Solo dungeon mode, please

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  • adriant1978
    Krayl wrote: »
    Maybe the guild finder they are adding will help more casual/traditionally solo players find more like-minded people to do dungeons with. I've always found it strange that these forums are full of people who lament the dungeon finder and the difficulty in finding a like-minded group, yet apparently they can't seem to find eachother.

    Different platforms, time zones, schedules, etc are all things.
  • Krayl

    Different platforms, time zones, schedules, etc are all things.

    Yes. I'm sure over the course of 5 years and literally hundreds if not thousands of complains, 4 people just can't get on the same page.
  • Rain_Greyraven
    @ZOS_RichLambert how about a /Lurk on this thread.
    "Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing.”

    ― Robert E. Howard

    So you want to be a game developer? Here is the best way to go about it.
  • Lheiah
    Totally agree with this. Please add a solo story mode to dungeons.

    Keep all the shinies used to keep dungeon crawlers on their tread mills. Well over 90% of the story is solo content, why lock the remainder behind forced group content. Argue all you want that these games are about forced group content, but I refuse to take part and haven't since LK and my overall gaming experience has been for the better.
    Edited by Lheiah on January 16, 2019 11:56PM
  • Numerikuu
    idk wrote: »

    The fallacy of the argument starts with this first paragraph.

    We have seen the occasional thread asking for solo mode. Even starting off that it is purely for fun but goes on wanting more challenge and more rewards.

    So we can pretend that is not the case as this request is doing what is says, but we cannot ignore the truth.

    Further, I find it very difficult that anyone who has tried cannot get a group that is willing to go slow so someone can see the story. I know this is false because when my group runs with only 3 and we use GF to fill the group we go slow if someone has picked up the quest.

    I expect Zos can see through this false argument easily.

    So the overreaching wants of the few should outweigh and negate the wants of the many? Isn't that in itself a fallacy? It's also very judgemental of you to disregard every other peoples wants--including op's post--because someone else is greedy with their wants.

    What op wants is what the majority of us want for story mode. Overland difficulty/normal fungal 1 difficulty, no gear drops or drops disabled altogether. That's it. A mode in which we can enjoy the story content. A mode that won't effect you and your group negatively in the slightest.
    Edited by Numerikuu on January 16, 2019 11:49PM
  • SirCassiusClay
    Solo mode for story? Sure.

    Skill point and sets should remain in group dungeons.
  • milesrodneymcneely2_ESO
    Plus solo content wouldn’t be a hassle to do a story mode since there’s no timer to kick you out when everyone else leaves.
    This exactly. ^^^
  • BretonMage
    JJBoomer wrote: »
    I'd agree to a solo dungeon mode, but I don't think players that would do a solo mode dungeon should be punished by not getting any reward. Rewards that would appropriate for a solo experience. But devoid of anything? No.

    A veteran solo mode which matches the difficulty a player would face as though he/she were playing with a team in a veteran dungeon would be nice, and with rewards. A slightly higher level of difficulty might be acceptable too, as long as one doesn't have to spend hours chipping away at the boss (that we do now). If we face a similar level of difficulty as we do in a group, we should get similar rewards.
  • MLGProPlayer
    I see no issue with this. It's especially useful now that ZOS is putting main story content inside dungeons.
  • Vasoka
    Errrr, no.

    This is an -MMO- which is still pretty much alive (unlike SWTOR) - and it most DEFINITELY isn't SWTOR.

    SWTOR did this when their population dropped drastically a few years back, basically you can do every flashpoint (dungeon) there in a solo story mode and, believe me, that's a sign of a borderline dead game.

    No one can "rush" you. If you want to read the dungeon quests, read them. Let the others run ahead and clear for you. Absolutely no more single player content. vMA is more than enough.
  • MLGProPlayer
    idk wrote: »

    The fallacy of the argument starts with this first paragraph.

    We have seen the occasional thread asking for solo mode. Even starting off that it is purely for fun but goes on wanting more challenge and more rewards.

    So we can pretend that is not the case as this request is doing what is says, but we cannot ignore the truth.

    Further, I find it very difficult that anyone who has tried cannot get a group that is willing to go slow so someone can see the story. I know this is false because when my group runs with only 3 and we use GF to fill the group we go slow if someone has picked up the quest.

    I expect Zos can see through this false argument easily.

    It's not about finding a group. It's about getting to experience the story.

    Most players don't want to wait around for dialogue. I wouldn't expect them to either.

    This is where a solo mode is useful. I can personally solo dungeons on normal mode easily (assuming there is no explicit group mechanic that prevents solo progress), but not everyone can do that, hence why a solo story mode is needed.
  • Reistr_the_Unbroken
    Let me guess you want solo dungeon with better gear than the group version right?

    Something tells me you haven’t read anything about the issue and are just assuming things. Many people don’t want to group in dungeons with story content because they get kicked with the stupid timer TRYING to read when others just run ahead and leave when they’re done getting the rewards.
  • Sylvermynx
    +1 from me. What @myskyrim26 and @jainiadral posted goes for me in spades. Personally, I don't even care about the skill point....
  • Numerikuu
    Vasoka wrote: »
    No one can "rush" you. If you want to read the dungeon quests, read them. Let the others run ahead and clear for you. Absolutely no more single player content. vMA is more than enough.

    Tell that to Darkshade Caverns, where if someone rushes ahead the quest literally breaks. Tell that to the other player who also has a quest, yet reads faster or disregards text, causing the npc to close the dialogue box on you thus missing dialogue and story. And then there's the group leader who disregards the fact you have a quest and disbands the group, kicking you from the dungeon before you can finish speaking to the npc, or even reach the npc in time, rendering all that time spent a waste since you'll need to do it all over again.

    People can very much rush you in this game. These reasons are why we want a story/solo mode--especially now that story related to a story arc is being locked behind it.

    I've been playing this game for over two years now, and I still don't know the full story to City of Ash, amongst the many other dungeons out there. I cannot name ONE dungeon that I've enjoyed story-wise, because all the above has happened to me. And I'm not alone. Hearing that parts of the Elsweyr arc will be in dungeon dlc fills me, and my friends, with dread and disappointment. Unless the normal difficulty of these dungeons are curbed to account for the casual majority, or a solo/story mode is added for dungeons, then...yikes. Bad move.
    Edited by Numerikuu on January 17, 2019 12:11AM
  • Reistr_the_Unbroken
    Vasoka wrote: »
    Errrr, no.

    This is an -MMO- which is still pretty much alive (unlike SWTOR) - and it most DEFINITELY isn't SWTOR.

    SWTOR did this when their population dropped drastically a few years back, basically you can do every flashpoint (dungeon) there in a solo story mode and, believe me, that's a sign of a borderline dead game.

    No one can "rush" you. If you want to read the dungeon quests, read them. Let the others run ahead and clear for you. Absolutely no more single player content. vMA is more than enough.

    Not until everyone else leaves and the timer kicks you out 🙄

  • Amanuensis
    Let me guess you want solo dungeon with better gear than the group version right?


    Let me guess. You lack reading comprehension, right?

  • Linaleah
    Krayl wrote: »

    Don't do a random pug. Find like minded players to group with. Find a guild on that level.

    I mean, here you are spending a chunk of your day socializing on a forum - you can't use that time to find like-minded players to actually group up with and challenge yourself?



    This forum is absolutely full of "solo/casual" players complaining about the dungeon finder and how bad pugs are, you guys can't all get together? Really? Obviously it's not putting yourself out there and conversing that's the problem, because here you are.

    I'm not even trying to be adversarial or a jerk - I'm just observing.

    are you seriously equating taking 5 minutes to type on my phone while doing something else.. with arranging for a 4 man group that just happens to be willing to take the time (and we are talking hours here, if we do the quests without skipping dialogue and what not)? really REALLY? few minutes to type a reply on the forum here and there, while doing something else ON MY OWN is somehow equitable to setting aside hours of more or less uninterrupted game time that just happens to work with schedules and desired of 3 other people? I want to live in the same kind of fantasy world you are living in.

    moreover. consider for a moment. that 4 solo casual players trying to do a dungeon that is too difficult for us without one or 2 players who are actualy strong... is part of the whole DLC dungeon problem.
    Edited by Linaleah on January 17, 2019 12:06AM
    dirty worthless casual.
    Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
    Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"
  • milesrodneymcneely2_ESO
    Vasoka wrote: »
    No one can "rush" you. If you want to read the dungeon quests, read them. Let the others run ahead and clear for you. Absolutely no more single player content. vMA is more than enough.
    I've gotten rushed plenty.

    And kicked because I asked for 60 seconds to listen to some quest dialogue. Happens all the time.
  • Linaleah
    Solo mode for story? Sure.

    Skill point and sets should remain in group dungeons.

    sets sure, skill point should be available in solo dungeon becasue inability to finish quests, unless you get lucky is PART OF THE PROBLEM WITH GROUP DUNGEONS RIGHT NOW

    random fun fact.

    I'm in a guild. I actualy have couple of runs when I get to see the story - scheduled for later today. right now, i'm checking the forums in between loads of laundry and because I need breaks when house cleaning, or I go nuts. but here is the rub. i cannot expect to constantly have people do this for me. I'm going to get this done for my healer, which is awesome. meanwhile... my solo main is SoL. my alts are SoL. expecting adults to have their schedules and desires mesh at all times for all the dungeons is UNREALISTIC.

    and as we keep saying. solo mode is actualy beneficial for EVERYONE. the only reason to argue against it is becasue you are trying to gate keep people out.
    Edited by Linaleah on January 17, 2019 12:11AM
    dirty worthless casual.
    Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
    Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"
  • jainiadral
    Krayl wrote: »

    Don't do a random pug. Find like minded players to group with. Find a guild on that level.

    I mean, here you are spending a chunk of your day socializing on a forum - you can't use that time to find like-minded players to actually group up with and challenge yourself?



    This forum is absolutely full of "solo/casual" players complaining about the dungeon finder and how bad pugs are, you guys can't all get together? Really? Obviously it's not putting yourself out there and conversing that's the problem, because here you are.

    I'm not even trying to be adversarial or a jerk - I'm just observing.

    Yup, you'd be fun and flexible to group with ;)
  • Krayl
    Linaleah wrote: »

    are you seriously equating taking 5 minutes to type on my phone while doing something else.. with arranging for a 4 man group that just happens to be willing to take the time (and we are talking hours here, if we do the quests without skipping dialogue and what not)? really REALLY? few minutes to type a reply on the forum here and there, while doing something else ON MY OWN is somehow equitable to setting aside hours of more or less uninterrupted game time that just happens to work with schedules and desired of 3 other people? I want to live in the same kind of fantasy world you are living in.

    moreover. consider for a moment. that 4 solo casual players trying to do a dungeon that is too difficult for us without one or 2 players who are actualy strong... is part of the whole DLC dungeon problem.

    Yes, I am equating exactly that. For the time you spent here following this 4 page thread and reading all my replies and responding, you could have gone over to the LFG forum and stated your case and found like-minded players.

    "I want to live in the same kind of fantasy world you are living in."

    I think the only one living in a fantasy world is the one who wants a game developer to declare their MMO as dead and change all their group content to be soloable when the majority of the game is quite literally solo content.

  • Numerikuu
    Krayl wrote: »
    "I want to live in the same kind of fantasy world you are living in."

    I think the only one living in a fantasy world is the one who wants a game developer to declare their MMO as dead and change all their group content to be soloable when the majority of the game is quite literally solo content.

    ESO is far from dead, and asking for a solo/story mode won't kill it either, it'll do the opposite because of how heavily story driven this game and series is. You're comparing apples to oranges in terms of MMOs. ESO is of a different breed.

    You wanna know what the real warning sign of it dying would be? It going completely free to play and focusing 100% on its cash shop, making it even more cancerous and adding heavy gambling aspects. Adding pay to win, etc. THAT is the sign of a dying MMO.
    Edited by Numerikuu on January 17, 2019 12:20AM
  • jainiadral
    I just can't help thinking that we wouldn't be having this argument (so much) if they hadn't decided to lock main story behind group dungeons like this. I'd love to know who thought this was a good idea and why.

    And that would be the big problem from my perspective-- the only reason I'm continuing to post in this thread above and beyond "I like this idea."

    Main story gating behind group content is a bad idea. Do that as a dev and you're going to make a sizeable portion of your player base unhappy. People don't like being pushed into content they either a) don't enjoy or b) lack the capacity for.
  • Krayl
    jainiadral wrote: »

    And that would be the big problem from my perspective-- the only reason I'm continuing to post in this thread above and beyond "I like this idea."

    Main story gating behind group content is a bad idea. Do that as a dev and you're going to make a sizeable portion of your player base unhappy. People don't like being pushed into content they either a) don't enjoy or b) lack the capacity for.

    Nobody even knows how the story and dungeon content will be tied together, but everyone wants to chime in to pre-complain about how unfair it is.
  • Olith
    Krayl wrote: »
    I think the only one living in a fantasy world is the one who wants a game developer to declare their MMO as dead and change all their group content to be soloable when the majority of the game is quite literally solo content.

    Are you really saying introducing an additional solo mode is the same thing as "declaring their MMO dead"? How's that?
  • jainiadral
    Krayl wrote: »

    Nobody even knows how the story and dungeon content will be tied together, but everyone wants to chime in to pre-complain about how unfair it is.

    Just FYI, if you're trying to convince solo players that we should group, you're failing miserably.

    The devs made a pretty solid argument that these stories are tied together, hence the concerns of a portion of the player base.
  • max_only
    Krayl wrote: »

    This was addressed in the op. They said that in post one. They have found like minded people and explained the obstacles they still face.

    Explain to me how having a no reward story mode will hurt you.
    Edited by max_only on January 17, 2019 12:34AM
    #FiteForYourRite Bosmer = Stealth
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    ""All gods' creatures (you lot) are equal when covered in A1 sauce"" -- Old Bosmeri Wisdom
  • Sylvermynx
    Olith wrote: »

    Are you really saying introducing an additional solo mode is the same thing as "declaring their MMO dead"? How's that?

    Apparently he's comparing what happened with SWTOR....
  • Chirru
    Vasoka wrote: »
    Errrr, no.

    This is an -MMO- which is still pretty much alive (unlike SWTOR) - and it most DEFINITELY isn't SWTOR.

    SWTOR did this when their population dropped drastically a few years back, basically you can do every flashpoint (dungeon) there in a solo story mode and, believe me, that's a sign of a borderline dead game.

    No one can "rush" you. If you want to read the dungeon quests, read them. Let the others run ahead and clear for you. Absolutely no more single player content. vMA is more than enough.

    I disagree entirely with the above.

    MMO and forcing group play are two kettles of fish.

    SWTOR (played it to the max) died for other reasons than solo-content.

    No one can rush you? Really? one can. But you will not be in a group for long! I left Final Fantasy Online for just that reason. One has to group to progress in the main story and ...yes...I got kicked for being slow, reading the story-line.

    So yes... I agree with the Original Poster. All Dungeons should have a Solo Mode. Of course...if that happens 99% of the Gaming Population might not wish to group at all.

    Good luck to us all

  • russelmmendoza
    Solo dungeon should be.
    Story/quest mode only.
    No sets, rewards drop.
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