Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts
Maintenance for the week of September 30:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – September 30, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 8:00AM EDT (12:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – October 2, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – October 2, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

Shadowfen quests.

  • delta9preeb18_ESO
    You have 10 times told that the problem will be fixed in a patch with Kraglornom led developer reference to the word about it. What do not you understand this? Or from what you write here your very important post will fix faster? Developers can release a patch soon, but then you do - that you will scream here about raw patch because you can not wait.

    lol really?

  • frozywozy
    You have 10 times told that the problem will be fixed in a patch with Kraglornom led developer reference to the word about it. What do not you understand this? Or from what you write here your very important post will fix faster? Developers can release a patch soon, but then you do - that you will scream here about raw patch because you can not wait.

    Learn proper english, then try again, would you?

    Frozn - Stamdk - AR50
    Frosted - Magplar - AR50
    Frodn - Magden - AR50
    Warmed - Magblade - AR50
    Mmfrozy - Magsorc - AR44
    Necrozn - Magcro - AR32
    PvP Group Builds

    “Small minds discuss people, average minds discuss events, and great minds discuss ideas.” -Eleanor Roosevelt
    • Fix Volendrung (spawn location - weapon white on the map causing the wielder to keep it forever - usable with emperorship)
    • Remove / Change CPs System, remove current CP/noCP campaigns and introduce one 30days with lock, one with no locks
    • Fix crashes when approaching a keep under attack because of bad / wrong rendering prioritization system
    • Change emperorship to value faction score points and not alliance points - see this and this
    • Fix long loading screens (mostly caused by players joining group out of rendering range)
    • Add 2 more quickslots to the wheel or add a different wheel for sieges weaponry only
    • Fix Balista Bolts not dealing damage on walls or doors if deployed at a certain place
    • Release bigger battlegrounds with 8 to 16 players per team and only two teams
    • Fix the permanent block animation - see examples : link1 link2 link3 link4 link5
    • Gives players 10 minutes to get back into Cyrodiil after relogging / crashing
    • Add a function to ignore the Claiming system of useless rewards
    • Improve the Mailing System / Rewards of the Worthy stacking
    • Assign specific group sizes to specific campaigns (24-16-8)
    • Make forward camps impossible to place near objectives
    • Make snares only available from ground effects abilities
    • Change emperorship to last minimum 24hours
    • Fix body sliding after cc breaking too quickly
    • Remove Block Casting through Battle Spirit
    • Fix the speed drop while jumping - see video
    • Fix loading screens when keeps upgrade
    • Fix Rams going crazy (spinning around)
    • Bring back dynamic ulti regeneration
    • Fix speed bug (abilities locked)
    • Introduce dynamic population
    • Lower population cap by 20%
    • Add Snare Immunity potions
    • Bring resurrection sickness
    • Fix character desync
    • Fix cc breaking bug
    • Fix gap closer bug
    • Fix health desync
    • Fix combat bug
    • Fix streak bug
    • Fix server lag
  • StrangerFull
    You do not understand a single word? Сraglorn? Poor man... If you do not understand one word you do not understand ten explanations about the patch, which will fix.
  • Loxy37
    I got to 58 oit of 64. People have gotten to 62 but I'm not sure how. I've scoured the map 3 time in a mythodical fashion looking for them but only found 2 for which that got me to the 58 from 56. I did all the dungeon twice looking for them and the only thing I haven't done is the group dungeon and 1 world boss that is bugged and doesn't give a quest complete.

    All other zones I have gotten the achievement but gave up on that zone. Levelling seems a mess there as you are sent to the bottom of the map for low level quests then back up again. I know its to not make it too linear but its still the only zone that I have felt confused by.

    I've had quests show when they are inside buildings but its possible that some markers may be bugged I suppose.
    Edited by Loxy37 on May 6, 2014 6:46PM
  • Crimsonraziel
    Get out of our north american, english speaking pve discussion forum foreigner. Gibberish forum is >>>

    It's our world wide, english speaking pve discussion forum, or even an universal one, because it's not dedicated to any region at all.

  • Sakiri
    I think I figured out why Dreamcypher got the achievement but Fjalar is still behind.

    Drilik's crown. Made it on Dreamcypher. Intimidate(?) on Fjalar, skipping the quest to make it.

  • Sakiri
    You have 10 times told that the problem will be fixed in a patch with Kraglornom led developer reference to the word about it. What do not you understand this? Or from what you write here your very important post will fix faster? Developers can release a patch soon, but then you do - that you will scream here about raw patch because you can not wait.

    "Kraglornom" sounded in my head like "crag linnorm" and I immediately thought of my draconic bloodline sorceress from Pathfinder, Anastasia. Her dragon type was crag linnorm.
  • StrangerFull
    What excitement caused my message with uncorrected translation from Google Translate))) Yes, when I was writing, I was tired after work and I was lazy to correct translation Google Translate, of course I can write without it, but it would be grammatically incorrect - do you understand or not understand me in this case ш don't know, but I know that you understanded what I mean in my post :) My knowledge is limited to reading and translation and were not used in practice after graduation for about seven years.
  • MelinaPerez
    To be fair I understood what you wrote/had translated.

    For what it's worth, although I REALLY want this achievement before I get the other 2 factions heroes (I doubt this will happen!), fixing a bugged (title) achievement should be low down the list of big fixes. Simple or not to sort out, I'm sure they have to test every bug fix fully, and there are other more pressing issues.
  • StrangerFull
    Well see in Craglorn true if they have corrected this problem, as if the truth were told, and will achieve all who have already completed the zone ;)o:)
  • AngryNord
    There seemed to be one quest I could never seem to find: "Will of the Broken" (http://elderscrollsonline.info/quests/will-of-the-broken), have anyone spotted where this one might be?

    Has anyone been able to find this quest, and "Eyes of the Enemy"?
  • Assilma
    Fix needed badly, Zenimax. Hundreds of people going real crazy over this. I have spent hours myself trying to find a non-existent 62nd quest. A sensible fix which everyone already acknowledges would be to lower the achievement cap to 58 quests. That would bring Shadowfen back into line with all other Pact zones (I cannot speak of Dominion and Covenant zones) in terms of the ratio between completed quests required for the achievement and the remaining quests. There have been a number of patches and no fix for this even though you're aware of a problem and a simple fix. C'mon :/
    I'm back!
  • AngryNord
  • Squishy
    AngryNord wrote: »
    Has anyone been able to find this quest, and "Eyes of the Enemy"?

    I'm pretty sure I already did it, but it did not actually count it :(

    If I am correct, it is the quest sending you to the skinstealer zone.
    "In 2014, a possible bot was sent to coldharbour by a military GM for a crime she didn't commit. This argonian promptly escaped from a maximum security stockade to the Ebonheart underground. Today, still wanted by the developers she survive as soldiers of fortune. If you have a bot problem, if no one else can bite you, and if you can find her....maybe you can hire The SQUISHY."
  • Assilma
    More maintenance, still no fix...
    Edited by Assilma on May 9, 2014 6:54AM
    I'm back!
    Can some1 please post a screenshot of the quest "Hushed Whispers" in their quest journal...confirming that it is in fact a Shadowfen quest...cuz I don't think it is...


    As far as level-24 quests go...I can only find 5...1 of which is a three-parter started by "Three Tender Souls" followed by "Getting to the Truth" & "Scouring the Mire"

    So to summarize, there only 5 lvl-24 quests:
    ~Three Tender Souls
    ~Getting to the Truth
    ~Scouring the Mire
    ~Shadowfen Smorgasbord
    ~Unwelcome Guests

    If in fact "Hushed Whispers" is a lvl-24 Shadowfens quest as Esohead reads, proof would be awesome.
    Edited by GAULSTON7 on May 10, 2014 1:16AM
  • Wulfhen
    Soul Shriven
    I'm really disgruntled with the amount of quests you can get locked out of by doing things a certain way. It's a very poor design for an MMO, even if they are mostly just simple fed ex ones to send you to places of interest. If you've already completed the main objective in the area they send to, you should be able to take the quest and hand it into the quest giver right then and there by letting them know you've already taken care of the problems.

    I'm horribly obsessive compulsive when it comes to completion, and having to try multiple characters with lots of play time just to figure out the best route to do things is irritating the heck out of me.

    Also, what do they mean by a fix for the achievement? They're just going to lower the number of quests needed? Did they elaborate at all?
  • Sadae
    Here was the comment. In response to a fix for this, Richard Lambert said:
    The quest achievement bugs should be fixed when the Craglorn patch goes live. (and retroactively updated to all characters that should have earned them before them)
  • zittylolb14_ESO
    The ending quest of The Dream of the Hist is either broken or the NPC doesn't appear in the dungeon were it is marked with a circle, but not icon on the compass. You get to the spot were the circle is on the map, it also fails to tell you if it is above or below you. And all there is,is a glowing light on the roof of the dungeon were you have to jump down to get out. Now I spent 20 mins trying to get above the dungeon as there is a size able area were the quest marker shows it might be. I never could find a path up....so I figured it was in the dungeon.
  • Faustes
    Just hit 62/62 WITHOUT doing any of these:

    Hushed Whispers
    Eyes of the Enemy
    Children of the Hist
    What Happened at Murkwater

    Could not find any of these 5, but managed to get 62 still.

    Used that youtube video to find my last one, which was the final resting place, back at deep graves.
    Edited by Faustes on May 12, 2014 11:35AM
  • yizudien
    Soul Shriven
    My comment is for the what it is worth section of this post:

    I got to 62/62 yesterday after a long amount of time coming back to the zone being 56/62.

    The zone is really spread out and some of the quests are either out of the way or require you to go back over a section you cleared a long time ago. Trying to be a 100 % complete person this zone is one of the more annoying to go through. Especially because the LFG tool will not let someone outside the exp range look for a group. My advice if you want to move on in your 30's to the next zone make sure you complete the group adventure using the lfg tool otherwise you will be in the zone later at say 45 when i came back asking if anyone needs a wizard.

    I got my final 62nd quest from the group instance.

  • ZairanArainai
    As a completionist, I want to complete every possible quest in the game. However, if ZOS was to simply reduce the number of required quests for the Shadowfen achievement to 58-60, that would at least allow me to get the "Pact Hero" achievement, along with the "Tamriel Hero" achievement.
    Also, I'd like for them to put Hei-Halai (sp?) back into the game, as I'm curious as to what that area was like. As popular as the Argonian Shadowscales are among Elder Scrolls fans, they are barely mentioned in ESO, and you only come across one or two while in Shadowfen.
  • Sadae
    Once again, to those people who got 62/62 grats, but that doesn't mean it's possible for everybody. There are introductory quests to many quest chains that are possible to miss if you happened to encounter the main part first. And once you initiate the main part, it's impossible to do the introductory quest anymore.

    So yes, we all know it's possible, but please realize that at the same time it's also impossible for people who missed too many introductory quests.
  • ZairanArainai
    Finally...I somehow missed the "Poisoned Heart" quest, even though I had been through the area several times without getting this quest and also found the Argonian quest giver in Loriasel. 62/62!
  • Lord_Wrath
    I have found my last quest! In 'Deep Graves' (Coffin figure bottom center of map) I heard there is a quest giver that you have to complete other quests before that babe of a lizard gives you the quest, CHECK BACK!
    1300+ CP | Lørd Wrath | - Sorcerer - Palatine - Grand Master Crafter - 30000 Achievement Points
    Launch Player - PC - NA - EP
  • D00fD1ll4
    Offical Statement:
    • Achievements – We are aware that some of you are having trouble acquiring all the achievements for Shadowfen and other areas. We plan to have this fixed in our next patch, and you will receive any previously missing achievements retroactively.

    Original Link:
  • Squishy
    D00fD1ll4 wrote: »
    Offical Statement:
    • Achievements – We are aware that some of you are having trouble acquiring all the achievements for Shadowfen and other areas. We plan to have this fixed in our next patch, and you will receive any previously missing achievements retroactively.

    Original Link:

    Thank Celestia! I refuse to step foot in shadowfen again... spent so long looking for quest 62... I can't anymore... I probably would die If I did. :smiley:
    "In 2014, a possible bot was sent to coldharbour by a military GM for a crime she didn't commit. This argonian promptly escaped from a maximum security stockade to the Ebonheart underground. Today, still wanted by the developers she survive as soldiers of fortune. If you have a bot problem, if no one else can bite you, and if you can find her....maybe you can hire The SQUISHY."
  • SilverWF
    Just finished all easy-finded quests in Shadowfen and guess what? 61/62, right.
    But I did it with special quest tracking addon and here is missing quests list:
    1. Bound to the Bog http://elderscrollsonline.info/quests/bound-to-the-bog
    2. Children of the Hist http://elderscrollsonline.info/quests/children-of-the-hist
    3. Eyes of the Enemy http://elderscrollsonline.info/quests/eyes-of-the-enemy
    4. Hushed Whispers http://elderscrollsonline.info/quests/hushed-whispers
    5. The Swamps Embrace http://elderscrollsonline.info/quests/the-swamps-embrace
    6. What Happened at Murkwater http://elderscrollsonline.info/quests/what-happened-at-murkwater

    As you can calculate, there is 67 available quests in the Shadowfen

    Edit: I've found The Swamps Embrace quest - inside Loriasel, East wing. Thank God I've done this zone!
    Edited by SilverWF on May 17, 2014 2:09AM
    • PC EU. Ebonheart Pact. CP 1k+
    • YouTube: All ESO disguises (2014)
    • EU players are humans too! We want our maintenances in the least pop time (at deep night) and not lasted for several hours!
    • Animation canceR - is true PvP cancer! When you can't see which actions your opponent do - you can't react properly on them!
  • AngryNord
    Bound to the Bog is not missing, I've done it. Still only have 61/62 though (before doing Arx Corinium)
  • andrantos
    Hey all. I was also stuck at 61/62 today. As many have pointed out, be sure to revisit all completed areas as there are quests that become available after completion.

    In the percolating mire, I found a quest "Missing Son". Completing it bumped me up to 62.
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