At the end of the day. The PvP community could have grown over the years to be as big as the PvE community. The main thing holding growth back was a server that could not handle our desire to play resulting in an unfun experience when decent amount of people are on.
I understand that this response wasn't made directly by Rich, but it makes you wonder if these are his true feelings.
Kryptonite_Kent wrote: »This honestly has me really fired up, I hope everyone shares this video in their pvp guilds discord channels so all the pvp base can see what they think about their own players... and maybe rethink all those ESO plus memberships...
spartaxoxo wrote: »
It's not the opinion of anyone who works for ZOS, just a mother being a bit too protective of a dev.
They are working on it really hard actually, and the pandemic really screwed them over. They are performing an entire rearchitecture just because of PVP, and they are also upgrading to better servers which got delayed due to Covid.
I actually watched this live on Rich's twitch channel when she said this, and right off I said this is going to bite them in the butt. I personally would not allow my wife to answer questions on a live stream about a game she has nothing to do with.
spartaxoxo wrote: »
Ah. I saw her referred to mom here earlier in the thread and hadn't watched them enough times to know exactly who she was. Thanks for the correction, I'll fix it.
ShalidorsHeir wrote: »@VaranisArano at 38:55
i think went on glad they could use a sub as distraction
markulrich1966 wrote: »seing the short clip I thought it was a faux pax.
Seing the other, longer clip posted afterwards I learned, that these streams are obviously mainly about problems with autistic symptoms of their children, psychotherapy, their dogs, the new house they want to go because of the open kitchen concept, Rich's muscle training etc. pp.
The woman is obviously Rich's wife, and so you must see her reply in that context.
When someone asks in a "private" chat something gamerelated while his woman is talking about the family issues, he must expect an "incompetent" answer. It is simply not the correct setting for this question.
He could wait at last until Rich is taking over, and not interrupt his wife's "teatable talk" with technical issues.
So calm down, and stop overrating a reply taken out of context.
(And yes, the crashes taking a keep in cyro on xbox really suck and emberrass me, nevertheless I don't like taking things out of context).
SantieClaws wrote: »This one thinks we have missed the most important point of all.
What does the parrot think about PvP?
Yours with paws
Santie Claws
SantieClaws wrote: »This one thinks we have missed the most important point of all.
What does the parrot think about PvP?
Yours with paws
Santie Claws
Sylvermynx wrote: »The issue is that ZOS is supposed to manage its employees in a way that - uh.... should be professional, considering they're a large AAA game publisher. And in this case, they didn't do so: they turned a blind eye to the insertion of a non-employee (a developer's wife) into a more or less official public media stream - and that particular non-employee (unless of course she IS an employee in some capacity - which players cannot be reliably expected to know) made some remarks that are.... denigrative to those to whom pvp is serious business not to mention the reason those people PLAY the game.
spartaxoxo wrote: »But this was NOT part of his work for them at all
spartaxoxo wrote: »
It's not the opinion of anyone who works for ZOS, just a wife being a bit too protective of a dev.
They are working on it really hard actually, and the pandemic really screwed them over. They are performing an entire rearchitecture just because of PVP, and they are also upgrading to better servers which got delayed due to Covid.
Rich gets a ton of questions about pvp when he streams. I actually watched his stream a few times and it was a ton of them and most of what he'd have to answer. She clearly got fed up with it and did something she shouldn't have but I don't think it represents what he thinks or zos. Just what is stressing him out at work and someone doing too much about it.
I appreciate how you are trying to present the "other" side of this........
I could appreciate it if they are continuing to work on it, but I would ask anyone who continues to say this - how long does a person wait? I reached my "quit moment" in September, when a new mmo with a pvp focus came out(please refrain from commenting on that mmo, its irrelevant to this discussion). How many prominent pvp players left ESO in September?All other things aside, how long does a person wait? 1 year? 2 years? 5 years? If they have been genuinely working on it for years, and they dont want to add new content because they are working on it, how long do I have to wait, without new content, before I decide to leave???? How would the pve crowd behave if they had no new content for years, and on top of that their content didnt work properly? Saintly, with Mother Theresa levels of compassion and empathy, I'm sure......
Also, this is Rich's stream. As many have said it's his personal stream. I dont really watch twitch streams, and I'm not the only one. If I dont watch his stream, does that mean I miss out on critical information? What I'm really getting at is that a roadmap for the future of pvp should be posted ON OFFICIAL FORUMS. The lack of this contributes to the feeling that it's just "being worked on" . Incidentally, that other terrible, evil, horrible, new mmo recently had the devs create an hour and a half long video about their roadmap for the next few months. I thought to myself "wha? A pvp roadmap, that exists?"
Again I appreciate how you are presenting the other side of this, but you cannot expect people to just sit there and wait, and wait. And wait.....
spartaxoxo wrote: »
It was NOT an official stream in any capacity. Not only is entirely his personal stream with a lot of content about his personal life, the proceeeds go to animal rescue unaffiliated with ZOS. It was her personal hour to talk and she was mostly there to talk about that, accessibility in gaming, and her personal life NOT the game. The question was asked at an inappropriate time and she got annoyed and gave a totally inappropriate answer.
That's what actually happened. He should apologize anyway because whenever he's facing the public, he's representing zos. It goes with such a job.
But this was NOT part of his work for them at all
spartaxoxo wrote: »
It's not the opinion of anyone who works for ZOS, just a wife being a bit too protective of a dev.
They are working on it really hard actually, and the pandemic really screwed them over. They are performing an entire rearchitecture just because of PVP, and they are also upgrading to better servers which got delayed due to Covid.
Rich gets a ton of questions about pvp when he streams. I actually watched his stream a few times and it was a ton of them and most of what he'd have to answer. She clearly got fed up with it and did something she shouldn't have but I don't think it represents what he thinks or zos. Just what is stressing him out at work and someone doing too much about it.
The3sFinest wrote: »
It says "Game development, AMA". Maybe he should remove that, or she should have her own channel if she does not want it to look like she is representing ESO, or doing "unofficial streams".
spartaxoxo wrote: »
It's not the opinion of anyone who works for ZOS, just a wife being a bit too protective of a dev.
They are working on it really hard actually, and the pandemic really screwed them over. They are performing an entire rearchitecture just because of PVP, and they are also upgrading to better servers which got delayed due to Covid.
Rich gets a ton of questions about pvp when he streams. I actually watched his stream a few times and it was a ton of them and most of what he'd have to answer. She clearly got fed up with it and did something she shouldn't have but I don't think it represents what he thinks or zos. Just what is stressing him out at work and someone doing too much about it.
spartaxoxo wrote: »
It was NOT an official stream in any capacity. Not only is entirely his personal stream with a lot of content about his personal life, the proceeeds go to animal rescue unaffiliated with ZOS. It was her personal hour to talk and she was mostly there to talk about that, accessibility in gaming, and her personal life NOT the game. The question was asked at an inappropriate time and she got annoyed and gave a totally inappropriate answer.
That's what actually happened. He should apologize anyway because whenever he's facing the public, he's representing zos. It goes with such a job.
But this was NOT part of his work for them at all
VaranisArano wrote: »Suggestion for the Communications Team: If you want to take the heat off of Rich and his Stream as one of the few ways to actually have a real back-and-forth conversation with one of the Devs, have you considered providing more official versions of the type of information he's sharing on stream? Even regular Q&As or Ask Me Anythings might help.