.
  • Gune
    Well, I would say that's an indication of how badly we need more communication about housing from ZOS (and not just 'look at this new house').
    [PC-EU] PvE lover and Housing enthousiast
    Member of Tamriel Homes, Housing Guild on PC-EU
  • Imperial_Voice
    Gune wrote: »
    Well, I would say that's an indication of how badly we need more communication about housing from ZOS (and not just 'look at this new house').

    Indeed it is. We regularly go 6 months or more with no communication about housing despite literal hundreds of threads requesting improvments. In fact, heres a question I would like answered: Why does the housing team seem so reluctant to communicate with the community?
    Edited by Imperial_Voice on 25 April 2019 17:05
  • Elara_Northwind
    We very rarely get any feedback or explanations from anybody with regards to housing! If they listened to us, then we wouldn't keep getting new 700 item mansions that we can't fill up with every update! The new houses are beautiful and I love them, but people want more small and medium homes too, which we never get! I can't even remember the last 400 item medium home that was released... I think it must have been the Witches Festival one! In fact, I think every other DLC home, aside from the free inn rooms, have been 600-700 item mansions.

    This is just one example of how we are rarely listened to within the housing community, there are several examples though, including the somewhat controversial subject of item limits, which causes many people frustration, and yet is very rarely, if ever addressed or even commented on by ZOS. Even if they were to say 'Nope, never going to happen' at least then people would stop going on about it! We have no clear communication from them on anything, really.

    People within the housing community are not the loudest or most aggressive bunch, and so I think that might be one of the reasons we aren't heard above some of the much louder groups and communities out there, but we are all very passionate about the game, the housing aspect in particular, and with the amount of money ZOS must make from us (possibly more than any other community in the game!) I feel like we at least deserve explanations for the issues that we encounter, if only to let us know that our concerns have been acknowledged.
    Sorcerer, Templar, Wolf Collector, Housing Addict!

    GM of Salted Wings Tavern and Salted Wings Housing 🏠🌻

    'A House is Built with Boards and Beams, a Home is Built with Love and Dreams'

    Youtube -
  • Imperial_Voice
    We very rarely get any feedback or explanations from anybody with regards to housing! If they listened to us, then we wouldn't keep getting new 700 item mansions that we can't fill up with every update! The new houses are beautiful and I love them, but people want more small and medium homes too, which we never get! I can't even remember the last 400 item medium home that was released... I think it must have been the Witches Festival one! In fact, I think every other DLC home, aside from the free inn rooms, have been 600-700 item mansions.

    This is just one example of how we are rarely listened to within the housing community, there are several examples though, including the somewhat controversial subject of item limits, which causes many people frustration, and yet is very rarely, if ever addressed or even commented on by ZOS. Even if they were to say 'Nope, never going to happen' at least then people would stop going on about it! We have no clear communication from them on anything, really.

    People within the housing community are not the loudest or most aggressive bunch, and so I think that might be one of the reasons we aren't heard above some of the much louder groups and communities out there, but we are all very passionate about the game, the housing aspect in particular, and with the amount of money ZOS must make from us (possibly more than any other community in the game!) I feel like we at least deserve explanations for the issues that we encounter, if only to let us know that our concerns have been acknowledged.

    I agree completely (big fan of your channel btwr) Despite the fact that housing has the biggest out of pocket real money cost of anything in this game and yet were ignored, partially because were one of the smaller communities here in ESO. We deserve to be treated with the same respect as other communities get and yet we rarely if ever see a dev comment in the Housing forums.

    We want more houses of varying size, not just palatial manors and we want some for gold.

    We want an answer to the severely limiting item and guest caps.

    We want more functionality out of our expensive homes.

    Most importantly we want some open communication from the people who regularly ask us to drop $120 on pixels.
    Edited by Imperial_Voice on 25 April 2019 18:11
  • Shadow_Akula
    ZoS: We will be taking questions on combat

    Everyone: No. We want to talk about housing.

    Well it’s only fair that we ignore their rules since they ignore their playerbase. What’s the old saying “treat others how you want to be treated” ? Since zeni ignores us we ignore them - it’s clearly how they want to be treated.
  • Wildberryjack
    For combat: can the existing classes please get more stamina morphs so all of their stam builds aren't 90% the same across all classes? And can magicka get weapons to use other than a staff, like maybe melee weapons that return magicka?

    For housing: can we please have more smaller houses? The huge ones are nice and all but a bear to furnish and also expensive. Ayleid ruins would be awesome. Also, more varied building materials? Different colors of wood and stones, different textures?
    The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls. ~Pablo Picasso
  • Imperial_Voice
    What are your plans regarding the current item and guest limitations in housing?
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