Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

PATCH NOTES V.1.1 Inc. Craglorn - From PTS

  • Draconiuos
    All, I have to say is I think they need to rethink the changes to Inhale. Yes, I can see the need for a cap on it, but 3 targets is just plain silly. 6 targets make more sense, because it doesn't heal that much. Now, I did notice it is only a 3 target cap for the initial health drain, but still you give up better aoes for the health drain. It is still in PTS and we will see how it works out. I think it is just a case of them over nerfing something and then going to gradually work it back up to where it is good.
  • SirAndy
    Malediktus wrote: »
    SirAndy wrote: »
    ToBbErT wrote: »
    Nothing about a true fullscreen mode. My second gpu eating dust :(
    True fullscreen is in the version we're testing on PTS right now, albeit a bit wonky.
    It didn't recognize my desktop resolution at first and started at 800x600 icon8.gif but after i set it manually, it did work OK ...

    PS: I have yet to test SLI or anything else that requires true fullscreen, maybe tonight ...
    can you test if forcing anti aliasing in the settings works? I really hate the current low quality shader based AA and would like to use MSAA or SSAA instead.

    - I tried several different ways to force better anti aliasing but none seems to work. Initially the game wouldn't even let me out of 800x600 fullscreen after trying to force settings. When i finally got it to render in 1920x1080, any forced AA settings were ignored, no matter what combinations i tried.

    - SLI. That's a tough one. I did get it to run on my dual GTX 780s but i didn't get the performance boost i had hoped for. I'll have to play with the settings a bit more to see if i can get this to work better.

    - 3D Vision is working! Of course it's not optimized at all, some surface shaders seem to be applied in 2D and look off in 3D. Also, some of the UI elements are rendered in 2D when they shouldn't be, like your crosshair (Just like in Skyrim :( ).
    However, the world overall looks pretty convincing in 3D. I think with a few tweaks to the depth planes of certain UI elements and some shader tweaks, this game could look awesome in 3D!
    Edited by SirAndy on April 29, 2014 3:15AM
  • taze222b14_ESO
    Still no fix for the random dismount bug that's been in since launch?'re kidding right?
    Edited by taze222b14_ESO on April 29, 2014 3:44AM
  • NTclaymore
    Why do inhales aoe-cap go all the way down to 3? I cant imagen it being overpowered if it could affect 6. ?_?
    He spoke, the son of Padomay, and nodded his head with the dark brows
    and the imortally anointed hair of the great god
    swept from his divine head, and all Mundus was shaken.
  • Xsorus
    SirAndy wrote: »
    The AoE limit has *always* been 6 and has worked with that limit for most abilities ever since i remember.

    I'm not sure why everyone thinks this is something new. All they're doing is fixing a bug where some AoE effects didn't apply the limit correctly.


    Standard/Dark Talons/Inhale don't have a cap
    Burning Spear and the Healing ultimate for Temps don't have a cap
    Impulse and Overload don't have a cap

  • Perseas
    And plz add a feature text in the recipes discription and motifs "You already learned that" because we have to try them first and if we get the message in our screen that we learned it before, then we can sell it. It would be time saving if there is info in the item "YOU ALLREADY learned that"

    I haven't tried to learn again for a second time a motif, because they are very expensive to risk it. But motifs need to be better text improved. When we get them, it says "dark elfs" " bretons" " redguards", etc... but when we check our traits if we learned them. They are typed differently, bosmer, altmer, etc. And because I am dyslexic and I have a problem memorizing names, this is a time killing googling it, to see what that is. So at least, make them be the same txt.
    Edited by Perseas on April 29, 2014 4:22AM
  • SirAndy
    SirAndy wrote: »
    The AoE limit has *always* been 6 and has worked with that limit for most abilities ever since i remember.

    I'm not sure why everyone thinks this is something new. All they're doing is fixing a bug where some AoE effects didn't apply the limit correctly.

    Standard/Dark Talons/Inhale don't have a cap
    Burning Spear and the Healing ultimate for Temps don't have a cap
    Impulse and Overload don't have a cap
    Exactly what part of "bug" do you not understand when you read the patch notes?
  • strongoakb14a_ESO
    Halorin wrote: »
    I like how Werewolf actually gets nerfed, given the sorry state it's in.

    No kidding and they didn't even fix Leadership Morph of Transformation. Not only does Werewolf need serious reworking to actually make you seem to be a werewolf rather than someone using a weird ultimate ability, but they don't even fix the problems with the current build, instead they nerf something that was just making some werewolves decide training the next level of the skill wasn't worth it. OMG there must have been a public outcry that werewolves could do as much damage without the level II of the ability an could almost kill someone in PvP before shifting back and being vulnerable for 2 seconds.

  • strongoakb14a_ESO
    Dominulf wrote: »
    Nerf Werewolf, buff Dragon Knight.


    Since I am a Dragon Knight Werewolf I am not sure how to feel.. oh yeah I remember.. I don feel like a werewolf at all. I am rank 10 WW who chooses to use another ultimate ability I can use 5 times in the time it takes to shift, be glitched and look dumb running around.
  • Perseas
    Anybody knows when this patch is coming? Today we get 1.06 and as it goes, we need 5 more weeks? Thats allot, it is advertised in the videos " Available now" but thats not true! any info?

    Is coming out in June? It should come out now, be able to fix some bugs for the consoles!
    Edited by Perseas on April 29, 2014 5:45AM
  • Ragnar_Lodbrok
    Perseas wrote: »
    Anybody knows when this patch is coming? Today we get 1.06 and as it goes, we need 5 more weeks? Thats allot, it is advertised in the videos " Available now" but thats not true! any info?

    Is coming out in June? It should come out now, be able to fix some bugs for the consoles!

    They are going to cancel the console versions.
  • Perseas
    Perseas wrote: »
    Anybody knows when this patch is coming? Today we get 1.06 and as it goes, we need 5 more weeks? Thats allot, it is advertised in the videos " Available now" but thats not true! any info?

    Is coming out in June? It should come out now, be able to fix some bugs for the consoles!

    They are going to cancel the console versions.

    For a later date? If its a total cancel, gonna be huge news. If they do a total cancel, they can improve the spell bar box's :) from 5 to 8 or 10... :)
    Edited by Perseas on April 29, 2014 5:50AM
  • Sadae
    Inhale (and morphs): This ability’s initial life drain morphs can now hit a maximum of three targets. This also applies to Inhale’s morphs.
    I hope this is a joke. It will render Inhale useless. If you're going to cap it, it should be 6.
  • Auric_ESO
    Perseas wrote: »
    Perseas wrote: »
    Anybody knows when this patch is coming? Today we get 1.06 and as it goes, we need 5 more weeks? Thats allot, it is advertised in the videos " Available now" but thats not true! any info?

    Is coming out in June? It should come out now, be able to fix some bugs for the consoles!

    They are going to cancel the console versions.

    For a later date? If its a total cancel, gonna be huge news. If they do a total cancel, they can improve the spell bar box's :) from 5 to 8 or 10... :)

    Dont listen to ragnar, he jsut randomly makes things up sometimes
    "The purpose of training is to tighten up the slack, toughen the body, and polish the spirit." Morihei Ueshiba
  • Alexium
    blackwolf7 wrote: »
    Alexium wrote: »
    Mist form don't need to nerf, only targetable, I think.

    75% is too much.

    But we will see since supposedly you cant be healed if youre in mistform but currently it is bugged that healers can cast regen on you and the hot ticks while in mistform+ ult leech so you become immortal
    Then they need to fix healing while in mist form and completelly remove it.
  • MrBeneos
    Soul Shriven
    Why are you raging about the AoE cap? In terms of heal its a buff! Most of your heal AoEs hitting 6 targets per se! But there are some damage abilities that hits everything in range. So now its just equal.

  • Perseas
    Auric_ESO wrote: »
    Perseas wrote: »
    Perseas wrote: »
    Anybody knows when this patch is coming? Today we get 1.06 and as it goes, we need 5 more weeks? Thats allot, it is advertised in the videos " Available now" but thats not true! any info?

    Is coming out in June? It should come out now, be able to fix some bugs for the consoles!

    They are going to cancel the console versions.

    For a later date? If its a total cancel, gonna be huge news. If they do a total cancel, they can improve the spell bar box's :) from 5 to 8 or 10... :)

    Dont listen to ragnar, he jsut randomly makes things up sometimes

    Thats why I said, is going to be big news! Beause I am always checking, even if its not accurate, game sales. How a game goes. And its up to (estimated) 200.000 copies allready pre-ordered for ps4 and xbox one.
    Added a new overhead icon for group leaders.
    Nice. I was hoping for this.
  • Sandhya
    Any updates on SLI support from ZOS itself? We know the Nvidia response putting the ball back at Zenimax, what has been the follow-up to this? Does anyone know? Maybe an official response?
  • caveman42ub17_ESO
    Right now, AOE is already limited to 6 in almost all situations. It has always been like this.

    Here's video evidence:

    The internet outcry about ZOS was ruining the game (thanks, Tamriel Foundary by the way!) had one small problem - nobody had checked what they were on about.

    You are entirely wrong. I run an Aoe specced dragonknight and if it's in my range, I can hit it.
  • soulassassin808b16_ESO
    They need to fix PVP vampires NOW! It has already completely destroyed any PVP balance
  • Mephane
    Moonraker wrote: »
    NPC enemies in caves and overland in Cyrodiil have been adjusted to Veteran Rank five difficulty.

    Does anyone have an idea for the reasoning behind this? This will kill all solo PvE content in Cyrodiil and force grouping for anything below the higher VR when going into caves.
    - Bosmer Nightblade Archer -
  • DanteYoda
    Dungeon Chest Changes
    Chests within instances have undergone two changes:
    Shared Chests – Each player in the group who is within 50 meters of the chest when it is unlocked will get an individual roll on the chest.
    Reduced Number of Chests – Since each chest yields rewards for all group members, we have reduced the number of chests in instances to two total. Each instance will always have two chests in then, but the location of these two chests will be random within the dungeon.
    These changes do not affect chests that appear in public spaces, only those within instances.


    Death Recap
    Death Recap has been added to the game. When your character dies, a Death Recap window will now appear. It includes vital information about what contributed to your character’s death, including the most recent damage inflicted on your character and helpful hints to avoid death in the future based on how your character just perished.

    Really... you are going to "this is why you died" every-time i die? how pointless is this, i know why i died every time i die already...
    Edited by DanteYoda on April 29, 2014 11:25AM
  • Cepeza
    Perseas wrote: »
    And plz add a feature text in the recipes discription and motifs "You already learned that" because we have to try them first and if we get the message in our screen that we learned it before, then we can sell it. It would be time saving if there is info in the item "YOU ALLREADY learned that"

    I haven't tried to learn again for a second time a motif, because they are very expensive to risk it. But motifs need to be better text improved. When we get them, it says "dark elfs" " bretons" " redguards", etc... but when we check our traits if we learned them. They are typed differently, bosmer, altmer, etc. And because I am dyslexic and I have a problem memorizing names, this is a time killing googling it, to see what that is. So at least, make them be the same txt.

    Known/Unknown tag is currently present in tooltip desription for recipes.
  • Cepeza
    Cepeza wrote: »
    While the patch notes point to some welcome improvements/fixes I cannot objectively imagine one good thing about an AOE cap of 6. This is a bad idea which is only made worse by the upcoming release of Craglorn.

    Basically a healer in a party of 12 or 24 won't even be able to affect more than 6 people with an AOE heal. Not to mention the PVP implications. I do not see the wisdom of this direction....

    Not feeling very confident in long term sub at the moment. Hope this gets reviewed by the dev team and corrected.

    Couldn't agree more. :neutral_face:
    So if we argue 1 peep shouldnt be able to kill 24 peeps (like certain vampires ehrm...), why should 1 healer be able to heal 24 people?

    If the AoE limit is 6, bring 4 healers and dont run in a 10m radius zergblob, use small group tactics to get the heals where they are supposed to be.

    Aint more complicated than that :neutral_face:

    I didn't argue about 1 kill 24. If 4 man premade that know they jobs kickass well can't kill 24 man pug that mix up hilt with blade... well, that will inevitably lead to zerg fest, because you will not be able to achive anything in combat with 4 ppl group naymore. That's not crystal ball here, that's is just a logical consequence.

    What you say about 4 healers is just inconsistent.
  • Malediktus
    SirAndy wrote: »
    Malediktus wrote: »
    SirAndy wrote: »
    ToBbErT wrote: »
    Nothing about a true fullscreen mode. My second gpu eating dust :(
    True fullscreen is in the version we're testing on PTS right now, albeit a bit wonky.
    It didn't recognize my desktop resolution at first and started at 800x600 icon8.gif but after i set it manually, it did work OK ...

    PS: I have yet to test SLI or anything else that requires true fullscreen, maybe tonight ...
    can you test if forcing anti aliasing in the settings works? I really hate the current low quality shader based AA and would like to use MSAA or SSAA instead.

    - I tried several different ways to force better anti aliasing but none seems to work. Initially the game wouldn't even let me out of 800x600 fullscreen after trying to force settings. When i finally got it to render in 1920x1080, any forced AA settings were ignored, no matter what combinations i tried.

    - SLI. That's a tough one. I did get it to run on my dual GTX 780s but i didn't get the performance boost i had hoped for. I'll have to play with the settings a bit more to see if i can get this to work better.

    - 3D Vision is working! Of course it's not optimized at all, some surface shaders seem to be applied in 2D and look off in 3D. Also, some of the UI elements are rendered in 2D when they shouldn't be, like your crosshair (Just like in Skyrim :( ).
    However, the world overall looks pretty convincing in 3D. I think with a few tweaks to the depth planes of certain UI elements and some shader tweaks, this game could look awesome in 3D!
    Yes, I cant get better AA to work, too. With some work I got 2400x1500 downsampled to 1920x1200, but I always have to change the desktop resolution for it to work. They really should find a way to let us have better AA.

    @Malediktus --- Ebonheart Pact, EU-Megaserver
  • Krym
    Perseas wrote: »
    And plz add a feature text in the recipes discription and motifs "You already learned that" because we have to try them first and if we get the message in our screen that we learned it before, then we can sell it. It would be time saving if there is info in the item "YOU ALLREADY learned that"

    recipes you already learned have a "known recipe" in the upper left of the tooltip, motifs can't be learned a second time (gives "you already know that" msg), once you get eiditic memory you could check it there if it would working as intended. right now easiest is to makes a note and cross it off - it's only 13 motifs anyway ;)
    DanteYoda wrote: »
    Death Recap
    Death Recap has been added to the game. When your character dies, a Death Recap window will now appear. It includes vital information about what contributed to your character’s death, including the most recent damage inflicted on your character and helpful hints to avoid death in the future based on how your character just perished.

    Really... you are going to "this is why you died" every-time i die? how pointless is this, i know why i died every time i die already...

    cool story. how about simply ignoring it? keeping features out of the game because you don't think you'll need them is rather silly, don't you think?
    Edited by Krym on April 29, 2014 3:00PM
  • awkwarrd
    Interesting notes.
    Still no Cyradiil love.
  • Sadae
    Mephane wrote: »
    Moonraker wrote: »
    NPC enemies in caves and overland in Cyrodiil have been adjusted to Veteran Rank five difficulty.

    Does anyone have an idea for the reasoning behind this? This will kill all solo PvE content in Cyrodiil and force grouping for anything below the higher VR when going into caves.
    I recall reading somewhere around the the time of release date that this was always the plan. They'd have weaker mobs at the start until players got leveled up and into good gear, then they'd set the intended level of them later. I guess it's later now.
  • ChairGraveyard
    Seems like ZOS is determined to take all the worst "features" from GW2:

    Nerfing PvP quest to be daily (and it counts it from when you turn it in, of all stupid things). They could have made it scale up so you needed double the player kills each time, or something, even. But no. A lazy daily timer.

    Adding AoE caps, despite them being totally broken and enabling cheating in PvP via turtling/stacking.

    Diminishing returns/global lockout timers on dungeon bosses and world bosses - this doesn't affect bots like it's supposed to AT ALL, but does make the game worse for all normal players.

    At this rate, all they need to do is add diminishing returns to normal mobs and quests and they've basically copied most of the worst features from GW2.
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