Maintenance for the week of June 17:
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Datamined "Chapter III" - The Elder Scrolls Online: Elsweyr

  • Elsonso
    Seraphayel wrote: »
    Robo_Hobo wrote: »
    Really? Every mainline TES game since Morrowind has allowed you to be a necromancer. I can understand not liking the concept of it, but to say it makes it not a TES game anymore is strange since it's had such a history of it.

    Yes, you have been able to make necromancers as characters, but if ZOS makes it a character class, ESO will be the first TES game to do that.

    So basically like every class in ESO?

    Not all of them. Nightblade and Sorcerer go back to Arena, and have been in every main TES game except for Skyrim.

    Anyway, I my comment was basically because there seems to be a persistent misunderstanding that other TES games had a necromancer class. I wanted to extend what Robo_Hobo said to make the distinction between allowing the player to be a necromancer and providing a necromancer class.

    I see what you mean, but I also want to point out that sorcerers in other tes games wore heavy armor and only used magic...but now that I think about it, its pretty par for the course for nevermind.

    Well, to be honest, the ESO classes are often munged together from more than one class from other TES games.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Grind Road

    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • Sevn
    Eremith wrote: »
    Sevn wrote: »
    Dracane wrote: »
    Dracane wrote: »
    There goes what was left of lore and logic. :D Real Dragons in ESO, which never happened and which was confirmed by ZoS to never happen. And undead chilling in all major towns and social hubs.

    Glad I'm not the only one that sees this. I mean eso has been playing fast and loose with the lore since inception, but this is truly jumping the shark and disregarding all lore entirely.

    Lore...lore... Oh, come on! ZOS can make another lorebook which will talk about dragons and this will become a new lore. It's a game and not a real history.
    Bring it on! All this stuff sounds too fun.

    And this is exactly how cows and whales would comment. Which just confirms my original theory, that you would be very pleased by all of this.

    I'm definitely part of the side that finds this news awesome. I love dragons and am indeed very pleased by this. Really glad the devs understand that videogame lore is fictional and can be changed at will.

    Sorry I'm not a true Elder Scrolls fan, never played any of them but around an hour of skyrim, but ESO is the best MMO on console so apologies again because I'm sure there are tons of us who have wanted dragons in ESO for a very long time that are not here for the lore but the gameplay. Hoping they go the full mile and figure out how to implement dragon mounts as well!

    Don't hype that much and don't think ZOS really changes the lore here to please your uncanon wishes, mate. There were rumors about some living dragons being seen in Alik'r desert, in Vvardenfell and other places long after the Dragon War (when dragons were considered to be extinct) and long before their return in TES V: Skyrim. And lhe living dragons have been mentioned in Daggerfall game (year 1996) which takes place in 3rd era. So, they actually might be found somewhere in ESO's timeline and this posibility was already implemented in the TES lore long before ESO.

    Also, I must admit you're completely wrong when you say it's good when developers change the lore. You probably don't understand that and won't understand because you might be one of the new casual gamers generation for whom RPG games are just the same as Dota, but the truth is that the real value of RPGs is their big, consistent and well-thought-out lore. An RPG that has its lore being changed and rebuilt depending on players requests is not a good RPG at all. Loremasters in gamedev are not those who change the lore, but those who improve and expand it.

    Different strokes for different folks man. Believe it or not some of us play videogames for different reasons than others. I don't play videogames for the lore, I play for the gameplay. Some of us just don't care about fictional history.

    You are telling me that the Elder Scrolls franchise, over the course of its life, has never had its lore altered? I find that extremely hard to believe.

    I've been gaming for over 40 years with a background in RPGs. A new age gamer I am not. I just don't take my hobby as seriously as others. Insisting that fictional history remains unchanged just so my "immersion" isn't broken is taking it too far for me, I have more important matters to concentrate on than worry about why this creature/item/ability/level etc doesn't belong in whatever game I am playing at that moment.

    Sorry my opinion doesn't align with yours and other lore lovers, but again, happy the devs like cows and whales and all the new age gamers who are playing videogames for the wrong reasons.
    There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man, true nobility is being superior to your former self
  • Threemoons

    Dragons or wyverns? :p

    *drumroll sound*



    Playing on PC/NA---UserID=Threemoons--usually on nights, weekends
  • Threemoons
    Le sigh, all this debate RE lore. I just wish people could get this worked up over the huge queues and kickouts from Cyrodil during Midyear Mayhem...
    Playing on PC/NA---UserID=Threemoons--usually on nights, weekends
  • Elsonso
    Threemoons wrote: »
    Le sigh, all this debate RE lore. I just wish people could get this worked up over the huge queues and kickouts from Cyrodil during Midyear Mayhem...

    People can actually be worked up over both. Don't kid yourself. :smile:
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Grind Road

    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • Sevn
    Threemoons wrote: »
    Le sigh, all this debate RE lore. I just wish people could get this worked up over the huge queues and kickouts from Cyrodil during Midyear Mayhem...

    Why get worked up over something that you know is going to happen and have zero control over? What is that going to accomplish? Does anyone really believe zos doesn't know about the problems in Cyro? There are only like 30 threads a day scattered all across the different categories complaining about the same issue that's been persistent for years.

    They know, but they also know you are still logging in to play. They have given us their response on the matter, many many times over with their silence. It speaks volumes. I believed their silence so why get worked up? Hoping they change their focus is a waste of time and just leads to misery when they don't. Wasted energy, imho.
    Edited by Sevn on January 15, 2019 2:04AM
    There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man, true nobility is being superior to your former self
  • Thraben
    I for my part am VERY curious what explanation might be found when people start raising zombies directly in front of Vanus and MERIDIA.
    Hauptmann der Dolche des Königs

    DDK ist die letzte Verteidigungslinie des Dolchsturz- Bündnisses auf der 30-Tage-No-CP- Kampagne(EU) mit dem Anspruch, in kleinen, anfängerfreundlichen Raid-Gruppen möglichst epische Schlachten auszufechten.

    DDK is the Daggerfall Covenant´s last line of defense on the 30 days no-cp campaign (EU). We intend to fight epic battles in small, casual player friendly raid groups.
  • Wolfshead
    Dracane wrote: »
    There goes what was left of lore and logic. :D Real Dragons in ESO, which never happened and which was confirmed by ZoS to never happen. And undead chilling in all major towns and social hubs.

    Glad I'm not the only one that sees this. I mean eso has been playing fast and loose with the lore since inception, but this is truly jumping the shark and disregarding all lore entirely.

    Lore...lore... Oh, come on! ZOS can make another lorebook which will talk about dragons and this will become a new lore. It's a game and not a real history.
    Bring it on! All this stuff sounds too fun.

    Only a person that is not in RPG and Lore would write something like you just did, truth is that would a no MMORPG or even RPG would work if you don't follow Lore that is set for the world you play in. I hope for ZoS that do it right and really example in a game who dragon come to live in ESO world just see how Blizzard fracks up WoW for the don't even follow there own Lore the write and today they don't have much of player base left. I really hope ZoS don't frack this up for I would hate to ESO become like WoW are today
    If you find yourself alone, riding in green fields with the sun on your face, do not be troubled; for you are in Elysium, and you're already dead
    What we do in life, echoes in eternity
  • Yuffie91
    Seraphayel wrote: »
    Robo_Hobo wrote: »
    Really? Every mainline TES game since Morrowind has allowed you to be a necromancer. I can understand not liking the concept of it, but to say it makes it not a TES game anymore is strange since it's had such a history of it.

    Yes, you have been able to make necromancers as characters, but if ZOS makes it a character class, ESO will be the first TES game to do that.

    So basically like every class in ESO?

    Not all of them. Nightblade and Sorcerer go back to Arena, and have been in every main TES game except for Skyrim.

    Anyway, I my comment was basically because there seems to be a persistent misunderstanding that other TES games had a necromancer class. I wanted to extend what Robo_Hobo said to make the distinction between allowing the player to be a necromancer and providing a necromancer class.

    What about warden? I dont recall being able to be a warden in any tes game
  • JazzyNova
    About Meridia, I'm really hoping ZoS doesn't make her an antagonist like the other daedric princes in previous stories... but wouldn't be surprised considering the route they've been taking with most of them. I guess with the upcoming necromancer class, it could hint at her possibly being an antagonist at some point. I hope not bc she's my favorite daedric prince & my khajiit magplar is a priestess of Meridia. Also it would be cool to have a Colored Rooms DLC, like Clockwork City imo.
  • xAk_MoRRoWiNdx
    Oh man that looks cool, but the better question is:

    Am I going to get f***ed out of some of the bonuses from the Digital Version if I buy the Physical Version like I did with Morrowind and Summerset? -_-

    Edit: ITT I learned I'm not a minority in thinking that Cats + Dragons + Necromancers is pretty absurd and this is a huge stretch. Oof.
    Just gimme my Necromancer!
    Edited by xAk_MoRRoWiNdx on January 15, 2019 7:09AM
    New to forums and stuff so I 99.9 percent probably won't see your response and such, so use the at symbol at me I guess? IDK :/. This BBCode stuff is really cool!! :D.
    Gamer from Alaska (907 Gamers, Alaskan Gamers Unite!).
    My little rant I guess?:
      One day Nightblades will get the buffs we desperately need and deserve, but so far, those buffs are not today.. The Elder Scrolls Online: Nightblade Nerfs Unlimited.
      Don't nerf you, don't nerf me, nerf the sorc behind the tree!.

      If you need help or advice, hit me up on Xbox: H4rry Poggers :D .
      Also open to talking on Discord!

      Ich kann Deutsch Sprechen bei der mittleren/zwischen Kenntnissen Ebene. Hallo! :D.

      CP level 1000+! Playing since 2015.

      My wishlist I suppose:
      • Bring back purge cloak. But I guess the new heal cloak is more beneficial. Hmmm....
      • MAKE IMPERIAL CITY GREAT AGAIN, BRING BACK THOSE INCREDIBLE DAYS. My best experiences in ESO where in there!
      • Return Stam builds to the power we held in One Tamriel. Long Live Stamina builds!
      • Put Magplar and MagDK into their place. Magpsorc is a hopeless case.
      • Is there any chance that we could get an Ebonheart Pact nerf? #CullingTheHerds .

      My 10 characters:
      • AD - xak-Morrowindx - Khajiit Stamina Nightblade. Hours: 107 days, 19 hours (2,568 hours).
      • EP - Ich bin Groot - Orc Stamina Dragonknight. Hours: 2 days, 16 hours (64 hours).
      • DC - Who Took My Bleach - Orc Stamina Sorcerer. Hours: 3 days, 18 hours. (90 hours).
      • EP - Niada Zaennon - High Elf Magicka Nightblade. Hours: 15 days, 18 hours (378 hours).
      • AD - Healsyournoobazzwithmemes - Argonian Magicka Templar. Hours: 1 day, 9 hours (33 hours)
      • DC - Engulfing Traps - Dark Elf Magicka Dragonknight. Hours: 7 days, 17 hours (129 hours).
      • AD - Verführung - High Elf Magicka Sorcerer. Hours: 5 days, 9 hours (129 hours)
      • DC - Deadazz catch these birds - Nord Stamina Warden. Hours: 6 days, 21 hours (165 hours)
      • EP - So Bendy - Wood Elf Stamina Templar. Hours: 1 day, 15 hours (39 hours)
      • EP - Smash that mf Like button - Breton Magicka Warden. Hours: 20 hours, 20 minutes.

      Aldmeri Dominion Master-Faction!
    • Ankael07
      Thraben wrote: »
      I for my part am VERY curious what explanation might be found when people start raising zombies directly in front of Vanus and MERIDIA.

      Well if you havent found the answer when people shapeshift into literal skeletons, turn into a cloud of bat or faul mist and channel blood directly from their enemies... chances are youre not gonna find the answer now
      If you want me to reply to your comment type @Ankael07 in it.
    • Ermiq
      Sevn wrote: »
      Eremith wrote: »
      Sevn wrote: »
      Dracane wrote: »
      Dracane wrote: »
      There goes what was left of lore and logic. :D Real Dragons in ESO, which never happened and which was confirmed by ZoS to never happen. And undead chilling in all major towns and social hubs.

      Glad I'm not the only one that sees this. I mean eso has been playing fast and loose with the lore since inception, but this is truly jumping the shark and disregarding all lore entirely.

      Lore...lore... Oh, come on! ZOS can make another lorebook which will talk about dragons and this will become a new lore. It's a game and not a real history.
      Bring it on! All this stuff sounds too fun.

      And this is exactly how cows and whales would comment. Which just confirms my original theory, that you would be very pleased by all of this.

      I'm definitely part of the side that finds this news awesome. I love dragons and am indeed very pleased by this. Really glad the devs understand that videogame lore is fictional and can be changed at will.

      Sorry I'm not a true Elder Scrolls fan, never played any of them but around an hour of skyrim, but ESO is the best MMO on console so apologies again because I'm sure there are tons of us who have wanted dragons in ESO for a very long time that are not here for the lore but the gameplay. Hoping they go the full mile and figure out how to implement dragon mounts as well!

      Don't hype that much and don't think ZOS really changes the lore here to please your uncanon wishes, mate. There were rumors about some living dragons being seen in Alik'r desert, in Vvardenfell and other places long after the Dragon War (when dragons were considered to be extinct) and long before their return in TES V: Skyrim. And lhe living dragons have been mentioned in Daggerfall game (year 1996) which takes place in 3rd era. So, they actually might be found somewhere in ESO's timeline and this posibility was already implemented in the TES lore long before ESO.

      Also, I must admit you're completely wrong when you say it's good when developers change the lore. You probably don't understand that and won't understand because you might be one of the new casual gamers generation for whom RPG games are just the same as Dota, but the truth is that the real value of RPGs is their big, consistent and well-thought-out lore. An RPG that has its lore being changed and rebuilt depending on players requests is not a good RPG at all. Loremasters in gamedev are not those who change the lore, but those who improve and expand it.

      Different strokes for different folks man. Believe it or not some of us play videogames for different reasons than others. I don't play videogames for the lore, I play for the gameplay. Some of us just don't care about fictional history.

      You are telling me that the Elder Scrolls franchise, over the course of its life, has never had its lore altered? I find that extremely hard to believe.

      I've been gaming for over 40 years with a background in RPGs. A new age gamer I am not. I just don't take my hobby as seriously as others. Insisting that fictional history remains unchanged just so my "immersion" isn't broken is taking it too far for me, I have more important matters to concentrate on than worry about why this creature/item/ability/level etc doesn't belong in whatever game I am playing at that moment.

      Sorry my opinion doesn't align with yours and other lore lovers, but again, happy the devs like cows and whales and all the new age gamers who are playing videogames for the wrong reasons.

      What do you mean by "cows and whales"?
      I know "whales" are those who put in huge amounts of real money into the game, but I'm not familiar with "cows" term.

      Speaking of whales... Well, I'm one of those who think ESO's real whales are TES fans actually. Not the Skyrim kids, not PvPers, not those who play for grind, but those players who spend money to buy houses and furniture, costumes and dressing slots, mounts and so on. ESO is a game where the most part of store goods is a lore related visual stuff usefull for roleplay purposes and other non-gameplay-mechanics things. And people who only interested in the gameplay have very few things to spend their money on in this game (e.g., some DLC with new overpowered set).
      Sure, ZOS will get some earnings by selling dragons to Skyrim kids (I know living dragons existed during 2nd and 3rd era, I know), and Necromancer to MMO players (I know fans also want to play as a Necromancer, I know). But then what's next? Maybe thu'ums skill line?
      I'm pretty sure, if ZOS will go too far with content which is disputable in terms of the lore, there is a risk of losing those RP guys and questing adventurers, and there will be only "mechanics players", who don't care much about cosmetics usually. Maybe ESO could live just like those Dota-PUBG games do, selling cosmetics to "mechanics players", but I actually have doubts on that.

      Speaking of TES lore that might have been altered in past... See, some people even say that Dragon Break was a changing of the lore. The thing that was used to explain several different endings of previous game to make only one of them a canon in the whole storyline of the series. It's not a changing of the lore actually.
      There also were debates about Cyrodiil which was supposed to be a jungle in 2nd era (and as we can see, it's not), but there several theories about that actually. Players found a lot of possibilities in the lore to explain the current Cyrodiil climate, so one couldn't say they just changed the lore.
      One of the two of us definitely has gone mad. It only remains to define whether this one is the whole world or just me.

      PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

      Sick&tired of being kicked off from your house when you complete a dungeon? ComingBackHome addon is what you need!
      Me is russian little bad in english :b
    • Ermiq
      Yuffie91 wrote: »
      Seraphayel wrote: »
      Robo_Hobo wrote: »
      Really? Every mainline TES game since Morrowind has allowed you to be a necromancer. I can understand not liking the concept of it, but to say it makes it not a TES game anymore is strange since it's had such a history of it.

      Yes, you have been able to make necromancers as characters, but if ZOS makes it a character class, ESO will be the first TES game to do that.

      So basically like every class in ESO?

      Not all of them. Nightblade and Sorcerer go back to Arena, and have been in every main TES game except for Skyrim.

      Anyway, I my comment was basically because there seems to be a persistent misunderstanding that other TES games had a necromancer class. I wanted to extend what Robo_Hobo said to make the distinction between allowing the player to be a necromancer and providing a necromancer class.

      What about warden? I dont recall being able to be a warden in any tes game
      Warden is different. Warden is a new archtype, a new class with new magic, it wasn't in the lore, but now, since ESO is considered a canon, it is in the lore.
      One of the two of us definitely has gone mad. It only remains to define whether this one is the whole world or just me.

      PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

      Sick&tired of being kicked off from your house when you complete a dungeon? ComingBackHome addon is what you need!
      Me is russian little bad in english :b
    • Seraphayel
      Eremith wrote: »
      Yuffie91 wrote: »
      Seraphayel wrote: »
      Robo_Hobo wrote: »
      Really? Every mainline TES game since Morrowind has allowed you to be a necromancer. I can understand not liking the concept of it, but to say it makes it not a TES game anymore is strange since it's had such a history of it.

      Yes, you have been able to make necromancers as characters, but if ZOS makes it a character class, ESO will be the first TES game to do that.

      So basically like every class in ESO?

      Not all of them. Nightblade and Sorcerer go back to Arena, and have been in every main TES game except for Skyrim.

      Anyway, I my comment was basically because there seems to be a persistent misunderstanding that other TES games had a necromancer class. I wanted to extend what Robo_Hobo said to make the distinction between allowing the player to be a necromancer and providing a necromancer class.

      What about warden? I dont recall being able to be a warden in any tes game
      Warden is different. Warden is a new archtype, a new class with new magic, it wasn't in the lore, but now, since ESO is considered a canon, it is in the lore.

      And this cannot happen for Necromancer?
      Aldmeri Dominion
      - Khajiit Arcanist -
    • zyk
      Eremith wrote: »
      Speaking of whales... Well, I'm one of those who think ESO's real whales are TES fans actually. Not the Skyrim kids, not PvPers, not those who play for grind, but those players who spend money to buy houses and furniture, costumes and dressing slots, mounts and so on.
      People don't realize how disruptive Skyrim was to the TES series. Skyrim was a sales phenom (30 million) that brought TES into the mainstream. It has outsold the rest of the series combined by a HUGE margin. Most TES fans started with Skyrim. Skyrim fans are, largely, the whales.

      Skyrim changed everything. It is directly responsible for the development path ESO has taken since its failed launch. This was originally designed for MMO fans and RPG nerds. Now it's for the mainstream audience Skyrim brought to the series.

      To many players, the Crown Store is essentially a paid version of Skyrim Nexus.
      Edited by zyk on January 15, 2019 9:31AM
    • Gnozo
      Every roleplay tryhard in this thread, holy shiet :smiley:

      "You should be hunted from the guards when you summon undead"

      While players running around as Skeletons, Xyvkins, Werewolfs, Werewolf Lords, Vampires, sitting on undead mounts, summon Skeletons with worm personality, skeleton dragons as pet, pumpkin polymorph, using mementos to transform into a huge werewolf and no nps gives a ***.

      Necromancy is part of the ESO lore and in Oblivion i could also use necro spells while being in mages Guild.

      Get over it and enjoy a new class and all the skills it will bring to the game to learn and master.
    • Ermiq
      Gnozo wrote: »
      Every roleplay tryhard in this thread, holy shiet :smiley:
      Get over it and enjoy a new class and all the skills it will bring to the game to learn and master.

      Yep, I'm a lore-RP nerd who didn't notice werewolves, etc. but I'm pretty much sure once we see Necromancer skills, their will be a huge disappointment threads flood all over the forums. And I think I'll love to read them this time. :wink:
      One of the two of us definitely has gone mad. It only remains to define whether this one is the whole world or just me.

      PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

      Sick&tired of being kicked off from your house when you complete a dungeon? ComingBackHome addon is what you need!
      Me is russian little bad in english :b
    • Nairinhe
      Eremith wrote: »
      Gnozo wrote: »
      Every roleplay tryhard in this thread, holy shiet :smiley:
      Get over it and enjoy a new class and all the skills it will bring to the game to learn and master.

      Yep, I'm a lore-RP nerd who didn't notice werewolves, etc. but I'm pretty much sure once we see Necromancer skills, their will be a huge disappointment threads flood all over the forums. And I think I'll love to read them this time. :wink:

      ESO Devs: *breathe*
      Forums: *get flooded in angry posts of disappointment*
    • Reistr_the_Unbroken
      About Meridia, I'm really hoping ZoS doesn't make her an antagonist like the other daedric princes in previous stories... but wouldn't be surprised considering the route they've been taking with most of them. I guess with the upcoming necromancer class, it could hint at her possibly being an antagonist at some point. I hope not bc she's my favorite daedric prince & my khajiit magplar is a priestess of Meridia. Also it would be cool to have a Colored Rooms DLC, like Clockwork City imo.
      But we’ve never seen Sanguine or mora in ESO yet
    • srnekro
      Seraphayel wrote: »

      Features of Chapter III: Elsweyr will be:

      - New class: Necromancer


    • Revokus
      srnekro wrote: »
      Seraphayel wrote: »

      Features of Chapter III: Elsweyr will be:

      - New class: Necromancer


      Was wondering where you were when the datamine came up :p
      Playing since January 23, 2016
    • SilverIce58
      Revokus wrote: »
      srnekro wrote: »
      Seraphayel wrote: »

      Features of Chapter III: Elsweyr will be:

      - New class: Necromancer


      Was wondering where you were when the datamine came up :p

      I almost @ him a few times just to see the reaction, and honestly, its a good one.
      PC - NA
      CP 1125
      Veric Blackwood - Breton Magsorc DC
      Xhiak-Qua'cthurus - Argonian Frost Warden EP
      Kujata-qa - Khajiit Magplar AD
      Suunleth-dar - Khajiit Stamblade AD
      Teldryn Antharys - Dunmer Flame DK EP
      Strikes-With-Venom - Argonian Poison DK EP
      Rur'san-ra - Khajiit WW Stamsorc AD
      Ilianos Solinar - Altmer Stamplar AD
      Iscah Silver-Heart - Reachman Magden DC
    • Elsonso
      Wondering if there are any datamining results from today's patch.
      The Elder Scrolls Online: Grind Road

      PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
      XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
      X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
    • srnekro
      Revokus wrote: »
      srnekro wrote: »
      Seraphayel wrote: »

      Features of Chapter III: Elsweyr will be:

      - New class: Necromancer


      Was wondering where you were when the datamine came up :p

      I love you too buddy, but I got my feelings hurt on the forums lol, so I went on a "vacation" from this.

      Any how, I don't want to get my hopes up today, do you know where I can get more of this "datamine"? I am looking everywhere right now, but I am falling really hard in finding something "useful".
    • Seraphayel
      srnekro wrote: »
      Revokus wrote: »
      srnekro wrote: »
      Seraphayel wrote: »

      Features of Chapter III: Elsweyr will be:

      - New class: Necromancer


      Was wondering where you were when the datamine came up :p

      I love you too buddy, but I got my feelings hurt on the forums lol, so I went on a "vacation" from this.

      Any how, I don't want to get my hopes up today, do you know where I can get more of this "datamine"? I am looking everywhere right now, but I am falling really hard in finding something "useful".

      Everything that's been datamined is written down in the first post in this thread.
      Aldmeri Dominion
      - Khajiit Arcanist -
    • srnekro
      Seraphayel wrote: »
      srnekro wrote: »
      Revokus wrote: »
      srnekro wrote: »
      Seraphayel wrote: »

      Features of Chapter III: Elsweyr will be:

      - New class: Necromancer


      Was wondering where you were when the datamine came up :p

      I love you too buddy, but I got my feelings hurt on the forums lol, so I went on a "vacation" from this.

      Any how, I don't want to get my hopes up today, do you know where I can get more of this "datamine"? I am looking everywhere right now, but I am falling really hard in finding something "useful".

      Everything that's been datamined is written down in the first post in this thread.

      Oh, I though would be something more.... i don't know. Not on the forums I guess? I honestly thought that if Zos caught something like that, they would ban or eliminate the thread because of secrets, secrecy, and all that sh##t '-'
    • SilverIce58
      srnekro wrote: »
      Seraphayel wrote: »
      srnekro wrote: »
      Revokus wrote: »
      srnekro wrote: »
      Seraphayel wrote: »

      Features of Chapter III: Elsweyr will be:

      - New class: Necromancer


      Was wondering where you were when the datamine came up :p

      I love you too buddy, but I got my feelings hurt on the forums lol, so I went on a "vacation" from this.

      Any how, I don't want to get my hopes up today, do you know where I can get more of this "datamine"? I am looking everywhere right now, but I am falling really hard in finding something "useful".

      Everything that's been datamined is written down in the first post in this thread.

      Oh, I though would be something more.... i don't know. Not on the forums I guess? I honestly thought that if Zos caught something like that, they would ban or eliminate the thread because of secrets, secrecy, and all that sh##t '-'

      Nah, patches get datamined all the time, and they must not care too much if we see it, as this is still up, and the Summerset datamine never got taken down when that happened.
      PC - NA
      CP 1125
      Veric Blackwood - Breton Magsorc DC
      Xhiak-Qua'cthurus - Argonian Frost Warden EP
      Kujata-qa - Khajiit Magplar AD
      Suunleth-dar - Khajiit Stamblade AD
      Teldryn Antharys - Dunmer Flame DK EP
      Strikes-With-Venom - Argonian Poison DK EP
      Rur'san-ra - Khajiit WW Stamsorc AD
      Ilianos Solinar - Altmer Stamplar AD
      Iscah Silver-Heart - Reachman Magden DC
    • srnekro
      srnekro wrote: »
      Seraphayel wrote: »
      srnekro wrote: »
      Revokus wrote: »
      srnekro wrote: »
      Seraphayel wrote: »

      Features of Chapter III: Elsweyr will be:

      - New class: Necromancer


      Was wondering where you were when the datamine came up :p

      I love you too buddy, but I got my feelings hurt on the forums lol, so I went on a "vacation" from this.

      Any how, I don't want to get my hopes up today, do you know where I can get more of this "datamine"? I am looking everywhere right now, but I am falling really hard in finding something "useful".

      Everything that's been datamined is written down in the first post in this thread.

      Oh, I though would be something more.... i don't know. Not on the forums I guess? I honestly thought that if Zos caught something like that, they would ban or eliminate the thread because of secrets, secrecy, and all that sh##t '-'

      Nah, patches get datamined all the time, and they must not care too much if we see it, as this is still up, and the Summerset datamine never got taken down when that happened.

      I honestly thought that the "world of grown ups" would have a lot more "caring" for their Work/Job despite whatever it may be. Well, guess this whole world is upside down (:
    • Seraphayel
      Okay, there has been more stuff datamined (will add it onto the first post as well):

      Venture to the land of the Khajiit in The Elder Scrolls Online: Elsweyr, our newest chapter, an epic story in an all-new zone. Face dread creatures from the past - Dragons! - and discover the dark skills of a new character class, the Necromancer, as you join with new friends and old enemies to save Elsweyr from war and devastation. ESO reaches new storytelling heights with an epic tale told across a Chapter and three DLC game packs.

      Pre-purchase The Elder Scrolls Online: Elsweyr, the next chapter of ESO, and immediately receive the Rahd-m'Athra Horse Mount. Journey to the home of the Khajiit this June! Explore an all-new zone, battle Dragons, unlock the new Necromancer character class, and more!

      Venture to Elsweyr: Explore the savannahs and canyons of the homeland of the Khajiit that's been ravaged by plague and warfare. Can you help the resilient Cat-Folk land on their feet?
      Grasp the Power of Necromancy: Wield mastery over life and death with a new character class that unearths the secrets of spirits and the undead and puts their grim power into your hands.
      Defend Against Dragons: An ancient horror buried since mythic times has been released, and scaled terror attacks from the skies! You'll need new allies and weapons to take them down.

      "Largest of all the furstocks, or ""breeds"" of Khajiit, the Senche-raht is fully intelligent, and in combat often serves simultaneously as warrior and mount."

      "Allows you to convert your gear to the Dragon Bone style."

      From UESP Discord.

      The most interesting thing is:

      You'll need new allies and weapons to take them down.
      Edited by Seraphayel on January 15, 2019 6:00PM
      Aldmeri Dominion
      - Khajiit Arcanist -
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