Solo dungeon mode, please

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  • haloufe007
    everyone is waiting for The Elder Scrolls 6
    why make 50 million fans wait until 2023
    with some change we will have our The Elder Scrolls 6 now on Elder Scrolls online
    Elder Scrolls online can become The Elder Scrolls 6 for all the next 20 years

    1-for all dungeons with 4 people ........ we made them for solo experience with a difficulty of 2 people
    2-all delves and cave transforms (enlargement + more detailed history) in experience with a difficulty of 2 people
    3-add more enemy (bandit, monster worldboss...) in the world
    4-increased the difficulty of 50% of the quest
    5-each dlc adds 4 to 5 dungeons
    6-Dark Anchor Abyssal Geyser should not be in the same place but in a random way even in cities
    7- possibility to attack the guards of the empire (with patrolin the world) instead of pulling the coward move each time.

  • Dark_Lord_Kuro

    No , and, MMO. Skyrim is over there

    Yes and rpg . Wow is over there
  • Linaleah

    I don't know how it is on other platforms and servers so I'm speaking from a PC EU perspective. Despite the language barrier we have here, this never happened to me and I have 8 characters. When I queue alone, I communicate nicely, tell people exactly what I want and there will be a person or two to wait at the end. Always.

    Yes it should be common sense for people to wait after the quest without a bloody reminder but that's just how a lot of people are nowadays. Impatient and egocentric. Sometimes they forget you were doing the quest because they were being distracted by the children or they're drunk/stoned or listening to music instead of game dialogue or their mother told them to shut down the pc immediately and so on. *** happens.

    If I were a developer I wouldn't put the skill point into story mode because it removes one important incentive to run normal dungeons for a good amount of players. They do it once for the SP and don't care about the sets because most of them are trash tbh.

    If you meant an additional SP for the Story mode then again I'd have to disagree because the story should be its own reward. Instanced story content with overland difficulty should not be rewarded well, if at all.

    no, I mean the specific skill point you get from dungeon quest, not an additional one


    think about what you have just said. if people are ONLY running through dungeons for a skill point. they are STILL doing it once and never again. those are NOT the people you can count on to fill up your queues. they do NOT have an incentive to run that dungeon again, once they got a skill point WHETHER THEY GOT IT SOLO OR IN A GROUP.

    at least while solo, these players, me included can actualy enjoy the story.

    incentive to keep running dungeons is because you enjoy group based combat. sometimes there's added incentive of farming gear, but mostly its becasue you like grouping with other people to kick monster butts. having a solo option to do the story and get that skill point will NOT remove aforementioned incentive. but it WILL remove a lot of the unneeded stress from EVERYONE. both from people who just want to finish the quest and people who just want to kick monster butt.
    dirty worthless casual.
    Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
    Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"
  • Dark_Lord_Kuro
    myskyrim26 wrote: »

    Exactly this!
    A lot of players are kicked from dungeons because they seem unfit to others!
    And more - most of story-oriented players don't even try to do group dungeons. My friend is a solo player. He plays almost as long as me, as it was me who told him about all the wonders ESO provides. But he never agreed to try a dungeon, even with me! He said: I do it myself or I don't do it at all. So, such players never queue, they never become a part of any random or pre-made group.

    I agree. If I want a reward - be it a skillpoint or gear, I'll do a regular 4-player dungeon. It is not hard to find a group for a reward purpose. The story mode should not be rewarded.

    If it is i could see them giving the skill point forthe quest(the same one as the group version so you wont get 2 but you can get it in either version) and maybe green overworl loot from whatever zome the dongeon is in
  • Linaleah
    here's another idea since some of you are very much invested into solo pass giving no rewards. tie acquisition of skill point to a dungeon clear achievement. so whenever you first clear it on normal or above? you get a skill point automatically, so no need to wait for anyone to turn in the quest, or frustration of not being able to progress it at all.

    make a quest a completely separate solo entity that will reward the usual standard quest reward thing from overland. 300ish gold and a random green piece of gear from the zone that the dungeon is located in. you could STILL to the quest in a group dungeon if you wanted to, it would still be there, and [edit] casual solo players won't be getting no free gear or skill points


    [edited for baiting]
    Edited by ZOS_RogerJ on January 17, 2019 10:59PM
    dirty worthless casual.
    Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
    Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"
  • Mr_Walker
    Sylvermynx wrote: »

    Listen honey - AU players are upset with 250ms lag. My lag is ten times that on a GOOD day. So yeah. I want a story mode option in the WORST way....

    I'm AU and I'd KILL for only 250ms!
  • Tigerseye
    Yeah, I'm having issues with my internet.

    It's fast most of the time, but then it will suddenly drop to slow, or very slow and if that happens during a boss fight, well it's obviously all over and of course, I get kicked.

    If I was on my own and if it was only a problem for a few mins, I could wait it out, until it got better again and then, carry on with the next boss.

    But, of course, in a group, you can't do that.

    I also think, as long as it was sufficiently challenging solo content (not super-challenging, but reasonably so), you could let people get their skill points and blue gear from it, as well.

    If that then meant fewer people bothered with group dungeons - then, perhaps, you would have to ask yourself why that might be.

    Pretty sure, if everyone in dungeons was polite, tolerant and friendly, people would keep doing them, even if they could do a solo version, instead.
  • Fingolfinn01
    Yes plz this mode is needed. Call it story we can enjoy the lore.
  • Tigerseye

    I did read it. You're complaining about not wanting to play in a group, well this isn't a single player game, it is a MMO. There will be and should be group content. No, not everything should be soloable.

    Oh, this old chestnut...

    MMO just means Massively Multiplayer Online game.

    In other words, an online game which can accomodate many people playing it at once

    There is nothing in that description that says you have to group up with other people to do things, in an MMO.

    It doesn't suggest that and never has.
  • macsmooth
    I love this learn 2 play statement, it just answer it all for people but what they don’t get is it can be phrased both ways

    Learn 2 play with others that would like to listen to the story and receive the skill point before you and your other learn 2 play learner run ahead and kill bosses then leave at the end of the dungeon before the story has finished for the learn 2 play with selfish others person sorry I mean story quest person

    MMO isn’t about playing with everyone it’s about playing in a multi person environment, there are people that play on my platform my server and I will never meet them but doesn’t mean they are not there and don’t want to have access to stories or skill points that others don’t think they have right to

    The story mode is a way for a person to achieve this without upsetting you and making you take longer than you wanted to do a dungeon, there is no downside for you to allow people to do something that doesn’t cause you issues
  • Azurya
    my support too for this!!!! <3
  • Tigerseye
    Krayl wrote: »

    Are you on PS4? I run a small guild. I'm a great tank, I'd love to tank dungeons for you while you absorb the lore. I enjoy teaching mechanics. I think that's awesome. But please dont request the devs spend their paid time at work trying to turn group content into more easy mode soloable stuff of which we have plenty.

    I'm not alone, plenty of helpful people are out there who want to join up and share this kind of content. You just wont find them in the group finder.

    The answer to a universal issue, that quite possibly millions of people have, in games, is never going to be "I can personally help you, if you're on my server.".

    It's very nice of you to offer, but you can't help everyone, can you?

    ...and no, you're not alone - but, there are sufficiently few of you that it is impractical to expect you to cope with every new player that just wants to take their time in dungeons, at all times of the day and night.

    Not only that, but however patient someone is, it can still feel awkward making someone wait, while you read and absorb endless pages of dialogue.

    Most of us are already in guilds with some nice people in them and yet, there is still going to be a demand for solo dungeons, for various reasons.

    Krayl wrote: »
    They certainly aren't going to hire more people to implement a feature that isn't going to attract a new audience.

    It will attract a new audience.

    Those who prefer to solo content all, or some, of the time.

    Not only that, but it will help retain players, who might otherwise leave.

    Given the number of people who seem to like the idea, it would make sense to hire a few more people to implement it, if necessary.

    In fact, it would appear that its potential popularity would far outweigh the, relatively modest, cost and effort required to adjust a bit of pre-existing content.

    As opposed to, say, making whole swathes of expensive new content that only a small % of the playerbase will ever see...
    Edited by Tigerseye on January 21, 2019 10:18AM
  • Tigerseye
    martygod12 wrote: »

    Yeah cause elder scrolls Is mainly a single player game where story and lore and exploration plays the biggest part and even if this Is published as "online" doesnt change anything on it ... If you want to play MMO focused on PvP and group things go play wow or other nonsence

    Actually, WoW is (or was, when I played it) far more pro the solo, or beginner, player than this game is.

    This was especially so in MoP.

    Anyone can solo older dungeons, once they outlevel them, the normal dungeons tend to be of lower difficulty, even when current (especially once you and/or your group outgear them) and it even has LFR (Looking For Raid) for raiding beginners.

    They tried to get all leet and anti-casual, again, in WoD and could no longer publish their sub numbers, as they had fallen so badly. xD

    Well, we did try to warn them... :wink:

    Not sure what it's like now?

    Don't really care.

    Edited by Tigerseye on January 21, 2019 10:39AM
  • Linaleah
    Tigerseye wrote: »

    Actually, WoW is (or was, when I played it) far more pro the solo, or beginner, player than this game is.

    This was especially so in MoP.

    Anyone can solo older dungeons, once they outlevel them, the normal dungeons tend to be of lower difficulty, even when current (especially once you and/or your group outgear them) and it even has LFR (Looking For Raid) for raiding beginners.

    They tried to get all leet and anti-casual, again, in WoD and could no longer publish their sub numbers, as they had fallen so badly. xD

    Well, we did try to warn them... :wink:

    Not sure what it's like now?

    Don't really care.

    they figured out that making content inaccessible results in lost sub numbers... again (first time they figured that one out was in Cataclysm and that's when they ended up trying to correct the issue by introducing LFR in a first place), and nowadays normal mode is still very much accessible - added difficulty comes from mythic. and the of course they forgot every lesson and hid important parts of the story behind mythic only dungeons which resulted in major backlash on the forums, so... I guess they didn't quite learn that lesson either :/ mainly I'm not a fan of the fact that in order for content to eventually become soloable, they have you on perpetual gear treadmill.

    sadly, the game that actualy did it pretty well as far as acess to stoyr goes - swtor, has other issues (like quality of that story greatly deteriorating and slowing down to a trickle, all the while adding almost no group content for those who would rather that, but solo mode dungeons was one of their better additions and was very well received back when they first introduced it in Shadow of Revan expansion)
    dirty worthless casual.
    Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
    Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"
  • Tigerseye
    idk wrote: »

    What? It is clearly a gigantic assumption you are making about the numbers of players interested in this. We cannot even call this thread beating a dead horse because this idea has had such little interest.

    82 people have Agreed with the OP (with 3 Awesomes and 1 Insightful).

    That indicates a lot of potential interest.

    Edited by Tigerseye on January 21, 2019 11:15AM
  • Tigerseye
    Linaleah wrote: »
    they figured out that making content inaccessible results in lost sub numbers... again (first time they figured that one out was in Cataclysm and that's when they ended up trying to correct the issue by introducing LFR in a first place), and nowadays normal mode is still very much accessible - added difficulty comes from mythic. and the of course they forgot every lesson and hid important parts of the story behind mythic only dungeons which resulted in major backlash on the forums, so... I guess they didn't quite learn that lesson either :/ mainly I'm not a fan of the fact that in order for content to eventually become soloable, they have you on perpetual gear treadmill.

    I know, exactly.

    I'm not keen on the gear treadmill, either, but at least it's a logical kind of gear progression; especially if you are happy to do all the different difficulty levels.

    I started playing in Cata and so, was there before LFR.

    It was horrible for a new player, back then.

    LFR and then the new bridging level above that, which was later renamed "Normal", very confusingly (forget what they called it, originally - I want to say Flex?), changed everything.

    It enabled people to gear up for raiding without a raiding guild.

    So, then, the guilds came to you - you didn't have to go cap in hand to them.

    Also, they introduced personal loot, meaning that the leader of your group couldn't just decide to steal everything and disband.

    Then they reversed all that, in WoD, along with some other things.

    If they hadn't done all that, I would probably still be playing WoW.

    Isn't the definition of insanity supposed to be doing the same thing, over and over again and expecting a different result?

    Someone should really tell the Blizz devs that.

    Guess I just did...

    I think part of the problem is that the "pro" players - the anti-casuals - often grow up (if you can call it that) to become devs themselves.

    Meaning that they will never learn the lessen; because they simply don't want to.

    They want to punish "casuals".

    That attitude isn't something I'm prepared to pay for, even though I did some Heroic (now known as Mythic) raiding myself.

    So, wasn't really a casual, as such, anymore.
    Edited by Tigerseye on January 21, 2019 11:43AM
  • nightstrike
    FWIW, I joined the game when MW came out because I wanted to enjoy the single player experience. That was a long time ago, and my desires haven't changed. I still want to be able to go through a dungeon, listen to the dialog, look at all the amazing art that I paid gobs of money for, hunt for all the chests and bags, try different things (like opening the cages in FG1), etc etc. I hate that I can't do that unless I find someone willing to sit there and do nothing while I play the game my way.

    I found one person to do that with, and we no longer play together. So.........
    Warning: This signature is tiny!
  • macsmooth
    The strange thing is if you create a story mode for players then it will have so much positives for the game overall

    Story mode is aimed at people that want the story, the skill point is that little bonus to that mode. These people would most likely be people that shy away from group dungeons because of not wanting to effect other people

    Story mode would be a good way to introduce people to how group dungeons work with mechanics or not stand in red so they get a feel for these dungeons and they will know to prepare a little more for normal and then to vet dungeons and know the mechanics and damage changes with each step of the dungeon

    Plus it would improve lag and queue times and even fake roles from normal and vet dungeons

    Zos would move all the story mode queues and instances to there own server farm where connection would be better because you have one users connection per instance of the dungeon not four user connections per instance of dungeon, so less load on those servers means more instances

    It would then free up the queues for normal and vet from people that are wanting the story and to learn a little before the team play starts, so would result in quicker queue times less lag issues due to splitting people away from the group dungeons

    But also would free normal and vet dungeons up for pledge days for faster runs or faster gear farming runs

    Ultimately reducing lag, queue time, better role awareness and faster runs for people

    Would encourage people that don’t do group dungeons to have a go at grouping more even might encourage people to try PvP more too you never know
    Edited by macsmooth on January 21, 2019 12:56PM
  • Clanbrassil
    The argument "it's an MMO, there should be grouping" doesn't hold water. There are many advantages of playing an MMO for the resolutely solo player - for instance, joining in fights without actually grouping, trading, etc etc. I can't see any valid argument against having an optional solo mode for all dungeons (which should even give normal rewards). If you don't want it, then don't use it! Simple as that. Those that like traditional group mechanics can play that way, those that can't, for the many reasons given by different posters, can use solo mode.

    FWIW, my big objection to grouping with others is the speed they go at. Like the OP, I like to take my time and admire the scenery.
  • Casdha
    OK that doesn't work anymore so here it goes: (tried to share direct link to my other post)

    To all of these folks that keep using MMO to try and win their argument of what this game is supposed to be, maybe I need to re-tell the story of How I got invited to Beta and also became one of the first 500 or so original full time beta testers when everyone else was playing weekends.

    I saw an Xbox commercial that showed 1st person view play from (I think) E3. I liked what I saw and investigated it and found out it was an MMO and that they had a Beta application available. I filled the application out as a joke and told them I had no intention of ever playing this game, Unless they proved me wrong,,,,, I had an invitation within a week. That was at a time when Every MMO player was trying to get into Beta and had been trying for months and some up to a year. I also received a first round invite to The Full time beta, probably because I did my job and filled out the Weekend Beta reports honestly and found bugs that MMO players would miss or I gave suggestions of what felt different from a Single players perspective that or they simply wanted to see how someone like me would play it.

    Tell me again how this game was not meant for folks like us.

    No one is asking to change Vet Modes or Hard modes, Some are asking for Normal mode to be at the level the Starting Group Dungeons are and there are others that are asking for an easier mode because they can't even do those "Solo". Why Solo you ask, because even though they have grown to like the living world that an MMO brings, they either don't want to put up with the rudeness playing in a random group brings (proof can be found in threads like these), or they don't like feeling like a burden to other players.

    Up till now the stories have been side stories and these folks have all but avoided them. Sure we miss some story content, but not part of the Main story. Having Abnur Tharn makes this a continuation of the Main Story and folks can't avoid this content anymore. If they are forced to, they will either skip it and start loosing interest, or ignore it all together and maybe be less inclined to buy rest of this years content.

    I would almost bet if ZOS added a Story mode ( Sub CP level Solo difficulty) to these Group Dungeons, not only would they get the sales ZOS is attempting to get, but they would also see an uptick in previous DLC sales. My personal opinion is that they should have Overland (Delve) quality drops and still get the skill point for this level of Dungeon as they still take time to complete.

    I'm gonna wait till I play it on PTS to give my final thoughts on this though. At this point, it may be worrying about nothing on my part, but I'm sure not for others.

    p.s. I continue to play the game because they proved me wrong :)

    edit: removed link and pasted text
    Edited by Casdha on January 21, 2019 4:10PM
    Proud member of the Psijic Order - The first wave - The 0.016%

  • MooseKnuckles88
    Just run some of those dungeons on normal, a lot of them can be solo'd. Not trying to sound like and elitist or anything because that's far from the truth, but I've solo'd a lot of the ones that don't require group mechs on my magicka warden.
  • Trinity_Is_My_Name
    I would love a Solo mode. How many of us have actually done all the story content in City of Ash 2? (One example of course) Lot in that dungeon! I soloed it to get all the story content.
  • Skwor
    Just play skyrim. We do not need anymore solo content. The game has a ton of it already.

    If anything we need better raid content with less one shot mechanics
  • Nemesis7884
    Iirc gw2 has a story mode for dungeons which is easier...the idea to run certain group content in an easier mode with a bot companion sounds kinda interesting ..ala SWTOR ...and it gives zos another element to monetize ^^
    Edited by Nemesis7884 on January 21, 2019 5:23PM
  • Clanbrassil
    Skwor wrote: »
    Just play skyrim.

    Let them eat cake.

    Play Skyrim over and over again, when there is so much else of Tamriel to explore? Come, come.

    Really, any objection to the idea of a solo mode is along the lines of "I don't want this therefore no-one should have it". It won't affect players who don't want/need it (they can just ignore it); it will benefit the many players who do need it.

  • Anhedonie
    Normal mode exists. You can pretty much solo it with any class.
    Profanity filter is a crime against the freedom of speech. Also gags.
  • Imryll
    I would love a solo dungeon mode, although I think rewards should be proportional to difficulty, not eliminated entirely. Such a mode might even increase the likelihood of me queuing for group content if I could explore the story elements and dungeon layout on my own before being asked to deal with others' expectations.
  • Jeremy
    myskyrim26 wrote: »
    Please READ the post before posting commets, not just title

    And again. PLEASE READ before commenting. PLEASE.

    Dear ZOS,
    A lot of lore already hidden in 4-player dungeons. It is even worse for the Wrathstone dungeons, as they are a part of the story. Please make a solo dungeon mode for players, who are not able to do dungeons in a group.
    Let this solo dungeon mode be purely story oriented: no sets, no motifs, no achivements, no skillpoints - nothing that could make this mode a kind of a cheating one. Nothing to grind. It should not be a part of Undaunted pledges and whatever else - juts a story to do.

    To all who want to post some answer like "find friends", "find a guild", "learn to play", please read this: I play since 2016. I tried hard to find people like me to do dungeond for a story. And here are the results:
    1. We are 4 and we all want to do a dungeon for a story. I'm a tank. Other players are: a healer who sees a restoration staff for the first time and 2 DDs running around a dungeon like mad chickens. These people never did dungeond before, and will never practice - they are focused on quests only. They don't want to spend their time learning how to play in a group.
    2. I found 3 people who agree to change their playstile. We live in different countries - thus it is hard to set a time for dungeon runs or practice. More - even if we all 4 are online, these players are busy doing something. As, you know, there are a lot things to do. And the most bad thing: I can be forced to log off at any moment because of my job.
    3. Many players who want to do dungeon stories refuse to change anything. As a master crafter, I offer them free sets, food, glyphs. I try to explain their skills gently. I try to explain dungeon mechanics. But solo players are SOLO players. They don't want someone to be a leader. They don't want to learn a crazy rotation piano, they don't listen to a team mechanics. "I'll go see what's there!" - types my teammate in chat. I start typing "No" in respond, but the teammate is already dead, and mobs are running at us.
    4. Guildmates do agree to do a dungeon with me. Sometimes they even give some time for me to make screenshots of dialogues. Sometimes. But the rest of the time they just rush through a dungeon. I don't want to rush! Dungeons are beautiful, I want to enjoy them! I don't want to make dialogue screenshots, I want to LISTEN to them!
    5. I tried to do dungeons solo with a petsorc. My results: Fungal Grotto 1 and another "beginners" dungeon with a spider boss. I know - some players can do a lot of dungeons solo. Not me, unfortunately.

    I assure you - I've made every effort to find players like me. A lot of people want to do dungeon stories, and it is impossible to become a team. Please @ZOS, give us a possibility to enjoy dungeons!

    Sounds reasonable to me.

    It's hard to do the dungeon quests in your typical group as everyone is in such a rush these days. You wisely tailored your request in such a way that it would not impede on incentives to do the dungeon in a group.

    Edited by Jeremy on January 21, 2019 6:04PM
  • adriant1978
    (ignore, posted in wrong thread)
    Edited by adriant1978 on January 21, 2019 6:06PM
  • Teutoburger
    if its added then it can be a solo mode or if it would be similar to star wars the old republic when you get a droid to help you in the dungeon. can be helpful with late game dungeons
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