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Shadowfen quests.

  • Transorb
    same boat, stuck at 58 - having trouble finding the last 4
  • frozywozy
    ZOS_AlanG wrote: »
    There have been several threads on this topic, and we want everyone to know that we are aware of the concerns, and have escalated this to the appropriate people.

    It would be great to see it in the "known issues" thread. Thank you :)
    Frozn - Stamdk - AR50
    Frosted - Magplar - AR50
    Frodn - Magden - AR50
    Warmed - Magblade - AR50
    Mmfrozy - Magsorc - AR44
    Necrozn - Magcro - AR32
    PvP Group Builds

    “Small minds discuss people, average minds discuss events, and great minds discuss ideas.” -Eleanor Roosevelt
    • Fix Volendrung (spawn location - weapon white on the map causing the wielder to keep it forever - usable with emperorship)
    • Remove / Change CPs System, remove current CP/noCP campaigns and introduce one 30days with lock, one with no locks
    • Fix crashes when approaching a keep under attack because of bad / wrong rendering prioritization system
    • Change emperorship to value faction score points and not alliance points - see this and this
    • Fix long loading screens (mostly caused by players joining group out of rendering range)
    • Add 2 more quickslots to the wheel or add a different wheel for sieges weaponry only
    • Fix Balista Bolts not dealing damage on walls or doors if deployed at a certain place
    • Release bigger battlegrounds with 8 to 16 players per team and only two teams
    • Fix the permanent block animation - see examples : link1 link2 link3 link4 link5
    • Gives players 10 minutes to get back into Cyrodiil after relogging / crashing
    • Add a function to ignore the Claiming system of useless rewards
    • Improve the Mailing System / Rewards of the Worthy stacking
    • Assign specific group sizes to specific campaigns (24-16-8)
    • Make forward camps impossible to place near objectives
    • Make snares only available from ground effects abilities
    • Change emperorship to last minimum 24hours
    • Fix body sliding after cc breaking too quickly
    • Remove Block Casting through Battle Spirit
    • Fix the speed drop while jumping - see video
    • Fix loading screens when keeps upgrade
    • Fix Rams going crazy (spinning around)
    • Bring back dynamic ulti regeneration
    • Fix speed bug (abilities locked)
    • Introduce dynamic population
    • Lower population cap by 20%
    • Add Snare Immunity potions
    • Bring resurrection sickness
    • Fix character desync
    • Fix cc breaking bug
    • Fix gap closer bug
    • Fix health desync
    • Fix combat bug
    • Fix streak bug
    • Fix server lag
  • michael.kuijpersb16_ESO
    another hint for eyes of the enemy
    Hello again, Michael!

    You have completed "Getting to the Truth" and "Trail of the Skin-Stealer", but not "Eyes of the Enemy". This one overhead some wise words from the High Elves as they gathered into the Room of Secret Knowledge. If this one heard it right:

    Three to find

    One will bind

    Sequence the trials

    Complete the tri

    Miss the link

    Break the chain

    Shadowfen incomplete

    One shall remain

    Travel the lands

    Command and conquer

    Soon we shall provide

    The missing link

    That is all the information that can be gathered. If you should have any further questions or issues, please do not hesitate to seek our assistance once again. May your road lead you to warm sands, Adventurer.

    Warm Regards,

    The Elder Scrolls Online Team

    so i dont have an idea
    Edited by michael.kuijpersb16_ESO on April 29, 2014 8:29AM
    Watch your thoughts; they become words.
    Watch your words; they become actions.
    Watch your actions; they become habits.
    Watch your habits; they become character.
    Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.
  • InvictoNZ

    Do the intimidate / persuade options which let you side step side quests... reduce the completable number?

    Also failed an escort quest, due to being out of range... did not see the quest when I returned to the area again.
  • Flayedalive
    Nabren wrote: »
    Pretty sure there's definitely a bug. If you use intimidate during the Mercenary quest in Stormhold you don't get the follow up. If you find the pirates before you get the quest that takes you there you don't get that quest either so that's 2 quests right there that could have taken me to 63/62 yet I will never be able to complete them.

    I am currently at 61/62 and have literally combed the entire zone. I am very confident I am not missing anything. It would be nice if they could acknowledge this problem and even if they aren't certain it's related to a bug, maybe they could relax the achievement requirement a little bit or add a few more quests because the amount of players getting blocked by this issue/achievement is insane.

    I use intimidate and persuade whenever I can, maybe I should stop as its now stopped my progress too. I also found the pirates before I got sent to them, at least I think I did. Darn it, we need a completed quest tracker.
  • michael.kuijpersb16_ESO
    I have been thinking about
    Three to find

    One will bind

    Sequence the trials

    Complete the tri

    Miss the link

    Break the chain

    Shadowfen incomplete

    One shall remain

    Travel the lands

    Command and conquer

    Soon we shall provide

    The missing link

    Isnt it about hissmir? One will bind, the last trial binds you to the hiss tree if im not mistaken (done it while ago), then you have to link the statues, after that you have to conquer the dominion? So it should be around hissmir if im not mistaken but i think it could be everything and it hasnt a quest marker on it ...
    Watch your thoughts; they become words.
    Watch your words; they become actions.
    Watch your actions; they become habits.
    Watch your habits; they become character.
    Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.
  • LonePirate
    I am completely puzzled why this problem still persists. This thread is far and away the largest thread in any of the three factions' specific discussion forums. The issue is now 25 days old. Plus, the issue has an easy fix - lower the number of completed quests to around 58 in order to obtain the achievement and then run a script during a patch update to reprocess the achievement for everyone. This is not difficult or time consuming which baffles me as to why it has not been fixed yet. I guess we need to keep filing /bug reports and keep discussing the issue here to give it even more visibility.
  • Zarman
    Quest list, if anyone's interested.|faction=25&tv|location=1175
  • KraidenDove
    I'm thinking the code is this @michael.kuijpersb16_ESO and everyone else.

    (As the ZO team probably is having to consult with their supervisors and are desperately tired of getting yelled out by us/want to throw us a bone instead of sounding like blatant idiots for being made to talk like morons in response tickets)

    Three to find - There are currently three quests that can be skipped and have the potential to incomplete the 62/62 quests. -Confirmed on other posts related to this ticket.

    One will bind - One continually keeps messing up for many people.

    Sequence the trials - Around the Hissmir trial area linking to another area. (possibly)

    Complete the tri - (It is suppose to appear after the trial is complete)

    Miss the link - (Many are missing it and moving on to the next area either from phasing or the quest being in a hard to notice spot)

    Break the chain - (It is breaking most of the quest chains by players moving on to an area above their level *as many of you have noticed in shadowfen)

    Shadowfen incomplete - (Many can't complete shadowfen achievement because of this.)

    One shall remain - (The one quest persistently cannot be fixed at this time because it is A: going to cause too much trouble to reset or B: there are those on the dev team that believe this quest is fine and they are in disagreement to lower the achievement number to be fair to other players *which is bull#$%^*)

    Travel the lands - (Move on to the next area and veteran content while we work this out)

    Command and conquer (Go do PvP if you are past this level of play)

    Soon we shall provide - (We know about the issue and are coming up with a solution)

    The missing link - (Should be able to solve it soon *although soon is arbitrary in nature as soon could be until next convenient patch or hotfix*)

    In essence, this is all conjecture but if they are anything like SWTOR's customer service reps, they are being forced to stay in character (or they are being cute which I hope IS CERTAINLY NOT THE CASE!) and they notice the HORDE of people about to go crazy of this issue.

    If anyone sees anything else please speculate, it will keep this discussion going and force the higher up devs to pay attention.

    Edited by KraidenDove on April 29, 2014 4:39PM
  • ThyIronFist
    I'm at 60/62 and been exploring this swamp for a long while now. I have completed all quests that people have listed here. The one with that Nord all the way to the south-east of the Chid-Moska ruins. I've done the quest with the Breton slave-girl, I've done the lute quest, all dungeon quests, including Arx Corinium, the one with the Argonian and Guar. The green poisonous gas cloud. The 2 side missions inside Loriasel.

    Every location is white on my map.

    I wrote a ticket to their customer support today and here is what I just got back:

    Thank you for contacting The Elder Scrolls Online Team.

    We're sorry that you haven't been able to find all of the quests in Shadowfen yet. We have checked all your quests and you almost made it. There are indeed 62 quest available.
    Here goes to tips to help you:

    - First please go to the Loriasel Wayshrine and see if you can find your missing quest there.
    - After you found at least one, please respond to this contact for further help.

    Thank you for your continued interest and support!

    Are they trolling me or what? There is NOTHING at or around the Loriasel wayshire. NOTHING. There is not a single quest giver to be found.
    Edited by ThyIronFist on April 29, 2014 5:49PM
    The Elder Zergs Online
    Sainur Ironfist - DK - EU - Ebonheart Pact
  • michaelpatrickjonesnub18_ESO
    They in denial about this??

    Rofl. What a joke!

    Don't even waste your time travelling around. I know this province inside and out. It is possible to get stuck at 61/62.

    Let the clowns figure it out themselves. I'll give them all the time they need. And then laugh at them, the day they finally admit their failures, and fix it.
  • Sakiri
    Eye of the enemy tied to an npc you kill in the next quest youre sent to? What the actual crap?
  • Sadae
    I wrote a ticket to their customer support today and here is what I just got back:

    Thank you for contacting The Elder Scrolls Online Team.

    We're sorry that you haven't been able to find all of the quests in Shadowfen yet. We have checked all your quests and you almost made it. There are indeed 62 quest available.
    Here goes to tips to help you:

    - First please go to the Loriasel Wayshrine and see if you can find your missing quest there.
    - After you found at least one, please respond to this contact for further help.

    Thank you for your continued interest and support!

    Are they trolling me or what? There is NOTHING at or around the Loriasel wayshire. NOTHING. There is not a single quest giver to be found.
    I'm guessing they're hinting at the quests inside Loriasel, not "around" it. Along with the main quest in the middle of Loriasel, there are two other quests, one on each side. Have you done those ones as well?

    As for the other runarounds support keeps dishing out, they've really got to stop replying with that crap and acknowledge that it's impossible to finish this zone if you missed too many skippable quests. Why do they keep acting like we can still do them and just need to find them? Are they ***?!

    And *sigh*, yet another patch and no fix for this. Zenimax, when are you going to acknowledge this problem and fix it?!
  • KraidenDove
    They in denial about this??

    Rofl. What a joke!

    Don't even waste your time travelling around. I know this province inside and out. It is possible to get stuck at 61/62.

    Second on that. I took my entire guild through a grid pattern Cartesian plane search of the entire area. Nothing. We are all stuck at 61/62 for the exception of 1 guy who quested only along the roads and then got on late at night and some how amazingly got through the phasing issue due to low server pop on one that isn't granting quest completion. I certainly hope they aren't going to press this issue. It would be a disappointment considering subs are coming up and this issue is approaching a 1 month problem for folks.
    Edited by KraidenDove on April 29, 2014 7:44PM
  • brandy
    What I got as a response:

    "I apologize that you can not find the last quest in Shadowfen. I did take a look at your characters completed quests and it seems you may have fallen into a bit of a hiccup that we are experiencing. The quest called "Getting to the truth" is a pre-requisite to the quests called "Trail of the Skin-Stealer" and "Eyes of the Enemy". You have already completed the quest "Trail of the Skin-Stealer", in which completing this quest before "Eyes of the Enemy" will block you from doing that quest leaving you at 61/62 quests. We are working on a solution to this issue and I do apologize you are unable to get the achievement for Shadowfen because of this. In the meantime I would suggest traveling to other areas and complete those quests until we are able to resolve this for you. All we ask of you is a little patience and understanding."

    So I guess they're trying at least...
  • richardallengrayb14_ESO
    1. A Final Release
    2. A Last Reminder
    3. A Life of Privilege
    4. A Pirate Parley
    5. A Poisoned Heart
    6. A Stranger Uninvited
    7. And Throw Away The Key
    8. Bound to the Bog
    9. Broken Apart
    10. Buried in the Past
    11. Captive Souls
    12. Captured Time
    13. Catch the Lightning
    14. Children of the Hist
    15. Clarity
    16. Cold-Blooded Revenge
    17. Cracking the Egg
    18. Deep Disturbance
    19. Dreams From the Hist
    20. Eyes of the Enemy
    21. Getting to the Truth
    22. Hushed Whispers
    23. Into the Mire
    24. Into the Temple
    25. Keepers of the Shell
    26. King of Dust
    27. Last One Standing
    28. Lost Pilgrimage
    29. Lost to the Mire
    30. Missing in the Mire
    31. Missing Son
    32. Of Dubious Value
    33. Outside Interference
    34. Overrun
    35. Pull the Last Fang
    36. Riches Beyond Measure
    37. Saving the Relics
    38. Scales of Retribution
    39. Schism
    40. Scouring the Mire
    41. Shadowfen Smorgasbord
    42. Strength of the Father
    43. The Bargains End
    44. The Dominions Alchemist
    45. The Dream of the Hist
    46. The Fangs of Sithis
    47. The Keystone
    48. The Mnemic Egg
    49. The Ones Left Behind
    50. The Skin-Stealers Lair
    51. The Swamps Embrace
    52. The Thin Ones
    53. The Tree-Minders Fate
    54. Three Tender Souls
    55. Threefold Folly
    56. Trail of the Skin-Stealer
    57. Trials of the Burnished Scales
    58. Unbridled Wealth
    59. Unwelcome Guests
    60. Vigils End
    61. Warm Welcome
    62. What Happened at Murkwater
    63. Whispers of the Wisps
    64. Will of the Broken
  • richardallengrayb14_ESO
    "I see that you have completed both Getting to the Truth and Trail of the Skin-Stealer, but not Eyes of the Enemy. This means you will not be able to acquire the Eyes of the Enemy quest, due to a known issue. We expect a fix for this issue to be released soon; however, at this time we do not have any information as to the release date."
  • richardallengrayb14_ESO
    I am stuck at 60/62. Eyes of the Enemy is no longer available to me. That leaves three culprits. Now I need to figure out what those culprits are. I am rather convinced they are similar to Eyes of the Enemy.
  • Sadae
    The culprits are already well known. (To the players in this forum at least. Still trying to bash these quests over the admins' heads to fully acknowledge that all these quests are missable and not possible to go back and complete.)

    Bound to the Bog
    Eyes of the Enemy
    Hushed Whispers
    What Happened at Murkwater

    It's possible to miss some or all of these 5 quests, leaving you forever stuck at 59. (60 if you do the group dungeon quest in "Arx Corinium" called "Force of Nature".)
  • Nick_Klaus
    Finished Eastmarch and The Rift. Just need this 1 quest from Shadowfen for my Pact Hero title. :(

    This issue is there since launch. Please fix it.
  • michael.kuijpersb16_ESO
    is it possible to get a guild/friend to accept the quests and then share them with you? if so, we should be able to get 64 quests aswell via detour??
    Watch your thoughts; they become words.
    Watch your words; they become actions.
    Watch your actions; they become habits.
    Watch your habits; they become character.
    Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.
  • Squishy
    is it possible to get a guild/friend to accept the quests and then share them with you? if so, we should be able to get 64 quests aswell via detour??

    Not as far as I know :(

    "In 2014, a possible bot was sent to coldharbour by a military GM for a crime she didn't commit. This argonian promptly escaped from a maximum security stockade to the Ebonheart underground. Today, still wanted by the developers she survive as soldiers of fortune. If you have a bot problem, if no one else can bite you, and if you can find her....maybe you can hire The SQUISHY."
  • ThyIronFist
    Sadae wrote: »
    I wrote a ticket to their customer support today and here is what I just got back:

    Thank you for contacting The Elder Scrolls Online Team.

    We're sorry that you haven't been able to find all of the quests in Shadowfen yet. We have checked all your quests and you almost made it. There are indeed 62 quest available.
    Here goes to tips to help you:

    - First please go to the Loriasel Wayshrine and see if you can find your missing quest there.
    - After you found at least one, please respond to this contact for further help.

    Thank you for your continued interest and support!

    Are they trolling me or what? There is NOTHING at or around the Loriasel wayshire. NOTHING. There is not a single quest giver to be found.
    I'm guessing they're hinting at the quests inside Loriasel, not "around" it. Along with the main quest in the middle of Loriasel, there are two other quests, one on each side. Have you done those ones as well?

    I have done all the quests inside and outside of Loriasel. I mentioned that in my previous post. Can you read?
    The Elder Zergs Online
    Sainur Ironfist - DK - EU - Ebonheart Pact
  • Rachagal
    I have the same Problem like you do. Used the ESOhead maps to find all quests. I just managed to find 2 Quests not mentioned at ESOhead. One in the Atanaz Ruins and one in Broken Tusk. Both Dungeons are on the east border of Shadowfen. Might help some people. I think both dungeons can be missed with bad luck. Anyway, still 1 short now, can someone confirm there is a quest in the group dungeon?
  • tinythinker
    Rachagal wrote: »
    I have the same Problem like you do. Used the ESOhead maps to find all quests. I just managed to find 2 Quests not mentioned at ESOhead. One in the Atanaz Ruins and one in Broken Tusk. Both Dungeons are on the east border of Shadowfen. Might help some people. I think both dungeons can be missed with bad luck. Anyway, still 1 short now, can someone confirm there is a quest in the group dungeon?


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  • BatalovGK
    Soul Shriven
    "I'm very sorry that you are unable to find all the quests in Shadowfen. There are 64 in total and you need to complete 62 in order to get the achievement.

    Here are all the quests you have yet to complete in Shadowfen;
    Bound to the Bog
    Children of the Hist
    Eyes of the Enemy
    Hushed Whispers
    What Happened at Murkwater"

    All of this quest cant be done if you break some quest chains, like coming to the area before you get one of those quest... So cause of that i stuck at 61\62
  • stungateb14_ESO
    50k views and still broke.
  • sigismond
    Greetings Friend,

    Thank you for contacting The Elder Scrolls Online Team.

    I apologize for the inconvenience, since you have already completed "Trail of the skin stealer" you will be unable to pick up the quest "Eyes of the enemy" because you have already killed the quest giver for that specific mission. I know that it can be frustrating when you are unable to complete the game because you completed some quests out of order. At the moment I am unable to redeem the quest, so I have taken the liberty to bring you and your ticket information to the Game Masters attention. Next time I would suggest that when attempting to play again, you play "Getting to the truth" and then "Eyes of the enemy" before playing "Trail of the skin stealer" this way you do not kill the quest giver before you need him. If you have any further issues or questions please email me back and I will respond as soon as possible. Thanks for your patience and understanding.

    You can find more information about The Elder Scrolls Online on our website and social channels (Facebook, Twitter, and Google+).

    Thank you for your continued interest and support!

    Warm Regards,
    The Elder Scrolls Online Team

    This is what I got from the support as a 61/62 guy. Well, I hope they will fix it soon.
  • ohmygodie
    Stuck at 61/62
    Just received this from support :
    With today's patch, many of the quests were reset. If you get a chance, can you login and run around the area to see if they have been reset for you. Please let me know if they haven't.

    Humble Scribe of Julianos,
    Anyone found anything changed ?
  • Viqueenie
    Onwards to Shadowfen still cannot be picked up by me after I abandoned it... so that didn't reset here.

    I have however just finished The Rift zone, so I doubt I'll ever get it now because I continued to do any quests I could find in Shadowfen and then moved onto the next area after that etc.

    Been riding about in Shadowfen on all the roads and have seen nothing, so... this is no fix for me sadly.
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