bulbousb16_ESO wrote: »Thanks. I'm glad to know it's OK with you.
Wait... what was I wrong about?
Ahhh, the old "Can't win, don't try" argument. Let me know when you have something worth discussing.
Haashhtaag wrote: »So I hear some AD on the 30day camp dunked the scroll this evening....thought faction locks were going to solve that?
bulbousb16_ESO wrote: »No organization about it. They came on the forums and predicted it would happen; now they are taking actions to make sure their predictions come true.
Haashhtaag wrote: »So I hear some AD on the 30day camp dunked the scroll this evening....thought faction locks were going to solve that?
Impossible, faction locks stopped this.
Haashhtaag wrote: »So I hear some AD on the 30day camp dunked the scroll this evening....thought faction locks were going to solve that?
Haashhtaag wrote: »
We don’t though, shor is dead. 97% of the time and if it’s not dead it’s literally 1 raid or 2 PvDooring
bulbousb16_ESO wrote: »Until we get successfully get locks on all campaigns.
Haashhtaag wrote: »So I hear some AD on the 30day camp dunked the scroll this evening....thought faction locks were going to solve that?
Your shortening of the acronym is telling. This is an MMORPG. If you are ignoring the RPG aspect of it completely, then you are not a good game citizen. I understand how you want to play, but this is not the game for it. There are plenty of other MMOs that have PvP that aren't RPGs - sounds like you would be more at home on one of those?So now you want it everywhere? Why? Do you really want people NOT to play with friends isn’t that why we play a MMO? To play with other people? Seriously. Enjoy what you have and be grateful for it. The rest of the people either could careless about it or just want to play with their friends and find good fights.
Play on the 7 day campaigns problem solved! I don't see an issue here....
bulbousb16_ESO wrote: »Your shortening of the acronym is telling. This is an MMORPG. If you are ignoring the RPG aspect of it completely, then you are not a good game citizen. I understand how you want to play, but this is not the game for it. There are plenty of other MMOs that have PvP that aren't RPGs - sounds like you would be more at home on one of those?
In my humble opinion, then maybe instead of waiting in que some guilds should home there? But, that is just my opinion and I don’t have a guild and I don’t play cp so... just saying.
I would like an option at least for us to try it on.
Better yet just reverse faction locks!
EP has no prime time queue on neo-Vivec right now. People are still in Elsewyr. I assume AD and DC don't have queues either.
I tried to shore up (no pun intended) 7 day for a couple of years. For reasons that escape me, the only people who want to play on Shor now want to PvDoor or do the pve quests. If you go there alone, you can generally expect 12-15 yellows to chase you all over the map. If you take a veteran group of players there, you faceroll everything. It pisses off the pvdoor crowd and is boring for the visitors.
If you play during non-prime, there isn't even a pvdoor group to fight.
On PC NA (as per your signature) Vivec doesn't exist anymore... so, yeah there is no queue. No one is waiting to get in to a campaign that is gone.EP has no prime time queue on neo-Vivec right now. People are still in Elsewyr. I assume AD and DC don't have queues either.
bulbousb16_ESO wrote: »On PC NA (as per your signature) Vivec doesn't exist anymore... so, yeah there is no queue. No one is waiting to get in to a campaign that is gone.
If you are talking about Kaalgrontiid, that campaign was population-locked for all factions last night from at least 7 PM EDT to Midnight (when the AD dropped down to three bars). In that time, the EP was on its heels. Until the DC and AD started a bloody battle over Roebeck that seemed to allow EP to recover and go back on the offensive.
bulbousb16_ESO wrote: »No, I don't think they would; the way he described it was not the way it is in reality. As I said, it was totally pop-locked for at least 5 hours last night, so he must have been referring to something else.
What is this queue you speak of? You mean, that waiting period between when you join ANY campaign and then you are notified that you are "Entering Cyrodiil..."?Can it, Toosk. You knew what I was talking about and so did everyone else. I said it didn't have a queue on EP. It didn't. Pop-locked != queue.
bulbousb16_ESO wrote: »Because they have no Faction Locks.
Allways?InvictusApollo wrote: »7 day campaigns were almost allways dead whether faction lock was in effect or not.