Maintenance for the week of July 8:
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• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 10, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
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We will be performing maintenance for patch 10.1.0 on the PTS on Monday at 8:00AM EDT (12:00 UTC).

PTS Update 22 - Feedback Thread for Class Balance

  • actosh

    Minor Vulnability needs to be moved to either path, or mark target.
    If u keep it on Teleport Strike, we all know that topic will dominate the next months and end in a useless nerf on the next pts.
    It as well supports ganing builds or moreso forces u to play like that.

    Overall you guys should think about moving nb´s skills a bit around (locating tem in other tree´s).
    Edited by actosh on April 18, 2019 2:17PM
  • Zer0oo
    Can we also get some rework on all hard CCs?

    Right now some CCs are so much stronger than others. Take rune cage with is now extreme bad telegraph, short duration, no utility and no damage(no one waits for the full duration to cc break and if he is out of stam it just saved him), expensive

    Fossilize on the other hand is overloaded with effects: damage when it ends, root, ignores dodge and block and no telegraph

    Same goes for draining shoot: knock back, quite high damage and an insane high heal (i get 10+k crit heals like WTF)

    @ZOS_Gilliam, @ZOS_BrianWheeler
    Ice Furnace: This item set now grants Spell Damage, rather than Weapon Damage for the 4 piece bonus
    - Update 23
  • kookster
    With the damage nerf to dizzy swing, my stamDK is in a worse spot specifically in pvp since healing to allies is so strong. 9/10 the only way you can kill someone in pvp is by bursting them down. With a 12% damage nerf to dizzy swing I feel like DK is in a much worse spot now being one of the only classes that does not have a class skill to burst with, the other being stamsorc. Though you might argue flames of oblivion, but you legitimately have no control over who it targets, and in a very out numbered situation thats useless.

    MagSorc: curse, mages wrath, frags
    Templar: power of the light / purifying light
    MagDK: this is probably the weakest burst inhale
    Nightblade: relentless focus / merciless resolve
    Warden: subterranean assault / deep fissure

    StamSorc: nothing
    StamDK: flames of oblivion (RNG targeting)

    Possible solutions:
    1) I would be ok with: Make Dizzy swing still hit hard and the other morph hits less with the slightly less cast time or whatever.
    2) Make flames of oblivion always target the last person you light attack/heavy attack. And make it deal poison damage or flame damage based off the max stat. Otherwise you miss out on all your pen and cp.
    3) Give stamsorc a stam curse.
    Edited by kookster on April 18, 2019 10:00PM
    Potato Pact - PC NA
  • highnds
    I think if Relentless Focus is being stripped of "bonuses" than the cost should be decreased. It should only cost a tad more than Leeching Strikes.
  • Dracane
    Speaking about magicka Sorcerer, more from a pve perspective.

    Lightning Flood: I am beyond happy that lightning flood is finally a serious alternative to liquid lightning. 8 seconds duration is exactly what it needed.

    : A decent damage buff to power overload and thanks to the weaving improvements, it feels pretty much like a normal light attack now. But I still can't see myself using overload, due to its lacking functionality.
    Completely disabling ultimate regeneration is too harsh in my opinion. It's okay that overload attacks don't proc ultimate regen, but please let our normal ultimate regen carry over or at the very least, allow banish the wicked and combat frenzy to work during overload.

    I'm also not happy, that Overload light and heavy attacks have nothing in common with normal attacks, which is a bit confusing. For example, why aren't overload heavy attacks affected by the heavy attack bonus from off balance ? If you deny any form of ultimate regen during Overload, it would be great if Overload felt a bit more dynamic and actually follows established combat mechanics. It overwrites my normal heavy attacks, so I wish it would be a worthy replacement.

    In general, I feel like Sorcerer hasn't really changed too much. I still prefer soul assault, meteor and elemental storm over Overload in pve and pvp. Even though I am a pve Sorcerer tank, I still never make use of Bound Aegis's active component. I think it needs something more long term and more suited for a mage.

    But overall, I feel this patch improved the game in general.

    Auri-El is my lord,
    Trinimac is my shield,
    Magnus is my mind.

    My debut album on YouTube:
  • kaithuzar
    Class balance for Elsweyr PVP:
    Stam necro > mag necro > stam warden > stam dk > mag dk > stam templar > mag sorc > stam nb > mag templar > stam sorc > mag warden > mag nb

    I’m calling it now.
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  • jahmic
    Soul Shriven
    PVE MagDK

    I rarely post if ever...but they finally showed my main class some love.

    That said...the molten whip change feels a little restrictive as it relates to bar setup for PVE. In order to get the 3 stacks, the ardent flame abilities all have to be slotted/cast on the same bar as molten whip. This requires the front bar to run: embers, FoO, engulfing, whip in order to take advantage of all 3 stacks of the empowered whip. This limits build diversity a bit, and from the PVE perspective it forces an odd rotation to be able to take advantage of the empowered whip at 3 stacks, as you are reapplying ardent flame DoT abilities well before cooldown in order to proc an empowered whip consistently in the rotation. The rotation is sustainable, and I was able to hit 49.5k on pts with that rotation vs 47k on live with the same gear, but whip is doing the same amount of damage overall in those parses because with the new rotation you are spamming dot abilities more than whip itself if you are prioritizing the empowered whip to push your dps. Perhaps someone will come up with a better rotation, but that's been my experience thus far. For additional perspective, on live, my rotation uses whip ~53x to hit 47k on the 6mil dummy...on PTS my rotation uses whip ~34x to hit 49.5k dps on the 6mil. If I use the old rotation on PTS, the damage increase on PTS is almost negligible...maybe an improvement of 1k dps when parsing.

    It feels like the requirement to have the abilities cast/slotted on the same bar is just a carryover from the old ability, and I can understand if they did not want to make the proc too easy to obtain so that it's not OP...but the ability feels lackluster in PvE. The condition to have the 3 ardent flame abilities slotted on the same bar AND cast prior to whip seems overboard. To fit the current playstyle of magDK, it would feel much better if we could gain a stack of seething up to 3 stacks for each cast of molten whip...that way our spammable scales as we spam it, and the stacks could consume after the 3rd whip if you want high single target burst damage, OR you could use whip twice and carry the spell damage through your rotation for up to 5 seconds until you cast the next whip. Downside there is that it would probably be useless for our pvp magDK friends since nobody will (should) eat 3 whips to the face.
    Edited by jahmic on April 18, 2019 6:01PM
    PVE MagDK
    PC NA
  • katorga
    kaithuzar wrote: »
    Class balance for Elsweyr PVP:
    Stam necro > mag necro > stam warden > stam dk > mag dk > stam templar > mag sorc > stam nb > mag templar > stam sorc > mag warden > mag nb

    I’m calling it now.

    Explanation for Stam DK location on the list?
  • Icy_Waffles
    kaithuzar wrote: »
    Class balance for Elsweyr PVP:
    Stam necro > mag necro > stam warden > stam dk > mag dk > stam templar > mag sorc > stam nb > mag templar > stam sorc > mag warden > mag nb

    I’m calling it now.

    Mag Necro is more towards the bottom. Between warden and nightblade.

    Stam Necro... yeah towards the top, but still skeptical due to some of the corpse mechanic issues.
  • nCats
    About stamina nightblades:

    The removal of Minor Berserk and the compensation of it by adding 8% to Ambush is not a good idea for PvP: it will end up to be an incentive for the "spambush" Xv1 playstyle while freeing up a slot from the Relentless Focus (not that one-button gankers were pulling out spectral bow shots anyway). Thus I agree with a comment above, and perhaps suggest reverting the Minor Berserk change.

    I would also hope that another balance pass is coming for the Warden.
  • rafaelcsmaia
    Since I play 2 classes, I can only say about them.

    Sorc: Magicka has identity, but still lacks a reliable way to sustain (dark conversion is just so bad you'd rather use equilibrium, so much for skills doing basically the same huh?). Stamina lacks identity completelly and is overshadowed by every single stam spec in game.

    Opinion: Since this update was meant to change active skills, stamsorc got the short end of the stick (again), while it changes very little for magicka.

    NB: Stamblade PVE got a lishg buff in group play IMO, but solo got a nice whack in the head. PVP they were burst kings, but again, NBs are meant for that. I think maybe keep the berserk or the fracture, dunno.

    Magblades: PVE little to no change, however the PVP part really bothers me, the heal got gutted, no minor berserk for a spec already lacking offensiveness (aside from bombing/ganking, one can only tolerate that for so long) so again, kinda of a heavy nerf on them.

    TLDR; Magblades neded adjustment but IMO it was kinda overkill, sorc still is the poor cousin of the stamina's, being the so called "active skills patch revamp" I expected more.
  • Rehdaun
    Per the thread title: Class Balance, Where's the class balance? Are classes really balanced with this patch? Is MagDen on par with the rest of the classes? StamSorc? Is StamDen less powerful?

    Maybe I'm missing something here but I see nerfs that might bring a couple classes in line the rest and a couple buffs here and there but it doesn't look equal to me. What am I missing Zos? Hmm? What am I missing?
  • NinchiTV
    I really think the changes to STAMSORC broke the game because how OP it is - oh wait, it hasnt even got positive changes in years. STAM MORPHS PLZ.
  • Prutton
    Only consensus in the community is that stamsorc, magden and stamdk have been in the bottom of DPS for years and need some improvement. However, devs only care about changing more popular classes like nightblades and pet sorcerers. And they are bold enough to call it "class balance".
  • Zer0oo
    can we change how cblast and cfrag from sorc work?
    make both a proc that scales on the highest stats and proc off any skill
    • one would be nice for aoe and the other good for single target(both should not cc)
    • give stam sorc something unique since they would need to invest more into mag return (they are sorc after all)
    • remove the cast time from the unprocced version, make it more expensive but give it a cc (in some way it would be a rule breaker but it would also make this class stand out and since it would be expensive you really would think if you use it)
    Ice Furnace: This item set now grants Spell Damage, rather than Weapon Damage for the 4 piece bonus
    - Update 23
  • wheem_ESO
    casparian wrote: »
    Given that stam necromancer has enormous class identity with numerous stamina morphs, why do other classes (particularly stamplar and stamsorc) still have so few stamina morphs?
    Because Magicka has one offensive weapon skill line and needs to actually have some occasional options here and there.
  • CurvedSwords123
    Make the bound armaments activation a purge or something (since we have no debuffs, perhaps we can specialize in staying free from them). Make streak scale with phys pen as well. Reduce dark deal from 1.6 to 1 second cast time, like Fengrush suggested. Lower magicka cost of crit surge.

    Stop ignoring us!
    Edited by CurvedSwords123 on April 18, 2019 11:50PM
  • TheRealSniker
    Nightblades shouldnt be supposed to spam Ambush every 8 seconds in order to gain such a key debuff that allows them to burst.
    Relentless focus will be unused and Ambush is a bad skill that you force people to use.
  • Vapirko
    Vapirko wrote: »
    Vapirko wrote: »
    With respect to Stamina Templars, while the jabs change is small but welcome and helps combat to flow a bit better, Stamplars still lack a bit of survivability. The change to Ritual is of course welcome, but the heal on it is maybe 250-300 per second which doesn’t make much of a difference. Now this brings me to PotL. The extended duration of minor fracture is not all that useful because a good Stamplar will be reapplying after expiration for the most part. What if instead of an extended minor fracture PotL gave some sort of heal on expiration that related to copied damage? This would be in line with, and encourage, the highly offensive style of Stamplars.

    That's already almost what's doing the magicka version, having a small (I mean radius mostly) healing dot around the target it was put on. It would be too close and the magicka version is "only" healing, which would make it vastly inferior.

    That’s not correct. The magicka versions also copies damage. The magicka version features a multi target HoT, whereas the stamina version would be a single target burst on the caster. That’s not too similar, and would not make the magicka version irrelevant in any form.

    I know about the copied damage, I was meaning there's no minor breach/fracture, so if you add healing to the already overused stamina version (even most of the time by healers if there is no stamplar in the group).
    Btw the radius of the healing dot is so small that on a lot of the new bosses it's affecting only the tank and not always.

    Overused stamina version? I don’t follow. Stamina Templars use the stamina morph lol. Is jabs overused too? Is curse overused on sorcs? Is poison claws overused on a DK? If all magicka Templars were also using PotL then you might say it’s overused but that’s just not the case. And the heal from purifying light is quite useful for PvP even if it’s more focused on the tank in PvE. Also purifying light provides minor sorcery via the passive for the caster and their group. Stamina Templar gets nothing from that. So adding a burst heal at the end would not put it out of balance. Actually it would be more balanced as then both morphs would provide a heal and a damage increase in conjunction with copied damage.
    Edited by Vapirko on April 19, 2019 12:28AM
  • t_black57_ESO
    Please remove the cast time on dark exchange. Using this ability feels clunky in the rotation due to the cast time it has. with all the other changes to cast time ability's this one should be looked at as well. this ability functions similarly to other class ability's: warden Betty netch and morphs no cast time similar function, Night blade siphoning strikes and morphs no cast time similar function. with all the proposed changes to combat to make it feel smother the ability dark exchange should also not have a cast time as well to make it feel better to use in the rotation.
  • wheem_ESO
    Please remove the cast time on dark exchange. Using this ability feels clunky in the rotation due to the cast time it has. with all the other changes to cast time ability's this one should be looked at as well. this ability functions similarly to other class ability's: warden Betty netch and morphs no cast time similar function, Night blade siphoning strikes and morphs no cast time similar function. with all the proposed changes to combat to make it feel smother the ability dark exchange should also not have a cast time as well to make it feel better to use in the rotation.
    That would be way too overpowered for PvP. The other abilities that you mention may not have a cast time, but they also don't give you a chunk of resources all at once when cast, either.
    Edited by wheem_ESO on April 19, 2019 2:14PM
  • deevah
    I predominantly play open-world pvp as a cloakless magblade. Most of my comments come from pts testing with the build I use on live: light armor destro/resto, 5x julianos, 5x alchemist, vBRP resto backbar with either pirate skele or bloodspawn helm.
    • Are there any changes you feel are against the spirit of the class?
    Many changes are consistent with NB's 'assassin' identity. In a pvp context, two big pluses include: changing fear to operate more as a root, which opens up new combos / synergies with teammates; buffs to shade's damage [although melee morph feels overtuned] offers more sustained single-target pressure.

    That said, other proposed changes either pigeonhole or incentivize NBs into a gank-only playstyle and may lead to less build diversity within the class. This is covered in general feedback.
    • Are you able to weave abilities better or worse in this Update?
    Yes, definitely.
    • Do you feel your class is stronger, weaker, or relatively the same with the standardization pass on class abilities?
    Giving a gap-closer 8s of minor vulnerability is WILD. Such guaranteed, extended debuff uptime otherwise requires a magicka toon to sacrifice a valuable 5-piece slot or a stamina toon to slot an otherwise useless proc set. The notion that a player can run two damage sets and gain access to this debuff seems remarkably powerful; in my testing, an increase of 8% damage taken (minor vuln) results in more damage to the opponent than an increase of 8% damage done (minor beserk). This makes the class feel stronger with respect to damage dealt.

    Second, the heal off of grim focus bow procs is really cool! A NB burst heal based off of damage done?! Totally fits into the class identity and feels like it's designed to quickly turn the tides of battle [instantly dropping someone's health pool and regaining yours accordingly]. That said, the heal isn't strong enough to achieve this effect.

    Strife has this same problem -- both heals are dependent on whether an opponent dodged or blocked, runs a ton of mitigation or almost none. (Digression on strife: to elaborate on how silly the ramifications are, I consistently try *not* to use a class-defining spammable on other players when fighting near enemy npcs because I know critting a resource NPC will give a hot that is at least twice as strong [and often more bc npc's don't have crit resist].)

    Still worse, the heal on grim focus is only applied if the bow proc does damage while you are within 7m of the target. Why would a skill with a 41m range include a 7m conditional functionality? This skill could make the class feel much stronger, and offer it a unique (!) combat mechanic, if revised.

    The change to dark cloak makes the class feel weaker. The first round of pts patch notes indicated devs wanted players to 'engage with [the] minor protection' it offered. Dark cloak was slotted for its healing, not for the minor protection it granted. [Frankly, 90% of pvp nightblades choose the other morph for guaranteed 100% protection ;)]. I'd ask devs reconsider the purpose of this skill. Make it a hot that scales off of max stam/mag resources, rather than max health and drop the minor protection. Sitting at 25k health, dark cloak heals my toon for 1/6th the amount of rapid regeneration for twice the cost.
    • Do you feel we addressed abilities that in the past year have been over or under performing?
    Shadow image has not worked properly since the introduction of destructible bridges and milegates (Murkmire?). This has been noted and documented on the forums without response. Please fix this skill.

    Soul tether is used by magicka bomblades and soul siphon is occasionally used by stamina gankblades while fleeing a failed attempt at a kill. Outside of these instances, I don't think the changes make this ultimate competitive relative to death stroke morphs.

    I am unsure if malevolent offering and its morphed is used by pve nightblade healers. I don't know of anyone who slots it in pvp. I would really like it if I could target myself with this skill.

    Similarly, I cannot see any pvp use of Consuming Darkness or its morphs without a major redesign. Snaring enemies and granting super-speed and invisibility to allies is rarely used in pvp. Maybe its use as a 'get-out-of-jail-free' synergy for allies comes at too high of an ultimate cost (200), maybe players would prefer an ult like the one in the resto skill line, allowing them to continue fighting through damage. I'd like this skill to be redesigned as an offensive area-of-effect ultimate. Negate and Nova are *very* scary to enemy groups. Standard is less so, but still offers aoe defile. Warden's aoe ultimate even moves with the player! Consuming darkness does not offer any scary consequences to the enemy player(s). It offers a snare, but the area of effective is 40% the size of these other ultimates.
    • Do you have any other general feedback?
    My concern is that the proposed changes give pvp NBs incentives to only engage in pvp fights that will last fewer than a few seconds before returning to stealth. Invisibility is too strong relative to the other options in its kit [mobility is limited so long as shadow image remains broken, no reliable class-based burst heals (no reliable magicka-based burst heals at all!), and heals-over-time that used to be the strongest in the game are now insufficient to fight through damage.] Rather than try to use sets, skills, and positioning to continue fighting, isn't it easier to disengage?

    I am concerned because the nightblade class comprises more than its fair share of the cyrodiil population [i.e., there are 5 classes and more than 20% of cyrodiil is nightblades] and think it would be kinda lame if 1 in 5 people in a given campaign were always 'stealthing,' waiting to potion-chug another incap.
  • wheem_ESO
    Pet Sorc damage needs to come down in PvP. I had/have 30,367 spell resist, and was still getting nuked by the Twilight Matriarch for > 3,300 in one hit, along with 5,964 from x3 on a Volatile Pulse. When coupled with Pet Sorc's survivability, the targeting issues inherently caused by the pets, and compared to the damage output of something like the Necromancer's Skeletal Arcanist, it seems like a bit much. I mean, those Matriarch hits are higher than player-casted spammables usually are...
  • usmcjdking
    Corrosive Armor needs to be reworked for the sake of PVP and PVE.

    Suggestion (only Corrosive Armor):
    Reduce ultimate cost to 100.
    Reduce duration to 6 seconds.

    The skill is quite honestly the biggest cheese skill in dueling, sometimes accounting for a damage gain of over 30% for 11 seconds while crippling incoming damage. An increase to 12 seconds is absolutely ridiculous for a skill that already overperforms massively in PVP. The only answer to a corrosive'd DK is to simply run away for 12 seconds.

    In PVE this skill is potent but too expensive. DK DPS is already hampered by the fact that it's source of Major Ward/Resolve is generally trash, and Stam DK is hit exceptionally hard by this. Much like Stamplar, Stam DK needs staying power, the ability to otherwise ignore mechanics and maintain damage on target through tough mechanics designed to force melee to disengage.

    For Templar:
    New Radiant Ward is super good. Perhaps increase the AOE check for targets to 8m for PVP's sake.
  • menschikov2
    The changes to Dark Cloak are not good. I know that this skill can be Pretty strong in the PvP but as a Nightbladetank who has made vHoF HM and is curently working on vMoL HM i must say i have no idea what this should be. You want to reduce the burstheal of this skill ok but this was a skill for tanks and you Need the heal in some Trials. You actualy say that you nerfed the Heal of this skill for 60% or so even if you write it in another way because it sounds better.
    On the life Server i am abeled to heal myself only with the dark cloak from 30% Health to max health in 7 seconds. After the update i will Need 16 seconds to do the same and many bosses don't let you so much time to get back to the maximum. So now can you explain me what this should be?
  • Excaltic
    I posted this somewhere else, but this is a more suitable area for this:

    Nightblade - Assassination passive (Hemorrhage)

    Because of the recent nerfs, please remove the requirement of having an Assassination skill on your bar for this passive to be active. Assassination skills are really useless now (all of them), that's ok, that's why you nerf the game.

    Just don't demand that players equip useless skills so they get a passive.

    Not equipping Merciless resolve after the patch will result in:
    - No Minor Berserk (8% Damage nerf)
    - No 10% crit damage bonus (10% Damage nerf)

    Total nerf: 18% less damage <-- That's way to high for a nerf

    So again, please remove the assassination skill slot requirement for this passive!!
  • HowlKimchi
    kaithuzar wrote: »
    Class balance for Elsweyr PVP:
    Stam necro > mag necro > stam warden > stam dk > mag dk > stam templar > mag sorc > stam nb > mag templar > stam sorc > mag warden > mag nb

    I’m calling it now.

    I'd say mag necro is a bit lower on the list. Possibly below stamblade.
    previously @HaruKamui but I outgrew my weeb phase (probably)

    PC/NA - EP - Howl Bragi/Howl Kimchi
  • Lucky28
    @ZOS_BrianWheeler @ZOS_GinaBruno

    I think Grim focus is the wrong ability to give a heal. As things stand right now on PTS, the heal on Grim Focus is great (maybe even OP) in PvE. However, it's pretty useless in PvP where Magblade really needs heals. The problem is the delay on Grim Focus which makes the ability completely unreliable for a heal.
    Edited by Lucky28 on April 19, 2019 8:15PM
  • casparian
    usmcjdking wrote: »
    For Templar:
    New Radiant Ward is super good. Perhaps increase the AOE check for targets to 8m for PVP's sake.

    @usmcjdking did Radiant Ward actually get buffed or is it just ignoring Battle Spirit now? I genuinely can't tell.
    7-day PVP campaign regular 2016-2019, Flawless Conqueror. MagDK/stamplar/stamwarden/mageblade. Requiem, Legend, Knights of Daggerfall. Currently retired from the wars; waiting on performance improvements.
  • usmcjdking
    casparian wrote: »
    usmcjdking wrote: »
    For Templar:
    New Radiant Ward is super good. Perhaps increase the AOE check for targets to 8m for PVP's sake.

    @usmcjdking did Radiant Ward actually get buffed or is it just ignoring Battle Spirit now? I genuinely can't tell.

    The % amp you get for hitting opponents is a flat value of your HP, not your shield. Hitting 3 players with Radiant Ward in PVP is providing you an additional 13.5% of your Max HP as shield value. So instead of increasing your miserably pathetic 3.5k shield to 3.9k, it's actually buffing it to like 6k.

    This actually works tremendously well in favor of a Stamplar when used in conjunction with Emp Sweeps major protection. Oh wait...
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