Septimus_Magna wrote: »runkorkoeb17_ESO wrote: »WhiteNoiseMaker wrote: »
Because calling someone "Boy" is something from the racist Pre-Civil Rights era
Said the WHITE noise maker? Seems legit...Septimus_Magna wrote: »
The terms DPS indicate pve point of view, not pvp.
Although magicka DKs are really strong in duels but thats another discussion.
DPS indicate both aspects of the game (pvp and pve)! Good in duels ? Because you can win againts sm1 ? You can 1 vx too... against noobs.newbies and ppl with lag. Show me one duleing tournament with mag dk in (1v1) (2v2). Can you ? No you cant. And when the last time you win against with your mag dk ? Do you even DK ? Gess not... And you play on NA server right ?:D
Hahaha, 8k spammable whips and 8k heals from burning embers but magicka DK is weak 1v1 lol.
1vX is tough on any class/build without good mobility.
You might want to test the new vamp changes on PTS, especially Mist Form. This ability now removes previously applied snares and immobilizations, in addition to making you immune to any new ones while active.
Vamp magicka DK (and Templar) will be really strong in the hands of capable players.
Keep in mind that the fights guild skills also have been nerfed so they deal less dmg vs vamps and werewolfs.
Also, Annulment and its morphs now absorbs all dmg types, its basically Hardened Ward for all classes.
BTW, the term DPS is a clear indicator for PVE because DPS says noting about the effectiveness of someone in PVP (except maybe for gankers). PVP is about sustain and burst dmg but I dont have to tell you that because you already seem to know everything.
Have a nice weekend!
Joker... Say this to dot user (aka DK) when he fights against high speed execute skills and animation canseling stam build or insta cast frags, To enlight you, high dps in pvp is caled BURST, and you just say burst is pve indicator...Septimus_Magna wrote: »BTW, the term DPS is a clear indicator for PVE because DPS says noting about the effectiveness of someone in PVP (except maybe for gankers). PVP is about sustain and burst dmg but I dont have to tell you that because you already seem to know everything.
runkorkoeb17_ESO wrote: »Septimus_Magna wrote: »runkorkoeb17_ESO wrote: »WhiteNoiseMaker wrote: »
Because calling someone "Boy" is something from the racist Pre-Civil Rights era
Said the WHITE noise maker? Seems legit...Septimus_Magna wrote: »
The terms DPS indicate pve point of view, not pvp.
Although magicka DKs are really strong in duels but thats another discussion.
DPS indicate both aspects of the game (pvp and pve)! Good in duels ? Because you can win againts sm1 ? You can 1 vx too... against noobs.newbies and ppl with lag. Show me one duleing tournament with mag dk in (1v1) (2v2). Can you ? No you cant. And when the last time you win against with your mag dk ? Do you even DK ? Gess not... And you play on NA server right ?:D
Hahaha, 8k spammable whips and 8k heals from burning embers but magicka DK is weak 1v1 lol.
1vX is tough on any class/build without good mobility.
You might want to test the new vamp changes on PTS, especially Mist Form. This ability now removes previously applied snares and immobilizations, in addition to making you immune to any new ones while active.
Vamp magicka DK (and Templar) will be really strong in the hands of capable players.
Keep in mind that the fights guild skills also have been nerfed so they deal less dmg vs vamps and werewolfs.
Also, Annulment and its morphs now absorbs all dmg types, its basically Hardened Ward for all classes.
BTW, the term DPS is a clear indicator for PVE because DPS says noting about the effectiveness of someone in PVP (except maybe for gankers). PVP is about sustain and burst dmg but I dont have to tell you that because you already seem to know everything.
Have a nice weekend!
8k whips ... SPAMMABLE ...Do you even know the range and cost of this one ? Heal from embers? are you serious mate? (MAY work in duels vs meles, but try use it on sorc or sm1 who kite or in grp fights) 50% dmg nerf from b spirit, 50% heal nerf from b spirit + nerf from spell shields, magic resist. dunmer racial, and elemental defender (wont mention heling reduce from skils). And ember is dot/ not spamable heal like vigor. For mist i agree, BUT the mist speed is joke. This 30% increase we get is 30% increase to walk speed/ not to run speed /is not like the speed you get from skills which gives you major expedition. This means you cant pop it and reposition, because they will Outrun you / may come handy in grp fights i agree, but not if you are targeted. ZoS even castrate the speed bonus from Dark Stalker.
Fighters guild changes you say... low dmg to vamp ? LOL. You are right but not completely. Every FG skill sloted give +3% raw WEAPON dmg + 20% added to fighter guild skills from pasive , which will makes Dawnbreaker of smiting literaly one shot vamps and ww`s .Joker... Say this to dot user (aka DK) when he fights against high speed execute skills and animation canseling stam build or insta cast frags, To enlight you, high dps in pvp is caled BURST, and you just say burst is pve indicator...Septimus_Magna wrote: »BTW, the term DPS is a clear indicator for PVE because DPS says noting about the effectiveness of someone in PVP (except maybe for gankers). PVP is about sustain and burst dmg but I dont have to tell you that because you already seem to know everything.
Go home kid, take a nap, drink dat damn milk. And when you play the class you coment here, more than 1 week. come back and we will talk again.
cpuScientist wrote: »So much aggro. DPS is damage per second. So let's say a Sorc does their burst combo on live it's curse inevitable and dawnbreaker. So fight starts they hit the guy load those up and wait to finish with the DB. Well the 6 seconds that just passed mean his DPS is going to be low. But that timed BOOM will be a large amount of damage in 1 second as in a big BURST of damage. Not sustained damage over time. Now some classes play with BURST. Like the NB and the Sorc. Some in PvP are about the sustained like the Templar and the DK. Some are good at mobility like the NB and the Sorc some are more stand your ground like the DK and the Templar. You understand.
It seems you want a high burst play style. And with your hmmm aggressive temperament I can understand, so try a NB seems more like what you want... since you don't have the patience or apparently skill to play the DK.
A DK that does need tweaks here and there sure, so do other classes, a DK that lost a big part of its burst... like the other classes. So go NB I think you'll like it more, leave the DK'S to the professionals, who actually enjoy the play style ....
GRYM.LOCKE wrote: »Quick question
Is Hardened ward skill getting the same treatment as Empowered 10 seconds?
or is it still 6 seconds
cpuScientist wrote: »GRYM.LOCKE wrote: »Quick question
Is Hardened ward skill getting the same treatment as Empowered 10 seconds?
or is it still 6 seconds
Empowered ward is still 8 seconds, the secondary buff to magicka regen is what's been bumped to 10 lousy seconds lol
runkorkoeb17_ESO wrote: »Septimus_Magna wrote: »runkorkoeb17_ESO wrote: »WhiteNoiseMaker wrote: »
Because calling someone "Boy" is something from the racist Pre-Civil Rights era
Said the WHITE noise maker? Seems legit...Septimus_Magna wrote: »
The terms DPS indicate pve point of view, not pvp.
Although magicka DKs are really strong in duels but thats another discussion.
DPS indicate both aspects of the game (pvp and pve)! Good in duels ? Because you can win againts sm1 ? You can 1 vx too... against noobs.newbies and ppl with lag. Show me one duleing tournament with mag dk in (1v1) (2v2). Can you ? No you cant. And when the last time you win against with your mag dk ? Do you even DK ? Gess not... And you play on NA server right ?:D
Hahaha, 8k spammable whips and 8k heals from burning embers but magicka DK is weak 1v1 lol.
1vX is tough on any class/build without good mobility.
You might want to test the new vamp changes on PTS, especially Mist Form. This ability now removes previously applied snares and immobilizations, in addition to making you immune to any new ones while active.
Vamp magicka DK (and Templar) will be really strong in the hands of capable players.
Keep in mind that the fights guild skills also have been nerfed so they deal less dmg vs vamps and werewolfs.
Also, Annulment and its morphs now absorbs all dmg types, its basically Hardened Ward for all classes.
BTW, the term DPS is a clear indicator for PVE because DPS says noting about the effectiveness of someone in PVP (except maybe for gankers). PVP is about sustain and burst dmg but I dont have to tell you that because you already seem to know everything.
Have a nice weekend!
8k whips ... SPAMMABLE ...Do you even know the range and cost of this one ? Heal from embers? are you serious mate? (MAY work in duels vs meles, but try use it on sorc or sm1 who kite or in grp fights) 50% dmg nerf from b spirit, 50% heal nerf from b spirit + nerf from spell shields, magic resist. dunmer racial, and elemental defender (wont mention heling reduce from skils). And ember is dot/ not spamable heal like vigor. For mist i agree, BUT the mist speed is joke. This 30% increase we get is 30% increase to walk speed/ not to run speed /is not like the speed you get from skills which gives you major expedition. This means you cant pop it and reposition, because they will Outrun you / may come handy in grp fights i agree, but not if you are targeted. ZoS even castrate the speed bonus from Dark Stalker.
Fighters guild changes you say... low dmg to vamp ? LOL. You are right but not completely. Every FG skill sloted give +3% raw WEAPON dmg + 20% added to fighter guild skills from pasive , which will makes Dawnbreaker of smiting literaly one shot vamps and ww`s .Joker... Say this to dot user (aka DK) when he fights against high speed execute skills and animation canseling stam build or insta cast frags, To enlight you, high dps in pvp is caled BURST, and you just say burst is pve indicator...Septimus_Magna wrote: »BTW, the term DPS is a clear indicator for PVE because DPS says noting about the effectiveness of someone in PVP (except maybe for gankers). PVP is about sustain and burst dmg but I dont have to tell you that because you already seem to know everything.
Go home kid, take a nap, drink dat damn milk. And when you play the class you coment here, more than 1 week. come back and we will talk again.
Septimus_Magna wrote: »runkorkoeb17_ESO wrote: »Septimus_Magna wrote: »runkorkoeb17_ESO wrote: »WhiteNoiseMaker wrote: »
Because calling someone "Boy" is something from the racist Pre-Civil Rights era
Said the WHITE noise maker? Seems legit...Septimus_Magna wrote: »
The terms DPS indicate pve point of view, not pvp.
Although magicka DKs are really strong in duels but thats another discussion.
DPS indicate both aspects of the game (pvp and pve)! Good in duels ? Because you can win againts sm1 ? You can 1 vx too... against noobs.newbies and ppl with lag. Show me one duleing tournament with mag dk in (1v1) (2v2). Can you ? No you cant. And when the last time you win against with your mag dk ? Do you even DK ? Gess not... And you play on NA server right ?:D
Hahaha, 8k spammable whips and 8k heals from burning embers but magicka DK is weak 1v1 lol.
1vX is tough on any class/build without good mobility.
You might want to test the new vamp changes on PTS, especially Mist Form. This ability now removes previously applied snares and immobilizations, in addition to making you immune to any new ones while active.
Vamp magicka DK (and Templar) will be really strong in the hands of capable players.
Keep in mind that the fights guild skills also have been nerfed so they deal less dmg vs vamps and werewolfs.
Also, Annulment and its morphs now absorbs all dmg types, its basically Hardened Ward for all classes.
BTW, the term DPS is a clear indicator for PVE because DPS says noting about the effectiveness of someone in PVP (except maybe for gankers). PVP is about sustain and burst dmg but I dont have to tell you that because you already seem to know everything.
Have a nice weekend!
8k whips ... SPAMMABLE ...Do you even know the range and cost of this one ? Heal from embers? are you serious mate? (MAY work in duels vs meles, but try use it on sorc or sm1 who kite or in grp fights) 50% dmg nerf from b spirit, 50% heal nerf from b spirit + nerf from spell shields, magic resist. dunmer racial, and elemental defender (wont mention heling reduce from skils). And ember is dot/ not spamable heal like vigor. For mist i agree, BUT the mist speed is joke. This 30% increase we get is 30% increase to walk speed/ not to run speed /is not like the speed you get from skills which gives you major expedition. This means you cant pop it and reposition, because they will Outrun you / may come handy in grp fights i agree, but not if you are targeted. ZoS even castrate the speed bonus from Dark Stalker.
Fighters guild changes you say... low dmg to vamp ? LOL. You are right but not completely. Every FG skill sloted give +3% raw WEAPON dmg + 20% added to fighter guild skills from pasive , which will makes Dawnbreaker of smiting literaly one shot vamps and ww`s .Joker... Say this to dot user (aka DK) when he fights against high speed execute skills and animation canseling stam build or insta cast frags, To enlight you, high dps in pvp is caled BURST, and you just say burst is pve indicator...Septimus_Magna wrote: »BTW, the term DPS is a clear indicator for PVE because DPS says noting about the effectiveness of someone in PVP (except maybe for gankers). PVP is about sustain and burst dmg but I dont have to tell you that because you already seem to know everything.
Go home kid, take a nap, drink dat damn milk. And when you play the class you coment here, more than 1 week. come back and we will talk again.
Haha typical EP crybaby, you think your class is the only one affected by the battlespirit?
You cannot animation cancel?
Clear indication of L2P.
mDKs might be weak in 1vX but in terms of pve dps and 1v1 its a solid class if you know how to make a good build and how to play the class.
P.s. Ive been playing the beta since februari 2014 so dont act like Im new to this game.
Yes, compared to Sypher and Scaffa most pvpers are noobs.Septimus_Magna wrote: »
Guess they all fight noobs right?
Septimus_Magna wrote: »This is so pointless, Sypher is dueling other good players and is succesful. Skaffa is succesful in 2vX and it still doesnt count?
98% of the 1/2vX videos are based on fighting scrubs or sewer pve-ers anyway, thats kinda the nature of 1/2vX.
Im not arguing that mDKs are the best pvp class but there are certainly aspects where they can be very strong. As far as magicka dps (in pve) they are also one of the strongest classes along with Templars at this moment.
runkorkoeb17_ESO wrote: »Septimus_Magna wrote: »runkorkoeb17_ESO wrote: »Septimus_Magna wrote: »runkorkoeb17_ESO wrote: »WhiteNoiseMaker wrote: »
Because calling someone "Boy" is something from the racist Pre-Civil Rights era
Said the WHITE noise maker? Seems legit...Septimus_Magna wrote: »
The terms DPS indicate pve point of view, not pvp.
Although magicka DKs are really strong in duels but thats another discussion.
DPS indicate both aspects of the game (pvp and pve)! Good in duels ? Because you can win againts sm1 ? You can 1 vx too... against noobs.newbies and ppl with lag. Show me one duleing tournament with mag dk in (1v1) (2v2). Can you ? No you cant. And when the last time you win against with your mag dk ? Do you even DK ? Gess not... And you play on NA server right ?:D
Hahaha, 8k spammable whips and 8k heals from burning embers but magicka DK is weak 1v1 lol.
1vX is tough on any class/build without good mobility.
You might want to test the new vamp changes on PTS, especially Mist Form. This ability now removes previously applied snares and immobilizations, in addition to making you immune to any new ones while active.
Vamp magicka DK (and Templar) will be really strong in the hands of capable players.
Keep in mind that the fights guild skills also have been nerfed so they deal less dmg vs vamps and werewolfs.
Also, Annulment and its morphs now absorbs all dmg types, its basically Hardened Ward for all classes.
BTW, the term DPS is a clear indicator for PVE because DPS says noting about the effectiveness of someone in PVP (except maybe for gankers). PVP is about sustain and burst dmg but I dont have to tell you that because you already seem to know everything.
Have a nice weekend!
8k whips ... SPAMMABLE ...Do you even know the range and cost of this one ? Heal from embers? are you serious mate? (MAY work in duels vs meles, but try use it on sorc or sm1 who kite or in grp fights) 50% dmg nerf from b spirit, 50% heal nerf from b spirit + nerf from spell shields, magic resist. dunmer racial, and elemental defender (wont mention heling reduce from skils). And ember is dot/ not spamable heal like vigor. For mist i agree, BUT the mist speed is joke. This 30% increase we get is 30% increase to walk speed/ not to run speed /is not like the speed you get from skills which gives you major expedition. This means you cant pop it and reposition, because they will Outrun you / may come handy in grp fights i agree, but not if you are targeted. ZoS even castrate the speed bonus from Dark Stalker.
Fighters guild changes you say... low dmg to vamp ? LOL. You are right but not completely. Every FG skill sloted give +3% raw WEAPON dmg + 20% added to fighter guild skills from pasive , which will makes Dawnbreaker of smiting literaly one shot vamps and ww`s .Joker... Say this to dot user (aka DK) when he fights against high speed execute skills and animation canseling stam build or insta cast frags, To enlight you, high dps in pvp is caled BURST, and you just say burst is pve indicator...Septimus_Magna wrote: »BTW, the term DPS is a clear indicator for PVE because DPS says noting about the effectiveness of someone in PVP (except maybe for gankers). PVP is about sustain and burst dmg but I dont have to tell you that because you already seem to know everything.
Go home kid, take a nap, drink dat damn milk. And when you play the class you coment here, more than 1 week. come back and we will talk again.
Haha typical EP crybaby, you think your class is the only one affected by the battlespirit?
You cannot animation cancel?
Clear indication of L2P.
mDKs might be weak in 1vX but in terms of pve dps and 1v1 its a solid class if you know how to make a good build and how to play the class.
P.s. Ive been playing the beta since februari 2014 so dont act like Im new to this game.
"Clear indication of L2P." Sure ...
"mDKs might be weak in 1vX but in terms of pve dps and 1v1 its a solid class if you know how to make a good build and how to play the class.""
So how is weak in 1vx and how is "Clear indication of L2P." at the same time ? Who care about 1v1? Are there 1v1 content? No? Then shut ... up kid. Even in 1v1 mDK is the weakest class atm.
"P.s. Ive been playing the beta since februari 2014 so dont act like Im new to this game."
Уou can play since 1st beta and stil be noob. Dont mistake newbie with noob. The whole DK society says DK is weak (beacase it is) but there is always a keyboard warriors trying to prove otherwise....
""Haha typical EP crybaby, you think your class is the only one affected by the battlespirit?""
mDK is the only class which MUST have resto staff in back bar if he want some decent heals. There is builds without rs.but try them and tell me how good they are. There always be mDKs which look better in Cyro(compared to other players) but this is because players are better. Imagine what this players can achieve if they have their class balanced.
Prove your words.Prove i`m wrong. Link me video where you own in Cyro.(even in duels) :P (soon we can see the enemy player CP and then you can prove you can win against max cp players, is easy to beat sm1 with 100 cp and to say your build/class is good) You can make PTS video or w8 for DB release. I can w8
runkorkoeb17_ESO wrote: »Yes, compared to Sypher and Scaffa most pvpers are noobs.Septimus_Magna wrote: »
Guess they all fight noobs right?
1st vid is glass canon dk. Second one is 5 heavy dk with parter, grinding sewers pvers (5/5 heavy dk cant kill nothing, no mater the set, atleast cant kill decent player) There is no regen or if there is regen there is no MD or MP. And the 3rd one is 2-5 man (probably TS) grp against scatered random newbies runing around like sheeps spaming random skills and focusing no one. They do not even try to control him ... No one question Scaffa skills here.
If you stil argue with me pls see last video.Fourth minute... Yes they are noobs. Or even better, pm and ask him what he tink about mDK position at the moment. Or if you dont wana bother him try find his posts in forums
And btw you link me 2 of the best pvpers. Ok I'll do you a favor. See the opinion of the person to whom belongs first video.
Is stil the same
Sypher main class is mDK. But he dont play it anymore/ or he run stam bilds/ because is broken. He play all but avoid mDK as hell. Ask him why.
GoodOlPinkly wrote: »runkorkoeb17_ESO wrote: »Septimus_Magna wrote: »runkorkoeb17_ESO wrote: »Septimus_Magna wrote: »runkorkoeb17_ESO wrote: »WhiteNoiseMaker wrote: »
Because calling someone "Boy" is something from the racist Pre-Civil Rights era
Said the WHITE noise maker? Seems legit...Septimus_Magna wrote: »
The terms DPS indicate pve point of view, not pvp.
Although magicka DKs are really strong in duels but thats another discussion.
DPS indicate both aspects of the game (pvp and pve)! Good in duels ? Because you can win againts sm1 ? You can 1 vx too... against noobs.newbies and ppl with lag. Show me one duleing tournament with mag dk in (1v1) (2v2). Can you ? No you cant. And when the last time you win against with your mag dk ? Do you even DK ? Gess not... And you play on NA server right ?:D
Hahaha, 8k spammable whips and 8k heals from burning embers but magicka DK is weak 1v1 lol.
1vX is tough on any class/build without good mobility.
You might want to test the new vamp changes on PTS, especially Mist Form. This ability now removes previously applied snares and immobilizations, in addition to making you immune to any new ones while active.
Vamp magicka DK (and Templar) will be really strong in the hands of capable players.
Keep in mind that the fights guild skills also have been nerfed so they deal less dmg vs vamps and werewolfs.
Also, Annulment and its morphs now absorbs all dmg types, its basically Hardened Ward for all classes.
BTW, the term DPS is a clear indicator for PVE because DPS says noting about the effectiveness of someone in PVP (except maybe for gankers). PVP is about sustain and burst dmg but I dont have to tell you that because you already seem to know everything.
Have a nice weekend!
8k whips ... SPAMMABLE ...Do you even know the range and cost of this one ? Heal from embers? are you serious mate? (MAY work in duels vs meles, but try use it on sorc or sm1 who kite or in grp fights) 50% dmg nerf from b spirit, 50% heal nerf from b spirit + nerf from spell shields, magic resist. dunmer racial, and elemental defender (wont mention heling reduce from skils). And ember is dot/ not spamable heal like vigor. For mist i agree, BUT the mist speed is joke. This 30% increase we get is 30% increase to walk speed/ not to run speed /is not like the speed you get from skills which gives you major expedition. This means you cant pop it and reposition, because they will Outrun you / may come handy in grp fights i agree, but not if you are targeted. ZoS even castrate the speed bonus from Dark Stalker.
Fighters guild changes you say... low dmg to vamp ? LOL. You are right but not completely. Every FG skill sloted give +3% raw WEAPON dmg + 20% added to fighter guild skills from pasive , which will makes Dawnbreaker of smiting literaly one shot vamps and ww`s .Joker... Say this to dot user (aka DK) when he fights against high speed execute skills and animation canseling stam build or insta cast frags, To enlight you, high dps in pvp is caled BURST, and you just say burst is pve indicator...Septimus_Magna wrote: »BTW, the term DPS is a clear indicator for PVE because DPS says noting about the effectiveness of someone in PVP (except maybe for gankers). PVP is about sustain and burst dmg but I dont have to tell you that because you already seem to know everything.
Go home kid, take a nap, drink dat damn milk. And when you play the class you coment here, more than 1 week. come back and we will talk again.
Haha typical EP crybaby, you think your class is the only one affected by the battlespirit?
You cannot animation cancel?
Clear indication of L2P.
mDKs might be weak in 1vX but in terms of pve dps and 1v1 its a solid class if you know how to make a good build and how to play the class.
P.s. Ive been playing the beta since februari 2014 so dont act like Im new to this game.
"Clear indication of L2P." Sure ...
"mDKs might be weak in 1vX but in terms of pve dps and 1v1 its a solid class if you know how to make a good build and how to play the class.""
So how is weak in 1vx and how is "Clear indication of L2P." at the same time ? Who care about 1v1? Are there 1v1 content? No? Then shut ... up kid. Even in 1v1 mDK is the weakest class atm.
"P.s. Ive been playing the beta since februari 2014 so dont act like Im new to this game."
Уou can play since 1st beta and stil be noob. Dont mistake newbie with noob. The whole DK society says DK is weak (beacase it is) but there is always a keyboard warriors trying to prove otherwise....
""Haha typical EP crybaby, you think your class is the only one affected by the battlespirit?""
mDK is the only class which MUST have resto staff in back bar if he want some decent heals. There is builds without rs.but try them and tell me how good they are. There always be mDKs which look better in Cyro(compared to other players) but this is because players are better. Imagine what this players can achieve if they have their class balanced.
Prove your words.Prove i`m wrong. Link me video where you own in Cyro.(even in duels) :P (soon we can see the enemy player CP and then you can prove you can win against max cp players, is easy to beat sm1 with 100 cp and to say your build/class is good) You can make PTS video or w8 for DB release. I can w8
Lol did you really just say mDK is the only class that has to back bar resto staff for good heals? Do you play ESO? What does a mNB have to heal? On top of that mDKs have a powerful spammable attack that can hit high HPS
runkorkoeb17_ESO wrote: »GoodOlPinkly wrote: »runkorkoeb17_ESO wrote: »Septimus_Magna wrote: »runkorkoeb17_ESO wrote: »Septimus_Magna wrote: »runkorkoeb17_ESO wrote: »WhiteNoiseMaker wrote: »
Because calling someone "Boy" is something from the racist Pre-Civil Rights era
Said the WHITE noise maker? Seems legit...Septimus_Magna wrote: »
The terms DPS indicate pve point of view, not pvp.
Although magicka DKs are really strong in duels but thats another discussion.
DPS indicate both aspects of the game (pvp and pve)! Good in duels ? Because you can win againts sm1 ? You can 1 vx too... against noobs.newbies and ppl with lag. Show me one duleing tournament with mag dk in (1v1) (2v2). Can you ? No you cant. And when the last time you win against with your mag dk ? Do you even DK ? Gess not... And you play on NA server right ?:D
Hahaha, 8k spammable whips and 8k heals from burning embers but magicka DK is weak 1v1 lol.
1vX is tough on any class/build without good mobility.
You might want to test the new vamp changes on PTS, especially Mist Form. This ability now removes previously applied snares and immobilizations, in addition to making you immune to any new ones while active.
Vamp magicka DK (and Templar) will be really strong in the hands of capable players.
Keep in mind that the fights guild skills also have been nerfed so they deal less dmg vs vamps and werewolfs.
Also, Annulment and its morphs now absorbs all dmg types, its basically Hardened Ward for all classes.
BTW, the term DPS is a clear indicator for PVE because DPS says noting about the effectiveness of someone in PVP (except maybe for gankers). PVP is about sustain and burst dmg but I dont have to tell you that because you already seem to know everything.
Have a nice weekend!
8k whips ... SPAMMABLE ...Do you even know the range and cost of this one ? Heal from embers? are you serious mate? (MAY work in duels vs meles, but try use it on sorc or sm1 who kite or in grp fights) 50% dmg nerf from b spirit, 50% heal nerf from b spirit + nerf from spell shields, magic resist. dunmer racial, and elemental defender (wont mention heling reduce from skils). And ember is dot/ not spamable heal like vigor. For mist i agree, BUT the mist speed is joke. This 30% increase we get is 30% increase to walk speed/ not to run speed /is not like the speed you get from skills which gives you major expedition. This means you cant pop it and reposition, because they will Outrun you / may come handy in grp fights i agree, but not if you are targeted. ZoS even castrate the speed bonus from Dark Stalker.
Fighters guild changes you say... low dmg to vamp ? LOL. You are right but not completely. Every FG skill sloted give +3% raw WEAPON dmg + 20% added to fighter guild skills from pasive , which will makes Dawnbreaker of smiting literaly one shot vamps and ww`s .Joker... Say this to dot user (aka DK) when he fights against high speed execute skills and animation canseling stam build or insta cast frags, To enlight you, high dps in pvp is caled BURST, and you just say burst is pve indicator...Septimus_Magna wrote: »BTW, the term DPS is a clear indicator for PVE because DPS says noting about the effectiveness of someone in PVP (except maybe for gankers). PVP is about sustain and burst dmg but I dont have to tell you that because you already seem to know everything.
Go home kid, take a nap, drink dat damn milk. And when you play the class you coment here, more than 1 week. come back and we will talk again.
Haha typical EP crybaby, you think your class is the only one affected by the battlespirit?
You cannot animation cancel?
Clear indication of L2P.
mDKs might be weak in 1vX but in terms of pve dps and 1v1 its a solid class if you know how to make a good build and how to play the class.
P.s. Ive been playing the beta since februari 2014 so dont act like Im new to this game.
"Clear indication of L2P." Sure ...
"mDKs might be weak in 1vX but in terms of pve dps and 1v1 its a solid class if you know how to make a good build and how to play the class.""
So how is weak in 1vx and how is "Clear indication of L2P." at the same time ? Who care about 1v1? Are there 1v1 content? No? Then shut ... up kid. Even in 1v1 mDK is the weakest class atm.
"P.s. Ive been playing the beta since februari 2014 so dont act like Im new to this game."
Уou can play since 1st beta and stil be noob. Dont mistake newbie with noob. The whole DK society says DK is weak (beacase it is) but there is always a keyboard warriors trying to prove otherwise....
""Haha typical EP crybaby, you think your class is the only one affected by the battlespirit?""
mDK is the only class which MUST have resto staff in back bar if he want some decent heals. There is builds without rs.but try them and tell me how good they are. There always be mDKs which look better in Cyro(compared to other players) but this is because players are better. Imagine what this players can achieve if they have their class balanced.
Prove your words.Prove i`m wrong. Link me video where you own in Cyro.(even in duels) :P (soon we can see the enemy player CP and then you can prove you can win against max cp players, is easy to beat sm1 with 100 cp and to say your build/class is good) You can make PTS video or w8 for DB release. I can w8
Lol did you really just say mDK is the only class that has to back bar resto staff for good heals? Do you play ESO? What does a mNB have to heal? On top of that mDKs have a powerful spammable attack that can hit high HPS
Yes i did. Ofc NB can benefit from resto but he can skip it and stil be sucsesfull. See the bomb or gank builds. And where is the diference in video you link? Good player fighting scrubs. Do this make his class balanced or equal to others? Ask him. I sure he has similar to Sypher vid where explain whi his class is broken. Are you blind or just stutborn>? or maybe troll...
leave me alone and coment your class. Why educare me how to dk when you event play it ?
Do i even eso .... I`l better keep silence. So many "pros"
I`m sure.GoodOlPinkly wrote: »Also I do play mDK heavy armor with no resto staff and I 1vX constantly fine.
GreenSoup2HoT wrote: »Stamina did not need a stamina shield. Glad to see high maximum health players got their shield back.Bone Shield: Reverted the changes to this ability and its morphs to scale their damage shield values with your Maximum Health instead of your Maximum Stamina.
GoodOlPinkly wrote: »runkorkoeb17_ESO wrote: »GoodOlPinkly wrote: »runkorkoeb17_ESO wrote: »Septimus_Magna wrote: »runkorkoeb17_ESO wrote: »Septimus_Magna wrote: »runkorkoeb17_ESO wrote: »WhiteNoiseMaker wrote: »
Because calling someone "Boy" is something from the racist Pre-Civil Rights era
Said the WHITE noise maker? Seems legit...Septimus_Magna wrote: »
The terms DPS indicate pve point of view, not pvp.
Although magicka DKs are really strong in duels but thats another discussion.
DPS indicate both aspects of the game (pvp and pve)! Good in duels ? Because you can win againts sm1 ? You can 1 vx too... against noobs.newbies and ppl with lag. Show me one duleing tournament with mag dk in (1v1) (2v2). Can you ? No you cant. And when the last time you win against with your mag dk ? Do you even DK ? Gess not... And you play on NA server right ?:D
Hahaha, 8k spammable whips and 8k heals from burning embers but magicka DK is weak 1v1 lol.
1vX is tough on any class/build without good mobility.
You might want to test the new vamp changes on PTS, especially Mist Form. This ability now removes previously applied snares and immobilizations, in addition to making you immune to any new ones while active.
Vamp magicka DK (and Templar) will be really strong in the hands of capable players.
Keep in mind that the fights guild skills also have been nerfed so they deal less dmg vs vamps and werewolfs.
Also, Annulment and its morphs now absorbs all dmg types, its basically Hardened Ward for all classes.
BTW, the term DPS is a clear indicator for PVE because DPS says noting about the effectiveness of someone in PVP (except maybe for gankers). PVP is about sustain and burst dmg but I dont have to tell you that because you already seem to know everything.
Have a nice weekend!
8k whips ... SPAMMABLE ...Do you even know the range and cost of this one ? Heal from embers? are you serious mate? (MAY work in duels vs meles, but try use it on sorc or sm1 who kite or in grp fights) 50% dmg nerf from b spirit, 50% heal nerf from b spirit + nerf from spell shields, magic resist. dunmer racial, and elemental defender (wont mention heling reduce from skils). And ember is dot/ not spamable heal like vigor. For mist i agree, BUT the mist speed is joke. This 30% increase we get is 30% increase to walk speed/ not to run speed /is not like the speed you get from skills which gives you major expedition. This means you cant pop it and reposition, because they will Outrun you / may come handy in grp fights i agree, but not if you are targeted. ZoS even castrate the speed bonus from Dark Stalker.
Fighters guild changes you say... low dmg to vamp ? LOL. You are right but not completely. Every FG skill sloted give +3% raw WEAPON dmg + 20% added to fighter guild skills from pasive , which will makes Dawnbreaker of smiting literaly one shot vamps and ww`s .Joker... Say this to dot user (aka DK) when he fights against high speed execute skills and animation canseling stam build or insta cast frags, To enlight you, high dps in pvp is caled BURST, and you just say burst is pve indicator...Septimus_Magna wrote: »BTW, the term DPS is a clear indicator for PVE because DPS says noting about the effectiveness of someone in PVP (except maybe for gankers). PVP is about sustain and burst dmg but I dont have to tell you that because you already seem to know everything.
Go home kid, take a nap, drink dat damn milk. And when you play the class you coment here, more than 1 week. come back and we will talk again.
Haha typical EP crybaby, you think your class is the only one affected by the battlespirit?
You cannot animation cancel?
Clear indication of L2P.
mDKs might be weak in 1vX but in terms of pve dps and 1v1 its a solid class if you know how to make a good build and how to play the class.
P.s. Ive been playing the beta since februari 2014 so dont act like Im new to this game.
"Clear indication of L2P." Sure ...
"mDKs might be weak in 1vX but in terms of pve dps and 1v1 its a solid class if you know how to make a good build and how to play the class.""
So how is weak in 1vx and how is "Clear indication of L2P." at the same time ? Who care about 1v1? Are there 1v1 content? No? Then shut ... up kid. Even in 1v1 mDK is the weakest class atm.
"P.s. Ive been playing the beta since februari 2014 so dont act like Im new to this game."
Уou can play since 1st beta and stil be noob. Dont mistake newbie with noob. The whole DK society says DK is weak (beacase it is) but there is always a keyboard warriors trying to prove otherwise....
""Haha typical EP crybaby, you think your class is the only one affected by the battlespirit?""
mDK is the only class which MUST have resto staff in back bar if he want some decent heals. There is builds without rs.but try them and tell me how good they are. There always be mDKs which look better in Cyro(compared to other players) but this is because players are better. Imagine what this players can achieve if they have their class balanced.
Prove your words.Prove i`m wrong. Link me video where you own in Cyro.(even in duels) :P (soon we can see the enemy player CP and then you can prove you can win against max cp players, is easy to beat sm1 with 100 cp and to say your build/class is good) You can make PTS video or w8 for DB release. I can w8
Lol did you really just say mDK is the only class that has to back bar resto staff for good heals? Do you play ESO? What does a mNB have to heal? On top of that mDKs have a powerful spammable attack that can hit high HPS
Yes i did. Ofc NB can benefit from resto but he can skip it and stil be sucsesfull. See the bomb or gank builds. And where is the diference in video you link? Good player fighting scrubs. Do this make his class balanced or equal to others? Ask him. I sure he has similar to Sypher vid where explain whi his class is broken. Are you blind or just stutborn>? or maybe troll...
leave me alone and coment your class. Why educare me how to dk when you event play it ?
Do i even eso .... I`l better keep silence. So many "pros"
Another very ignorant comment, did you really just say see the bomb or Gank builds???? Did you mean the ones that all consist of all mNB with off-bar resto staffYouyou really must not play. Also I do play mDK heavy armor with no resto staff and I 1vX constantly fine.
GoodOlPinkly wrote: »runkorkoeb17_ESO wrote: »GoodOlPinkly wrote: »runkorkoeb17_ESO wrote: »Septimus_Magna wrote: »runkorkoeb17_ESO wrote: »Septimus_Magna wrote: »runkorkoeb17_ESO wrote: »WhiteNoiseMaker wrote: »
Because calling someone "Boy" is something from the racist Pre-Civil Rights era
Said the WHITE noise maker? Seems legit...Septimus_Magna wrote: »
The terms DPS indicate pve point of view, not pvp.
Although magicka DKs are really strong in duels but thats another discussion.
DPS indicate both aspects of the game (pvp and pve)! Good in duels ? Because you can win againts sm1 ? You can 1 vx too... against noobs.newbies and ppl with lag. Show me one duleing tournament with mag dk in (1v1) (2v2). Can you ? No you cant. And when the last time you win against with your mag dk ? Do you even DK ? Gess not... And you play on NA server right ?:D
Hahaha, 8k spammable whips and 8k heals from burning embers but magicka DK is weak 1v1 lol.
1vX is tough on any class/build without good mobility.
You might want to test the new vamp changes on PTS, especially Mist Form. This ability now removes previously applied snares and immobilizations, in addition to making you immune to any new ones while active.
Vamp magicka DK (and Templar) will be really strong in the hands of capable players.
Keep in mind that the fights guild skills also have been nerfed so they deal less dmg vs vamps and werewolfs.
Also, Annulment and its morphs now absorbs all dmg types, its basically Hardened Ward for all classes.
BTW, the term DPS is a clear indicator for PVE because DPS says noting about the effectiveness of someone in PVP (except maybe for gankers). PVP is about sustain and burst dmg but I dont have to tell you that because you already seem to know everything.
Have a nice weekend!
8k whips ... SPAMMABLE ...Do you even know the range and cost of this one ? Heal from embers? are you serious mate? (MAY work in duels vs meles, but try use it on sorc or sm1 who kite or in grp fights) 50% dmg nerf from b spirit, 50% heal nerf from b spirit + nerf from spell shields, magic resist. dunmer racial, and elemental defender (wont mention heling reduce from skils). And ember is dot/ not spamable heal like vigor. For mist i agree, BUT the mist speed is joke. This 30% increase we get is 30% increase to walk speed/ not to run speed /is not like the speed you get from skills which gives you major expedition. This means you cant pop it and reposition, because they will Outrun you / may come handy in grp fights i agree, but not if you are targeted. ZoS even castrate the speed bonus from Dark Stalker.
Fighters guild changes you say... low dmg to vamp ? LOL. You are right but not completely. Every FG skill sloted give +3% raw WEAPON dmg + 20% added to fighter guild skills from pasive , which will makes Dawnbreaker of smiting literaly one shot vamps and ww`s .Joker... Say this to dot user (aka DK) when he fights against high speed execute skills and animation canseling stam build or insta cast frags, To enlight you, high dps in pvp is caled BURST, and you just say burst is pve indicator...Septimus_Magna wrote: »BTW, the term DPS is a clear indicator for PVE because DPS says noting about the effectiveness of someone in PVP (except maybe for gankers). PVP is about sustain and burst dmg but I dont have to tell you that because you already seem to know everything.
Go home kid, take a nap, drink dat damn milk. And when you play the class you coment here, more than 1 week. come back and we will talk again.
Haha typical EP crybaby, you think your class is the only one affected by the battlespirit?
You cannot animation cancel?
Clear indication of L2P.
mDKs might be weak in 1vX but in terms of pve dps and 1v1 its a solid class if you know how to make a good build and how to play the class.
P.s. Ive been playing the beta since februari 2014 so dont act like Im new to this game.
"Clear indication of L2P." Sure ...
"mDKs might be weak in 1vX but in terms of pve dps and 1v1 its a solid class if you know how to make a good build and how to play the class.""
So how is weak in 1vx and how is "Clear indication of L2P." at the same time ? Who care about 1v1? Are there 1v1 content? No? Then shut ... up kid. Even in 1v1 mDK is the weakest class atm.
"P.s. Ive been playing the beta since februari 2014 so dont act like Im new to this game."
Уou can play since 1st beta and stil be noob. Dont mistake newbie with noob. The whole DK society says DK is weak (beacase it is) but there is always a keyboard warriors trying to prove otherwise....
""Haha typical EP crybaby, you think your class is the only one affected by the battlespirit?""
mDK is the only class which MUST have resto staff in back bar if he want some decent heals. There is builds without rs.but try them and tell me how good they are. There always be mDKs which look better in Cyro(compared to other players) but this is because players are better. Imagine what this players can achieve if they have their class balanced.
Prove your words.Prove i`m wrong. Link me video where you own in Cyro.(even in duels) :P (soon we can see the enemy player CP and then you can prove you can win against max cp players, is easy to beat sm1 with 100 cp and to say your build/class is good) You can make PTS video or w8 for DB release. I can w8
Lol did you really just say mDK is the only class that has to back bar resto staff for good heals? Do you play ESO? What does a mNB have to heal? On top of that mDKs have a powerful spammable attack that can hit high HPS
Yes i did. Ofc NB can benefit from resto but he can skip it and stil be sucsesfull. See the bomb or gank builds. And where is the diference in video you link? Good player fighting scrubs. Do this make his class balanced or equal to others? Ask him. I sure he has similar to Sypher vid where explain whi his class is broken. Are you blind or just stutborn>? or maybe troll...
leave me alone and coment your class. Why educare me how to dk when you event play it ?
Do i even eso .... I`l better keep silence. So many "pros"
Another very ignorant comment, did you really just say see the bomb or Gank builds???? Did you mean the ones that all consist of all mNB with off-bar resto staffYouyou really must not play. Also I do play mDK heavy armor with no resto staff and I 1vX constantly fine.
Not worth killin the brain cells. Nubs gunna nub.
Also "#Educare" is now going to be a thing in SBG cause of this.