Actually, myself and others who oppose this realize that the current campaigns are already unhealthy enough as it is population wise. And further dividing the PVP population for roleplaying is just going to make it worse. It's great that Vivec is pop-locked at primetime on live now. Once this all goes live, I would be shocked if a campaign is ever pop-locked again, outside of PVP specific events. You may like to gate camp opposing factions and call it "winning" the campaign, I personally prefer to actually PVP in a PVP zone.
Haashhtaag wrote: »
What’s the point of winning without competition....[snip]
Haashhtaag wrote: »
Vivec will remain pop locked and people will sit in long queues because it’s the main campaign. It’s the way it was when faction locks existed prior and all other campaigns were dead or dedicated to a certain faction.
yes whats the point in winning unless you fight for something ?
The point is to make it known that EP is undisputedly the best faction.
The point is to make it known that EP is undisputedly the best, most dominant faction in the game.
What you do prime time is to merely battle, the real war is won when the yanks are all sleeping, and that's when any "baked-in" faction lock will impact. Not prime time. That's merely a sideshow.
no one forces you to play on a server with pop lock, take all those imaginary people that want faction hopping and play on a campaign that isnt faction locked, oh right, there is bascially no one that want to play that way...
The point is to make it known that EP is undisputedly the best, most dominant faction in the game.
What happens during this time is something that neither faction locking nor faction hopping have, can, or will fix. That is a separate issue that hopefully ZOS will address by other means. As it is now you are correct, but it has been that way for the last year plus as well with faction hopping going on. It's a moot point for this conversation and another topic all together.
What if faction locks actually increased population in Vivec, attracting PvE players who would not otherwise enter Cyrodiil? If you think about it, if one faction dominatesn then PvE players could be drawn to that faction to PvDoor keeps, creating an overflow of players to the non-faction locked campaigns? The argument that other servers are dead could be null if we see increased populations after faction locks are in place.
Also, the defeated faction's player base might migrate to other campaigns.
The point is that most players are afraid of conflict which keeps them from PVPing. If we can end the conflict in Cyrodiil and keep it that way, more players would flock to PvP. They might even have to add more servers again.
See this thread on why most players hate PVP:
Haashhtaag wrote: »
Faction locking makes night capping and etc easier for whichever faction had the most
The point is that most players are afraid of conflict which keeps them from PVPing. If we can end the conflict in Cyrodiil and keep it that way, more players would flock to PvP. They might even have to add more servers again.
See this thread on why most players hate PVP:
If and when we ever win in Vivec we will be going to other campaigns to win there as well. I won't be satisfied until all campaigns are under EP control.
DisgracefulMind wrote: »
This is by far I think the worst thing I've read by a faction loyalist so far.
I hope I'm wrong but that's where I see it going at this point.
The point is that most players are afraid of conflict which keeps them from PVPing. If we can end the conflict in Cyrodiil and keep it that way, more players would flock to PvP. They might even have to add more servers again.
See this thread on why most players hate PVP:
What happens during this time is something that neither faction locking nor faction hopping have, can, or will fix. That is a separate issue that hopefully ZOS will address by other means. As it is now you are correct, but it has been that way for the last year plus as well with faction hopping going on. It's a moot point for this conversation and another topic all together.
You haven't thought this through.
It's not, because that's when faction locking will impact the most, and any population imbalance will be irreversible for min. 30 days.
And what kind of population imbalance have we had for the last 2 years or whatever it's been during this time of day with the ability in place to faction swap? People have proven for far too long that given the chance to swap and balance populations they won't. AP comes much easier all teaming up on one faction and breaking down doors so this is what the majority does. People have had the opportunity to balance things out on their own and have refused to do so. Faction swapping does not achieve balance, and during the second half of a campaign it actually makes it worse. As the losing factions become deemed unwinnable the faction hoppers from those factions start piling on even more to the winning faction.
There are many things wrong with the scoring system and how AP is gained that get magnified during lower population time frames, but those issues are issues unto themselves. They need to be looked at on their own. Maybe with faction locks the underdog bonus, and low population bonus may actually come more into play. That will have to be watched as well. Guilds may also after 3 or 4 cycles of being bored not fighting anyone decide to swap factions for 30 days as well. Faction locking may encourage more large scale swapping at the end of campaigns vs relying on micro-sized small scale swapping throughout a single campaign. We will know soon enough.
The point is that most players are afraid of conflict which keeps them from PVPing. If we can end the conflict in Cyrodiil and keep it that way, more players would flock to PvP. They might even have to add more servers again.
Because your argument is that it'll stop griefing, and in reality my point shows that all it will do is stop real PvP while still allowing griefing easily.