EdmondDontes wrote: »
We know it is also Rich's opinion because he did nothing to correct the record. This is not a one off comment. It's a consistent theme on their stream.
We were two years into this conversation prior to COVID. Sure, there have been issues related to COVID and keeping the business running, but developing video games is also a profession that easily lends itself to remote production.
There is zero evidence that they are working on performance issues. In more than four years of this discussion things have degraded, not improved. So even if they are "working on it", they have provided no details of any kind, just their words with negative results. So expecting anyone to believe they are actually working on performance issues at this point doesn't fly.
spartaxoxo wrote: »
I honestly agree 100% that that's needed. The reason people are pestering Rich so much is because he's the only source of frequent and consistent communication. I really hope the solution is we get more official streams and not Rich just stops doing it because he doesn't want to deal with things like things. It's pretty obvious to me that the lack of this is the core of how this happened.
InaMoonlight wrote: »I snortgrinned and nosefountained my coffee
Since I personally have no sympathy for the players, I can only applaud with approval. Developers should do what they think appropriate for the game. Players should either accept it or go away. Game as a vision of developers is more important than any player wishes or expectations.
ShalidorsHeir wrote: »
@InaMoonlight im with you xDD the more i realized how many crazy things happened and were caused within this 20 secs the funnier it gets
VaranisArano wrote: »So in context, I think it's better and worse than I expected.
How its better: I found her irritation more understandable in that the PVP question interrupted a fairly serious conversation about accessibility for players who would benefit from better visual options. They were talking about weighing options people want (like bards) and options players need (like accessibility).
Then the PVP question drops in there trying to make it seem like PVP performance is equivalent to a visual disability.
I mean, I like PVP a lot. But even I had the reaction of "Just no, that's not how you ask if you want a serious answer." I'd be irritated too. (Maybe I'm putting an unfair construction on the question, but that's my first impression of it in context. So, sorry if I'm being unfair.)
The player asking about bards was a LOT more gracious, by the way, stating that they'd rather have the accessibility issues come first for the sake of people who they know would benefit.
VaranisArano wrote: »
How it's worse: Rich's wife talked about how she talks to him about the ideas she thinks are worth fighting for (like visual accessibility.)
On the one hand, she's a player too. She can fight for the issues she thinks are important, just like we can...albeit she has a more personal connection. I imagine that's a tight line to walk some days.
On the other hand, if she's talking about unofficially representing certain player concerns, there's a reason there's a backlash from the PVP players who were just told "I have no sympathy."
There's a reason the official player representatives were chosen for their skill in PVE and PVP.
VaranisArano wrote: »
In the 15 minutes I watched, it really solidified my perception that Rich's stream is one of the few ways that players are getting regular info about what the Devs are doing and thinking regarding specific player concerns. Rich and his wife briefly talked about bards, visual accessibility, concerns regarding day/night cycle controls, more character slots, new class development, and PVP.
This is a "personal" stream. But when it's giving information that can't be found through official channels, it shouldn't be any surprise that players who want answers are pushing more and more emphasis onto that "personal" stream.
Suggestion for the Communications Team: If you want to take the heat off of Rich and his Stream as one of the few ways to actually have a real back-and-forth conversation with one of the Devs, have you considered providing more official versions of the type of information he's sharing on stream? Even regular Q&As or Ask Me Anythings might help.
VaranisArano wrote: »
Eh, they have working on it. It's just that nothing's worked to fix the big pain points.
The no proc set tests were originally about performance, remember? (Didn't make a difference)
The Champion Point rework was also supposed to help streamline some server-side checks.
We've had a number of small fixes to crashes.
So they are doing work on it.
It's just a little like fixing the dents on a car while the engine is failing.
VaranisArano wrote: »
I kind of doubt that the Devs' vision is a Cyrodiil where players get stuck in combat, lag, skills don't fire, and they've had to slash the max population to a fraction of what it was at launch.
But what do I know?
Since I personally have no sympathy for the players, I can only applaud with approval. Developers should do what they think appropriate for the game. Players should either accept it or go away. Game as a vision of developers is more important than any player wishes or expectations.
EdmondDontes wrote: »
In the discussion thread about those tests they clearly say they are going to report back to the community the results of those tests. Can you point us to where they communicated their results and what they learned?
At some point people have to demand results for their money. "We're working on it" does not constitute results. When "we're working on it" is combined with mocking, it really fails hard.
Kryptonite_Kent wrote: »
Umm thats not how games work, if you have no players then you have no game to have a vision for chief...
spartaxoxo wrote: »
No. You paid for the fruits of her husband's labor, not his house. He earned that with his work. You got something out of the business arrangement too.
Secondly I already said her comment was inappropriate and he should apologize.
Since I personally have no sympathy for the players, I can only applaud with approval. Developers should do what they think appropriate for the game. Players should either accept it or go away. Game as a vision of developers is more important than any player wishes or expectations.
VaranisArano wrote: »
You mean the No Proc tests?
From Gina, the results:
"Thanks to everyone for participating in this latest Cyrodiil test where we disabled all proc sets. Similar to what many of you have noted in your feedback, we found this test did not impact performance in a measurable amount; if anything, there was a very slight degradation of performance at times, likely due to a higher population of players in Cyrodiil.
We’ve heard from a lot of you that despite performance largely being the same, disabling proc sets has breathed new life into PvP gameplay and has made fights more enjoyable and fun. To that end, we’ll be leaving proc sets disabled until Update 31 launches in Q3. At that point, we will have implemented some new code so we can have more flexibility to campaign rulesets as it applies to proc sets. We’ll work on applying all this to consoles as well, and we’ll let you know when we have a date for this starting.
Now that we’ve had time to digest a lot of data and information, we have a better idea of next steps and the work needed to produce noticeable improvements to performance in Cyrodiil. This work is complex and will take a fair amount of time and effort. We are committed to improving the PvP experience, though, and we have already begun scheduling out this work. Please note that none of the scheduled work will implement any of the changes we made on PC during past tests, and at this time we don’t plan to run any additional tests.
When Update 29 launches on Monday for PC, we’ll be turning off double AP but proc sets will remain disabled as mentioned above. We appreciate the time everyone spent in Cyrodiil during these tests and all the feedback that’s been submitted."
Now, I don't think we've heard much more about scheduling out the next steps, as she mentioned. Part of that might be pandemic disruptions. Part of that might be, as Gina noted on her Twitter, that updates like "we're still working on it" are unsatisfying.
Or, there might be no progress at all. Who knows? We've certainly see no major improvements.
EdmondDontes wrote: »
Most people don't pay to be mocked and lied to.
edward_frigidhands wrote: »
Your comment is misplaced here.
Players are questioning quality rather than design choices.
Go look up some games where the players left.
spartaxoxo wrote: »
I actually completely understand PvPers frustration with how long it's taking, and also think some of this is self inflicted by the devs because of a lack of roadmap and updates.
spartaxoxo wrote: »
It was NOT an official stream in any capacity. Not only is entirely his personal stream with a lot of content about his personal life, the proceeeds go to animal rescue unaffiliated with ZOS. It was her personal hour to talk and she was mostly there to talk about that, accessibility in gaming, and her personal life NOT the game. The question was asked at an inappropriate time and she got annoyed and gave a totally inappropriate answer.
VaranisArano wrote: »Suggestion for the Communications Team: If you want to take the heat off of Rich and his Stream as one of the few ways to actually have a real back-and-forth conversation with one of the Devs, have you considered providing more official versions of the type of information he's sharing on stream? Even regular Q&As or Ask Me Anythings might help.
EU PC 2000+ CP professional mudballer and pie thrower"Sheggorath, you are the Skooma Cat, for what is crazier than a cat on skooma?" - Fadomai
etchedpixels wrote: »
And as the saying goes - those without sin should cast the first stone.
I doubt any one of the people castigating him for a single carefully chosen clip of a single misjudged response haven't put their foot in it at some time.
If you really want Zenimax to communicate more this isn't the way to go about it. It's exactly why many companies produce nothing but faceless PR posts that basically say "no comment. no comment, here's something you didn't ask about we want to push" and have no developer streams, personal insights or anything else except specially staged obviously scripted "interviews".