zergbase_ESO wrote: »
Called minion. I click update and done. Man that was soooooooo hard. Always some window licker.
I like idea of an addon system built into game to down load it and allowing ps4 and Xbox to do the same probably be quality of life improvement. Only issue being if systems can handle it. Maybe next gen for sure but current gen idk if I would trust on such. Like FF14 can tell who was on ps4 by how slow they reacted due to system lag or way they moved.
Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
relentless_turnip wrote: »
I don't see how, but I appreciate to a degree words are subjective 🤔
relentless_turnip wrote: »
Dying in PvP has nothing to do with this thread.
A lot of people have added a meaningful response to this thread. I might not agree with all of them, but they have actually had a point to make and have articulated it.
These sorts of comments are about as useful as running into a riot and shouting "fire hot".
I welcome your opinion, but please don't just assume the context. My thoughts and what lead to the creation of this thread can be found at the beginning. The conversation had since evolved and would be worth reading before weighing in 👍
Cheating does not require any sort of addons it uses code injection, how it work, it inject code in the program to give lots more API functions than intended.relentless_turnip wrote: »
Thanks for your input 👍
I used to think as you did, I would offer similar advice and say to research your claim before replying. Cheating is happening and it can't detected because of free use of addons. My point being is that if you eliminate all unknown code from the client it can't be manipulated. This is where add-ons stop this. Unless detection software was implemented with a massive list of exceptions which puts us in exactly the same place.
Tbh because of addon we'll never get these feature in game.
If their were no addon, people will have made many many thread about these QoL and ZoS would have implement it already.
Why should they wast time if some random people do thius work freely ?
And then, console player are...
If ZOS regretted it they'd remove them, simple as that. A lot of people would probably stop playing because ZOS refuses to implement basic functionality that a lot of addons provide, and indeed are leaving it up to the addon developers to fill in those missing gaps for them, but I don't think it'd be enough people leaving that the game would never recover, especially given the steady influx of new players.I can also almost 100% guarantee ZOS regrets ever allowing any kind of add-ons in the game. I can see why they won't remove them, all these comfy minion on-clickers would make such a deal out of it, that the game would never recover.
Doubt it will ever come for consoles, not "nextgen" either, because I know Microsoft are very reluctant to having these possibilities in the game. They are cautious about letting "just about anyone" dabble with the contents on consoles, probably rightfully so.
You idea will cost far more players than the discussed destruction of AOE.
Now having the servers look for weird stuff on the other hand would be very smart. I would even turn some of the locks into honey traps.
Let an DK streak trough an keep gate, after an couple of seconds just crash his game. On the second time, let him streak, close the game, ban him and send an email asking for an explanation and unless he had an good one for how he could use an sorcerer skills and why it ignored the gate he has to pay say $100 to unlock the account again.
Amount would double each time.
Note that you can analyze this during night then few are playing.
Or just add new ESO patches looking for popular script inception tools trying to target ESO.
if found then well $100 or restart, an new revenue stream who only hurt cheaters.
Cheating does not require any sort of addons it uses code injection, how it work, it inject code in the program to give lots more API functions than intended.
SKSE as in Skyrim Script Extender is an very popular one.
Yes SKSE is supported and distributed by Steam as the other option would be that it would only work on cracked games.
An good sale pitchYes you can get second hand SKSE for cracked Skyrim but they can well come with an keyboard logger or other fun stuff.
Boots and cheaters uses script injection tools like cheat engine to get stuff like direction of enemies for an bot or to manipulate the system giving you extra powers to cheat unless server traps it, you want more than 10 abilities, you want out of class abilities you have it unless server catches it. No issues giving an DK streaks trough gates unless server catches it.
Last is macros who is simply pre assembled clicks sent from mouse, keyboard or controller. Or animation canceling done easy. Useless in PvP as you get locked into an rotation, can improve dps of an low dps player as in doing the animation canceling for him, did some testing with it back before Morrowind, trying to get an benchmark for templar DPS, I ended up making her an pure healer
On the other hand mods give lots of other info like your dps and % of group dps who is nice like what is wrong with my setup,
I'm wearing PvP gear and an overland bar in an vet dungeon. Lets run dressing room one more time.
It give lots of helpful stuff like inventory insight, master merchant and lazy crafter.
You idea will cost far more players than the discussed destruction of AOE.
Now having the servers look for weird stuff on the other hand would be very smart. I would even turn some of the locks into honey traps.
Let an DK streak trough an keep gate, after an couple of seconds just crash his game. On the second time, let him streak, close the game, ban him and send an email asking for an explanation and unless he had an good one for how he could use an sorcerer skills and why it ignored the gate he has to pay say $100 to unlock the account again.
Amount would double each time.
Note that you can analyze this during night then few are playing.
Or just add new ESO patches looking for popular script inception tools trying to target ESO.
if found then well $100 or restart, an new revenue stream who only hurt cheaters.
relentless_turnip wrote: »
I don't believe add-ons are cheats and have never stated so, I also use them.
Tbh because of addon we'll never get these feature in game.
If their were no addon, people will have made many many thread about these QoL and ZoS would have implement it already.
Why should they wast time if some random people do thius work freely ?
And then, console player are...
PizzaCat82 wrote: »This game would be unplayable without the addons.
I know, I play on Console.
If ZOS regretted it they'd remove them, simple as that. A lot of people would probably stop playing because ZOS refuses to implement basic functionality that a lot of addons provide, and indeed are leaving it up to the addon developers to fill in those missing gaps for them, but I don't think it'd be enough people leaving that the game would never recover, especially given the steady influx of new players.
I doubt there are enough people complaining about addons in general for ZOS to regret allowing them, and I doubt enough addons are causing so much headache that they regret it, too. If it was as bad a problem as you make it out to be we wouldn't have addons right now. Most of them aren't a problem, but the few that are always get touted as the reason why "addons bad". That, or people try to claim those who use addons are lazy, without any regard for an individual's circumstance and why they might actually use those addons.
Then why do you suggest getting rid of them in the name of trying to stop cheating?
If we did not have add-ons the CE issue would have still occurred. Moving more from the server to the client, as it was before, would invite more cheating regardless of having add-ons or not.
That is the simple fact of the situation.
Really OP is just asking if there's anyway to make a trusted client so that the game can start running smooth, and there totally is. People scream impossible here or there, but there's a way to secure the client on standard PCs and Macs. Pretty much you'd need to buy or make a jail broken computer in order to overcome my proposals. And I'll find a way to patch that too.
PizzaCat82 wrote: »This game would be unplayable without the addons.
I know, I play on Console.
Really OP is just asking if there's anyway to make a trusted client so that the game can start running smooth, and there totally is. People scream impossible here or there, but there's a way to secure the client on standard PCs and Macs. Pretty much you'd need to buy or make a jail broken computer in order to overcome my proposals. And I'll find a way to patch that too.
InvitationNotFound wrote: »
a) Addons can't be used to cheat. It isn't possible to fly around and spam some rockets and other weird things.
ZOS defines the API and what is allowed. Furthermore, addons aren't really third party software. Software usually can just run. Addons can't.
b) Third party software (not Addons) are already forbidden to my knowledge. See the ToS.
c) The basics of network code is, that you never should trust client data as a server. This applies to everything. Your E-Banking shouldn't trust user input as it is always possible to send whatever you want. This can't be prevented. Same applies to ESO. Moving things to the client just makes writing cheats easier.
Really OP is just asking if there's anyway to make a trusted client so that the game can start running smooth, and there totally is. People scream impossible here or there, but there's a way to secure the client on standard PCs and Macs. Pretty much you'd need to buy or make a jail broken computer in order to overcome my proposals. And I'll find a way to patch that too.
relentless_turnip wrote: »
As I have stated several times over the course of this thread I believe cheating would be easier to detect in the absense of all files not sourced from the developer.
relentless_turnip wrote: »It has you that have entirely missed the point of this thread.
I have never stated at all that i believe add-ons are cheating or used to cheat.
I like that you quoted the thread where i stated my thoughts and my reasons believing them.
As I have stated several times over the course of this thread I believe cheating would be easier to detect in the absense of all files not sourced from the developer.
Next time you should take your own advice before broadcasting your opinion and actually read what you are commenting on a subject you haven't taken the time to comprehend.
Nothing on the client can be trusted absolutely. This is especially true of PC clients, since the bar is much lower. Only a remote server can tell if a client has been compromised.
relentless_turnip wrote: »
Exactly what I am proposing, thank you for trying to understand.
I think there are ways to achieve this. Windows marketplace programs are sandboxed and run as protected processes. I think one of the perks of this way of doing things is that it prevents other programs from messing with the game's process and memory, thus preventing cheat engine-like manipulation of game values.