Feb 15 Cyrodiil Test Details

Maintenance for the week of March 17:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – March 17
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 19, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 19, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
  • Zabagad
    SHORT SUMMARY of NEW PVP TEST (15 Feb - 8 March)
    Edited to enable clear-speak.

    Plague Doctor
    Spinner’s Garments

    You forgot Shacklebreaker

    PC EU (noCP AD) Grey/Grau AD
    Please raise the population caps.
    @ZOS - Convert the heal on "Hardened Ward" into a HoT pls.
  • Bucky_13
    Gilvoth wrote: »

    please let us have Gold instead of AP.
    we need atleast 2 million Gold to buy / farm / Gold out new sets.
    including Jewelry.

    and no, thats not a joke.
    Golding out entire new sets like this costs alot of Gold.
    please help us.

    While I do like to have my main PvP sets golded out in general, for a 3 week test I will gold the weapons (not that high of a cost by its own) and leave the rest in purple. If I didn't have a good supply of Zircon platings, I'd leave them blue. What you can do is to accept that for a 3 week test, purple armor+jewelry is fine. It's not the end of the world. People won't die IRL because of it. Enjoy the double AP, and convert some of it into gold if you feel like it.

    I'm gonna have to change my whole set-up, might have some of the sets available since before in the right traits, or I just create new ones from scratch anyway, doesn't really matter to me. The double AP for that hassle is all the compensation I want, it's perfectly sufficient. I actually look forward to it, while I will miss bombers, I suspect it might shake things up quite a bit in Cyro, really curious to how it will play out when no one can rely on proc sets. Could end up being a lot more fun compared to the tests we had last time around.
  • FantasticFreddie
    It sounds to me like anything stat based is in, anything not is out.
    I would assume monster sets with a % anything as their 1 piece bonus are out, as are the minor slayer/aegis bonuses on trial gear (as an example, I have no idea why you would be wearing trial gear in Cyrodil anyways)
  • FantasticFreddie
    For example, I don't think the 2 piece bonus of potentates would work.
  • vesselwiththepestle
    So... Stamina Amber Plasm next update ? :wink:
    YES! Please, pretty pretty pretty PLEASE!

    Edited by vesselwiththepestle on February 11, 2021 12:22PM
    1000+ CP
    PC/EU Ravenwatch Daggerfall Covenant

    Give me my wings back!
  • Xandreia_
    Merforum wrote: »
    OMG the whining button mashers have finally convinced ZOS to eliminate proc sets as if that has anything to do with bad performance at all. This is one of the stupidest things I've seen in a long time. I think we have seen from that last several events that adding more servers and having more instances to enter eliminates most of the lag.

    Hopefully this will never be implemented in BGs. Instead of constantly nerfing stuff in a ridiculous effort to make everything 'balanced' across trials, dungeons, BGs, cyro etc, they should just create separate ways to play. For instance, if too many people are using 'Dead Water' in Trial don't nerf it into oblivion, just make it not useable in trials.

    And why cant they have separate BGs for deathmatch only, BGs/cyro for no proc sets, or with any sets, just allow different options/instances so people can play the way they want with other who want to play that way.

    Ok, so.. i guess you are someone who likes procs? so I'm going to try and explain this from the view of someone who has played PVP since before one tamriel.

    back in the day, you actually had to be good at the game and know how to counter other players and be able to kill quick... WITHOUT PROCS! there is NO COUNTER to procs and several people chasing you from 1 end of the map to the other, to just light attack you once and apply 60k worth of damage just because they went scrying for a bit and got malacath! Then paired it with sets that only with malacath become broken.

    so then, imagine 150 people running around light attacking applying 60k worth of damage with 3 proc sets. doesn't sound like a lot right? but that's 450 minimum more calculations an already outdated server has to calculate...

    for 3 weeks people are going to have to play without having the crutch of procs and malacath! i guess you can call it a nostalgic period for old vets who still play. if it minimises lag then great, if not, PVP is about to be the most fun its been since the introduction of malacath :)

  • Tommy_The_Gun
    YES! Please, pretty pretty pretty PLEASE!
    Tbh. This is one of my wishes. To see new Chapter with only stat-buffing sets, with no proc / condition checking sets. There is so much they can do. I think that even a kiss-curse effect can be added this way (- flat value to one stat and + one value (but stronger) to other stat.
    Edited by Tommy_The_Gun on February 11, 2021 1:38PM
  • ZOS_Volpe

    After removing and editing a few baiting and off-topic posts, we would like to ask everyone to keep posts on the subject at hand, as well as keeping things civil and constructive.

    Thank you for your understanding.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
    Forum Rules | Code of Conduct | Terms of Service | Home Page | Help Site
    Staff Post
  • Soul_Demon
    Xandreia_ wrote: »

    Ok, so.. i guess you are someone who likes procs? so I'm going to try and explain this from the view of someone who has played PVP since before one tamriel.

    back in the day, you actually had to be good at the game and know how to counter other players and be able to kill quick... WITHOUT PROCS! there is NO COUNTER to procs and several people chasing you from 1 end of the map to the other, to just light attack you once and apply 60k worth of damage just because they went scrying for a bit and got malacath! Then paired it with sets that only with malacath become broken.

    so then, imagine 150 people running around light attacking applying 60k worth of damage with 3 proc sets. doesn't sound like a lot right? but that's 450 minimum more calculations an already outdated server has to calculate...

    for 3 weeks people are going to have to play without having the crutch of procs and malacath! i guess you can call it a nostalgic period for old vets who still play. if it minimises lag then great, if not, PVP is about to be the most fun its been since the introduction of malacath :)

    Optimistic view for sure---Personally I think the imbalances between class' and bugs that haven't been addressed in years here will be highlighted with the three week test. No procs, no problems....but with ZOS shifting the bars constantly to move away from addressing bugs and balance over the years with distractions like new motifs, new sets and clothing items instead of investing time in fixing issues- what will they do to avoid the bugs and imbalance now? Not looking forward the to the proverbial carrot of 'fixes' being dangled yet again and only to see their direction move away from the coding problems. I mean be serious, how many other games do you play that requires reloads of UI every 30 min to deal with memory leaks and status effects permanently on chars or to clear combat that is only supposed to be on you for 6 seconds?

    No proc sets is no issues really beyond being able to communicate to the paying customers what exactly, will be working during a 3 week period of time----and even that was not clear and required corrections over a 12 page thread to ferret out the details. To me this is ZOS issue, poor planning for almost everything I see them doing for years now......I get the feeling they subscribe to the 'react to situations' rather than 'plan and have backup plan' kinda thought process'

    Hope I am completely wrong here.....but not really expecting anything beyond seeing them embrace the concept that all the sets they kept pumping out while ignoring the coding fixes and bug fixes over the years drove the deterioration of playability of the game.......and that they should have dealt with those things years ago and not creating new gear and outfits.
  • React
    I'm actually so excited for this test. I had basically signed off on ESO as reaching a state where there was no chance it could ever improve, balance or performance wise. But this is the first thing I've seen in the past 3 years that actually gives me hope, and I'll be playing during it.

    From someone with thousands of hours invested into pvp, my experience tells me that stat based gameplay is the best choice for the game moving forward. Many people look back at the days when the game revolved around stats as some of the best in it's history, and in all of the "serious" pvp communities this sentiment is pretty widely shared.

    When stats determine the effectiveness of your build, you are required to actually learn the combat system, the effects of every class/ability/status effect, the potential of your different set options, etc. With this in mind, pvp not only becomes more balanced, but it becomes a skill based environment where you are rewarded for your TIME INVESTMENT instead of your SET CHOICES.

    It's impossible to survive outnumbered right now because players who do not care about learning the combat system can just equip two sets that will out DPS a full damage spec with little to no effort. You get lingering proc sets on you from multiple people doing nothing but light attacking that will literally out dps ALL of your healing/warding, even when you are line of sighting these players. There is no counterplay at all to these sets. Even running the other end of broken builds by using ridiculously high health recovery sets in combination with endless mist form, something that a year ago would have been unkillable with no damage at all, you are completley unable to survive just a few people mindlessly applying procs to you.

    I'm all for "play how you want", but when it comes to PVP you have to understand that while sets exist that can do the same dps with a fraction of the effort as a skilled player using stat based damage sets, people will never try to learn the combat and the game will revolve solely around sets forever.

    If this test results in a significant performance increase, I truly hope zenimax will do the right thing and choose to keep it as a permanent change moving forward. You will receive a huge vocal outcry against it here on the forums, because so many players here are strictly casual and benefit HUGELY from these sets. But I guarantee you will see the return of serious pvp players who actually care about the combat aspect of pvp, and they will be ecstatic to finally enjoy a stat based pvp experience.
    Edited by React on February 11, 2021 3:04PM
    @ReactSlower - PC/NA - 2000+ CP
    React Faster - XB/NA - 1500+ CP
  • Xandreia_
    its 100% a zos issue as far as performance or there lack of, they gave players an opportunity to abuse broken sets while having poor performance, its a chain reaction, poor performance- broken sets- poor delivery - bad experiences in pvp, its all connected. the game needs a complete overhaul! out dated servers are now showing the strain and if im honest, if it means going back to full stat stacking, I'm all for it.

    i don't think they will see much performance increase from these tests but it will be nice to not get 20 v 1 by a zerg full of crimson and unfavomable procs, y'know?!

    a lot of people have never experienced the old way of pvp so will be interesting to see who is actually good and who are "gods" because all they know is the proc life. i may sound like the biggest grandma right now but I miss the old days, I know as the game grew they needed new things to entice new players but it has got out of hand and now its really showing. I love the game and there is nothing like it, I feel zos knows this and that is 1 of the many reasons they don't fix everything because people will keep coming back (I'm one of them, I came back after a 2 year break)

    i just want my abilities to work when i press them not 3 seconds after while the 10+ people chasing me have no issues and can spam 1 button and kill me with free damage, I want to see abilities on my death recap not procs and cheese, may be a lot to ask but it would be nice haha

  • Salvas_Aren

    twice born star?
  • Earthewen
    Just FYI, I'll be cancelling my subscription from here on out. I really don't like paying for a game that is beta testing on a live server. Happy to test on the PTS, but I'm having a hard time being okay with this given the fact that even the healers have lost every healing set available to them.

    Why 3 weeks? You can find out in one week or less what you need to know. Three weeks is just overkill.
  • actosh
    @ZOS_BrianWheeler if these tests show a significant performance increase, will we see a divide into "in cyro working sets aka pvp sets" and "pve/bg" sets?

    Or will the proc conditions on sets and the checks just reduced/reworked?

    U should run this test again for a week after flames of ambition is released to see how big the impact will be then.

    Keep those tests coming.

    Would be sad kinda if it will limit creative proc conditions in the end but cyro needs good performance.
  • trustcotraptb14_ESO
    Healers can't use sets that have % increase to healing?

  • React
    Earthewen wrote: »
    Just FYI, I'll be cancelling my subscription from here on out. I really don't like paying for a game that is beta testing on a live server. Happy to test on the PTS, but I'm having a hard time being okay with this given the fact that even the healers have lost every healing set available to them.

    Why 3 weeks? You can find out in one week or less what you need to know. Three weeks is just overkill.

    Did you know that wearing sets which increase your max magicka, spell damage, and spell critical also increase the effectiveness of your heals?
    @ReactSlower - PC/NA - 2000+ CP
    React Faster - XB/NA - 1500+ CP
  • trustcotraptb14_ESO
    Liam12548 wrote: »

    Did you know that wearing sets which increase your max magicka, spell damage, and spell critical also increase the effectiveness of your heals?

    So 5pc shackbreaker + 5pc amber will be healer meta for this test?
  • Soul_Demon
    Liam12548 wrote: »

    Did you know that wearing sets which increase your max magicka, spell damage, and spell critical also increase the effectiveness of your heals?

    Its a rather valid point he makes---Speaking from a purely business perspective its pure genius to convince a group of 'customers' to pay you to do research and development of a product they already sold you. Its truly amazing to me as I look at how they have functioned over the years that right now they basically have each player complaining not about them, but about each other playing in groups----that they designed the game for- and blaming each other rather than them for the problems.

    Then they go on to take your money for forced 'research and development' of the product that isnt working properly you already paid for. Its genius and should be used as model for all professional business to emulate. Pure unadulterated profits with the paying customer paying for bad products and also funding the improvement of said product to be functional and doing so without being paid for their testing time
    Its beautiful really, and speaks to how slow people are today.
  • trustcotraptb14_ESO
    Are we allowed to use Mythic items?
  • Xandreia_
    Are we allowed to use Mythic items?

    they've already said no
  • Beaverton
    Are we allowed to use Mythic items?

    Chook (fill in the blank) or Chookana (likewise): I learn more by dying so teach me some more!
  • Earthewen
    Liam12548 wrote: »

    Did you know that wearing sets which increase your max magicka, spell damage, and spell critical also increase the effectiveness of your heals?

    Yes. I know that. I just don't like how healers lately have not been thoroughly considered fully in the decision making process. They've made it harder for them in every sense from builds to Alliance Points.

  • Jaraal
    Earthewen wrote: »
    Why 3 weeks? You can find out in one week or less what you need to know. Three weeks is just overkill.

    My guess is that they'll be looking for more "behavioral changes" that they can implement, regardless of any performance change. And yes, isn't it rather curious that some people have paid hundreds, even thousands of dollars to be a part of a seven year beta test? Marketing genius, indeed!

  • Ringod123
    Can you confirm the reason behind disabling Malacath for this test? I would have thought that a item that stops any/all crit calculations would be a massive boon for server performance? Seems backwards to me.
  • Xandreia_
    Ringod123 wrote: »
    Can you confirm the reason behind disabling Malacath for this test? I would have thought that a item that stops any/all crit calculations would be a massive boon for server performance? Seems backwards to me.

    not really since it has to calculate all skills and sets used to not crit 🤷‍♀️
  • Crown
    @ZOS_GinaBruno Would you please check if for 5-set pieces that have a flat value AND a proc, will the flat value portion (like the pen on VD, or regen on jailbreaker) be active with the proc disabled, or will the whole 5-set bonus (including the flat value) be disabled?

    Crown | AD NB | First AD/NA Grand Overlord (2015/12/26)
    PvP Guides @ DarkElves.com
  • Sanctum74
    Crown wrote: »
    @ZOS_GinaBruno Would you please check if for 5-set pieces that have a flat value AND a proc, will the flat value portion (like the pen on VD, or regen on jailbreaker) be active with the proc disabled, or will the whole 5-set bonus (including the flat value) be disabled?


    The whole 5th bonus including the flat value will be disabled (page 6)
  • Crown
    Sanctum74 wrote: »

    The whole 5th bonus including the flat value will be disabled (page 6)

    Thanks! I missed that.
    Crown | AD NB | First AD/NA Grand Overlord (2015/12/26)
    PvP Guides @ DarkElves.com
  • Izanagi.Xiiib16_ESO

    twice born star?

    won't work according to the dev posts.
    NA ~ Izanerys: Dracarys (Videos | Dracast)
    EU ~ Izanagi: Roleplay Circle (AOE Rats/ Zerg Squad / Banana Squad)
  • Joy_Division
    Update: We will be activating double AP during this upcoming test. To be clear, the only actions/activities that will result in double AP are capturing and defending Keeps, resources, and outposts, and killing/healing other player characters.

    I do appreciate the effort to give us double AP as that seemed to take some work.

    Though it is ironic how in a test designed to test the removal of procs, the incentive to players is a proc that asks the server "did the player perform this specific activity?" in determining whether or not to double it.
    Edited by Joy_Division on February 11, 2021 7:37PM
This discussion has been closed.