Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

PATCH NOTES V.1.1 Inc. Craglorn - From PTS

  • SuperScrubby
    Wow a nerf to inhale to 3? It gives a pitiful 77 hp per target so you basically get 231 HP back for using 400+ magicka? Even with the magicka return on the morph the skill would still cost over 300 magicka. That's a terrible return. Makes the skill utterly useless in dungeons now. I'd like my point back that I put into that skill.

    ZM can't go around nerfing skills and only giving points back to a few of those skills. That's ridiculously stupid to do that and I hope that they're smarter than that. Any skill you dramatically alter you should be refunding the skill points people put in them. Hell any skill you touch since most likely it's going to be worse.
  • vizionblind_ESO
    good looking patch
  • Romtim
    Everything looks good, until I came to know about the AoE nerf. Anything, I repeat, anything that limits in certain way players, to make them play the game the way devs want them too - is a fail.

    This nerf will just force players to mindlessly zerg. I was so looking forward to finding a group of 4-8 people in my guild, to be able to PvP based on our playing skill, not our numbers. I never wanted to be a mindless brute that just runs where the zerg goes and more people - less easy to stop a zerg. It was always marketed by ESO officials as - a well placed aoe can stop a zerg from entering a castle, or so.

    Now, a well placed aoe will do nothing to a 40 player zerg. Even 5 well placed aoes will mathematically damage only 30 players. Even 10 well placed aoes will take off only 10% of the zergs health. you will now need 100 aoes or so to take down a 40man zerg that doesn't heal itself. And thats achievable only by ANOTHER ZERG.

    Bye bye, well coordinated and self-sustaining, self-complementary groups, that could actually have an impact on the situation in cyrodill.

    I really hope, that these changes don't go live. AoE damage cap of 6 targets? Kills it for me.

    And here I was.. Farming and farming levels to get to v10 to get the top gear and join a PvP group and do tactical strikes on enemy zergs. Looks like even the PvE wont save it for me.
  • Romtim
    If you only did it to nerf vampires, make them unable to cast in mist form, and make it a toggle that eats ur magicka per second. There you go.
  • Nehemia
    At least now I have no doubt whether I should unsubscribe.
  • ToBbErT
    Nothing about a true fullscreen mode. My second gpu eating dust :(
  • blackwolf7
    Wow people no need to announce xD if you want to unsubscribe then unsubscribe as if zos cares lol
  • Omniphonic
    Tyr wrote: »

    So before you make a comment that the devs made the wrong balancing pass, you should ask yourself why they may have made such changes "in the wrong direction".
    It would be easy to pick apart the entirety of your ludicrous, laughable post but I'll settle for this one tidbit because it's otherwise not worth the time to dispel your well-entrenched illusions. I didn't even bring my wizard hat.

    Video game developers are, without a single exception, the mental equivalent of 12 year-olds. I base this hypothesis on extensive research of almost 30 years of dedicated video game playing. In every single game I've ever played and will ever play in my entire life, there are aspects of the game that can only be attributed to deriving from the mentality of a bunch of middle-schoolers sitting around snorting pixie-stix and giggling to themselves.

    Don't let this post distract you from your obsessive, blind worship of all things with any kind of backing through authority or finance though, by all means.
  • maxilaub17_ESO
    I agree with other's abut "inhale", if it needed a nerf fine, but give us our points back because it now sucks. The amount of health return from 3 mobs and its majika cost is too high. So return our points for it like you have done for other ability nerfs.
  • SuperScrubby
    Wow you give them way more years of mental maturity than I do. I've said it before and will say it again. Dev's are terrible at playing games themselves and rely on people they can relate with. That's usually other scrubs with the mental competency of a 9 year old. Birds of a feather flock together.

    They really need to do something about what they perceive as issues. Sure they may have data, but as most smart people know you can easily manipulate data to show you whatever you want to see. Whatever data the dev's are so called looking at has to be skewed. Otherwise you could see that some of these game changing "fixes" are utter garbage.
  • oxygen_boarderb16_ESO
    Wait so a lot of this arm chair commentary is coming off of actually testing the PTS or just throwing wild accusations around?
    Toktok - Vet8 Orc Templar - 2 Hand, Medium/Heavy Armor Grunt - Blacksmith/Clothier/Enchanter/Alchemist
  • Santiago
    The complete lack of quality of life improvements and fixes for single player storyline bosses (either allowing two players or making them easier after a few attempts) is disturubing.

    Zeminax it seems you aren't listening to your players and you don't get what it takes to keep a game alive and retain subscribers.

    The UI, or lack thereof, is obvious. Such as:
    1. No tier labels on materials
    2. No floating chat tabs
    3. No magica/stamina bars for group members
    4. No filtering of offline members in guild window (baffling)
    5. Non movable windows
    6. No keyboard modifers. I don't want to use alt for ONE thing, or cntrl either. Why make it difficult for your customers?

    Storyline bosses need tweaked for casual players. Also you should be introducing TIERED content with selectable difficulty levels. Haven't you observed anything about what makes a game successful? You are isolating a huge section of your population and they are all ready to leave, NOW, for other games before even one subscription month.

    If you don't understand from the history of other game failures and successes this game is not going to succeed. You're on the road of losing first month subs in the thousands unless you make changes. This is a fantastic game but in far too many ways you've made it overly frustrating to the point people are ready to leave already.

    Please listen to your customers and make the changes we need not the changes you want.
  • ShinChuck
    Bravo, looking forward to seeing this implemented! The sooner the better! Thanks guys!
    "It's morally wrong to suggest gameplay changes for an MMO."
    ...seriously, someone told me that once here. The things people will do to win their internet arguments!
  • driosketch
    Wait so a lot of this arm chair commentary is coming off of actually testing the PTS or just throwing wild accusations around?
    @oxygen_boarderb16_ESO‌ It's the latter.

    Main: Drio Azul ~ DC, Redguard, Healer/Magicka Templar ~ NA-PC
    ●The Psijic Order●The Sidekick Order●Great House Hlaalu●Bal-Busters●
  • Eam
    Halorin wrote: »
    I like how Werewolf actually gets nerfed, given the sorry state it's in.

    really? you gonna do that do werewolf wich has no impact to the entire game whatsoever?
  • SilverWF
    Inhale (and morphs): This ability’s initial life drain morphs can now hit a maximum of three targets. This also applies to Inhale’s morphs.

    Please, return us SP what we have spent for this ability, coz now it nearly to be useless
    • PC EU. Ebonheart Pact. CP 1k+
    • YouTube: All ESO disguises (2014)
    • EU players are humans too! We want our maintenances in the least pop time (at deep night) and not lasted for several hours!
    • Animation canceR - is true PvP cancer! When you can't see which actions your opponent do - you can't react properly on them!
  • zeuseason
    When did I stumble onto the WoW forums....I must have clicked the wrong button?
  • Sakiri
    I agree with other's abut "inhale", if it needed a nerf fine, but give us our points back because it now sucks. The amount of health return from 3 mobs and its majika cost is too high. So return our points for it like you have done for other ability nerfs.

    Yeah, it's going off my bar after this one.
  • patrikblb16_ESO
    Tons of *** adressed here, sadly the known issues that are not fixed in this patch is far longer than these notes. :(
  • soalrism
    Santiago wrote: »
    Please listen to your customers and make the changes we need not the changes you want.

    you mean, making the changes YOU want??

  • SirAndy
    ToBbErT wrote: »
    Nothing about a true fullscreen mode. My second gpu eating dust :(
    True fullscreen is in the version we're testing on PTS right now, albeit a bit wonky.
    It didn't recognize my desktop resolution at first and started at 800x600 icon8.gif but after i set it manually, it did work OK ...

    PS: I have yet to test SLI or anything else that requires true fullscreen, maybe tonight ...
    Edited by SirAndy on April 28, 2014 8:21PM
  • 0ctave
    The change to inhale really needs to be reconsidered. It is certainly not an overpowered ability and the changes will make it almost useless. It should at least follow the other aoe changes and make its limit to 6 targets. Either that or the health return needs to be increased quite a lot if it is going to be limited to 3 targets.
  • jonahx
    zeuseason wrote: »
    When did I stumble onto the WoW forums....I must have clicked the wrong button?

  • Holycannoli
    Right now, AOE is already limited to 6 in almost all situations. It has always been like this.

    Here's video evidence:

    The internet outcry about ZOS was ruining the game (thanks, Tamriel Foundary by the way!) had one small problem - nobody had checked what they were on about.

    I don't know. I've never noticed a limit on any of my AOE abilities. I swore I've hit more than 6 targets at a time in dungeons where you get swarmed by little critters but I don't know for sure because I never paid attention to the actual number of critters.

    I chose increased radius for my AOE morphs to be able to hit as many targets as possible in PVP.

    Is it possible there actually is a limit and I just never noticed? Yes. There's zero indication in game that AOE has a limit (it should at least say in the skill descriptions) and it's possible in Cyrodiil that I'm not noticing my volley, lightning splash and siege engines aren't hitting more than 6 targets at a time.

    I've never used healing skills so I have no experience there.

    If this is true that there is a limit then I think I'll be OK with this PTS change, since it's also true that I'm happy with the state of AOE right now except for certain broken vampire combinations. That is unless the AOE skills I'm using are currently broken and will be "nerfed" when this goes live. (mostly volley, lightning splash, lightning form, dark talons, meat catapults and fire trebuchets. Does anyone know if any of those are currently broken and hitting more targets than they should?
  • Malediktus
    SirAndy wrote: »
    ToBbErT wrote: »
    Nothing about a true fullscreen mode. My second gpu eating dust :(
    True fullscreen is in the version we're testing on PTS right now, albeit a bit wonky.
    It didn't recognize my desktop resolution at first and started at 800x600 icon8.gif but after i set it manually, it did work OK ...

    PS: I have yet to test SLI or anything else that requires true fullscreen, maybe tonight ...
    can you test if forcing anti aliasing in the settings works? I really hate the current low quality shader based AA and would like to use MSAA or SSAA instead.

    @Malediktus --- Ebonheart Pact, EU-Megaserver
  • Cepeza
    While the patch notes point to some welcome improvements/fixes I cannot objectively imagine one good thing about an AOE cap of 6. This is a bad idea which is only made worse by the upcoming release of Craglorn.

    Basically a healer in a party of 12 or 24 won't even be able to affect more than 6 people with an AOE heal. Not to mention the PVP implications. I do not see the wisdom of this direction....

    Not feeling very confident in long term sub at the moment. Hope this gets reviewed by the dev team and corrected.

    Couldn't agree more. :neutral_face:
  • Romtim
    Cepeza wrote: »
    While the patch notes point to some welcome improvements/fixes I cannot objectively imagine one good thing about an AOE cap of 6. This is a bad idea which is only made worse by the upcoming release of Craglorn.

    Basically a healer in a party of 12 or 24 won't even be able to affect more than 6 people with an AOE heal. Not to mention the PVP implications. I do not see the wisdom of this direction....

    Not feeling very confident in long term sub at the moment. Hope this gets reviewed by the dev team and corrected.

    Couldn't agree more. :neutral_face:

    Yeah, I like the game pretty much so far, and was looking forward to longterm subbing, however this change, if it will impact the game as I expect it to, I will be very sad, with many free time freed up from playing ESO :(
  • murklor007neb18_ESO
    Cepeza wrote: »
    While the patch notes point to some welcome improvements/fixes I cannot objectively imagine one good thing about an AOE cap of 6. This is a bad idea which is only made worse by the upcoming release of Craglorn.

    Basically a healer in a party of 12 or 24 won't even be able to affect more than 6 people with an AOE heal. Not to mention the PVP implications. I do not see the wisdom of this direction....

    Not feeling very confident in long term sub at the moment. Hope this gets reviewed by the dev team and corrected.

    Couldn't agree more. :neutral_face:
    So if we argue 1 peep shouldnt be able to kill 24 peeps (like certain vampires ehrm...), why should 1 healer be able to heal 24 people?

    If the AoE limit is 6, bring 4 healers and dont run in a 10m radius zergblob, use small group tactics to get the heals where they are supposed to be.

    Aint more complicated than that :neutral_face:
  • Romtim
    Cepeza wrote: »
    While the patch notes point to some welcome improvements/fixes I cannot objectively imagine one good thing about an AOE cap of 6. This is a bad idea which is only made worse by the upcoming release of Craglorn.

    Basically a healer in a party of 12 or 24 won't even be able to affect more than 6 people with an AOE heal. Not to mention the PVP implications. I do not see the wisdom of this direction....

    Not feeling very confident in long term sub at the moment. Hope this gets reviewed by the dev team and corrected.

    Couldn't agree more. :neutral_face:
    So if we argue 1 peep shouldnt be able to kill 24 peeps (like certain vampires ehrm...), why should 1 healer be able to heal 24 people?

    If the AoE limit is 6, bring 4 healers and dont run in a 10m radius zergblob, use small group tactics to get the heals where they are supposed to be.

    Aint more complicated than that :neutral_face:
    Yeah, only that in order to not die (to not recieve full aoe damage) you are forced to run in zergs, so that you are not hit by AoEs. So you are kinda supposed to run in smaller groups to heal better, but still run in zergs in order to not receive damage at all.
  • SirAndy
    The AoE limit has *always* been 6 and has worked with that limit for most abilities ever since i remember.

    I'm not sure why everyone thinks this is something new. All they're doing is fixing a bug where some AoE effects didn't apply the limit correctly.
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