Solo dungeon mode, please

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  • jaws343
    Krayl wrote: »

    In terms of PVE content

    There are 151 solo "Delves" in the game
    29 public dungeons,
    A main quest line,
    3 faction quest lines
    a mages guild quest line
    a fighters guild quest line
    a theif quest line
    a DB quest line
    wrothgar quest line
    clockwork quest line
    murkmire quest line
    Morrowind quest line
    Sumerset quest line
    30~ zones full of other quests
    a solo arena

    . . .all of which can be done SOLO

    there are

    34 dungeons; 8 of which are just rehashed "version 2"s
    2 arenas
    7 trials

    . . .that require a group (and most of those dungeons can be solod on normal by most people capable of running trials effectively)

    But lets get more threads about how the game needs to cater more to solo casuals.

    The problem is, of those 34 dungeons, 7 trials, and 2 arenas, none of them present story line content that is relevant to the rest of the game. In the case of the two dungeon DLCs this year, their stories are literally intertwined with the $60 chapter and the Q4 DLC. The entire year of content is supposed to be directed at the entire player base and not just the vets who can do veteran content.
  • TokenIntellect
    Yes! This, ZOS, a thousand times this! I would love to take part in the season of the dragon but TBH I'm not going to pay for content where fully half of the story is tied to dungeon DLCs.

    So, please ignore the "It's an MMO" crowd. There are lots of players (casual and otherwise) who play for story and not the gear.

    Solo mode is so timely and needed that it caused me to stop lurking for the first time in four years and actually post something.
  • Krayl
    jaws343 wrote: »
    The entire year of content is supposed to be directed at the entire player base and not just the vets who can do veteran content.

    So wait now you have to do the dungeons on veteran to get the story content. . ? I must have missed that.

  • Reistr_the_Unbroken
    Krayl wrote: »

    So wait now you have to do the dungeons on veteran to get the story content. . ? I must have missed that.

    Unfortunately it seems like it.
  • myskyrim26
    Krayl wrote: »

    Are you on PS4? I run a small guild. I'm a great tank, I'd love to tank dungeons for you while you absorb the lore. I enjoy teaching mechanics. I think that's awesome. But please dont request the devs spend their paid time at work trying to turn group content into more easy mode soloable stuff of which we have plenty.

    I'm not alone, plenty of helpful people are out there who want to join up and share this kind of content. You just wont find them in the group finder.

    Thank you for the offer, but unfortunately I'm on PC, EU. I tried different ways to find people since 2016 - I described the results in my first post. Not possible. Those who love the quests and play solo don't want to become a team. They just want to play their own solo way. I tried to make a team, I tried many times, and tried hard...I created a tank - to my mind, the hardest role if we consider a team of story-oriented players, and learned how to be effective in a team. But story-oriented players don't want to learn how to be a team. They are solo players.

  • jaws343
    Krayl wrote: »

    So wait now you have to do the dungeons on veteran to get the story content. . ? I must have missed that.

    You do realize that many of the newer DLC dungeons are inaccessible to a large portion of the player base, even on normal. The normal mode of the newer DLCs are often equaled to the Vet difficulty of of the base dungeons and a few of the early DLC dungeons. The normal is not normal for everyone in this game. And if it is going to include story elements for content for the rest of the year, it needs to be FG1 easy on normal. And my ability or your ability to do the newer DLC dungeons on normal with zero issues is irrelevant.
  • Tandor
    I agree with the OP, and not just in relation to this year's storyline. Having 2 dungeon DLCs out of 3 DLCs in total per year is overkill and hugely restricting on sales of the DLCs unless they include either a solo mode (with restricted rewards) for the dungeons or at the very least one delve per DLC - just something for those who don't do group content for whatever (perfectly valid) reason.
  • Krayl
    jaws343 wrote: »

    You do realize that many of the newer DLC dungeons are inaccessible to a large portion of the player base, even on normal. The normal mode of the newer DLCs are often equaled to the Vet difficulty of of the base dungeons and a few of the early DLC dungeons. The normal is not normal for everyone in this game. And if it is going to include story elements for content for the rest of the year, it needs to be FG1 easy on normal. And my ability or your ability to do the newer DLC dungeons on normal with zero issues is irrelevant.

    Disregarding the fact that sound mechanics and a good team will get you through any normal dungeon to date, there are like 20 threads pre-whining about something that isn't even a confirmed thing yet.
  • martygod12
    Krayl wrote: »

    In terms of PVE content

    There are 151 solo "Delves" in the game
    29 public dungeons,
    A main quest line,
    3 faction quest lines
    a mages guild quest line
    a fighters guild quest line
    a theif quest line
    a DB quest line
    wrothgar quest line
    clockwork quest line
    murkmire quest line
    Morrowind quest line
    Sumerset quest line
    30~ zones full of other quests
    a solo arena

    . . .all of which can be done SOLO

    there are

    34 dungeons; 8 of which are just rehashed "version 2"s
    2 arenas
    7 trials

    . . .that require a group (and most of those dungeons can be solod on normal by most people capable of running trials effectively)

    But lets get more threads about how the game needs to cater more to solo casuals.

    Yeah cause elder scrolls Is mainly a single player game where story and lore and exploration plays the biggest part and even if this Is published as "online" doesnt change anything on it ... If you want to play MMO focused on PvP and group things go play wow or other nonsence
  • Loralai_907
    I think this is a great idea, and it would help people prep a little bit before running them with others, if they choose. That alone sells me on it. Add in the ability to run the story and enjoy it at my pace on all these old dungeons most people have ran thousands of times by now, and I'm extra invested in this becoming a thing. I can solo FG1, so I think about that difficulty or maybe SLIGHTLY less would be a perfect training grounds/story mode version.
    PC-NA - formerly, mommadani907Guild: Weeping Angels - Co-GMTwitter: @ Loralai_907 several Alt accounts....CP 1700+
    Active characters:Fauna Rosewood ( Bosmer Stam DK - Master Crafter/AD)///Loralai Darknova (Drunken Zombie Bosmer Stam Sorc - PvP/AD)Lilith Darknova ( Dunmer Mag DK - Master Crafter - PvP/AD)///and roughly 1billion alts
  • DarcyMardin
    Yes! Story mode is not only desirable — it is also becoming necessary. With two of this year’s quarterly updates being dungeon DLCs, and the entire year being one whole story, we need to be able to experience and participate in that story without being mocked for being “not gud” enough to explore the dungeons and their story at our leisure.

    I am SO sick of being rushed through dungeons and feeling bad about slowing people down because I want to do the quest and get the skill point. I don’t even know most of the stories of this game’s dungeons. Not do I yet have all of the skill points. It’s really frustrating!
  • martygod12
    Krayl wrote: »

    In terms of PVE content

    There are 151 solo "Delves" in the game
    29 public dungeons,
    A main quest line,
    3 faction quest lines
    a mages guild quest line
    a fighters guild quest line
    a theif quest line
    a DB quest line
    wrothgar quest line
    clockwork quest line
    murkmire quest line
    Morrowind quest line
    Sumerset quest line
    30~ zones full of other quests
    a solo arena

    . . .all of which can be done SOLO

    there are

    34 dungeons; 8 of which are just rehashed "version 2"s
    2 arenas
    7 trials

    . . .that require a group (and most of those dungeons can be solod on normal by most people capable of running trials effectively)

    But lets get more threads about how the game needs to cater more to solo casuals.

    And other thing Is that you can do all the "solo" stuff in a group So why would you not be allowed to do group stuff solo
  • Katahdin
    myskyrim26 wrote: »

    You don't understand the idea. Seems that you don't want to.
    I love 4-payer dungeons. I enjoy them.

    But I want a solo mode to DO A STORY. TO LEARN THE LORE. TO LISTEN TO THE DIALOGUES. TO ENJOY THE ATMOSPHERE SLOWLY. That's all. I want to know what happened in Mazzatun and Craddle of Shadows. I want to know the beginning of Dragons story. I CAN'T DO IT N A DAMN GROUP RUNNING LIKE MAD. I hope i'm clear now.


    I have not been able to experience to story in any of the DLC dungeons because everyone just wants to run though them at top speed. No time to read or listen to dialogue.

    There can be no reward, no skyshard, no credit for completion, nothing. Just allow people to be able to read the damn story without feeling like the anchor dragging the group down
    Beta tester November 2013
  • HelixUnited
    jainiadral wrote: »
    TBH, I'm cool with low rewards. Skill points might be nice, but depending on the toon, I might not need them. Heck, my favorite time running SWTOR's flashpoints was before level sync and Jesus Droid-- back when I was seven or so levels over and got virtually no XP from them. I'm game for whatever lame concessions I'd have to make to placate the elitists or hardcore groupies.

    I'd like to see the story without getting stressed out-- especially since the new dungeon DLCs are supposed to tie heavily into the xpac. And I don't want to have to watch it virtually on YouTube with some stranger's toons as a stand-in for mine.

    There's no way I'm grouping for this stuff-- and you really don't want me to :D Coordinating solo players is probably like herding cats; I'm no exception.

    same im a solo player, at a push 2
    Yes! Story mode is not only desirable — it is also becoming necessary. With two of this year’s quarterly updates being dungeon DLCs, and the entire year being one whole story, we need to be able to experience and participate in that story without being mocked for being “not gud” enough to explore the dungeons and their story at our leisure.

    I am SO sick of being rushed through dungeons and feeling bad about slowing people down because I want to do the quest and get the skill point. I don’t even know most of the stories of this game’s dungeons. Not do I yet have all of the skill points. It’s really frustrating!

    spindle 2 for instance you go in get quest told to kill vampire at the end, why? what did he do wrong? my toons a vamp so why? oh because some npc at the start told me to but I didn't get time to find out why because my screen flashes red because the other group members are running to the first boss so I have to just skip all text,
    and this is the same with all of the dungeons unless you can get a good group that will wait you miss out on content and then when you do get a good group you skip the text because you feel rushed or feel that your holding everyone else up and unless you get high cp and run another toon and solo but oh wait you cant solo the dlc ones
    im all for a solo mode and then they can up the difficulty of the normal and vet modes to suit everyone else
  • haloufe007
    in June 2017

    i asked for a solution dunjon story

    i asked for Each area requires a new big labyrinth dungeons with more than 10 floors underground

    Possibility of transforming three others of our character into mercenaries. so that I can form a group of 4 in order to play all the instances in very easy version ( loot green stuff)

    my request is not in the planning of the company or
    maybe the game engine does not support the opening of thousands of dunjon solo

  • Linaleah
    Krayl wrote: »

    Disregarding the fact that sound mechanics and a good team will get you through any normal dungeon to date, there are like 20 threads pre-whining about something that isn't even a confirmed thing yet.

    sound mechanics and good team - good luck getting even one of those, let alone BOTH in a random pug.
    dirty worthless casual.
    Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
    Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"
  • Chirru
    The upcoming DLC is a part of a year long story.

    As such any vital part of the story based aspect of the DLC must (yes, imperative) be solo-able.

    My will be.

    Yes, a few dungeons (two I believe) will be group based. But these are not vital for the Story progression.

    Good luck to us all
  • Numerikuu
    myskyrim26 wrote: »
    I want a solo mode to DO A STORY. TO LEARN THE LORE. TO LISTEN TO THE DIALOGUES. TO ENJOY THE ATMOSPHERE SLOWLY. That's all. I want to know what happened in Mazzatun and Craddle of Shadows. I want to know the beginning of Dragons story. I CAN'T DO IT N A DAMN GROUP RUNNING LIKE MAD.

  • IzzyStardust
    I have people to run with and all that; but I too would like this - so many dungeons I have all ach, but know nothing/almost nothing of the story. I would like to be able to hear/read that some day.
  • Olith
    Can someone please tell me why solo players would have to be punished by not getting any rewards? It's an honest question, I really have no idea.
  • Numerikuu
    Olith wrote: »
    Can someone please tell me why solo players would have to be punished by not getting any rewards? It's an honest question, I really have no idea.

    The story of the solo/story mode would be the reward. If you want gear for competitive reasons, then it only seems right for said gear to remain in their respective normal/veteran modes, otherwise it would be far to easy to obtain said gear. It's a trade-off basically for being able to solo.
    Edited by Numerikuu on January 16, 2019 10:59PM
  • DMuehlhausen
    Let me guess you want solo dungeon with better gear than the group version right?

  • Olith
    Numerikuu wrote: »

    The story of the solo/story mode would be the reward. If you want gear for competitive reasons, then it only seems right for said gear to remain in their respective normal/veteran modes, otherwise it would be far to easy to obtain said gear. It's a trade-off basically for being able to solo.

    But only if the dungeon were actually far easier in solo mode, right?
  • Olith
    Let me guess you want solo dungeon with better gear than the group version right?


    GO AWAY.
  • Numerikuu
    Olith wrote: »

    But only if the dungeon were actually far easier in solo mode, right?

    I'd say around the same levels of easy as normal Fungal Grotto 1 or overland difficulty. No sense for it to be tough if it's just for the story, and story only. If you want the gear? Then you need to earn it.
  • Krayl
    Linaleah wrote: »

    sound mechanics and good team - good luck getting even one of those, let alone BOTH in a random pug.

    Don't do a random pug. Find like minded players to group with. Find a guild on that level.

    I mean, here you are spending a chunk of your day socializing on a forum - you can't use that time to find like-minded players to actually group up with and challenge yourself?



    This forum is absolutely full of "solo/casual" players complaining about the dungeon finder and how bad pugs are, you guys can't all get together? Really? Obviously it's not putting yourself out there and conversing that's the problem, because here you are.

    I'm not even trying to be adversarial or a jerk - I'm just observing.
  • Olith
    Numerikuu wrote: »
    No sense for it to be tough if it's just for the story, and story only. If you want the gear? Then you need to earn it.

    That makes sense, thanks. I'm a bit dense sometimes I guess...
  • Numerikuu
    Olith wrote: »

    That makes sense, thanks. I'm a bit dense sometimes I guess...

    We all have our off days and moments, but I'd hardly say you're dense. Don't be so hard on yourself :)
  • idk
    myskyrim26 wrote: »
    Please READ the post before posting commets, not just title

    And again. PLEASE READ before commenting. PLEASE.

    Dear ZOS,
    A lot of lore already hidden in 4-player dungeons. It is even worse for the Wrathstone dungeons, as they are a part of the story. Please make a solo dungeon mode for players, who are not able to do dungeons in a group.
    Let this solo dungeon mode be purely story oriented: no sets, no motifs, no achivements, no skillpoints - nothing that could make this mode a kind of a cheating one. Nothing to grind. It should not be a part of Undaunted pledges and whatever else - juts a story to do.

    The fallacy of the argument starts with this first paragraph.

    We have seen the occasional thread asking for solo mode. Even starting off that it is purely for fun but goes on wanting more challenge and more rewards.

    So we can pretend that is not the case as this request is doing what is says, but we cannot ignore the truth.

    Further, I find it very difficult that anyone who has tried cannot get a group that is willing to go slow so someone can see the story. I know this is false because when my group runs with only 3 and we use GF to fill the group we go slow if someone has picked up the quest.

    I expect Zos can see through this false argument easily.
  • Krayl
    Maybe the guild finder they are adding will help more casual/traditionally solo players find more like-minded people to do dungeons with. I've always found it strange that these forums are full of people who lament the dungeon finder and the difficulty in finding a like-minded group, yet apparently they can't seem to find eachother.
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