Solo dungeon mode, please

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  • jainiadral
    TBH, I'm cool with low rewards. Skill points might be nice, but depending on the toon, I might not need them. Heck, my favorite time running SWTOR's flashpoints was before level sync and Jesus Droid-- back when I was seven or so levels over and got virtually no XP from them. I'm game for whatever lame concessions I'd have to make to placate the elitists or hardcore groupies.

    I'd like to see the story without getting stressed out-- especially since the new dungeon DLCs are supposed to tie heavily into the xpac. And I don't want to have to watch it virtually on YouTube with some stranger's toons as a stand-in for mine.

    There's no way I'm grouping for this stuff-- and you really don't want me to :D Coordinating solo players is probably like herding cats; I'm no exception.
  • myskyrim26
    @myskyrim26 So let's say there is a mode where you can enter a dungeon solo, earn no drops, no achievements and no xp no linked quest completion (like pledges). You are just viewing the story. What about the mob and boss fights? How will you deal with them? Will they be one shot? Will you recieve no damage? Will the combat mechanics be bypassed?
    If this is the case of your idea of story dungeon mode, won't that be boring? Isn't it anticlimactic?

    I think that the difficulty may be somewhat like in a Fungal Grotto 1 now. By no means solo dungeons should be easy as you described. They should be doable by a one DD who knows how to use his DPS and shileding skills, knows how to roll dodge, how to deal with a crowd of mobs and how to fight a boss. I don't say that a solo dungeon should be doable with a single attempt. Like group dungeons, they should demand efforts. BUT they should be doable solo as Fungal Grotto 1 now. I can do it. With efforts, yes, but I can. What about other? I remember I tried Cradle of Shadows solo. I made it to a second boss. That where I spent several hours with no result...
    Edited by myskyrim26 on January 16, 2019 3:59PM
  • Ash_In_My_Sujamma
    I agree that there should be difficulty variations on dungeons. I also believe that rewards should scale with the difficulty of the dungeon you completed. I don't think that a solo mode is good for the game for two reasons. 1. most of the dungeons can be soloed in normal mode. Some even in vet mode. So lowering the difficulty even more in a game that suffers in end game challenge would not be wise.
    2. Eso is an mmo. Having said that I know there are people that play this game solo. But mmos rely on group play and communication between players. It's its lifeforce if you will. Some mmos have taken a turn to solo gameplay in an attempt to save their bacon, like swtor. They gained an audience by doing that but in the end they betrayed the game's identity. The result is a solo oriented online rpg that is not as good as other solo games. A mediocre result. I don't want to see eso taking that road and becoming a mediocre tes game. Cause now it's a very good mmorpg.
    I am not even gonna talk about goals and challenges and the evolution of a player via their character. So I believe that a solo mode won't be benefitial for the game. And to be honest there are so many content creators and streamers dedicating their time to provide walkthroughs and gameplay videos for those who just want to see the game as a "movie". But that's viewing the game not playing it.
  • Rain_Greyraven
    I don't know about going that far but I would love the option of a instanced version of all Dungeons if you have two or more group members.

    That would take care of half the problems I have with the game.
    "Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing.”

    ― Robert E. Howard

    So you want to be a game developer? Here is the best way to go about it.
  • Linaleah
    I agree that there should be difficulty variations on dungeons. I also believe that rewards should scale with the difficulty of the dungeon you completed. I don't think that a solo mode is good for the game for two reasons. 1. most of the dungeons can be soloed in normal mode. Some even in vet mode. So lowering the difficulty even more in a game that suffers in end game challenge would not be wise.
    2. Eso is an mmo. Having said that I know there are people that play this game solo. But mmos rely on group play and communication between players. It's its lifeforce if you will. Some mmos have taken a turn to solo gameplay in an attempt to save their bacon, like swtor. They gained an audience by doing that but in the end they betrayed the game's identity. The result is a solo oriented online rpg that is not as good as other solo games. A mediocre result. I don't want to see eso taking that road and becoming a mediocre tes game. Cause now it's a very good mmorpg.
    I am not even gonna talk about goals and challenges and the evolution of a player via their character. So I believe that a solo mode won't be benefitial for the game. And to be honest there are so many content creators and streamers dedicating their time to provide walkthroughs and gameplay videos for those who just want to see the game as a "movie". But that's viewing the game not playing it.

    1. can be soloed by the same people who have no problem with DLC dungeons. we are NOT talking about those people. we are talking about people who can NOT solo regular dungeons.
    2. adding solo mode to dungeons was one of the few things swtor did right. bear in mind that this required very little extra work, as those dungeons are basically regular normal mode, but for early ones - you get a droid that essentially is a brute squad, and later on, they just reduced damage output and health of enemies. the problem with swtor is that the moment it didn't become wow killer, it got its budget significantly slashed so they had to decide on what to focus on and they chose to focus on the story as its a bioware game and bioware fans come for the story. execution is.. not awesome, but soloability of content was NOT an issue anymore then availability of flight is to blame for issues with WoW world pvp for example ( those come from the fact that high level players just love to gank lowbies that cannot fight back and so fewer and fewer people chose to put themselves into a situation where they are basically being farmed. well that and cross realm zone issues making it down right impossible to call for reinforcements against aforementioned gankers)

    but I digress. existence of solo mode that is accessible for people who currently do not do dungeons will NOT detract from group aspect of group mode dungeons. it can actualy enhance it since developers will be able play around with how challenging they make them - a lot more. people who will utilize solo dungeons are not the people who are currently running dungeons successfully. they are the people who either never see in dungeons at all, or people you complain about when you get a particularly bad pug.
    dirty worthless casual.
    Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
    Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"
  • eso_nya
    i play since early access in 2014. the amount of ppl i met, that i consider "friends" is: 1.
  • Krayl
    Linaleah wrote: »
    but I digress. existence of solo mode that is accessible for people who currently do not do dungeons will NOT detract from group aspect of group mode dungeons. it can actualy enhance it since developers will be able play around with how challenging they make them - a lot more.

    You basically just nullified your own point.

    This is an MMO, a multiplayer game. Saying it wont' detract from group aspects is false, because as you immediately state afterwards, company resources will have to plan, implement, test, and adjust the content in a whole new way. They certainly aren't going to hire more people to implement a feature that isn't going to attract a new audience.So yeah actually it will detract in the form of keeping those resources occupied trying to revamp simple group content for solo players when they could be making, you know - actual stuff for the Massively Multiplayer game they are on the team for.

  • myskyrim26
    2. Eso is an mmo.

    ZOS always said - ESO is an mmo, but an unusual one. ESO attracts a lot of people just because they can see Tamriel, learn new lore and meet glorious people like Vanus Galerion personally. All these people hate the fact that ESO is an mmo. They suffer from mmo aspects of the game. Adding a solo dungeon mode will not do any harm to those who love 4-player dungeons.
    And you know, I don't have problems with running 4-player dungeons. I enjoy my tank Imperial and dd Altmer. It is fun to do dungeons in a group. BUT is is impossible to do dungeons for lore and story. Lore and story is the only point why a lot of people dream a solo option.

    Edited by myskyrim26 on January 16, 2019 6:56PM
  • JadonSky
    I agree, although i do love running dungeons with groups. I don't think I have ever gotten to experience the story of the dungeon because everyone just wants to run through it (which I get). I love the solo option and I think you should still get the skill point for completing the story but you don't get the gear drops or maybe white/green drops but no jewelry.
  • Neoauspex
    Mode exists it's called Magsorc.
  • myskyrim26
    Neoauspex wrote: »
    Mode exists it's called Magsorc.

    Can you do Mazzatun solo? Or other DLC dungeons? Anyway, I will never play this good. There are brilliant players who do amazing things. But not me. And not a crowd of other solo players.
  • adriant1978
    I just can't help thinking that we wouldn't be having this argument (so much) if they hadn't decided to lock main story behind group dungeons like this. I'd love to know who thought this was a good idea and why.
  • myskyrim26
    I often see posts on solo dungeons, or 2-player dungeons. A lot of lore is already locked, but a part of the story? And the very beginning of it - not some side quest - but a very start of a new story? That's completely wrong.
  • Linaleah
    Krayl wrote: »

    You basically just nullified your own point.

    This is an MMO, a multiplayer game. Saying it wont' detract from group aspects is false, because as you immediately state afterwards, company resources will have to plan, implement, test, and adjust the content in a whole new way. They certainly aren't going to hire more people to implement a feature that isn't going to attract a new audience.So yeah actually it will detract in the form of keeping those resources occupied trying to revamp simple group content for solo players when they could be making, you know - actual stuff for the Massively Multiplayer game they are on the team for.

    are you deliberately misreading what i just said? they are already adjusting content design. what they WILL have is more freedom in how to adjust it.

    moreover... the fact that this feature WILL attract new audience is THE WHOLE POINT. people who are currently not buying dungeon DLC's? will actualy have incentive to do so. and again as mentioned above. developers invested conciderable time and effort into dungeon design, story, voice acting... only to have groups rush right past it. solo mode would actualy create incentive for at least some of the playerbase to enjoy all that hard work, in a meantime - players who prefer rushing with groups? will have fewer "I'm on a quest, could we please go out of the way to kill this quest mobs, and wait for 3 minutes for rp to finish before leaving the dungeon" annoyances. (and alternately - people will actualy get to FINISH their quests for once, cause they will no longer have to hope and pray that one of their group members is nice enough to stick around long enough for them to turn in the quest)
    Edited by Linaleah on January 16, 2019 7:07PM
    dirty worthless casual.
    Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
    Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"
  • Krayl
    Welcome to the ESO forums, where company resources are as infinite as your dreams!
  • Loves_guars
    I agree, you explained it perfectly.

    In on hand is cool they've decided to make all the DLC of the year part of one story, but they should've added a story mode for the dungeons in that case.

    I know the devs play the game and I'm so grateful for it, but perhaps they don't have to go through these problems, so it's important we let them know.

  • Ragnork
    I see several comments that ESO is an MMO

    I always thought of ESO as an mmoRPG.

    Much of the content is aimed at the RPG solo player with aspects that can be completed as a group, world bosses, dolmens.
    Some of the content is aimed at groups, public dungeons, trials, some aspects of PvP

    The "issue" appears to be when RPG content is tied to group content; in much the same way that RPG PvE is tied to PvP, there is a conflict of interest. Public dungeons contain part of the lore and story. Many groups who run those dungeons do not do so for the lore or story and are intolerant of those who would want to take their time to enjoy the story.

    I do not understand why some players are reluctant to have a "solo" mode option for public dungeons, difficulty circa Fungal Groto 1 comes to mind; or difficulty scaling to match the size of the group entering the dungeon, so if 6 friends team up they can be accomodated in the dungeon and the difficulty scales to the group.
    Edited by Ragnork on January 16, 2019 7:33PM
  • max_only
    @myskyrim26 So let's say there is a mode where you can enter a dungeon solo, earn no drops, no achievements and no xp no linked quest completion (like pledges). You are just viewing the story. What about the mob and boss fights? How will you deal with them? Will they be one shot? Will you recieve no damage? Will the combat mechanics be bypassed?
    If this is the case of your idea of story dungeon mode, won't that be boring? Isn't it anticlimactic?

    Fade to black boss fights. Anticlimactic? That is personal opinion and those of us who want this are already ok with that.

    I did read it. You're complaining about not wanting to play in a group, well this isn't a single player game, it is a MMO. There will be and should be group content. No, not everything should be soloable.

    You didn’t read the post.

    Op, I agree and asked for the same thing
    #FiteForYourRite Bosmer = Stealth
    || CP 1000+ || PC/NA || GUILDS: LWH; IA; CH; XA
    ""All gods' creatures (you lot) are equal when covered in A1 sauce"" -- Old Bosmeri Wisdom
  • max_only
    I just can't help thinking that we wouldn't be having this argument (so much) if they hadn't decided to lock main story behind group dungeons like this. I'd love to know who thought this was a good idea and why.

    Yes this is the worst. Imagine trying to do it after the hype dies down? You’ll get those jokers who say stuff like “lol bbq xd xd I’ve already run this hundreds of times lol I can solo it xD” I can’t wait until those jokers come into this thread “nobody has time to wait for you to pick your nose lol XD we’ve done those dungeons a million times lmao jajajaja”

    I remember trying to do Wolfhunter DLC on DAY ONE people were rushing through. I came to the forums to complain because there is no way you can expect all of your random teammates to know what the flux is happening on day one.

    We absolutely need a STORY MODE if they are going to be locking important STORY in a dungeon.
    #FiteForYourRite Bosmer = Stealth
    || CP 1000+ || PC/NA || GUILDS: LWH; IA; CH; XA
    ""All gods' creatures (you lot) are equal when covered in A1 sauce"" -- Old Bosmeri Wisdom
  • Kagukan
    "ESO is a MMO" that would not exist without its very large solo player base.
  • Rain_Greyraven
    Ragnork wrote: »

    I do not understand why some players are reluctant to have a "solo" mode option for public dungeons, difficulty circa Fungal Groto 1 comes to mind; or difficulty scaling to match the size of the group entering the dungeon, so if 6 friends team up they can be accommodated in the dungeon and the difficulty scales to the group.

    I can tell you exactly why....


    Ever since the Inception of guilds in MMO's, one thing was shouted down always was the ability to complete Dungeons with out having to rely on others Guilds know that they only exist these days as a doorway to completing content. I f a guild loses that, then there isn't much reason for them to exist which throws a wrench into the works of power the Guild leaders have.

    It was why LFG got so much pushback.

    The original intent of guilds was not as a path to Epic loots, it was Bastardize into that.

    I say this as a Guild leader of four different MMO's, dose it need to change? Yes...will it?


    Edited by Rain_Greyraven on January 16, 2019 8:16PM
    "Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing.”

    ― Robert E. Howard

    So you want to be a game developer? Here is the best way to go about it.
  • Dark_Lord_Kuro
    AlnilamE wrote: »

    DLC dungeons don't have in-between clickable dialogue. It's all the NPC talking. You can refuse the quest share at the beginning and read the quest NPC dialogue at your own pace. At the end of the dungeon, the quest hand-in is also individual, so you can also take your time.

    Exept if they other just leave
  • myskyrim26
    People do content for achivements, sets, motifs and fun, right? A solo dungeon mode I wish to see has no achivements, sets, motifs and other rewards. It is far less fun than a 4-player dungeon. It is just about the story. No guild can help with the stories in dungeons, right?
  • Rain_Greyraven
    myskyrim26 wrote: »
    People do content for achivements, sets, motifs and fun, right? A solo dungeon mode I wish to see has no achivements, sets, motifs and other rewards. It is far less fun than a 4-player dungeon. It is just about the story. No guild can help with the stories in dungeons, right?

    Preaching to the Choir.....I just don't see it happening.

    I would go as far as saying that Solo or Duo players that participate in Dungeons should be Rewarded....but not the same type awards as say a 4-8 man group.
    Edited by Rain_Greyraven on January 16, 2019 8:22PM
    "Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing.”

    ― Robert E. Howard

    So you want to be a game developer? Here is the best way to go about it.
  • AndyMac
    Solo mode - especially for the vet DLC dungeons- would be great.
    Andymac - Magicka DK - EP Grand Overlord - Flawless Conqueror
  • myskyrim26
    AndyMac wrote: »
    Solo mode - especially for the vet DLC dungeons- would be great.

    I thought of it... normal solo and vet solo... But vet solo is something I can't imagine clearly. How difficult can it be? Normal solo - something like Fungal Grotto 1. But a vet solo?
  • Krayl
    Kagukan wrote: »
    "ESO is a MMO" that would not exist without its very large solo player base.

    In terms of PVE content

    There are 151 solo "Delves" in the game
    29 public dungeons,
    A main quest line,
    3 faction quest lines
    a mages guild quest line
    a fighters guild quest line
    a theif quest line
    a DB quest line
    wrothgar quest line
    clockwork quest line
    murkmire quest line
    Morrowind quest line
    Sumerset quest line
    30~ zones full of other quests
    a solo arena

    . . .all of which can be done SOLO

    there are

    34 dungeons; 8 of which are just rehashed "version 2"s
    2 arenas
    7 trials

    . . .that require a group (and most of those dungeons can be solod on normal by most people capable of running trials effectively)

    But lets get more threads about how the game needs to cater more to solo casuals.
  • myskyrim26

    You don't understand the idea. Seems that you don't want to.
    I love 4-payer dungeons. I enjoy them.

    But I want a solo mode to DO A STORY. TO LEARN THE LORE. TO LISTEN TO THE DIALOGUES. TO ENJOY THE ATMOSPHERE SLOWLY. That's all. I want to know what happened in Mazzatun and Craddle of Shadows. I want to know the beginning of Dragons story. I CAN'T DO IT N A DAMN GROUP RUNNING LIKE MAD. I hope i'm clear now.
    Edited by myskyrim26 on January 16, 2019 8:32PM
  • Krayl
    myskyrim26 wrote: »

    You don't understand the idea. Seems that you don't want to.
    I love 4-payer dungeons. I enjoy them.

    But I want a solo mode to DO A STORY. TO LEARN THE LORE. TO LISTEN TO THE DIALOGUES. TO ENJOY THE ATMOSPHERE SLOWLY. That's all. I want to know what happened in Mazzatun and Craddle of Shadows. I want to know the beginning of Dragons story. I CAN'T DO IT N A DAMN GROUP RUNNING LIKE MAD. I hope i'm clear now.

    Are you on PS4? I run a small guild. I'm a great tank, I'd love to tank dungeons for you while you absorb the lore. I enjoy teaching mechanics. I think that's awesome. But please dont request the devs spend their paid time at work trying to turn group content into more easy mode soloable stuff of which we have plenty.

    I'm not alone, plenty of helpful people are out there who want to join up and share this kind of content. You just wont find them in the group finder.
  • Kagukan
    Krayl wrote: »

    In terms of PVE content

    There are 151 solo "Delves" in the game
    29 public dungeons,
    A main quest line,
    3 faction quest lines
    a mages guild quest line
    a fighters guild quest line
    a theif quest line
    a DB quest line
    wrothgar quest line
    clockwork quest line
    murkmire quest line
    Morrowind quest line
    Sumerset quest line
    30~ zones full of other quests
    a solo arena

    . . .all of which can be done SOLO

    there are

    34 dungeons; 8 of which are just rehashed "version 2"s
    2 arenas
    7 trials

    . . .that require a group (and most of those dungeons can be solod on normal by most people capable of running trials effectively)

    But lets get more threads about how the game needs to cater more to solo casuals.

    My point proven. Thanks.
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