This was addressed in the op. They said that in post one. They have found like minded people and explained the obstacles they still face.
Explain to me how having a no reward story mode will hurt you.
Sylvermynx wrote: »
Apparently he's comparing what happened with SWTOR....
Sylvermynx wrote: »
Apparently he's comparing what happened with SWTOR....
Further, I find it very difficult that anyone who has tried cannot get a group that is willing to go slow so someone can see the story. I know this is false because when my group runs with only 3 and we use GF to fill the group we go slow if someone has picked up the quest.
If you do it then everyone must do it....
We can only speak for ourselves. If it looks like someone is doing the quest I'll observe and wait. If someone says they need the quest i'll wait and even make sure to remind them not to miss anything (its easy to do sometimes). I've had people do the same for me when running through dungeons. Not everyone is the worst.
BoloBoffin wrote: »I think that the dev time needed to produce this, while a definite concern, isn't as large as some might think. Currently when they are showing off new dungeons, ZOS disengages aggro and can instakill whole sections of a dungeon. This existing functionality could become the basis of a story mode.
On entering a dungeon, you could have the option of choosing story mode before engagng any mobs. Player groups, in addition to grouping specifically for story mode, should have a ready check for it in dungeon. If that choice is made, you forfeit all set drops and XP. You can walk past all trash mob groups. Once you are done exploring a boss room, you can drop the non-aggroed boss instantly. Any dialogue with NPCs remains in place. And at the end of the dungeon, you get the skill point, sure. I'm cool with that, even if others aren't.
Developing this for every existing dungeon would be a sizable chunk of time. But the tools to do it are already there.
Sylvermynx wrote: »
That would be.... PERFECT. As I said, I don't even care about the skill point - don't need 2, 3, 4 more. But just to get to see the story/read the dialogue without issues.... that would be wonderful.
The fallacy of the argument starts with this first paragraph.
We have seen the occasional thread asking for solo mode. Even starting off that it is purely for fun but goes on wanting more challenge and more rewards.
So we can pretend that is not the case as this request is doing what is says, but we cannot ignore the truth.
Further, I find it very difficult that anyone who has tried cannot get a group that is willing to go slow so someone can see the story. I know this is false because when my group runs with only 3 and we use GF to fill the group we go slow if someone has picked up the quest.
I expect Zos can see through this false argument easily.
You need to pug more. It all too often goes like this.
"Hi, doing quest pls".
*rest of group is now up to 1st boss*
"You need to keep up"
*Mad sprint through dungeon*
*Leader disbands group before quest can be handed in*
Source? I pug all the time.
Good for you for waiting though. I do too, and always ask if anyone is looking for gear at the end. But I am definitely atypical. Half the time 1-2 people leave the group before "Activity Complete" fades from the screen.
Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
Just because people have different ideas of the extra details of how solo mode could work in their suggestion doesn't mean that they all want different things, the core suggestion is just for being able to see the story at their own pace. Whether they still get the skill point, whether there's set drops, or achievements is extra and preference, and I'm sure that even if you didn't get any of that (or heck, even XP) in Story Mode, people would be satisfied enough at least with just the ability to do the story content at their own pace. The very reason the suggestion is even appearing so frequently right now is because of the fact that these new dungeons will be interconnected to this year's story, so don't pretend to act like you think they all secretly don't care about the story and all they really want is just to get easier ways to grind sets and get skill points.
There's a difference between looking for people to go slow in the dungeon with you, to actually being able to go at your own pace. Finding a group means asking around, setting up times that you can all do it, which is a hassle on its own that you don't need to go through for other story content in the game. Once that's all said and done there might still be some differences in how slow each person wants to go (one just wants to read the dialogue, another wants to be able to listen to it and get all of the side dialogue, another wants to do that and read all of the notes scattered in the dungeon, and the 4th person wants to do all of that plus RP slow walk and take screenshots of things in the dungeon). Not having a solo mode means some of these people will be compromising things that they enjoy about the questing experience, all because...what? What really is the reason to be against it? I still don't know what that is.
I help run a guild where one of the main things we offer is story-mode style dungeons for people so I can already tell you that the definition is interpreted differently for each person from all of the runs we've done, and that the solution we provide is just a bandaid fix to a problem that should have a better solution built in-game. I won't have trouble finding a group to do these dungeons at a slow enough pace, nor have any trouble with the difficulty even if it's like Dragon Bones or Wolfhunter Normal difficulty, but just because I have a solution for myself doesn't mean I feel like I should deny others a chance for a better one for them just because "I already have a solution that's good enough for me, so it should be good enough for you."
And as for the PUG stuff, it's not fair to your group that you need to feel obliged to go slow throughout the dungeon and waste your free time for them because they didn't have the option of having a story mode version of the dungeon, and not fair to them because now they may have to feel pressured and feel like they're slowing you down in the first place, which may even mean they're just doing the minimal stuff they wanted rather than getting the full experience they were hoping for as well. It's also not fair to the other people in PUGs who don't want to (nor will) go slow for story-moders and end up having a dead weight player (or more) in their group because of that, slowing them down, and of course just a bad time all around for the story-moders too in that situation. If there's a potential solution that solves both of those problems, really, why not do it?
So the overreaching wants of the few should outweigh and negate the wants of the many? Isn't that in itself a fallacy? It's also very judgemental of you to disregard every other peoples wants--including op's post--because someone else is greedy with their wants.
What op wants is what the majority of us want for story mode. Overland difficulty/normal fungal 1 difficulty, no gear drops or drops disabled altogether. That's it. A mode in which we can enjoy the story content. A mode that won't effect you and your group negatively in the slightest.
serious talk though.
suggestions on how solo mode can be implemented while using minimum of resources. via utilizing mechanics already in game
idea 1
emperor/meridia buff. you know that one penultimate mission of the vestige story? the buff that also as far as I know works very similarly on a player who gets crowned emperor in Cyrodill. give players an option to slelect a dungeon with that buff enabled. this will allow a player to effectively solo any normal dungeon in a game as their health AND damage would be significantly buffed. there are some mechanics where you need other players to free you, etc, as far as i know, they don't actualy one shot you on normal mode with even a modicum of healing, and so they would just be something to wait out
idea 2. in some of the quests, you have an npc companion, helping you in combat. if i remember correctly in vestige story, you can even pick which role said npc is going to perform. tank, healer, or damage dealer (3 different npc's each performing one of the roles
in solo dungeon, you get to pick out that sort of npc to go along with you. make them strong enough so that they can help compensate for lack of full group.
starting a dungeon in this mode - disables all loot. literally, no loot is dropped from any mobs or bosses. this should take care of the whole "too easy to get sets etc" concern. skill point quest IS the thing that can be done in normal mode, but not decorative trophies or gear or vendor trash from mobs.
minimum rework required. maximum result.
myskyrim26 wrote: »4. Guildmates do agree to do a dungeon with me. Sometimes they even give some time for me to make screenshots of dialogues. Sometimes. But the rest of the time they just rush through a dungeon. I don't want to rush! Dungeons are beautiful, I want to enjoy them! I don't want to make dialogue screenshots, I want to LISTEN to them!
Dark_Lord_Kuro wrote: »For most dongeon i dont realy care but now they are putting main story in a dongeon and it wont work for most people
Remember how craglorn miserably failed?
People who what to quest/read/explore want to do it at their pace, meanwhile peaple who whant to do do group content couldln't care less about it
Either give story mode for dongeon or keep the main story quest out of them and while we are at it stop making these pathetic excuse of a dlc called dongeon pack and give us true content something worth more than 1 hour and an half of content
myskyrim26 wrote: »Please READ the post before posting commets, not just title
And again. PLEASE READ before commenting. PLEASE.
Dear ZOS,
A lot of lore already hidden in 4-player dungeons. It is even worse for the Wrathstone dungeons, as they are a part of the story. Please make a solo dungeon mode for players, who are not able to do dungeons in a group.
Let this solo dungeon mode be purely story oriented: no sets, no motifs, no achivements, no skillpoints - nothing that could make this mode a kind of a cheating one. Nothing to grind. It should not be a part of Undaunted pledges and whatever else - juts a story to do.
To all who want to post some answer like "find friends", "find a guild", "learn to play", please read this: I play since 2016. I tried hard to find people like me to do dungeond for a story. And here are the results:
1. We are 4 and we all want to do a dungeon for a story. I'm a tank. Other players are: a healer who sees a restoration staff for the first time and 2 DDs running around a dungeon like mad chickens. These people never did dungeond before, and will never practice - they are focused on quests only. They don't want to spend their time learning how to play in a group.
2. I found 3 people who agree to change their playstile. We live in different countries - thus it is hard to set a time for dungeon runs or practice. More - even if we all 4 are online, these players are busy doing something. As, you know, there are a lot things to do. And the most bad thing: I can be forced to log off at any moment because of my job.
3. Many players who want to do dungeon stories refuse to change anything. As a master crafter, I offer them free sets, food, glyphs. I try to explain their skills gently. I try to explain dungeon mechanics. But solo players are SOLO players. They don't want someone to be a leader. They don't want to learn a crazy rotation piano, they don't listen to a team mechanics. "I'll go see what's there!" - types my teammate in chat. I start typing "No" in respond, but the teammate is already dead, and mobs are running at us.
4. Guildmates do agree to do a dungeon with me. Sometimes they even give some time for me to make screenshots of dialogues. Sometimes. But the rest of the time they just rush through a dungeon. I don't want to rush! Dungeons are beautiful, I want to enjoy them! I don't want to make dialogue screenshots, I want to LISTEN to them!
5. I tried to do dungeons solo with a petsorc. My results: Fungal Grotto 1 and another "beginners" dungeon with a spider boss. I know - some players can do a lot of dungeons solo. Not me, unfortunately.
I assure you - I've made every effort to find players like me. A lot of people want to do dungeon stories, and it is impossible to become a team. Please @ZOS, give us a possibility to enjoy dungeons!
it should have a solo option where half your content releases are dungeon only ESPECIALY when you tie overreaching story for the entire year TO THEM.. it devalues ESO plus and it discourages people who would rather buy DLC's outright - from buying them.
sets sure, skill point should be available in solo dungeon becasue inability to finish quests, unless you get lucky is PART OF THE PROBLEM WITH GROUP DUNGEONS RIGHT NOW
random fun fact.
adriant1978 wrote: »There seems to be a fear among the group-oriented players here that implementing this feature would cause less people to queue for group dungeons and make finding a group harder, but are those for whom this feature would be helpful really the kind who a) are queuing for dungeons on a regular basis already and b) people you would want to run with?
Remember, I want to read all the quest dialogue. Also, my characters are almost all unoptimized RP builds. Can I bring my Bosmer MagSorc? How about my Nord Werewolf StamWarden?
Trust me, you don't want me in your group. You'll be happier if I'm by myself in story mode.
SirCassiusClay wrote: »Instanced story content with overland difficulty should not be rewarded well, if at all.