PTS Patch Notes v3.1.4

  • Izaki
    @ZOS_GinaBruno Have the other abilities using % multipliers such as Jabs/Sweeps been changed? What about the Poison Injection execute damage? And what about the Dual Wield passive that grants extra execute damage? :)
    @ Izaki #PCEU
    #FrenchKiss #GoneFor2YearsAndMyGuildDoesn'tRaidAnymore
  • argouru
    Jeezye wrote: »
    Uhm... where is the class specific balance changes???

    Our focus for this update has always been geared (no pun intended) more toward itemization and item sets.

    Now if you'd only allow staffs and bows to count as two items for set bonuses...
  • Ankael07
    argouru wrote: »
    Jeezye wrote: »
    Uhm... where is the class specific balance changes???

    Our focus for this update has always been geared (no pun intended) more toward itemization and item sets.

    Now if you'd only allow staffs and bows to count as two items for set bonuses...

    Nope. Instead, we have a stealth nerf to Lich set. Instead of weapon swapping only, now we have to cast a skill to activate the 5 piece bonus for more convenience (not).
    If you want me to reply to your comment type @Ankael07 in it.
  • Rikkof
    Ankael07 wrote: »
    argouru wrote: »
    Jeezye wrote: »
    Uhm... where is the class specific balance changes???

    Our focus for this update has always been geared (no pun intended) more toward itemization and item sets.

    Now if you'd only allow staffs and bows to count as two items for set bonuses...

    Nope. Instead, we have a stealth nerf to Lich set. Instead of weapon swapping only, now we have to cast a skill to activate the 5 piece bonus for more convenience (not).

    friend, it is clear now their intent is to nerf sorcerer to the ground
    sets nerfed
    shields nerfed
    damage lackluster
    mobility= 0

    enjoy Nightblade Online .....will be fun
  • ak_pvp
    Rikkof wrote: »
    Ankael07 wrote: »
    argouru wrote: »
    Jeezye wrote: »
    Uhm... where is the class specific balance changes???

    Our focus for this update has always been geared (no pun intended) more toward itemization and item sets.

    Now if you'd only allow staffs and bows to count as two items for set bonuses...

    Nope. Instead, we have a stealth nerf to Lich set. Instead of weapon swapping only, now we have to cast a skill to activate the 5 piece bonus for more convenience (not).

    friend, it is clear now their intent is to nerf sorcerer to the ground
    sets nerfed
    shields nerfed
    damage lackluster
    mobility= 0

    enjoy Nightblade Online .....will be fun

    I think you are trolling, but I'll respond for the others who may believe you. Sorc is still OP and I hope they nerf it further. I thought your crybaby ass quit, so why are you hear?


    Shields nerfed: Still the strongest crit stopping spammable defence in the game. Light armour sorcs can tank better than some DKs. No shield defile?

    Damage lackluster: Highest DPS magicka class, Best in trials because ranged. NB standard burst in PvP

    Mobility= 0 Best mobility of a mag class. Streak/bol goes through roots, can get you places others can't, makes some attacks not hit. Mines to shut down many melee attackers/tight spots. Boundless storm.

    MagDK main. PC/EU @AK-ESO
    Best houseknight EU.
  • Joy_Division
    The whole idea that stam is melee and dangerous and thus needs to be more powerful is misleading.

    Magicka Dragonknights and templars are melee and face the same dangers. Also people need to stop equating magicka=sorcerers=strong shields. DK and Templars have lousy class shields and neither has a magicka amp, thus making harness magicka average at best, which is why both usually go sword & shield for PvP. If melee is supposed to bring moar DPS, then be consistent and buff jabs and whips (and lower stam DPS if ZoS ever fixes bows, but I suppose people would never agree to that...)

    Also single target DPS is by far the more preferable for PvP - unless you want to zerg in a bomb group - and "melee" in Cyrodill = 22 meters with gap closer spam. Heavy lightning attack may look OP against a bunch of target dummies, but it is pathetically weak in PvP against actual players who aren't taunted by specialized tanks.
    Edited by Joy_Division on August 13, 2017 2:32PM
  • Elsterchen
    Samsquanch wrote: »
    I can't believe that all executes are getting buffed but Dual Wield skills are getting left in the dust. If you're going to give ALL other executes a buff, you should at least buff the Slaughter passive in the Dual Wield skill line.
    Feanor wrote: »
    Not all executes are getting buffed. Only those with a % multiplier get a different treatment now. That excludes Mages Wrath/Fury most notably.

    DWs steeltornado has a multiplier (up to 300% more damage) - I didn't test, but I expected this ability to be included in the buff. Can someone who tested enlighten me on wether or not DW abilities are included?
    The whole idea that stam is melee and dangerous and thus needs to be more powerful is misleading.

    Magicka Dragonknights and templars are melee and face the same dangers. Also people need to stop equating magicka=sorcerers=strong shields. DK and Templars have lousy class shields and neither has a magicka amp, thus making harness magicka average at best, which is why both usually go sword & shield for PvP. If melee is supposed to bring moar DPS, then be consistent and buff jabs and whips (and lower stam DPS if ZoS ever fixes bows, but I suppose people would never agree to that...)

    Also single target DPS is by far the more preferable for PvP - unless you want to zerg in a bomb group - and "melee" in Cyrodill = 22 meters with gap closer spam. Heavy lightning attack may look OP against a bunch of target dummies, but it is pathetically weak in PvP against actual players who aren't taunted by specialized tanks.

    Honestly, as for templar shield, I don't use it anymore. Undaunted (spiked) boneshield is more reliable, lasts 6s and gives a buff to allys as well. Spiked boneshield gets me, a shield worth 30%, + ~6k damage (dealt dmg !) when time is up (6s duration). I am not sure this is even possible with blazing shield (even with burning light passive procing its going to be a close call) ... plus: templar shield strength and damage is always depending on someone stupid enough to hit a full-lit templar.

    Regarding the expected changes, I personally feel the changes to crafting writs and the golden receipes are "the highlights". Imo, the changes to weapontraits, sets and mundus are quite number-crunched, and looking at numbers is a good thing, forgeting about combinations however, is giving the whole ambition a wrong turn. I strongly suggest to consult an analyst for future balancing atempts, multifactor analysis as well as -modelling isn't that hard nor expensive.
  • Malamar1229
    Derra wrote: »
    Lord_Hev wrote: »
    dpencil1 wrote: »
    Necropotence 5-piece nerfed by 21.25%??

    What is the math that justifies this? Or is it just a reaction to forum whining?

    Not happy about this change at all.

    The fact that every sorc and their mother is running the set? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Why is it that every single sorc I run into has a combined shield stack pathetically weaker then my 15k hardened ward alone.... and can roll dodge around without stam issues?

    Oh right, because lolmberplasm was and is the easy-mode meta carrying sorcs, not necropotence.

    dpencil1 wrote: »
    Necropotence 5-piece nerfed by 21.25%??

    What is the math that justifies this? Or is it just a reaction to forum whining?

    Not happy about this change at all.

    I mean, yea it's a stupid nerf. "21%" But it's only a loss of 850 magic.

    Why is every good dueling sorc running high maxmagica builds and pets not amber in that case?

    Maybe bc one is better for open world and one is better for facetanking?

    Yeah @Lord_Hev

    I have a 13k shield I believe, and wear amberplasm because I enjoy have the extra defensive options. Doesn't make me a meta carry sorc...been around since launch.
  • Malamar1229
    Rikkof wrote: »
    I like the necro 5 piec change! Sorc DPS was way over the top compared to other classes and every sorc out there hitting the highest numbers were wearing Necropotence. With the changes to mundus, weapon traits and buffs to other gear sets it should bring them in line with other classes finally. Thank You, this magblade greatly appreciates the changes :) Can't wait for reactions from the sorc camp though haha.

    YES, HA HA
    Ur precious game is losing subs because of this, many ppl will quit, I know I did, company will go BANKRUPT, but still u will be around lol'ing ur way to the forums, to complain that there isn't anyone left to play

    They just killed their own game, I advice all sorc players to quit this game asap, like I did, or at least cancel their subs.


    So in other walked out of a steakhouse to go eat at Burger King. wow is a downgrade homey.
  • altemriel
    Avran_Sylt wrote: »
    Jeezye wrote: »
    Uhm... where is the class specific balance changes???

    Our focus for this update has always been geared (no pun intended) more toward itemization and item sets.

    Will you be looking into more of the underused crafted item sets such as Magnus' Gift, Ashen Grip, or Nobles Conquest?

    exactly this!!

    nerf this, nerf that, why no buff to the unused sets?
  • Fastkid
    Soul Shriven
    You have an ETA for starting back the servers Today?
  • The_1st_Elder
    How dare ZOS nerf proc sets. Oh what will I use now :(
    Main EP - Caius Targaryen - Stam DK
    EP - Viselyx Targaryen - Mag NB
    DC - Tyron Targaryen - Stam Templar
    AD - Vaeron Targaryen - Stam Sorc
  • AdicusDio
    How dare ZOS nerf proc sets. Oh what will I use now :(

    Proc sets were already nerfed. Viper never seems to do more than 3k, and RM 2.5k-3k at best. I've run both and despite what the tool tip reports (while in PvP), they do NOT do advertised unless someone hasn't repaired their armor and everything is broken. As someone that never runs a shield and wears medium armor, I've never seen Viper do more than 4k~ to me. If anyone was using RM, it wasn't enough of a hit against me to warrant a look at recap log.

    Now, I've been killed by Haunting curse more times than I can count, along with numerous other Sorc abilities. THAT does 5-6k to me. Some other attacks can get up into low 20's which is utter BS when our (stam nb in my case) attacks are reduced into dust.

    Proc sets, including on-paper high damage monster sets, are garbage in PvP with reductions. Monster sets that show 14k (Velidreth), 17k (Selenes), 1900 ticks and 10k final (Storm Fist), etc. on my build were barely doing a 1/4 of their tooltip damage in PvP, regardless of the popular sets I was running (Hundings, Viper, RM, Hulking Draug', Torag's, Spriggan's, etc.- all of which I experimented with and tried different CP combos). As it stands, most/many of the Sorc abilities can repeated do MORE than any current proc set. Again, utter BS. Not griping that they CAN do the damage, but rather the class I run can NOT do the same anymore in a PvP scenario. Hell, even the tanks are doing 6-10k with regular attacks and some are not really killable. But yet people *** about nb which are arguably as weak as healers in PvP and don't have spammable shields to give us a false sense of superiority.
  • Lord_Hev
    Derra wrote: »
    Lord_Hev wrote: »
    dpencil1 wrote: »
    Necropotence 5-piece nerfed by 21.25%??

    What is the math that justifies this? Or is it just a reaction to forum whining?

    Not happy about this change at all.

    The fact that every sorc and their mother is running the set? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Why is it that every single sorc I run into has a combined shield stack pathetically weaker then my 15k hardened ward alone.... and can roll dodge around without stam issues?

    Oh right, because lolmberplasm was and is the easy-mode meta carrying sorcs, not necropotence.

    dpencil1 wrote: »
    Necropotence 5-piece nerfed by 21.25%??

    What is the math that justifies this? Or is it just a reaction to forum whining?

    Not happy about this change at all.

    I mean, yea it's a stupid nerf. "21%" But it's only a loss of 850 magic.

    Why is every good dueling sorc running high maxmagica builds and pets not amber in that case?

    Maybe bc one is better for open world and one is better for facetanking?

    Yeah @Lord_Hev

    I have a 13k shield I believe, and wear amberplasm because I enjoy have the extra defensive options. Doesn't make me a meta carry sorc...been around since launch.

    My comment was a blanket statement to meta reroll chasers. Not seasoned sorcs such as yourself.
    Qaevir/Qaevira Av Morilye/Molag
    Tri-Faction @Lord_Hevnoraak ingame
    PC NA
  • CrazYDunm3r
    I'm happy they reduced the damage on oblivion glyphs. I still use Torug's/Infused/Oblivion damage and it was indeed overperforming before in my opinion. Now I think think its use will be accepted more since you can't just kill someone using only this glyph proc. I'm glad ZOS avoided an apocalypse in PVP.
    Triggered Tryhards
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