RDMyers65b14_ESO wrote: »There needs to be a public apology for Mrs Lambert's remarks. What she did was uncalled for. I expect better from a woman of her age. (I am in my mid 50s, myself). Her husband is a face of ZOS even on his private but very public stream.
edward_frigidhands wrote: »
The thing is, it was quite clearly a mocking remark at the original question, but she made an assumption that they were being a troll and asking a question with troll intentions, when it wasn't.
The problem is they are treating legitimate questions and concerns as bait and trolly comments and responding to that with troll responses, aka the "wah wah wah I have no sympathy". In no way would combating trolls by being trolly yourself would end in a good response, but the thing is it wasn't a troll response.
They are treating genuine questions now as if they are troll bait messages meant to demean them, which is silencing any sort of genuine constructive criticism and writing it off entirely.
OtarTheMad wrote: »So I agree that some are making a mountain out of an anthill.
AuraNebula wrote: »https://youtu.be/oSDxjJ15YII
I guess we are all just a bunch of crybabies who only like to troll developers. Forget that we have invested years and thousands of hours into a game that we love. Some people may come across as demanding, but in reality they are frustrated and just want a game that works.
Edit: Performance has been bad for years and many PvPers have felt neglected because of it. For years we have heard "We are working on it" and now those words do not mean anything. We don't know what they are working on. We have no way of knowing when they estimate it will be fixed. We just get shamed for caring. If we don't like it we can play another game according to that lady.
Oh well...The same as I felt when I saw that twitch clip from stream where Rich banned a guy for asking a question about respec scrolls, if you know what I mean. That's what we always had, this kind of attitude towards players, It's just that finally more and more people started to notice it.
Pepegrillos wrote: »
In any case, the fact that Lambert's stream is orbited by a select few uncritical, self-serving sycophants explains why this kind of behavior might seem acceptable within the stream. They've created an environment where all criticism is received and perceived as an attack, even a personal attack. No wonder why criticism or less-than-favorable questions can be dealt with derision.
OtarTheMad wrote: »
Oh well...The same as I felt when I saw that twitch clip from stream where Rich banned a guy for asking a question about respec scrolls, if you know what I mean. That's what we always had, this kind of attitude towards players, It's just that finally more and more people started to notice it.
Ragged_Claw wrote: »To answer the OP's question, I'll tell you how this makes me feel, it makes me feel like (some) PvPers are ruining things for everyone again. Rich streams now primarily to raise money for a dog rescue group which is headed by his wife, Terri. Terri does a 'takeover' and talks more personally about life. She is warm and funny and incredibly welcoming. She does, however, shoot straight from the hip and takes no nonsense, she also has a wicked sense of humor and has us all in hysterics for the duration of her takeovers.
Should she have done the crying thing? Probably not, but then should people be harrassing HER about PvP issues during her segment? Obviously not.
If most of you knew this, you would know the context behind Terri's comments. Instead here are people wading in who've clearly never watched one of their streams, expecting them to be inhuman ZoS representatives even when off the clock and outright lying about things said on Stream and in chat.
So thanks, PvPers for your manufactured outrage over a comment made in jest by someone who has no control over the state of PvP, because Rich may not be able to or want to stream now, so that's a loss of finance for the dog rescue, which personally I think is more important than any aspect of a video game. Cheers for that.
Rohamad_Ali wrote: »There is no need for the community to be divided on this. Had this remark came up regarding any community, RP, PvE or Raids most everyone would be a little upset.
There is a rule to drama. Who ever stirred the bitter pot should be the one to lick the spoon..
Ragged_Claw wrote: »I've never seen 'Rich' ban anyone for asking a question, that would most likely have been one of his mods. He answers the same questions over and over again with more patience than I'd ever have. Do you have a link to this 'banning'?