Maintenance for the week of June 17:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 17, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 17, 10:00PM EDT (June 18, 2:00 UTC) - June 18, 5:00AM EDT (9:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 17, 10:00PM EDT (June 18, 2:00 UTC) - June 18, 5:00AM EDT (9:00 UTC)

PATCH NOTES V.1.1 Inc. Craglorn - From PTS

  • Akhratos
    Thevenin wrote: »
    Did they actually buff Dragon Knights and Vampires and nerf Nightblades and Werewolves ?

    Are they trying the Warhammer Online "head in ass" balancing approach ?

    Things are being balanced around PvE if you didnt notice.

    Yes and still what he says apply's to the OPnes of DK
    I really, really cant understand that they are buffing a lot of attacks of DK
    And nerf templar ressing, healing.. And dont increase dmg of some spells..

    ZoS are blind ??!?!?! DK do not need buffed, they need nerfed, to be more EXACTLY THE FREAKING PILAR ULTIMATE that they can use every 20 seconds

    Its not the dk (and its a standard, not a pilar) ultimate. Its the stupid no-soft-cap for Ultimate reduction and Ultimate gain wich make the mechanics stupidly unbalanced.

    Its the same for the Vamp ults, for the standard, and for all of the ultimate because the thing is, they shouldnt be meant to be spammed like every 5 secs.

    Put a soft-cap of them. Dont let people spam the ultimate so easy. Done.

    And in the other hand, I hope they buff the heavy armor tree, because I play a DK with 2handed and 7/7 Heavy, and really, pisses me off Im almost forced to go light and become one of the hated OP DK if I want to be somewhat strong (and Im not only talking about pvp) because the Heavy armor and melee skills are so absurdly bad.
  • Ashtaris
    TheBull wrote: »
    How do I get on the PTS I was looking about a week ago and couldn't find it anywhere. Thanks.

    I believe the PTS is by invitation only as a beta tester. So they find you if you have what it takes :)

  • KerinKor
    So the PTS is a misnomer since the 'public' isn't able to participate, unlike other MMOs where the PTS is open to all the PUBLIC.

    If something is by invitation only it's not 'public'.
    Edited by KerinKor on May 19, 2014 1:53PM
  • Auric_ESO
    KerinKor wrote: »
    So the PTS is a misnomer since the 'public' isn't able to participate, unlike other MMOs where the PTS is open to all the PUBLIC.

    If something is by invitation only it's not 'public'.

    Depends on your definition of pts. Public test server. Private. Patch :smile:

    In any case zos has confirmed in future major patches it will be available to all testers during the testing phase only. That is thier goal anyway. They didn't actually promise it
    "The purpose of training is to tighten up the slack, toughen the body, and polish the spirit." Morihei Ueshiba
  • McWop
    Kililin wrote: »
    Nooblet wrote: »
    I have to laugh when people say this promotes zerging, or that promotes zerging. The truth is large scale PvP promotes zerging. No amount of nerfing, buffing, or fixing is going to get rid of the zerg. It's the nature of this style of PvP.

    Their intent was the majority zerg, but any playstyle could find action. Including smaller groups or solo. Which is certainly possible as it is.

    It promotes the stupidest stack and turtle zerg tactics and prevents small group tactics to have a chance vs. them.

    Thats the problem.

    And it becomes a pure game of numbers, with "intelligent" heals targeting the most damaged players and AoE's only damaging a few of the zerg members.

    No possibility to assist vs a large group of people makes it even worse, no ui method, no calling out in TS possible.

    Yeah, if you see a turtle zerg, pull out a siege weapon with 3-4 buddies and wipe the entire zerg.

    Shocker, the counter for zerging is the weapons provided to you in PvP
  • kofixb16_ESO
    With these changes the game should almost be ready to move out of beta testing and go LIVE! Oh, wait...

  • Raggok
    Ashtaris wrote: »
    TheBull wrote: »
    How do I get on the PTS I was looking about a week ago and couldn't find it anywhere. Thanks.

    I believe the PTS is by invitation only as a beta tester. So they find you if you have what it takes :)

    Apparently. what it takes is finding exploits that you keep to yourselves and giving biased feedback to protect whatever unbalanced thing you plan to use on live.

  • LadyDestiny
    Nice going, buff the DK and and still not fixing nb and ww. Well if you can't beat em, join em. I said if they didn't fix it I am rolling a DK. We will see after the release.........I think this is the first time I am really irritated. :s
  • Moonraker
    Auric_ESO wrote: »
    KerinKor wrote: »
    So the PTS is a misnomer since the 'public' isn't able to participate, unlike other MMOs where the PTS is open to all the PUBLIC.

    If something is by invitation only it's not 'public'.

    Depends on your definition of pts. Public test server. Private. Patch :smile:

    In any case zos has confirmed in future major patches it will be available to all testers during the testing phase only. That is thier goal anyway. They didn't actually promise it
    PTS = Public Test Server
    Just the misunderstanding of exactly what public means (limited public access) as opposed to the 'private' internal test server (maybe also QA server, they probably have various branch builds) hence;

    exe.reltype = public

    which is on PTS or live server.

    They have stated already that the PTS will be moving to full public access to all subscribed players sometime after Update 1 (patch 1.1.x) goes live;
    ZOS_JasonL admin
    April 26 Staff Post
    Hey there, everyone. Please be aware that our long-term goal is for anyone who has an active subscription for The Elder Scrolls Online to have access to the public test server when it is open. We'll have more details in the future. Thank you for your understanding!
    It wont be online all the time but up for main update testing from what has been said already.
  • Auric_ESO
    Do note I put a smiley at the end of that sentence. It'll be public eventually right now it's more of a private test
    Edited by Auric_ESO on May 19, 2014 5:16PM
    "The purpose of training is to tighten up the slack, toughen the body, and polish the spirit." Morihei Ueshiba
  • Moonraker
    Auric_ESO wrote: »
    Do note I put a smiley at the end of that sentence. It'll be public eventually right now it's more of a private test
    I noted the smiley. I was just clarifying the reasoning behind the actual abbreviated term PTS.

    Like I posted, it is not a private server which would be restricted to internal staff and QA testing. It's a limited access public test server which was also fully public during mass Beta testing.

    Edited by Moonraker on May 19, 2014 5:21PM
  • Moonraker
    Raggok wrote: »
    Ashtaris wrote: »
    TheBull wrote: »
    How do I get on the PTS I was looking about a week ago and couldn't find it anywhere. Thanks.

    I believe the PTS is by invitation only as a beta tester. So they find you if you have what it takes :)

    Apparently. what it takes is finding exploits that you keep to yourselves and giving biased feedback to protect whatever unbalanced thing you plan to use on live.
    So during mass public beta test weekends over the past year no one else had this opportunity also? And what makes you think everyone on PTS is using exploits? Seems a pretty cynical view of the player base and not true of course.
  • Sakiri
    Got some tool saying they removed vamps and ww on pts but cant verify anything just "go google". Was cute. Think someone got reported for scamming and is bent.
  • Skirmish840
    Like I posted, it is not a private server which would be restricted to internal staff and QA testing. It's a limited access public test server which was also fully public during mass Beta testing.

    Um know it wasn't fully open to the public during beta and frankly if they hadn't only let relatives of ZOS on it for the entire duration of the beta then maybe half the flamin bugs wouldn't exist. We beta testers were limited to 2 areas and lvl 15, the game doesn't get serious until after that. I'ts not until about lvl 20 I really started to get a feel for my chars, enough to be able to see things were clearly broken, like passives.....I don't mean this to be a personal attack, but the fact was wrong, I tried to get onto the PTS.
  • lycanslerwb17_ESO
    thank you for all the hard work. :D
  • Akhratos
    wow it seems odd you cant remove your posts*
    Edited by Akhratos on May 20, 2014 11:11AM
  • Moonraker
    Like I posted, it is not a private server which would be restricted to internal staff and QA testing. It's a limited access public test server which was also fully public during mass Beta testing.

    Um know it wasn't fully open to the public during beta and frankly if they hadn't only let relatives of ZOS on it for the entire duration of the beta then maybe half the flamin bugs wouldn't exist. We beta testers were limited to 2 areas and lvl 15, the game doesn't get serious until after that. I'ts not until about lvl 20 I really started to get a feel for my chars, enough to be able to see things were clearly broken, like passives.....I don't mean this to be a personal attack, but the fact was wrong, I tried to get onto the PTS.
    Yes, in the mass beta testing weekends was open to many and the last couple were basically open to any that wanted a beta key as they said.

    Only relatives? I'm guessing that's humour but I can't tell. It's common knowledge that most of the top guilds were involved during the PTS as well as plenty of other players who were not relatives of ZOS. Loads of effort and testing went into the PTS testing by many dedicated people. As you weren't in PTS and forums I'm not sure how you could say otherwise.

    It was limited in zones but then so was PTS for much of the time as not all content was available. Issues did get picked up and resolved but not all for sure. But then one would not expect that the testing in beta will catch issues that really only show in live conditions under real time load. Others could and should have been fixed but then without understanding of how the different development teams prioritise what, there is no way to know why this may be. Many of these are already fixed on PTS and it will always be ongoing.

    From experience in other public PTS servers it is usually only ever a small proportion who actually take the time and effort to report consistently bugs/ feedback etc. Opening it up to the masses is not the silver bullet to fixing all issues in testing before release. I am glad they are opening up though as I said already.
  • Skirmish840
    Yeah I'm glad too. It was humour, that's how it felt trying to get onto it, I love Elder Scrolls but am super pissed that it was released in the current state, things like broken passives and not being able to see each other when grouped and having to travel to player to fix it, originally not being able to trade to a group member, OMG really their basic bugs aren't they, passives are a game breaker, about 10 were in Cyrodil last night, most likely they've had a gutful of relogging to get their passives to work, and then there's the lag........

    I'm not addressing this to the efforts of the PTS testers, It's at ZOS, I am a keen tester and up until the point it seemed pointless I have diligently reported bugs, I can only imagine that you guys on the PTS did your best and it all comes down on ZOS and their "priorities" which seem questionable at times.
    Edited by Skirmish840 on May 20, 2014 11:05PM
  • ShinChuck
    Any word on when this is dropping? It's taking an awfully long time after launch. Rift, for example, had patches 1.1 and 2.1 out less than a month after release/expansion release, and considering the game was in better shape at those times, it'd be nice if we could get ESO 1.1 out a bit quicker as we march past the month and half marker.
    "It's morally wrong to suggest gameplay changes for an MMO."
    ...seriously, someone told me that once here. The things people will do to win their internet arguments!
  • Atreidus
    With these changes the game should almost be ready to move out of beta testing and go LIVE! Oh, wait...


    Oh wait...
    There still is some room for messing it up again. ;)

    But serious now: I like this patchnotes.
    And i will continue to report bugs/things which are going wrong.
    That is the only way to keeping/building up an high quality premium standard.
  • Zeeed
    I bet 1.1 wont go out till second Sub cycle aka 2 weeks from now. So they can milk one more months from us before another load of players leave this beta and go to play Wildstar(not playing it myself).
  • Caduryn
    Zeeed wrote: »
    I bet 1.1 wont go out till second Sub cycle aka 2 weeks from now. So they can milk one more months from us before another load of players leave this beta and go to play Wildstar(not playing it myself).

    Fail ^^
  • One Two
    One Two
    I like the fact that Night Blades have been given a BIG and MASSIVE F U! again.
    Two tears in a Mother!@$&ing Bucket, !@$& it.
    - CT Fletcher
  • Mablung
    One Two wrote: »
    I like the fact that Night Blades have been given a BIG and MASSIVE F U! again.

    What are you talking about? Here is what the patch notes say for Nightblade:

    Catalyst: Fixed an issue with the Catalyst passive ability. It will now properly increase the effect of speed potions.
    Dark Shades (Summon Shade morph): This ability now deals more damage as the ability ranks up.
    Focused Attacks: Fixed an issue where ranks II – IV of Focused Attacks were not restoring stamina.
    Sap Essence (Drain Power morph): Fixed an issue where this ability where wasn’t granting the initial Weapon Damage bonus you should receive when no target is hit.
    • Nightblade – We have many fixes coming to the Nightblade in our next patch, including fixes to abilities and passives that weren’t working properly, and adjusting the responsiveness in high-intensity combat. We’ll continue to monitor the Nightblade after we push these fixes live.
    • Weapon Swapping – We’ve seen your feedback that weapon swapping lags during combat, and we are currently testing a fix that significantly improves the responsiveness. As this is caused by a number of different factors, we want to be confident in the change before pushing it live.
    • Passives – We found that some passives would stop working when you die, including many of the vampire passives. These will be fixed in our next patch.
    Found the above quote in the Known Issues sticky.
    Edited by Mablung on May 22, 2014 9:33AM
  • SilentThunder
    The rate at which you can earn racial motifs and provisioning recipes from lootable containers and furniture has been slightly reduced.

    Seriously ?? after opening every container chest etc I have come across while leveling main to VR9 and a VR1 alt I have found precisely ONE lower level motif since they first "adjusted" the drop rate. it needs to be INCREASED not reduced.
    Saving you or sending you since 2001
    "The light is strong and man is weak and the world walks in-between" R. Trower
  • RonnieJay
    Soul Shriven
    Ixinho wrote: »
    niec patch but damn, cant you fix those achievements problems with daggerfall lands
    THIS. The Bangkorai quest achievement problem is just....dumb. Not a single person on this planet has the achievement and customer service reps are saying to the effect of "Well our sources indicate that Bangkorai does in fact have 53 quests. So keep exploring!". That is just irritating. Anyone who has gone over that zone with a fine-toothed comb has only ever come up with 45 or 46 quests to complete. I'd really like to know where the other 7 or 8 are hiding.

    Of course, if the devs did manage to hide away an entire quest chain so effectively that the ENTIRE player base has, and continues to overlook it, I will eat my size 12 & 1/2's...RAW.
  • RonnieJay
    Soul Shriven
    Archaon wrote: »
    Thevenin wrote: »
    Did they actually buff Dragon Knights and Vampires and nerf Nightblades and Werewolves ?

    Are they trying the Warhammer Online "head in ass" balancing approach ?

    Things are being balanced around PvE if you didnt notice.

    Yes and still what he says apply's to the OPnes of DK
    I really, really cant understand that they are buffing a lot of attacks of DK
    And nerf templar ressing, healing.. And dont increase dmg of some spells..

    ZoS are blind ??!?!?! DK do not need buffed, they need nerfed, to be more EXACTLY THE FREAKING PILAR ULTIMATE that they can use every 20 seconds

    Its not the dk (and its a standard, not a pilar) ultimate. Its the stupid no-soft-cap for Ultimate reduction and Ultimate gain wich make the mechanics stupidly unbalanced.

    Its the same for the Vamp ults, for the standard, and for all of the ultimate because the thing is, they shouldnt be meant to be spammed like every 5 secs.

    Put a soft-cap of them. Dont let people spam the ultimate so easy. Done.

    And in the other hand, I hope they buff the heavy armor tree, because I play a DK with 2handed and 7/7 Heavy, and really, pisses me off Im almost forced to go light and become one of the hated OP DK if I want to be somewhat strong (and Im not only talking about pvp) because the Heavy armor and melee skills are so absurdly bad.

    No, it's clearly not just DKs that are OP. It's only a coincidence that any display of absurd over-powered craziness is almost exclusively performed by DKs. And the entire player base is wrong. -_-

    Get a grip brutha.

    You don't see Templar's successfully tanking 30 people in Cyrodiil just by blocking, shield bashing, and casting bat-swarm or using one of the Templar Ultimates. I won't even mention Nightblades. The word "Nightblade" should be enough. Sorcs are stronger-ish characters and can hit quite nicely, but they're not anywhere near a DKs level of OP-ness.

    I see your point when you mention Ultimates making the "mechanics stupidly unbalanced".(odd choice of wording when referring to player abilities.) But most Ultimates are not all that great. At least in comparison to the OP ones. Soft-capping Ultimate in general would be detrimental to the other classes thus making the nerf redundant. It would nerf everyones Ultimate, hindering those relying on their Ultimate as a counter to the over-powered one. Hell, Dawn's Wraths Ultimate already has a larger cost (and longer down-time) even with the Templar passives that reduce Ultimate cost and bestow Ultimate upon using certain abilities. If you soft-cap Ultimate, the shorter down-time on those OP Ultimates would still be shorter than the others. And again, making it detrimental to the other classes trying their best to overcome.
    Edited by RonnieJay on May 22, 2014 2:02PM
  • Aeradon
    RonnieJay wrote: »
    Ixinho wrote: »
    niec patch but damn, cant you fix those achievements problems with daggerfall lands
    THIS. The Bangkorai quest achievement problem is just....dumb. Not a single person on this planet has the achievement and customer service reps are saying to the effect of "Well our sources indicate that Bangkorai does in fact have 53 quests. So keep exploring!". That is just irritating. Anyone who has gone over that zone with a fine-toothed comb has only ever come up with 45 or 46 quests to complete. I'd really like to know where the other 7 or 8 are hiding.

    Of course, if the devs did manage to hide away an entire quest chain so effectively that the ENTIRE player base has, and continues to overlook it, I will eat my size 12 & 1/2's...RAW.

    @RonnieJay‌ I got this respond from CS.


    Thank you for contacting the Elder Scrolls online Customer Support team!

    I apologise for the issues you are having with the Bangkorai Achievement.

    There is an issue with this quest achievement bugging and showing more quest than necessary. According to what we have here you should have been rewarded this achievement. If you still do not have it in your journal please let me know as we are addressing unregistered achievements in an upcoming patch.

    In the meantime please try to continue on with the game and increase your veteran rank by exploring the other regions.

    If there is anything further I can do to assist you please do not hesitate to contact me again.

    Divines guide you, friend!
    The Elder Scrolls Online"
    People keep telling me they're gonna buy me an ale. They never do.

    There are only two things I can't stand in this world. People who are intolerant of other people's culture. And the Elves.

    Help make this compilation complete!
    Compilation of Ideas and Suggestions
  • RonnieJay
    Soul Shriven
    Aeradon wrote: »
    RonnieJay wrote: »
    Ixinho wrote: »
    niec patch but damn, cant you fix those achievements problems with daggerfall lands
    THIS. The Bangkorai quest achievement problem is just....dumb. Not a single person on this planet has the achievement and customer service reps are saying to the effect of "Well our sources indicate that Bangkorai does in fact have 53 quests. So keep exploring!". That is just irritating. Anyone who has gone over that zone with a fine-toothed comb has only ever come up with 45 or 46 quests to complete. I'd really like to know where the other 7 or 8 are hiding.

    Of course, if the devs did manage to hide away an entire quest chain so effectively that the ENTIRE player base has, and continues to overlook it, I will eat my size 12 & 1/2's...RAW.

    @RonnieJay‌ I got this respond from CS.


    Thank you for contacting the Elder Scrolls online Customer Support team!

    I apologise for the issues you are having with the Bangkorai Achievement.

    There is an issue with this quest achievement bugging and showing more quest than necessary. According to what we have here you should have been rewarded this achievement. If you still do not have it in your journal please let me know as we are addressing unregistered achievements in an upcoming patch.

    In the meantime please try to continue on with the game and increase your veteran rank by exploring the other regions.

    If there is anything further I can do to assist you please do not hesitate to contact me again.

    Divines guide you, friend!
    The Elder Scrolls Online"
    Yay! It's been acknowledged.
  • Aeradon
    RonnieJay wrote: »
    Aeradon wrote: »
    RonnieJay wrote: »
    Ixinho wrote: »
    niec patch but damn, cant you fix those achievements problems with daggerfall lands
    THIS. The Bangkorai quest achievement problem is just....dumb. Not a single person on this planet has the achievement and customer service reps are saying to the effect of "Well our sources indicate that Bangkorai does in fact have 53 quests. So keep exploring!". That is just irritating. Anyone who has gone over that zone with a fine-toothed comb has only ever come up with 45 or 46 quests to complete. I'd really like to know where the other 7 or 8 are hiding.

    Of course, if the devs did manage to hide away an entire quest chain so effectively that the ENTIRE player base has, and continues to overlook it, I will eat my size 12 & 1/2's...RAW.

    @RonnieJay‌ I got this respond from CS.


    Thank you for contacting the Elder Scrolls online Customer Support team!

    I apologise for the issues you are having with the Bangkorai Achievement.

    There is an issue with this quest achievement bugging and showing more quest than necessary. According to what we have here you should have been rewarded this achievement. If you still do not have it in your journal please let me know as we are addressing unregistered achievements in an upcoming patch.

    In the meantime please try to continue on with the game and increase your veteran rank by exploring the other regions.

    If there is anything further I can do to assist you please do not hesitate to contact me again.

    Divines guide you, friend!
    The Elder Scrolls Online"
    Yay! It's been acknowledged.

    @RonnieJay‌ I know right?! Took me some time writing a detailed request and expression of my situation to get a good acknowledging response.
    People keep telling me they're gonna buy me an ale. They never do.

    There are only two things I can't stand in this world. People who are intolerant of other people's culture. And the Elves.

    Help make this compilation complete!
    Compilation of Ideas and Suggestions
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