Wifeaggro13 wrote: »
No , and, MMO. Skyrim is over there
SirCassiusClay wrote: »
I don't know how it is on other platforms and servers so I'm speaking from a PC EU perspective. Despite the language barrier we have here, this never happened to me and I have 8 characters. When I queue alone, I communicate nicely, tell people exactly what I want and there will be a person or two to wait at the end. Always.
Yes it should be common sense for people to wait after the quest without a bloody reminder but that's just how a lot of people are nowadays. Impatient and egocentric. Sometimes they forget you were doing the quest because they were being distracted by the children or they're drunk/stoned or listening to music instead of game dialogue or their mother told them to shut down the pc immediately and so on. *** happens.
If I were a developer I wouldn't put the skill point into story mode because it removes one important incentive to run normal dungeons for a good amount of players. They do it once for the SP and don't care about the sets because most of them are trash tbh.
If you meant an additional SP for the Story mode then again I'd have to disagree because the story should be its own reward. Instanced story content with overland difficulty should not be rewarded well, if at all.
Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
myskyrim26 wrote: »
Exactly this!
A lot of players are kicked from dungeons because they seem unfit to others!
And more - most of story-oriented players don't even try to do group dungeons. My friend is a solo player. He plays almost as long as me, as it was me who told him about all the wonders ESO provides. But he never agreed to try a dungeon, even with me! He said: I do it myself or I don't do it at all. So, such players never queue, they never become a part of any random or pre-made group.
I agree. If I want a reward - be it a skillpoint or gear, I'll do a regular 4-player dungeon. It is not hard to find a group for a reward purpose. The story mode should not be rewarded.
Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
Sylvermynx wrote: »
Listen honey - AU players are upset with 250ms lag. My lag is ten times that on a GOOD day. So yeah. I want a story mode option in the WORST way....
Wildberryjack wrote: »
I did read it. You're complaining about not wanting to play in a group, well this isn't a single player game, it is a MMO. There will be and should be group content. No, not everything should be soloable.
Are you on PS4? I run a small guild. I'm a great tank, I'd love to tank dungeons for you while you absorb the lore. I enjoy teaching mechanics. I think that's awesome. But please dont request the devs spend their paid time at work trying to turn group content into more easy mode soloable stuff of which we have plenty.
I'm not alone, plenty of helpful people are out there who want to join up and share this kind of content. You just wont find them in the group finder.
They certainly aren't going to hire more people to implement a feature that isn't going to attract a new audience.
martygod12 wrote: »
Yeah cause elder scrolls Is mainly a single player game where story and lore and exploration plays the biggest part and even if this Is published as "online" doesnt change anything on it ... If you want to play MMO focused on PvP and group things go play wow or other nonsence
Actually, WoW is (or was, when I played it) far more pro the solo, or beginner, player than this game is.
This was especially so in MoP.
Anyone can solo older dungeons, once they outlevel them, the normal dungeons tend to be of lower difficulty, even when current (especially once you and/or your group outgear them) and it even has LFR (Looking For Raid) for raiding beginners.
They tried to get all leet and anti-casual, again, in WoD and could no longer publish their sub numbers, as they had fallen so badly. xD
Well, we did try to warn them...
Not sure what it's like now?
Don't really care.
Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
What? It is clearly a gigantic assumption you are making about the numbers of players interested in this. We cannot even call this thread beating a dead horse because this idea has had such little interest.
they figured out that making content inaccessible results in lost sub numbers... again (first time they figured that one out was in Cataclysm and that's when they ended up trying to correct the issue by introducing LFR in a first place), and nowadays normal mode is still very much accessible - added difficulty comes from mythic. and the of course they forgot every lesson and hid important parts of the story behind mythic only dungeons which resulted in major backlash on the forums, so... I guess they didn't quite learn that lesson eithermainly I'm not a fan of the fact that in order for content to eventually become soloable, they have you on perpetual gear treadmill.
Just play skyrim.
myskyrim26 wrote: »Please READ the post before posting commets, not just title
And again. PLEASE READ before commenting. PLEASE.
Dear ZOS,
A lot of lore already hidden in 4-player dungeons. It is even worse for the Wrathstone dungeons, as they are a part of the story. Please make a solo dungeon mode for players, who are not able to do dungeons in a group.
Let this solo dungeon mode be purely story oriented: no sets, no motifs, no achivements, no skillpoints - nothing that could make this mode a kind of a cheating one. Nothing to grind. It should not be a part of Undaunted pledges and whatever else - juts a story to do.
To all who want to post some answer like "find friends", "find a guild", "learn to play", please read this: I play since 2016. I tried hard to find people like me to do dungeond for a story. And here are the results:
1. We are 4 and we all want to do a dungeon for a story. I'm a tank. Other players are: a healer who sees a restoration staff for the first time and 2 DDs running around a dungeon like mad chickens. These people never did dungeond before, and will never practice - they are focused on quests only. They don't want to spend their time learning how to play in a group.
2. I found 3 people who agree to change their playstile. We live in different countries - thus it is hard to set a time for dungeon runs or practice. More - even if we all 4 are online, these players are busy doing something. As, you know, there are a lot things to do. And the most bad thing: I can be forced to log off at any moment because of my job.
3. Many players who want to do dungeon stories refuse to change anything. As a master crafter, I offer them free sets, food, glyphs. I try to explain their skills gently. I try to explain dungeon mechanics. But solo players are SOLO players. They don't want someone to be a leader. They don't want to learn a crazy rotation piano, they don't listen to a team mechanics. "I'll go see what's there!" - types my teammate in chat. I start typing "No" in respond, but the teammate is already dead, and mobs are running at us.
4. Guildmates do agree to do a dungeon with me. Sometimes they even give some time for me to make screenshots of dialogues. Sometimes. But the rest of the time they just rush through a dungeon. I don't want to rush! Dungeons are beautiful, I want to enjoy them! I don't want to make dialogue screenshots, I want to LISTEN to them!
5. I tried to do dungeons solo with a petsorc. My results: Fungal Grotto 1 and another "beginners" dungeon with a spider boss. I know - some players can do a lot of dungeons solo. Not me, unfortunately.
I assure you - I've made every effort to find players like me. A lot of people want to do dungeon stories, and it is impossible to become a team. Please @ZOS, give us a possibility to enjoy dungeons!