Maintenance for the week of July 8:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance - July 8
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 9, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 10, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 10, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
We will be performing maintenance for patch 10.1.0 on the PTS on Monday at 8:00AM EDT (12:00 UTC).

PTS Update 22 - Feedback Thread for Class Balance

  • Jabbs_Giggity
    Reverse the dark cloak nerf for Magblades that play in the open in PvP. It is our only decent burst heal.

    @ZOS_BrianWheeler Cx go 1 v X as a magblade and see how well it works with all your new changes while being 100% visible. Magblades shouldn't be punished for Stamblades. Take soul harvest or incap raise the cost but the changes to dark cloak and merciless resolve is a nail in the coffin for players that were out in the open on an already weak class. You are taking away our only good burst heal on our defensive bar while setting up a burst combo in PvP. Please take a look at it....if anything reverse the dark cloak changes keeping build diversity still alive.

    Thnx, I hope you will test it out and see for yourself that this is a skilled playstyle, nothing like the gankblades that are invisible.... :)

    As a Templar main from console launch I fully 100% agree that Magblades are RIP. Stamblades will seriously struggle. Why do I say this as a Templar main? Simple. I stopped playing Templar because ZOS does not listen to reason and has completely trashed this class making literally any other class better, in every aspect of the game. NOW, they have gone and built a new class that essentially is an undead Templar (just better) and hits 10x harder than a Stamina Warden! I switched from Templar to Stamblade and have been running it for a while. Now bye bye.
    Seriously, @ZOS_BrianWheeler something has got to give...WTF is ZOS doing to this game?
  • Navras

    Changes on Relentless Focus are a bit drastic imho. I can understand the point from the developer's comment about the removal of the +8% damage but I don't get why Minor Endurance has been cut off as well.

    Stamblade regen is overall bad now if you don't play in a trial with all buffs in a group.
    I'd say to put at least Minor Endurance back where it was plus I would add a small buff like Minor Savagery (+3% weapon critical)
    cp 1500+
    Flawless Conqueror & Spirit Slayer

    Main: Templar
    Alt: Stamblade, StamDK
  • Mr_Nobody
    I so agree on Cibri's Jab suggestion!!!!!

    Make snare hit on the first cast.

    Make the skill worth to be casted rather than tried to be casted.
    ~ @Niekas ~

  • Lucky28
    @ZOS_BrianWheeler @ZOS_GinaBruno

    Why remove Major Expedition from Cripple?. Why not remove Major Expedition from Path and keep it on Cripple, i mean having expedition on Cripple makes sense, you're sapping someones speed and taking it for yourself essentially. It however, doesn't make much sense on path as generally you don't want to be zipping out of your path....

    Keeping expedition on Cripple and removing it from path, i think would fit the spirit of the class better. i mean the name of the skill line says it all: Siphioning - to take or transfer.

    Also, keeping expedition on Crippling Grasp makes for a compelling choice between Grasp and Debilitate - Speed or Magicka steal, making both morphs completely viable and not having one morph straight better than the other like so many skills.
    Edited by Lucky28 on April 23, 2019 5:26PM
  • fullheartcontainer
    Today, I'd like to talk about the Stamplar kit in particular. After reading over the PTS 5.0.0 and 5.0.1 patchnotes and noticing a distinct lack of notice of underperforming specs like Stamplar and Stamsorc, I think it's vital that players of these specs speak up about the issues with their classes. I unfortunately don't play stamsorc and so am unable to post on their behalf, but I am quite familiar with the templar toolkit as I have thousands of hours as both a magplar and stamplar in DPS and Heal roles, in PvE vet trials and in Cyrodiil. Overall, I will try to keep this post on the topic of Stamplar but may briefly mention magplars or other classes as points of reference.

    In the templar kit, the following abilities are able to be utilized by a stamina build to varying degrees of usefulness:

    Aedric Spear
    • Empowering Sweep
    • Biting Jabs
    • Binding Javelin

    Dawn's Wrath
    • Power of the Light

    Restoring Light
    • Remembrance
    • Repentance
    • Ritual
    • Restoring Focus

    The first issue with Stamplar I'd like to talk about is general damage output.
    Of the abilities able to be utilized in the kit by stamplars, only the following are damage abilities:
    • Empowering Sweep
    • Biting Jabs
    • Binding Javelin
    • Power of the Light

    Empowering Sweep has been repeatedly changed patch after patch, but not to any real degrees of use. As of PTS 5.0.0 patch, the ability is now a pure damage ability, providing both an aoe dot and empower for the duration. This ability, however, is overshadowed heavily by the existence of Dawnbreaker which does more damage on its own and increases overall weapon damage for the bar it's slotted on. For PvP usage, this ability will almost never be used in favor of Dawnbreaker. For PvE, the previous version of Empowering Sweep with Major Protection at least provided Templar tanks with a somewhat inexpensive and consistent source of damage mitigation. In PTS 5.0.0+, this ability is pretty much useless for stamplars.

    What to do with Empowering Sweep: With PvP stamplars choosing not to use this ability due to the other alternatives, I recommend this ability reverted to having Major Protection for the PvE tanks.

    Biting Jabs is the staple ability for stamplars. This unique ability to the Templar class fits a peculiar role as a channel, a dot, an aoe, a snare - it's hard to define exactly what this ability is. This ability is the primary spammable ability for the templar class. While typically effective and hard to complain about in a sterile environment, this ability falls apart in practice. In PvE, there are very few times outside of trash mobs where the aoe function is helpful - in trials and dungeons, bosses are primarily single target and stationary. The damage of this ability falls short of comparable spammable abilities. On top of that, the channel prevents proper weaving, and so huge swaths of damage is lost entirely because there are missing light attacks. This weakness is highlighted by the recent Templar changes giving multiple good sources of Empower - what use is Empower on a class that has trouble weaving light attacks? In a PvP environment, the ability breaks down in another way: with the state of server performance, jabs will frequently fail to connect on all hits, leaving you without your primary spammable ability and indeed *only* class source of overall damage output.

    My recommendation for this ability is to recode it so that it performs better while under server duress. I do not recommend making the channel shorter or removing the aoe component - instead, I recommend a single target instant ability be converted to stamina. Offhandedly, I would recommend a stamina conversion of Vampire's Bane into the following:
    Light of Retribution
    Cast Time: Instant
    Range: 8m
    Cost: 2200 Stamina

    Blast an enemy with a charge of radiant heat, dealing 210 Physical Damage and causing them to bleed for an additional 1000 Physical damage over 9 seconds. Upon activation, you gain Minor Savagery increasing your Weapon Critical rating by 1320.

    This change would put the ability in line with abilities like Blood Craze, and fit well into the Stamplar toolkit. Templar, being a crit-based class, benefits from having access to Major and Minor Savagery. Unlike Nightblade who can guarantee crits on demand, Templar should have other ways to benefit from their crit-base. Having access to both Major and Minor Savagery would be an interesting and unique class-specific allowance. In both PvP and PvE, Templar is currently somewhat pigeonholed into using dual wield for the rending slashes bleed. Having a comparable class ability would both fix a large gap in the Stamplar kit and allow for greater build diversity.

    Binding Javelin is overall underused by stamplars primarily due to the fact that it is outclassed by a variety of other abilities. For melee-range interrupts and stuns, the ever tricky Dizzying Swing, the powerful S&B skill Reverberating Bash, and the bow ability Draining Shot all outshine this ability. Why do each of these perform better? It depends on the ability:
    • Dizzying Swing: this ability has both a stun and a knockback. Javelin previously had a knockback, but the difference is that with javelin being a ranged ability it would frequently knock the target far enough away that by the time the melee-stamplar reached them, the person would be unstunned, have immunity, and be again running away. Dizzy has no such issue, as the melee range for it allows the target to still be in easy melee range despite the knockback. Between the "travel time" for the knockback and the stun, this ability is excellent for setting up damage combos due to the fact that you are in melee range as soon as it goes off.
    • Reverberating Bash: easy access to Major Defile is an incredible boost to the capabilities of Stamplar. Stamplar lacks easy access to a number of buffs/debuffs more readily available to other classes, a problem that is exacerbated with the upcoming Necromancer class. Additionally, Stamplar being a high pressure/burst class typically starts to run out of gas in extended fights like those against classes with high heal capabilities that Stamplar can't keep up with. By denying the heals and stunning in melee range, this ability allows for strong damage followups.
    • Draining Shot: while bows are less typically used by Stamplars, this ability shines in the same slot as Binding Javelin by doing nearly the same thing but also adding a good combat heal, something Stamplar doesn't have easy access to within its kit. While the stun is shorter, in pvp the stuns are typically broken faster than this anyways so the longer stuns aren't incredibly effective.

    What can be done to javelin to make it more worthwhile to run?
    The above abilities that are used in its place show that there are multiple gaps in the templar playstyle that could be filled a several different ways. I think adding any one of the following to stamina Javelin would make the ability more consistent with other comparable abilities and make it more likely to be used:
    1. 4 seconds of Major Expedition on cast
    2. Minor Defile
    3. Major Fracture
    4. Heal for 1000 Health when stun ends

    Power of the Light is, like jabs, a staple ability of the stamplar toolkit. This ability functionally acts as an execute for stamina templars since they can't use the magicka-based class execute. Unfortunately, this ability has a few issues.
    • Double Mitigation: This ability works as a mirror for damage against an opponent. What currently happens with this ability is that once it is upon an enemy, any attack against them is mitigated by their resistances. The amount of damage after the mitigation is recorded by PotL. When PotL is ready to burst, it again uses that burst as an attack against the enemy and goes through their resistances a second time. This double mitigation results in damage far below what the ability is supposed to give, and contrary to the dev's own stated design for the ability

    • Group Utility: PotL is meant to allow a stamplar to line up their damage, its burst functioning somewhat as an execute for the Templar. However, due to the fact that this ability can be "filled" by any allies it is too easy to simply spam this ability while focusing a target with a large number of allies, or to otherwise spam this ability into crowds to rack up easy kills. In PvE, the damage cap is low enough that despite the stamplar likely being able to fill it on their own, the group will fill it up near instantly and really only be using the ability for the debuffs Minor Fracture and Minor Breach.
    • No Damage: a common bug with this ability is that it will burst and not release the damage, for whatever reason.

    What can be done with Power of the Light? Overall, this is a solid ability and there's a good reason it's so staple for the class/build. I recommend making it so only the caster can fill the damage meter, changing the ability's damage output to be unmitigated oblivion damage, and keeping the debuffs Minor Fracture and Minor Breach so they can continue to be utilized in PvE. This change would also fix complaints of the ability being used poorly during PvP group play.

    What else is Stamplar missing for damage output? After a single target spammable is added to stamplar, very little would be needed. The allowance of a true spammable would allow the usage of both jabs for and the new ability to bring the class' DPS into line with the parses of other stamina classes.

    The next set of abilities I'd like to talk about are the Stamplar defensive abilities.

    Defensive abilities in this game is a broad reaching category, spanning from the Nightblade cloaks, to Sorcerer streaks and shields, necromancer and templar cleanses/purges, heals, general movement, and more.

    Stamplar has access to the following defenses:
    • Remembrance
    • Repentance
    • Ritual
    • Restoring Focus

    Remembrance is an incredibly powerful ultimate that is utilized by both stamplars and magplars alike in PvP and PvE. Arguably too strong. While active, the user cannot move but neither can they be CCed or otherwise interrupted. Even as a stamina build, the heals from this are incredible and able to keep all allies nearby from dying. This ult is relatively inexpensive. This is possibly the strongest defensive ult in the game, especially for group content. Solo, the only abilities on the same tier is the Psijic ultimate, followed behind by the resto and S&B ultimates.

    What can be done with remembrance?: healers and templars in general tend to overly rely on this ability for group content. To match other abilities that grant CC immunity while casting like Soul Assault and Rapid Fire, the root should be removed from this ability while casting. Similar to the recent Earthgore changes in PTS 5.0.0, Remembrance should be changed to the following:
    Cast Time: 5s Channeled
    Range: 20m
    Cost: 125 Ultimate

    Channel the grace of the gods, healing yourself for 989 Health every 1 second for 5 seconds.
    Also heals a nearby ally with the lowest health each .5 seconds for 500 health.
    Gain Major Protection, reducing damage you take by 30% for 7 seconds.
    You gain immunity to all enemy control effects.

    Repentance is a stamplar unique ability that allows for restoration of resources via corpses as well as improving stat recovery in general by a small amount while on bar. This ability is relatively balanced and has been excellent to use since the devs fixed it so you couldn't steal corpses from other stamplars.

    Extended Ritual and Ritual of Retribution is the most important Templar class defense, ranking higher even than the magplar Honor The Dead/Breath of Life. The ready access to inexpensive cleanses allows for the Templar to easy remove stacked debuffs and dots. At least, in theory. In practice, in a PvE environment the ability is mostly used as an additional passive HoT, an area in which Ritual woefully underperforms. Heals are simply not the primary function of this ability. In PvP, the ability morphs are divided amongst those who wish to do damage, and those who want to purge more debuffs/damage from themselves. With the ability having a magicka cost, stamplars *must* use extended ritual due to their inability to cast it frequently and lack of other good defenses.

    My recommendations for both ritual morphs: change Extended Ritual to a better group heal, and Retribution to a self stamina ability that fills in defensive gaps for stamplar.
    Extended Ritual
    Cast Time: Instant (24s)
    Range: 12m
    Cost: 4320 Magicka

    Exalt in the sacred light of the Aedra, cleansing up to 2 harmful effects from yourself immediately, and healing you and nearby allies for 200 Health every 1 seconds for 18 seconds.
    Allies can also activate the Purify synergy, removing all harmful effects from themselves and healing them for an additional 667.

    This change makes it better for PvE healers. For PvP, this heal should be a unique effect so that you cannot be healed by stacks of Extended Ritual from multiple sources.
    Ritual of Penance
    Cast Time: Instant (12s)
    Range: Self
    Cost: 4000 Stamina

    Exalt in the sacred light of the Aedra, cleansing up to 4 harmful effects from yourself immediately, and healing you for 150 every 2 seconds for 12 seconds.
    Every 6s, 2 additional harmful effects will be cleansed.
    Gain 4s of immunity to snares and immobilizations

    This change fills in a MASSIVE gap in stamplar kit, which is the lack of mobility/ability to keep out of snares and immobilizations. Previously, Stamplars had to choose between running Shuffle which meant losing out on armor defense or going with Forward Momentum in the 2H line which is frequently an issue due to the poor healing stamplar has access to requiring them to use Rally morph instead.

    Templar lacks any and all mobility options in general, and Stamplar lacks decent HoTs to stand their ground the way the class seems to be designed to do. Giving them a single decently loaded ability like my Ritual of Penance with HoT, snare immunity, and cleanse effects will go a long way to making stamplars a viable class in pvp, especially coming into Elsweyr where classes like Necromancer will be able to deny what little healing Stamplar is capable of.

    Restoring Focus is an incredible ability and godsend for stamplars to have as a way to recover stamina and protect themselves. This ability seems to be in a good place and is one of stamplars only current consistent sources of defense, although its capability is mitigated by the fact that stamplars would die near instantly if they tried to hold their ground inside a Focus during the current meta. The sticky Major Resolve and Major Ward go a long way though.

    Regardless of whether the specific ability changes I mentioned in here are used, Stamplar has the following issues when compared to its peers:
    • Poor Healing - Pre-Morrowind this wasn't as bad with the class access to Major Mending. However, this buff was removed from class and Stamplar never received a balance despite needing it. Some kind of better HoT or self healing capability is MANDATORY for this class to function.
    • Poor Mobility - Stamplars have no mobility abilities and no class access to snare immunity. I don't think Stamplar *should* be a mobility class, but it would help for them to not be snared down constantly. As of PTS 5.0.1, Nightblades can gain snare immunity from Phantasmal Escape. Similar class immunity abilities for the other classes would be extremely helpful.
    • Poor Ranged Defense - Stamplar is an entirely melee class. They have no access to shields, decent ranged attacks, or other ability to mitigate ranged attacks. Magplar is able to utilize Total Dark to stop attacks against themselves. Dragonknights can gain 50% damage reduction to projectiles. Stamplar has no defense to protect them until they get into melee range.
    • Poor Damage Lineup - Stamplars have issues weaving jabs, have bad group utility with PotL, and rely heavily on weapon line abilities for damage like Reverberating Strike and Rending Slashes. A better class spammable, fixes to PotL, and a look at what makes the weapon abilities Stamplar uses good would go a long way.
    • Poor Passives - Templar passives almost entirely ignore a stamina variation. Where Magplar relies heavily on Burning Light procs for damage, Stamplar is entirely unable to utilize this source of damage. Reworking the passives is NEEDED for stamplar. Alternatively, fixes like the Vampire's Bane change I mentioned will also help

    Thank you for reading! This is definitely not totally comprehensive, and I recommend checking out other similar posts about Stamplar for more detail:
    Edited by fullheartcontainer on May 6, 2019 5:27AM
  • Haza_212
    Navras wrote: »

    Changes on Relentless Focus are a bit drastic imho. I can understand the point from the developer's comment about the removal of the +8% damage but I don't get why Minor Endurance has been cut off as well.

    Stamblade regen is overall bad now if you don't play in a trial with all buffs in a group.
    I'd say to put at least Minor Endurance back where it was plus I would add a small buff like Minor Savagery (+3% weapon critical)

    Nightblades Already get minor savagery from a passive. I'd replace minor berserk with major brutality and sorcery respectively. Remove the buffs from the power drain abilities
  • KatySpirit
    Dark Cloak change seriously hurts nightblade tanking by weakening their self healing.
    Today I burst healed myself on my warden tank for over 10k. In one hit. That does not include the heal over time that followed or the ally that I healed too in the same cast. On the other hand it takes 3 seconds for my nightblade tank to get over 10K self healing with the CURRENT version of cloak, plus the short buff of minor protection.
    I like that the skills are different in what they do and all, but they all need to heal enough to be helpful and Dark Cloak just does not deserve the nerf it is receiving.

    Removal of buff from Grim Focus/Merciless Resolve makes it kind of a waste of resources.

    Also please consider: Previous changes to Funnel Health's damage ruined healer nightblade's health-stealing identity and make it better to just use other skills from restoration staff.
    Consider increasing damage of Funnel Health by a little so it will be at least comparable to Mutagen, considering it only ticks every other second and does not last as long. I understand it was changed so that DPS would have to only heal themselves, but the damage is too low right now.

    I would rather class abilities not be worse than weapon abilities. I like variety.

    Tanks: Warden, Nightblade, Dragonknight
    Healers: Nightblade, Templar, Warden, Sorcerer, Dragonknight, Necromancer
    DPS: Magsorc, Magblade, Magplar, MagDK, Stamblade, StamNecro
  • oldrich.nesvadbaeb17_ESO
    I cannot read this Patch Notes, it made me already quit for year and a half after Morrowind and big patch month later hit live servers and with Elsweyr I have feelings in the name of PvP balance it makes me (as a solo focused PvE player) much weaker with less ability to CC and survability in the name of bigger damage. I´m watching Hack the Minotaur right now with Weapon, World & Guild Skill line Changes, followed with Warden Changes (already saw templar and sorc) and don´t like it.

    I don´t know. I have much less time in RL I have had, so it´s almost impossible to adapt on all of my char/spec (change all skill/morphs, buy or craft new equip) to be competetive, so I´ll probably suck much more than now and maybe I´ll wait for better players to tell me the way and finally anfter all those years I´ll choose one char to play (and it´s sad, but I´m really not able to absorb all of these changes and data with context to actual gameplay).

    Sad panda here
    50@710 - AD PetSorc, EP MagSorc, DC Magblade PvP, DC Magplar (main ATM), EP Magden,
    lvl 31 EP Mag DK, lvl 22 EP MagCro, lvl 17 Marcanist

    Playing since beta now and then
  • Cinbri
    Cinbri wrote: »
    This is how "golden coat" of Rune Focus looks on Live in shadow where bloom effect and sun rays barely affect:

    That how it look on PTS, go figure where is buffed and where unbuffed:
    It very hard to see even per se and almost impossible when you stand out of shadow, so how do you suppose to determine in combat that duration of rune focus wasn't ended without addons? Revert it effect to how it looks on live as it no longer provide its role of being informative.

    Nevermind, I noticed that new effect had improvement of its old clipping bug with armor (wasn't very obvious coz pale visual effect almost unnoticeable on my paladinish armor). If it result of new visual effect - it has to be kept as it is on PTS; seems it will be more effective to just either swap to Dark Side of dye system to make effect more visible or use buff-tracking addons on lightish dye styled armors.

    2. Forgot to mention that Resolve and Ward armor buffs are also mitigate Backlash released damage and thus double mitigate it damage too.
    Edited by Cinbri on April 23, 2019 2:51PM
  • Zer0oo
    Having a skill giving snare immunity is nice but right now it more or less forces you to use it or you can not move at all. Snares are still on way too many skills and most of the time the primary aim of a skill is not even the snare.

    4 sec snare on a 8sec dot means you be snared at least 50% of the time if one one person is on you with the dot. If more ppl are on you or if you use more skills with snares the snare uptime is almost 100%.

    Furthermore snares are not balanced compared to speed you can actually get. For example:
    Someone who walks is faster as someone who runs but is gap closed snared.
    Ice Furnace: This item set now grants Spell Damage, rather than Weapon Damage for the 4 piece bonus
    - Update 23
  • Tonturri
    There needs to be some semblance of consistent design across pets/summons. Necro's summons are...well, kinda bad, but at least they don't take up two slots like Sorc.

    Would be nice if Sorc pets were turned into summons (costs magicka to summon for x duration) and then gave access to another skill while summoned (summon twilight for 20 sec, able to cast the heal while it's active).

    Then give necro summons an additional skill you get access to after summoning.
  • macsmooth
    Navras wrote: »

    Changes on Relentless Focus are a bit drastic imho. I can understand the point from the developer's comment about the removal of the +8% damage but I don't get why Minor Endurance has been cut off as well.

    Stamblade regen is overall bad now if you don't play in a trial with all buffs in a group.
    I'd say to put at least Minor Endurance back where it was plus I would add a small buff like Minor Savagery (+3% weapon critical)

    You do mean Major Savagery? and prophecy on the other morph

    Nightblades get minor savagery from just doing critical damage from passives

    The endurance reinstatement I agree with but you can use pots for this and just give Major savagery would be better
    Edited by macsmooth on April 23, 2019 3:47PM
  • godchucknzilla
    Lucky28 wrote: »
    @ZOS_BrianWheeler @ZOS_GinaBruno

    Why remove Major Expedition from Cripple?. Why not remove Major Expedition from Path and keep it on Cripple, i mean having expedition on Cripple makes sense, you're sapping someones speed and taking it for yourself essentially. It however, doesn't make much sense on path as generally you don't want to be zipping out of your path....

    Keeping expedition on Cripple and removing it from path, i think would fit the spirit of the class better. i mean the name of the skill line says it all: Siphioning - to take or transfer.

    Also, keeping expedition on Crippling Grasp makes for a compelling choice between Grasp and Debilitate - Speed or Magicka steal, making both morphs completely viable and not having one morph straight better than the other like so many skills.

    This guy is exactly right. The Devs don't make any sense by removing Major expedition from Cripple. Its a painful nerf to a pvp build. Mind you expedition is 4 seconds now which is weak anyways.
  • Lord_Eomer
    Reverse the dark cloak nerf for Magblades that play in the open in PvP. It is our only decent burst heal.

    @ZOS_BrianWheeler Cx go 1 v X as a magblade and see how well it works with all your new changes while being 100% visible. Magblades shouldn't be punished for Stamblades. Take soul harvest or incap raise the cost but the changes to dark cloak and merciless resolve is a nail in the coffin for players that were out in the open on an already weak class. You are taking away our only good burst heal on our defensive bar while setting up a burst combo in PvP. Please take a look at it....if anything reverse the dark cloak changes keeping build diversity still alive.

    Thnx, I hope you will test it out and see for yourself that this is a skilled playstyle, nothing like the gankblades that are invisible.... :)

    NB using Dark Cloak in PVP are harder to counter due to this skill OP in PVP.

    This need a fix in PVP.
  • MartiniDaniels
    Let's destroy class, because of one morph of one skill.
  • HowlKimchi
    Lucky28 wrote: »
    @ZOS_BrianWheeler @ZOS_GinaBruno

    Why remove Major Expedition from Cripple?. Why not remove Major Expedition from Path and keep it on Cripple, i mean having expedition on Cripple makes sense, you're sapping someones speed and taking it for yourself essentially. It however, doesn't make much sense on path as generally you don't want to be zipping out of your path....

    Keeping expedition on Cripple and removing it from path, i think would fit the spirit of the class better. i mean the name of the skill line says it all: Siphioning - to take or transfer.

    Also, keeping expedition on Crippling Grasp makes for a compelling choice between Grasp and Debilitate - Speed or Magicka steal, making both morphs completely viable and not having one morph straight better than the other like so many skills.

    This exactly. Debilitate is a siphoning skill too, which gives it an edge over ele drain for the max magicka passive of siphoning. Melee magblades need magickasteal, and a siphonign skill on the crowded frontbar.

    The magblade then has viable choices to make in building his magblade.
    Edited by HowlKimchi on April 24, 2019 7:59AM
    previously @HaruKamui but I outgrew my weeb phase (probably)

    PC/NA - EP - Howl Bragi/Howl Kimchi
  • Baphomet
    Subterranean assault absolutely doesn't need to be blockable. It should just have its damage toned down by 20ish % or so.

    Making it blockable hits wardens way too hard.

    And then dawnbreaker should probably receive a 10% damage reduction as well.

    Edited by Baphomet on April 24, 2019 8:01AM
    - The Psijic Order
    - TKO
    - Dominant Dominion
    - The Noore
  • Cinbri
    "Increased the radius of Whirlwind and the Whirling Death morph to 6 meters from 5 meters. Dev. com.: brought the base line performance of this ability into the same realm of our other Direct Damage Area of Effect abilities in damage, cost, and area coverage."

    However unlike this AoE standardization of Radial Sweep = Dragonleap, Sun Shield that was equal in radius to Whirlwind wasn't get this attention and its radius remained 5m instead of 6m. @Joy_Division @Checkmath
  • Checkmath
    Cinbri wrote: »
    "Increased the radius of Whirlwind and the Whirling Death morph to 6 meters from 5 meters. Dev. com.: brought the base line performance of this ability into the same realm of our other Direct Damage Area of Effect abilities in damage, cost, and area coverage."

    However unlike this AoE standardization of Radial Sweep = Dragonleap, Sun Shield that was equal in radius to Whirlwind wasn't get this attention and its radius remained 5m instead of 6m. @Joy_Division @Checkmath

  • luccerton
    I mostly played a magsorc so far and here are my finding.

    I mostly feel the class remains somewhat the same allthough I have to say you can feel the nerf to daedric prey a bit, I think the nerf of 15% was a little bit much. but I do understand it was too strong so maybe make it 45 or 50%? I have to say the pet taunt on daedric prey is a good quality of life change and I like it very much. Makes controlling my pets in real scenario content a lot more fluent.

    I am a fan of the standards you guys set for aoe dots, single target dots and spammables etc. For me it does not ruin the class fantasy but does create better viability between the weapon sets and between class skills. Allthough I have to say that on some classes it makes the class play a little bit wonky in my opinion. Aka dks using Breath as their main spamable feels kinda weird to me. Also I would like to see more stamina morphs. I mainly play sorc and dk and the stamina morphs for those classes are pretty lackluster. For example a stamina whip on dk and more stamina skills on sorc are always welcome to make them a bit more viable.
    Also known as pyroxius, fanatic twitch fan and youtube content creator!
  • Morgul667
    I thought this was the update to bring class balance ZOS... i dont understand
  • casparian
    Morgul667 wrote: »
    I thought this was the update to bring class balance ZOS... i dont understand

    It's always next update.
    7-day PVP campaign regular 2016-2019, Flawless Conqueror. MagDK/stamplar/stamwarden/mageblade. Requiem, Legend, Knights of Daggerfall. Currently retired from the wars; waiting on performance improvements.
  • Yakidafi
    This is the least appreciated update by far conserning class/skill changes. From the perspective that it will make builds become more similar to each other in and across classes.

    Are there any changes you feel are against the spirit of the class?
    Do you feel your class is stronger, weaker, or relatively the same with the standardization pass on class abilities?
    • Nightblade:
      • Death stroke: Removed major defile
        • Morph Incapacitating strike: Removed major defile, Added minor mangle for duration of stun 4.5s(120 ultimate). Minor mangle reduce a targets max health by 10%, it also reduce health points from the target if they are at max health or have more than 90% health currently. When does a NB open with incap strike as its first attack or when an enemy is at full health? Answer is never, because you do a light attack and put a DoT first or because the target is low health already. Minor mangle also make the execute range decrease on the target making your own attacks that get increased damage the less hp% your opponent have hit for less damage. Also, Compare this skill to Dawn breaker of smithing.
      • Grim focus: Removed minor berserk, heal for 33% of damage caused if you are withing 7m. This ability now cost alot for what it does compared to similar skills. Adding a heal to this ability does not make sense for PvP or PvE, in PvP you will only want to use this when you burst down an opponent, in PvE it may add some HPS added with siphoning strikes, cloak or vigor.
        • Morph merciless resolve: Heal for 50% of damage caused. This is the magicka morph and you have to be within 7m, If you want to rely on the heal from this skill you will not want to be within 7m. On my builds no cp against 30%resistance, that is around 2.4k heal 1.2k if you double dip dmg and heal debuff as have been done before. Lets not forget I have to build that up with 5 light attacks and I will only want to use this attack when I burst my opponent.
        • Morph relentless focus: Removed minor endurance, increased time to 30 sec. Maybe I can cast assassins will 2 times in PvP, probably still only 1 time because I will want to time it with my burst. Nerf it for PvP and solo PvE, but about same for group play.
      • Teleport strike: added minor vulnerability 8s. Start using gap closers in PvE dungeons ,VMA, trials only for this debuff? I myself have not used gap closers in PvP for 2-3 years. This buff does not make the thought of using gap closers more fun, it is still most beneficial as a Group PvP tool in my eyes. Maybe I am forced to use it, but then only for the minor vulnerability.
      • Aspect of terror:
        • Morph Mass hysteria: No longer snare or add minor maim to the enemy, now fears 6 enemies and feared enemies stay still in position and cower.This skill have been remade for PvE tanks. Sucks that it had to be gutted in other instances for that change. Not like other classes except templar have hard or soft cc like this already, but with benefits.
      • Dark cloak: Heal caster for 4.5% of max health every 1s for 8s. With 25k hp that is 1.1k hp before cyrodiil 50% debuff. with 35k hp it is a whooping 1.6k before debuff. Will you reduce cost of this skill significantly?
      • Surprise attack: Removed major fracture added 5% physical resistance debuff if attacking from behind or the side of your opponent. Because flanking strategist is such a great set? This change is almost like the minor mangle on incap strike, it feel like it is just there because it look like it does something. If you manage to get the 5% debuff it will be most of the time like 1% or 2% dmg boost if it is very high resistance target.
      • Double Take: does no longer give you major expedition, instead it give you 4s snare immunity/removal. When I saw the patch notes 5.0 I was very scared what you would do to crippling grasp and this skill. Horrifyingly you removed expedition and gave it snare removal instead, WHEN you already buffed race against time with snare immunity/removal in 5.0. This morph is now redundant when it before was usable in some situations. It also cost more than similar skills.
      • Cripple this ability and morphs no longer grant major expedition. can be placed on infinite amount of targets. It is now just another DoT and it lost the reason why it was usable outside of group play. That it can be placed on more targets is only barely a buff for groups. But we have Race against time now!
    • Warden
      • Scorch: Is now blockable, why? It is an AoE it should not be blockable, or?
      • Corrupting pollen: Now only defiles players inside the circle, so basically useless unless your opponent just stand idle inside it, Or you are forced to spam this to give major defile.
    • Templar
      • Radial Sweep: increased the range to 8m
        • Morph Empowering Sweep: Here you go again with only 1 of the same buff per class. and you choose to remove it from the 1 skill that it was useful on. Also you nerfed empower a few updates ago. This ultimate was nice because it offered you major protection, it is like the sole purpose of using it over another damaging ultimate. Now it deal less damage than DboS and it does not offer major protection.
      • Solar flare: reduced cast time by 0.1s, decreased damage by 37%. It was hard to justify using this skill before, now I will not even consider it.
    • Two handed
      • Uppercut: reduced post cooldown, reduced damage by 14%. Did the cooldownt really make it so powerful in PvE that it needed this nerf?

    Do you have any other general feedback?
    1. Shuffle have max 3.5 duration of immunity if anyone actually wear full medium armour in PvP and cost alot. If you want to play medium armour and be able to survive you have atleast 1 heavy piece and that bring shuffle to 3 sec immunity. now race against time have 4s and forward momentum have 4s immunity, double take 4s. Since changes have/are being made to skills and naming a "standard" as guideline, time to look at shuffle too.
    2. Adding increased snares on gap closers again. Who would want this, players outnumbering another player/players. They already have number advantage.
    3. I do not understand why you seem to be so hard pressed on every class just allowed to have1 skill that add the same buff/debuff, does not make much sense if you want to give players more build diversity. This also removes build diversity and forces players to have more similar builds not only on the same class but over classes, THIS removes class identity.
    4. You nerf/buff some skills and point it that they should be closer to the "standard" of other similiar abilities, but some abilities you give a pass and make them break this standard. example falcon swiftness, shuffle, scorch, protective plate. I think it is a weird way to try and balance skills by making them similar to eachother, but then to also disregard it on some skills because "it feel proper" to make this class better/worse or something? This "standard" is a big time class defining removal in my opinion.
    5. Talking about some skills being overloaded, this is the update of Overloaded gap closers, I guess they have been very underused for a few years since they are not really necessary unless you are in a group in pvp, "toppling charge", "teleport strike". The other classes gap closers got buffed but not overloaded.

    Edited by Yakidafi on April 24, 2019 12:31PM
    Moons and sands shall be your guide and path.
    PC EU/NA
  • Ragnaroek93
    My experience so far with med armor Nb: I'm squishy, have no pressure and my burst is nerfed. And on top of that I don't have a snare outside of Ambush now in a meta in which everyone will have Major Exp and a snare removal on demand. Medium armor loses it's identity completely and this game will be ruled by magsorcs, heavy armor snb builds and necros.
    You "promised" to listen to community feedback and I really hoped that you start trying to finally balance this game. But guess what, I was wrong. Don't come up with some reasoning like long term vision when you're game isn't balanced nor is it "perfectly imbalanced", it's more like people are working on the changes who have no idea about their own game.
    I used to think that PvP was a tragedy, but now I realize, it's a comedy.
  • Jabbs_Giggity
    Minno wrote: »
    KenaPKK wrote: »
    @Cinbri updating you that the team is investigating the bugs you reported in your comment.

    Do keep in mind that we get more value out of explanations of the problems and issues you experience with the class, not necessarily suggestions for changes. "This ability should do this" only goes so far without a strong argument for why. You provided arguments for most of your suggestions, but not all, and digging for your rationale amidst the suggestions is time consuming.

    The team is currently deciding on long term plans for many things right now, and while I can't speak to any specifics regarding templar, I will say that we are reading this thread and passing along your thoughts and others'.

    Kena, the problem was stated. Templar stuffers from bugs and inconsistent skill audits this patch, some of which have been Templar pain points since before the rep program started. Hard to let the team know exactly these issues without it sounding like suggestions on changes.

    For example, the team stated skills made a pass to remove redundant functionality across class kits, but made empowering sweeps into a carbon copy of solar barrage while subtracting from stamplar survivability in PvP. Another example, how jabs CP mitigation was reducing the DMG far more than intended, but was missed for 4 patches in arow before changes to jabs/major evasion was drastically changed that made it near impossible to track.

    If the devs want more general nofeedback, here's what I came up with:

    Aedric Spear

    Burning Light: great change, needs extensive cyro testing on live however for efficiency tests. Jabs snare is still dodge able though.

    Focused Charge: minimum range doesn't match other gap closers, at least ones that grant a secondary effect like lotus fan.
    Explosive Charge (morph): no one is using this spell for the AOE dmg. It doesnt break targets out of stealth, requires a target, is too slow, and makes your vulnerable. Niche application as a bomber build but Templar has nothing that helps to escape those situations like a nightblade can.
    Toppling Charge (morph): has potential to be a great change. but has same downsides as explosive charge; most serious PVP players deslot this ability since it opens you up to being cc'd and burst. If DMG buff is to be a buff for Templar, then consistency of use must be created.

    Piercing Javelin:dmg boost buff was weird at range, because templars lack the absolute ranged strength of sorcs to fully use this DMG boost to it's full potential. Skill audit would have shown that one of the magplar pain points is too many cc options that have too many niche applications and all contradict each other. Why run javelin when I can heal+unreflected+unblocked dMG with total dark? But I can't use total dark on cc immune targets and toppling charge becomes generic gap closer when I cast total dark first.

    Puncturing Strikes: best change this patch but there's a bug as cinbri noted regarding it's efficiency on pts.

    Radial Sweep: great change for range. Still misses targets due to how the hitbox is looking for those targets.
    Empowering Sweep (morph): this is hard to swallow because it violates the core reasoning of this patch while increasing the main pain point of stamplar; low survivability after post-nerf of major mending under wrobel. its an AOE 2s pulse that has empower; solar barrage shares this same exact mechanic and thus is instantly redundant. It may be an ultimate, and some pve stamplars love it, but in PvP it takes away from survival for that class.

    Spear Shards:good buffs for pve templar but stamplar can't use it. So it's one sided change.

    Sun Shield:
    .great change for seeing skills and values they bring, because it was tricking both players and devs into thinking this is a great defensive skill. But if blazing was above other options, you'd see it on every templar build and in competitive PvP applications. It doesnt defend well and it doesnt damage well; because of that it will always be replaced by something more damaging or defensive. Radiant ward is perfect for PVE tanks however but the cost increase is a nerf to them sadly. Is 9% per hit good enough for competitive pve? This ability will still find extremely niche use in PvP and it doesn't solve pve tank pain points.

    Dawn’s Wrath
    Eclipse: great mechanic balance for DKs now. Tooltip Great for knowledge too in understanding how it works,but has core issue of its design rests on this cooldown. damage was originally by wrobel increased to account for this 0.75s cooldown. and to boot, healing was never increase to account for this as well. core ability still suffers in that you are giving targets cc immunity without stopping their actions and the niche applications. Other cc abilities are rendered useless if trying to make most of this spell. Hard to use with new toppling charge since you'll waste two slots for a cc immunity granting spell.

    Power of the Light: pve change, while decent, only buffs pve templar healers who did not need buffs on core DPS centered abilities. Dmg loss impacts PVE stamplar and PVP stamplar looking to stretch their dmg to counter the fact their have no defense.

    Solar Flare: great change on both speed and cast times. but is 37% dmg reduction worth 0.1 seconds and slightly faster shot? Snipe, receiving similar change, has only a 27% reduction on damage. In comparison, Jabs while received evasion nerfs but got buffs to compensate as well; dark flare should be buffed now that wings is 50% dmg reduction for similar reasons. With reflective light/vamp bane losing ability to be used as a spamable for both instant cast+dot for greater Dmg, dark flare feels more like a redundant ability that functions similarly to vamp bane but only useful on gank builds/zerglings and will never see application in pve. Solar barrage is great change however to help fix it mechanically.

    Sun Fire: great change for server calcs, but if dark flare isnt buffed, magplar loses partially efficiency in one aspect of it's core identity of "i can do AOE, Melee and range all in one package". Plus ability has issues granting crit buff due to requiring hits instead of cast so it's not functioning according to similar buff spells and thus missed it's chance by the team on their audits.

    Restoring Light
    Breath of Life: great adjustment for pvp balance. Shame other similar heals in the game don't follow this requirement of positioning and LOS walls (Sorc pet heal for example).

    Cleansing Ritual: great change but weird issue with Ritual of retribution. dmg of this spell buffed with highest stat either weapon/stam but is still magic damage so CP scaling will be annoying. Extended ritual is fine as is, though stamplars aren't sitting around for this heal in highly mobile combat.

    Practiced Incantation: heal percentage fix didn't really make morph attractive versus rememberance. For a defensive ult, it hasn't been updated according for the highly mobile game design intent, and both morphs haven't really been touched since 2015-2016. Another missed chance to audit to update Templar proactive defense pain point.

    All in all, Templar will be bottom barrel compared to mag Sorc buffs, mag dk buffs, stamDK stealing stamplar identity of dot pressure/major mending identity, and necromancer. All other classes can accomplish what they need in less than it takes to setup Templar burst.

    This is absolutely fantastic Minno. Sad truth is that even though Kena is saying this thread is being read, does not mean anything will be implemented...Hell, Checkmath has been arguing for us for how long now? What has been done other than ruining the Class identity further...
    ZOS Devs need to address individual Class Rep threads with actual "future" design plans for improving class balance if they plan to retain their player base and customers.

    Right now Templar is RIPlar, and I will not play this game while it is so. I like other classes, don't get me wrong. However, those classes to me are not as fun as Templars used to be.
  • Benemime
    ZOS, can you set socpets to scale off max Magicka and spell damage inheriting the same mechanics as the other skills? This change won't make necropotence useless, it would still be a very good set

    The same request goes for empowered/hardened ward
  • Jabbs_Giggity
    My experience so far with med armor Nb: I'm squishy, have no pressure and my burst is nerfed. And on top of that I don't have a snare outside of Ambush now in a meta in which everyone will have Major Exp and a snare removal on demand. Medium armor loses it's identity completely and this game will be ruled by magsorcs, heavy armor snb builds and necros.
    You "promised" to listen to community feedback and I really hoped that you start trying to finally balance this game. But guess what, I was wrong. Don't come up with some reasoning like long term vision when you're game isn't balanced nor is it "perfectly imbalanced", it's more like people are working on the changes who have no idea about their own game.

    Actually, Templars are still the only class without Major or Minor Expedition as well (Now that NB lost theirs on Double Take).
  • Ragnaroek93
    My experience so far with med armor Nb: I'm squishy, have no pressure and my burst is nerfed. And on top of that I don't have a snare outside of Ambush now in a meta in which everyone will have Major Exp and a snare removal on demand. Medium armor loses it's identity completely and this game will be ruled by magsorcs, heavy armor snb builds and necros.
    You "promised" to listen to community feedback and I really hoped that you start trying to finally balance this game. But guess what, I was wrong. Don't come up with some reasoning like long term vision when you're game isn't balanced nor is it "perfectly imbalanced", it's more like people are working on the changes who have no idea about their own game.

    Actually, Templars are still the only class without Major or Minor Expedition as well (Now that NB lost theirs on Double Take).

    Just use Race against Time. And yeah, Templar is a dead class too now.
    I used to think that PvP was a tragedy, but now I realize, it's a comedy.
  • Morgul667
    casparian wrote: »
    Morgul667 wrote: »
    I thought this was the update to bring class balance ZOS... i dont understand

    It's always next update.

    Sad but true
  • Strider__Roshin
    My experience so far with med armor Nb: I'm squishy, have no pressure and my burst is nerfed. And on top of that I don't have a snare outside of Ambush now in a meta in which everyone will have Major Exp and a snare removal on demand. Medium armor loses it's identity completely and this game will be ruled by magsorcs, heavy armor snb builds and necros.
    You "promised" to listen to community feedback and I really hoped that you start trying to finally balance this game. But guess what, I was wrong. Don't come up with some reasoning like long term vision when you're game isn't balanced nor is it "perfectly imbalanced", it's more like people are working on the changes who have no idea about their own game.

    Stamblades will be nonexistent next update, but I'm quite confident that's what a lot of the community wants. Most people don't want a good fight (one that's competitive where both contestants have an equal shot at winning) they just want to win so the less competitive classes the better in their eyes, and since the magsorc community is quite large and vocal you can only imagine how happy some magsorcs are knowing they don't have to worry about stamblades or Dk wings anymore.

    But don't worry, now they're going to have Stam Necros to worry about. Enjoy fighting a class that's actually OP.
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