PTS Patch Notes v2.4.3

Community Manager
The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited v2.4.3 is an incremental patch on the PTS that continues to address issues in the Dark Brotherhood DLC game pack including those for quests, the skill line, animations, and more. We also have a number of fixes and improvements to general class abilities, gameplay, itemization, and UI. The size of this patch is approximately 300MB.


Gina Bruno
Senior Creator Engagement Manager
Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
Staff Post
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager

    Combat & Gameplay
    Dark Brotherhood
    • Blade of Woe
      • This ability is currently reducing XP gained from killing an NPC by 100% rather than the intended 75%.

    Crafting & Economy
    • Drain Health Poisons currently have a duration of 0.5 seconds, instead of the intended range of durations.
    • Poisons sourced from monsters, interactive fixtures, and vendors currently apply for a much shorter duration than intended.
    • Certain long-duration poisons last longer than intended when you are battle leveled.
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Creator Engagement Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager

    Art & Animation
    • Fixed a large number of issues with how NPCs stand, idle, or animate.

    • Fixed a number of typos and voice-over/text mismatches.

    Combat & Gameplay
    Dark Brotherhood
    • Shadowy Supplier
      • Roguish Escape Draughts obtained from the Assassin’s Potion Kit will now correctly scale to your level at the moment you obtain them.
      • Updated the rewards for this ability as follows:
        • You now have a small chance to obtain blue-quality weapons and armor when requesting equipment.
        • You will now occasionally receive a Leniency Edict when requesting items to make you less noticeable, which can be used to reduce your current bounty by 2000 gold.
        • You no longer have a chance to receive Tainted Blood when requesting poisons or potions.
        • You now have a chance to receive combat-oriented potions when requesting poisons or potions.

    • Monster marshals are now the only monsters to carry hand bells.

    Dungeons & Group Content
    Group Bosses
    • Kvatch Arena
      • You will no longer be able to stealth inside the Kvatch Arena while the event is active.

    Exploration & Itemization
    • Fixed an issue that was preventing Blade of Woe executions from counting towards the following achievements:
      • Anvil Murder Spree
      • Kvatch Murder Spree
      • Mass Murderer
      • Murderer
      • Serial Killer

    Assassin Personality
    • The Assassin personality will now function correctly with the Pumpkin Spectre and Scarecrow Spectre polymorphs.

    Quests & Zones
    • A Lesson in Silence: The Grand Sermonizer will now always appear, when appropriate, during this quest.
    • A Ghost from the Past
      • Fixed an issue where Green-Venom-Tongue could respawn with incorrect visuals during this quest.
      • Green-Venom-Tongue will no longer hang around during an important conversation when he knows he isn't wanted.
    • A Profitable Venture: Qamar's Stash will no longer prompt you to open it after you've already looted the goods.
    • Filling the Void
      • The transition between defeating the Primate and the subsequent scene now displays a golden screen flash effect.
      • The battle against Captain Furia will no longer resort to a full reset of events if any of the combatants become stuck.

    • Made some improvements to the exit from the Smuggler's Den to reduce instances where you couldn’t interact with the door.
    Edited by ZOS_GinaBruno on May 16, 2016 2:10PM
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Creator Engagement Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager

    Combat & Gameplay
    • District Flags in Imperial City can now only be influenced by a maximum of 1 player character instead of 5 player characters.

    Dungeons & Group Content
    • White-Gold Tower
      • The Planar Inhibitor will no longer interrupt her Magma Diver ability when you use the pinion.
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Creator Engagement Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager

    Quests & Zones
    Maelstrom Arena
    • Fixed an issue in which entire rounds of monsters could spawn within the Arena.
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Creator Engagement Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager

    Alliance War
    Rewards for the Worthy
    • Rewards for the Worthy will no longer refer to you as a Veteran after Champion Point 10, instead referring to you as the Champion you are.
    • Fixed an issue where the Rewards for the Worthy mail was granting less gold than intended for some player characters.

    Art & Animation
    • When you equip Cadwell’s Helm of Heroism, the hair displayed underneath will be representative of your currently selected length and color.
    • The Dwarven light armor head mask will now have better fitment with less clipping on various player character races and body types.

    Visual Effects
    • Improved the alignment of various weapon visual effects for several weapon sets including Abah’s Watch and Malacath.

    Combat & Gameplay
    • The Minor Resolve and Minor Ward buff categories will now increase your Physical Resistance and Spell Resistance by 1320 at Champion Point 160, up from 990.
    • The Minor Fracture and Minor Breach debuff categories will now decrease your target’s Physical Resistance and Spell Resistance by 1320 at Champion Point 160, up from 1188.
    • Fixed an issue where Mundus Stone bonuses were appearing to grant 10x their expected value on the Character UI.
    • Fixed an issue where you were able to roll dodge without having the correct amount of Stamina for it.
    • Rebalanced the Minor Uncertainty debuff to reduce Spell Critical and Weapon Critical by 3% from 10%.

    • Ardent Flame
      • Noxious Breath (Fiery Breath morph):
        • Updated the visual effects for this morph based on your feedback.
        • This morph now has a new icon.
      • Venomous Claw (Searing Strike morph):
        • Updated the visual effects for this morph based on your feedback.
        • This morph now has a new icon.
    • Earthen Heart
      • Corrosive Armor (Magma Armor morph):
        • Updated the visual effects for this morph based on your feedback.
        • This morph now has a new icon.
        • Fixed an issue where Rank III of this morph was not displaying its visual effects consistently.

    • Assassination
      • Death Stroke: Reduced the damage of this ability and its morphs by 4.5%
      • Teleport Strike: Reduced the damage of this ability and its morphs by 6.5%.
    • Shadow
      • Shadow Cloak: Fixed an issue where the invisibility from this ability and its morphs was unintentionally being broken from another ability.

    • Daedric Summoning
      • Empowered Ward (Conjured Ward morph): Increased the duration of this morph’s damage shield and Minor Intellect buff to 10 seconds from 8 seconds.
    • Storm Calling
      • Hurricane (Lightning Form morph): Updated the visual effects for this morph based on your feedback.
      • Surge: This ability and its morphs will now critically heal based on your Weapon Critical or Spell Critical, whichever is higher. We also fixed an issue where the heal from this ability and its morphs was not being reduced by Battle Spirit.

    • Aedric Spear
      • Burning Light: Fixed an issue where this passive was firing both the Physical and Magic Damage procs together.

    • Undaunted
      • Bone Shield: Reverted the changes to this ability and its morphs to scale their damage shield values with your Maximum Health instead of your Maximum Stamina. All other changes and buffs to the skill in Update 10 remain.
      • Trapping Webs:
        • Fixed an issue where Rank IV of this ability was triggering its ending explosion damage whenever you recast the spell.
        • Updated the visual effects for this morph based on your feedback.

    Alliance War
    • Support
      • Guard: Fixed an issue where this ability and its morphs would persist on the ally target when the caster relogged or zoned into a new area. We also fixed an issue where this ability and its morphs could be cast on critters.

    Monster Abilities
    • Giant Snake
      • Lash now properly finishes its animation when its cast ends, and the attack radius has been increased to 5m from 4m.
    • Xivilai
      • Blocking Heavy Attack and Quick Strike is now more intuitive.

    Crafting & Economy
    • Survey reports will no longer be consumed as you approach the associated survey site. Instead, the report will be consumed when you touch a rich resource node from the associated survey site.
      • If you have a copy of the survey report in your bank but not in your inventory, the copy from your bank will be consumed.
      • Known Issue: If you have two copies of the survey report (one in your inventory and one in your bank) then both copies will be consumed as you harvest the nodes from the survey site. We are working on fixing this issue.
    • Fixed an issue that was causing Woodworking upgrade materials to display as Tannins, and Clothier upgrade materials to display as Resins, instead of vice versa.

    • All poison effects now have a minimum duration of one second.
    • Fixed a typo in the tooltip for Brutality-Draining Poisons, which previously referenced Weapon Power instead of Weapon Damage.
    • Corrected the way poison effects interact with each other:
      • Only a single stack of each poison effect can be active on a target. Additional applications of the same effect will refresh the duration of the effect, but will not increase the strength of the effect.
      • Poisons with different effects no longer occasionally overwrite each other.
    • Corrected the tooltips for Resolve-Draining Poisons and Potions of Ravage Armor to indicate that the Minor Fracture debuff reduces Physical Resistance, instead of Armor.
    • Gradual Drain Health, Ravage Health, and Gradual Ravage Health Poisons now correctly deal damage over their full duration.
    • Drain Magicka Poisons and Damage Magicka Poisons now increase the resource cost of Magicka abilities by 60%, up from 30%.
    • Drain Stamina Poisons and Damage Stamina Poisons now increase the resource cost of Stamina abilities by 60%, up from 30%.
    • Fixed an issue that was causing poisons to apply on certain abilities that were not intended to apply poisons. Poisons now correctly trigger off of Light Attacks, Heavy Attacks, and offensive abilities from the weapon skill lines only.
    • Fixed an issue that was causing Prophecy-Draining Poisons that were crafted with three matching reagents to reduce your target’s Spell Critical by much less than intended.
    • Updated the tooltips for Cloudy Gradual Ravage Health Poisons. The damage indicated on the tooltip will now match their actual damage values.

    • Fixed an issue that was preventing you from using food or drink while moving.

    Dungeons & Group Content
    • Sanctum Ophidia
      • You will now be able to exit the Trial via the front door in Veteran difficulty.

    Exploration & Itemization
    • Fixed an issue that was preventing you from looting fallen enemies while moving.

    Item Sets
    • Fixed an issue where the 5-piece bonus from the following item sets was not being removed when you took off the items:
      • Ebon Armory
      • Hircine’s Veneer
      • Worm’s Raiment
    • Imperial Physique: Fixed an issue where this item set’s 4-piece bonus was not granting Weapon and Spell Damage.
    • Thews of the Harbinger:
      • Fixed an issue where this item set’s proc was being triggered on any damage blocked, instead of only direct damage blocked.
      • Updated the tooltip of this item set to be clearer.
      • Fixed an issue where this item set was displaying the incorrect name in your Death Recap window, and in the combat log of various player-created addons.
      • Fixed an issue where this item set’s proc was being mitigated against the target’s Spell Resistance instead of their Physical Resistance.
    • Vicecannon of Venom: Fixed an issue where this item set’s proc was firing off abilities that didn’t deal any damage.
    • Vicious Death: Fixed an issue where this item set’s proc was appearing on the Death Recap of the player it triggered from.

    Item Traits
    • Sturdy:
      • Fixed an issue where this trait was reducing your block costs from items in your backup equipment slot.
      • Fixed an issue where bonuses from this trait were multiplicative with itself.
      • Fixed an issue where decimal bonuses from this trait were being truncated.

    • Fixed an issue where the bank inventory was not refreshing when items were automatically transferred from the bank to a Craft Bag.
    • Reduced the overall size of chat bubbles.

    Gamepad Mode
    • Updated the item list that is displayed when repairing, enchanting, or charging items.

    Nameplates & Health Bars
    • Nameplates and health bars will now gradually fade as they go out of range.
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Creator Engagement Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • lathbury
    Death Stroke: Reduced the damage of this ability and its morphs by 4.5%

    looks like dawn breaker it is. All that needed to be done to reduce nb's alpha strike potential was to remove the empower from ambush. As it is this ultimate is now a melee single target ultimate with no advantage over the many ranged or aoe ones available.
    Edited by lathbury on May 16, 2016 3:33PM
  • Mysteri0n
    Stamina users finally get a decent shield and they revert it back, they should make it where all shields are scaled to your health.
    Lore Council Conclave of Shadows, Trade Council in Knights Arcanum
    Officer Celestials of Nirn, Proud Member of Enders Jeesh .Stam Sorc Since Beta 2014
  • Erock25
    Surge healing being affected by battle spirit is too much. You've effectively removed surge from the PvP toolkit for both stam and magicka sorcs.
    You earned the 500 LOLs badge.
    You received 500 LOLs. It ain't no fluke, you post great stuff and we're lucky to have you here. +50 points
  • Wild_squirtle
    I quit. Patch after patch. Trash after trash.
    Edited by Wild_squirtle on May 16, 2016 3:34PM
  • Jaronking
    @ZOS_GinaBruno why would you reduced the damage of Death stroke and its morph their no reason to use it now.DBOS completely overpowers it now.Why Nerf this ability damage when it can be dodge at least make it undodgeable if your reducing the damage .
  • Turbine
    Again? What is the problem to make the stam sorc stronger?? It is *** now u cant even nake 1vs1 fights because the class is so weaak
  • ManDraKE
    • Drain Magicka Poisons and Damage Magicka Poisons now increase the resource cost of Magicka abilities by 60%, up from 30%.
    • Drain Stamina Poisons and Damage Stamina Poisons now increase the resource cost of Stamina abilities by 60%, up from 30%.

    This can't be serious, common....
  • Valrien
    Jaronking wrote: »
    @ZOS_GinaBruno why would you reduced the damage of Death stroke and its morph their no reason to use it now.DBOS completely overpowers it now.Why Nerf this ability damage when it can be dodge at least make it undodgeable if your reducing the damage .

    Because when scaling with Mighty, it was doing way too much damage for being that cheap and getting a guaranteed CC effect, not to mention also increasing all damage done for a few seconds after the fact.
    Mysteri0n wrote: »
    Stamina users finally get a decent shield and they revert it back, they should make it where all shields are scaled to your health.

    Are you salty that you can't dodge roll, CC break, and block efficiently along with have a good damage shield?

    edited to remove content removed from this discussion
    Edited by ZOS_DaryaK on May 16, 2016 6:19PM
    Valrien Dravic -- Level 50 Dunmeri Sorcerer (EP)
    Garahel Dravic -- Level 50 Bosmeri Nightblade (EP)
    Tamriel Unlimited was a mistake. One Tamriel was a bigger mistake
  • Minno
    @ZOS_GinaBruno. On behalf of all templars, we are now worried about thaumaturge not correctly working on jabs/sweeps.

    Is there still time left for this to be implemented and tested before live?
    Minno - DC - Forum-plar Extraordinaire
    - Guild-lead for MV
    - Filthy Casual
  • Mettaricana
    I quit. Patch after patch. Trash after trash.

    Agreed I needed just one more push to stop caring I'm going else where plenty of games that listen to its playerbase this game does not ruined a class defining ability for both pvp and pve I'm jist done no company can be this hard of hearing... I feel like they are the cable company from southpark waiting for us to get mad so they can take joy in it...
  • ManDraKE
    Valrien wrote: »
    Are you salty that you can't dodge roll, CC break, and block efficiently along with have a good damage shield?

    nobody was going to use that shield on PvP, as you could see on the PTS testing. It cost A LOT, and it can be broken with 1 single hit of any decent player (it can barely absorb 1 normal hit of my surprise attack), trying to keep shuffle+bone shield+dodge roll up it was imposibe, the stamina cost was too high . Bone shield was for PvE, and it was a good change, for PvP was irrelevant.
  • Jaiden
    CU is looking better and better and better
    Jaiden V16 nightblade

    That's all I got, 1 toon.
  • Jaronking
    Valrien wrote: »

    Because when scaling with Mighty, it was doing way too much damage for being that cheap and getting a guaranteed CC effect, not to mention also increasing all damage done for a few seconds after the fact.

    Are you salty that you can't dodge roll, CC break, and block efficiently along with have a good damage shield?
    No, they don't. It's clear they don't, and they also can't balance for sh*t.
    It already did that amount of damage when it was just scaling with Elemental expert but no one said crap about that why ask for the change when it gets scaled with mighty.You can also dodge or block death stroke and both of its morph so it does no damage or barely any damage at all.Not to mentioned its a single target ultimate it should hit harder then a AOE ultimate but now DBOS a AOE ultimate will hit harder then a single target class ultimate it makes no sense.I'll rather they raised the price to 75 then Nerf its damage that was just a lazy change
  • lathbury
    Valrien wrote: »

    Because when scaling with Mighty, it was doing way too much damage for being that cheap and getting a guaranteed CC effect, not to mention also increasing all damage done for a few seconds after the fact.

    it wasnt doing way ott damage on its own. only when used with ambush this nerf isnt just the stam morph either its for the magicka one as well that has been scaling with magic since ever. The reason nobody complained about the magicka one is because lotus fan doesnt empower so it wasnt possible to do a 3 hit kill.
  • RoyJade
    DK animation changed : congratulation, you've reading feedbacks !
    Surge change : … forget everything, the dev team hasn't read anything or just hate us. Nerfing an already weak ability when it's one of the TWO ONLY "special" skill for stamsorc is just… I just can't say anything polite about it, so I'll pass.
    Or you've forget a change in the patch note, like a tripled heal or something...
  • Minno
    Jaiden wrote: »
    CU is looking better and better and better

    Well not really. I've yet to see anything past alpha videos and artwork promos.
    Minno - DC - Forum-plar Extraordinaire
    - Guild-lead for MV
    - Filthy Casual
  • Jaronking
    lathbury wrote: »

    it wasnt doing way ott damage on its own. only when used with ambush this nerf isnt just the stam morph either its for the magicka one as well that has been scaling with magic since ever. The reason nobody complained about the magicka one is because lotus fan doesnt empower so it wasnt possible to do a 3 hit kill.
    You can Empower it with just about any Mages guild ability.
  • GreenSoup2HoT
    Death Stroke: Reduced the damage of this ability and its morphs by 4.5%
    Teleport Strike: Reduced the damage of this ability and its morphs by 6.5%.
    100% Glad to see tweaks like this. This is the kind of balance we need in this game. Anyone who harps at this change is ignorant to balance. The abilities were slightly over-tuned and these changes prove that. They are still very capable ability's and i for one will still be using them. Good work Dev's!

    Vicious Death: Fixed an issue where this item set’s proc was appearing on the Death Recap of the player it triggered from.
    Glad this has been fixed. So many speculations that VD was broken because of this UI bug. Next on the list is to fix VD so it does not proc on siege weapons.

    Bone Shield: Reverted the changes to this ability and its morphs to scale their damage shield values with your Maximum Health instead of your Maximum Stamina.
    Stamina did not need a stamina shield. Glad to see high maximum health players got their shield back.

    Shadow Cloak: Fixed an issue where the invisibility from this ability and its morphs was unintentionally being broken from another ability.
    @ZOS_GinaBruno Can you give us an example of what abilities were pulling players out of cloak? Many abilities are doing this. Especially in circumstances with lag present, all abilities seem to pull you out of cloak. Thanks so much Gina :)

    Edited by GreenSoup2HoT on May 16, 2016 3:57PM
    PS4 NA DC
  • dagonbeer
    [*]Surge: This ability and its morphs will now critically heal based on your Weapon Critical or Spell Critical, whichever is higher. We also fixed an issue where the heal from this ability and its morphs was not being reduced by Battle Spirit.

    That 1k heal per crit per second is going to be fantastic in PvP! If I take no damage, I'll have healed 6k by the time my ward wears off!
  • Ragnaroek93
    [*]Drain Magicka Poisons and Damage Magicka Poisons now increase the resource cost of Magicka abilities by 60%, up from 30%.
    [*]Drain Stamina Poisons and Damage Stamina Poisons now increase the resource cost of Stamina abilities by 60%, up from 30%.

    Why ZOS, why? :(
    I used to think that PvP was a tragedy, but now I realize, it's a comedy.
  • bloodenragedb14_ESO
    this is it, this is the patch, the one that makes me become the thing i hate, that guy sitting, wringing his hands, popcorn in his lap, ready to watch the world burn.

    please insert long string of expletives here
  • luxfreak
    Mysteri0n wrote: »
    Stamina users finally get a decent shield and they revert it back, they should make it where all shields are scaled to your health.
    Mysteri0n wrote: »
    Stamina users finally get a decent shield and they revert it back, they should make it where all shields are scaled to your health.

    Well, stam users still can dodge way more then magika user.
    So havin a stam scaling shield+ 10 role dodges seems a bit op
    Tank/DD with Hof HM clear
  • lathbury
    Jaronking wrote: »
    You can Empower it with just about any Mages guild ability.

    yes you can but that isnt the same burst from steath we were seing with the stam morph. because you would have to use something from the mages line which would mean lotus fan from steath/then weak mages skill/then soul harvest/then concealed weapon. compared to ambush from steath/empowered in cap strike/either execute or concealed weapon while stunned.
  • Teridaxus
    What happened to swapping shield expert?
  • Rex-Umbra
    Thank god you reverted Boneshield.
    Xbox GT: Rex Umbrah
    GM of IMPERIUM since 2015.
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