Maintenance for the week of June 3:
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  • Lord-Otto
    Minalan wrote: »
    it is time for a change.

    There hasn’t been a ‘nerf Sorc!’ thread without you vomiting all over it since at least 2016.

    You got what you wanted. The nerfs are enough. If they aren’t - please cancel your account if you’re this bad. That’d be a great change

    Wanna know something? He's playing a nightblade, I think stam even.
  • CatchMeTrolling
    Think the people saying sorcs are in a bad spot need to l2p more than they’re saying the OP needs to.
  • Lord-Otto
    Think the people saying sorcs are in a bad spot need to l2p more than they’re saying the OP needs to.

    You mean, the sorc elite? The sorc vets who been playing sorc every patch? The competitive duelists?
    THOSE guys?
  • CatchMeTrolling
    Lord-Otto wrote: »
    Think the people saying sorcs are in a bad spot need to l2p more than they’re saying the OP needs to.

    You mean, the sorc elite? The sorc vets who been playing sorc every patch? The competitive duelists?
    THOSE guys?

    To be fair I’ve seen the same people for years qq about sorcs being bad so yeah those guys. If you listen to people on here right now you’d think every magic class is in a bad spot besides magwarden and magblade. Middle ground can be rare; a class is either bad or OP. Sorcs are far from bad though.

    Still could be considered top 3 mag classes, still brings something to group play and still up there for 1vx out of all the mag classes. Just because the class has taken hits doesn’t make them bad cause if we’re applying that logic magdk and Templar must be unplayable. Albeit there isn’t a bad class right now, just one class with a few over performing skills. Too often people on the forums use words too loosely.
  • Subversus
    My IQ dropped by 30 points just from reading the last 10 posts in this thread
  • Idinuse
    Piraja27 wrote: »
    I really cannot understand the thought process behind having a long distance execution ability that is undodgeable to top it off and then add ability to have damage shields that in 1v1 encounters there is almost no point to even bother. I have been paying close eye to the death report details, about 8 out of 10 times when I die in Cyrodiil campaign is to endless fury explosion. I agree that every class needs to have their bs to make them strong somewhere but there is a limit there, like nightblades have their clo... oh wait sorc takes that away too with huge hit box unavoidable stun attack that takes a lot of space.

    My two cents that is really the only thing about pvp I have grown to dislike, is mag sorc. Too tanky for 1 button press spam (oblivion enchantment doesn't hit +15k to take them out so don't even bother with that, stuns are not frequent enough to stop them from moving all together and they got insane surge to escape if things seem going south)

    The Templar RD/class hate all over but in new clothes.When Templars disapared from your death caps Sorcs showed up huh? When Sorcs get nerfed to your liking the next skill/class on your Death Cap will be your new target. This has no end. It's sickening.
    Edited by Idinuse on February 11, 2018 1:46PM
    Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium dolorem que laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur? Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae consequatur, vel illum qui dolorem eum fugiat quo voluptas nulla pariatur?
  • Lord-Otto
    Lord-Otto wrote: »
    Think the people saying sorcs are in a bad spot need to l2p more than they’re saying the OP needs to.

    You mean, the sorc elite? The sorc vets who been playing sorc every patch? The competitive duelists?
    THOSE guys?

    To be fair I’ve seen the same people for years qq about sorcs being bad so yeah those guys. If you listen to people on here right now you’d think every magic class is in a bad spot besides magwarden and magblade. Middle ground can be rare; a class is either bad or OP. Sorcs are far from bad though.

    Still could be considered top 3 mag classes, still brings something to group play and still up there for 1vx out of all the mag classes. Just because the class has taken hits doesn’t make them bad cause if we’re applying that logic magdk and Templar must be unplayable. Albeit there isn’t a bad class right now, just one class with a few over performing skills. Too often people on the forums use words too loosely.

    You're only counting the strengths, not weaknesses, and them even partially incorrectly.

    The good players have been claiming for a long time now that sorcs are only good at killing weak targets, as on a competitive level, they lack pressure and on-demand burst. This made them middle-of-the-road, agreed.
    But now, after a rather hefty burst nerf, especially against weaker players, this became even worse. The class that used to be only good for potato mashing now struggles against them, as well. And it doesn't help that any noob can pick up a Warden.

    Yes, they provide Negates. But often enough, they die so fast when focused, you wanna think twice about bringing them to a small group. Negate is not really a strong argument, if you consider that.

    So, yeah, people have rightfully complained the last patches, but now things are even worse.
  • Asared
    Nerf Sorc
    Nerf NB
    Nerf Templar
    Nerf DK
    Nerf Warden

    Nerf everything in this Game!
    Edited by Asared on February 11, 2018 10:57AM

  • Lucky28
    i do thing something should be done about mages wrath. i mean why they'd make Impale (nightblade execute) dodgeable and not mages wrath is really beyond me.
  • Feanor
    Lucky28 wrote: »
    i do thing something should be done about mages wrath. i mean why they'd make Impale (nightblade execute) dodgeable and not mages wrath is really beyond me.

    Maybe because it is dodgeable? You can also cloak it.
    Main characters: Feanor the Believer - AD Altmer mSorc - AR 46 - Flawless Conqueror (PC EU)Idril Arnanor - AD Altmer mSorc - CP 217 - Stormproof (PC NA)Other characters:
    Necrophilius Killgood - DC Imperial NecromancerFearscales - AD Argonian Templar - Stormproof (healer)Draco Imperialis - AD Imperial DK (tank)Cabed Naearamarth - AD Dunmer mDKValirion Willowthorne - AD Bosmer stamBladeTuruna - AD Altmer magBladeKheled Zaram - AD Redguard stamDKKibil Nala - AD Redguard stamSorc - StormproofYavanna Kémentárí - AD Breton magWardenAzog gro-Ghâsh - EP Orc stamWardenVidar Drakenblød - DC Nord mDKMarquis de Peyrac - DC Breton mSorc - StormproofRawlith Khaj'ra - AD Khajiit stamWardenTu'waccah - AD Redguard Stamplar
    All chars 50 @ CP 1700+. Playing and enjoying PvP with RdK mostly on PC EU.
  • Minalan
    Feanor wrote: »
    Lucky28 wrote: »
    i do thing something should be done about mages wrath. i mean why they'd make Impale (nightblade execute) dodgeable and not mages wrath is really beyond me.

    Maybe because it is dodgeable? You can also cloak it.

    You can’t explain anything to a whiner. “I don’t play Sorc and one killed me, therefore nerf it!” His post is just another shining, golden example of forum whiner ignorance.
    Lord-Otto wrote: »
    Think the people saying sorcs are in a bad spot need to l2p more than they’re saying the OP needs to.

    You mean, the sorc elite? The sorc vets who been playing sorc every patch? The competitive duelists?
    THOSE guys?

    To be fair I’ve seen the same people for years qq about sorcs being bad so yeah those guys. If you listen to people on here right now you’d think every magic class is in a bad spot besides magwarden and magblade. Middle ground can be rare; a class is either bad or OP. Sorcs are far from bad though.

    Still could be considered top 3 mag classes, still brings something to group play and still up there for 1vx out of all the mag classes. Just because the class has taken hits doesn’t make them bad cause if we’re applying that logic magdk and Templar must be unplayable. Albeit there isn’t a bad class right now, just one class with a few over performing skills. Too often people on the forums use words too loosely.

    The reason experienced Sorcs are complaining is not because we need to ‘git Gud’. The problem is that the class is not competitive no matter HOW good you are. The absolute top players in this game can’t make it work. How the hell is anyone else?

    Magicka Sorc hasn’t made top three in any tournament in forever, and made top five like once since the last nerf. Fact: There are just too many builds and classss out there that you just can’t ever kill with a Sorc NO MATTER WHAT so long as the other guy isn’t a nose-picker.

    That’s not balanced. That’s not fun. It needs to be fixed, and we will continue to advocate for it despite the plethora of terrible, whining window-lickers here.
    Jan 20, 2018
    1st place - Kiri
    dw/2h stamplar

    2nd - Diamanda
    snb/ice staff mDK

    3rd - Quantum
    snb mDK

    4th - Lowpolicy
    snb/2h stam DK

    5th - Yangnagato
    dw/2h stamblade

    Jan 13, 2018
    1st place - Kodi
    snb/2h stamblade

    2nd - Zendran
    destro mageblade

    3rd - Kiri
    dw/2h stamplar

    4th - Lowpolicy
    snb/2h stam DK

    5th - Yuri
    snb/lightning staff mDK

    Jan 6, 2018
    1st place - Kodi
    stamina warden
    He won't be coming on the warden again. :lol: He says he wants to come on his stamblade next week. That'll be a fun show.

    2nd place - Truestory NB
    destro/resto magicka nightblade

    3rd place - Tangard Bedoryan @Sloban
    snb/2h stam DK :open_mouth:

    4th place - AlanFromBehind
    dw/resto magicka nightblade
    He picked up the class literally a week ago, and I spent all week teaching and prepping him. I'm so proud! <3

    5th place - Jake17
    magicka dragonknight

    Dec 30, 2017 New Years tournament
    1st place - Kodi
    snb stam warden

    2nd place - Ali Sabre
    heavy armor 2h/bow stamblade

    3rd place - Tuppy
    lvl 40 mDK :lol:

    4th place - Pelican
    destro magicka sorc

    5th place - Notorious Prospering
    snb stamplar

    Dec 23, 2017
    All stamina holiday tournament! :mrgreen:

    1st place - Speed Kills
    dot stam sorc

    2nd place - Notorious Prospering

    3rd place - Zed is Ded

    Dec 16, 2017
    1st place - Passifest
    snb/destro magicka DK

    2nd place - Marcel
    d/r mageblade

    3rd place - Josh
    d/r magicka DK

    4th place - Speed Kills
    dw/bow dot stamina sorc

    5th place - Zed is Ded
    2h/bow heavy armor stamblade

    Dec 9, 2017
    1st place - Yuri
    magicka DK

    2nd place - Passifest
    magicka DK

    3rd place - Pelican
    magicka warden

    4th place - Joshlenoir
    2h/bow medium armor stamblade

    5th place - Diamanda Spear
    a new member showing up big on the magicka templar!

    Dec 2, 2017
    1st place - me again... :lol:
    dw/resto mageblade

    2nd place - Perfectly Perched Pelican
    on his magicka warden

    3rd place - Ro'Dari
    heavy armor, cloakless, dw/2h stamina nightblade

    4th place - Passifest
    magicka DK

    5th place - Zed is Ded
    2h/bow stamina nightblade

    Nov 25, 2017
    1st place - me... lol...
    dw/resto mageblade

    2nd place - Perfectly Perched Pelican
    on his magicka Warden

    3rd place - Drizzt Do'Liftin
    magicka DK

    4th place - Jesus Take The Heal
    magicka templar

    5th place - GodOfDmg
    magicka sorc
    Not even CP capped! He's a returning player from long ago whom we've missed. <3

    Edited by Minalan on February 11, 2018 5:18PM
  • Gilvoth
    i don't make these threads, and, there are allot of them that exist.
    i just come here like every one else and give my opinion, and of that, we are allowed to.

    my opinion is well known that i think sorcerers and templars as well as wardens have way too much healing and way too much damage output. their shields and defenses and damage is just too strong.
    i have fought magicka nightblades i have lost to them, but i have also beaten magicka nightblades that have shields and spam their shields. and i don't find them anywhere near as powerful and protected as sorcerers and wardens. altho to me magicka nightblades seem to be only beatable when i cast mark target on them and wear shield breaker while i also use mage light.

    However, sorcerers, wardens, and templars simply heal through all damage given to them and then they deal out very Large amounts of damage coupled with their Huge Rings pulling us out of stealth, and thier ability to extreme slow and snare everyone and take all stealth and sneaking and invisibility casting opponents out of stealth and kill them. it is not fair and not balanced.
  • technohic
    This community sucks. If they had their way; NBs would not be able to cloak, sorcs would be a light armor targeting dummy that cannot shield nor escape and its damage would be removed entirely because they die to its execute when other people do all the work. Templars would not be able to heal so are to sit there and do god knows what with the lowest DPS and lack of mobility. DKs should not be as tanky and block while their damage should also not hit as hard as often as it does because they are tanky.

    Just sounds like a real fun game once we get everything nerfed the way we all want it to as after all; our class got nerfed, it’s only fair everyone’s favorite class does as well.
  • CatchMeTrolling
    Minalan wrote: »
    Feanor wrote: »
    Lucky28 wrote: »
    i do thing something should be done about mages wrath. i mean why they'd make Impale (nightblade execute) dodgeable and not mages wrath is really beyond me.

    Maybe because it is dodgeable? You can also cloak it.

    You can’t explain anything to a whiner. “I don’t play Sorc and one killed me, therefore nerf it!” His post is just another shining, golden example of forum whiner ignorance.
    Lord-Otto wrote: »
    Think the people saying sorcs are in a bad spot need to l2p more than they’re saying the OP needs to.

    You mean, the sorc elite? The sorc vets who been playing sorc every patch? The competitive duelists?
    THOSE guys?

    To be fair I’ve seen the same people for years qq about sorcs being bad so yeah those guys. If you listen to people on here right now you’d think every magic class is in a bad spot besides magwarden and magblade. Middle ground can be rare; a class is either bad or OP. Sorcs are far from bad though.

    Still could be considered top 3 mag classes, still brings something to group play and still up there for 1vx out of all the mag classes. Just because the class has taken hits doesn’t make them bad cause if we’re applying that logic magdk and Templar must be unplayable. Albeit there isn’t a bad class right now, just one class with a few over performing skills. Too often people on the forums use words too loosely.

    The reason experienced Sorcs are complaining is not because we need to ‘git Gud’. The problem is that the class is not competitive no matter HOW good you are. The absolute top players in this game can’t make it work. How the hell is anyone else?

    Magicka Sorc hasn’t made top three in any tournament in forever, and made top five like once since the last nerf. Fact: There are just too many builds and classss out there that you just can’t ever kill with a Sorc NO MATTER WHAT so long as the other guy isn’t a nose-picker.

    That’s not balanced. That’s not fun. It needs to be fixed, and we will continue to advocate for it despite the plethora of terrible, whining window-lickers here.
    Jan 20, 2018
    1st place - Kiri
    dw/2h stamplar

    2nd - Diamanda
    snb/ice staff mDK

    3rd - Quantum
    snb mDK

    4th - Lowpolicy
    snb/2h stam DK

    5th - Yangnagato
    dw/2h stamblade

    Jan 13, 2018
    1st place - Kodi
    snb/2h stamblade

    2nd - Zendran
    destro mageblade

    3rd - Kiri
    dw/2h stamplar

    4th - Lowpolicy
    snb/2h stam DK

    5th - Yuri
    snb/lightning staff mDK

    Jan 6, 2018
    1st place - Kodi
    stamina warden
    He won't be coming on the warden again. :lol: He says he wants to come on his stamblade next week. That'll be a fun show.

    2nd place - Truestory NB
    destro/resto magicka nightblade

    3rd place - Tangard Bedoryan @Sloban
    snb/2h stam DK :open_mouth:

    4th place - AlanFromBehind
    dw/resto magicka nightblade
    He picked up the class literally a week ago, and I spent all week teaching and prepping him. I'm so proud! <3

    5th place - Jake17
    magicka dragonknight

    Dec 30, 2017 New Years tournament
    1st place - Kodi
    snb stam warden

    2nd place - Ali Sabre
    heavy armor 2h/bow stamblade

    3rd place - Tuppy
    lvl 40 mDK :lol:

    4th place - Pelican
    destro magicka sorc

    5th place - Notorious Prospering
    snb stamplar

    Dec 23, 2017
    All stamina holiday tournament! :mrgreen:

    1st place - Speed Kills
    dot stam sorc

    2nd place - Notorious Prospering

    3rd place - Zed is Ded

    Dec 16, 2017
    1st place - Passifest
    snb/destro magicka DK

    2nd place - Marcel
    d/r mageblade

    3rd place - Josh
    d/r magicka DK

    4th place - Speed Kills
    dw/bow dot stamina sorc

    5th place - Zed is Ded
    2h/bow heavy armor stamblade

    Dec 9, 2017
    1st place - Yuri
    magicka DK

    2nd place - Passifest
    magicka DK

    3rd place - Pelican
    magicka warden

    4th place - Joshlenoir
    2h/bow medium armor stamblade

    5th place - Diamanda Spear
    a new member showing up big on the magicka templar!

    Dec 2, 2017
    1st place - me again... :lol:
    dw/resto mageblade

    2nd place - Perfectly Perched Pelican
    on his magicka warden

    3rd place - Ro'Dari
    heavy armor, cloakless, dw/2h stamina nightblade

    4th place - Passifest
    magicka DK

    5th place - Zed is Ded
    2h/bow stamina nightblade

    Nov 25, 2017
    1st place - me... lol...
    dw/resto mageblade

    2nd place - Perfectly Perched Pelican
    on his magicka Warden

    3rd place - Drizzt Do'Liftin
    magicka DK

    4th place - Jesus Take The Heal
    magicka templar

    5th place - GodOfDmg
    magicka sorc
    Not even CP capped! He's a returning player from long ago whom we've missed. <3

    Yeah because using dueling which makes up a small portion of pvp, where certain classes/builds are naturally better, a place where tons of good player's don't show up, a place where the numbers are skewed by the participants and something that has been inconsistent for patches as a reasonable argument is valid.
  • Minalan
    Minalan wrote: »
    Feanor wrote: »
    Lucky28 wrote: »
    i do thing something should be done about mages wrath. i mean why they'd make Impale (nightblade execute) dodgeable and not mages wrath is really beyond me.

    Maybe because it is dodgeable? You can also cloak it.

    You can’t explain anything to a whiner. “I don’t play Sorc and one killed me, therefore nerf it!” His post is just another shining, golden example of forum whiner ignorance.
    Lord-Otto wrote: »
    Think the people saying sorcs are in a bad spot need to l2p more than they’re saying the OP needs to.

    You mean, the sorc elite? The sorc vets who been playing sorc every patch? The competitive duelists?
    THOSE guys?

    To be fair I’ve seen the same people for years qq about sorcs being bad so yeah those guys. If you listen to people on here right now you’d think every magic class is in a bad spot besides magwarden and magblade. Middle ground can be rare; a class is either bad or OP. Sorcs are far from bad though.

    Still could be considered top 3 mag classes, still brings something to group play and still up there for 1vx out of all the mag classes. Just because the class has taken hits doesn’t make them bad cause if we’re applying that logic magdk and Templar must be unplayable. Albeit there isn’t a bad class right now, just one class with a few over performing skills. Too often people on the forums use words too loosely.

    The reason experienced Sorcs are complaining is not because we need to ‘git Gud’. The problem is that the class is not competitive no matter HOW good you are. The absolute top players in this game can’t make it work. How the hell is anyone else?

    Magicka Sorc hasn’t made top three in any tournament in forever, and made top five like once since the last nerf. Fact: There are just too many builds and classss out there that you just can’t ever kill with a Sorc NO MATTER WHAT so long as the other guy isn’t a nose-picker.

    That’s not balanced. That’s not fun. It needs to be fixed, and we will continue to advocate for it despite the plethora of terrible, whining window-lickers here.
    Jan 20, 2018
    1st place - Kiri
    dw/2h stamplar

    2nd - Diamanda
    snb/ice staff mDK

    3rd - Quantum
    snb mDK

    4th - Lowpolicy
    snb/2h stam DK

    5th - Yangnagato
    dw/2h stamblade

    Jan 13, 2018
    1st place - Kodi
    snb/2h stamblade

    2nd - Zendran
    destro mageblade

    3rd - Kiri
    dw/2h stamplar

    4th - Lowpolicy
    snb/2h stam DK

    5th - Yuri
    snb/lightning staff mDK

    Jan 6, 2018
    1st place - Kodi
    stamina warden
    He won't be coming on the warden again. :lol: He says he wants to come on his stamblade next week. That'll be a fun show.

    2nd place - Truestory NB
    destro/resto magicka nightblade

    3rd place - Tangard Bedoryan @Sloban
    snb/2h stam DK :open_mouth:

    4th place - AlanFromBehind
    dw/resto magicka nightblade
    He picked up the class literally a week ago, and I spent all week teaching and prepping him. I'm so proud! <3

    5th place - Jake17
    magicka dragonknight

    Dec 30, 2017 New Years tournament
    1st place - Kodi
    snb stam warden

    2nd place - Ali Sabre
    heavy armor 2h/bow stamblade

    3rd place - Tuppy
    lvl 40 mDK :lol:

    4th place - Pelican
    destro magicka sorc

    5th place - Notorious Prospering
    snb stamplar

    Dec 23, 2017
    All stamina holiday tournament! :mrgreen:

    1st place - Speed Kills
    dot stam sorc

    2nd place - Notorious Prospering

    3rd place - Zed is Ded

    Dec 16, 2017
    1st place - Passifest
    snb/destro magicka DK

    2nd place - Marcel
    d/r mageblade

    3rd place - Josh
    d/r magicka DK

    4th place - Speed Kills
    dw/bow dot stamina sorc

    5th place - Zed is Ded
    2h/bow heavy armor stamblade

    Dec 9, 2017
    1st place - Yuri
    magicka DK

    2nd place - Passifest
    magicka DK

    3rd place - Pelican
    magicka warden

    4th place - Joshlenoir
    2h/bow medium armor stamblade

    5th place - Diamanda Spear
    a new member showing up big on the magicka templar!

    Dec 2, 2017
    1st place - me again... :lol:
    dw/resto mageblade

    2nd place - Perfectly Perched Pelican
    on his magicka warden

    3rd place - Ro'Dari
    heavy armor, cloakless, dw/2h stamina nightblade

    4th place - Passifest
    magicka DK

    5th place - Zed is Ded
    2h/bow stamina nightblade

    Nov 25, 2017
    1st place - me... lol...
    dw/resto mageblade

    2nd place - Perfectly Perched Pelican
    on his magicka Warden

    3rd place - Drizzt Do'Liftin
    magicka DK

    4th place - Jesus Take The Heal
    magicka templar

    5th place - GodOfDmg
    magicka sorc
    Not even CP capped! He's a returning player from long ago whom we've missed. <3

    Yeah because using dueling which makes up a small portion of pvp, where certain classes/builds are naturally better, a place where tons of good player's don't show up, a place where the numbers are skewed by the participants and something that has been inconsistent for patches as a reasonable argument is valid.

    I’m just pointing out a class balance issue. It’s clearly not working. If you’re not killing anyone good in a 1v1, you’re certainly not doing much better in a small scale fight against GOOD players playing top classes

    I’m also not asking for game shattering buffs. Just a few quality of life perks to make playing it competitively work. Like 10% damage back on frags, or a little less cost penalty on streak.

    Everyone points out that a Sorc can always ‘run away’ because of streak. Not fair! OP! But... Being able to streak only four times in a fight is just stupid ridiculous, we’re supposed to be mobile. We aren’t supposed to sit and face tank a two handed stam burst.
    Edited by Minalan on February 11, 2018 6:56PM
  • Feanor
    We aren’t supposed to sit and face tank a two handed stam burst.


    We are. And without shields. And without heals. We’re supposed to be free AP because too many players still see Endless Fury on their recaps.
    Edited by Feanor on February 11, 2018 7:33PM
    Main characters: Feanor the Believer - AD Altmer mSorc - AR 46 - Flawless Conqueror (PC EU)Idril Arnanor - AD Altmer mSorc - CP 217 - Stormproof (PC NA)Other characters:
    Necrophilius Killgood - DC Imperial NecromancerFearscales - AD Argonian Templar - Stormproof (healer)Draco Imperialis - AD Imperial DK (tank)Cabed Naearamarth - AD Dunmer mDKValirion Willowthorne - AD Bosmer stamBladeTuruna - AD Altmer magBladeKheled Zaram - AD Redguard stamDKKibil Nala - AD Redguard stamSorc - StormproofYavanna Kémentárí - AD Breton magWardenAzog gro-Ghâsh - EP Orc stamWardenVidar Drakenblød - DC Nord mDKMarquis de Peyrac - DC Breton mSorc - StormproofRawlith Khaj'ra - AD Khajiit stamWardenTu'waccah - AD Redguard Stamplar
    All chars 50 @ CP 1700+. Playing and enjoying PvP with RdK mostly on PC EU.
  • thankyourat
    Minalan wrote: »
    Minalan wrote: »
    Feanor wrote: »
    Lucky28 wrote: »
    i do thing something should be done about mages wrath. i mean why they'd make Impale (nightblade execute) dodgeable and not mages wrath is really beyond me.

    Maybe because it is dodgeable? You can also cloak it.

    You can’t explain anything to a whiner. “I don’t play Sorc and one killed me, therefore nerf it!” His post is just another shining, golden example of forum whiner ignorance.
    Lord-Otto wrote: »
    Think the people saying sorcs are in a bad spot need to l2p more than they’re saying the OP needs to.

    You mean, the sorc elite? The sorc vets who been playing sorc every patch? The competitive duelists?
    THOSE guys?

    To be fair I’ve seen the same people for years qq about sorcs being bad so yeah those guys. If you listen to people on here right now you’d think every magic class is in a bad spot besides magwarden and magblade. Middle ground can be rare; a class is either bad or OP. Sorcs are far from bad though.

    Still could be considered top 3 mag classes, still brings something to group play and still up there for 1vx out of all the mag classes. Just because the class has taken hits doesn’t make them bad cause if we’re applying that logic magdk and Templar must be unplayable. Albeit there isn’t a bad class right now, just one class with a few over performing skills. Too often people on the forums use words too loosely.

    The reason experienced Sorcs are complaining is not because we need to ‘git Gud’. The problem is that the class is not competitive no matter HOW good you are. The absolute top players in this game can’t make it work. How the hell is anyone else?

    Magicka Sorc hasn’t made top three in any tournament in forever, and made top five like once since the last nerf. Fact: There are just too many builds and classss out there that you just can’t ever kill with a Sorc NO MATTER WHAT so long as the other guy isn’t a nose-picker.

    That’s not balanced. That’s not fun. It needs to be fixed, and we will continue to advocate for it despite the plethora of terrible, whining window-lickers here.
    Jan 20, 2018
    1st place - Kiri
    dw/2h stamplar

    2nd - Diamanda
    snb/ice staff mDK

    3rd - Quantum
    snb mDK

    4th - Lowpolicy
    snb/2h stam DK

    5th - Yangnagato
    dw/2h stamblade

    Jan 13, 2018
    1st place - Kodi
    snb/2h stamblade

    2nd - Zendran
    destro mageblade

    3rd - Kiri
    dw/2h stamplar

    4th - Lowpolicy
    snb/2h stam DK

    5th - Yuri
    snb/lightning staff mDK

    Jan 6, 2018
    1st place - Kodi
    stamina warden
    He won't be coming on the warden again. :lol: He says he wants to come on his stamblade next week. That'll be a fun show.

    2nd place - Truestory NB
    destro/resto magicka nightblade

    3rd place - Tangard Bedoryan @Sloban
    snb/2h stam DK :open_mouth:

    4th place - AlanFromBehind
    dw/resto magicka nightblade
    He picked up the class literally a week ago, and I spent all week teaching and prepping him. I'm so proud! <3

    5th place - Jake17
    magicka dragonknight

    Dec 30, 2017 New Years tournament
    1st place - Kodi
    snb stam warden

    2nd place - Ali Sabre
    heavy armor 2h/bow stamblade

    3rd place - Tuppy
    lvl 40 mDK :lol:

    4th place - Pelican
    destro magicka sorc

    5th place - Notorious Prospering
    snb stamplar

    Dec 23, 2017
    All stamina holiday tournament! :mrgreen:

    1st place - Speed Kills
    dot stam sorc

    2nd place - Notorious Prospering

    3rd place - Zed is Ded

    Dec 16, 2017
    1st place - Passifest
    snb/destro magicka DK

    2nd place - Marcel
    d/r mageblade

    3rd place - Josh
    d/r magicka DK

    4th place - Speed Kills
    dw/bow dot stamina sorc

    5th place - Zed is Ded
    2h/bow heavy armor stamblade

    Dec 9, 2017
    1st place - Yuri
    magicka DK

    2nd place - Passifest
    magicka DK

    3rd place - Pelican
    magicka warden

    4th place - Joshlenoir
    2h/bow medium armor stamblade

    5th place - Diamanda Spear
    a new member showing up big on the magicka templar!

    Dec 2, 2017
    1st place - me again... :lol:
    dw/resto mageblade

    2nd place - Perfectly Perched Pelican
    on his magicka warden

    3rd place - Ro'Dari
    heavy armor, cloakless, dw/2h stamina nightblade

    4th place - Passifest
    magicka DK

    5th place - Zed is Ded
    2h/bow stamina nightblade

    Nov 25, 2017
    1st place - me... lol...
    dw/resto mageblade

    2nd place - Perfectly Perched Pelican
    on his magicka Warden

    3rd place - Drizzt Do'Liftin
    magicka DK

    4th place - Jesus Take The Heal
    magicka templar

    5th place - GodOfDmg
    magicka sorc
    Not even CP capped! He's a returning player from long ago whom we've missed. <3

    Yeah because using dueling which makes up a small portion of pvp, where certain classes/builds are naturally better, a place where tons of good player's don't show up, a place where the numbers are skewed by the participants and something that has been inconsistent for patches as a reasonable argument is valid.

    I’m just pointing out a class balance issue. It’s clearly not working. If you’re not killing anyone good in a 1v1, you’re certainly not doing much better in a small scale fight against GOOD players playing top classes

    I’m also not asking for game shattering buffs. Just a few quality of life perks to make playing it competitively work. Like 10% damage back on frags, or a little less cost penalty on streak.

    Everyone points out that a Sorc can always ‘run away’ because of streak. Not fair! OP! But... Being able to streak only four times in a fight is just stupid ridiculous, we’re supposed to be mobile. We aren’t supposed to sit and face tank a two handed stam burst.

    I think sorc is still really good in small scale group play like battle ground and small groups in open world cyrodiil. Sorc is good because when you have someone to relieve pressure on you, you can just free cast from range, and abilities like curse and wrath become really good when focusing players down. Really sorcs are only struggling in 1v1 right now. I think as a ESO community we place duels too high in determining how good a class is. With that being said a few small buffs to sorcs should be welcomed to help them keep up with current meta
  • lynog85
    Sorcs are weak af right now. Its a l2p issue.
  • Minalan
    Minalan wrote: »
    Minalan wrote: »
    Feanor wrote: »
    Lucky28 wrote: »
    i do thing something should be done about mages wrath. i mean why they'd make Impale (nightblade execute) dodgeable and not mages wrath is really beyond me.

    Maybe because it is dodgeable? You can also cloak it.

    You can’t explain anything to a whiner. “I don’t play Sorc and one killed me, therefore nerf it!” His post is just another shining, golden example of forum whiner ignorance.
    Lord-Otto wrote: »
    Think the people saying sorcs are in a bad spot need to l2p more than they’re saying the OP needs to.

    You mean, the sorc elite? The sorc vets who been playing sorc every patch? The competitive duelists?
    THOSE guys?

    To be fair I’ve seen the same people for years qq about sorcs being bad so yeah those guys. If you listen to people on here right now you’d think every magic class is in a bad spot besides magwarden and magblade. Middle ground can be rare; a class is either bad or OP. Sorcs are far from bad though.

    Still could be considered top 3 mag classes, still brings something to group play and still up there for 1vx out of all the mag classes. Just because the class has taken hits doesn’t make them bad cause if we’re applying that logic magdk and Templar must be unplayable. Albeit there isn’t a bad class right now, just one class with a few over performing skills. Too often people on the forums use words too loosely.

    The reason experienced Sorcs are complaining is not because we need to ‘git Gud’. The problem is that the class is not competitive no matter HOW good you are. The absolute top players in this game can’t make it work. How the hell is anyone else?

    Magicka Sorc hasn’t made top three in any tournament in forever, and made top five like once since the last nerf. Fact: There are just too many builds and classss out there that you just can’t ever kill with a Sorc NO MATTER WHAT so long as the other guy isn’t a nose-picker.

    That’s not balanced. That’s not fun. It needs to be fixed, and we will continue to advocate for it despite the plethora of terrible, whining window-lickers here.
    Jan 20, 2018
    1st place - Kiri
    dw/2h stamplar

    2nd - Diamanda
    snb/ice staff mDK

    3rd - Quantum
    snb mDK

    4th - Lowpolicy
    snb/2h stam DK

    5th - Yangnagato
    dw/2h stamblade

    Jan 13, 2018
    1st place - Kodi
    snb/2h stamblade

    2nd - Zendran
    destro mageblade

    3rd - Kiri
    dw/2h stamplar

    4th - Lowpolicy
    snb/2h stam DK

    5th - Yuri
    snb/lightning staff mDK

    Jan 6, 2018
    1st place - Kodi
    stamina warden
    He won't be coming on the warden again. :lol: He says he wants to come on his stamblade next week. That'll be a fun show.

    2nd place - Truestory NB
    destro/resto magicka nightblade

    3rd place - Tangard Bedoryan @Sloban
    snb/2h stam DK :open_mouth:

    4th place - AlanFromBehind
    dw/resto magicka nightblade
    He picked up the class literally a week ago, and I spent all week teaching and prepping him. I'm so proud! <3

    5th place - Jake17
    magicka dragonknight

    Dec 30, 2017 New Years tournament
    1st place - Kodi
    snb stam warden

    2nd place - Ali Sabre
    heavy armor 2h/bow stamblade

    3rd place - Tuppy
    lvl 40 mDK :lol:

    4th place - Pelican
    destro magicka sorc

    5th place - Notorious Prospering
    snb stamplar

    Dec 23, 2017
    All stamina holiday tournament! :mrgreen:

    1st place - Speed Kills
    dot stam sorc

    2nd place - Notorious Prospering

    3rd place - Zed is Ded

    Dec 16, 2017
    1st place - Passifest
    snb/destro magicka DK

    2nd place - Marcel
    d/r mageblade

    3rd place - Josh
    d/r magicka DK

    4th place - Speed Kills
    dw/bow dot stamina sorc

    5th place - Zed is Ded
    2h/bow heavy armor stamblade

    Dec 9, 2017
    1st place - Yuri
    magicka DK

    2nd place - Passifest
    magicka DK

    3rd place - Pelican
    magicka warden

    4th place - Joshlenoir
    2h/bow medium armor stamblade

    5th place - Diamanda Spear
    a new member showing up big on the magicka templar!

    Dec 2, 2017
    1st place - me again... :lol:
    dw/resto mageblade

    2nd place - Perfectly Perched Pelican
    on his magicka warden

    3rd place - Ro'Dari
    heavy armor, cloakless, dw/2h stamina nightblade

    4th place - Passifest
    magicka DK

    5th place - Zed is Ded
    2h/bow stamina nightblade

    Nov 25, 2017
    1st place - me... lol...
    dw/resto mageblade

    2nd place - Perfectly Perched Pelican
    on his magicka Warden

    3rd place - Drizzt Do'Liftin
    magicka DK

    4th place - Jesus Take The Heal
    magicka templar

    5th place - GodOfDmg
    magicka sorc
    Not even CP capped! He's a returning player from long ago whom we've missed. <3

    Yeah because using dueling which makes up a small portion of pvp, where certain classes/builds are naturally better, a place where tons of good player's don't show up, a place where the numbers are skewed by the participants and something that has been inconsistent for patches as a reasonable argument is valid.

    I’m just pointing out a class balance issue. It’s clearly not working. If you’re not killing anyone good in a 1v1, you’re certainly not doing much better in a small scale fight against GOOD players playing top classes

    I’m also not asking for game shattering buffs. Just a few quality of life perks to make playing it competitively work. Like 10% damage back on frags, or a little less cost penalty on streak.

    Everyone points out that a Sorc can always ‘run away’ because of streak. Not fair! OP! But... Being able to streak only four times in a fight is just stupid ridiculous, we’re supposed to be mobile. We aren’t supposed to sit and face tank a two handed stam burst.

    I think sorc is still really good in small scale group play like battle ground and small groups in open world cyrodiil. Sorc is good because when you have someone to relieve pressure on you, you can just free cast from range, and abilities like curse and wrath become really good when focusing players down. Really sorcs are only struggling in 1v1 right now. I think as a ESO community we place duels too high in determining how good a class is. With that being said a few small buffs to sorcs should be welcomed to help them keep up with current meta

    So. We struggle anytime anyone actually fights back.

    Good to know. Thanks for agreeing with me on that.
  • CatchMeTrolling
    Minalan wrote: »
    Minalan wrote: »
    Feanor wrote: »
    Lucky28 wrote: »
    i do thing something should be done about mages wrath. i mean why they'd make Impale (nightblade execute) dodgeable and not mages wrath is really beyond me.

    Maybe because it is dodgeable? You can also cloak it.

    You can’t explain anything to a whiner. “I don’t play Sorc and one killed me, therefore nerf it!” His post is just another shining, golden example of forum whiner ignorance.
    Lord-Otto wrote: »
    Think the people saying sorcs are in a bad spot need to l2p more than they’re saying the OP needs to.

    You mean, the sorc elite? The sorc vets who been playing sorc every patch? The competitive duelists?
    THOSE guys?

    To be fair I’ve seen the same people for years qq about sorcs being bad so yeah those guys. If you listen to people on here right now you’d think every magic class is in a bad spot besides magwarden and magblade. Middle ground can be rare; a class is either bad or OP. Sorcs are far from bad though.

    Still could be considered top 3 mag classes, still brings something to group play and still up there for 1vx out of all the mag classes. Just because the class has taken hits doesn’t make them bad cause if we’re applying that logic magdk and Templar must be unplayable. Albeit there isn’t a bad class right now, just one class with a few over performing skills. Too often people on the forums use words too loosely.

    The reason experienced Sorcs are complaining is not because we need to ‘git Gud’. The problem is that the class is not competitive no matter HOW good you are. The absolute top players in this game can’t make it work. How the hell is anyone else?

    Magicka Sorc hasn’t made top three in any tournament in forever, and made top five like once since the last nerf. Fact: There are just too many builds and classss out there that you just can’t ever kill with a Sorc NO MATTER WHAT so long as the other guy isn’t a nose-picker.

    That’s not balanced. That’s not fun. It needs to be fixed, and we will continue to advocate for it despite the plethora of terrible, whining window-lickers here.
    Jan 20, 2018
    1st place - Kiri
    dw/2h stamplar

    2nd - Diamanda
    snb/ice staff mDK

    3rd - Quantum
    snb mDK

    4th - Lowpolicy
    snb/2h stam DK

    5th - Yangnagato
    dw/2h stamblade

    Jan 13, 2018
    1st place - Kodi
    snb/2h stamblade

    2nd - Zendran
    destro mageblade

    3rd - Kiri
    dw/2h stamplar

    4th - Lowpolicy
    snb/2h stam DK

    5th - Yuri
    snb/lightning staff mDK

    Jan 6, 2018
    1st place - Kodi
    stamina warden
    He won't be coming on the warden again. :lol: He says he wants to come on his stamblade next week. That'll be a fun show.

    2nd place - Truestory NB
    destro/resto magicka nightblade

    3rd place - Tangard Bedoryan @Sloban
    snb/2h stam DK :open_mouth:

    4th place - AlanFromBehind
    dw/resto magicka nightblade
    He picked up the class literally a week ago, and I spent all week teaching and prepping him. I'm so proud! <3

    5th place - Jake17
    magicka dragonknight

    Dec 30, 2017 New Years tournament
    1st place - Kodi
    snb stam warden

    2nd place - Ali Sabre
    heavy armor 2h/bow stamblade

    3rd place - Tuppy
    lvl 40 mDK :lol:

    4th place - Pelican
    destro magicka sorc

    5th place - Notorious Prospering
    snb stamplar

    Dec 23, 2017
    All stamina holiday tournament! :mrgreen:

    1st place - Speed Kills
    dot stam sorc

    2nd place - Notorious Prospering

    3rd place - Zed is Ded

    Dec 16, 2017
    1st place - Passifest
    snb/destro magicka DK

    2nd place - Marcel
    d/r mageblade

    3rd place - Josh
    d/r magicka DK

    4th place - Speed Kills
    dw/bow dot stamina sorc

    5th place - Zed is Ded
    2h/bow heavy armor stamblade

    Dec 9, 2017
    1st place - Yuri
    magicka DK

    2nd place - Passifest
    magicka DK

    3rd place - Pelican
    magicka warden

    4th place - Joshlenoir
    2h/bow medium armor stamblade

    5th place - Diamanda Spear
    a new member showing up big on the magicka templar!

    Dec 2, 2017
    1st place - me again... :lol:
    dw/resto mageblade

    2nd place - Perfectly Perched Pelican
    on his magicka warden

    3rd place - Ro'Dari
    heavy armor, cloakless, dw/2h stamina nightblade

    4th place - Passifest
    magicka DK

    5th place - Zed is Ded
    2h/bow stamina nightblade

    Nov 25, 2017
    1st place - me... lol...
    dw/resto mageblade

    2nd place - Perfectly Perched Pelican
    on his magicka Warden

    3rd place - Drizzt Do'Liftin
    magicka DK

    4th place - Jesus Take The Heal
    magicka templar

    5th place - GodOfDmg
    magicka sorc
    Not even CP capped! He's a returning player from long ago whom we've missed. <3

    Yeah because using dueling which makes up a small portion of pvp, where certain classes/builds are naturally better, a place where tons of good player's don't show up, a place where the numbers are skewed by the participants and something that has been inconsistent for patches as a reasonable argument is valid.

    I’m just pointing out a class balance issue. It’s clearly not working. If you’re not killing anyone good in a 1v1, you’re certainly not doing much better in a small scale fight against GOOD players playing top classes

    The difference is sorc is still a top class for small scale and 1vx. Just about every mag class has something to bring to small scale or group play. While at the same time every magic class can't pull off a 1vx at the rate a sorc can.

    Plus what you're saying is hypothetical but isn't necessarily true. During a time where magdk and magblade was said to be bad in open world it was the complete opposite for dueling. You can hardly compare small scale and dueling.

    Don't misconstrue what I say, I'm not saying sorcs are OP I'm saying they're not bad.
  • thankyourat
    Minalan wrote: »
    Minalan wrote: »
    Minalan wrote: »
    Feanor wrote: »
    Lucky28 wrote: »
    i do thing something should be done about mages wrath. i mean why they'd make Impale (nightblade execute) dodgeable and not mages wrath is really beyond me.

    Maybe because it is dodgeable? You can also cloak it.

    You can’t explain anything to a whiner. “I don’t play Sorc and one killed me, therefore nerf it!” His post is just another shining, golden example of forum whiner ignorance.
    Lord-Otto wrote: »
    Think the people saying sorcs are in a bad spot need to l2p more than they’re saying the OP needs to.

    You mean, the sorc elite? The sorc vets who been playing sorc every patch? The competitive duelists?
    THOSE guys?

    To be fair I’ve seen the same people for years qq about sorcs being bad so yeah those guys. If you listen to people on here right now you’d think every magic class is in a bad spot besides magwarden and magblade. Middle ground can be rare; a class is either bad or OP. Sorcs are far from bad though.

    Still could be considered top 3 mag classes, still brings something to group play and still up there for 1vx out of all the mag classes. Just because the class has taken hits doesn’t make them bad cause if we’re applying that logic magdk and Templar must be unplayable. Albeit there isn’t a bad class right now, just one class with a few over performing skills. Too often people on the forums use words too loosely.

    The reason experienced Sorcs are complaining is not because we need to ‘git Gud’. The problem is that the class is not competitive no matter HOW good you are. The absolute top players in this game can’t make it work. How the hell is anyone else?

    Magicka Sorc hasn’t made top three in any tournament in forever, and made top five like once since the last nerf. Fact: There are just too many builds and classss out there that you just can’t ever kill with a Sorc NO MATTER WHAT so long as the other guy isn’t a nose-picker.

    That’s not balanced. That’s not fun. It needs to be fixed, and we will continue to advocate for it despite the plethora of terrible, whining window-lickers here.
    Jan 20, 2018
    1st place - Kiri
    dw/2h stamplar

    2nd - Diamanda
    snb/ice staff mDK

    3rd - Quantum
    snb mDK

    4th - Lowpolicy
    snb/2h stam DK

    5th - Yangnagato
    dw/2h stamblade

    Jan 13, 2018
    1st place - Kodi
    snb/2h stamblade

    2nd - Zendran
    destro mageblade

    3rd - Kiri
    dw/2h stamplar

    4th - Lowpolicy
    snb/2h stam DK

    5th - Yuri
    snb/lightning staff mDK

    Jan 6, 2018
    1st place - Kodi
    stamina warden
    He won't be coming on the warden again. :lol: He says he wants to come on his stamblade next week. That'll be a fun show.

    2nd place - Truestory NB
    destro/resto magicka nightblade

    3rd place - Tangard Bedoryan @Sloban
    snb/2h stam DK :open_mouth:

    4th place - AlanFromBehind
    dw/resto magicka nightblade
    He picked up the class literally a week ago, and I spent all week teaching and prepping him. I'm so proud! <3

    5th place - Jake17
    magicka dragonknight

    Dec 30, 2017 New Years tournament
    1st place - Kodi
    snb stam warden

    2nd place - Ali Sabre
    heavy armor 2h/bow stamblade

    3rd place - Tuppy
    lvl 40 mDK :lol:

    4th place - Pelican
    destro magicka sorc

    5th place - Notorious Prospering
    snb stamplar

    Dec 23, 2017
    All stamina holiday tournament! :mrgreen:

    1st place - Speed Kills
    dot stam sorc

    2nd place - Notorious Prospering

    3rd place - Zed is Ded

    Dec 16, 2017
    1st place - Passifest
    snb/destro magicka DK

    2nd place - Marcel
    d/r mageblade

    3rd place - Josh
    d/r magicka DK

    4th place - Speed Kills
    dw/bow dot stamina sorc

    5th place - Zed is Ded
    2h/bow heavy armor stamblade

    Dec 9, 2017
    1st place - Yuri
    magicka DK

    2nd place - Passifest
    magicka DK

    3rd place - Pelican
    magicka warden

    4th place - Joshlenoir
    2h/bow medium armor stamblade

    5th place - Diamanda Spear
    a new member showing up big on the magicka templar!

    Dec 2, 2017
    1st place - me again... :lol:
    dw/resto mageblade

    2nd place - Perfectly Perched Pelican
    on his magicka warden

    3rd place - Ro'Dari
    heavy armor, cloakless, dw/2h stamina nightblade

    4th place - Passifest
    magicka DK

    5th place - Zed is Ded
    2h/bow stamina nightblade

    Nov 25, 2017
    1st place - me... lol...
    dw/resto mageblade

    2nd place - Perfectly Perched Pelican
    on his magicka Warden

    3rd place - Drizzt Do'Liftin
    magicka DK

    4th place - Jesus Take The Heal
    magicka templar

    5th place - GodOfDmg
    magicka sorc
    Not even CP capped! He's a returning player from long ago whom we've missed. <3

    Yeah because using dueling which makes up a small portion of pvp, where certain classes/builds are naturally better, a place where tons of good player's don't show up, a place where the numbers are skewed by the participants and something that has been inconsistent for patches as a reasonable argument is valid.

    I’m just pointing out a class balance issue. It’s clearly not working. If you’re not killing anyone good in a 1v1, you’re certainly not doing much better in a small scale fight against GOOD players playing top classes

    I’m also not asking for game shattering buffs. Just a few quality of life perks to make playing it competitively work. Like 10% damage back on frags, or a little less cost penalty on streak.

    Everyone points out that a Sorc can always ‘run away’ because of streak. Not fair! OP! But... Being able to streak only four times in a fight is just stupid ridiculous, we’re supposed to be mobile. We aren’t supposed to sit and face tank a two handed stam burst.

    I think sorc is still really good in small scale group play like battle ground and small groups in open world cyrodiil. Sorc is good because when you have someone to relieve pressure on you, you can just free cast from range, and abilities like curse and wrath become really good when focusing players down. Really sorcs are only struggling in 1v1 right now. I think as a ESO community we place duels too high in determining how good a class is. With that being said a few small buffs to sorcs should be welcomed to help them keep up with current meta

    So. We struggle anytime anyone actually fights back.

    Good to know. Thanks for agreeing with me on that.

    What's so bad about a class being good open world and for small scale play but be bad at dueling. There's alot of classes that are good at dueling but not so good open world. Neither means that the class is bad or weak. I actually feel that is balanced no class should shine in every aspect of the game. The reason that alot of people think that sorc is weak is because of this idea we have as a community that dueling is the most important game mode in PvP. Me personally though I would rather my class be better at open world cyrodiil than dueling, that's just my opinion though. I do however agree with alot of what you are saying there are some builds out there that you will not be able to kill as a sorc most of those builds are dueling build though like block mag dks which will never die 1v1 to a sorc without making a mistake.

    So it's not that sorc struggles fighting back, it's that sorcs struggle fighting back against builds designed for 1v1. it's really the same problem as medium armor stamblades bad in 1v1 but good 1vX
  • HoloYoitsu
    So it's not that sorc struggles fighting back, it's that sorcs struggle fighting back against builds designed for 1v1. it's really the same problem as medium armor stamblades bad in 1v1 but good 1vX
    I'll try to cut to the chase here. Sorc struggles at fighting back against anything that outputs about at least 9k DPS; there is no "bad in 1v1 but good 1vX" dichotomy here. If anything sorc 1vX performance is far worse than 1v1 because damage shields as a defensive mechanic Do. Not. Scale. Shields are always going to be limited to a static maximum potential dmg they can mitigate, dodge and block are not limited like that.
    Edited by HoloYoitsu on February 12, 2018 7:42AM
  • Feanor

    Appreciate the constructive manner of your postings, but I disagree on your points. You say that 1v1 is not the benchmark for balance. I can agree with that to an extent - it shouldn’t be the only benchmark. Naturally though people will judge the strength of a class by what they can do with it on their own.

    If you look at group play you got open world - which mostly means zerging or zergsurfing - and small scale. Sorc has its place on small scale groups mainly due to Negate still being quite strong and sometimes Encase seeing used as Talons 2.0. The Minor Intellect it can provide is hardly a factor in an environment where everyone tries to build for as few as Regen as possible while maximizing damage.

    1vX meanwhile is no benchmark either as it says a lot about the quality of the opposition and less about the strength of a class. Even in the DK Godmode Videos prior to 1.6 you hardly ever see one of the X use proper CC or set up burst. And it has remained that way. 1vX is showing off vs inexperienced players, though it certainly has a skill aspect to it - LOS and target prioritization.

    So in the end it’s not about duels - it’s about what you can do unaided by others vs competent players. And Sorcs are really lacking in that regard for a few patches now.
    Main characters: Feanor the Believer - AD Altmer mSorc - AR 46 - Flawless Conqueror (PC EU)Idril Arnanor - AD Altmer mSorc - CP 217 - Stormproof (PC NA)Other characters:
    Necrophilius Killgood - DC Imperial NecromancerFearscales - AD Argonian Templar - Stormproof (healer)Draco Imperialis - AD Imperial DK (tank)Cabed Naearamarth - AD Dunmer mDKValirion Willowthorne - AD Bosmer stamBladeTuruna - AD Altmer magBladeKheled Zaram - AD Redguard stamDKKibil Nala - AD Redguard stamSorc - StormproofYavanna Kémentárí - AD Breton magWardenAzog gro-Ghâsh - EP Orc stamWardenVidar Drakenblød - DC Nord mDKMarquis de Peyrac - DC Breton mSorc - StormproofRawlith Khaj'ra - AD Khajiit stamWardenTu'waccah - AD Redguard Stamplar
    All chars 50 @ CP 1700+. Playing and enjoying PvP with RdK mostly on PC EU.
  • Vapirko
    The only strong sorcs left are that way because they’re good players. As soon as you get that skill on you, you know the burst is coming so purge, shield up or pop vigor and get ready to block the burst.
  • Beardimus
    i don't make these threads, and, there are allot of them that exist.
    i just come here like every one else and give my opinion, and of that, we are allowed to.

    my opinion is well known that i think sorcerers and templars as well as wardens have way too much healing and way too much damage output. their shields and defenses and damage is just too strong.
    i have fought magicka nightblades i have lost to them, but i have also beaten magicka nightblades that have shields and spam their shields. and i don't find them anywhere near as powerful and protected as sorcerers and wardens. altho to me magicka nightblades seem to be only beatable when i cast mark target on them and wear shield breaker while i also use mage light.

    However, sorcerers, wardens, and templars simply heal through all damage given to them and then they deal out very Large amounts of damage coupled with their Huge Rings pulling us out of stealth, and thier ability to extreme slow and snare everyone and take all stealth and sneaking and invisibility casting opponents out of stealth and kill them. it is not fair and not balanced.

    There are alot of these threads yes, as alot of new people come to PvP and think Sorcs are god mode. They so aren't these days but for less experienced players or those not good enough to counter them they struggle.

    Any persistent complainers are either just stuck on the nerfsorc band wagon or REALLY bad players.

    I'd fight a Sorc over any class, all day long. Their burst is nerfed, they are telegraphed and have obvious counters

    Talking about Sorc healing is hilarious. You mean healing ward right? Restro.... And who's triple stacking these days? And still doing damage

    Ahh I'm done. If sorc is an issue for you in 2018 you be bad, or trolling or stuck on a very old bandwagon.
    Xbox One | EU | EP
    Beardimus : VR16 Dunmer MagSorc [RIP MagDW 2015-2018]
    Emperor of Sotha Sil 02-2018 & Sheogorath 05-2019
    1st Emperor of Ravenwatch
    Alts - - for the Lolz
    Archimus : Bosmer Thief / Archer / Werewolf
    Orcimus : Fat drunk Orc battlefield 1st aider
    Scalimus - Argonian Sorc Healer / Pet master

    Fighting small scale with : The SAXON Guild
    Fighting with [PvP] : The Undaunted Wolves
    Trading Guilds : TradersOfNirn | FourSquareTraders

    Xbox One | NA | EP
    Bëardimus : L43 Dunmer Magsorc / BG
    Heals-With-Pets : VR16 Argonian Sorc PvP / BG Healer
    Nordimus : VR16 Stamsorc
    Beardimus le 13iem : L30 Dunmer Magsorc Icereach
  • thankyourat
    HoloYoitsu wrote: »
    So it's not that sorc struggles fighting back, it's that sorcs struggle fighting back against builds designed for 1v1. it's really the same problem as medium armor stamblades bad in 1v1 but good 1vX
    I'll try to cut to the chase here. Sorc struggles at fighting back against anything that outputs about at least 9k DPS; there is no "bad in 1v1 but good 1vX" dichotomy here. If anything sorc 1vX performance is far worse than 1v1 because damage shields as a defensive mechanic Do. Not. Scale. Shields are always going to be limited to a static maximum potential dmg they can mitigate, dodge and block are not limited like that.

    The combination of shield plus the ability to los with streak make sorc good 1vX. If you aren't utilizing los then yes sorc will struggle with incoming damage, but if you are playing to a sorcs strengths and streaking behind rocks and trees your damage mitigation is really high. The most important thing for solo PvP is the ability to be mobile and be able to use LoS. That mitigates alot more damage than blocking. I do believe there is builds that are good 1vX but bad 1v1. Think of stamblade honestly a stamblade that's built for open world should not be beating anyone competent in a 1v1. Or take a mag dk for example in a 1v1 it's incredibly strong because of the way that dueling is. you are in a tight space they have alot of dot pressure and they are more tanky than mobile, but put that same mag dk solo in cyrodiil it's going to really struggle.
  • Orange_fire_dragon
    Alright this thread blew up. I read all the responses and here is the response to everyone.

    As I mentioned earlier, every class needs their op bs to appeal in certain ways and make them different. This post was definitely me feeling frustrated with sorcs. When I play Vivec Cyrodiil or Battleground with cp. I know most cases why I died, overextend or I just got outplayed but when it came to sorcs, out of all classes I felt cheated by there is no way around it for me to explain it. People pointed out abilities that sorcs do use which I did not mention in my post... it was about the long distance exe ability that honestly felt like it was undodgeable because it was always the only reason I kept dying over and over which sure could be cleansed but not playing templar and no purify is always around in every situation plus the damage shields that negate everything which feels more cheap than cloak from nightblades. Way cheaper, I know other classes have access to it too but it is particularly annoying on sorcs, period.

    Along with the l2play issues, expected. Sure I could be a much better player when it comes to pvp especially because I am sort of new, not super new but enough to know what it is going on in my screen.

    I don't necessarily want sorcs nerfed, never said that so people complaining that I said to nerf sorcs which I didn't. If anything, I'd want changes not nerfs.
  • Biro123
    Piraja27 wrote: »
    Alright this thread blew up.

    Well, it IS a sorc thread afterall :wink:
    Minalan owes me a beer.

    PC EU Megaserver
    Minie Mo - Stam/Magblade - DC
    Woody Ron - Stamplar - DC
    Aidee - Magsorc - DC
    Notadorf - Stamsorc - DC
    Khattman Doo - Stamblade - Relegated to Crafter, cos AD.
  • Orange_fire_dragon
    Biro123 wrote: »
    Piraja27 wrote: »
    Alright this thread blew up.

    Well, it IS a sorc thread afterall :wink:

    Touchy topic it seems...
  • Maulkin
    Piraja27 wrote: »
    Biro123 wrote: »
    Piraja27 wrote: »
    Alright this thread blew up.

    Well, it IS a sorc thread afterall :wink:

    Touchy topic it seems...

    Kinda normal when the class gets nerfed in every second patch, is far from the stronger class in PvP (*cough* stam warden *cough*) and people still ask for nerfs on it regardless.
    EU | PC | AD
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